AI Army Composition AGAIN? Low Elo Legends

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all right well uh welcome to crater a map that is very very different please don't make your houses on your stones and gold oh no red is having a rough start here uh welcome to crater this is louie the legends 700 elo and first thing i'm going to do is i'm actually going to change brickie arrow to yellow um just to switch up the colors a bit and make it easier to see we have 300 i think this is russian though my my my knowledge of languages are not too great we have 300 in the red 700 elo playing as the spanish and then here in the yellow we have japanese or brookie arrow 1990 uh the map crater definitely suits itself for aggression 700 elo doesn't really suit itself for aggression does it i mean i know there's a few people out there normally the aggressive players at this elo have horrible economy and they just stress the other person out but if i had to guess here i would say that they're going to be next door neighbors and they're just going to chill like we're not going to see a whole lot of action um here are the the things you should know about crater i think this is going to be new for some people out there it's very open in the middle you'll notice there's not many wood lines you do have the relics there to focus on in castle h but the wood lines all around the ring and then there's a bunch of deer or i guess goats technically or ibex and your berries on the backside most importantly if you're looking to defend you cannot wall in this rock terrain so noobs like to wall because they like to feel safe in this crazy terrifying world that is age of empires you can't really do that on this map so the fact that it's open in the middle you're really close together and you can't fool wall leads me to believe that whoever's gonna be aggressive is gonna win this game but i could be wrong and we'll find out okay i'm being told that red's name means eclipse okay i'm probably just gonna say red um there's gonna be at least one person who shows up and doesn't know what i mean when i say that so that's good bit of info thank you i thank you i am very noob for showing up today it says uh hello there also emu says how do i put t90 on two-time speed here i'll just drink a little bit more caffeine one second okay i resent that by the way that's really rude of you don't tell me that you need to speed through my videos to get through it okay don't tell me you do that i'm kidding i i know it's a time saver if you only have 15 minutes at work and it's a 30 minute video sometimes it's better for me to talk like this and then it's really fast ecl is taking two sheep right now and he's gonna do a little i can't keep that up for very long so okay i was wondering what the thought process would be um and you'll notice brookie arrows seems to have a general game plan of building houses near woodlines this is probably something that happens consistently to act as some type of a wall you want 0.2 times 5 speed though you can see here you've got two houses on the right side and on the left side you've got a mill wall okay i can't uh you got the mill wall so i guess it kind of helps with blocking things off japanese are pretty nifty here though it's cheap you have cheaper mills and cheaper lumber camps so the fact that this is happening right now is simply due to that bonus we have an l shape of houses going up for red which is very early for houses i don't know if red is planning on extending this further this way or maybe extending it this way and making a little uh a little village but that's only at 16 population and already has 35 pop space so thinking ahead in terms of the houses that's for sure also is red auto scouting right now red auto scouting it's kind of hard to tell because auto scout normally gravitates towards the corner it almost looks to me like this is auto scout though let's see if it jerks around yeah yeah that's autoscalp seven minutes in red's focused on the houses and the eco and not really manually scouting but the reason building so many houses that early is bad for red now is that red doesn't have enough on wood to be able oh never mind red had enough on wood for a mill i was wrong i was wrong yellow taking all the goats and deer food eco looks better bill production looks better and whoa okay that's a long distance more if i've ever seen one but at least the boar is being brought in fine i was gonna say something someone asked me a question or i was gonna bring something up and i completely forgot about it where's the other board for red or is this the oh wait you only get one bore on this map correct chat yeah i think you get the extra deer to compensate for the fact you start with just one boar i played this map twice three times i think i think i'm undefeated on this map actually which isn't saying a lot but uh but yeah i like aggressive open maps as opposed to closed ones you guys should know that i just feel like it adds more time windows to the game like you can just more diverse if you can do things in every age t90 bragging yeah what a what a flex that is uh guys i'm undefeated on crater just so you know what a flex same as undefeated against viper see that one's a little bit more of a flex and that is true uh though it would only be in ranked only being ranked i've played it many times in different settings okay so i think that the only thing i could be critical on with both players their tc idol time but yellow has done a significantly better job so both of these players are 700 elo yellow is better at economy how did they arrive to this elo if one is significantly better at eco probably because red is is awkward and aggressive that's the only thing that makes sense to me that's what's awesome about having such a good 1v1 matchmaking system you look at their elos you have to determine okay if this person's good at this they're probably bad at the other thing and it's we have a game of opposites here now spanish would be a good civilization for castle dropping spanish would be a good civilization for tower rushing we see a barracks up we see two on gold maybe this is a an awkward man in arm build for red meanwhile the scouts are fighting and it looks to me like brookie arrow's gonna win that fight because brookie arrow started the attack and will be in feudal age first and we're just not seeing a barracks yet for brickie so i like we don't have a military focus at all for bricky who just seems to focus on the eco and hope for the best defensively uh-oh okay well brookie noticed this the town bell has been wrong ding ding ding ding class is in session and please send them away from class okay there we go so good job from red i actually wasn't expecting him to react there for some reason maybe i just underestimate these guys all right so red now has the higher hp scout yellow is going to get eco upgrades good good good red is auto scouting again but auto scout only has so many different areas to look for i think they're both auto scouting so much autumn man um so red is located yellow's houses i thought that we were going to see aggression because we have two on gold but maybe not and if there's no aggression advantage yellow because yellow is getting that has better eco balance and better eco upgrades right now so i'm liking brickyard's position so far but anything can happen and i swear brookie arrow's gonna try and house while this entire base this is gonna take forever oh god oh no so many houses so many houses and you can't even fully house all this man all right well um we'll see what happens here i mean rhett's gonna scout that there's opportunities for red to be aggressive and we're gonna see yellow mine that gold as well so listen the thought process to stay safe with and make houses as defense is not bad because you're gonna want walls anyways you're gonna need houses anyways it just seems to be a little extreme as red scout somehow evades death there and yellow's making spears so yellow seen one scout and we'll be able to deal with any more red's situation is very confusing to me there just seems to be a lot of idle eco over here um not even any farms yet but does have the farming upgrade so i mean red's gonna add a stable now and if i'm not mistaken i don't think red even has a gather point on the town center guys it looks like when villagers create they just kind of gather underneath hmm you're ill and me small says 1890 i was watching you play against john slo the other day and you had to pause the game because of your cat what happened yes um so i was playing ranked games and i said to myself before i got on i'm not gonna ban arena and i'm not gonna ban hideout because i want to be the change i want to see in the world right and if i don't ban those maps which i don't prefer then maybe the clowns will one day unban arabia that's never going to happen but but anyways so i unbanned hideo right and uh i got in the game against john slow and i was unhappy that the map started with walls and it seemed like my cat was very unhappy that he was walled out of the office and when i did not react after the first five minutes of meowing the meowing got louder and the meowing got louder and the meowing got more frequent and then i heard claws on the door and we rent so i didn't exactly want to explain hey sorry about all the claws on your door um yeah so anyways i basically i went and i pet the cat real quick real quick i think i actually said can you please shut up and then i walked back in and the cat was happy with the pets and that's the story i made a joke to john slo though i said uh i said my cat didn't like arena either because my cat was trying to get through walls so um oh yeah i kindly asked my cat to shut up and it he listened anyways that's the story and yellow is trying to get the households up around the wood line which i like and i'm 22 months subbed it is a good day nice congratulations salutes and chat please for mcgriffin who got a house happy for you i know the market's ridiculous right now depending on where you're from and all that brickie arrows gonna get man in arms no bricky ricky bricky bricky you had the perfect resources for castle age we're gonna see man in arms we're gonna see supplies and then we're gonna see two more spearmen why wait all this time oh oh oh oh guys how dare we judge i thought it was gonna be one or the other it's both rookie arrows going to castle 2. nice okay so that means we're going to see long swords maybe i mean it took red some time but red's also on the way to castle age but red is significantly behind in eco i mean about what nine villagers behind right now does have wheelbarrow yellow does not but still there's one on stone so we're not going to see a castle right away bread's made archer range barrack stable blacksmith but has not walled at all not even with the buildings i mean it's just wide open here and logic tells me that yellows is definitely going to win this game but it could be wrong yellow doesn't seem to know what to make yellow's going to make skirmishers spearmin we saw man at arms attacked and do i see scout i guess it's it's starting scout yellow is basically the moderate ai just think about it uh not really the best castle age time making a lot of trash units relying heavily on infantry this is this is a player who is playing very much like the ai would and what is yellow scout a good question so yellow scouted the enemy woodline strangler trees chopped without adds life is good okay it's not strangler trees we don't it's not that type of stream gioretti thank you for the six months it's straggler trees but um but yeah here comes brookie arrow he's gonna pass the strangler trees and we'll see if he maybe upgrades these things i mean red doesn't have any military anyways see so i mean villagers will die it would just be awkward death sneaky sneaky from bricky as they're just gonna wait here or more for more units okay so here come the reinforcements we have a second tc from brookie brookie's honestly really good it's just brookie's unit composition is not so good i just don't see a world where red has any chance here ricky has better eco as more military units i mean what more can you ask for and is more aggressive this is the trifecta here this is exactly what you would want and i think red is now going to i don't know what red's doing red's getting infantry upgrades and red is going to fight with spanish villagers something that might be recommended in the imperial age but not so much in the feudal age or the castle age red is in castle age now now spearman and skirms are very weak against fills but they still do auto attack and it still is harassment whereas yellow's eco is working right now but if long swords were here as we see cav archers okay if the long swords were here i think the long swords will be doing more now we're just seeing a bunch of spears and skirms the logic is probably well spears and skirms are counters so i just counter anything they can make if i make that and it's not necessarily true [Laughter] but i think it's working anyways as this will probably be the first lopsided game we've seen today in low e le legends red just couldn't get the units out in time and so many weak bills here so inefficient yellow still streaming it look two by two by two by two all these units running across the map yellow's not producing anything out of the town centers it's worth mentioning and is trickling in units which could be a concern but it's not like red has a lot red's had some big problems here and now elite scrum's in right so not that the one cav archer would do enough anyways but red doesn't have the gold look red's new villagers weren't even going to a resource that's a big problem big thing you need to fix is not setting another point in your tc all right so red is getting thumb ring now for archers that red does not have and red also cannot afford the archers the long swords are here with the skirm so these villagers are going to die there is one way the red wins this game and it is with a castle drop and i really want to see it spanish villagers build faster red is about to have enough for castle now you could place it defensively and try and come back after losing 13 villagers or you could place it offensively and try and overwhelm the opponent into gging the knights are actually the perfect unit here against skirms and long swords they might be able to deal with this threat not greatly upgraded but it looks like they will now we see a defensive castle that could lead to more castles though if he minds more stone there is a chance that yellow's gonna switch into boom mode now because players can't really work with eco and military too well at this time we had the classic lel meme you guys know it i'll show it anyways after these skirmishers go down oh screw it i'll show it now you know they're gonna die um or or actually hold on pay attention tonight the skirmisher who wins okay the knight's gonna win but yeah i mean yellows yellows tcs were idle look at the bottom left the entire time so that's something that yellow could work on as well okay we have a cav archer and a pikeman going this way and yellow wants to make stables but wants to make them around the enemy gold that's ballsy but red doesn't really have anything to stop that to be honest red's now getting a stone mining upgrade for these two villagers that's really expensive the second stone mining upgrade not seeing any conquistadors might see a few more nights i'm not sure if the situation really calls for three forward stables but and they'll go well they should go up right pikeman and cav archery here that's fine i kind of like how yellow got an upgrade on everything too forging armor attack armor that way everything benefits you know you're gonna make everything you want to upgrade everything that's good japanese stables not really ideal but japanese town centers uh that could work red does see this it doesn't see this one because it's just a foundation but you can see this one's partially built you can see this one's being built red just doesn't have anything guys red is red is 15 bills behind and i think it's just if i'm being honest it's way worse of a player um doesn't seem like red can compete with brickie here i think also if bricky didn't play like an ai the brickie could be one or two hundred e low higher it's probably brickie's probably at this elo because of the unit choice and kind of how castle age was played out those knights got good value though okay that's a good tc for yellow as uh that's going to secure the golds and again the only way i see red winning and red is not resigned yet as if red makes conquistadors and then drops a castle on yellow and i think yellow would then stress out right if yellow gets a castle on his face does he not resign i think maybe i'm underestimating red or or yellow but i think that would lead to a stressful situation as red has red is 13 bills queued right now lots of villagers in the queue i was wondering where that food count has gone a red converted the cav orchards with the monks but the pikeman lives and the pikeman would poke her to death i believe oh she's actually getting healed i don't know where she's going um well pikeman could die to the town center of the castle ding ding ding ding ding down bell 1980 90 news all right eco is already kind of trash for red and now all the villagers on the gold hops inside the castle and ding ding ding okay more ding dings that's fine but the pikeman will get dealt with at least that's a positive we're seeing conquistadors we're also seeing the stone count rise for red now i really wish red would make a freaking mining camp here maybe he doesn't want to make another one on stone because red already has one on stone i don't know um yellow's economy is greater it seems like yellow skill is greater is there a chance that yellow can lose this game i believe it's important to remind the people and i i mean this in the nicest way possible that every single one of you listening have lost games after out executing the opponent with military production and eco okay i mean this in the nicest way possible but i can guarantee you if i were to go through all the games you played you had games where you should quotes never lose and you lost all right you did it okay you made the mistake that's why you're here you're sick of the stress um yellow seems to be a little unaware of what they want to make we've got knights now at least we're getting armor upgrades we're getting light cav three defensive stables three forward stables i mean conquistadors with upgrades and they actually has bloodlines honks are really good against knights it's just will the numbers be there red's gonna get one conversion and red will get another conversion which is helpful that should be a conversion okay yeah the monks go down though it is weird to me that red does not want to use the doors against us right now and yellow might be a little hesitant upon seeing those konks now i want to see red take map control and drop a castle forward but i also think that red should want to take this out of the picture so realistically i think red dropping a castle next to yellow's new tc and yeah yeah this is probably the play you don't want him taking that gold monday but also do you maybe want to build that castle with more than two villagers i mean i know you build fast with spanish but jeez uh okay oh three ah there we go that's 33 more that's fine or not really but whatever math is math is easy the conquistadors will do well with the hit and run situation we got some good micro from red okay and and yellow is like oh no i don't want to get castle drops and you can see that one of those villagers make it two of those villagers have gone down where is he going okay he's dead yellow could lose this game guys [Laughter] i mean one of the best units in the mid game is conquistadors one of the strongest strategies is conquistador castle drop yellow's making units that well it's just a little random right nights are expensive japanese knights are not great long term knights in general are not great against conks your best unit's probably a lead scrim against conchs so that that is good and yellow seems to be making those but yellow has to be worried about the castle fire now as it will be double castle conquistador now the competitive answer to what you do against conks is get ahead before they get there they need strong eco and they need a castle you should gain a bill lead and then you have to hold off with skirmishers and probably defensive castles go imperial though this is if this was a high-level game it's played out similarly where the japanese player probably gets ahead and then the spanish player gets to konks and now they have to try and come back with a very strong unit murder holes okay i don't know if that this is a good example of a situation where you probably don't need to make a university and you probably don't need to get murder holes because you've got military but you know murder holes will mean that if your castles do get attacked there's no minimum range so that's fine that is fine and red is playing without gather points on the pc i don't think you understand how annoying that is if you have never played like that so frustrating not only do you have to worry about everything else but you have to go back and find these villagers they don't automatically go to a task and yellow i think might be getting a little overwhelmed at the moment it's important to note doesn't have ballistics for skirms doesn't have bod canary or armor for skirms does have some on stone but doesn't have a ton on stone i think what you need to do is fortify your base and think about imperial and with that ville lead yellow has 32 of those villagers on wood which if they're not put into farms or if that wood's not sold is not the most constructive right now we have villagers leaving the area and that that should be enough army for yellow to take out those kongs remember these conchs are weak from earlier i i really wish red would have made monk to heal up or at least garrisoned inside the castles but actually it doesn't look like yellow has is paying too close attention here and yellow just sacrificed some knights to the castle yeah ballistics does not affect conquistadors that's a good question i could see why people might might research that it doesn't affect gunpowder in general now we have imp what we have imp for red so this is one tc and now we'll oh okay never mind i lied we're gonna have a second tc now and that's gonna be between those golds ah well how many conks are we looking at right now we've got 11 probably some more big upgrades are missing for red the second armor's missing and then the third armor will be something that red will want the next stage we now see attack upgrades oh no red okay red just getting everything red still got enough i mean red seems like a real aggressive isadora player and i i just incorrectly assumed that red would only get the conquistador upgrades and be aggressive with really weak economy but red's still got enough flowy legend in him where you know let's just get everything iron casting and armor does not affect these conks at all and he doesn't really have the economy to switch into anything else either but whatever that's a conversation for another time okay i don't know why does anyone know how to get this to remove itself i press something on the keyboard by mistake and it won't disappear um i know this does the mini map nope that doesn't do anything anyways i'm sorry it's there i i pressed page up i believe but pressing page up again or page down doesn't fix the problem that's a lot of military for yellow and it's a pretty diverse comp and yellow needs to now go up to him big time hey that castle is just a target you're making forward castles you need to deny an important resource immediately or you need to be on the way to imperial load as a general rule of thumb you make this castle here all that's gonna do is it's gonna be a target if the enemy goes in shift plus delete i don't know if i trust you but if someone it's not all that for i mean technically that solves the problem but it's gone now okay cool we're good the real answer was patience okay hoardings is the first thing that yellow gets and conscription is yellow no or red sorry does red know about that hey red doesn't know the castle's there just clicked fortified wall and then instead is going for arrow slits which does not affect castles but i can see why you would think it affects castles you think it's like a beefed up murder holes i mean those are those are technically arrow slits are they not or maybe that's a murder hole they're always there without the text but you know architecture things whatever you can't use them as as weaponry holes unless you get the tech things are so weak i mean i know that yellow's unit comp is a mix of everything but i think a mix of everything is going to do fine yellow has so much economy oh my god red you're kidding me you're dropping a castle on the enemy's face because you're behind in military and eco and you're gonna drop it with one villager one this is your comeback strat i assume that red believes that yellow will not see this which is pretty bold assumption oh wait guys it says okay i'm sorry false alarm we got two villes all right it's not a big oh and she's weak too wait no she what is she doing oh she's gonna go build okay she was told to go do the job and then she realized it was that guy and that guy's been pretty rude to her in the past she's like whatever i got to make money this week i got bills to pay all right well we can laugh and we can say wow that's so silly from red to assume that that would work but guess what it's working it's working so you might think 700 elo is bad it has poor logic but guess what this seems pretty calculated to me and yellow has now reacted and it's gonna send the whole army but guys it's gonna go up in time and if it was one villager it might not have so the castle works and now we have a treb and yellow doesn't like that so yellow is really stressed out so yellow needs to save the villes but also take deal with the treb and yellow has clicked everything after that trebuchet the tread will go down but a lot of units will run into castle fire and this castle has murder holes has ballistics uh if only red would have heeded my advice and not trickle-trapped so to be honest there i feel like you probably lose all your traps if you went out with three or four so it might actually be better to have gone with one treb there yellow's gonna be an imp in a minute there's a monk in there you can hear it now the monk is healing up a little bit um looks like there's a villain there too trying to build something guys move guys this is a construction zone move y'all but my boss told me we have to fight a war bro we're we're here to kill the enemy i don't care what your boss said my boss said i have to build this archery range i gotta feed my family there are they're talking about it right now there's supposed to be construction here and it's it's getting blocked typical meathead typical meathead army guy not listening to the uh the poor pleb but anyways i'm wondering if we're gonna see more from red here beyond just the um just the conchs i guess the answer is no we don't see any trebs cued we see more villagers come oh my god that is way more than two that's gonna be brutal for yellow i cannot believe that reddit actually has a chance in this game and yellow reacts and will drop their own castle however the castle does not build as quickly as spanish will so you got knights pulling themselves over i think both castles will complete but red's castle if he garrisons will kill so many villes i just i hope for red's sake that the garrison happens is that a gate was that it what 700 elo quick gate there is that what that is anyways murder holes is in all the castle upgrades are in so all these knights are going to go down but now you have yellow trying to push red and now it's red's turn to click everything forward and skirmishers even though they're not upgraded skirmishers pikeman and these numbers will do pretty good against the konks and red panics red clicks the treb oh and it's a deadly mistake maybe the deadliest mistake of the game those conquistadors are so expensive all right hold on a second we've got some siege rolling into town meanwhile knights and villagers everything just disappearing before our eyes the magnols are most certainly going after the trebuchets and they will take one out no they won't the treb is on 10 hp and yellow has double the population so i think yellow wins this game now red spent all game masking those conchs the castles are now going to start to go down yellow is is going to treb this down as well which means reds villagers are destined for death i mean this has been a really good game i i love to see how low elo players handle the stress of all line attacks and for red he was also so far behind and he had to handle the stress of being that far behind and almost brought himself back into the game castle drops are a great way to do that conquistadors are a great way to do that but ultimately eco is going to be what you need to rely on in this game we are going to see this castle fall we are gonna see this castle fall and you're gonna see the score flip and guys this is gonna be it and brickie arrow is gonna make it happen crazy game it's it's crazy how whoa cavalier what the did he make that all out of one stable well hold on a moment okay cavalier with full defense upgrades and soon attack upgrades and they'll take out the trebs this should lead to brickie arrow not getting that upgrade that's poor timing on that upgrade but probably making more python it's rather ironic that yellow just researched katapurito that upgrade increases the treb uh unpacking speed and um well the traps are gone now but we will see another trap is this game not over yet has more farmers and red has more on gold if red had four stables making cavalier red could win he's gonna get elite conquistador with the only remaining castle no no no no no you have no def you have no defense for your castle your castle's forward and probably the next target of an attack yellow does have all five relics it's true there's a bomber cannon now for red he really likes the one i mean he's got one of everything except for town centers now one siege workshop university archer range barracks stable castle monastery obviously eco buildings don't count listen i'm not out here to try and sound good and i don't want to say i told you so just to say i told you so but red with those resources that you just researched lee conquistador with you could have made so many champions so many cavalier and you know what you're gonna actually be okay because you he just took out the uh the trev with the bombard cannon and now yellow is not happy about that so yellow is going to make their own castle now yellows pulled a lot of villagers off resources to accomplish this so the eco is not really that good and the cavalier going down but then again bombard cannons are pricey as we see supplies for red what is this game this game is genuinely nuts and another castle with one pill okay well guys this castle is going to kill so many yellow villagers yellow doesn't know where to go yellow needs gold yellow doesn't have anywhere safe to get gold the traps haven't been pulled through probably just because of the stress at all i guess there is some gold here but look at the ville counts look at the veal counts this is nuts to me and because red has full blacksmith upgrades on the cavalier and the production of it has been somewhat decent the cavalier can kill half this army no problem like the pikeman's the only issue the monks are the only issue everything else dies red hey what's up yeah there's sorry to bother you i know you're busy but there's actually units in your eco right now i'm not sure what you're doing but i think i don't want a backseat game you should probably garrison or uh fight with your cavalier or you know anything really red is so focused on ah oh my god he chewed up 14 petars and he left his whole eco to rot 14 petards people that's so expensive and he's holding on he's holding on no way okay so this is this is quickly becoming one of the best level legend games i've ever seen in my freaking life i i cannot believe we're still here yellow wants to stop the castle but is actually attacking the castle foundation and means that the units will die to the castle here red is trying to mass enough batards to break down yellow's castle and now the cavalier might be able to maybe take out the traps but red doesn't actually have the stone to be able to repair this castle and yellow might have enough units to be able to take out red's cavalier red though might not be able to take out the trebs because they packed up baby casa peruto i don't see red saving this castle there's so many trebs coming over but the batards are gonna take out this castle what is happening who is winning what what is this game so many times i've wanted to say yellow was just gonna clear this up but red is so stubborn now that's enough petars to take out that castle you need eight petars for a castle oh god oh no oh no oh god oh it took so long to make those oh no and now red's gonna lose a red has lost both castles and all the rest the good news is all the resources come back that's the good news suddenly red's like wow i can make a lot more cavalier but that might be it i mean 50 military versus two red could don't research paladin in your one stable you could but don't do it you need cavaliers oh my god such an epic game that scared me man um yeah the villagers are just hanging out over here thinking about you know wars of the past they're gonna go down thank you for the donation juggler you're amazing we do have paladin wait he made another stable for it though where oh now he makes more stables all right well he might not win the game but red will have been able to say that the technologies were in elite conquistador and paladin now why watch um watch red be confused as to how this game was lost and post on the reddit the subreddit and say the enemy didn't have full upgrades on any of their units but i had to leak conquistador and paladin with full upgrades how did i lose you got to make the units that's the problem here and the villagers are gonna riot and uh this is not quite like the flemish revolution you see with burgundians those villagers are gonna go down red is now at 40 population and brickie arrow has weathered a in an incredible storm and i mean this was such a good game and i didn't exactly call it but i did say in dark age that the reason these players are probably similar elos is because red is awkward and aggressive i didn't expect it in this way um i expected to see a few more units from him to back it up uh in particular after he lost his conquistadors but still he now has invested all this resources into paladin he's got five of them so i mean if he could heal them up after every battle maybe there's a chance don't see that happening we're gonna see the paladins eventually go down after taking out some siege and red uh is a fighter some people are lovers some people are fighters red is definitely a fighter but i think we're gonna see the gg as yellow has actually clicked the trebs on the paladins that's that's new well we won't see the gg because there's no spec jab but there will be no gg but we have to pretend it's there um just not really sure what red is going to focus on right now i word how do i title this one if i were to post it to youtube how do i title this one i mean i feel like in some ways it's so relatable because there's got to be some of you out there who you work so hard to get your eco to look right and then castle drops happen conquistadors happen craziness happens and despite being ahead which i think will clearly see yellow was despite being ahead in resources collected you still lose games right because of the craziness i know that the majority of players who are trying to improve they don't have that knack in them to be annoying and be aggressive it's normally one or the other and that's what i found anyways and you've gotta you've gotta like learn the other half of the game so for brickie arrow i mean right here it looked like brookie era was dominating and it was over but it almost got out of hand there and i actually think red would have won this game if he would have cancelled his bettarts it's like let his castle stand there right let it stand there repair it if you want to but if he would have canceled his battards and had four stables uh 20 minutes ago spend those resources on cavalier i think he wins do you look at what yellow's making he's making samurai only feudal age upgrades pikeman only pikeman not habiteers only feudal age upgrades skirmishers arbalest all this stuff it's a mix of units but it's like they're all really weak units in and of themselves with very low upgrades so if he had 30 cavalier right now he wins he wins every single fight um and then maybe he doesn't lose this castle maybe he doesn't lose this castle so it was doable despite red being behind in a lot of control at least that's what it seemed like it was doable for him up until the very end he was just a little late to getting the stables up a little late to getting the bricks i think that is one of the best low elo legend games you'll see um i know there's going to be people that the funny thing about how different people are as players is that that's going to affect who people were rooting for in this game for example twitch chat who are you rooting for now people are going to answer and people on youtube might might answer as well and then if i were to look at their profiles i could tell you what type of player they are before we go into it people rooting for red are the people who they they're like screw build orders man screw your build orders screw your meta i'm i'm gonna win by being annoying and aggressive and then the people who are rooting for yellow are the people who lost in situations like this before in yellow's position trying to play good after a lot of practice and they've struggled so um that's that's at least my guess i have no facts to back this up really uh but yeah congratulations brookie arrow good game more wood food and gold collected and uh uh what's his name again what what's that stand for in russian like mirror or come on help me out eclipse why did i get mirror okay eclipse 300 uh lost that one but i'm sure has to be the higher apm player right no interesting i guess when you don't set gather points on your tc and you just queue up 15 bills and forget about it maybe that affects it but apparently brookie arrow every step of the way was the faster player and also the better economic player so a little surprised by that i thought yellow and again he didn't move his units around too much but i thought he'd only have his military to focus on because his eco was struggling
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 33,675
Rating: 4.9498434 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definite, definitive, edition, AoE2, AoE, AoE2DE, DE, Low, Elo, Legend, Legends, lul, lol, funny, silly, 1v1, AI, bot, computer, CPU, comp, composition, army, unit, units, armies, again, second, return, returns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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