NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge!

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today we're doing a poppy playtime build challenge but I'm going to be secretly using hacks to troll my friend using the command sl/ paste I can instantly spawn in this massive dog day build and little does my friend know I'm going to be filling up the entire build with a whole bunch of traps to break him and now let's go check out my friend G and G uh where are you what the I can't believe you fell for that why would you scare me but bubbles what in the world are we doing today we're going to be doing a dog day Build Challenge Dog Day that's super cool but wa wait a second what side are you going to go on the green side or the blue side well since L of the green side was destroyed I'm going to go on the green side the green side okay fine G the blue side is better anyway that's so cap bubbles but we only have 10 minutes to build this so let's get building 10 minutes go go go now that g can't hear me any more I can go ahead and type in the command and oh my God our dog day bill just spawned in he looks super duper scary which is perfect cuz we're way ahead of GE but we got no time to waste cuz we got to put in some traps and for the first trap I'm going to be putting it a fake entrance where should I put it h oh I think it would be hilarious if we put it right inside of dog day's mouth so let's just break out a few blocks just like this and put some secret doors disguised as Emerald blocks emeralds are G's favorite so this is definitely going to lure him into our trap because this is the fake entrance we're going to be making a treasure that's completely fake let's go ahead and build out the room first there we go and now we got to put a little obstacle in here to make it completely believable and for that we're just going to be making a large pool of lava that g is going to have to get across we can't be making it too hard though cuz we want G to fall for a trap to get to the other side G is going to have to use this web hook launcher right inside of this item frame all he has to do is shoot it to the other side and he can swing across just like Spider-Man with all that set up we can now put down his fake treasure let's sneak a little command block right underneath the trap chest and now when G opens it up to collect his prize huge boxy boo is going to spawn in and oh my goodness this boxy boot does so much damage that was way too scary make sure to stick around to C G get super duper spooked but just like that my fake entrance is completed and before building the real one I want to go check on G to see how he's doing I secretly Place oneway Glass on the other side of the competition so let me just break out a few blocks into the wall just like this and look at that I can see G building all right just a few more blocks and there we go my dog day look super good what do you think of it Mr puffer fish what the why is she talking to a puffer fish has he G insane wait a second you don't like it get out of here what the heck but little do bubbles know I'm going to place a ton of Trapster in my entire build with this super secret treasure at the end and we only have 8 minutes left to build this this is going perfect wait a second did he say 8 minutes I got to get back to my build all right we got to move fast we already have the fake entrance completed so now it's time to put in the real one and I was thinking maybe I put the real entrance inside of his necklace but I think that would be a little bit too obvious so instead we're going to put it right below it he'll never guess that it'll be inside of his zipper and just to make it even more hidden we're going to cover it up with a whole bunch of ghost blocks and wo look at that you can't even tell that anything's there all right now it's time to build our first official trap for the first trap I'm going to be making a poppy playtime Toy Factory and this Toy Factory is going to be super duper scary let's make the first make a Friend toy machine right over over here and we even give it some super creepy eyes just like this and then we'll make the second one yellow right over here and this one's going to have some even scarier crooked eyes wo it looks like they're literally staring at me while I'm building let's hurry up and make a roof for the toy factory there we go to make it out of the Toy Factory G is going to have to decide if he wants to go on the conveyor belt on the red machine or the conveyor belt on the yellow machine and since I think the color red is pretty cool cuz it reminds me of boxy boot it's going to be the correct answer which leaves the yellow machine to be the wrong one so let's build out the rest of these conveyor belts just like this and at the end we're going to make him drop into a room made out of super secure bedrock and I think it would be super hilarious if we filled the room with a whole bunch of lava spikes Let's test if this works real quick and look at that we're literally getting moved toward the lava spikes oh my God I can't wait to see G fall for this trap but now that we're done with the yellow machine we can move on to building the Red Machine this side is going to be super simple because all we're going to do is just build it to make it good to the next room there we go and just like that our poppy playtime Toy Factory is completed make sure you guys stick around to see if GE chooses the right conveyor belt all right for the second trap of my build it's going to be a boss fight G will have to fight a super op mob boss and the only way he can get through is by defeating it so let's go ahead and build out a room big enough for the super scary mob boss and we also have to put down some super secure iron bars to make sure that the mob boss doesn't escape and destroy everything there we go and wow this room is looking super good and now to help me spawn in the mob boss you have to hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing and oh my goodness this guy looks super duper scary and that axe looks insanely powerful too let's hurry up and cover it up I have no idea how G is going to be able to defeat this guy but we're going to have to help him out by putting some items inside of this chest right over here but the thing is it's going to be password protected let's put the password to 5544 something that he'll never guess then inside of the chest we're going to give him a full set of emerald armor and even an emerald sword he's going to be super happy since emeralds are his favorite for him to figure out the password he's going to have to decide if he wants to pull the lever on the left or the lever on the right and because right is usually right we're going to make the right one the wrong one let's go ahead and put a command block right underneath it and now when G goes to pull this lever he's just going to be teleported right inside of the cage with the super super massive troll what the heck as for the left lover if he pulls it a little piece of paper is going to pop out and right on top is going to be the secret code and all right looks like our boss fight room is completed make sure you guys wait to see if G is able to defeat this super scary ice troll but for now let's go ahead and build our third trap and our build for the third obstacle that g is going to have to get through he's going to have to face one of his biggest fears and you'll see what it is in just a second first we're going to build a room with a little pit just like this all right and now with the room completed we can now spawn in G's biggest fear I don't know if you guys know this but G is absolutely terrified of worms and oh my goodness look how many worms are down there that looks absolutely disgusting but let's be real guys G's reaction is going to be so funny and just to make things even funnier we're going to be making a fake parkour jump out of a ghost block just like that and now when he goes to make this jump he's just going to fall right through into the pit of worms M all right enough messing around the actual way that g can get across is by finding this hidden chest disgu as a little plant if he somehow right clicks this plant he's going to find this little ender pearl sitting right inside and obviously with this ender pearl he can just use it to teleport to the other side and now with the worm room completed we got to hurry up and get out of here because these worms are looking extra hungry for my next obstacle I have a super cool idea that involves Huggy wuggy but before I can build it I want to go troll G real quick and guys I have the perfect prank so let me just fly up to the wall over here and open up this chest and we'll grab this Huggy wuggy spawn EG and a splash potion of invisibility and oh my goodness guys look at that G's building right over there wow my dog day build is turning out amazing I'm definitely going to beat bubbles he's going to beat me no way let hurry up and splash his invisibility potion and then I'm just going to fly right over to him to troll him I'm almost finished wait he's almost finished we got to move quick let's just go right behind him and spawn in a whole bunch of these Huggy wuggies and wait a second what the heck is that sound and ah what the heck is that Huggy wuggy no way he just boxed himself in oh no I can't even get out G must have been super scared but while he's busy respawning I'm just going to go in my inventory and grab a bazooka real quick and then we're just going to blow up his Lo run away run away run away that was super duper weird but let me just fly back to my bit and what the heck just happened who just destroyed my build no way guys G noticed Huggy wuggy was it you get out of here oh my God he's literally shooting at the Huggy wuggies this is super bad and we only have 5 minutes left to fix this build I do not have a lot of time wait a second 5 minutes what the I got to get back to my build go go go all right we don't have much time left so we got to build this fast and if you remember what I told you this trap is going to involve Huggy wuggy we're going to be putting down a little lever right inside of the room with a sign on top that says pull for free emeralds but obviously it's going to be giving him zero emeralds and instead it's going to spawn in this super scary Huggy wuggy oh my God he looks super terrifying and once he spawned in he's going to automatically start chasing GE the only way he'll be able to escape is by running through a series of events just like in the game and not to make things harder but once he reaches this point he's going to have to pick if he wants to make a right turn or a left turn and obviously one is going to be a dead end so I guess I am making things a little bit harder we'll make this left turn over here the deadend end he's going to think that he has somewhere to go but then nope it's going to be completely blocked off then for the right turn over here it's just going to lead him to the next room where he's going to be completely safe from Huggy wuggy I think this has to be one of my most interesting traps yet so make sure to stick around to see Huggy wuggy Chase G around the vent wait a second we only have 2 minutes left I got to build my next trap fast all right for my next obstacle G better have his reaction time ready and you might be wondering why and it's because he's going to have to do some water bucket clutching and I know that doesn't sound like anything crazy but just wait I'm going to put a little twist to it first let's build out the massive tunnels that g is going to have to jump down into we got to make sure it's deep enough so that if he misses the water bucket clutch he's going to get punished and all right now that I'm done with both of these drops I can tell you guys what I was planning so because the color blue is way better than Green on the blue side we're just going to put an actual bucket of water as for the stinky green side we're going to give him a fake bucket of water the water inside of this bucket is actually super poisonous and when he uses it to clutch he's going to get absolutely destroyed we'll see if G is smart enough to not pick the poisonous water but now that we're done with this water bucket clutch area we can move on to building the last and final obstacle and if you guys didn't know already it's time for him to to pick if he wants the emerald treasure or the diamond treasure let's set up some super secure doors to make sure that he can't see what's behind them and come on guys I think we already know which side is going to have the best prize and I think we also know which side is going to have a super deadly trap so let's open up the door on the emerald treasure side and make our deadly trap for this I'm going to have to spawn in a Super Evil chest this chest might look super innocent and normal but when you right click it it's actually going to come alive in the E look at that oh my goodness it does so much damage I think it'll be super funny when G Falls for it but now that the emerald side is completed we can move on to giving G his actual prize on a diamond side we're going to place a chest down and then fill it with a whole bunch of his favorite things there we go and just like that our dog day build is completed wow perfect timing the timer just went off as well which means that now we can meet up with G and check out each other's builds hey G hey bubbles now that the timer is up whose build are we checking out first well since my build is definitely the absolute best we should check out mine um I don't know about that one but let's see if you're right G all right check it out this is my dog day build what do you think and wait is a second I guess this is not bad of course it's not bad it's amazing I don't know about amazing but G what is wrong with his face he looks really Derpy uh uh because dog day is really Derpy remember that is definitely not true he's supposed to be scary but how do I even get inside your build I'll give you a hint bubbles I made it out of your favorite block my favorite block hm it must be diamonds let me just look around for some blue let's see and wait a second I see the diamonds right over here good job bubbles you actually found it so now let's open it up and wo there's a whole bunch of chest is this my prize yeah bubbles but it's not going to be that easy I put the prize inside of one of these chests and you're going to have to find it in one of these chests this is going to take forever well I better start looking and are you serious right now why is there a whole bunch of poop in this chest take it bubbles take it e what the heck get that away from me E I swear G if I open up another chest and there's pooping oh my g what the heck is wrong with you you know what I don't even care about the poop I just want to find my prize come on come on it's got to be in one of these chests NG I think I found it cuz this is the only chest that I haven't opened yet all right so let's see what's inside come on please be diamonds please wait where why in in the void are you serious rain why did I just get teleported to the void because you just fell for the fake entrance and this is your actual prize e what the heck well G if this is a fake entrance then where in the world is the real one I didn't know bubbles you're just going to have to find it oh my God is it in dog day sun right over here no nope oh maybe it's inside of his other leg and no not even close gee where in the world is its entrance I can't find it anywhere H you can't find it anywhere then I'm not going to tell you G please give me a hint oh wait a second I didn't think you'd actually cry fine bubbles I guess I'll give you a hint but only under one condition and what condition is that everyone watching the video to like And subscribe right now like And subscribe subscribe quick guys I really want to know where this real entrance is hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing all right G they all did it so now you have to tell me where it is wait what I didn't think they'd actually do it fine bubbles I guess I'll show you just follow me oh yeah and I didn't know how you didn't find it bubbles cuz it's literally right over here what the heck this is so hidden I would have never found it but now let me just go inside and um G why am I in a room filled with a whole bunch of emeralds because now you're trapped inside of this Emerald Maze and there's only one way to get out well watch this G I'm going to get a first try right over here and are you serious right now this is already a dead end that was not the way out buddy okay then maybe it's over here oh this has to be it I feel like I'm getting really close come on come on and wait I just fell in some lava what the heck I can't believe you actually fell for that bubbles you should have saw them look in your face yeah whatever G I just got unlucky but now at least I know that it's over here let me just make my way through and look at that I found a door good job bubbles you actually found it but are you sure you want to open it it's it's literally pink I don't care if it's pink G just get me out of this stinky Emerald Maze and uh G what in the world is that this is a mutant zombie Bubbles and you're going to have to fight him I'm going to have to fight that huge Sigma mhm he's literally a rank 999 Sigma so I'm going to drop the walls in three two he wait wait wait wait wait G please stop are you serious right now bubbles what do you mean stop I literally have nothing give me some items are you serious right now bubbles did you literally not see this chest over here oh um I might have been a little bit too scared to see that but let me just open it up real quick and brother it's password protected I wouldn't make it that easy for you my boy but there is a bunch of buttons up on this wall and if you click the right one you're going to get the password well there's not too many buttons here so it should be pretty easy let me just start clicking it and g e there's literally nothing happening what the heck yeah probably cuz you haven't pressed the right one yet you're right there are still a few left there's a blue one and a green one mhm so which one are you going to choose well looking at both of our colors the blue one is definitely better so I'm going to press it and wait what how did I just die what the why would you make the blue one a trap it's supposed to give me the password no it's not bubbles blue is the stinkiest color of all time and let me prove it this thing stinks G it does not smell bad it literally smells like blueberries how do you not like blueberries uh because blueberries are mid mid mid mid mid but you still have one more button left so are you going to press it uh I should have known you would have made the green one the right one let me just press it real quick and see what happens and wo I just got a piece of paper with the co on it let me type in 1 5 2 3 and wow I just got a full set of experience armor and a flame dragon bone sword and wo you look super duper cool now yep mutant zombie Bring It On All right so I'm going to drop the walls in three 2 1 F let's go and look at that g I'm already setting him on fire wow he's definitely taking a ton of damage right now yep I think I'm going to be winning this one yeah but his punches are super strong he just threw you up in the air but I just killed him G I just got him uh are you sure about that bubbles yeah I'm sure uh what the heck come on come on come on I'm super low please and wait I think I actually got him this time good job bubbles you actually got him and look he just dropped a zombie head um that's kind of cool but also really disgusting at the same time let's get out of here good idea Bubbles and wait what the what is this this is my water parkour and you're going to have to make it to the very end without falling in a single time um G water parkour that's super dup super easy even if I fall I'd survive we'll see about that bubbles can you finish it of course I can look at me G I'm already breezing through it yeah I guess you are but now you have a choice which jumper you going to go in this one or that one well this one brings me closer to the exit so I'm just going to jump right over here what the um G why does it say poisonous water in the chat right now because that's what it actually is poisonous water oh no that means I have to be extra careful now I told you bubbles but are you going to make the right jump this time of course I will and I'm I'm going to keep making the right ones for the rest of the way and wo that was close you just fell through that block yeah well I'm not going to fall through anymore and oh no G help me help me help me please no shot you just fell again bubbles are you sure you're a parkour Pro of course I am G you know what they say third times the charm yeah I guess they do say that but let's see if you actually make it I think I will cuz this is the last jump I just got to bounce on the spring and look at that I made it wow I guess you redeemed yourself bubbles but now let's go press this button and move to the next section wo where did we just get teleported to you just made it to my paraglider obstacle course you're going to have to go through every single ring without falling in the lava below parag glider uh G that sounds really dangerous are you sure I can do this yeah of course you can bubbles you're going to be fine all right whatever you say I'm just going to go for it come on and wo look at that I'm gliding right now wow you're actually really good yeah honestly this is a piece of cake and wait wait wait come on I'm going to make this ring please come on no ah that was super close bubbles but you're definitely going to make it this time you know what they say second times the charm um G they literally say third times the charm but hopefully second times the charm for me and uh uh G are you serious right now there's no way you just fell on the first string um I have no idea what you're talking about you didn't see anything yeah I guess third time's actually going to be the charm for you so can you make it of course I can let me just glide through the first ring just like this and look at that g we're in Flight nice job pilot Bubbles and wo look at that I only have one ring left I think I'm going to make it it can you do it and look at that I made it through nice job bubbles that was super awesome but now let's go open up this door and move to the next section let's go and r g what is this you're going to have to pick if you want to go in the water or the lava before I pick which one I want to go in I'm going to ask you a question G who in the world would want to go inside of lava uh a lot of people would bubbles it's like a nice bubble bath yeah if you want to get turned into Fried Chicken are you serious R Yow bubbles that is not how it works but you have to make your decision so which one are you going in obviously I'm going in the water GE and oh wait why why am I taking damage oh my God was that your poisonous water again yep I can't believe you fell for it two times in a row bro I just didn't expect it but now that I know that that's fake water then that has to be fake lava maybe it is Bubbles so are you going to go inside I think I'm going to risk it come on and look at that I made it through good job bubbles I told you it wasn't going to be bad but now that you're inside you can open up this chest a chest is it my prize and wait it's a jetpack that's pretty cool but G what in the world am I going to use this jetpack for you'll figure out bubbles just follow me and uh what the heck is that there's a whole bunch of spikes above me yep and you're going to have to use that jetpack to get to the very top oh that makes more sense let me just put it on real quick and to be honest I've never flown a jetp pack before so this is really scary for me it's all right bubbles I Believe In You Never Back Down never give up and oh no this spikes are getting me the spikes are getting me G and wait I think I just saw the top come on come on and holy moly I just made it here with half a heart good thing you didn't touch another Spike bubbles here take this Golden Apple oh I'm literally scratched up everywhere but I'm glad I made it yep and now that you're at the top you're going to have to choose which treasure are you picking the green treasure or the blue treasure you've been asking me some pretty obvious questions G let me ask you what color am I uh blue so then what side do you think I'm going to pick the green side BR obviously I'm going to pick the blue because I'm literally blue fine whatever bubbles I guess you can open up that chest yeah and blue also means d diamonds which is probably in this chest and uh there's nothing in here and what ises that sound oh what is that what the heck G I literally just got turned to stone by Medusa yeah you did I can't believe you fell for that but wait a second do you think we could break this open I don't know but we can try all right here bubbles take this pickaxe thanks G let me just break it real quick come on come on and uh G what in the world is that um what the what bubbles is that yours e no that would never be mine I think that's literally yours how in the world is that mine I did not get turned into stone okay but I'm right over here so it can't be mine oh my gosh okay it's fine it's neither of ours get out of here e that was really nasty but there was literally nothing in that chest does that mean I have to open up the green side yeah of course you do bubbles cuz green is amazing ew it literally looks like vegetables in here but I guess I'll open it up all right so let's see come on please be diamonds please be diamonds and wao holy moly there's a whole bunch of diamonds I'm super duper rich now let's go wait a second G now that I've checked out your build do you want to check out mine yeah of course I do bubbles let's goe when can I turn around you can turn around in three 2 1 turn around and what the heck don't you just love my super scary and amazing dog day this build is absolutely massive how did you build this in 10 minutes cuz I'm a Minecraft professional okay I didn't know about that buddy but this build is super tall so how in the world do I even get inside this thing I'll give you you h g it's your favorite color my favorite color so green but wait a second I don't really see that much green on this build trust me G it's there you just got to look really close maybe it's a screen right over here no G that's too dark okay that's not going to do it there's a bunch of green spots on this build but not really a bunch of green well G maybe you should look right behind you and wait what oh there was something inside of his mouth the whole time yep I have no idea how you didn't see that I don't know either but let me just open up these doors right over here and wait a second what is this that's a we hook launcher that's going to turn you into Spider-Man and you're going to have to use it to swing across this lava well Spider-Man is my favorite superhero so let me just take this right over here and then shoot it on the other side of that wall and wo it actually works nice job G you literally got that at one try oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah and now I guess you could collect your super amazing prize all right so let me just open it up real quick and wait a second ah is that boy boo get him get out of here and wait a second why is he not burning oh no and look at that g you just got destroyed and are you serious right now boxy boo that was so not funny yeah I can't believe you just fell from my fake entrance G but wait if this is a fake entrance then where in the world do I find the real one you're going to have to go find it yourself oh my gosh maybe it's inside of his ear and no nope or maybe it's inside of his big brown belt and not even CL oh and are you serious R bubbles I can't find this anywhere can you please give me a hint yeah of course G it's right inside of nowhere wait what are you serious ring out bubbles are you sure you don't want to tell me what the heck G put that away I'll tell you where it is oh my God okay okay G just follow me just follow me and I don't know how you couldn't find it it's right inside of a zipper and wait a second what the heck how in the world was I supposed to find this yeah I guess it was pretty hidden but welcome to the first obstacle this is a poppy playtime Toy Factory you're going to have to decide which toy machine you want to go inside of let me think about this there's a yellow tunnel and a red tunnel but the yellow tunnel is closer to the green so I'm going to go inside the yellow one let's go all right let's see where it takes you and wait a second what the heck is this what the heck you're getting burned in my lava spikes that was hilarious I can't believe you picked the yellow one red is way better are you serious right now bubbles fine I guess I'll go inside of the red tunnel but a green tunnel would have been way better n H well let me see where this tunnel is going to take me and uh go what the heck is this bubbles this is a super powerful Troll and you're going to have to fight him I'm going to have to fight him oh no I literally have nothing except for this e what the heck could that wa from me just for that g I'm going to drop the walls in three 2 one no no no no no no no no don't drop it don't drop it yeah that's what I thought G you better keep that poop away from me oh my yeah whatever bubbles let me just try opening this chest over here and are you serious right now it's password protected haha you did it to me so I'm doing it to you but to figure out the password instead of pressing buttons you're going to have to pick which lever you want to pull yeah uhoh bubbles I am not doing that let me just try and guess the password let me type in 1111 and oh my gosh nope maybe one 2 three 4 brother you're not even close no bubbles I know exactly how you think and I'm going to guess your password right now let me just type in the most elaborate code ever made in mankind 9876 um dude that's not even close to the password the only way you're going to figure it out is by pulling one of these levers all right fine bubbles I guess I'll pull this lever right over here and wait a second oh what the heck what the heck get him troll get him are you serious right now there's no way you just picked the wrong leverage G that was hilarious that was so not funny bubbles he was about to eat me yeah and he's going to eat you again if you don't hurry up and get your gear all right so this lover has to be the code so let me just pull it and wao this beer says 554 four so let me just type it in real quick just like this and wao there's a bunch of emerald armor in this emerald sword it's all for you g i look super drippy now but bubbles I think I was still pretty close to guessing the code uh I don't think so but I'm going to drop the walls in three 2 1 fight Bring It On troll bring it on let me just start comboing you real quick just like this come on get G you can't touch me you can't touch me uh he looks like he's literally destroying you but uh did you just win yep that was easy peasy and look he even dropped this tree shrunk wo that is pretty cool but he was a lot weaker than I thought yeah or maybe I'm a lot stronger than you thought but now let's go open up this door and see what's next and welcome into the room with your biggest fear a whole bunch of worms and what the worms yummy wait why I thought worms were your biggest fear uh no they're not bubbles they're delicious oh my God that is really nasty but never mind that you could just make this jump in move to the other side yeah I guess I will bubble so let me just make this jump right over here and wait a second what the heck what the heck get him oh no why did they just start attacking me I just wanted some food these worms don't look edible at all but I guess you're going to have to find another way to get across all right so let me just think really hard come on G how do I get across this pit are you going to figure it out or no andhm this plant looks really suspicious so let me just try tapping on it real quick and wao there's an ender pearl nice G you literally figured it out yep and now I'm going to make it across easy peasy come on 360 and I made it wo that was pretty stylish of you but now you can open up this door and move on to the next obstacle and hold up pull for free emeralds bubbles is this my prize yep it's not actually an obstacle and it's your reward let's go I'm about to be super rich and wait a second is that Huggy wuggy get him Huggy wuggy get him oh no why is he chasing me he's literally chasing you through the vents and no go I'm in a a dead end get him Huggy wuggy get him I can't believe you just ran into a dead end with Huggy wuggy but if you actually want to make it out you're going to have to make it through right oh no well I'm not going to mess it up this time get ready to get juked Huggy wuggy let's see if you can do it g he's right behind you and wait a second there's a door over here let me just open it up and no way you actually did it you escaped Huggy wuggy yeah you're way too tall buddy get out of here good work G that was easy peasy but wait a second what do we have over here this is a room where you're going to have to water bucket clutch are you going to water bucket clutch on the green side or the blue side well that's super duper obvious bubbles obviously I'm going to choose the green side good choice G now you can grab the bucket and water bucket clutch let's go this is going to be a piece of cake and look this bucket even has the letter G on it yeah that's definitely the letter G all right prepare to be amze bubbles this is going to be the best MLG water clutch in history are you serious right now brother you didn't even make the clutch I think something's wrong with the server bubbles cuz how in the world did I not make it down there I have no idea but it doesn't matter anyway cuz that was some poisonous water really dude that's super unfair but luckily there still is this really stinky blue tunnel so let me just take this water bucket right over here and let's see if you can make the CL G I definitely am and I'm going to spin three times in the air get ready 1 2 three holy moly you actually did it yeah cuz I'm built different bubbles I guess you are you redeemed yourself from the other side but now you can open up this door and move on to the last and final obstacle and I feel like this is going to be a pretty easy decision for you are you going to open up the emerald treasure or open up the diamond treasure hm well that's a really easy decision I'm going to choose the diamond treasure if I wasn't a baby what the heck G I guess you could go through the emerald one then let's go and now I'm going to open up my prize and look at that the prize is super cool and we just saying what the heck is this it's the best prize ever very you serious Ral bubbles that was not the best prize everever that chest a bunch of teeth on it yeah and it literally ate you alive and that's why I'm saying G the diamond treasure is way better yeah uh-uh bubbles the emerald treasure would have been way better if it wasn't from Ohio yeah well once you open up the chest inside you'll realize how good this side is yeah I didn't know about that bubbles we'll see about it let me just open up this door over here and this better not be no moving chest again just open it G look at that chest in all of its Glory we'll see about that bubbles let me just open it up real quick and wo there's a bunch of Emeral s and poisonous potatoes all of your favorite things yummy yummy yummy well now that we've checked out each other's builds whose do you think is better well looking carefully at both of her builds I think that mine was way better what no way mine is way better wait what then who wins H that's a good question I guess we'll have to let the comments decide everyone comment de no everyone comment bubbles but if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and if you want to see another one of our adventures then click the video on screen go click cook it cook it bye bye I need the max [Music] wing
Channel: Bubbles
Views: 1,384,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft noob vs pro, noob vs pro, ge and bubbles, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, maizen, jj and mikey, minecraft troll, minecraft prank, minecraft mod, minecraft build challenge, minecraft noob vs hacker, block buddies, dash, catnap, smiling critters, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3, catnap poppy playtime, catnap minecraft, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, boxy boo, poppy playtime minecraft, milo and chip, dogday, miss delight, dogday death
Id: d37pvEvGSSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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