5 Stream Deck Hidden Tips & Tricks!

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the stream deck is probably one of the hottest streaming products you can buy right now pretty much every streamer after they're done choosing what mic they're gonna buy or what camera they're gonna buy they all go get a stream deck and with good reason because these things are great but one thing i always notice is that when people get their stream deck they throw in a couple buttons maybe to change scenes or toggle their mic on and off and that's about it i'm like are you guys serious do you guys realize the power that's inside this thing kind of so i came up with five things that you can do with a stream deck that you may or may not know about i'm not talking about things like hey you can make some folders bro no i'm talking about doing things like running a giveaway by touching one button on your stream deck and then as people enter your giveaway you can see the number increasing on your stream deck or creating hotkeys for things that don't exist within the stream deck software or my favorite thing automating your studio to do this let's get into the video you wanna know who sponsored this video definitely not elgato but i've been sick right however i do want to give a big shout out to elgato anyway because they did send me out a stream deck xl which is a big help in making this video possible because i wouldn't have been able to do that without them so thank you let's start off with something really simple but really powerful extra function keys did you guys know that in the 90s keyboards had not just one row function keys but two rows of function keys which is a lot more function keys most keyboards today have f1 to f12 keys but windows actually recognizes f13 all the way up to f24 it's just that most modern keyboards don't have those keys on them the good thing is the stream deck software gives you access to these keys you just drag in a hotkey button go to the drop down go to function keys and then you'll see f1 all the way down to f24 and this is awesome because now you have 12 extra hotkeys that you can use for anything that you want and you can guarantee that none of these keys are going to conflict with any of your other key combinations for any of the games you're playing or any of the other software you have running a good example of why you use this is the stream deck software doesn't support some obs actions like toggling on studio mode so what you can do is you can add a f13 hotkey to your stream deck and then go to the hotkeys in obs and then bind the studio mode hotkey to f13 then now you have a button to toggle studio mode in obs which is something that you can't do by default just keep in mind you may run into an issue where some hotkeys don't work unless obs is in focus if you run into that issue make sure that if you're running obs in admin mode which you should then you're also running the stream deck software in admin mode the next tip i have is to install a plug-in for your stream deck called windows mover and resizer so let's just say for your stream you have a few programs running maybe obs open a program so you can view your chat maybe you have spotify open chat bots whatever you have running for your stream well i have a single button on my stream deck and anytime i push that button all of the programs that i have running for my stream just go like they just like reposition themselves like magic into these predefined positions that i had set earlier i find this to be really helpful for organization because sometimes when you're running your streams you might move some windows around and things can get messy and that can be really distracting because you don't want to be in the middle of your stream and be like alright guys it's time to have some fun all right just give me a second guys you're just gonna move these windows around yeah move gotta move obs over here yep guys and more time we're gonna move this over there um all right time to go we're ready to have some fun guys where are you instead you can be like alright guys it's time to have some fun so this is really easy to do you just go into your stream back software go into more actions and then search for windows mover and resizer and then install that plugin then you'll see a new action called windows mover that you can then drag over to a button select the program you want to reposition drag it to where you want it to be and then click get coordinates and then every time you push that button no matter where that program is on your monitor it will just reposition itself to the position that you set earlier and of course if you wanted to move more than one program at a time you can drag over a multi-action to a button and then add a windows mover for each program that you want to move around so if you wanted to move five different programs with one button you just add five different windows mover actions to your multi-action speaking of multi-actions i want to do a little rant because multi-actions are by far the most frustrating and annoying things about a stream deck and let me explain why by default if you want to create a multi-action on a stream deck there's going to be about a 100 millisecond delay between every single action in that multi-action and that might sound a bit confusing but check out this multi-action all it is is two separate source toggle actions with no delay between them so you'd expect that when i push this multi-action button it's just gonna toggle both of these sources on and off at exactly the same time and that's not what happens i mean take a look at this there's clearly a huge delay between each of these actions fortunately there's a way to dramatically decrease this delay you can't get rid of it completely but you can at least make it a lot quicker all you need to do is go into reg edit by pressing the windows and r key and then typing in reg edit and then navigating to this folder you want to right click add a new d word 32-bit value key and then rename it to multi-action default ms delay between actions and then give it a value of 0. press ok and then the changes should make an effect immediately so you can go back and then test your multi-action in your stream deck and you'll notice that it's a lot quicker there's still a tiny little bit of a delay but it's way faster than it was by default i would still like to see if elgato could completely get rid of this delay because it should be possible other cheaper alternatives like touch portal for example don't have this issue at all so get the work elgato all right the next tip is another stream deck plug-in called twitch tools and i think you guys are going to like this one you probably already know that a stream deck has twitch integration built in so you can do things like enabling e-mode only mode or turning on slow mode or creating a clip by pressing one button and that's great and all but if you install the twitch tools plugin you're gonna have even more twitch integration with your stream deck for example you can create a giveaway button and when you press the giveaway button it puts in a message in twitch chat that says hey guys i'm giving away my dignity and then people can type in exclamation mark giveaway in chat to enter the giveaway and you'll actually see on the stream deck the number on the stream deck is actually increasing so you can see physically how many people have entered the giveaway and then when you click choose winner it just selects anybody that entered that giveaway and says hey you've won my dignity which i don't have another cool one is the shout out button so for example if you're streaming and someone really famous comes into your stream like pokemane shroud if you see someone famous like project melody coming to your stream you can just hit the shout out button and then you'll see a list of all of the active chatters in your stream and you can just find the name of the person that you want to shout out press the button and then it shouts them out but one of my favorite ones is the host or the raid button so when you're done streaming you don't want to go into your browser and then type in to see who's streaming and then type in the command to host or raid them with this you just hit a button and then it will show you a list of all of the people that you're following that are currently streaming and then all you have to do is click on that person's name and then it will automatically host them they have even more actions but if you want to play around with yourself just go into more actions in your stream deck software search for twitch tools and then install that and then have a look at all of the list of actions that they have available okay so the final tip i have is probably one of my favorites i'm just gonna call it studio automation and i think this one is best demonstrated instead of explaining so check this out i got one button here and if i press it oh my god all the lights oh my god the lights are turning off except i gotta keep recording a video so i push it again all the lights come back on a bit of a delay there we go you might know that if you buy something like elgato key lights you can turn them on and off using your stream deck i actually have one of the elgato key lights on my left here but what if you don't have elgato lights what if you just have dumb lights like i have five lights for my setup and four of them are not elgato products or what if you want to turn on something that isn't even a light like check this out you see this electric fan here i can actually turn this fan on using my stream deck if i just hit this button then the fan turns on i'm obviously not going to keep it on because it's turn off turn off yeah i can i can control it with my stream deck let me get this out of here so the point is the point is i can basically use a stream deck to control basically anything that i want it doesn't have to be an elgato light and the way i did that is by buying a bunch of these cheap little smart plugs which are wi-fi controlled and these integrate with a website called if this then that and basically if this then that is a website that a lot of people who are into home automation use basically you're able to set up a bunch of commands so like if such and such happens then turn on my lights the cool thing is there's a plug-in for the stream deck called ifttt so if you just go into more actions and search for ifttt you'll find the plug-in i'm not going to give you a step-by-step for this plug-in because that could be a whole video on its own but i will link you to coalition gaming's video he did a really great video showing you how to set up ifttt and then how to integrate that with the stream deck so check that out also if you guys are looking to get a bunch of these smart plugs to turn any device in your studio into a smart device i'll leave a link in the description box down below to a bunch of different smart plugs i just won't be recommending these ones specifically because i didn't actually know when i bought them at the time but i do have to pay 10 a year to make these work with a stream deck which i didn't know when i bought them so make sure when you're buying some smart plugs make sure to do your research so you don't have to pay 10 a year like i did so that's it five different things that that's ten five different things that you can do with your stream deck guys let me know did you learn anything did you i'm serious answer me also if you want to share your tips make sure to join the discord we have over 7 000 members at the moment and i'm pretty sure most of them are real people also if you want to catch me in my twitch streams i do stream four nights a week monday tuesday thursday and friday thank you guys for [Music] watching you
Channel: nutty
Views: 184,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4hOzXidbMLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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