DAD OF THE YEAR | Octodad: Dadliest Catch Gameplay #1

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to let's play Octodad dadliest catch now I played the original Octodad long time ago and the game was absolutely hilarious from start to finish if impossible to control so if recommended me playing with a gamepad so that's what I'm gonna be doing so let's start a new game here it says continue there but I actually didn't started accidentally pressed new game when I went forward not back to me the last so I haven't seen any of it it's called wedding bells as his part so I'm guessing this goes back to the beginning of Octodad before he gets freaky with this lady and spits out oddly human babies oh she's cuz you can't run you can't run anywhere that ain't him mr. GRU the wedding is starting are you ready oh boy okay lovely absolute ignorance on everything so anyway I have no idea how to control anything here okay so clear the table of junk okay I'll remove the cushions okay alright whoa Nelly there okay so what is it oh my oh my okay so yes yeah yeah okay got it okay I'm getting it aha oh god this is gonna be one hell of a frustrating game I can assure you that there we go I seem to be doing okay yeah rip it right off it's it all mine supposed to do that okay I will gradually lift my leg and then what both legs oh my god oh my god okay oh okay so I lift one with and then I move with the trigger and then I gotta get my got I gotta get my oh girl do my tie yeah I'm 1/3 of the way dressed and almost humanely presentable I don't know what that means but okay continuing on right leg and left leg okay oh no no no no no was that a big red button over there I want to push the big red button what the hell is going on here excuse me I just need to get my tentacles over here what is this that I'm spreading my crotch over Wow Oh dance oh yeah always my wedding I wouldn't get to dance okay so dressing room here shouldn't have activated the party balloons that early but I think someone will forgive me okay go in ah there we go my tuxedo baby I gotta look classy for my presentable wedding looking pretty sharp they're actually looking pretty soggy and sloppy but that's besides the point all right continuing forward into here nope leggo that oh I need a key for that where the hell am I gonna find a key in the cake no that wouldn't make no sense at all this is all game doesn't really make any sense so I guess it wouldn't be any stranger than can I move please it's really really challenging it may seem not that hard but this is actually quite challenging oh look at that hey good good is that good I don't know if that's good I just destroyed my own wedding cake but it was my wedding cake to begin with let's turn off the party for a moment and continue on hey that banana looks like me anything under here no all right then fine I'll just move along my way is there any way to change it oh yes I wanted to hug that table please ignore me just cutting my way through here excuse me I just wanted to straddle all this get a good feel of it around my crotch it's really nice wait slithers about okay so maybe there was something else in the dressing room oh I see miss that what kind of idiom I got it okay so I just got to get this over to I'm sorry oddly enough I'm starting to get the hang of it like I didn't think that it was possible but yeah I am actually getting the hang of it hope it's a bananas it's trying to sabotage my own wedding here hope I don't but oh but oh haha I didn't give me this time big sign that note no sign that okay sign the Charter mister slither man not Slenderman Schlitterbahn okay big leave gifts here kazoo my uncle I think here's something along those lines let go of Anna oh god what did I just do why did I break that I was oh god I wasn't even looking hang on I got it there we go slap that bad boy on here daddy I'm ready to go I gotta get past the hall door event is this way she wonders why I'm always late Oh looking good there friend if you could just look into the mirror for nah no I know you're too beautiful they even look what God is amazing I really like it this is so much fun I'm so weird okay yes yes I got it my wedding will not be late these presents that someone left in the middle of the hallway totally and conspicuously not to stop any sort of squid octopus like creature oh is that my hat can I have that [Laughter] beautiful not beautiful but you know what I mean my beautiful blushing bride [Music] myself sit over here pile of jewels precious jewel aha I picked it right out because I love you thank you I know what it just slipped on a wrist all right then I'll take it for what it is she's got uh slender wrists Oh [Music] how does she end up having sex with that thing and making the babies poses the intro screen I was wondering what was happening oh okay um am I in control okay maybe not okay I think maybe I got okay thank you Chris Stallman you're awesome Alton Kevin geissler Devin Scott's pumpkin oh my god I missed it this game is amazing I really like the original I played it if it was only him it was a bit frustrating mostly because I was playing it with the keyboard instead of a gamepad it's much easier with the game cat still not easy but easier I guess you Yolo did that spell out Yolo please tell me you did bye-bye this is totally ridiculousness total ridiculousness but then again I shouldn't assume that anything would be serious coming from a game where you play as an octopus father hmm is this where I left off in the first game I think it might naturally be get to the kitchen yeah there we go okay just fling that across the room nothing to worry about there okay how do I here we go it's like right trigger activates mode how's it going the definite progeny of my loins yes okay all right hahaha unicorns that's ridiculousness Mariano's that unicorns don't exist and definitely can't pretend to be human [Music] ridiculousness aliens no way they could exist because I am attentive to my children about being a dad and all totally legit I just bend my kid in the back in the head with a gallon of milk pour how do I pour oh god how do I go [Music] what happened there something was very disturbing about that exchange also kids bones made some coffee because I'm tired from working so late okay normal for humans Oh fine know what we know this one - splash my tentacle around a little bit in the birdbath before I got to business I guess you get out of here and then you mix gonna scoot a little bit closer and what does that even mean kid you don't know what that means kid shut up I'm trying to get this one week okay god damn it okay whatever good enough I'll blow on this one no never mind I'm not gonna blow on any of them I don't even know if I have a mouth the hell is going on here okay good yes did that whatever I did yeah I believe you yeah kid you're not just to lose a is that a tie on there rum-rum-rum oh I got a movement I forgot that I can hold on to things while I move [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah blablabla yeah yeah yeah whatever kid I know you're a lazy sack of crap uh-huh you want me to suck it out with one of my many suckers don't look at me like that it's an octopus he's got suckers come on I gotta figure out a way to get that tie up on the thing much harder than it looks very frustrating oh I feel surgeon simulator anger coming back on me very harshly oh yeah that was beautiful oh I fell into the garden but no worry about that serve grilled burgers I have to take care of something though get a little hat see I gotta get I don't know how to get up there in the world am I gonna get up there can I get up there let me just do a little sensual dance up against this you like the splits I do yeah you like that shed okay enough of that oh really normal what are you looking at don't question me yes absolutely they be delicious goodness what are you speaking about yeah I did it so good no keep you going there drop that okay go get nice and cooked I'm gonna pick that one up on the ground later that's for mom she likes it special that way okay this one's not burnt I didn't know that I was supposed to do them in one at a time whatever he's got kid you get the slightly not as clean version of and I'm gonna just there we go welcome I know I'm the greatest nothing magic doesn't exist neither do aliens unicorns oh of course not sweetie yes stupid hey Oh animals did you see animals what about animals they feel emotional pains when their kids are little bastards and they don't respect them that's what they feel okay why do I need to chop some firewood why in the world do we need firewood in this modern day and age hope I'm getting actually pretty good at this I'm actually very surprised at myself okay never mind on that there we go nailed that sucker right out of the park no not that well yeah get that there jabots oh no [Music] delicacy for octopi kids aren't you a little concerned about this free trip to the aquarium okay no no I know you think aquariums are festering prisons of iniquity but I've got to write an article for the paper can't you make an exception this time can I oh okay Oh groceries we need to go to the grocery store we need things like cereal for the kids sounds suspicious we need so much cereal then it's settled we're all going to the grocery store [Music] aren't you healthy aren't you just delightful all right think that'll do it for this partner okay all right hopefully that did something there this was awesome oh I love it so much well I'm getting used to the wonky controls but after a while it kind of does good I love I love this game so much all right so anyway I just played this one part if you guys want to see the whole game me play the whole game let me know in the comments below I don't know if I'm gonna do the whole thing but either way let me know in the comments I'll probably do more but I don't know if do the whole game so just let me know that comes sorry thank you all so much for watching click the annotation for more videos that I've done and as always I will see you in the next video I'm going I'm going the distance I'm going for speed I am not doing so well here
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,559,047
Rating: 4.9482303 out of 5
Keywords: Octodad (Video Game), Octodad Dadliest Catch, Octodad Markiplier, Octodad Gameplay, Octodad Playthrough, Octodad Funny Moments, Let's Play Octodad, Octodad Review, Octodad Part 1
Id: Yj4_A97DL9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2014
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