Norm MacDonald and Andy Richter: A Hilariously Tricky Relationship Revealed!

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right on Rikers Island they're uh they have banned they banned like two months ago they banned pornography any porno magazines from the uh from the prison you know because uh I don't know why they did it but now and now I just read the headlines sure you don't need to know that part right who cares about that part right but uh uh now they had to bring him back this week so they're they had a compromise they're allowing one porno magazine only one only one yeah unfortunately the porno magazine that they're putting in is uh hairy guy's ass Illustrated really well if you're gonna only allow one I would think that's the one you know probably it's a good magazine though it is a good you know it's not people it's not all just pictures the articles are good actually good articles on if you're buying a home what home to buy good areas to live yeah good stereo advice yeah yeah killer crossword puzzle it's just a good publication all right I just I just read it for Harry guy's ass we'll see that's you Andy just people are all different it was done before the show the last week he went to the hairy guys ass mansion laughs it was great why didn't you Andy has all the fun he gets to all the big celebrity parties him and Jimmy Khan that is a fantastic guy I'm curious about something when I say you know I used to make jokes at 12 30 but I'm being gay that's absolutely ridiculous but when we were starting out I will tell you one story about Andy coffee shop busting tables so Andy comes after me and he goes hey man I got a way to make some money I said what what is your way he goes I'm going to become a male prostitute now I said I've I said Andy you're not gay it doesn't make any sense he goes but a guy has to make a dog so I said all right do what you want so he comes to me the next day and he says hey I'm buying breakfast I says why is that he says I made 450 and five cents last night wow I said what on Earth he goes yeah they did some tricks there you know they call it and uh and uh so I said to him you know I eat steak and eggs I eat you know expensive he says that's all right I made 450 and five cents and I said well who on Earth gave you five cents he said every one of them [Applause] good God you're a horse's ass I was concerned that's simple that's nine thousand and one please [Applause] oh yeah um he had a strange thing do you hear that quote he said he said uh he's he's closer than minorities than the other candidates because he says he showered with a lot of black guys did you hear that what he says because he used to be on the Buffalo Bill that's what he was a football player is that true he said that yeah he said that the other day he said he has a closer feel for the minorities because he's showered with so many black guys but you know I don't know if that's well how do you want to pick your President right yeah there's a lot of black guys I don't know I mean you're picking Dole because he can do an impression you know your reasons aren't much better if I was gonna pick a guy just because he showed a lot of black guys I'd pick uh Andy or something like that you know people don't have to know that yeah in every branch of the Armed Forces nice jokes I just want to say like I said I said a thing on last show about Andy enjoying gay porn right yeah yeah and I thought later that was just a stupid thing to do it was all forgotten until you just brought it up he doesn't like gay porn you know game point so anyway I can't stand Gabriel or no thanks so if you're getting me a birthday present no gay porn you know that's great because it really cleared the air yeah I understand you uh lent you take lent pretty seriously the the Catholic holiday at lent is that the case well I you have to give up stuff on lent so every year on lent I give up stuff and I made up a list you know oh really stuff that I gave up so I have it here in my pocket can I read it I would love to hear what Norm gave up for land yeah okay yes this is a list of things that I gave up for Lent okay ready I gave up uh power lifting all right ouch yeah I didn't want to do that and then I gave up uh uh lifting of any kind okay that's good and then I gave up uh I gave up dressing up like an incubus now that people know what it is you know not gonna do that and then I gave up this is this is a good this isn't a good one I gave up feeding my cat you got to break that habit yeah when's a good time to do that so that's oh and then I spent I gave up spending thousands of dollars trying to methodically seduce Andy's wife no more of that huh all right that's very nice good for you plus she gets in the idea that Andy has a wife [Applause] [Music] I don't like it well okay what we're going to do is we're going to take a quick break and then we're all going to confer with our lawyers and then we're going to come back and we'll have a more with Norm Macdonald in just a second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right we're back everybody stop comparing notes on gay porn all right no we were actually talking about uh uh the Sports Illustrated the uh swimsuit issue oh yeah yeah I love it Andy said it's his least favorite sports illustrator this is never mind never mind Andy you don't it's like quicksanded I know I'm just gonna sit very still and it'll go away uh Norman Fell from Three's Company that's your hero yeah Mr Roper yeah Mr Rover yeah that's not a good hero that's all I got it's better than this guy's hero is some gay porn actor but anyway [Laughter] let me tell you something about gay porn [Laughter] [Applause] okay now I'll tell you something about gay porn seriously okay that doesn't mean a guy is gay I'm not saying that because a guy watches gay porn all the time I enjoy gay porn I'm not gay gay porn is a genre that just cuts across all demographics you know young people old people straight people the gay people enjoy it everybody like gay part but this guy really likes it all right I heard patriotic music playing behind that speech that's I meant to say I meant to talk about Bob Dole those guys might no this guy's right here ruined my reputation you know it's not gay if anybody's not gay it's this guy I am so totally straight oh yeah oh I love the ladies it's happening every time you try and talk about Bob Dole start talking about gay porn I know that was I don't know what that was but listen the Bob ber he's always been my hero for like the last 18 years yeah since I was very young and I always liked Bob Dole and uh so it was a very it was an honor to now it sounds weird because I was talking about gay porn but I Joan I'm questioning your ability to continue because it's hot I was talking to Andy before the show and apparently I made a mistake one time in the show where I intimated that maybe Andy was into gay porno you remember that which he was not what she was not into and I never meant to intimate that he was gay in any way right just that he had an obsession with watching gay porno there is a difference [Applause] so I said so I said I'm sorry he said you know I said I'm sorry about that right and I said I would never mention again his alleged obsession with gay porno right we're going to run that on a loop playing it over and over again he's got a wife yeah I know what are you talking about I know that is have you ever met her yes okay good yeah she does exist she does exist yeah that's what I'm trying to tell the people I don't want them to think that Andy's in the game and there's nothing wrong with being gay [Music] [Applause] Joy tonight no I swear to God though uh when you got the great you sit on a couch for the living you should think about Not Giving that up thank you that's a great job you sit on a couch yeah and you sit on a chair it got to be it got to be too much though I'm looking to lay down thank you [Applause] yeah he's like nope maybe if the internet they start like writing save Andy you know what I mean let's not save them because he's not safe your eyes you're Irish yes what are you uh Swedish Germans Swedish German are you really yeah yeah really why would I lie about that it's not funny it's a very strange line I put one over on those people yeah Swedish German no I tell you why it's funny man because that was in I was in Georgia Atlanta Georgia yeah I met a good old boy down there and he said uh have you ever he said you know Andy Richter yeah yeah he did yeah you met a guy in Georgia and he said you know Andy Rick yeah you do guys do well there oh and he said uh I said yeah he said have you ever heard of Andy Richter joke I said no he said well most of us based on him being a Swedish German [Laughter] joke really I didn't know are you a Swedish do you remember that was all nonsense yeah well now this lines up perfectly let me ask you something because it sort of relates to the first wait don't you want to hear the joke oh you're down to six you're down to six all right this joke will get you back up you can get him back let's hear the joke well the fella says he says man he says you ever tear the time about the whole prospector that's how you tell him yeah he says that he says man there was no prospector and he was a Prosperity different for a goal and he was having a hell of a time getting any gold it was an empty steak I I believe and he said he'd come into town he'd been he'd been in their mind for a good eight months he said by God he said I'm only I'm only flesh of blood sure and I need I need a woman you know and so he goes into town he goes up the bar takes his bartender he says man I've been in that mine for a hell of a long time and I'm only Flesh and Blood I need a woman well the bartender says hell there ain't no women in this town if you want to do any of that business all we got is Andrew Richter The Swedish German all right the prospector he says no no he says hell I ain't into that fun and stuff you know he says I'll be fine so he goes back to his State you know and he's back in that mine man in six months back and a year passes and Conan you know people are weak man is made of Flesh and pride as the scriptures tell us and by God that Old Prospector finally broke to his knees and he said I'm no worse than ever then he went back to the bar he says hell man I've been in that place two and a half years and man has needs and if you say there's no women in this here time he says well I'll have to go for Andy Richter The Swedish German but he says listen now he says man I'm a tough old ombre you know and I got friends now he says I don't want anybody to know about this you know this is the back of the old days sure yeah I can I can tell by the accent yeah he says I got my cow poke friends and so forth I'd hate to Hell anybody know about this you know this got to be all secret nobody I say nobody can know about this bartender says well four people will know about it how do you figure that he said well he says I don't know about it he says you'll know about it and the Richter The Swedish German will know about it and the fellow that has to hold down and he'll know about it [Laughter] why why because Andrew Richter the sweetest Jammer he don't go for that funny business either at least you left me my dignity yeah I like the way that story ended yeah [Laughter] I would no it's tomorrow [Applause] genre of uh Andy the Swedish Germany well you know what I asked you how are you yeah and you went into uh I believe a 48-minute joke it was fantastic but now we have to take a commercial break are you kidding me yes I'm about to grow my beard back if I don't [Applause]
Channel: Art of Comedy
Views: 369,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Norm MacDonald, Andy, tricky relationship, comedic chemistry, hilarious banter, unexpected punchlines, laughter, comedy goldmine, comedic journey, wit, comedic surprises, humorous exchanges
Id: 5VKmn0gN9rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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