ALL OF MY RAGE!! | Octodad: Dadliest Catch #4

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to let's play Octodad now I've since calmed down from my previous venture and I will no longer be panicking in whatever I do so let's see whatever games they have here that I can totally throw around aren't these Mellinger I only got to get four of these okay I'll try this one here excuse me lady I I just need to get a good grip on it with my groin get four that can't be too hard huh hey I got two hey I got four did I win it said only to get four I got six is that good am i doing good am i doing good mr. eels I just want a gentle I guess I'm done now I'm gonna go on my way hello my lovely wife I got you this pretty pretty eel for you to cherish for the rest of our life oh sorry lady extinct you a little bit no don't get what baby the ocean but you seem to hate the aquarium well of course Fisher dirty dankey stupid little animals yeah I'm just gonna go over here sir would you like to challenge me in a game of I haven't even started yet but I'm playing some serious defense if I could just get up here if I could just get up here if I could just get up here how about you just cooperate there we go oh really you're just gonna flop her out ya know games are for children yes so what were you talking about you really not I cannot no no you're wrong I'm sure yeah nah man Tessa we don't have rules where I come from the word you're gonna embarrass me like this over and over again well I say no I say no sir I say no rap when it's by another yeah we're born to play basketball yeah hey uh how come that guy hasn't come up for air uh what are you talking about man I honestly have no idea what you're talking about I am just a perfectly normal human shot our lady right Boop on your head take it thank you remember when we were taking that cake decorating class no after that bakery burned down I had a lot of questions to answer why I don't have any idea why the bakery would have burned down I'm just gonna take this prize back lady appreciate it go over here and blast someone huh oh of course turtles can have you ever seen the pokémons how many do I have to I have to blast 20 fruit how's it oh god it's inverted oh god this is a communist turtle it's inverted Oh God come on blast a damn fruit get that belt come on come on come on come on I'm out of time I'll get the damn road no rewind that never happened hey yeah this is definitely the first time I ever did this one I definitely didn't shuck major donkey balls when I was doing this before unlike that I'm doing now which is obviously much these controls don't make any sense that they have to do they really have to make everything impossible to control you gotta be kidding me no no no no no no rewind definitely the first time I've ever done this one again also for the first time I would love to get more than one in a row oh look how good I am well the practice I've never had all the times I've never done this they're all coming back to me now the past lives that I've lived not wasting time doing this stupid thing alright get yeah that's right I got your number now maybe I don't ya I did it I did it everyone and on the first try on the first try I managed to do that you're welcome you're welcome for that amazing performance everyone ha no I do not want that again I'd really don't want that basketball IRA fine you know what there we go just wanted to show my skills off a little bit hello lady just wanted to pump my growing up a bit just a little bit doing a little dance for you you like that baby you like that you like that dance baby oh yeah oh yeah sorry got a little excited there take it take it lady musty old basement you mean my mancave see I appreciate it lady that's really awfully kind of you damn to go play some basketball get six uh nope ah no ah no no not at all screw this I'm getting up there ha yes we take forever otherwise wow man you work for to play basketball thank you I know you like the way that I crest this thing over here the hoop the where I score my goal units and score a lot of home runs okay i think i block my yeah I seem to van a secret oh you were born to play basketball oh oh I know oh I know I know so very much I know stop stop what what you don't like it stop what stop what mister stop what big boy you'll say it to my face you'll say those to my face buddy what are you looking at say that to my giant eyeball looking at you right in the face or I'll go get that or I'll just venture on over here yep and there we go new thank you I'm about to alert everyone to my predicament yeah throw it away baby this one's even better you're welcome so when we're talking about us you clam up yeah clam up that's a good one I'm gonna go laugh about it over here ha ha ha how do I win this one all right or rather how do I cheat it this one uh okay okay yeah I wanted the one way deep in there you know the one that's the hardest to get that's how I am how about how about a bow ski yeah baby I suddenly got good at all these games isn't it amazing everyone now I just got it oh no not not what I wanted thank you sir please excuse me as I go deliver this to my lady you sorry did you get hurt madam Oh No the tank is sprung a leak hey my hands are full why don't you try to fix that instead isn't that a bit of a more problem than that I could never mind you know what I'm going for you baby cuz I am the best yeah kids you might want to run away really fast oh wow Oh Oh No okay well thanks lady really are you kidding me you're gonna go over there and criticize me as I'm trying to save the entire aquarium oh really don't drown oh wait a minute is that what they were saying about me coming up for air is that what was really going on what do you mean who how is that what are you talking about homeboy how much but no get it get it get it get it get it get it get it get it when these piranhas be eating me alive at this point really really lady I just saved everyone in this aquarium including the fishies and that's all you have to say to me that is really all you have to say to me baby fine be that way I'm going on my own I'm gonna go see my son the one who actually respects me but suspiciously looks a lot like the mailman all right time to go see wherever the hell my son went was that my daughter hey Stacy come over here I want to pet you humans like that being petted come back here ah fine there's a shark tank okay not time for that perfect whoo no no no no no no no no just a normal human being grinding on shark teeth hey mister shark you want to dance you saw what I did to that tank up there you wanna look mocchi you want to see my moons baby oh yeah oh you're much better than the tank what say we being creepy I just want me okay I'm gonna go over here you don't be weird just like I'm not being weird and we go be old that old behold Oh what man look at all this money come on dad let's get through all this junk so we can get out yeah exactly kid what is a stupidity what am I supposed to do help how fast can you map the world's kelp forests um now that big globe and I'll get the quiz going what are you talking the kid I do not want to do that kid kid don't call me a slug call me a man go dad go what um what what do you want me to do what exactly am I supposed to do here I alright good kid we're learning it's fun to learn it's fun to learn things with horrible controls wait oh I get it this more than one it's over there it's over there it's come to my garage spin it as hard as I can it's really hard that I can spin it kid I've gotten good at splitting things my dude had that I had that come on oh this game was more charming when they didn't just come up with frustrating things to do jump it and then there's one on the bottom on the bottom you get back here you [ __ ] you get back here [ __ ] you get back here [ __ ] I got it yeah everybody who got it everyone be cool I got it that was so much fun it's so much fun to learn it's so much fun to have fun and learn alright yeah let's go have fun so much fun can't believe how much fun I'm having yay dad you got to make that slide at home that long I don't think I can don't what am i doing now kid what have you got for me what's in store now this glowing can of what I can't even move it kid you expect me to actually do something oh my okay all right that's that's really cool that's really cool kid what the hell are we doing I do not even know HAP I think I'm oh yeah yep yes exactly that you take your green balls you shove them into a ladies blue balls and then you go around and make babies that's exactly how it works kid you're so smart that's why you're my most beloved son of all my 80,000 children take a tilt quiz boy it sure would help if I knew where the Tilted quiz was to find out okay but what the hell's sports Johnson I'm okay secret kid IM sports Johnson in addition to a loving dad oh yeah yeah exactly kid yeah of course okay all right I'll try baby ah come on Oh get get get get it get it get it baby yeah alright I am running faster I am sports Johnson oh my god that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen my huh did why huh did you get any out here kid thank you thank you for being the biggest dick oh okay the top of the Celt to find out okay how do i touch the top of the Cal uh oh it's right there I would love to touch it hip yep you almost got it got it yeah oh no I've seem to be flying like a pretty little butter okay never mind well I'll sure lived was try that agree hahaha yeah oh I'm so beautiful for watching oh no fine whatever chupa dope did appeal oh did you just push that kid oh thank you so much son who is you where do you be do we yay okay the urchins eat kelp and otters eat sea urchins good I guess save Kel from urgent extinction what just try and attack those kelp dad what does that even mean what am I trying to do okay what am i doing okay oh I get it oh I see oh my god uh all right kid yeah you're amazing whatever yeah oh come on come on all right that's right kid the best otter in the world you're welcome you're welcome kelp I'm gonna help you who responsibly okay what is that hey it's me hey it's me oh my god you're king of the octopus is that a good thing to be I don't even know I don't know where's your sense of douchiness oh I see you found it and everyone else's and you're also kind of a prick that's okay you're my son I love you and whatever no no no no no okay how do i oh that's how I do that I know you remember here we go we're back on track back in it to win it I don't think any of that is real kid but you go on with your imagination if you really want it I want that tie yeah baby got a tie I'm the grease dad yeah son I really care about reverse skiing right now if you put your mind to it you could do anything you wanted Hey you jolnir Oh burn up oh shut up lady you're lucky to get my ink on you no no rabbit no no oh god please please please please please please like what are you doing with your leg what are you doing and I had it under control the whole time thank you kid are you throwing things at me I may have to kill you I may just have to strain your liver through your eyeballs how about I just put it on the damn platform thank you very much no no no there we go no no and there we go okay no okay there we go all right all right all right Wow Wow bad no it's okay think of the kids think of the kids just think of the cake let's just keep the kids in line it's gonna be okay think of the kids it's gonna be okay okay yay how do I let my dude ah okay all right whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ease on up for a second there how the [ __ ] know but know something you dick oh do something no nuh-uh yeah yes No oh come on that middle one's cracked that middle one's crack no no no no please please please please please please please please no no no no no no huh I am so happy to have beaten back it certainly was a challenge the perseverance of the human spirit burns within me good job son I learned a lot too yeah I'm literally sweating you can see a thick layer of sweat okay I'm gonna go die so hope you all enjoyed that my voice is now permanently gone forever and I'll see you in the next video things are just things are really really really good mother Oh God flip you son of a [ __ ] I'm gonna kill you god dammit man [ __ ] I don't wanna pick her
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,339,860
Rating: 4.9533033 out of 5
Keywords: Octodad (Video Game), Octodad Dadliest Catch, Rage Quit, Markiplier, Funniest Rage, Octodad Markiplier, Let's Play Octodad, Octodad Playthrough, Octodad Gameplay, Biggest Rage Ever
Id: vL4-xJsxBEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2014
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