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[Music] [Music] [Music] I love [Music] Oh I love Dupre's [Music] [Music] [Music] ooh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning apartment temple good morning empowerment temple amen it's good to be in the Advent season I'm glad to see everybody this morning let us pray dear Heavenly Father we come before you this morning first saying thank you thank you God for your traveling mercies that brought us to your house dear God thank you God for covering us last night as we slept dear God we thank you God for covering us all week long dear God as we went to and for their God we praise you Father because of the dis week your God we expecting even more blessings do we praise your father for the things that you already have sent before us we thank you God for blessing us to even just wake up this morning with a strength in our bodies with the health that we have that's keeping us alive also father we pray father for those that are on their way there God we pray father that you bless them father with traveling mercies to God that they make it dear God to the house of worship this morning wherever they are there God we pray father that once we receive everything that you've given us dear God that we make it back home safely there God and all week long God we pray father for your traveling mercies to cover us to God as we go to wood for their God father we pray father for the word that's coming this morning dear guy all day long dear God we pray father that your word your God covers us dear God answer every question that's in us dear God fix everything that is wrong with us do guys give us instructions dear God where we can be lead lair and guided to where you want us to go to our destinies dear God we also praise your father for the for the service that we're about to receive we praise your father footed choir that's sung in before us we praise your father for the ministry that is gone before us dear God we praise your father for the church that is open today no matter what your God we're gonna praise your name today their God in the name of Jesus we come their God thanking you amen well while you remain standing if you know that where two or three are gathered Jesus is in our midst can you just lift up your hands and shout Jesus if you know that he is already here that he is in our midst and we come to sing to him and to honor him this song is real simple it goes like this come on let's sing it together say Jesus Jesus Jesus what a wonder you I hear your singing it [Music] oh Jesus Jesus Jesus what a wonder you oh what a wonder let's sing that together everybody say Jesus Jesus cheese what a wonder you Jesus Jesus Jesus were the 1/3 of wine your christ that we are for the sacrifice ily [Music] let's stay right there one more time lift it up bully jeez awesome name when you mention the name The Devil's of demons for the one every knee will bow and every tongue will come on that he's Lord come on lift up your voice today gee what what what I wanted beautiful Rose Sharon said what it was never a one come on you're beautiful perfect on my way one one more time what I would wanna what a wonder what I want what a word that my come on [Applause] you what am I [Music] what turn jeez Oh ah oh geez whether one head what a fine bless you Jesus we honor your name we give you thanks we give you glory we honor you Jesus speak in your praise Lord hallelujah there's none like you and all fear you created all things for your pleasure they are and were created which declare holy holy holy Lord God Almighty the one which was it is it is to come we say [Music] Oh [Music] whoa [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus called the sing it together Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus that's it completely mine Jesus Jesus Jesus oh Jesus Jesus Jesus oh Jesus Jesus come on can you say Savior Savior said you see that's a you say [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm on this call is named Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus come on one more time Savior Savior say you say Savior say you say [Music] save you save you say would you are you yet standing would you just embrace three people around you and tell them good things are coming to you good things Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus team Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus now that you've embraced him would you do me a favor please because of inclement weather and invisible ice that does not exist and snow that is in nobody's driveway Saints are a little bit slow in coming in can I dare entreat you please would you gather your things come a little bit closer I know that you were saving seats for them but they'll be here by 9:30 come on please I just want to see the whites of your eyes those y'all that are all the way in the back Rosa Parks made a sacrifice for you would you please get your stuff and come on up hallelujah come on come on come on you don't sit that far back in the movie theater come on let your pastor see you're right where it is that you are I am so grateful so glad to have all of you in worship with us on today and I believe you may be seated that God's gonna do some amazing things for all of us would you clap your hands just for your new neighbors amen for the new people who are sitting near you on this morning we feared over 1,000 people over Thanksgiving and come on give God God is worthy of praise for that and we made such an incredible impact in the Penn North community that they now want to begin worshiping with us going into the new year are they asked of us and you probably didn't even realize the scope of the magnitude of its significance until this weekend when that weather began to drop from 60 to 50 to 40 to 30 degrees and to imagine as bundled up you were a caterpillar in a cocoon last night but to imagine that there are throngs of our people who just don't have the bare essentials like socks that we cannot afford to take for granted we've charged all of us over this holiday season that we would bring 1,000 pair of socks so that we would in fact be a blessing that's easy for all of us to do all of us to be able to partner in I was met in my office this morning with boxes of socks from viewers and Watchers and worshipers are online and via television who said pastor I want to be a part of it I and I was so excited I said if they aren't doing this around the country I've been sure they right here residentially how we're able to step up and do what is called of us to do those of you that happen to have brought socks on this morning I see somebody bought a whole case of it thank you so very much if you brought socks this morning but you bring them to the altar even now we already have a box for you to place them and clap your hands for those that are coming come on come on just throw it right there in the box a little come on keep clapping form keep clapping for me thank you so very much thank you so very much who brought this whole crew crew socks box it came yesterday thank you so very much I mean that's a whole lot of for whoever you are thank you so very much for dropping that on yesterday it isn't it almost amazing that the year is coming to an end it's coming to an end and you all know that Christmas Eve we're gonna have all three of our worship services and then Christmas morning I want to see you on Christmas Day at 10 a.m. on New Year's Eve we're only having one service for the very first time in almost now 14 years it'll be our first time having just one service on New Year's Eve night and that will be at 10:00 at p.m. our Sunday morning services will go as scheduled 7:30 9:30 and 11:30 I'm looking to see all of you in our house of worship Eugene I want you to take one moment and talk about our Christmas production and knowing that we only have two weeks left we've got a few spaces available for your children and your grandchildren this Saturday and the next Saturday the 23rd we reversed from 1:30 to the three o'clock get them in here we'll get them out we promise you we'll start all the time and get out on time we're excited about it ages 5 and up ages 5 and up singing mine dancing if your children are interested in any of the area of Fine Arts we will be here to receive them thank you so much amen come on give God a hand clap of praise five fine arts ministry our vendors are going to be with us all day we hope by the time you get out of service they should be set up but we want you to please please please support our minority vendors over this holiday season I don't give all of your money to Macy's in the target in the Walmart and you not circulate black dollars so for our minority vendors that are gonna meet you in the hallway ask that you please please please support them as much as you can and would you do your pastor a favor please don't ask them for a hookup amen I want you to be a blessing to them I'll push their business just like you'd want somebody to push yours our music ministry is going to prepare us for the Word of God I ask that you will please give your rapt attention to them after they would have concluded I need you in the Gospel of Matthew it is hard to believe that we are coming to the close of our series on the Jewish phenomenon a Tuesday is going to be amazing I have members of the Jewish Council are going to be here on Tuesday night it's our last Bible study for the year and they're gatekeepers of the Jewish community are coming to Bible study on Tuesday to talk about Jewish wealth and black poverty Jewish wealth and black poverty out what other tools that they have used and have found to be successful and what is it that we can do in order to make an indelible mark in our community in the arena of finance so as the jewel please it is our study we honor we stole some here the god [Music] [Music] [Music] for me [Music] [Music] [Music] come on can you sing that to him come on all over this Center it's a vertical breeze now it's just you and him [Music] [Music] come on if you know our guys were the oldest nowadays we're come on let's put it on our agenda make an extension of our hearts so I gotta get you on words [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no my duty [Applause] [Music] yeah No [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah blessed aegon honor glory and power belongs to you precious oh my god with malicious [Music] come on lift up that hand right where you are if you know there's nobody like him would you celebrate him would you salute him would you give him your highest praise come on clap your hands all ye people come on he's deserving of more than that clap ya hands would you [Music] bless the Lord would you secure your Bibles and make your way to Matthew's Gospel chapter 2 Matthew's Gospel chapter 2 unthankful [Music] Matthew's Gospel chapter 2 and surprisingly I only need you to look at just one verse today and that verse is verse 11 Matthew chapter 2 verse 11 [Music] Matthew chapter 2 verse 11 let's read it together shall we on coming to the house they saw the child with his mother Mary and they bowed down and worshiped him then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh you may be seated in the presence of our God I'm coming to the house they saw the child with his mother Mary and they bowed down and worshiped him they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh I want to use as a subject this morning not to be played with not to be played with my dear friends in September the stock market was shaking about the future of the toy industry with America's largest consumer supplier Toys R Us filing bankruptcy inching up towards the Christmas season they are utterly surprised the trends that show purchases the highest they've been with a 7% increase what they didn't factor is that children don't care where you get their presents from just as long as they're packaged under their tree last year toy receipts reached 27 billion and this year they are projected to go beyond 30 billion toy manufacturers are determined to find another outlet to handle their merchandise all of the innovators under the sound of my voice should take heed that just because one platform is not a mean of to promote your product your service or your idea it doesn't mean that it won't be met with supernatural success there is a demand for what you offer and the earth is trying to find it just like for a fledgling toy industry i prophesy over the life of every person in this surface that in 2018 your income will go up by seven percent just because what you offer is distinctively different and can't be found just anywhere I discovered while perusing through the pages of the book that we're all coming through called the Jewish phenomenon that the Jewish community almost completely dominates the toy industry the two biggest titans being Mattel and Hasbro Mattel took off in 1956 when the owner's wife was on vacation in Switzerland and saw in a small shop window a doll she bought that doll took it brought two brought it back here to the United States and decided to radicalize the market in the exact same time that the country would be considered ultra conservative the story they told retailers was that this doll was to help escort girls into puberty they named her Barbie after the creator's daughter today the growth of Barbie sales is 5 billion dollars was this largely it is a miracle in the backdrop of a technological age what you have conceptualized in your mind may in fact be ahead of your time because Barbie was introduced in 1956 and in 2017 barbie is still Mattel's highest seller many did not believe that barbie would sell in 1956 because in that hour they didn't have anything in the market particularly for children that had curves that had a shape everything was just straight up and down can I say to you this morning the God's plan often comes with curves he told the children of Israel that in order for you to get to where you're supposed to be you have to go around the wall seven times and the curve is that when you go around that wall don't say a word I don't know whether you realize it or not but if in fact today you fly out of BWI and go to Los Angeles you will not fly straight across but the plane will in fact have to ascend and go up somewhere around Denver around Phoenix here it is because they know that with the wind if I go straight across I'll never make it I either have to fly a little bit higher or fly a little bit lower knowing that the wind will push me right to my docket what you have been fighting against may very well just be God's curve just because he knows that you're gonna experience some turbulence you're gonna go through some things that's gonna throw you off kilter but if you stay the course you're still going to arrive at your destination I need the person beside you to know you are not up against an obstacle you are just facing occur in 1951 Georgia learner a Jewish toy inventor from Brooklyn he hatched an idea whereby that children would in fact receive a box full of plastic articles plastic nolza plastic eyes plastic ears plastic mustache plastic hats and plastic pieces of hair the intention was for children to put the objects here this on pieces of fruits and vegetables in their own then literally thought the Torah company did thought it would be a poor waste of food and would be evidence of bad stewardship why would you use food to play with was there mine when there were so many people who were absent of food would we make food a toy for children when they don't even want to eat their vegetables so as an answer to the original idea they coined mr. Potato Head so there would not be an actual starch vegetable watch this but it would be something to play with it'll make you shudder to your core that this was 1951 and the originator of mr. paydirt potato head only received a 5.5 hundred dollars five hundred dollars with just a five percent royalty because they didn't believe his idea would go anywhere and the question I've got to ask you because you don't have plastic eyes you have real ones with your real eyes what are you putting them on I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help are you looking to the hills or are you looking at your bills before you make a faith decision Zora Neale Hurston wrote the book that is now a classic Their Eyes Were Watching God are your eyes looking at God or your eyes looking at the stock market are you looking at what crazy download Trump is gonna do next are you looking at now the growing list of Congress people and Senators are having to resign for inappropriate behavior what are your eyes looking at are you changing hats because you've been wearing the head for so long that you forgot that God has gifted you with options but in this season of your life I know it may seem uncomfortable but it is now do time for you to start doing something different I'm taking off the helmet why because I'm tired of being tackled I'm taking off a construction hat because I'm tired of building but never finishing anything maybe God want you to change heads and do something here it is not what you have a good you're getting paid for but what you have a passion for what are you putting your mouth on you have to begin speaking those things that are not as though they already are but do you consistently talk yourself out of your destiny talk yourself out of your call talk yourself out of your assignment you've got to start telling people stop putting your mouth on my idea just because you feel that it doesn't mean that I won't accomplish it sometimes you've got to begin to praise God with your mouth even when your mind doesn't believe that it can come to pass I'm gonna pause right here because I need God to understand that we are committed to bless him at all times even when we don't even understand what he's up to would you do me a favor right in this place would you open up your mouth and give God your best sound of worship for what you believe god to do oh come on you got to do better than that you didn't drag yourself out of that wintry Wonderland for nothing I said open up your mouth like you believed God is gonna do something it's hard to fathom but until 1963 all toy soldiers were made out of metal or inflexible plastic yet a Jewish gentleman named a Larry Lerner this is 1963 believed that soldiers for boys should be able to strike realistic poses and the weapons and fill in armored vehicles this spawned of the line that we now know as GI Joe the enemy is not going to know what to do about you because for so long you've been fixed in one position but God said brace yourself because in 2018 your position is about to change he's tired of seeing you in the same place in the same cycle doing the exact same thing but those of you who are excited about your next position hallelujah I said your position is about to challenge the person beside you don't believe it so let me not speak to them I'm a little preach to you your position in life is getting ready to change y'all thought I was just preaching I'm prophesied imma say it again your position is getting ready to change i'ma say it to your spirit response to it maybe this way your financial position is getting ready to change your position about ideas is getting a ready to change for your haters they better brace themselves your position in life is getting ready to change your occupational position is getting ready to change the position where you currently live is getting ready to change an enemy if you can't hear me don't play with me because when I change my position I still got the same God does is when I change your position I am giving you the ammunition you need in order to fight off the fiery darts of the enemy because your position is about to change [Applause] as we come close to this Christmas season the question that begs asking is what are you gonna give your children what does your present say about what you think here this there gives our I'll say that again what does your present say about your expectation relative to their gift are you giving your children anything your grandchildren anything that will develop their gift are you making an investment in their assignment do you believe that what you are giving them will push them towards greatness or will keep them stuck in the status quo are you giving your children your grandchildren your God children gifts that will develop them or just entertain them perhaps Eugene the problem with gifted people is reflective of how we operate in the body of Christ call church pastor what do you mean by there because many of us believe our gifts are just for entertainment and we do not believe our gifts are to be developed so you stand up in church and operate out of your gift with no consecration with no prayer y'all not saying anything with no mental preparation you just jump out the bed and day and ship up the bed and sing and jump out the bed every scripture but you've done nothing to cultivate your gift God said my house is not a theatre this is not the symphony hall when I come into your house how to be pointing people back to God but if you only do your gift for pause and cheer and accolade you are not a worshiper you are an entertainer goddess say what did you do to cultivate your gear and when Jesus was born three wise men followed deal they followed the star to see this infant who would change the world and I need you to be a way I need you to be cognizant of the fact that when the wise men came to dis baby who at the time of Matthew chapter 2 is about three months old when they finally get to him have you not noted that they didn't bring Jesus geojo they didn't bring Jesus a Barbie doll they didn't bring Jesus mr. Potato Head because they understood that the value of his destiny was not to be played with that this is getting ready to be king of kings and Lord of lords he don't need games he needs strategies god I can't hear nobody and so how many of us are crippling our children because we give them just stuff to play with nothing to think with so our children are going too bad you for $200 Jordans but can't read their way out of a wet paper bag and so you buy them a Playstation but won't spend money on the two dozen devil is alive what are you doing the cultivate their give they got all of the latest games but still can't conjugate verbs still can't reduce fractions so you can't read through a chapter steal can't get their homework done on time and you pay no attention to it but you want to make sure they can keep up with their cousins who I equally illiterate what are we doing to develop their gift you're not going over any homework and then you want to go to the school and fight the teacher you think the teacher's fault you are bad it's awful that you're not holding yourself accountable for your children spirit of excellence they say what we bring Jesus has got to be something serious because I recognize who it is that you are I recognize what you are becoming I recognize what your potential is and you can always know how wow somebody knows you they Soph of what they give you God you didn't hear what I just said I said you can tell whether they have had intimate space with you based off of whether or not they have spent time with you you you really aren't given any real nevermind the people who are Secret Santas at your job you don't care about that you know they stopped at CVS on their way to work that morning and just picked up something you don't need where Jean not a I can't hallelujah and and and and and and you're not even offended by it cuz they don't really know you they just work with you I wonder when it is that you come to church on Sunday morning and you give God a deer when God looks at that gift he's gotta be asking himself do they really know me that they would just give me five dollars and think that that's enough for the King of Kings and the Lord of lords for them and woke them up you're smarter you go give me not giving you that the wise men watch this anticipated the need before there was a cry for it I want God to send three people into your life who will anticipate your need that you won't even have to ask y'all then hear what I just said I want God to send three people in your life who are so in tuned to you that they can tell what that you going through and they don't even need to see you they talking to you on the phone and because there is a quiver in your voice say but ass are you sure you alright three people who are directed to you by God who will learn how to build you up and not always speak negatively over your calling your assignment three wise people when I get to Jesus wrapped in that manger they bring him through he gifts and what's crazy y'all is none of the gifts they bring Jesus appropriate to play with the first gift they give him is gold gold is and at that time was was the highest level of currency and the reason why gold is so valuable is because it does not corrupt over time different than silver different from brass you don't have to shine it it shines itself a gold bar weighs 75 pounds was fifteen hundred ounces meaning that the wise men was this gave Jesus the equivalent of two million dollars as a child they gave this gift to Jesus he's three months old ain't that many diapers in the world they don't need that many cribs in the world they made a two million dollar investment into somebody who they knew had an assignment and I'm trying to figure out why it is that your children have no bank account trying to figure out why it is at this season that you've not opened up anything to prepare them for college since I am getting ready to give you a gift that will I need you to hear this solve your problem before it occurs so I don't want you baby Jesus to have to worry about how you're going to find it's your assignment I just need you to prepare for it because I need your gift to be so pure that when you move in it you'll be able to heal people without asking permission I'm not doing this for your money I'm doing this cuz this is what God called me to do and God told me to tell just 17 of you who are you in this room because God's getting ready to finance your assignment here giving you money for bags and for shoes but there's a call on your life and you've been weighing about can I help people gossiped I got that I just need you to be faithful over a few things and watch me make you ruler over Milly and before this life is over you'll be able to declare I'm worth my weight in gold I'm going to speak something over your life that God entrusted to me and prayer and I need you to lift up that hand for please I'm I'm not even really speaking to you I'm speaking over your children that ain't even present yeah everything your children have a call for I speak over your life God is gonna release the finances for hallelujah y'all still ain't saying nothin to me every degree is gonna be painful hallelujah house is gonna have the appropriate deposit and closing average business venture they gonna have the necessary seed capital yeah yes don't be only finance your children are not going to be Becker sir you're joking and not gonna walk around needy in such state but there is an investment that God is making him to your children's life and you got enough nerve to sit there like you don't believe God will do it but the five to ten to fifteen parents and grandparents and godparents that got enough faith to believe God is gone financier much shy of future day to give him praise even though I didn't have the luxury sir even though I didn't have the means and didn't have the access I still give God glory says I'm giving you gold two million dollars worth for gold you just three months old and it ain't nothing you can do with it today because this gift is for your tomorrow they didn't just give them gold the second wise man gave him frankincense pasture what was that for frankincense you got to know this is give I blow your mind frankincense is oil and the amazing thing about frankincense is when it's under fire it turns into smoke and rises they were giving him the gift of Prayer hallelujah knowing that win my prayer go up it ain't gonna just stop at the ceiling of the sanctuary hallelujah but it's gonna go right into the nostrils of our heavenly father he he was giving watches a prophecy to Jesus by giving them Frank incentive you gonna be like a phoenix rising is it every time you go down you go rise again did y'all hear me I said he were just three months old and he won't go need it until he was 33 because Jesus said if we lift it up then how draw all men unto me I want to just say this to somebody God says I don't care how far down you've been I can say it's just been applied to your life what does that mean that means you give me daily get up from your lowest position come here Joseph Joseph testified they fool me in a bit but they thought of us don't stay there but they forgot the gift of God yes on my life is they anybody that believes God is go rise you to a whole nother level you are a thank God that where you are is not your bare young station said I'm giving you gold so that you'll know your assignment is already financed I'm giving you frankincense because you are anointed to rise from your lowest place and I'm giving you Murr versus because a myrrh is the ingredient used in the anointing oil even myrrh in Exodus 30 that they used myrrh watch this to anoint the sons of Aaron when I have this oil here this it means I am anointed for service hallelujah I don't know how y'all sitting through this how but God told me to tell you your children are knowing it for service hallelujah if I know the plans that I have for you hallelujah you are not it to help people there is an anointing on your life that is not just gonna make you a consumer but God is gonna bless you to be a blessing and know many of you can only shout if you think the blessing is just about you but your grandmother used to sing if I can help somebody as a pass-along if I can cheer somebody with the word or with a saw then my living is not in vain I need you with you for the first time look at your neighbor and tell him I'm anointed for people there are people that are gonna be blessed just because they met me they're people whose lives are gonna be changed just because I cross their paths they're people who are gonna have a different perspective about God just because they heard my testimony you are anointed four people master what do you mean I'm telling you that what you've been through in your life was not just for you you went through some stuff so other people in your family wouldn't have to struggle at the same level people overcome yes by the blood of the Lamb Foca go overcome because of your testimony it's in a grab somebody real quick and tell them I'm gonna pull people up hallelujah I don't know where there's teenage girls a young boy so recovering alcoholics off returning citizens huh but there is an anointing on my life that I'm getting better to help people you better be careful how you treat me because you don't know whether you gonna need me or not there's a consequence I am not to be played god I got the wrong church right through here live with their mother people but when you get to me you better come with your A game okay dear nobody you ain't gonna mess over ma'am I ain't gonna let you break my heart you ain't gonna disrupt my peace I am NOT a gay I am an agent of God and so sometimes when God gives you stuff you look at it because it looks like something that you can't use you don't even understand that God was making a deposit for a future exploit thank you God for every mountain you brought me over God I can't hear nobody in here thank you for every value you brought me through I couldn't see it while I was in it but I just want to say thank you God I look back over my life and I had some good days and I had some bad days but can I tell you this my good days they say highway my bad days Wow come cuz my assignment is not a joke and my gift is not a game and my calling is not up for debate but everything that I need in this chapter of my life he will supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory I need to descend to your feet right where it is that you are every person is standing every person is standing right where it is that you are I need you to lift up that hand please I'm praying for you this morning as I did last night that the three missing things you need for your assignment are going to come to pass Halliday would you lift up that hand I said the three missing things you need to get your project done to get your idea off the ground to make your business flourish all three of them are coming to you before December 31st lift at hand I'm releasing heaven over your life hallelujah hope that you'll respond to it every time you need every dollar that's necessary I'm praying for you there god I give it to you I speak of a have been lifted hand that you gonna have the gold but here's your shout I'm prayin for you that God will release the anointing hallelujah that yours assignment requires in order for you to use the right language in the meeting for you to finesse watch this the right people of influence I pray that God will give you what is your answered prayer that your prayers won't be trapped in your bedroom won't be trapped in your car but God said if you give me glory today everything you pray to me this year you get ready to get an answer for it and those of you of like-minded faith in you believe God can do it for you and is it a thank God that you believe that the three ingredients that are necessary for successful business are getting ready to happen in your life would you open up your mouth and just begin to thank him for it [Music] I said thank him for it you still not saying that if they I said thank him for it that was a mouth that was mediocre that was random now would you believe a with me in faith that those three things are gonna be added to the life of your children hallelujah to the life of your grandchildren to the life of your nieces and your nephews I said would you give glory they need to be a success God is gonna make it happen how much is sending to your feet all over this sanctuary if you will I won't open the doors of the church because God gave you some stuff that seems random seems insignificant seems unnecessary and all this time you didn't know you was playing with mirth you were dealing with frankincense only because God sees you as gold I want you right where it is that you are you need to be in a church that will invest in your gift you need to be in a ministry that ain't gonna play with your calling you need to be in a ministry here it is that will take your assignment seriously when we come into this house we're now playing with it but we understand the sacredness of who God is and the inestimable worth of his glory we don't come watch this playing around with the absence of preparation but we understand that when we get into God's presence that we've got to give him the spirit of excellence and if we're going to give him the spirit of excellence we've got to prepare you to be excellent I need you right where it is that you are right where it is that you are view in this room and you're saying pastor you don't even know how much you were talking to me cuz there's some things I got to do differently with with my children some things I got to do differently with my gifts some things I got to do differently with my call and I need God to pull me in the only way that's going to happen is if you will submit yourself to Jesus Christ align yourself of the body of Christ called Church known as empowerment temple come on help me please everybody in this room would you move from where you are move from where you are talk to people around you and find out if they're saved find out if they have a church home find out if they've given their life over to God [Music] I kill [Music] come on we're you in this room where you in this place come on I give so you can use me if there's anybody else I need you to please come hallelujah if you're happy and you know it when you clap your hands you may be seated in the presence of our conquering king in it amazing that these three wise men we have no evidence of any books that they've ever written these three wise men here it is we don't have their veto we don't have their resume don't have their biography to know whether or not they graduated from the University of Jerusalem what makes them wise pastor we'll mix them wise as they know how to treat God what makes them wisest that they know what it means to bring a gift that is worthy old Motown songs as everybody plays the fool sometimes I don't want you to do it this time can a man can a woman Rob God yes every Sunday at 7:30 but not on this day I want you to have a gift in your hand a gift that is reflective that says God I want to give to you my best it's worth its weight in gold two million dollars for three money two million dollars my says is more money than his father ever made and that's where they released into the child you got a make up in your mind that my gift is going to go beyond what my parents ever gave my gift here it is is for the long haul and what when God looks at my gift for him to come to the shore conclusion that I'm a wise worshiper I got up early to search him out to seek him I got up early just to give him glory ray you think I'm going to come this far and not give him a gift that is commensurate of his worth that is equitable to who it is that he is and what he represents they didn't bring God silver they brought him gold I want you as you're preparing your seat as you're preparing your offering preparing your harvests I want you to have your best seed in your hand this is I'm not giving this for the leaders to look at it I'm not giving this so pastor will call my name I'm giving this because I want God to know I recognize his worth hallelujah I love God more than my own kids love her more than my reputation more than my job I love him more than that wonderful house you living in lover more than my car more than my credit score I love him more than the anything I don't want you to just be hearers of the word I want you to be doers also what greater gift for you to give God than your obedience your obedience is better than your sacrifice to say God I'm giving this to you watch this because I am mindful of the ultimate sacrifice you made for me so I can't come to you half steppin and if I really love him I gotta ask your critical question that's gonna be hard who do you spend the most on for Christmas and it ain't even their birthday on the day that you ought to be honoring and recognizing him you make him come third you make him come forth how on his day does he get the leftovers come on y'all we gotta do better I'm not just talking to you I'm talking to those of you that are watching online I need you to partner with me saying pastor I want to give God a gold gift a gift that shines by itself a gift that is worth wait a gift here it is that will have long-term returns and that's what I'm believing God is going to do I want every person in the room would you stand to your feet every person would you stand you're giving electronically if you're giving electronically on either side of the sanctuary you're gonna give your gift on on the side of the sanctuary before so during brother Claus is coming yes go right in [Music] he has poured his heart out all year long he has put he has put others in front of himself and now it's time that we put him in front of us and so this on our envelopes there is an envelope that is a gift of a little foot a pastor let's put something in it for him let's have this Christmas season thank you so much sir I'm grateful would you lift up your gift above your head please lift it as high as you can if you're giving electronically you're convicted you're challenged that I've got to give God more than this we welcome you to do so on either side of the sanctuary utilizing your debit or your ATM cards our dear friends are watching online I know you want to give and I know you want to give God your best repeat after me lord thank you for what you did this year what you did this month what you've done this week what you did yesterday but this seed in my hand is in expectation for what you're gonna do for the members of my family your Handclap appraised if you will we're doing wonderfully well on time might I ask you to please take your seats it is our incredible privilege reven as we approach the ascending heights of the Advent season to be able to bear witness to the sacred sacrament of baptism they have over 23 are coming today to be baptized and for that we give God glory we give Him praise I ask that you will please ready yourselves please thank you so very much as it you'll please stand give us one moment please music Ministry of you'll lead us just in a moment of song as our leaders prepare us for the sacred sacrament of baptism [Music] come on yes yes jesus loves me for the pie yes jesus loves me Oh come on yes yes jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so our heads abound almighty and everlasting God who of your great mercy to save Noah and his family in the ark from perishing by water and also did save will lead the children of Israel your people through the Red Sea figuring there by your Holy Baptism and by the baptism of your well beloved son Jesus Christ in the river of Jordan did sanctify him and sanctify water of his holy sacrament we beseech you of your infinite mercy that thou would look upon these individuals you wash them with the Holy Spirit that they might be received into the Ark of Christ's Church and being steadfast in faith joyful through hope and rooted in love may so pass the ways of this troublesome world that finally they may come to the land of everlasting life they had a reign with you world without it through Jesus Christ our Lord amen we have today little Milan Freeman who is going to be blessed today Milan Freeman Freeland Millar we've baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Blessed Holy Spirit I speak everything that you're gonna need for your life God is going to supply it you will never have a moment in war in lack or in need because Jehovah Jireh will be your friend those of you that believe that God will where you shout amen [Music] [Applause] tell me your name Tyler Hardy you lift up both of your hands Tyler how old are you 17 years old you too made my day baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I declare and decree you'll be greater than any man that's ever been in your family that God will exceed your expectation break every generational curse and walk you into a spirit of excellence and those of you that believe it give God glory even now [Applause] Thank You Mackenzie Nicholas all right will you lift up both of you hang in this for me parents if you'll come lay your hands on their shoulders please how old are you how are you hey beautiful baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I declare the anointing of Paul and Silas that as long as you all stick together there'll be nothing you'll ever be stuck in I pray that God will in fact shift everything for your family beginning at midnight that doors will open up for you and those of you your faith is connected to these two would you give God glory and praise even now [Applause] [Applause] you lift up off your hands Davida baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit in the words of the Apostle old things have passed away all things in your life start over now God is refreshing the button it's a new chapter in your life the enemy is defeated and God is exalted those of you who in fact resonate with that in your faith give God glory even now now if you lift up both of your hands please gentlemen if you'll put your hands on his shoulder how they knew you and the Bible records that when John baptized Jesus heaven opened up and said this is my son in whom I'm well pleased God is pleased with you and therefore i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of the Holy Spirit I declare over you you will live a life that God will be pleased with bringing no shame or embarrassment to the heavens but only lift up the name of God in the earth and those of you your faith believes they give God glory even now [Applause] let me have a couple of our men to come stand with them amen I want them to know they're surrounded by men that cover their men that protect them that believe in come on stand come on lift up your hands all for you thank you tell me your names Thalia how old are you eight you are gorgeous let me see you thank you what's your name Taniya how old are you 11 and what's your name Kimberley you're the one that talked out the group how old are you 9 all right I love it can i baptize her first you don't man oh you want to go first you pointing at her all right i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I declared that frankincense is released into your life that God has given you everything you need i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I released gold over your life i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I've at least myrrh over your life the three of you are going to be a gift to the body of Christ the three of you are gonna make the church great the three of you are going to advance the culture and those of you that believe it will you give God glory the same thing he put on Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he now puts on the three of them I want you empower me give God glory for these three amazing young women that will change the world forever bless you we have a family of three mark Beasley jr. cake bakery and you'll come stand yeah thank you parents if you just put your shoulders for me thank you so very much tell me your name mark how old are you 10 you can say 14 what's your name Kaden how old are you eight and what's your name Caitlin and how old are you 18 beautiful family wonderful the three of you if you lift up your hands please thank you i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I God you did it again I speak gold over your life i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I speak frankincense over your life i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I speak murder over your life that the three of you just as he did to the other three he'll release it over your life that you'll be a gift to the church gift to the community you'll be a gift to the culture and the world will rise up and call you blessed amongst men and amongst women I need you right where you are empowerment will you give God glory for this family come on give God glory [Applause] we have an engaged couple and family the quando pow Sean Dunaway so he'll Cooper and Shakya Ammon [Applause] thank you you are they engaged yeah when is the wedding you plant y'all doing it right Thank You y'all y'all gonna make my day let me have if I can a married couple a mere couple that is a blended family will you come stand behind them a married couple that represents a blended family I want you to come stand behind em for me look at that come on I love it stand behind them come on take your time with them heels now take your time 18 to kill your ankles come on hallelujah would you please the two of you if you lay your hands on them and this would I want you all to do I want you come around to her put your hands on her shoulder boys y'all put your hands on them and the reason why I want to do this is the church does not equipped equip us for blended families because it requires a whole lot of Prayer a whole lot of sacrifice a whole lot of work and a whole lot of God amen because you're bringing all different parenting styles under one household and all the way it's gonna work is if God is in the middle of it amen I want you please would you extend up that right hand to faith extend that right hand to faith I read a startling statistic I want you to be aware of many of your children 65% of your children if they are to marry will marry into a blended family and the church gives no redress to in but today I cover them with the power of the Holy Spirit that there'll be no division I can't hear anybody there will be no agents of disaster there'll be no spirit of confusion but that God is going to abide into this new family come on y'all would you open up your mouth and just beginning to pray for one moment the four of you would you lift up your hands please the four of you hallelujah i baptize you as the head of one house that God is gonna give you wisdom and knowledge and patience and understanding in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit i baptize you not to be stepmother but to be mother and i baptize you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit i baptize you that God will in fact raise you up right to be a man of integrity and honor and character i baptize you to be a daughter that will be raised to be a wife and after a wife to be a mother and those of you your faith is committed to the spiritual process of family will you give God glory even now now here's what I want please here's what I want to do I want to ask if I will because you all got baptized on today together so I want you all to be prayer partners I want you all to be prayer partners to walk through of this journey because what you gonna go through y'all are already living it of what that means that he say she's saying so I need you all to come together God brought you all together on this day not by accident but for a reason amen and so I don't confide in girlfriends that ain't married y'all ain't sayin nothin to me don't seek out counsel from people who have not lived it don't get your information from the barbershop get it from a brother I want us right where we are we got to start operating as family in the body of Christ come on give God a hand clap of praise right where you are thank you so very much what a mighty God we serve what a mighty God fine come on crap your hair Jesus he is everybody's saying we can reco what a mighty God we come on the in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we have a pig say that will happen when we call up bad grade 50 come on give God a hand clap of praise even now while you're yet standing allow me a point of pasture or privilege just to ask you once more and again if or next Sunday you will bring as many pairs of socks as you possibly can I want to be able to take down to that pin North shelter 1,000 socks a pairs of socks on Christmas Eve and I can't do it without you but with you I will be able to surpass that number in a remarkable way this Tuesday is our last Bible study for 2017 we will then resume together again in 2018 we're going to do something that we've not done together as a church in January we're going to have a New Year's revival and the New Year's revival will take place every Tuesday in January every Tuesday in January and we're going to partner in fellowship with churches are in our vicinity to come and be a part with us every Tuesday night on that first Tuesday night my pastor dr. Granger browning is coming and the members of open Iza AME Church in Fort Washington are there coming by the busload on the first Tuesday in January the second Tuesday I think as pastor Jason Nelson is coming in the gbt family is gonna be absolutely amazing pastor Tyrone Thomas from the charity Baptist Church is gonna be here the third Tuesday and in the next Tuesday somebody else great I can't remember that they they're amazing Oh pastor call P Bishop called Pierce is gonna be here from the Carter Memorial Church of God in Christ and then that last Tuesday my covenant brother pastor Dante Hickman from the Southern Baptist Church he thinks I brought him to preach but I didn't I brought him because they were scared and would not give us our award for the weight loss challenge I'm gonna pull out the Trojan horse on that day and so I need you to please please please make sure I think you're here not only is it our last Tuesday for Bible study it is our last prayer meeting for the year so our last prayer meeting for the year is this Wednesday I am gonna be here and I want you to come I talked to God with me as we go to hear my asking for God's covering as we go into a new year and thanking him for his grace for how it is that he brought us out over this last year in it amazing God is so faithful to us yes 7 ft 9 and we done done the whole service and baptized 23 Negros only God would help us to do that and still run on track amen what a mighty God we serve lift up that hand right where it is that you are if nobody told you this week please know that your pastor loved you I'm praying for you every day I wanna see God get the glory out of your life lift that hand as high as you can if while your children are out of school over this holiday season please take them to experience the Smithsonian the african-american Smithsonian Museum you can't go that far in case you don't know news flash of the original Lewis museum is right here in Baltimore or on President Street free of charge but please don't let your children just play through the holidays let them do something that's gonna cultivate and develop their minds after some time has passed I can't go right now because the residue was too heavy but after the time has passed I will go to the museum in Jackson Mississippi but not right now I'll let let some time pass and then we'll go lift up that hand right where it is that you are now under him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God rest may God rule may God abide with each and every one of you henceforth now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said amen would you do me [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 2,334
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant sermons, dr jamal bryant
Id: CrTQ_dWAaac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 18sec (5778 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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