Norm Macdonald's Moth Joke
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 2,485,282
Rating: 4.9519978 out of 5
Keywords: Late Night with Conan O’Brien, late night with conan obrien, late night with, conan classic, best of, late night, original, comedy, sketch, humor, funny, celebrity, interview, first, late late show, late, night, show, special, classic, talk show, talk show hosts, triumph the insult comic dog, andy richter, max weinberg, norm macdonald
Id: YxD3pT8C9-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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It's nice to see this video in HD and not cropped to all hell.
If you're in a Norm memorial mood over these last couple of days, Bob Saget (the guy he roasted in that incredible video) has posted a tribute/long-form-eulogy sort of video that is really lovely. I didn't really know much about Bob outside of his relationship with Norm, but he's managed to sum up the situation in a really great way, as a close friend but also someone who wasn't in the inner circle about the sickness. He knew something was happening, but not what exactly what was going on. It's quite tough to listen to, Bob chokes up a fair bit during this, but it's a really beautiful tribute to a man who very rarely showed his emotions in public.
“So Norm…”
Somehow that makes it even funnier
I never really got the appeal of this until I heard Conan explain the joke from his perspective in his latest podcast talking about Norm.
He lays it on so thick you dont realize that a professional comedian on The Tonight Show, in front of millions of people who he can make laugh and later pay to come see his shows, has decided to spend six and a half minutes telling an aggravatingly pointless, intentionally un-funny joke about a moth going to the doctor. Like his intention was to waste your time. And he absolutely loved it.
It's still not a funny joke. But I get why it's funny now. I think.
You need 5 min of setup for such a lame and simple punchline and Conan set it up from the start. This is genius
Another great joke by Norm in the same style, "Dirty Johnny":
That was comedy solid gold.
An all-time legendary moment in comedy. Love you Norm
Hadn't seen the ice toll booth bit before but he goes on to voice a similar character in Klaus.