Stream Deck + Zoom: Virtual Facilitation with ease!

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hey facilitator meg bulger here from facilitator cards if you missed our main brain jam where we explored stream jack and how we can use it to help us enhance our virtual facilitation practice you have come to the right place i am going to give you a quick overview of stream deck show you a little bit about what we're going to build and then we're going to build your first profile in stream deck and teach you how to set it up so that you can manipulate everything that you want um in zoom or any other profile that you or any other platform that you are using so let's go ahead and get into it so popped over here to our zoom and the first thing that i want to show you is that you can use stream deck which is what i'm using right now to open your chat window in zoom to open your participants panel in zoom and i find that really handy when you are facilitating there's so much to manage and i often just lose track of those buttons especially if i am screen sharing those buttons go into the that kind of mysterious more three dot drop down so having one single button that i can use to toggle those is really really helpful here's the thing that was universally agreed upon in the brain jam as kind of the game changer when it comes to using stream deck over just you know not using anything in addition to what you're used to of keyboards and mice and all that kind of stuff so i'm going to pop over here to my zoom i am going to open up the chat and i'm going to go ahead and click one button in stream deck and my stream deck is going to send a message and then in about a couple of seconds you'll see it actually send a couple of a couple more messages yeah so all of that was sent with the click of a single button and it's something that i pre-programmed ahead of time so that when i'm in the moment when i'm facilitating i don't have to be copying and pasting i don't have to be typing things out in the chat i can just be totally focused on my participants on what i'm saying and i can know that what i want to send in the chat is happening so that's really useful and for me has been a complete game changer when it comes to virtual facilitation and one of the things that has me so excited about the stream deck there's a lot more that you can do with stream deck anything that you can use keyboard shortcuts so anytime you you know use your arrow keys to control google slides or if you are if you have a short key to mute yourself or mute all of your participants all of those things you can now rather than having to remember is it like alt shift p or is it alt alt is it just alt p to to um to mute my participants you don't have to remember those things anymore you can just program them in to stream deck uh and then just have a button that tells you yep this is what this is the mute all participants button or yep this is the button that will open your chat window so i think that's really exciting and i think that is more than enough of a demo to get us started so let's jump in to um using stream deck and building your first profile in stream deck so one thing you will need to do before you start building is you will need to download a you you need to download stream deck to your computer the software um and i'll leave links below for that and you'll also need to download stream deck to your phone if you don't have a stream deck like hardware device right so um stream deck is both a physical device and they offer a mobile stream deck mobile version which you can download the app the app is free for 30 days so you can totally try this out without paying for it and then there's a subscription fee that's i think 3.99 a month at the time i'm recording this so if you don't have a stream deck already and you haven't downloaded that software i will leave links below on how to do that and um it takes maybe 10 or 15 minutes to get that set up get them synced together and speaking together your stream deck and your um so the stream deck on your phone or mobile or and the stream deck on your computer pretty easy setup and i'll leave some guidance for that once you have that come on back here and we'll start building so let's say we are ready to go we are ready to start building in our stream deck then we're gonna hop over here and i will um during this build process i'm going to start with a completely blank slate and a completely blank stream deck so what you're seeing um in the big uh side of the window that's what you're gonna see on your computer and down here right below my video that is what you're going to that's where my stream deck is and so that's what's going to actually activate things we build on our computer and we make it happen by clicking it on our stream deck mobile or on our physical device so let's start by making it really easy for ourselves to build so the first thing i want to do is i'm going to come up here to this drop down menu and i'm going to unselect most of the things in this drop down menu just to make it super simple so we're going to start with just stream deck and system that's all we're going to manipulate for now if you use obs there's a ton of cool controls for obs there's lots of things for folks who live stream to twitter or youtube or twitch and there's some more advanced stuff we can get into at the end but for now all we need is stream deck and system so we're gonna hit done we're gonna open up those drop down menus and now we have a bunch of different um types of buttons that we can set up so the first button that we're going to set up is we're going to set up a button to make it easy for us to open our stream deck application and we're going to do that with this button right here and that is the system button for open so i'm going to drag that into a key i'm going to title it stream deck if you want it to be on separate lines just make sure you uh you make that happen with a with an enter and then i am going to choose um on a mac this will open your applications folder and you're going to go to head and down and find it a stream deck in your applications folder works very similarly on pc and then i'm going to hit open and it brought in the cool little icon and we have stream deck so now when i touch that button on my stream deck even if i have something else selected like if i had my zoom window open when i touch that button it's going to bring stream deck to the foreground so we know that it's working so you can give that a test right now and see if that's working and let's now build the zoom button so um you can open up a blank zoom or any other meeting just to see if the buttons that we are creating are working that's what i would recommend if you don't use zoom and you want to you know make this work in microsoft teams it'll be a very similar process and you can just test it out there so i'm going to keep going with zoom i'm going to again drag this open and i'm going to title it zoom and i'm going to find zoom in my applications folder okay apparently it's buried there it is okay so now we have zoom and we have stream deck so one thing that i can do now is i can switch between them right i can pull up stream deck and i can pull up zoom and you're seeing whatever is on top right um that's what those buttons allow me to do they allow me to bring that application to the foreground and that's going to be really important when we start wanting to manipulate things in zoom is making sure that's the application that is in the foreground or that our computer knows that we're interacting in right so let's do a couple of cool things that we can make happen in zoom so what we're going to be doing next is we're going to be using keyboard shortcuts to make that chat window pop up and the participants panel pop up and zoom has a ton of keyboard shortcuts but i've never used them even after a year of facilitating online and that's because they're hard to remember when i'm facilitating in the moment i don't want to have to remember that it's you know three different keys in order to open the chat window so i've never bothered memorizing them but now because of stream deck i don't have to memorize them i just need to know what they are so that i can program them into my stream deck so this is how we're going to find out that list of keyboard shortcuts um we're going to come in to zoom and we are going to we are going to open up our video settings and when you open your video settings down here at the bottom we've got keyboard shortcuts this is going to i'm on a mac so you're seeing the mac default keyboard shortcuts for pc they're going to look a little different not only different but they are going to be also a little more clear because pc does everything out in long-form text so for pc it will say like alt shift p for max you have this uh these symbols and if you don't know how to read them it can feel a little bit like hieroglyphics so let me give you a quick tip on that if you don't know that this symbol is the option symbol what you can do is if you click on it and hover you'll see right there it says option y and so now you can know okay that's how i can do that if i wanted to program raise lower hand option y that's the keyboard shortcut i need so keep that open for reference you can also find this online if you're having trouble accessing it in zoom if you just google zoom keyboard shortcuts that'll work perfectly um the other thing that you can do is you can um if you're if you're facilitating in teams or facilitating in google me then you can also look up keyboard shortcuts for those and just program those keyboard shortcuts instead of the zoom one so i've got that open the first thing i want to do is i want to program that chat panel opening and closing so that's for me in here it's show hide in meeting chat panel and again i'm going to click it shift command h so that's what it is on my computer and again i think these are the default ones for mac and for pc it's going to be a little different so make sure you look at your list enable global shortcut we had a question about this um when i was showing people this walkthrough before that just means that no matter where you are what program is open if you say yes please enable this global shortcut even if i was working in chrome or in in stream deck then this would work for me i get a little bit hesitant to use global shortcuts because i don't want them to mess up other programs that have keyboard shortcuts when they're you know three different commands that's probably a little less likely but they're you know command um command p is a shortcut for print when i'm using a google doc and i like that shortcut but if i enable the global shortcut then um that could interfere with that so i i tend to leave those off so let's go ahead and let's go ahead and pull this aside back to our stream deck so keyboard shortcuts in stream deck they're called hotkeys so in order to create a uh to be able to toggle our chat we're going to go ahead and drag in hotkey and i'm going to label this chat and now below here we have this option to assign click to assign and so when i do that you'll see it says observing keystrokes that means like i'm watching what your keyboard is about to do and i'm going to input them here so again for me the show hide in chat panel shortcut was shift command h and so i just pressed that on my keyboard and now we have that um shortcut queued up in stream deck so we're going to do another hotkey this time we're going to call it participants panel and i'll find what that is in my zoom for me that's command p and now we have our participants panel button and let's do one more let's do [Music] um mute audio for everyone except the host maybe you have a bunch of unruly participants one day and um you just need to like cut cut the silencer no one can figure out which background who's got the loud screeching background and so you just want to mute everybody's audio so we'll go in again hotkey mute all and for me that is control command m control command m all right cool so we've got our three keyboard shortcuts programmed up let's see if they worked so we're over here in zoom and i'm going to go ahead and test them out so i'm going to press the chat okay that worked i'm going to press the participants awesome and we're going to have to trust that the mute all worked because right now i'm in a zoom alone which is the saddest of the zooms and uh the first two works so i think we're um we're on a pretty good roll there so now that we have those programmed let's figure out how to send text into the chat because that's where to me the real power of stream decks comes is being able to take things that we were doing we were having to like fiddle around with you know copying from my notes and pasting it over into the chat like that's where the real power comes from so instead of doing that let's figure out how to do it ahead of time so i'm going to pull in um from this list of system i'm going to pull in text so i'm going to write celebration or i'm just going to write yay and i'm going to title that yay and then i'm going to write i did it it worked and that's the text it's going to send this is the title for the button and i'm going to hit enter after that message so that as soon as it's done typing that text it's going to send it automatically so we've got our yay button let's see if it worked and um okay we're over here in zoom so we're going gonna make sure that our zoom is on top we're gonna open the chat and now we're gonna hit our yay button and it worked so hopefully if you're following along and you're testing at home it also worked for you um this is a good time to pause and say that if it didn't work for you if the the keyboard shortcuts nor the um nor this worked for you then there may be a reason and or there is a reason and i might know the answer so the thing that you might need to do is enable permissions for stream deck to use what is called input monitoring on your mac so let me show you how to to make that happen um briefly so if if it's not showing up um the keyboard shortcuts aren't working and the um and the text isn't working then it is likely a permissions issue and so what you need to do first thing you need to unlock your security and privacy so you need to go in here and unlock your security and privacy and once that's unlocked you need to come down here to input monitoring and this is basically giving your computer you're you're telling your computer it is okay if stream deck has access to essentially my keyboard or to making doing an impersonation i guess of your keyboard doing the same commands that your keyboard does for your computer so if you don't see stream deck in this list once you've unlocked it you can hit the plus button and you can go ahead and add it from your list of um your list of applications so if you hit open it'll add i already have mine in here so that's the most likely trouble as mac users that you're going to run into is if it's not working right away it's probably a security and privacy problem but once you have it once it has access to your input monitoring you can go ahead and lock that back up and give it a test now and it should be good to go so okay we have a chat button we have learned how to program all those keyboard shortcuts and now we have text so a couple of fun things i'm going to show you or just i think really useful little things that i use stream deck for when i'm facilitating something that i will often want when i'm facilitating is a timer usually i go to set that on my phone but sometimes i don't i don't want to use my phone i don't want to get distracted or i just forget i forget to like reference it so there is a timer built into stream deck so you can go ahead and drag over right here timer also let's get rid of this welcome button we can just go ahead and hit delete on that so we've got our timer here and this timer only works in seconds so you do have to do a little bit of math um often if you want to use it so i like to have a timer for my entire workshop so that i can see that counting down and have a reference point for how much time we have left so if i'm doing a 90 minute workshop then that is going to be 5 400 seconds fact i did not know until this moment and we've got 90 minutes okay so that's that's great and then i also like um i often do little sections in five minute um increments oh and something i just did really quick so let me show you you can copy and paste any button so if you wanted to if if there was something that you liked about the button that you just created whether it was the fancy image or you just wanted another one of those buttons you can um quick uh you can copy and then paste into them so i'm gonna go ahead and turn this into the five minute timer and uh five times 60 is 300 seconds so now we have that and i can customize these sounds if i would like to as well so when i hit um when i hit the button the stream deck you'll see right here in the small little window that it starts a five minute timer and it just starts that right in stream deck and when i'm using stream deck to facilitate that's a really easy thing to reference again you're never when you're facilitating you're not gonna see this window um because that's gonna all be set up ahead of time all you're gonna be doing is looking and interfacing with the actual stream deck so you can go ahead and hit it and it will start and if you hit it again it will stop so we've also got a 90 minute timer and uh you can see it's got one hour and 23 or 20 23. 29 minutes and it's counting down so uh that's something that i really like to use a little kind of fun feature in stream deck there's also a multimedia button so let's say you have spotify open because you're playing some tunes for folks let's go ahead and do that we'll add spotify okay so let's say we're running spotify and we want to control spotify from our multimedia um from our stream deck we're going to use this multimedia feature and um they have a bunch of them already built into stream deck so i mostly just want to play and pause when i'm in a facilitation and maybe i'll also want to in to decrease the volume so that will allow me to increase or decrease the volume any music that i'm playing on my computer whether that's in spotify or anywhere else it will decrease the volume in of my computer if if i want to do that so last thing i want to show you for this walkthrough before you just head off and uh play around and learn things for yourself is um we are going to learn how to do multiple actions in a row so if you remember when i first showed the zoom meeting we had this multiple multiple messages sent with one press of a button so let's learn how to do that so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to create a folder and the folder isn't necessary but i find folders really useful when i'm setting up stream deck because oftentimes in a workshop i have more than one message i want to send my participants so let's create a folder called messages and we can even copy and paste from before so let's say i actually moved my my yay message over here and now we're going to make a multiple line message so we're going to use the multi-action button to do that so when we click and drop the multi-action over on our stream deck it's going to bring us to this new interface and this um this interface is going to say okay you can do any of these things now in a row we will do them one after the other after the other so perhaps what we want is we want it to send two pieces of text we want it to wait five seconds and then send two more um or send one more piece of text so let's do that we are going to draw in the text i'm just going to label this first message and we've got this is okay maybe i want to send another message and that message is a link so i'm going to say this is the link to my website okay i want now those two things to sit in the chat for five ten seconds while i talk about them before the next message sends so let's go ahead and assume a 10 second delay this is in milliseconds so you do have to do a little more math here but it's handy in case you want very short delays that it's in that time frame and then we're going to send one more one more piece of text and this is going to be final message is coming through okay so one thing you want to make sure of is that you have pressed enter after each message that that is checked off after each one so i'm going to go ahead and make sure i did that okay and this multi-action let's title this um final links right maybe maybe it's the links to our feedback forms or it's a thank you message whatever whatever it is we can send multiple things so let's go ahead and test that out so back over to our zoom view okay we're in our zoom view we're going to open our folder and we have our chat open already and we're going to hit the button and see if it worked okay it's typed our first two links and you can see there's a little progress bar here telling us like i'm not done with this um multi-action yet it hasn't fully completed and there it goes there's our last um there's our last message so multi-action worked we've got it that's really awesome something just like a little tip that i will i'll leave you is um i like to have the chat both on kind of like my main screen um that i'm using during my zoom meeting i also like to have it in the messages folder um that that way i can if the chat isn't open i can always press it when i go into that folder right because otherwise the message won't send if you don't have that chat window open and you press the text the text has no idea where to go um and it will go wherever you have it open on your computer so um yeah just make sure that the chat window is open before you press the button okay all right so let's do a quick review this is how you set up your stream deck we went over a lot of features for zoom facilitation but again if you use any other platform all you have to know is what keyboard shortcuts does that platform use and then you can set up those keyboard shortcuts in stream deck you can use stream deck to open your different applications easily you can use it to go to send messages and multiple messages as a timer and there are way more things that we can get into with stream deck there's tons of possibilities and there's a lot of things that have been built out for this system so if you want to explore those i would encourage you to get into this more actions button and when you press that you're going to see all of these kind of add-ons and plug-ins that people have installed or created for stream deck and if you are somebody who uses powerpoint there is one built in for powerpoint so that's really handy if you use powerpoint they have all of the forward back next slide press play on this presentation buttons already built in that's a pretty cool one there's a ton of things on here there is one built in for spotify and anything that is made by elgato you're going to know that that is likely to work incredibly well because elgato is the creators of stream deck right so it's pretty a pretty official extension and there is um my favorites from this list if you are curious i'll go ahead and show you there's a couple of custom ones that i like one of my favorites is this analog clock which just shows you the time of day you can customize it a little bit i like it really clean without any colors or without any text and you can make sure to set it to your location so that's really neat um there's also something that you could do which is kind of like a when you know when people walk in the door um and you're just clicking a click click this is how many people have walked in we don't need to do that as much for for um virtual facilitation because zoom counts it all ourselves but there is a counter button which every time you press it it's just going to count up for you so there's neat little things like that that you can explore and get into i love stream deck for virtual facilitation i also use it just for my everyday working around my computer whether that's opening slack creating a new a new calendar opening my spotify or getting into common links that i send people if i find myself sending a link over and over again and constantly searching for what that link is i will put it in my links folder and then i have a quick way to access that and if you have a bunch of different um facilitations that you regularly do where you're like you know on mondays i facilitate our all hands meeting and i generally want these kinds of controls and on tuesdays i do my team meeting and i want these kinds of controls and friday you know i do a live stream to youtube and i want these types of controls you can set up completely separate profiles for all of those things right in your stream deck and you can hop into those profiles and everything um everything will be there so this is the one i use to facilitate our brain jam and this is the one that we all just built together so hope you learned a lot from this uh walk through i hope that i'll get to catch you in a future brain jam please leave any questions that you have about facilitating in stream deck below in the comments i would love to hear your questions i would love to hear even more your ideas of how you're using it i'd love you to to share your creative use cases and um things that you figured out about it would so love to to know how you're using it so hope you appreciated and enjoyed this walk through and i hope to catch you in the future happy facilitating
Channel: Facilitator Cards
Views: 4,344
Rating: 4.944056 out of 5
Id: _8uZ40_z2Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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