Bishop Rudolph McKissick at the 2021 Charles E. Booth Lecture Series Conference

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[Music] so [Music] greetings to each one of you wherever you are located in this united states or even across the world we are excited about the charles edward booth preaching conference we thank god for mrs crystal brew that has partnered with united theological seminary and us to put on this conference this year we thank god for her and as usual we have some of the most outstanding presenters anywhere in the world that are ready to present to each one of you let me suggest this for you on tuesday morning wednesday morning at lunchtime bring your lunch because we have low that is going to be here with us one of our major sponsors that will present and educate each one of you with their outstanding religious teaching resources we look forward to you greetings and special love from every one of us from president kent millard to kick our kickoff preacher who is going to kill you and have you resurrected thank god for bishop sir walter mack myself and our outstanding staff we shall look forward to meeting you on september 14th and the 15th blessings to you and your family and most of all be safe god bless you [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] it's so crazy [Music] away [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god bless you and thank you for joining us and let us now prepare for worship lift up your hands and repeat unto me i was glad when they said unto me and let us go into the house of the lord where our feet shall dwelt within thy gates oh jerusalem come on let's give the lord a hand praise god bless you we have had a tremendous day all day and i hope that you have enjoyed that interview that you just saw of our dear friend and our brother the late dr charles edward booth we miss him greatly but we thank god that he has left us a rich legacy that we can honor and cherish for days to come and while we celebrate his legacy tonight we come to worship god in spirit and in truth listen do me a favor and share this message and call up someone and invite them and ask them to join us it's not too late it's not too late ask them to join us right here for this powerful worship we have a great worship plan for tonight we thank god that we have our guest psalms bishop cortez vaughn will be blessing us and also we thank god that we're going to hear a priest word tonight and we thank god for bishop rudolph mckissick let's give the lord a hand praise for him bishop rudolph mckissick we thank god that he's with us tonight listen this has been powerful and we want you to enjoy the rest of this worship invite someone and share with us as we worship god in spirit and in truth let us now prepare to see our lord in his glory got so much to thank god for so many wonderful blessings and so many open doors [Music] with [Music] and for this hooray [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's why i praise you [Music] for this [Music] that is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you see me through foreign [Music] give you praise [Music] you see me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we want to acknowledge and extend a special thank you to the sponsors co-sponsors and support sponsors of the charles e booth lecture series conference dr kent millard united theological seminary dr wayne thompson first baptist institutional church bishop claude alexander university park baptist church reverend jennifer watley maxell the breakthrough fellowship dr harold carter jr new shiloh baptist church dr robert scott st paul baptist church dr james perkins greater christ baptist church bishop timothy clark first church of god the city ward and spirit publishers mr keith province mr mark thompson lincoln financial dr harry white watts chapel baptist church bishop sir walter mack union baptist church dr keith troy new salem baptist church dr reginald van stevens white rock baptist church bishop walter scott thomas changes can happen dr eugene gibson mount olivet baptist church dr lance watson the saint paul's baptist church dr carl solomon united baptist bobby brower showcase multimedia group elvis hardwick creative enterprise and cheryl harry triad cultural arts may god continue to bless you and a hearty and sincere thank you to all [Music] good evening for the second night of this marvelous day that you have enjoyed such rich and rewarding information and interaction with some of the greatest uh theological minds in america and now the evening concludes with what is known to us as great preaching we have one of the great voices in america who has distanced himself in his generation who i consider personally as a brother beloved and who has the ability to articulate authoritatively and attractively his settled convictions he is a monster of a minister and preacher and his powerful impact on the gospel has now become legendary i am oh so grateful to be able to present to this body tonight for the closing message uh a cohort of dr charles e booth a friend of dr charles e booth and of course a friend to the world of preaching and none other than the pastor of the bethel church in jacksonville florida the incomparable powerful insightful bishop rudolph mckissick will you please welcome him tonight for the last contribution in the charles e booth lecture series [Music] no other god can be called a father no other god can be called a friend [Music] no other god can be called redeemer no other gods coming back again oh and now we love your name jesus you're the beautiful one we love your name oh yes and now we love your name jesus you're the beautiful one we love your name no other god [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] we love you we love you [Music] [Music] is is say [Music] jesus beautiful one we love your name and how we love your name jesus beautiful one we love your name and how we love your name jesus beautiful one we love your name oh man this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice we will be glad in it i cannot tell you the honor that is mine share as the closing preacher the conference that holds the name of my elder brother a mentor who now sleeps with the ancestors of course i honor harold hudson and dr sir walter mack for all of their diligence in upholding the name of dr charles edward booth dr booth anybody that knows me knows he is near and dear to my heart met him years ago as a teenager on the parking lot of this church he was in town preaching for dr john allen newman and came to visit my father with whom he had great relationship from there we developed our own relationship he happened to be in town the week i was preaching my senior sermon at virginia union and i went to his room in charles booth fashion tore up the manuscript and put it back together for my senior sermon then some years later he became the godfather of our oldest child jocelyn elizabeth one of my greatest moments was in the year of 1995 in the spring where i stood there on the campus of the united theological seminary whom i also salute on this day for partnering allowing his name to steal be made great and i bowed on that day of graduation being hooded by him as my other mentor dr samuel d witt proctor looked on as i graduated in the class of 95 as a proctor booth fellow with my doctor of ministry degree the hallowed walls of united theological seminary and so to all of the preachers and presenters who have shared over these days i honor you on today i miss charles it would booth more than i could ever describe to you even as i'm talking i miss that profound voice and that laughter how great it is that united seminary is keeping his name alive and providing for clergy and for church leaders and for pastors and for seminarians tools that are needed the words of that old hymn to serve this present age our calling to fulfill and the necessity of raising scholarships resources are so needed in this day and time for the furtherance of theological education i am thankful for the institutions that refuse to give way to the new obsession with entertainment continue to educate so to dr mack again thank you for this invitation to close out this charles edward booth conference let's pray god i thank you for this moment to herald your good news as we continue to remember the sainted memory of the reverend dr charles edward booth thank you for his life thank you for his legacy thank you that he lives on in many of us he lives on through the the dutiful devotion and partnership of united theological seminary now god even though i know this is a conference and even though i know this is pre-recorded even in my own empty sanctuary thank you that the courage of my convictions is not predicated on the power or the people that are in the pew so use me for your own good pleasure and let my passion come from my conviction in jesus name amen jeremiah 29 the old testament prophetic book jeremiah 29 and i want to begin reading at verse 4. hear the word of the lord this is what the lord almighty the god of israel says to all those i carried into exile from jerusalem to babylon build houses and settle down plant gardens and eat what they produce marry and have sons and daughters find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage so that they too may have sons and daughters in crease in number there do not decrease also seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which i have carried you into exile pray to the lord for it because if it prospers you too will prosper yes this is what the lord almighty the god of israel says do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have they are prophesying lies to you in my name i have not sent them declares the lord this is what the lord says when seventy years are completed for babylon i will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future amen i i want to preach the end of this conference with our minds arrested with this thought making the best of a bad situation i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and the future that sounds like a powerful message and a great promise doesn't it promise of prosperity and protection many of us if not all of us at least most of us have proclaimed from those great verses we have shared those verses with people we have prophesied prosperity to the masses because of those that one verse for i know the plans i have for you we have given that verse to people who have seemed to have been in the enclave of despair we have given those words to people in times where they may have felt like their womb was fruitless and nothing was bearing itself of substance for i know the plans i have for you we've used those words to tell people don't give up hold on just stay patient don't go anywhere but may i suggest to you today those words are not as simple as they read especially if you lift them out of their context when we read that verse and when we share that verse unfortunately it almost becomes the subconscious expectation for people to blow up but when you put that one verse that we use so much in context i declare to you you get not only something different i declare something better jeremiah lets the people know that they are going into exile for 70 years god says you will have 70 years of hard labor and parental discipline from me 70 years yahweh said you will be under the gun of exile so this text is not some short term i deserve the best right now kind of prophetic blessing no they would do 70 years of pain 70 years of heartache 70 years of discipline in this captivity and god comes through with the word through the prophet jeremiah this land of captivity listen is where you are going to be and i am going to bless you i am going to prosper you but not after i deliver you but right where you are hear it one more time god says you're going to be in the land of captivity but the word of the lord if you unpack it god says but right where you are i'm gonna bless you not when i get you out not when i deliver you not when i make a way out of no way not when i open the door no man or woman can close not when i shut a door no man or woman can open not when you sow and throw money on the altar not when you go to a conference but god says right where you are in the middle of your captivity i am going to position you to be blessed this is a word for somebody who's been asking god to move you from where you are because of how you are where you are and who you are where you are this might be a word for some pastor tonight who is ready to move on because the pandemic has gotten the best of you the money isn't going like it was people have lost their passion and motivation and now you're wondering whether or not it's time for you to move because nothing is going right this might be a word for somebody who's not a pastor but you're on a staff and it seems like every idea you have doesn't go right every vision you have doesn't go right this might be a word for someone who has been in seminary dropped out wants to go back and now they're saying the life situation that i am in the raison d'etre of my life has shifted because things are not what i want them to be where they are or it might just be for lotte daddy and everybody who's listening to me and you're not in school you're not a pastor you're not on staff but your life circumstance have put you in a place where things are not going well things are not the best and you're wondering whether you should shift your life from where you are and god is saying i am not going to deliver you from it yet but i'm going to bless you while you're in it before i move you out of it lord have mercy so switch your prayer from deliver me out of it to bless me while i'm still in it i think that needs to be heard by somebody god is saying tonight maybe and perhaps your prayer should not be delivering me maybe and perhaps your statement should not be this is not the will of the lord maybe and perhaps your statement and confession should not be this is not god's will for me maybe tonight the maturity of your faith ought to be praying god don't deliver me but bless me while you have me right where i am because the text and the command of the text suggests to me that i have choices even when i don't like where god has me and here is the promise god says i will empower you to be blessed right where it looks like nothing can be blessed lord have mercy the promise is i will empower you to be blessed right where it looks like there's nothing you can have i promise you that i will increase you right in the place where you think there's nothing for you to be increased on i will increase you right there in the place you were praying for me to move you from that when you trust me god says i will bless you when it looks like blessing is not even there so make the best of your bad situation and tonight i want to talk to somebody who feels like you are in an environment and the toxicity is killing you god hasn't given you permission to leave it and you're wondering how much longer you can take it life has you in an inescapable bad situation maybe the death of a spouse may be a job you can't quit maybe a city you can't leave maybe children you can't walk away from maybe a church that's taking care of you maybe a ministry position you need for your bills but this text teaches me that there is potential even in the midst of your predicament god gives them an encouraging word we always run to for i know the plans i have for you plans to prosper you and we run through the litany of promises there but i want you to hear what to me is a greater testimony god gives them this encouraging word build houses plant gardens get married and have children right where you are hear it again right where you are in the land of captivity right where you are while you are under exile build houses plant gardens get married and have children make the best of your bad situation this is the season to revise your theology concerning winning this is the season to revise your theology concerning god this is the season where your theology should not be based and predicated on you having to be in a good situation to have a good life this is the season where your theology has to be less about materialism and less about a positive environment and more about a god who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above you can ask on everything you can think and he can do it right in a place where you don't want to be where you might not think you should be and where it looks like there's nothing to bless you god says right where you are build homes plant gardens get married have children while you are in the hands of the enemy y'all don't hear it god says here is what you will be able to do while you are in their hands without them being able to stop you build your own houses and live in them plant your own gardens to eat from their mary within your own people and have children find wives for your sons god says i will bless you while the enemy has you so that the enemy will know who's really in charge god says i'm going to bless you so that the enemy will know while the enemy thinks they are in control i still have ultimate control god has a way yes in rough times of empowering you to make a bad situation be best for you and the enemy won't be able to stop it do you know why some people don't like you because they know your situation but you're still blessed they know how rough it is but you're still blessed they know how tough it is but you're still smiling you've still got your joy you're still preaching you're still giving god the glory you're smiling when they think you should be frowning you're happy when they think you should be depressed you're going to work when they think you should resign you're showing up with joy when they think you should be mad you're going to church to preach when they think you should have resigned god says right where you are right where you are make the best of your bad situation because you'll have increase while you endured lord have mercy i i'm talking to somebody who doesn't like your situation i'm talking to somebody who feels like things are not going well for you i'm talking to somebody some seminarian some pastor some preacher some lay person i'm talking to somebody who's looking around at your situation and saying it can't get any worse i came to tell you it can get worse but it can also get better because when you understand the kind of god that writes like this through the lips of the prophet jeremiah you will begin to understand in the words of dr james cohn that great trailblazer of liberation theology he put it this way god is a bottom up god y'all didn't hear it that god ain't politics he's not a democrat he doesn't believe in trickle-down economics yes he's not a republican he doesn't believe in just the folks that are at the top getting the best but god yes is a liberation god god is a god of the disenfranchised and the disillusioned and the disqualified because god blesses from the bottom up he doesn't bless from the top down what do you mean that god is always on the side of the abuse and the marginalized and the oppressed y'all better hear me that every time somebody tries to stop you and block you what you don't understand is they set you up for a bottom-up blessing god's got a way of blessing from the bottom so when the children of israel were on the bottom god said i'm blessing you from the bottom up while you're on the bottom build houses while you're on the bottom build homes while you're on the bottom plant gardens while you're on the bottom get married while you're on the bottom have children and i'll bless you from the bottom up isn't that the testimony of black funk isn't that what's happened to us all of our existence the very fact that you are black and living in this country is the evidence of the power of god to work miracles in the face of oppression y'all better hear me our ancestors are the evidence of how god will bless you in a land where they don't want you our god and our ancestors are the evidence that god will do for you what people don't won't do for you done for you because god said in their land open up your own banks in their land open up your own colleges in their land become presidents in their land multiply in their land increase in their land so bishop how here's the relevant question it's charles booth conference how do i make the best of my bad situation number one you can make the best of your bad situation when you learn how to settle in but don't settle for yes you can make the best of your bad situation when you learn how to settle in but you don't settle for i need you to get get the picture they they are under captivity they will be in oppression they will be living at the hands in the system of a dominant culture that wants to dominate them and god says in that culture and under those conditions act differently than who they treat you like you're going into captivity and in captivity you're supposed to be slaves you you're supposed to only do what they tell you to do you're supposed to only act like they tell you to act you're supposed to treat yourself like you're the last on the totem pole you're supposed to act like you have no value but but god says build homes don't don't miss it you're a slave but be a homeowner you're a slave but be an entrepreneur plant gardens you're you're a slave but start a family god help me they want you to act one way and they're expecting you to act one way they are counting on you to act one way but the only way you gonna build and plant and have family the only way you're going to be a homeowner and an entrepreneur and a family the only way you're going to do that is if you settle in but you refuse to settle for you decide you will not settle for who they told you you are supposed to be so on their land when they tell you you're only supposed to be a negro on their land when they tell you you're supposed to be a second-class citizen on their land when that misogynistic boss tells you you're a woman and you can't go higher on their land when they tell you you're a woman and you've got no business trying to pastor on their land when they tell you you don't have what it takes to be a phd on their land when they tell you that you're black and you belong in the hood in their land when they tell you you can never become the president of the united states in their land when they tell you a woman will never have the second highest office in the land on their land when they tell you you weren't born to be educated you weren't born to have equality you weren't born to have justice you weren't born to have equity on their land when they tell you you're supposed to be in a gang you're supposed to be uneducated you're supposed to be a criminal god says settle in but don't settle for it settle for on their land should refuse to settle for your young men and young women being killed by law enforcement and you just giving in to the narrative of fox news on on their land god help me on their land yes refuse to think it's okay for them to kill you just because you walk while being black or you drive in the neighborhood they don't want you to be in he said don't pay any attention to who they want you to be god help me in here but on their land settle in and then let me help you create and after you create refuse to let them define you to confine you and label you to limit you you're not going to be a slave you're going to be a homeowner you're you're not going to be a captor you're going to be an entrepreneur you're you're not going to be the oppressed you're going to be a family and i'm talking to somebody today you have allowed who you are to be dictated and determined by what they call you you you have allowed your your potential to be determined by who other people label you as but god says you've got to have the audacity and sagacity you've got to have the unmitigated goal to stand in a place where they think they can name you and do things that they think they're the only ones that can do because you have a god yes who has his own affirmative action plan and will bless you just so the enemy will understand god prepares a table in the very presence of your enemies number two number two um to do this um to do this i love this um you've got to learn how to balance time management and attention management what do you mean bishop um if you if you're gonna be a captor on a land where you're oppressed and have the nerve to build homes and plant gardens and have families then go and find wives for your children and then they gonna have families if you're gonna have the nerve to set up generational blessings in oppressive lands god help me you can only do that when you know how to balance time management and attention management okay let me help you you do know that there is a difference see sometimes you have less time because of what you're giving attention to um you you uh you you manage time through attention let me say that one more time uh yeah yeah put your ear closer to your laptop or your ipad um or your television screen you manage time through attention that's that's why one of the greatest tools of the enemy is distraction that's why one of the greatest tools the enemy tries to use against us is to distract you from your focus because he knows if he can get your time he'll take away your attention from where you're supposed to be and what you're supposed to be doing every pastor just think how much time we give to listening to what they say how much time do we give feeding into the minority in your church who act like the majority think about it how much time do you spend not posting on social media but scr scrolling through the comments to see who you need to check and all of that time is taking attention from the things you should be doing and could be doing to maximize your moments you're not a pastor just think about yourself what are you giving time to that's taking away your attention if they were going to build homes plant gardens in an oppressive land they couldn't give attention to what their captors thought about them or who they should be or what they should not be trying to do because if they gave that attention it would take up their time and they needed time to build houses time to plant gardens time to start families time to find daughters for their sons they they would need time so so don't give them any attention because instead of settling down or settling in that would have you settling for you better hear me what i'm trying to tell you don't don't don't don't you don't you get distracted you you you got to be clear on what your assignment is and let your time go there don't don't the only attention and some of y'all gonna sign off right here the only attention you give to your captors is in your prayer time come here come here come here if you're going you're gonna have stewardship of your attention that means you got to have a stewardship of your time and if you've got enemies and oppressors all around you trying to define you label and confine you then the only way to not give them more time than they deserve is to give them the only time of your prayer life i'm in the book watch watch watch what he says here watch what the prophet says seek the peace and the prosperity of the city to which i have carried you into lord have mercy ray to the lord for it not against it because if it prospers you too would prosper you i'm trying to help you with your time management and your attention management with your enemies and your haters and your captors and your oppressors god says the only way you gonna build in a land where you don't want to be is if they prayed for their captors their peace and their prosperity because its welfare determines your welfare when it does well you do well i'm about to tell you something i need you to get it you will never prosper wishing hell on your enemies pray pray that that ugly deacon get blessed pray that that woman in the church scheming against you get don't don't pray that they get what they deserve pray that they are blessed are you crazy because when your church prospers you prosper this ain't a prosperity sermon oh no when your church prospers when your church does well because we understand that the word prosperity ain't got nothing to do with money like it's preached so often it might include money but it is not exclusive to money prosperity was about your well-being it was about your mental being your emotional being your spiritual condition your physical condition and all of those things and god says when you pray for that for everybody that's against you pray that they'll be blessed and i'll take care of your blessing can you pray for those who don't want you to be blessed be careful of your time attention your time management your attention management i'm done thank you for letting me have this moment um if you're going to make the best of a bad situation number one settle in but don't settle for it number two know the difference between time management and attention management and finally understand it's going to happen for you because god will give you favor even when you don't have authority i might even change the word wind and put it this way god will give you favor where you don't have authority you got to know the difference between authority and favor i'm from a biblical perspective um in the bible you see instances where people used their power to make things happen that's authority but then in other instances in the word of god you see where there are things that happen because of the favor of god where there were no conditions that were meant for that person to be in qualification for what they got but they got it because of favor okay let me let me walk with you for a minute saul was the and had the authority because he had the title jesus but david had the favor of god to go along with the assignment of god and it took time for the authority to be granted to him but the favor kept him until the time the authority caught up with him it was the favor that kept him before men it was the favor that let him defeat goliath it was the favor that let the sword miss him when saul threw it at him it was the favor that let him go in the cave stand behind saul cut his cloth and saw never knew he was there and i want to speak that word today because we live now in an authoritative power driven culture where everybody's after a name my god you're a preacher and you can't even introduce yourself without your title everybody wants to be a bishop everybody wants to be an apostle everybody wants to be a reverend a doctor everybody wants to have a title but what we don't realize is when you walk in the power of god god will give you favor even in places where you don't have authority i'm trying to talk to somebody who is struggling with someone having authority over you and it seems like they hold the power over your future blessings but i came to tell you the favor will keep you until the authority overtakes you you have favor even when you don't have authority that's why you keep getting promoted that's why you get credit for presentations that's why you've got all the great connections that's why god is making your name great because you've got can i prove it to you in the text and i'm done build homes plant gardens hold up they're in a captive land they don't have the material to build houses and they don't own the land to plant gardens but god says when you walk in favor i will make folk give you resources who don't even want to see you bless i'm i'm trying not to shout in this empty sanctuary god says when you got my favor i will make folk in authority use their authority to help you build what i told you to build that you'll be like joseph you meant it for evil yes but god turned it for your good that god's got a way of helping you walk in favor even when you don't have authority all you got to do is read the bible if you were to do an analytical study in an actuary science yes study you would discover that if you did the statistics the larger percentage of the folk god used did not have authority they had favor gideon didn't have authority but he did have favor ruth didn't have authority but she did have favor rehab didn't have authority but she did have favor at first david didn't have authority but he did have favor at first joshua didn't have authority but he did have favor none of the prophets had titles but they did have favor but y'all know where i'm going because there came somebody who when he got in his skin he had no authority he wasn't born in a palace he was born in a cave on the backside of a hotel he didn't have any authority because when his mama took him to his dedication she took the offering of the poor people he did not have authority because i heard him saying his word foxes have holes birds of the air have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head and i i got to get out of here but i read in my bible where he didn't have authority but he walked in favor when he walked on water without sinking it wasn't because he had authority it was because he had favor and i i i read in my word where he fed 5 000 without authority but he did have favor now don't y'all get deep on me i know some of y'all are saying he has god's authority but in the historicity of the time that he lived he had no authority he was just a jew boy a carpenter's son born on the backside of the railroad tracks grew up in the projects of a place called nazareth but when you got favor you don't need authority it was his favor that took him into places where even the sanhedrin couldn't do anything about him it was his favor that had pilate not wanting to put his hands on it but then one friday i said one friday on a hill called calvary they hung him high they stretched him wide he hung his head in the locks of his shoulders he died did me die he died all night friday he died all day saturday but i read in my bible because he wasn't rich and because he didn't have authority they buried him in a borrowed tomb but sunday morning he get up in authority caught up with favor because when he got up he said now all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it won't he fight your battles won't he make your enemies your footstool won't he give you joy and sorrow won't he give you a hope for tomorrow won't he drown your tears won't he want it won't he want it won't it won't he but i need somebody to walk in your favor until you get your authority walk in your favor if you never get a title walk in your favor if you never get power you've got power that man can't give you because there's power lord have mercy i don't got happy in this empty church one to work in power in the blood of the lamb good night y'all rest on dr booth we'll keep your name alive rest on dr booth we'll keep your legacy alive but now i can see charles booth standing in favor at the throne of god i can hear him singing his favorite song all hail the power of jesus name let angels prostrate him on that land plant churches on that land build education on that land be a woman and stand in your favor on that land get your educational degree from their institution [Music] see charles booth now [Music] bring forth the roar [Music] long board the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and grant unto you peace the lord lived the light of his countenance upon you granting to you spiritual blessings and this time forth and even forevermore sleep well doc see you in the morning thank you united for this opportunity peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go yeah [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] you
Channel: UnitedSeminaryOH
Views: 338
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: n3Ajwl--MEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 13sec (4153 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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