Advanced Elgato Stream Deck OBS Setup Guide

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you finally did it you followed the thousands of streamers before you and got yourself an elgato stream deck the only problem is now you have to set it up how's it going everyone I'm Chantal and in this video we're going to be going over how to set up your Elgato stream deck if at any point after this video you feel like I missed something or would like some more information on how to set up the elgato just let me know in the comments or you can stop by my twitch channel I stream Monday Wednesday Friday nights link will be in the description ask me any questions there I'd be more than happy to help so with without any further ado let's get into this video alright so at this point you've plugged in your stream deck you followed the instructions on your on the pamphlet that came with it or in the Box you open up the software and it looks a little something like this so also if you notice in that corner somewhere around down there we have the the stream deck right here so you guys can see exactly what it's doing on the screen so here we are it has a little Welcome icon so you can just hit that welcome icon if you'd like and it will bring up a web page which opened up on a different page for me but here it is here's the the Welcome page you can look they've got some good information there now this video down here is actually an older video an older tutorial it's a couple years old and it's no longer up to date it was 2017 this is not what the setup looks like on the elgato anymore so here we are making the video for you guys we have something up-to-date okay so first things first we're just gonna delete this we don't need the Welcome here we're gonna get past that I always like this to ask me if I want to delete this button because you never know you can accidentally slip you want to copy something and then you delete it instead and that's just an absolute nightmare so we're gonna delete okay first things first I have my OBS over here on this screen and I want to make a button for going to my main screen my main gaming screen so we're gonna make a button here we've got OBS studio is an automatic option little drop-down here I've got some extras here and I'll show you how to get to these later on in the video again that will be in the more advanced tips so we just we want to switch to a scene okay so we're gonna put a scene right there and we're gonna title this shooters because I can alright so we titled the shooters you can change where the title is in the middle top bottom I prefer it in the bottom if I'm gonna have it at all in this instance I'm just gonna turn it off no I it's already you know set for OBS studio we can ignore the collection and I wanted to switch the shooters so there we go when I hit that button it will go to my shooter scene which is the scene that we are currently in right now now take a look at this right here you can customize what did this icon is going to look like so I'm gonna hit this little drop down and I can set from file or create new icon we're gonna hit create new icon so create new icon brings up a very handy page from Elgato and here we are you can choose from any number of these images which is pretty awesome and then once you're done you can just hit save key so let's just make something you know we're gonna have the little twitch icon here and we like that that's that's pretty cool and when it saved key and there we go it saved the key I'm gonna say hey show me that in the folder and there it is right there the one that we just saved then you can move this to whatever folder you want I actually have a folder for stream deck icons so that is how you make a key and you can either let me just show you real quick here you can either use the icons that they have here or you can click this little button and upload an image any image you want you could just pull up a random picture of anything let's see here I'll put a profile let me just find something random all right and here we go baby and lo if I just had a baby recently and I say oh look you know I want that I want that to be my icon that's gonna be awesome I love it it's gonna be so cool looking for some reason I want my baby announcements stuff on my stream deck and um yeah there we go we have a new new icon ready to go all right what we're gonna ignore that we're not gonna use that and we're gonna close this so I'm gonna set from file because I have ones that I've already created here we go I'm gonna use this for my shooters and open oh by the way if you guys have any questions regarding this video or anything in general leave something in the comments let me know and I will be paying attention to the comments if you want more of an immediate response I do stream on Twitch so you can find me Monday Wednesday Friday evenings and a link to that will be in the description you can you know just ask me any questions you may have so notice there's two little little circles here this is for when this button is active this is for when the button is inactive if you'll notice the inactive just kind of dims it a little bit but if you want to get a little more fancy you can set from file again and boom there we go when we're not using when this button is not activated suddenly it'll turn black and white but in order to see that let's make another icon let's say I want to go to my be right back be right back scene so what you seen again World of Warcraft well whatever's in your drop-down here and let's see I won't be right back there we go so this will now be my beer at vaccine I want to set this from file and I'm gonna make it beer Harvey there we go so when I hit this we we switched over to might be right back so this is my old beer vaccine it's not the one that I use currently but but yeah here it is so if you'll notice this other one went grey so let's switch back and there we are okay so that is how you set that up very very simple very very easy the next section here let's show you how to mute your mic if your you've got your mic in OBS right you just click mixer audio drop it over here and then whatever you have your microwave old I was very simple I never changed what my mic was called it's called just called my dog's right I just clicked that and just like that okay I'm gonna set this from file all right green for when it's active and red for when it's not this one I did actually make on the website that I've got Oh has all right and so I'm gonna press this and it works beautifully so there you go there is the very simple very very simple setup if that's all you guys need thank you for checking out this video you can play with all the buttons you want you can save you could you know you know copies copy there and not paste there right you know delete okay let's get rid of that and that's the simple setup okay so looking at some more complex actions let me show you guys how I have my stream deck set up we're going to go over to my while scene and that's what my transition looks like of course that's a stinger the stinger just happens in OBS if you guys want to know how to use a stinger transition you can there are plenty of videos for that what I'm going to show you is how to do the transition and have that extra transition happen over top of your camera to do that you have to take your normal scene button and make it a multi action switch so really quick let me show you one other thing real quick here before we go into the multi action switch this button right here one of my favorite buttons right now this is the scene that I had been using when I was playing World of Warcraft I'm mainly doing shooters right now but when I was playing wow this is what the scene should look like it's using Game Capture but of course Game Capture does not look at your desktop so I made a button that literally just activates and deactivates my display capture whenever I want to show somebody something on my screen saves you from stupid embarrassing moments when you're using you know if you're using Game Capture there's something on your screen you don't want to share you know personal information or whatever else there and the display is not visible anyway okay so there we go ah let's switch back over to our profile and I did delete the mic cuz I do want to show you guys something there as well alright so we're gonna take this this lovely little shooters icon and we're going to make this a multi action switch over here so you right-click I take that back right click up here move to multi action alright here we are so it's OBS studio scene now really quick let me actually show you how this is set up in my OBS a little ins OB OBS inception here alright this video here met this little WebM is the video that makes the transition that happens over top of my camera okay so let me just deactivate that for now and I'll move this out of the way okay so first thing we want to do sorry I'm getting a dozen alerts on my phone and it is very very distracting okay alright first thing we want to do is we want to deactivate a source okay so this one is shooters right let me just handle that it's pretty important when you're doing a complicated action to title well I I debt I Wow okay to title your actions all right so this is what you would think you would do right you wanted to do this and then do that so you just put it all all in order which is true however if I were to just hit that button now it would try to do both things at once and the computer would pick one of them or it just wouldn't know what to do it's like hitting all the buttons on your keyboard at once your computer doesn't know what to do with with all the buttons so you have to put a delay in there so down here this little drop down here so stream duct there is a delay option so we're gonna drop a delay right between these two now this is out a thousand milliseconds which is roughly speaking a second not exactly but it's pretty close but we don't really need that long the computer doesn't have that hard that you know it doesn't take that much to think Oh deactivate this activate that so it's going to deactivate the BBB video that I have set up just in case it is you know activated already so we deactivate it then we're also going to deactivate my camera so I'm going to put that in there and get my deactivate again make certain that you are looking at the proper scene and source so now it's gonna deactivate that video have a little delay deactivate the camera now we need to add another delay and then it's going to switch over to the shooters scene once it switches over to the shooters scene we wanted to have a longer delay I'm gonna tell it I wanted to wait three seconds now it's three seconds from the initiation of the scene switch not three seconds from when you're stinger transition is over so keep that in mind these these delays sometimes you have to play with them to get it to look the way you want it to look then we're going to add that source gonna add the little video that I have that goes over top of my camera and it is act activate so go BBB activate add another little delay now this one we went be a little bit longer let's go actually no I think short works so we go with 200 milliseconds source one more time now the reason that I'm writing these in is because if I want to go back and adjust something and I just see Oh activate the activate and I don't even know what source it's actually looking at sifting through it all can be very frustrating alright so there we go it's going to deactivate the video and my camera switch over to the scene activate the video and then my camera to give me the transition that we just saw so let's go to my beer back screen okay here we are in the beer a back screen looks phenomenal well sort of phenomenal this is an old be right back screen but moving on and there we are that's how I do my transitions now if I wanted to be more complicated I do have some alerts on my stream as well I could you know have the alerts slowly fade in I could have a meaning how long let me explain that okay these alerts this stuff my stats I could have those slowly fade in if I wanted to I could have this border on my camera fade in but we just keep it simple or semi simple with with that transition so that's what that looks like that's how you set up a multi action switch and let me a change that icon there we go now the one downside of the multi action switch is it's not you know active unactive so I can't I don't have the option of saying oh I want it to be gray when I'm not using that or colored when I am but it's a trade-off to to get the type of transition that you want now let's take a look at something else here I am in discord all the time so let me pull up my discord so I can show you what I like to do with my mic because when you mute your mic in OBS I mean everyone knows that does not mute your mic in discord so let me go right here I'll hop into my channel there we are okay alright so oh you guys can't see that there we go alright so there I am um by the way if you guys would like to join my discord I'll have a link to that in the description we have quite a few viewers and we're growing users not viewers y'all know what I mean okay moving on so here we are we want to make another multi action but now multi action switch so for the multi-action switch here we go notice how this is just like the multi-action except for now it has a 1 and a 2 up here so for the first action we want to mute just like we did before we want to mute my mic I want to deactivate the mic on this yes mute ok there we go let's add a 200 millisecond delay I could probably do shorter but I'm playing it safe here now here's where it gets slightly complicated there isn't a initial hotkey to mute your mic in discord least I've never seen one so what we need to do then is we need to go over to keybinds so in the key binds I have found that shift alt f12 our set of keys that I'm never gonna touch all at once that's just not happening I'm never gonna do that so I made shift alt f12 my command for muting when discord so what I did was I dropped a hot key in there from the system's tray so click to a side shift all f12 there we go ok so it's going to deactivate my mic in OBS mute by mic in discord don't hit it yet you'll mess up the game you'll confuse the computer so make certain that you set up the second option we're gonna go backwards with this one hate shift all Talib shifts up at 12 not quit oh you know fumbling over my own actions here in my own tutorial no no big deal okay so drop a delay there 200 milliseconds beautiful and mixer audio we're going to activate and we're going to activate mic aux OBS activate alright so here we are multi action switch now this one does allow you to change what the icon will be oops I had the wrong button close that okay step from file there it is open okay there we go so pay attention down here to the discord now I already had shift all 12 f12 couple too many times so let me uh unmute there we go alright so here we go now I'm going to hit my new button and now we're unmuted so just like that let me do that again all right there we go that time we set up the the mic now really quick I did tell you guys that I was going to show you how to get some other extras in here things like twitch and Twitter and YouTube like let's say and twitch I want to play an ad I just drop this in here that you know what I want to do I want to do just a 30-second ad when I hit that button while I'm streaming it will drop an ad of course you have to be affiliate or partner obviously but yeah there you go okay so let me show you how you actually get those go into more actions and these are all of the integrations you can have you can integrate your Spotify so you can have buttons for your Spotify I'll show you that in a second some more complicated stuff you can get do stuff with OBS live all kinds of stuff in here sift through it there's a whole lot available but let me take a look at Spotify here for you you can play pause this is all very very simple stuff right so volume up right there how much you want the volume to go up by just press that button you can tell it to display the volume that is on the key very very convenient play pause the thing that I like about play pause this also shows you the cover art for the song that's playing it's pretty cool too alright so guys if there's anything that I missed please let me know if you feel like there's something in this video that other people should know that you know that I didn't cover let people know in the comments have a conversation I am I'm definitely open to to more information and if you guys want a more detailed walkthrough if you want more information just let me know this video is always already excuse me way longer than I intended it to be so yeah if you guys have any questions leave it in leave it in the comments if you liked this video like it if you didn't you already know what to do and again check me out on Twitch i stream Monday Wednesday Friday links will be in the description and hop on by and ask any questions you might have so just remember everyone whatever game you play whenever you play good luck have fun and don't die until the next stream or video until out see ya should I run like a madman try to find health now let's play smart take coverage check out Soto dogs with dark forces stringers slash at Twitter at game stream teams hashtags
Channel: NathanFostr
Views: 37,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OBS, Tips, Streaming, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Stream, Twitch, How, To, How To, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Streamelements, elgato, stream deck, review, setup, tutorial, obs studil, keys, advanced, beginner, pc, windows, mac, 2020
Id: ouBrwB4edkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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