Norm Macdonald Accidentally Ordered A Porno | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

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all right Brad that happens wherever you go right yeah everybody else actually like when I uh started doing comedy I uh would go on stage and and uh uh I was doing it for a couple years and then I go on stage sometimes people go Norm Norm and uh I thought I was catching on but it was from shears right so they were just excited about the show Cheers they're pretty good that's a sad thing to happen to you all right well happier things you're uh what are you you're on uh you're on your fourth show of the Season live yeah and you got Quentin Tarantino this week yeah Smashing Pumpkins that's a cool show that's really cool you gotta be excited about that yeah Quentin Tarantino is like so cool you know yeah and uh Plus in the back of your head you think maybe they'll put you in one of his movies no but uh he's a great writer too you know and really cool and uh you know Pulp Fiction was like my favorite movie I've seen it like a hundred times yeah and it was that I thought I was that was not a pay-per-view it's on Pay-per-view yeah that's right they show it there yeah so the other night like I I ordered it you know I called in and ordered it and then I I got the wrong one and it was that porno and it was pump friction you know that one oh man it was in there no I I mean no I don't know what you're talking about it it is it was all right it was okay yeah they're different movies I mean you know really like Pulp Fiction is kind of a you know a gritty Urban Fable with strong characters and acting and you know pump friction is more it's you know graphic sex yeah yeah I could see how they're different yeah it's like apples and oranges you can't compare them you know so why would you want to yeah but I called the cable company and and uh about an hour later and complained they're gonna get that straightened out good that's good sex is everywhere though you can't you know do you guys watch a lot of pornos that's what our demographic studies show to find out who's watching our fans love porno that's what we know about this show I always thought they should have like you know how they have that Dick Clark Ed McMahon like blooper show the blooper show yeah they should have those for pornos you know because you know I'm sure they make mistakes on the set and everything you know it'd be funny to see you know like the girl going now you know Harry you have a huge clock you know I just messing up their line all right and then you cut back to Ed McMahon and yeah let's go back to Ed and dick I don't know you don't know what you're doing you're just riffing here you don't know yeah you got uh yeah I like actually you know graphic sex better than you know what bugs me is like [Applause] yeah pornos and stuff but I I don't like what I don't like is like when they try to be like they they have sexual like innuendo and right so they pretend like it's not about sex but uh all my life remember that show I remember as a kid Dating Game remember that show yeah yeah and it was a game show but you know it was all about everything was sex you know it was all dirty and uh you're not that sure everything had a double meaning everything had a double meaning you know and so the girls would ask and then they get these guys that were like good Lord you know I don't know where they find these guys and get a beautiful girl and then these three uh you know serial killer type guys and uh you know the girl would ask to ask these questions they were all at Double meetings you know like the girl go uh you know uh if uh if I were a popsicle what would you do to me you know something like that right yeah [Applause] well first I'd uh you know take your wrapper off you know if you know what I mean you know and then I'd grab a hold of your big sticks there you know if you know what I mean and uh you know and then I'd uh I'd uh press you against the counters or you're broken too you know if you know what I mean you know I put Happy in the freezer so later you know yeah yeah all right oh I missed those days in TVs it's though there's you know there's so much sexy I know you got a family you got a kid right yeah you got a beautiful little kid how old is he he's three he's the greatest uh-huh yeah is he like uh what I mean what [Applause] let's just end there he's just a great great kid he's like Serena he's reaching the age where he's kind of he's they reached that kind of cruel age you know where it's like uh you know Lord of the Flies or something where you got to watch him and uh he we got a a dog you know a little dog yeah I know dogs yeah we call them Doogie when I was a kid my dad my parents named my dog Snoopy oh really yeah so I was completely embarrassed all the time the heckiest name you can call your dog hey what's your dog's name oh there's nothing you know but uh so my the point of the story is this yes my kid is getting this cruel age and he always got to watch him around the dog you know because he'll uh you know and he lies you know like you're hey hey uh what are you doing there you shouldn't be uh petting his eyeball like that he doesn't like that you know he's like no he likes that you told me I go dogs can't talk I'm not stupid yeah yeah and uh I can't even find the dog anymore because the kids always yeah hey where are you Doogie where to play with Dylan where are you you know I can't find him anywhere you know open the cover thugs in there [Laughter] not here not not here
Channel: Conan O'Brien
Views: 1,635,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night with Conan O’Brien, late night with conan obrien, late night with, conan classic, best of, late night, original, comedy, sketch, humor, funny, celebrity, interview, first, late late show, late, night, show, special, classic, talk show, talk show hosts, triumph the insult comic dog, andy richter, max weinberg, norm macdonald, rip, in memoriam
Id: Pt4gNfd-JMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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