$6600 Nightmare Prebuilt Gaming PC - Corsair & Origin Genesis Review

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those fan curves are dreadful

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sorbic-acid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

6600 dollars for a custom loop pc with a 3080 and 5800x3d sheesh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 145 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nlegan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's funny that Steve didn't even figure out the biggest problem with this system. If you are watercooling, you should not use CPU temp to drive the fan curves especially in a system where both CPU and GPU are being water-cooled. If you are running a primarily GPU workload, it is entirely possible to heat the fluid with the GPU past the point where the PTEG tubing starts to soften while your CPU temps remain fairly low and so your fans don't spin (not an issue if your fans ramp up to 100% at 45C but it would be if the end user configured a more sane fan curve). This can result in your tubing working itself free and spraying coolant everywhere.

Incidentally, the fan curve makes a lot more sense for a system where the fans are driven off of the water temperature instead of the CPU temperature.

This is the worst problem because it can't be solved with software. The end user would have to install a temperature probe to fix this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sylanthra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

IMO the most outrageous part for me was how Corsair didn't even install a commercial copy of HWInfo. The botched hardware and fan curves can be worst-case, discounted as poor training and testing (not limited to Origin PC in particular).

The lack of procuring a commercial copy of HWInfo suggests a more company culture issue where management does not or did not approve of paying for a software subscription for smaller developers. Origin and its parent company, Corsair is a publicly traded US company. They are not iBuyPower, CyberPower, or even NZXT where none of these are the size of a publicly traded company on the US stock exchange. Imagine if HP or Dell or Microsoft had software installed on a pre-built that was not a commercial copy? There would be a bigger outrage.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/imaginary_num6er πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Steve at his bestest, losing his mind on a prebuilt! When there is nothing else hot at the moment, a prebuilt filler video is guaranteed success as everybody enjoys shitting on prebuilts. Alternate with GPU pricing videos for good measure.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bobbie434343 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Corsair is shit , everyone’s starting to come to the conclusion that these other company’s they do business with are shit as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/C_Taylor76 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

TLDW: there were 3 technical issues:

  • CPU was not boosting properly due to obsolete BIOS. Fixed after BIOS flash.
  • Fan curves were way too aggressive, producing a lot of noise. Fix: set up sensible fan curves.
  • Custom paint job was lousily done and paint was peeling off on the edges of front panel. Fix: do not order pink computers :D

Judging from these issues alone, I wouldn't call it "nightmare". But there are other major issues with the build:

  • It's waaaay overpriced for components used.
  • Cooling solution is total overkill for components used (which probably contribute much to the price issue).
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zarazek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now everyone has their own opinions but if I was a buyer of this for $7000! This thing better work PERFECTLY out of the box. No excuses. This thing is only a 3080 too, not 4090. Its pathetic. Origin is supposed to be the best, you pay a lot for PERFECTION. Big fail. GN being harsh is deserved. They owe you a refund on the paint job at the very least.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Y0LOME0W πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do people still use fan controllers? There were, what, 5 fan headers on that board? Just use splitters, so much simpler to cable manage and control.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LeftysRule22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] we paid sixty six hundred dollars for this origin pre-built gaming PC Origins owned by Corsair we bought this ourselves because we thought probably this is the one where they can't possibly have screwed anything up and we want to review a pre-built that's done everything right we were very wrong the the GN curse continues this has many problems with it and they are all the more offensive because of the price of it so in spite of all of this being as expensive as high-end as it is as as premium and hand built as it is from origin by Corsair if we open up Hardware info which I want to make very clear we own a commercial license for Hardware info we paid for it we have an engineering license this is from origin they're the ones who installed the non-commercial one so I am showing it for review and editorial purposes uh but I do have a license it's origin that Hardware info needs to go talk to not me in other words anyway if we open this up the CPU clock speed originally which is shown in all of these breakouts originally it was locked to 3 500 megahertz actually you can hear the other problem right now I'll stand a little closer to it uh all I did was open up an application that shows sensors it's already getting very loud so um there's a lot of problems with this the frequency being one gigahertz below where it's supposed to be is a massive up and then the noise is another massive problem let's get started with this disappointing thing this video is brought to you by us and store.gamersaccess.net because we bought this 6600 computer for our pain and your entertainment for the next three days we're donating 10 of our store Revenue to technology education programs at the Kramden Institute local to us we just had a huge restock of our 3D debug coaster packs for your drinks one of our highest selling items ever and we have them in stock and shipping now we're also running low on our blue and black wireframe mouse mats and it'll be a few months before the next restock so if you want one grab it now while 10 will benefit cranston's E-Waste Recycling and Tech education programs and while it'll ship immediately the match feature wireframe versions of PC components a custom blue rubber Underside a high quality blue stitched border and a wide mousing and keyboard surface visit store.gamersaccess.net to support our purchases of pre-builts like this one even when they're train wrecks they've configured it to wrap the fans to to 100 speed when the CPU hits 40 degrees celsius which is basically always so it's completely insane this is this is I mean you can hear it and that's what's on the screen it's not running a test it's just showing the options to run a test the next thing we want to show you this paint job was 350 extra and we're going to show you the quality of it for 350 dollars you get something that comes like this and these chips only widen I think Vitality behind the camera as a car guy is feeling pain watching me chip the pain off shaking his head so this is what happens as you continue interacting with it which is unfortunate because the dust filter is behind it so this will get damaged and it's at a point in our hours where you can actually see it with the panel still on the case that's where we're at with this thing uh but there's more so we bought this thing to review but also we wanted to use it as a production machine here because we're thinking well we can get two for one we'll have a high-end computer that's already built and all we do is put it at someone's desk and they can start using it to edit videos what we actually got was like a like a half for one because it's increa it's created an incredible amount of work weird assortment of Parts some of these were forced upon us when we were choosing the other parts so their configurator has some specific uh triggers that cause you to choose one part versus another one of those is water cooling forces 12 ml120 fans so you have one here there's three more here that's four and we're up to eight and then we're up to 12 with that and it's it's insane it's totally unnecessary but it's fine if they run them on a competently designed fan curve which they don't uh and also there was no option for RGB you could only do the 12 ml 120 base model fans so as for being a little bit of a weird assortment of Parts basically it's a b550 motherboard that was the default option we bought it it has a 5800 X 3D CPU under the block here the GPU is a 30 80 10 gigabyte card and it's got 32 gigabytes of RAM through two sticks ddr4 3200 there's a 10 gig Nic and there's a lot of water coin as for why we chose these parts so we bought it last year and when we bought it the parts were the most recent high-end parts so as we look at Value today what we're actually going to be comparing against for pricing is pricing of these discrete components at the time we ordered this system not prices of today so that the goal of that is to see is Corsair and origin are they providing a good value for you looking at the historic Oracle pricing and a time capsule of when this was built if we check prices of comparable Parts back at the time we bought this thing which was May of 2022 the cost to DIY the system would have been about 3 900 Origins was six thousand dollars with an extra 600 bump for taxes and miscellaneous fees so mark up here assuming origin pays retail which it doesn't because Corsair owns it so it gets all these parts closer to cost but assuming that it does to be charitable that's a markup of about 2 125 U.S ignoring tax or about 35 margin it's not an insane margin as a percentage but it is insane as an absolute value especially considering they're likely closer to 50 percent than they are 35 percent once factoring in volume pricing and cost for Corsair Parts but value is not necessarily what you go for if you buy a six thousand dollar computer probably the customer for this is buying it because they're thinking I'm hosting here they're buying it because this is really distracting but this is one of the problems so for someone who's buying not because of value but because they just want something that works out of the box this will not serve that purpose and at six thousand dollars it doesn't serve the other purpose either which is the customer base who says I'm willing to deal with some uh but it needs to be cheap so it doesn't meet either requirement and that's a problem now in addition to all this we have a separate in-depth tear down video coming up for this insanely complex system we've never done a tear down of a pre-built hard-lined machine before so it's a lot of fun it actually highlights the more competent aspects of what origin did as well which is a crazy meticulous Cable Management I mean that was the best part of the Machine by far so we're going to explore that in a separate one but here we're focused on the quality and the review let's start with the obvious technical problems number one number two the 5800 X 3D was running below the Boost frequency out of the box and it was in a massive way we have some benchmarks for that they basically shipped on BIOS version 1.04 and 1.70 resolves this issue there are also some other ones in between that resolved it but that was the biggest problem that they had now before we revealed this issue with the MSI Meg b550 UniFi and its bios to Corsair we asked corsair's representative who represents origin as well the following question our email said does origin PC have an sop or a process for testing its PCS upon completion of the build can you please detail that process and what parameters are inspected Corsair replied without knowing what we were doing yet with this statement quote origin has a thorough process for testing all new builds first an in-house software check is performed versus the customer order to ensure all the correct Parts have been installed we then install an OS and run a a stress test an initial Benchmark based on occt this involves both a single and multi-core processor test as well as individual memory graphics card and a system power test which will run different components at different workloads at 100 percent this is to ensure power and cooling systems are working correctly once complete we save a record of the test for each individual system origin builds the whole stress test and Benchmark process takes four to five hours and is largely automated from there the system goes for final QA to ensure the system passed all tests and performed as expected as well as a final part and cosmetic check so all of this is really bad that is probably the worst possible reply they could send because it would have actually been better if Corsair replied to us and said we assemble it and then we just hope it turns on and works when the customer gets it because what they're telling us here is they are actually trying kind of hard to find problems and they're still not finding them they talk about looking for cosmetic problems this has cosmetic problems with the paint especially they talk about looking for performance issues and this had at least one massive objective problem with the frequency and then subjective problems with the noise so their processes don't work that's the problem and that's what's really concerning because you can fix these issues if you know what you're doing if you're an end user who gets this and you know how to work a computer they're resolvable but you can't fix coarseared Origins Sops only they can do that anyway here's the performance cost of all of that oversight after discovering the clock bug our performance testing focused on comparing the original BIOS with the newest available public bios or version 1.70 to see what the difference is four hour 1.70 tasks we made the same changes that origen made to the original bios settings so we loaded defaults we applied the primary X and P which is what they did and we set these six motherboard controlled case fans to Smart pwm Control we also confirmed that msi's combo strike was still disabled by default in version 1.70 starting with a quick 7-Zip test we can already see the clock speeds definitely affect performance the BIOS Origins shipped to averaged 74 170 myths in seven zip compression or millions of instructions per second and 90 383 in decompression so for an update we saw 24 and 28 uplift in the two tests respectively when all we did was flash bios to a new version and make sure the CPU was operating at the right frequency our CPU bench can't be used as an exact comparison since it uses different Hardware better memory better GPU less extreme cooling but the numbers do confirm that flash in the Bios has put our CPU in the range of normal performance from our benchmarks moving to the GM logo render test with blender rendering using Cycles renderer the BIOS update reduced render Time by 22 percent versus the original score of 22 minutes the new 17-minute render time is again within a reasonable range of the reference results from our CPU bench part of our original plan for this system was to use it as an editing station after the review so bad render performance and applications like blender would have caused us some very real problems up next is chromium code compile the total build time for chromium was reduced from 118 minutes to 95 minutes just by updating the BIOS to version 1.7 that's a 20 Improvement any performance statue on the Origins part at all would have uncovered this bug even something as basic as just running cinebench and checking against literally amd's own reference numbers they didn't even have to run it properly they could have just looked up the announcement they reference numbers for sentiment and they would have had the Baseline for our final quick task we ran Times by extremes at CB Benchmark which is sort of a CPU gaming stand-in this isn't part of our normal Suite but it's extremely reliable the uplift here was 27 with the new bios averaging 5449 points the original bios had extremely consistent results for obvious reasons with all test passes scoring within a two-point range next we're going to look at Fan ramp and the fan Behavior like noise choosing corsair's Hydrox open cool in requires also selecting the origin PC maximum fan kit which includes 12 Corsair ml120s and not the RGB kind at the time we ordered RGB ones weren't allowed only these 12 were the MSI b550 unified doesn't have anywhere near that many fan connectors so a half or controlled via the cases Fan Hub connected to one header while the other half and the pump actually are controlled via the commander core XT both of these the case and the core XT are Corsair products and there's not a clean division between the two either the front panel fans are split between the two controllers so that's weird but okay the default fan curve on the sysfan header that origen used is completely unremarkable it maxes out at a CPU temperature of 85 degrees Celsius that gets loud with 12 mag Labs but it's appropriate the IQ fan curve on the other hand is completely bizarre and makes no sense each of the fans and the pump have the quiet preset applied which according to corsair's curve added there Max is out just over 40 degrees celsius that's right we're going to blast the fans at 100 speed as soon as the CPU hits a temperature it will probably hit simply existing that's exactly what we would expect the quiet preset would do thanks Corsair we haven't plotted the IQ controlled fan speeds in detail because the commander core XT doesn't report anything to Hardware info but the ml120s are rated for a maximum of 2400 RPM let's see if they can hit that speed yep yep they work so I ate all the slower motherboard controlled fans ran at a reasonable 420 RPM which is what origin was on when they configured the curve while the faster IQ set ran at 1330 RPM under load the motherboard group ramps to 1340 RPM while the IQ group reached 2000 RPM approaching Max Speed even with the bugged lower CPU clocks keeping TDI around 40 degrees celsius with the BIOS updated CPU temperatures climbed to a degree that opening a browser window would ramp the IQ fans to Max [Music] [Music] so on to The Thermals with a full GPU and CPU load and an ambient temperature of 22 degrees Celsius the CPU held at a ridiculously low 44 degrees Celsius that's only 15 degrees above vital and it turns out that locking the CPU to base clocks and then blasting all the fans at Max Speed keeps things pretty cool with the 1.7 bios update temperatures held at 71 degrees Celsius that's still great for a 5800x3d Under full load but it damn well better be good when considering all the cooling Hardware pointed at it and the noise it's creating origin has enough thermal Headroom to slow the fans down a bit or they need to reconfigure to something that works smarter not harder here's another chart as a byproduct of all the fans going into overdrive over minor bumps in CPU temperature GPU temperatures were tightly control old the 3080 leveled out at 38 degrees Celsius on bios 1.04 with hot spot temperatures of 54 degrees and memory Junction at 58. the BIOS update to 1.70 had no significant effect on those temperatures and that makes sense because the BIOS update only change the CPU performance and the GPU would only be affected by whatever minor amounts of extra heat end up in the loop so these are impressive results for the GPU but they need to be once again considering the noise and the money and here's the noise even if every fan had been on a normal curve our Genesis would be loud the fans aren't on a normal curve though they're on a special curve measured from our standard 20 inches with a 27 DBA noise floor and using the original bios the system idled at 38.9 DBA applying a combined CPU and GPU workload immediately brought that up to 51 DBA which continued to rise gradually to a steady state 56.5 DBA remember CPU 10 temperatures under this workload only reached the low 40s so this is completely unnecessary for reference most coolers we test can keep a reasonable temperature on the seat view at 40 DBA or less with the same testing methodology too that's over a two times perceived increase to the human ear with Origins cooling adding the next line with the BIOS update CPU performance returns to the proper level but so did temperatures the system idled at the same noise level but with frequent jumps corresponding to any activity whatsoever from background processes under load the system initially behaved similarly with a sharp rise to 52.2 DBA but then continued to rise again up to 58 DBA with constant spikes to 59. these fan speeds and noise levels are ridiculous for the given temperatures it's about the same noise level as when a plane is passing just kidding actually Origins noise level is louder than that but close enough these fan speeds and noise levels they need to be worked on especially when only four of the fans are even attached to the radiator time to get into how shipping was handled since this one's a little unique origin shipped five days ahead of the schedule it gave us which is a nice bonus our origin Genesis was shipped Freight and it arrived in origin what they call wooden crate armor that's part of Origins so-called maximum protection shipping process it's no trouble for us to receive freight from a semi truck at a commercial building but you may need to consider the implications if you're on a tighter residential street we did take issue though with the pages implication that good packaging is an add-on considering this particular add-on is mandatory its Origins responsibility to get the system to us undamaged crate armor or not advertising that the computer you bought from us won't be broken and shipping isn't really good advertising or it shouldn't be except we placed our order shortly after receiving a couple of very expensive and very broken pre-builts so we opted for 450 air shipping as well not included in our earlier price calculations in the hopes that we'd finally get a functional systems review less time in transit means less time to get destroyed the system arrived undamaged it was tightly packed and its wooden crate it had straps securing it to a pallet so there's basically no way it would ever tip over they don't put anything on top of it when it looks like this and so that was good there were inner layers of foam and cardboard and around the case itself there was a tight fabric which may have helped to protect the custom paint job but we'll get to that both side panel hinges were correctly screwed down for shipping so that's a good attention to detail but they may have been over torqued because we noticed that one of the doors is permanently a jar now and it squeaks when opening [Music] inside the system the GPU and Reservoir were supported with some small chunks of foam but there was no sign of the expanding instapack foam listed on our invoice from the crate armor description when we placed our order quote instapack packaging creates a custom mold inside your system to protect your internal components from moving through and ship it this protection is key against your system being dropped or taking any type of shock or impact origen confirmed with us after the fact that foam is intentionally excluded in true I meant to do that fashion from Custom water cooling configurations now we actually agree with this it makes sense so that it doesn't pull the tubes by accident but it wasn't explained anywhere and it was advertised as the opposite origin has since corrected its website following our concerns of poor customer communication other items were neatly packed around the edges we got a k55 keyboard with zoned RGB lighting as a free bonus item there was a t-shirt a 32 gigabyte flash drive and an uncomfortably thick 370 by 260 millimeter mouse pad that's like almost eight millimeters in height or something it's important to note that the flash drive is Just Swag it's not a Windows recovery drive but it could have pen it contained nothing it's a major loss opportunity for origin all the manual xyo Shields and assorted spare parts for retail components were included separately as physical items as well as a complete set of custom sleeved cables additionally for the RM 850x to match the ones in the system so that was a nice touch we were unable to find the one origin out of box experience envelope with velcro hooks or the documentation English thank you letter folded into a sealed envelope origin PC as listed on the invoice origin suggested to us that it would have been contained in a separate box as part of freight but we have confirmed that we did not receive the manuals but we did get the envelope so they almost did it only the invoice was in that though we're assuming one of those would have contained instructions but our system contains no instruction whatsoever no quick start guide no sticker covering the motherboard video ports these are further huge oversights on Origins part because it could have created support requests there was a warning about removing internal packaging but most of the internal packaging was missing anyway so we didn't need that the good news is that the desktop contained a PDF with refill instructions we also had problems with the paint job so going into more detail from earlier we paid the extra 350 dollars to have only the top front and side panels painted pink we chose this because red wasn't an option even though red coolant and red sleeved cables were but pink was closest to Red so we went with it the panels are fully coated including all Fasteners as well as the plastic anti-scuff pads that would have been unpainted on the stock case there's already heavy flaking around the bottom edge of the front panel that's worsened as we remove and replace it and this was true upon first removal as well you'd have to take this panel off to clean the dust filters so this is a particularly a bad problem at this point even touching the paint here causes flaking there's also some white residue over the paint in some of the vent holes on the right side of the case that looks like peeling or improper painting of some kind at the time we ordered black white blue purple pink and yellow were offered but that list has since been cut down to the stock Corsair black and white kale management inside the case is obsessive and that's a compliment it had an incredible amount of zip ties as usual this is completely hidden by cable covers and an opaque steel side panel we actually complained about the cable covers in our 7000d airflow review and we feel a little bit Vindicated here the magnetic door and the Genesis won't shut properly even with the world's most meticulous Cable Management done by the people who make the case and it's already rubbed pink paint off the inside of the side panel the liquid cooling Loop deserves some praise despite the other problems this is a semi-custom build after all but we saw no significant problems with the loop itself origin can to drain all air before shipping which isn't technically possible but they got pretty close there was air in the CPU block and in the reservoir when we unpacked it but of course all the air eventually circulated into the reservoir after running the system finally a software and bloatware there's no bloatware so that's awesome excellent job origin thank you for getting that part right there's no Norton or McAfee and that means that they're not getting kickbacks from the software companies and it means that your OS is pretty clean after booting and going through Windows 11 setup we were greeted by a desktop that contains two PDFs there's some genuinely helpful tools pre-installed as well like cpu-z and Hardware info 64 and those are in the origin PC C drive folder there are also shortcuts to Webroot and TeamViewer but they weren't pre-installed which we appreciate there's the usual Windows 11 bloatware but the only extra on top of that is Corsair IQ all drivers are installed and they were up to date relative to our order date including drivers for the Star Tech 10 gigabit Nic which we only ordered because we wanted to use it as a trap to see if they forgot them but they got it we had no problems with the Samsung OEM m.2 boot Drive the 870 qvo one terabyte SATA SSD is a qlc drive though and performance drops off a cliff after the SLC cache is saturated but in the process of setting up our tests we found it could write 40 gigabytes of a large transfer before the speeds dropped and even then it kept right in at 80 megabytes per second it's a lot better than the budget drives we've seen like the Intel 660p and finally our Genesis included a what they called free IQ RGB lighting with Corsair node Pro the system already included a commander core XT and the lighting on the CPU block the ram the LED strips the GPU block and the reservoir worked well enough to start with but when we launched IQ for the first time which is pre-installed it turned all of the lights off we had to manually re-enable the lighting not a big deal but kind of weird origin also included an NZXT internal USB hub to handle all the extra RGB devices we don't envy the text we have to wire the system but they did an excellent job a lot of this is pretty bad it's made worse by the fact that origen prints the word premium all over the place for this computer which implies a certain level of quality and the implication is that you do nothing when you open the box and plug it in and go and again that's who the customer base is when we review things we look at who are they selling it to do they meet the expectations of that customer If This Were A 437 dollar I buy Power computer your expectation is it probably works and if it does you're pretty happy but they need to do more than this at origin the other thing that's really concerning to us is the more systemic problem because the issues here it's not like it's not like something like the GPU fell out of the slot in shipping that would suck but the test there would be how is the support not did shipping destroy it the things they screwed up though are not shipping damage it's does the CPU run at the advertised frequency and AMD has its own reference numbers that it publishes they could have checked against with cinebench and immediately seen it was problematic and so that they have processes to look for these problems but they did not identify them is bad but they told us they're implementing scripts to help identify these problems like frequency in the future the issue we have with that we have a lot of scripts too and you can build all the programming and scripts you want to do validation and check for errors but ultimately The Operators who are using those scripts have to be trained on what does any of it mean it doesn't matter how much data you collect if the people looking at it don't know what it means and with scripting with software detection of behaviors of computers it changes constantly you have to keep up with updates on it as new Harvard rolls out or you're not going to be checking the right things and so simply saying we have scripts now that's not enough that that doesn't give me any uh any hope or relief that this issue will not occur again what they need to do is say we are deploying scripts also by the way we have a new training program and we're going to have someone sit down with each of the QC tags and explain what all of this stuff is and What needs absolutely to be correct so it's like what skytech had where uh although you could as origin or Corsair say our QC guy screwed us over on this one he signed off on it and shipped it to a customer who happened to BGN realistically the fault Falls at a higher level in origin not on whoever is doing the QC it falls on whoever built the QC processes and failed to train the employees what to look for and this stuff is it's not trivial to be fair but that's sort of the job of the company that sells the six thousand dollar computer is to teach what to look for so we reported all the issues to Origins parent company Corsair and Corsair sent us a lawn statement they said quote hi Steve here at origin PC we pride ourselves on attention to detail and the quality and performance of the systems we produce and are disappointed that the system you ordered didn't live up to the high standards we hold ourselves to at the time the system was built in May 22 we used a wide ranging stability and performance testing process with manual validation but unfortunately this missed the issue with the processor boost frequency while this would have been resolved by a bios flash our customers expect great performance out of the box as do we so for this we also had some problems with the tone because it's almost saying it's not that big of a deal you just flash the BIOS and it works but that's sort of what makes it bad because it's so easy to fix and they still didn't do it they continued quote in late 2022 we switched to a more automated quality control and system performance monitoring system based on occt that would not allow An Origin system to ship exhibiting this same issue today after your raising of this issue we have checked all our testing logs for similarly configured builds built in 2022 and identified a small number of potentially similarly affected customers we've since reached out to those customers to ensure their PCS are performing correctly as well as extending their warranties by an extra year as a courtesy we acknowledge the issues you've highlighted with the system's custom paint and appreciate that as a premium option it should have been completed to a higher standard we pride ourselves on our 24 7 customer support and have assisted customers in the past with similar concerns to a satisfactory result for all parties due to the variability inherent in paint customization and the high standard of finish our customers expect origin PC discontinued custom paint options since June 2022. this is one of the better responses because that's before we contacted them about problems so it says that they are able to identify issues on their own and independently resolve them without massive external pressure so that's good they next wrote a line about their shipping processes and why it didn't contain the instapack foam we agreed with all of their commentary there and we're happy with the resolution on that one but we talked about that part earlier now next I said regarding your experience with fan noise while this would again be something we would have corrected via customer support we appreciate that out of the box experience is key and I've since I optimized IQ profiles on shipping systems to raise the temperatures at which fans speed up and thus reducing fan noise and that's sort of the line where we had more problems with it because they're basically saying we have 24 7 customer support all you had to do was call them but that's not the answer the answer isn't well we should be able to build it incompetently and then if a customer notices that it sucks uh they can call us and we'll fix it then the answer is we will not screw it up in the first place and the biggest issue as we pointed out with the one gigahertz frequency drop is it still performs pretty well and depending on how Savvy you are on the average pre-built buyer probably at this price class has enough knowledge to know what type of part they're getting high on low end but maybe not enough to know the 5800x3d is missing 24 performance in this Benchmark because if it's significantly better than what they had that's all they're going to look for so uh the concern once again is that this is very easy to overlook even if you're fairly experienced in computers if you're not going back over all the work they did what you shouldn't have to do so for the last line it continues and they say we appreciate your experience with this origin PC has been less than Optimum and the system ships with several issues we would like to highlight that all of the issues you found could and would have been resolved by our 24 7 customer service and tech support teams again that we don't like that answer with thousands of customers every year things can't always go right but we pride ourselves on offering a high standard of support to resolve issues when they do occur to close we want to thank you for taking the time to look at An Origin PC while we have already made many improvements to our processes and systems we assure you that your feedback and findings will very much be taken on board for future system some builds we look forward to working with you again in the future and that's really where it ends for that one so uh the correct answer probably is just well we that up sorry uh and then here's a here's a list of these bullet points of what we've done to our sop to improve we've reached out to customers affected we're fixing it um because that's what I would do in that situation I think if you're there's really not much you can argue when you have a customer who spent this much money and it should be perfect ideally if it's a 400 computer also but uh it's just sort of the expectation that you set where a small like system fan noise on a 400 computer most people probably are going to go I mean I was on a budget I don't know maybe this is just how it is and that's the end of it but when you're buying full custom Loop water Hardline tubing and everything uh with this many fans and radiators just the expectations not met and the performance wasn't good they failed to check basic things like processor frequency so we were a little concerned about origin in general being able to confidently ship a system because although yes his origin says you're going to have errors with products it's really just how do you deal with it and hopefully they're dealing with it right but we're really going to have to check in again later is where this one goes so we'll buy another computer undercover at some point in the future it'll be somewhat distant that way they don't know when to look for it and I will revisit it and see if they do better but the fact that this landed on us though says that it wasn't just our computer like this isn't mistakes happen this is this entire line was was problematic which is why they found other customers with that processor problem it's not just an error it's the wrong bios so that's it for this one thanks for watching if you want to help us be able to actually do stuff like this go to store.gamersaccess.net and grab some of our t-shirts our mod mats for PC Building tool kits coaster packs for a really nice set of PC themed coasters or something else and it'll go towards purchasing more more pre-builts of different prices hopefully that don't all suck thanks for watching we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 780,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, prebuilt gaming pc reviews, prebuilt gaming pcs, best prebuilt pcs, origin prebuilt pc review, origin pc review, corsair prebuilt pc review, corsair origin pc review, origin genesis review, water cooled computer worth it, water cooled computer review
Id: bflZYG5DWPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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