OBS Studio: Ultimate Stream Deck Guide (OBS Studio Tutorial with Stream Deck Setup)

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hey what's up everybody welcome to my studio today I'm going to teach you how to connect your stream deck to obs studio in a stream deck is one of the best pieces of hardware you can get to control your live stream you're recording your production live while you're doing it using physical buttons let me just show it to you so you know what I'm talking about if you're not already familiar this is it right here in the corner this is my actual stream deck today I'm going to program into the stream deck software live for you using OBS and then you'll be able to see how it physically pops up buttons on the screen here that allows you to record switch between scenes stream do multi actions shut off sources mute your mic you name it the stream deck can do it I'm gonna teach you all of those basic functions in this video and if you're interested in purchasing a stream deck they're very affordable there's a mini version this is the regular version there's also an excel version depending on how many buttons you want your stream deck to have cool let's get into it first things first with in OBS I need you as always with my tutorials create a new profile and create a new scene collection and name it something that you recognize the next step for you is going to be to create a new scene two of them and just make sure that the visuals and those two scenes are different okay so I've got start and end as mine and the point of doing that is so that you can tell that your stream deck is working when we program in some of these functions as you're learning how to use the stream deck cool also you will need to have the stream deck software installed on your computer link in the description below and the stream deck software is right over here and what you'll do is click this drop-down right under stream deck and you'll go to new profile whenever you create a new profile it's gonna put this Elgato branded button in the center just delete it you don't need it great let's go over the basic functions of the stream deck and what it can do for OBS all of those functions are drag-and-drop over here on the right-hand side you can take these and just drop them into this kind of software-based squares here and then they will appear down here on your actual stream deck drag drop it's pretty cool however it does require some programming to get it to work right let me show you what I mean so if we want to switch between scenes we take scene drag and drop it here go ahead and name it something so I'm gonna call mine start because that's the name of my scene in OBS then as we're programming this button choose your scene collection that you just made mine is called stream deck demo then you'll select the scene that you want that to trigger when you hit the button great so when I hit this button right here it'll go to the scene that we're currently on let's do something a little bit more interesting let's add another scene I'll put it over here and this one will be called end you choose your collection go ahead and select the scene you know the drill and then now if I click end it goes to this scene if I hit start it goes to this scene and vice-versa pretty cool right now you can switch between scenes with the press of a button without having to click through OBS it's a really really nice little function to have all right but there's more than that available in the stream deck you can also turn on and off audio sources as needed so I'm gonna drop mixer audio here onto our pane and I'm gonna call this let's say mic and if I want to mute my mic on and off I click the button here to program it we select our collection and then you select the name of the audio input that you're trying to mute it's probably gonna be called Mike or whatever it is in yours I've added mine here with in OBS you can see it my mic is popping up right here as in the audio mixer I know it's called audio input capture and so what I'm doing is I'm programming a function here in the stream deck to where I can turn my mic on and off at the press of a button are you ready watch this right now you can see levels I press it it mutes it and now you don't see any levels I press it again it unmutes it press it again it mutes it and you'll get visual feedback within OBS that this has happened down here when you see the little mute symbol and you'll also get visual visual feedback on your stream deck as though as the light gets brighter or gets dimmer depending on whether it's active or not so now you can mute your mic on the fly using a physical button this can also include music or any other type of audio source which is really cool in OBS other functions that make a lot of sense in will be self explanatory or like record notice on putting the buttons pretty far away from each other I highly recommend doing that so you don't have any accidental presses well record is easy you just literally put the record button on there and when you hit record watch it will start recording that's it and then you hit the button and it stops recording in OBS that's it it's really really simple no further explanation needed than that the same thing is the case for stream you just drag stream pop it in there I'm not going to do the hit this button cuz it'll probably mess up my recording but stream is exactly the same whatever streaming function you have programmed in to your OBS it'll just start streaming instantly when you hit that physical stream button that you just put on the deck that is incredible I love it so much the last function from OBS that you can do is source so any type of source at all that you bring into your OBS you can use this to basically manipulate that source so what I mean by that is you can choose a scene collection you can choose a scene which we're gonna do and and then we can choose our image and what we can do we'll call this image for now and what I'm gonna show you what it does it allows you to turn off on and off any source basically any image source any video source anything like that so let's go to our end scene here we are and I programmed into our source button that it manipulates the image it could be anything guys it could be your mic it could be a video it could be game play it could be anything when I hit it it makes the source goes away when I press it mix the source come back so you can make anything go away with the press of a button and make anything come back with the press of a button by using source okay that's what source does it's great now that you have these basic tools available to you you can now use what is I think the most interesting feature of a stream deck which is the multi action I'm gonna drag this this is under the stream deck category over there on the right tie action I'm going to do a very basic multi action for you today and we're gonna call this break so let's say you're doing a stream and you want to go and break and there's a couple things that you want to do when you're going on break on your stream just go with me this is just an example the first thing that you may want to do when you go on break is you go to one of your scenes right so maybe you have a break scene I'm just gonna call mine and write because that's my what's mine what mine is called let's say you go to a particular scene cool but when you go to that particular scene and you're about to go on break perhaps you want your mic to be muted when that happens you can drag and mix or audio and then you can type in mic and then you can select under audio to deactivate that particular source whenever you go on break pretty cool huh all right so let's go ahead and test this so we're currently on start and whenever I hit the break multi-action let's see if it did it correctly there it is notice how it went to this next scene and it muted my mic at the same time so we can go back to start okay and then we'll need to go on break there it is now here's something you need to know about multi-action and for those of you that tuned in to this part of the video this is something that you're probably seeing now I hit break and it muted my mic and then when I went back to my other scene it did not unmute my mic so if you're going to use things like multi actions to deactivate or activate things you'll need to use multi actions to go back to things that were there before make sense so let's go ahead and do that now as a part of this demo so I've got break let's go ahead and create a multi action that's called it's not break it's I'll call it live alright and so when we're live we'll drag in a scene here we'll call this one start and then we will unmute our mic by bringing a mixer audio we will activate the mic whenever we're live you get it so now we have live as a button here I click it and here we go I go on break it goes to the second scene and it mutes my mic I click live it goes to the first scene and it unmutes my mic get it break live so that is the power of the stream deck that is what I wanted to show you today the multi actions allow you to program really complex systems and features within the stream deck that would otherwise be a huge pain in the ass to mute your mic to go home break to set up scenes to show an image on the screen to show a poll to show social media all these different things can all be programmed within this physical piece of hardware once again link in the description below if you want to check it out you want to buy one yourself I've very very highly recommended all the professional live streamers I work with I've got them to buy one of the stream decks I programmed it for them and they loved it it just makes a life a lot easier it's one less set of things you need to worry about you need to focus on entertaining your audience right delivering the content delivering the message not clicking a million tiny little buttons in OBS that's the power of the stream deck let me know if you have any questions about the stream deck in the comments below I'm happy to help you and thank you so much for watching happy creating everybody hope you enjoy this new sick piece of hardware
Channel: Awall Digital
Views: 67,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stream deck, elgato stream deck, obs studio, stream deck guide, stream deck tutorial, elgato stream deck tutorial, stream deck setup, elgato stream deck guide, elgato stream deck setup guide, elgato stream deck obs tutorial, elgato stream deck obs integration, stream deck obs studio guide, obs studio stream deck tutorial, how to use stream deck with obs, obs studio stream deck setup, obs studio tutorial, elgato stream deck setup
Id: KbEUNg6GxFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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