Why Nobody Is Buying Graphics Cards Anymore

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it seems like now that the dust has settled with the GPU market and also the PC Hardware Market as a whole people just don't seem to care much about it anymore as they did a few months ago everyone at this point has moved on whether it's now finally just being focused on the games you want to play and or riding it out with your current Hardware let's discuss that in this video hey if you enjoy content like this drop a like make sure to subscribe and smash that Bell so you never missed another video [Music] hey what is going on guys daddy here welcome back to the channel and I hope you've all been doing well this is just going to be a random rambling video I was bored and thought I'd just upload my thoughts to you guys so if you are thinking that this video was going to have any info pertaining to new hardware leaks or big rumors hey not really but if you just want to listen to a fellow PC Gamer In hardware enthusiasts talk about Hardware in general then you'll probably find this video intriguing at the very least it's been a while since my last upload I've just been busy with other things going on in my life and also been busy testing Hardware I've got big Benchmark videos coming up in the near future which I think you guys will enjoy so be on the lookout for that I think we've just come to a point now with the PC Hardware Market where I'd say we've reached the quiet period there's nothing exciting that's been released recently or nothing exciting that's coming out in the near future these are circumstances I'm sure everyone saw coming based on the disappointment that was expressed with the recent Hardware such as nvidia's RTX 40 series and amd's rx7000 series really the only piece of Hardware that was genuinely interesting to look at was the RTX 4090 because it's the fastest GPU in the market and also because it was the only piece of Hardware that brought any sort of meaningful performance advancement to the table the rest of the hardware I'm afraid just wasn't that impressive and even if it didn't have performance going for it people were just hoping it would be priced sensibly and that wasn't the case either you can take a look at the last video I did and I discussed how it's only been a few months since the release of the 4090 and that GPU is climbing the steam Hardware surveys charts it's either you buy the RTX 4090 or you should just stick with last gen search the used Market or stick with your current Hardware the market itself hasn't really changed much either it's been terrible 4080s haven't been selling 4070 TI's also haven't really been selling either the same goes for AMD the 7900 XT just looks like an absolute joke when compared to the 6950 XT a last gen card and the 7900 XTX well the only reason why it's selling is because AMD doesn't really have that much supply for that GPU to begin with to fulfill what little demand there is so it always seems like it's sold out because it's selling like hotcakes but that's actually not what's really happening it's just that there isn't that much stock to go around while browsing around on YouTube my feed and the recommended feed is generally filled with similar videos to what I make I've seen some other Tech tubers say that because the cards haven't been selling well and that inventory is moving so slowly that perhaps will get a price drop soon I personally don't think that's going to happen AMD Nvidia and Intel all predicted this would actually happen orders for these chips have taken a nosedive sales for PC hardware and consumer electronics is at an all-time low simply because people have already gotten what they've needed and they don't have the urge to upgrade the demand that we had seen during the pandemic and with everyone locked down just isn't there it's a fraction of what it was since we're on that topic I just think it's a damn shame that whatever happened in the last two to three years happened because if you recall when the 30 series came out it seemed like we were going to get back on track to getting good graphics cards which would deliver the user great value for their money both the RTX 3080 and 3070 were received very well and some people went as far as to say they felt like this was going to be a repeat of Pascal obviously there was an RTX 3090 which was grossly inflated but I mean it was the best GPU out at the time and people didn't really care as much when the options for the masses were great AMD with rdna 2 also had a strong start with their 6800 XT and it really started to seem like we were going to be reaching a competitive market then with the extreme demand leading to shortages following the mining boom and scalpers these companies said well forget our old strategy let's just cut out the middleman and scalp the gpus ourselves going forward had none of that happened I think we'd be having a totally different conversation right now who knows maybe we would have had a cut down 40 90 that would have been called the RTX 4080 and sold for 8.99 or even less than that as a opposed to an ad 103 GPU which is selling for 1200 plus the 4080 could have been called the RTX 4070 TI and sell for 6.99 or even lower than that we would have unquestionably had cheaper prices and perhaps gpus with appropriate specs that would have delivered even better value for the money if you were in the PC tech space during the Maxwell and Pascal era and we're watching content on YouTube the types of content people were making and what was getting a lot of views back then was different because people were genuinely interested in new gpus like if you had made a video that was titled 1200 gaming PC featuring GTX 1070 back in 2016. that video would have generated tons of views because the 1070 was a great card delivered good bang for the buck today you can't even make content like that considering how overly priced the cards are and even if you did make a build showcasing it people just don't care it's not going to get that much views I've talked to a few other Tech tubers in the space some who actually rely on YouTube for living and they're in a bit of a panic because views have just taken a nosedive the content isn't getting the same sort of traction as it was before the interest just isn't there consumers have tuned out they're burnt out and have finally decided it's just time to move on to other things I don't reply to all the comments I get on my videos but I'm certainly reading them as I get notifications on my phone a common recurring comment that I keep seeing is people saying how they've just tuned out from the PCM Hardware Market scene and have settled for a console at this point I don't blame them the consoles haven't gotten nearly as expensive as PC Hardware has you've got things like Game Pass you can plug a keyboard and mouse into them along with that depending on the game and title they'll support 4K or 120 hertz at the end of the day people just want to play their games man if you're able to offer them a stable gaming experience at an affordable price point then that is what will attract the most buyers if not consoles I've seen people stating their current GPU is still going strong for their needs and they're comfortable holding out that's the key you really have to evaluate what your needs are there are three main things you need to take into account when looking at Hardware resolution refresh rate and your library of games if you're gaming at 1080P 144hz and all you do is play Esports titles like cod Apex OverWatch CS go then all you need is a 5600 or 13100 an RX 6600 and you're good to go you really don't need much more than that for 1440p 144 Hertz a 6800 XT is more than enough but if you told me that you play the latest and greatest titles you like Ray tracing you play on a 4K OLED TV at 120 hertz then the 4090 is justifiable again it really just comes down to your needs for my personal rig I'm still using a 2080 and that was a card I got from an RMA for my 1080 TI a card that I bought near launch in 2017. so technically I haven't even upgraded my personal rigs GPU since nearly five years ago for my 4K OLED yeah I'm always tempted on putting my 4090 in there but my 3080 has still been doing a decent job up there too this is why I didn't even bother to cover recent rumors surrounding the 4070 and 4060 they're just not impressive they're not as cheap as what they should be and nobody really cares at this point and videos in amd's messaging has been heard loud and clear they seem to be content with moving a lower volume of high margin Parts rather than move a large volume of low margin Parts in this market this is why I said I don't think there's going to be any price drops in the near future maybe from the retailer side we'll see some discounts and if anyone is going to drop prizes first it'll probably be AMD as mentioned earlier intros for PC Hardware has taken a nosedive so they probably foresaw that and came to the decision where they'll just Target the demographic that's always going to continue buying new hardware and that is the ultra high-end Enthusiast Market the guys who buy the latest and greatest every generation everyone else is probably going to stick with their previous gen stuff so why not make it even more Apparent at this point just stop beating around the bush it's a shame because right now if you look over on this CPU Market things are quite exciting and competitive there is a lot of great options to choose depending on what your needs and budget are however the CPU Market isn't what Garners the most hype because it's the component people typically choose to ride out for several years before they consider upgrading the GPU has a shorter life cycle people upgrade their GPU before they swap to a different CPU but now I can definitely see that changing as well people are probably just going to ride out their whole entire system for several years before they think about okay now it's just time to get a whole another PC depending on if my needs have changed if I've gotten a better monitor or I'm targeting a higher refresh rate before people were skipping a generation then upgrading but now I can see people keeping their gpus for five or six plus years before they think about upgrading it would still be interesting to see just how Nvidia spins the release of the RTX 4070 and the rest of the lower end 40 series gpus and what a lot of mainstream reviewers talk about I personally don't think there's really any way of justifying it the only reason why these cards will sell is because they may not have a lot of stock left for previous gen stuff and for the new buyers that don't trust the used Market they'll be the only ones left actually buying the hardware because at the end of the day you won't have any other choice in the matter if you guys found this video to be informative and entertaining then leave a like let me know your thoughts and comments down below be sure to check out the video description for cool links and ways to support the channel such as using my Amazon affiliate link and if you're interested in seeing more content like this then consider subscribing I greatly appreciate it thank you guys so much for watching take care and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: DannyzReviews
Views: 373,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RX 7900XTX vs RTX 4080, rx 7900 XT, RX 7800 XT, RX 7700XT, rtx 30 series, gpus are becoming expensive, gpu prices going up, gpu pricing and availability update, amd, new graphics card, rx 7000, rx 7900 xt, rx 7900 xtx, nvidia, ampere, rtx 4090, rtx 4080, rtx 4070, rx 4060, rtx 3090 ti, rtx 3090, rx 6900xt, rx 6950xt, 4070ti, rtx 4070 ti is expensive, doa, gpu market update, 4060ti, 4060 ti, rtx 4090 succesful, steam hardware survey, RTX 4090 sold out, people buying GPUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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