Norm MacDonald and Conan O'Brien 2/2

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McDonald's and you know you kind of surprised me because you you did MTV beach house recently and and you know I there's a certain kind of person you expect to show up on the MTV beach house and I hear we'll be right back with MTV beach house our special guest Norm Macdonald yeah what are you doing fish what was that it's this show on MTV I know and at a beach it's an inch and they don't they don't script anything like you know they do like four anyway so the dude the host was like hey norm can you wear it you might wear a pair of trunks you know bathing trunks and I go no I don't wanna wear that you know cuz I'm like my body's like all weird looking at her oh these everybody else is super hot ladies and super hot man you know I don't know you know whatever whatever you Wow you sure about that all right go ahead so I'm on the show right so they're saying hey come on seriously put on the trunks on line no man I don't want to so then they think this will be funny they go hey we're going to show you a fashion show some dudes will come out you know and show you the you see what you think I go what so all of a sudden these three dudes come out right dance around and they're thongs and shorts and there weren't thongs or shorts with bathing trunks but some of them are like thongs we can see there are dirty arses so come so so I'm like watching it you know I'm like man John sir yeah go ahead okay go so I said you know oh yeah no I'm sure trying to go yeah that's funny right no you do a lot of that yeah yes and then the guy the host you goes to this one guy who was very very very gay what how do you know that yeah I'm gonna sign it look very very good he says to this dude he says hey I'll give you 20 bucks if you lapdance of norm you know I mean right oh the Sun just do like hey 20 bucks I guess you did have much money so I look up here's this nude almost new dude running toward me right so I think in my head okay man pretty soon the guy's going to be writhing around on my lap with his ass you know and I don't want that on TV you know forever cuz you know it's okay to talk about if you don't want to see it then videotape that and for it's there forever so meanwhile what can I do you know you can't hit a guy cuz it looks bad yeah yeah of course a woman could hit a go naked guy running out that's okay but a man Canada you know I have to think fast it's only a second so I bolt I take off you see City ready didn't I running down the beach the guy catch you or no yeah and then I had to come back on there like hello miss you're homophobic and what what let a gag grind disaster deal you gotta work on that hey I'm gonna miss handy on this show man yeah he's got to live how bad is that huh ah you can still move booing yeah Jesus good you killed everyone's joy tonight no I swear to god though you got the great you sit on a couch for the living you should think about not giving that that's a great job you sit on a couch yeah and you sit on a chair it got it got to be too much though I'm looking at lay down I've got a doughnut down a bit but you're a great man and I'm gonna miss you I'm shoppin you're a great man nope maybe if they Internet they started like writing Steve Andy it's not the same amazing choice yeah that's the hard thing now listen we want to talk about your uncle because every time you come on the show you have a story about your uncle who lives up in Canada he's a Frenchman yeah yeah you always have like a little story about him jean-luc oh yeah he's a crazy character that dude he originally visited New York City hello I'm just having a drink I can listen to you and have a drink it's not like it won't like this whole ooh ah liquid oh I'm still here let's see if I got this right you've got an uncle lives up in Canada named jean-luc occasionally he visits once each time he visited New York yeah so I living in New York you know and jean-luc I'm excited John listen come back my crazy Frenchman uncle so he gets in the cab right when he gets to the airport you got the air board the cab driver picks him up and the cab driver says to him hey Frenchman he says you know he says do you like riddles you know so my uncle John Luke is like I yes i love the riddles that's how he does he goes I'd like nothing better than a riddle yeah the cabbies like all right here's one right so here's the really his brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my father's son so my uh I don't know so the cabbie goes is me it's me oh yeah oh he thinks about oh my god he says that's a good riddle there he says I have to tell my wife Mary Claire when I get back to gaspé that's where he'll is guys back right so he's like take me back to the airport and the guy was like once because I that you want to go visit Norman no no no I've go back to the airport alright you know I have to tell Mary Claire seems odd right get back on the plane flies all the way back home there to gaspé back right nose in the door very clear very clear with who you know where are you Mary Claire come on down here I have a riddle for you she goes okay look the riddle she's a woman huh Michael Jackson was visit him yeah so uh you're going to love this riddle it was New York forget about dad I got a little uh brothers and sisters I have none but this man spider he's my father Sir she goes huh I don't know please if so cabdriver back in New York what are you doing you can't aim to do that did you I did you didn't mean to do that oh I just got to the bad guy man I always tell my uncle you shouldn't curse him oh man all right we're gonna pick up the pieces yeah the show is called norm yeah yeah when is that on that's on Wednesday at 8:30 already missed it man it's Thursday it's on all more and he can watch it next time on on ABC no I'm I'm always amazing man who stick around I know I'm just gonna say thanks for the second I'm gonna see Shawn that next guy's hilarious all right he's gonna stick around nor McDonald's gonna stick around
Channel: Mishkin79
Views: 634,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Norm, MacDonald
Id: -Ag2fvKD5Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2008
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