Octodad Secret Level

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oh I miss you too baby but don't worry we can be together now forever yeah I miss you shark [Music] well I guess this is my fate now so okay okay hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to Octodad now you guys thought that it was over and I thought that nightmare was over know how I did this but here I am so there is more content in Octodad that I have not yet played and it is a secret level that you guys have told me about and I'm just gonna wallow in Agni as I try to make my way into the men's room excuse me I need to drop a few tons here so I was actually dangerously close to finding the secret it's just weird do you do not like my shark body hmm okay so I was actually extremely close to finding out this dark and dirty secret you put one leg in the toilet and flush okay okay alright then crisis over what how how how would anyone have possibly gotten themselves into that situation I do not know okay so one Ling in your flush you go down like a normal normal octopus not even a normal human layer normal octopus would so you wind up in this dark shadow this episode has already gone awry and I'm not even a minute into it I may be a minute into it I have no idea so anyway this is as far as I saw I just saw the entrance I don't know what else here is to it you push the red button that's it that's all I saw rest is a mystery to me and frankly the beginning was a mystery to me as well but here I go Oh joyous day at least I don't have to worry about three-dimensional movement but something tells me that I'm not gonna like this very much move move move move now now now is the time for action now is the time for adventure oh good good good that that felt good I like the way that felt across my tentacles and my suckers so I don't exactly know what the objective here is I probably could have reached up and pushed that button before but I'm just gonna oh I get it oh I see okay so and you to raise my right leg and put it inside oh that is clever oh that is clever and let my leg drop reach over to be top reach in switch legs drop leg no oh oh no oh no ha ha ha I can't let me be beat or you can't beat me I have no idea what I'm talking about all I know is that I'm kind of doing this so if everyone can shut up for two seconds and let me concentrate oh yeah how does that even happen I do not even want to know okay come on come on why not why not why not why not why not what no no no no what am I doing wrong I was perfect for like a long time there I was perfect I was doing it's doing perfectly well okay so let that drop don't let it touch they drop they touch why why not there why not there what are you doing I don't even know you're just undulating your foot tentacles so that you can undulate the button me there's a lot of undulation going on but undulation is that what I need to do Oh central movements of my toe this is not helping this is not helping anyone god damn it just get up why is this one so hard Reed's with your tentacle and push it yes okay why was that so hard what you got to make things difficult for me and pretty much any sure that any other any other I have not seen any other youtuber play this but I'm pretty sure that any other youtuber playing this game does not have nearly as much trouble as I do just just just to guess okay so oh I see I'm supposed to climb up the other side and then Winky dory I'm not even let I'm not even touching anything why are you grabbing on why are you grabbing on why are you grabbing on I'm not touching anything you go under like a normal squid Lulu and venture up into the exit you gotta get three cool ties any minute now if you got just you operate with me all you need to do is literally nothing you need to do nothing nothing nothing you just need to do nothing you need to do nothing just need to rest your food [Music] any other time any other time you would literally stick to anything no you will not okay all right getting a little too frustrated when I get frustrated I get flustered which means that again play properly which means that it's not gonna cooperate with me I wanted to do is cooperate with me all you need to do is let your foot stay there that is literally all you need to do you need to do nothing else but let your foot stay there ha ha how are you not how are you not what are you doing I don't want four cheese's let's check that the one for this way I don't care but I have a chance have a chance let me over [Music] back in the shark tank so that I can endless the wave began I think I'm even beginnings talk it's like who's that me back in I love you so much just please cherish me for all this I'm worth I know it's not much our love is not meant to be but I've left my wife let us make beautiful I don't know what would you make I made a human with a human sir let's make shark babies let's make all-natural shockwaves serrano a little children run away from our love does it seem strange to you in any way Oh mr. human I like you you don't judge love this tight bond is this well that's the end of us here's my lovely wife over there please dear no you're not my wife I don't need a wife anymore I've got my shark hello you like my disguise don't worry about me just gonna make my way into the aquarium her can I make it seems a bit stock I finally become the shark oh isn't it a good way oh yay I'm free to be whoever I want I'm free to be normal take my picture I'm a normal human look at me dance [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,217,123
Rating: 4.9433517 out of 5
Keywords: Octodad Secret Level, Octodad (Video Game), Octodad Markiplier, Gameplay, Let's Play, Funny, Octodad Dadliest Catch
Id: JkAvYuv5H0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2014
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