How To Play Videos On ATEM Mini | OBS Setup + Tips

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the a10 mini the a10 mini pro the iso whichever one you've got they're an incredibly powerful live streaming and recording tool but one of the features that it is missing is a way of playing out pre-recorded videos and we're going to fix that today i'm going to show you how to use obs studio as an incredibly powerful way of bringing in videos stills pretty much any media source to your a10 mini and then playing that out on your live streams recordings whatever all very easy to do and at the touch of a button just like this the first thing you're going to need to do is download a copy of obs studio the link is on screen now it's available for both mac and pc and it's free so it's definitely worth having it's a great piece of software i've got a fresh version of the latest obs version 26 here and i'm going to show you the basics of setting it up i'm not going to give you a full tutorial of how to set up obs in general i'm just going to show you the parts that you need for this video so when it opens it will look a little something like this you're going to want to first of all jump over into the settings and we're going to go to the video tab and we're going to set that to the same settings that we have set our atem to so for most people it'll be 1080p unless you're working in 720 and set both the base canvas and the output resolution to 1920x1080 then under the common fps value just set that to the frame rate that you have your atem set to so for me it's 50 but you could be working in 25 30 or 60 as well then hit apply on those we don't need any more settings for now so we can click okay but we will come back and change some others in a bit now the way that the um obs works is these scenes you're basically gonna we're gonna create a bunch of scenes for all the different vts or or videos that we want to play out or any other assets like images so i'm i want to play out two videos during my show let's say so this first one i'm just going to call this i'm going to click right click and rename it and i'm going to call this video because it's about the atem iso i'm just going to call it vt iso and that's just the name for the scene to then add that video that we want played out in we'll just hit the plus button here under the sources menu hit the plus button and we'll go to media source you get a whole list of things that you can add in but a media source is basically a video file now we have to give it a name that is different to the scene so i'm just going to call this iso for now click ok and it will then allow us to select the video that we want to load in which is this first one here for me there's a few options that we can select here if we want the video to loop automatically we can tick that i always leave restart playback when source becomes active as on it means when we cut to the source it will automatically start from the beginning of the video and one thing that i do untick here is show nothing when playback ends the reason i untick that is because if we continued with it ticked once the video reached the end it would just cut to a black screen what i actually want it to do and by unticking it it will freeze on the last frame so once i've done that i can just hit ok we'll see the video starts to play here in the preview at the top now one of the new things in obs version 26 as you'll see here when we select a source we get quite nicely a little play head and a play bar and it shows us at the end here how far into the video we are so it shows 17 seconds done and six minutes left to go that's really helpful um especially for any technical directors or vision mixers you can see now how long left is left of a vt it's also good if you're working with presenters as you can tell them in their ear how long until it comes back to them so that's a new addition in the new version of obs so we've got our first video in and we're going to add in the second video here which is a video about networking so i'm going to put vt networking and we're going to do exactly the same thing although in this case what you can actually do is actually just drag the file in i wanted to show you how to add it properly but i've just selected and dragged it and it will do all of that for us we still need to double click and go and change those settings that we don't want but it's just an easier way of getting the file into obs okay so now we've got our videos in obs and we can click on each one and they automatically start playing which is exactly what we want them to do but how do we now get these into our a10 mini pro as an input that's what i'm going to show you to do that you first of all have to plug in whether you're using mac or pc you need to plug in via an hdmi cable from your mac or pc to the a10 mini pro one of the input sources on the back so i'm just using an hdmi cable with a little dongle on the end into my macbook pro when you do that you get a few options so if i go here to the main preview window in obs right click and you can either choose to do full screen projector and then you can see the blackmagic device hdmi appears there or you can do a window projector and that will create another window and you can simply drag that over like you would drag so if i switch over now you can see that there and we can then make that full screen and i'll just remove my cursor and you can see how that works but what i'm going to do actually for this one is just choose the full full screen option so let's get rid of this window and then right click and click full screen projector blackmagic hdmi and then if again if i switch over you can see it's there ready to go and that's how we get the vision in getting the audio in and in sync is is slightly more complicated but still really easy to do so this is the part where a lot of people get stuck on what you're going to need to do firstly is go to settings here go to the audio tab and then go down to where it says advanced and monitoring device and you're going to choose that as the same device that you're sending the vision down so it's the blackmagic device hdmi and you're gonna hit apply and then okay now for some people at this point you might need to restart obs um there seems to be a bug that this even though you click apply it doesn't always take so for safety i'm just going to close my obs click exit here and then open it back up and the final thing you need to do for each vt that you add in you need to over on the audio mixer click the little cog here go to advanced audio properties and then make sure that monitor and output is selected both of those monitor and output and you do that for each vt so if i go to vt networking as well we'll just press pause on there uh oh wrong one we want to click the cog then go to advanced output properties and if you have it on monitor off you won't get the sound being transferred to the atem it needs to be on monitor and output or if you you can if you want you can have it on monitor only but i just choose monitor and output so now with that set up both the audio and vision are being sent down the hdmi to the a10 mini pro or the itinerary pro iso or whatever version you've got and then and it's in sync as well and then there's one more tip that i'm going to have here i like to have a um a scene that is just blank or has a holding slate on just an image so i'm going to add a scene that just says blank and click ok that's an empty c and i'll drag that to the top if you want to make these a little easier to click you can right click here in the scenes mode and go to grid view and this will give you more buttons in my one-to-one sessions i actually talk about how to link this all together with the atem and things like the stream deck so that you can press one button that does everything my actual setup i have one button that will start the vt automatically cut to that vt on the atem wait the correct amount of time to the end of the vt and then automatically transition back to the presenters camera so this camera that you're seeing me on right now all at the touch of one button on something like a stream deck or an ipad or something like that so it makes it all autonomous if you want to know how to do that my email address is in the about section of my youtube channel i'll put it on screen now as well for anyone because i do all these one-to-one sessions showing you how to do all the more advanced stuff than what i'm talking about right now so let's go back we've got the black screen now on here i'm going to go back into list view because i just prefer that and now if i cut over to camera one which is my input from obs here you can see when i click on vt iso there's a new 810 minion there we go you're joking not another one black magic have just announced the atom and when i cut back there i am now at the moment if i go into my atem settings here i'm just going to press pause if i go into my a10 settings here and go into audio i have audio follow video on which you can see here i've got this afv so it means whenever i cut over to that input number one that obs is outputting to the audio will be enabled but if i was then to cut away from it the audio would automatically be brought down i prefer that there's unless there's no real reason that what i would ever want to be me on camera but here hear the audio from the vt so it's just a bit of a safety that i have on but if you want to it's up to you you can just have that channel on at all times but i personally leave it on audio followed video so again as i say what it allows me to do is i can now when i want to play in a vt i can very easily just say okay now let's uh watch my networking video that i put up on youtube a few weeks ago in today's video i'm going to show you the two main methods for connecting and controlling your a10 mini or a10 mini and then i can come back to me really quickly um and you can add as many of these vts in obs as you want so you could have you know like a list of 10 or 20 and it's really easy to play them and jump jump to them and as i say when they get to the end so what i'll do is i'll just fast forward on to the end of a vt we've got one second left and it's going to hold on that last frame which will then give you time to transition back over to your camera it's not going to just disappear which is great now the great thing about obs is it's all layers based and it's actually a really powerful tool so there's nothing stopping you creating really complex compositions so for example like we've just filled the frame with one video here but if we create a new one which is maybe picture in picture i could bring those two videos in on the same frame it's gonna be a nightmare for audio but this is just a bit of a visual representation for you so you can see i've dragged two videos on top of each other i'm just gonna bring one in and resize it bring another one in and resize it drag it over here i could add a background and things like that if i wanted to and then when i'm ready bang i can queue that up to the a10 mini pro so you can really compose some some very powerful shots with obs and then bring those into the a10 mini or the a10 mini pro whichever one you've got i briefly mentioned before how you can then take this setup that we've just done and make it even more powerful and i want to show that to you now because this is what i use for my live streams i actually either use a stream deck or an ipad and you can see here hopefully if it focused i've got all my buttons that trigger things on my ipad here and i've created one for these vts now i'm going to show you how it works because when i click this vt1 button it's going to do multiple things it's going to start playing the vt and obs and then it's going to automatically bring on that vt in the a10 it knows how long that vt is so it's going to wait and then as the vt is coming to an end it's going to fade me back on all at the push of one button wirelessly on an ipad let's give it a go i recorded a quick video for me to play in now hey everyone so this is a pre-recorded video i'm just shooting on my iphone as an example and i'm gonna make it 10 seconds long so that it cuts back to me now you can see how powerful a tool like that is especially if you're a one-man band you you need to be doing everything yourself just being able to push one button and it does the whole vt play out for you is super powerful and as i say i'm not going to cover how to do that part in this video but if you do want to know shoot me an email my email address is on the about me section i'll put it also in the description below um because i do do one-to-one consulting sessions and this is the type of stuff the more advanced stuff that i i talk about and teach people how to do in those sessions so if you want to know how to do that sort of stuff just shoot me a mail i hope you found this video useful if you're new here and never seen one of my videos before hit the subscribe button because this is exactly the type of stuff that i upload teaching you how to get the most out of your broadcast equipment and we've got some really cool stuff and really cool reviews coming up on the channel soon but if you found this video useful give it a like let me know in the comments below if you're going to try this out or if you already have tried it out let me know what you thought of it and once you've done all that see you on the next one
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 257,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs, obs studio, obs studio 26, blackmagic atem mini, atem mini, atem mini pro, atem mini pro iso, atem video player, atem mini video player, how to play videos atem mini, how to, how to atem mini, how to obs, obs update, atem mini switcher, live stream, live streaming tips, live streaming quality, atem mini obs, alex pettitt atem mini, atem mini vs capture card, atem mini blackmagic, video player atem mini, atem mini zoom, zoom video player
Id: L5l1OoLJgWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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