OBS Studio: Ultimate Microphone Guide (OBS Studio Tutorial for Mics, Filters and Audio Settings)

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hey what's up everybody AWOL here welcome back to my studio speaking of studio this is another OBS studio tutorial this is my ultimate microphone guide and in this one I'm gonna teach you how to sound as good as I sound with no editing just straight up with your OBS recordings how to add a microphone so that you can stream or record with vocals and I'm gonna teach you all of the filters and settings and effects I use that come with OBS to make you sound as good as possible out the box you ready let's get into the tutorial because there's some tips here I bet you didn't even know about so just follow along with me by creating a new profile and a new scene collection and just start from scratch because your current profile in your current scenes collection may have some incorrect settings so we're gonna fix that profile new scene collection new great once you're done there go to file go over to settings and we actually need to change your core settings for OBS within the audio tab so go right here to the audio tab and we're gonna set what is the most compatible settings for OBS by choosing a 44 point one kilohertz sample rate that is the most compatible sample rate I recommend starting there do stereo for your channels and here's a key point disable every single device in OBS right here disable all of them you don't want OBS to automatically add any of your devices we're going to manually add your device today and that's going to make it so that you sound as good as possible and that you are in control of every device that is coming into OBS ok hit apply and then okay at the bottom and we'll go back to our main panel here to add your microphone you're gonna go under the sources section click the plus button down here and we are going to manually add it plus button and you're going to add an audio input capture name it whatever your mic is called I'm just gonna call mine mic you call it whatever yours is called and hit OK you'll then have a list of devices that you can choose from mine is the road caster bro select it hit okay you should see your device pop up here within the audio mixer and you should start to see levels here within the audio mixer this will give you a good idea of how your volume levels are looking within this box and whether you need to make some significant adjustments out the gate to your volume and what have you where you want to be in terms of your volume from maximum effectiveness is that negative 3 DBS which is right about here zero is here at the end of this bar negative 3 basically three notches from the end of this bar is where you want to be to maximize your audio so that you sound broadcasting standard here's how you do that click the COG right here next to your mic and then go to filters there are a few key filters that you need to know about in OBS so that you can sound amazing every time this works for most mics this is going to make your mic sound better you're gonna click that plus button down there in the bottom left and the first filter you're going to add is going to be either noise gate or noise suppression so what you're gonna do is you're gonna add noise gate if you are in a very very loud environment where there's loud sounds happening constantly behind you a noise gate will allow you to eliminate those sounds by adjusting your closed threshold and your open threshold basically dropping this downer up depending on how loud the background noise is it will eliminate background noise and only let your audio punch through when you are talking okay so that's what noise gate does I don't recommend noise gate unless you are in a very loud environment if you're in a somewhat noisy environment with some background noise noise suppression is going to be the better filter for you noise suppression works for almost everyone add noise suppression leave it at the default settings and listen to the way it makes your audio sound okay the next filter you're going to want to add is going to be the compressor the compressor is amazing it will just make your audio sound more even in more smooth leave it at the default settings and it will just make your audio sound better you're listening to me on a default compressor right now at OBS here I'll even my audio is it doesn't rollercoaster it doesn't go up and down is just even even-steven that's what compressors do they help fill it out and make it nice and tight in terms of your volume levels in your levels okay the next thing you're gonna want to do when you're taking a look at those bars remember I told you to keep an eye on your bars down here if you're not quite getting up to that negative 3 dB mark that's okay you don't want to crank your volume up on your mic or on your mixer to get up there let's go ahead and digitally increase that gain using the software so we don't get lots of line noise and background noise so what we're gonna do is click the plus button and we're gonna manually add gain and what we're gonna do is take a look at how many DB short we are from hitting negative 3 DBS down here so when I talk I see that I'm about 3 DB short so I'm gonna go increase my gain by 3 DB by clicking the OP button here or manually typing it in great now as you can see oops see how I peaked right there that was bad I don't want a peak so I want to drop my audio down I peaked a little bit let's drop it down to maybe 2 DBS and see how I do make sure I don't peak check 1 2 3 check check check check check there we go now I have maximum loudness without peaking in the fourth filter you're going to um want to add is called a limiter and a limiter is going to keep you from peaking and having that crackling audio sound that destroys your listeners ears while they're listening to you and you want to put the threshold on that limiter at negative 3 dB here we go negative 3 dB alright so let's review these filters and what they're doing for you noise suppression is eliminating all the background noise and things you don't want behind your audio compressor is making you sound nice and even and smooth gain is getting your volume level up to as loud as it should be without breaking the ears of your listeners and limiter is preventing you from peaking and just having that crippling sound of your audio being way too loud with these 4 filters on you can make almost every mic sound significantly better using the default settings or the settings I told you to use today in OBS it is that simple my friends that is precisely how you do it let me know if you have any questions in the comments below it's really that simple guys do that do a recording listen to yourself go back adjust the settings listen to yourself and repeat this process about three to five times until you're very satisfied with the sound you get no BS and you'll be blown away when you turn those filters off and you listen to it versus turning those filters on it's like night and day hope you enjoy to give this video a like if you and if you really got some value out of it and share it with a friend who sounds like crap and their audio recordings I'm here to help you out with as many tutorials about OBS as I can possibly produce see you in the next one amigos and happy streaming and recording
Channel: Awall Digital
Views: 612,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs studio, obs tutorial, obs studio tutorial, obs studio mic settings, obs audio filters, obs microphone, obs audio settings, obs filters, obs studio guide, obs audio, obs compressor, how to, obs studio microphone, obs studio noise gate, obs studio noise removal, obs studio noise suppression, obs advanced mic settings, obs advanced mic setup, obs audio tutorial, obs mic filters, obs microphone settings, obs noise removal, awall, awall digital, andrew wall
Id: gNUwAwrNiV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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