Using the Stream Deck for Zoom Calls

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[Music] are you somebody who runs zoom meetings or maybe workshops and presentations online and you want a way to be a little bit calmer more organized and streamlined or maybe you want to spend more time focusing on the room that you're in and the people you're with rather than trying to figure out how to find your controls and actually manage the meeting if you are looking for that you are in the right place because today i'm going to share how i am using my stream deck to help streamline my meetings help run my workshops and my zoom calls and it has been a game changer the stream deck is one of my favorite pieces of technology now if you are new here please say hello in the comments if you're watching live if not if you're watching the replay say hello in the comments i'd love to know if you are watching and if we have never met before my name is kat and today we're talking about the stream deck for zoom calls and what i like to do is help people to create more professional and engaging online presentations so let's get into this and i would love to hear from you if you are watching whether live now or on the replay do you use a stream deck have you heard of it and you're interested or maybe this is the very first time that you've ever heard of a stream deck and buckle in this is great these are the types of things i get really really excited about i consider myself an enthusiastic nerd and this is one of the examples of where i really get nerdy but it's so helpful that i want other people to know about it so this is what we're going to talk about today the stream deck i'm actually going to show you how to set it up so i'll do a little bit of a demonstration and i'll share with you how i have used my stream deck to set up shortcuts for zoom and i think my favorite part might be exiting meetings quickly i always found that last little end when you're trying to say goodbye and you're trying to mouse over to the exit that's always a little bit awkward so yeah okay and i've got i see by the way andy's here chris is here lee is here thanks so much for showing up live and it looks like lee is planning on buying one let's see here if we can throw this up here i'm having no luck with the comments right now so i'm just going to keep going all right so when it comes to the stream deck what is it and what are the different types so if you are brand new to this then i'll give you a little bit of background so there are three different sizes of stream decks so this is actually a physical product i consider it the companion to my mouse it sits right beside my mouth you are going to see mine in a moment and it's really a remote control so when i think back when i was in person doing presentations i would have a little slide remote where i could just easily control my presentation this is the same kind of idea is that you've got this external accessory that's going to help you to stay focused and you can just do the thing you need so you can focus on where you are and what you are doing now of the three sizes you can see there's a really tiny one with only six keys which i think most people familiar with the stream deck probably wouldn't recommend maybe if you had a secondary device that only had a few things or maybe you're only doing a couple of things with it perhaps that might work there's then the middle one which is the 15 key that's the regular quote-unquote stream deck that's the one that i have and then there's the third one which is the xl which if you are using it regularly you're probably going to want that one i know that for me choosing the middle one with the 15 keys that was a budgetary thing i am a relatively new entrepreneur i don't have a lot of extra money so i had to choose wisely i wanted the stream deck and so i made the purchase of the middle one if i had more i would go for the excel so that'll be a future that's on my wish list but i will show you how i am using the 15 key because i do have a few different profiles that allow me to quickly switch between the different profiles so that i can use it for something like zoom i can switch back and use it for something like this live stream right now i'm using it with ecam which is the streaming software that i like to use for my lives and i see yeah andy i agree with you i recommend the excel if your budget stretches it's not cheap this is an investment but i would say that if you are a person who is regularly running meetings running workshops or presentations where you need things to flow smoothly this is probably the type of place where you would maybe say okay what in the long term am i going to do and what can i afford right now also i guess physical real estate the bigger one it takes up more room that's you want to keep those things in mind and i will show you how you can use the 15 one today so and welcome dr elise i'm glad you could join us live today all right so a few things that i want to say about the stream deck is that it is programmable and there are some techniques you can use to have hotkeys or shortcuts that are less expensive but the beauty of the stream deck is that once you've programmed it then you can you can easily change it so if you are doing something different you can just go in change the keys set them up however you want and the buttons will change and that's that's i think what's really really nice about it is that it's a digital product it has those different features and you're going to see in a second so let's show you this setup i am going to switch my camera so now you can see i'm sharing my screen but i also if you look below me that is my actual stream deck and this is my actual hand over the buttons the camera is not great it's my little webcam so you can't see a high resolution but on the screen when you look over at my stream deck software which is open on my page you can actually get a clear look at my default profile so this is how i leave my stream deck most of the time when i'm simply working at my computer now right now because i am actively running a live stream i would typically be on this profile which is my ecamm live profile this is where i can toggle between my next scenes i can switch the camera view i could put a little like and subscribe which will show up on the screen so i can have those things handy and this is the type of thing that i can have ready for my live streams if i were to press this little guy on the corner it would end this stream so i'm not going to press that but what i've done as you can see on the side here or if you look on the screen here is that i have these little they're stream deck icons that i have created and i use these to toggle back and forth between my profiles because i just showed you my default profile so if i push that you can see both on the stream deck and on my screen that it has gone back to my default profile you will also see that i have a zoom stream deck profile here on the right so if i press this zoom default profile now all of a sudden you see the gray icons so these are custom icons that i created i made them myself in canva and i also i can show you i created a blue pack as well this is in the zoom blue and if you have a stream deck or you're getting a stream deck and you want these these icons you don't have to spend the time making yourself in the description below i actually have a link so you can grab these as well so you don't have to worry about spending that time these icons are already ready now with these icons what i did is i took a look at zoom and i said what are the things i do most often mostly as a host of a zoom meeting but also when i'm just a participant in a meeting what are some of the actions that i'm regularly taking if you take a look at zoom and i can show you that in a moment you can see all of the different keyboard shortcuts and those are your hotkeys and that's what you're going to program into your stream deck and i'll actually show you how i set these up in a moment so when it comes to this these are working when your zoom is on the screen so right now if i were to be running a zoom meeting the way i've got it set up is that all of these controls if i were to press these they would take actions in zoom now if i have a zoom meaning running and i have another program open in the foreground another application maybe i'm doing screen sharing there is an option that's called global shortcuts where even if zoom's kind of in the background you can still have your keys your hotkeys handy so those keyboard shortcuts will still work right now i personally have decided that i will only use these when zoom is the active application on my computer mostly because i don't want to accidentally set off something else in another program but the the lovely thing about the stream deck is that you can play around with it nothing is nothing's engraved you're not carving this in stone you can actually just switch these really quickly i also see dr ilo said i just bought one that is so exciting man yes you are you're gonna love it so much okay so make sure that i okay configuring your stream deck so on this screen right now you can see that i have this window open and you saw an example of how i was able to toggle between some profiles my default program profile which is where it usually is and just before i go on to the zoom one i just want to share a little bit about this profile so this top left corner these these keys actually sorry all of these ones here these eight they are for opening applications so whether it's something simple like i want to use the calculator all i have to do is press this button the calculator pops open whereas before i would have to go a few steps to dig and get the calculator because it's not always readily available on my screen opening zoom if i just want to open zoom and get in there all i do is press this button and zoom opens notion which has my heart i love notion it's where i stay organized and do a lot of my work just press that button and notion opens so i tried to think of what are these things that i need at a moment's notice and i want to open quickly all of these on the bottom and the side these are custom meaning i made the icons and i also decided what was going to be on there so that i could readily have it available so in the corner this is how i switch to my ecamm live so if i press that we'll go back to that live streaming profile if i go back to this page i have things like open my calendar i use a google calendar to stay organized so that launches my google calendar here i have a screenshot i take screenshots all of the time so i just push this button and all of a sudden i'm ready to take a screenshot i don't have to hold down i think it's command shift 4 on my computer if i remember correctly i don't have to do that i just push the screenshot button and here this launches emojis so if i want to add in an emoji with my keyboard if you didn't know this if you are on a mac it is control command space that is how you open the little window let's see what happens will this show up on the screen oh it showed up on the other monitor this is what it looks like it opens the subtle emoji and these are the ones i use the most i laugh a lot and i blush a lot and apparently hands in the air get used the most but that is a shortcut that i have set up that one was a little trickier to do full disclosure and this top right corner i love it is quickly exiting an application if i just want to make sure that my computer is not running too many things i can just press this little x and the the current application will close and i use that all of the time so that is my default profile okay so let's talk now about the zoom profile so if we pop over to the zoom profile these are the keys that i personally chose and let's actually let's open zoom so actually we'll pop back for a second we're going to open zoom it is now opening on my other monitor but i am going to show you so if we bring you recognize this so let's actually open our preferences and if you have your preferences open just pop down to keyboard shortcuts so when you are on keyboard shortcuts on your computer so whether you're on a mac or a pc you can see all of the keyboard shortcuts specific to your computer here on zoom these are all of the shortcuts that are available right now for zoom so that you don't have to use your mouse you can use the shortcut so you'll see there are a lot of them and i just picked the top ones that are applicable applicable to me and then here we have global shortcuts so even if zoom is not at the foreground and you have another application open you can still use them now it's not applicable for all of them but for some of them you can toggle these on and off so maybe you're doing a screen share and you need to cough and you want to quickly mute yourself depending on how you've got your audio set up you could do that in the foreground personally i have not set these up so okay what you do is you're going to look for the shortcut and then you're going to place it in the hotkey so let's actually i'll show you how you can set this up so i'm going to put this this part down i'll put this off to the side a little bit let's set up a new profile you're always going to have a little default one i like to just delete that and what we want to do is go down the side on the right side are all the different types of controls that you can add to your stream deck for example a stream deck control the one i use the most is switch profile so if i wanted to add this here to jump between my different profiles i would add switch profile this is the default that you'll see and as you can if you look down below at my little camera you can see that as i set this up it's changing right on the stream deck so you can see right away the changes that you are making now in this example i want to be able to jump back to my default profile so now i have it it's set to my default profile and then i personally like to get a little creative and have my own custom icons so if you did grab the pack why can't i pull this up of course so if you grabbed this pack you'll actually see okay zoom we need to just close you for a moment profile icons so i have three different ones that i've set up for you so maybe you want the blue one and all you do there are two options you can either if you want to change the icon down here on the configure you can say set from file and it'll open a browser or even easier just drag it over here and now you have changed your icon so any file it's a square file i do 288 by 288 and just plop that over and there you go now we've set up switching the profile but now let's look at a hotkey so hotkey is under the system and let's set up muting and unmuting now this is where we do have to go back to zoom and open the preferences so let's do that i'm going to mute unmute audio so this is the shortcut so we want shift command a for a mac and what you do is when you've got the hotkey it will actually observe your keystrokes so i am on my keyboard going to enter shift command a so now i have shift command a and you can see it right here on the key there's a little title and you can decide whether you want that to show up you can either select it and delete or under title you can just untoggle show title it will go away and then you want to grab your icon so if you grab the pack that i've got there's blue and gray so let's grab one of the blue ones and this is to mute and unmute your microphone so you just oop not that there here you want it down at the bottom so now i have this button and i have purposely put the buttons that i use the most in the corners because i can easily without having to look down although i just look down i can reach over and i can just feel the corners of the stream deck and then it just makes it easier if you really want to still stay paying attention so that's one example of a hotkey so you can do that for all of those zoom shortcuts you can put those hotkeys in but some there's an example of the hotkey switch and this means that a similar action has two different shortcuts and but you want them on the same key so let's drag this over and a great example for zoom if you are hosting a meeting there might be an occasion where people have their microphones on and you really need the room to quiet down and you want to turn off everybody's microphone so what you can do there is a shortcut for that and it is asked to or so there's unmute all but there's also mute all so this is muting all of the audio for everyone in the room except for the host which would be you and there is your shortcut so and it looks like you can actually create your own shortcuts so that could be a good option if the other application you're using uses a similar shortcut just thinking of that right off the top as we do this live so for mute audio for everyone so this is something that you might want to be able to do easily so in hotkey one which if you look down here there are two little dots hotkey one is this first dot so we are going to mute everyone with that so for me that is control command m so i've now assigned that and then the second one we if we toggle here this will be the next one but for hotkey 2 we want ask everyone to unmute maybe at the end of the call you want everyone to say goodbye and so this is going to be control command u very logical choices so now let's drag over the icons so if i want to mute all participants except the host i'm going to drag this down here and then the alternate is if i want to unmute everyone i'm going to press the button again and this time it is unmute all participants and i have a slightly different icon so this one has the microphone on this one has the microphone with a strikethrough so that's an example when you might use the hotkey switch it's they're connected and you can press that down or unpress that and that's how you can set up a hotkey switch let me know if you have any questions see paul yeah some deck wisdom here so glad you could join all right so that is how you set these up but there are a lot of other options like adding a website so for example i told you that i have my calendar that i open so if you wanted to add a website just drag over here and all you have to do is enter the url of your website so when you press that button then it will just launch that and as before you can just make your own key if you want otherwise it will just have this little icon here there are also other icons that you can grab online i know stream deck does have a few different profiles available another example is open so in this i use a lot of open application shortcuts so if i wanted to open up zoom let's say i would just go down here and this changes depending on the button so i'd say choose i would go into my applications and so here i just scroll down to zoom and say this and it automatically grabs the icon from the computer so you don't have to make an icon for every single program it's already built in and as you can see although not very clearly below these are all updating and i'm going to remove the title because i know that that's zoom but also here you can see that you can change do you want the title in the middle do you want the title on the top do you want to change the font all of that can be done here maybe i don't want this in the corner though all you have to do if you've already set it up is just drag it somewhere else so now you can see down here or hopefully saw it just updated in real time that's the thing that's so amazing and this is why it's worth that extra investment this tool is programmable and customizable and really it's a thing of beauty so it's right at your fingerprint now for those of you here i know a couple of you in the audience are familiar with the the the stream deck what's your favorite part let me know in the chat what's your favorite part of the stream deck i would love to hear that the other thing i want to draw to your attention is that if you are doing workshops and presentations which is the core audience that i'm trying to talk to here how to run a better more engaging professional looking presentation you will also be pleased to know that there are some options in stream deck for keynote or powerpoint depending on what you're using so for example if you are a powerpoint user you can actually have a play or stop your presentation you can have a next slide you can have a previous slide and i don't know about you but sometimes i want to jump right to the start or jump right to the end so you can also set those up you can customize where you want those to go and they're already connected to those programs so once you've set those up you are already good to go you are set up with powerpoint so let's say you are running a zoom call where you have a powerpoint presentation then you can actually have these all on the same stream deck so i could right now be setting up this presentation so that i'm going to run my slides and i'm going to have my zoom call so that's an example of how you can actually mix these things together and you can customize it so maybe for one presentation you need to have these slides or these buttons available but maybe for another one you want different ones available so that is a quick tour let's see okay andy says i love the fact that it is so customizable let's just try this again i'm just going to try one more time there we go i've got your comment up here on the screen thank you for sharing that and okay let's also what else we've got the ease of use it provides yes i love it it just it it's those little things it just carves off a little bit of time every time um okay what else paul here says that uh his cat scribbles prefers the x keys so there's that all right and yeah so lee i am sold use keynote a lot yes this is such an amazing product for just being able to manage stuff so it's not i think i learned about it just through primarily live streaming however i actually use it more outside of live streams just to stay organized keep my workflow and all of that now while i'm here i do want to show you in this configuration you can actually open preferences and this is where you can make some changes so what is going to be your default profile so you can check that off you could change that depending on what you want you can also toggle things like having this profile so when i open ecamm live which is what i use to stream live it will actually switch to this profile i've played around with having that setup and taking that away but i've mostly i kind of i'm mixed because i can toggle so easily between my different profiles because i set up those switch profile buttons i don't need it necessarily but sometimes it's nice to have that be open and here's an example let's take a look actually i'll toggle down here so here's an example of a zoom workshop where i would be using my ecam live software presenting with keynote and then having a zoom window open so the way that i set this up is i have all of the orange which i got care of live streaming pros they have a great icon pack as well so these are all ecamm live so making sure that i can toggle between the next scene so for example if i press next scene right now i go to my main cam because that's the next scene that i have set up if i go to previous scene we'll go back to this setup so that's this and this would be showing in my zoom call if i want to switch to my main camera i can do all of that here in the top right i have my keynote slides so this would advance my slide so i could do that with the stream deck and here on the bottom if i wanted to quickly mute or unmute myself open or close the chat window mute everyone on the call and then also the participants window if i want to open the participants window and see everyone that's there and switching between speaker and gallery view is something i like to be able to do really quickly that's something that i have kind of set up now because i personally when i'm running a zoom workshop using my streaming software ecamm i actually typically will have my presentation on a different device just to save on the demand on the computer i don't want everything running at once that can actually start to overheat it takes up a lot of processing power and that's something that i wouldn't necessarily have this open all the time i would be managing my slides from my secondary device and showing bringing in the slides that way but that's an example if you're on one device of how you could set all of that up now are there any questions that you have about this i would love to know and be able to answer them alive and if you are watching the replay put them in the comments i would also love to know what would you use this for if you kind of got creative is there something you're doing regularly on your device that would really help to have those keys right beside you now the other thing i want to say is just remind you that if you are interested in using this for zoom and you don't want to spend any time making all of your own icons you can head over to catmulvahill and that's where i have those icons available for you the link is also below and if you are interested in a stream deck i also have a link you can check out the information if you have never had one before again like we said at the start think about how you're going to use it you can get away with using a 15 key like i am by having a few different profiles but if the budget allows it the xl would be really nice to have and as i said it is on my wish list so yeah and chris is saying i saw it on a few videos you can have it yes okay that's a great point so chris says you can have it turn on and off lights and appliances things on wi-fi yeah you can which is really cool so if we actually let's hop back over here so in your stream deck software if you go down to the bottom we've got this more actions you can actually launched it in the wrong window you can see that there are different applications that are already there and you can load those on so if you are using say streamlabs philips hue lights so that's a great example if you have philips hue lights you can control your lights using the stream deck so that's just one example but there are many other examples and a lot of great videos of how people are using their stream deck to make their workflow they're just saving time and shaving off all of those little seconds over and over really does make a difference um all right so i don't see oh paul says ignore all my comments sure thing will do all right buy cats icons help her get money for an excel yeah yeah that would be great i should use all of my icon sales to to save towards my wishlist and get that excel that would be that would be wonderful um okay and yes ken says i have a an xl and i use it with vmix so that's a pc streaming software and it operates many other programs yeah photoshop word yeah anything where there is a keyboard shortcut you can you can set up your stream deck so occasionally it's a little buggy it meaning you might have it set up there have been a couple of times where i've got zoom open and i press the button it's not working right away but that's why you just want to practice so anytime you are running something just try it out practice in advance and get comfortable with it all right so let me know if you use this for zoom calls or presentations how does it work does it make your life easier i would love to hear from you and i will see you all next week all right my stream deck is not on the right page to end my stream smoothly so lesson learned bye everyone
Channel: Cat Mulvihill
Views: 63,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stream deck for zoom, stream deck tutorial, 15-key stream deck, using stream deck for zoom, stream deck with zoom, elgato stream deck, stream deck, stream deck setup, elgato stream deck setup, stream deck setup mac
Id: 6VyVCddCk-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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