MIKEY vs JJ Family: NOOB vs PRO: SUBMARINE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

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today we are building submarine houses to keep our friends Mikey and JJ and their fam safe can we build them in time before the army of drowned come to kill us we don't have a huge amount of time before those terrifying drowns get here and try to kill Mikey and JJ and their families you're right Milo I think that once the sun goes down all the drowns will be here to kill them we only have 20 minutes to get this done what are we going to do to protect some we're going to build super secure submarines I'll build a pro submarine over here and I'm going to build an even prer submarine over here to protect all of M's family let's get started Milo I am going to be making my submarine out of iron blocks they are so sturdy and strong and it'll really help make sure my submarine survives the drowned attack iron blocks are pretty good I guess but I like my materials better what materials have you been using Milo well pretty much wood and dirt wait wood and dirt Milo that's ridiculous that is not going to help you survive the drowned attack hey it's not ridiculous it's actually a super good idea no Milo I think that's a terrible idea what happens if they break through super duper easily and hurt you Mikey and his family who made you the material police My Submarine is going to be so amazing and really safe nobody has to worry about a thing Milo I'm worrying about a thing I do not want you and Mikey's family to die like this what if your submarine goes too deep Milo and gets crushed by the water pressure chip relax it's chill my dude it's chill my dude Milo you seem way too calm this is a really intense situation yeah it's intense and it's going to be really cool when I survive Milo I'm worried that you won't I really think you need to do a better job of picking materials what the leave me alone my materials are really good wood is super strong like trees and dirt is very resourceful very resourceful Milo you don't need to be resourceful you just have to survive I'm going to survive and it's going to be awesome I'm worried that you won't but you know what I guess there's not much I can do if you want to be a noob then I only have one choice and that is to be the ultimate Pro I'm not being a NB plus isn't iron really heavy that means it's going to sink well Milo submarines are meant to sink that's how they go underwater in the first place oh really I didn't really think about that I know you didn't Milo that's why it's my job to think about things you really should come on my submarine instead it's going to be way safer and it'll help protect Mikey and his whole family yuck there is no way I'm going on your submarine plus miky wants to go on mine not yours really Milo why would he want to go on your submarine cuz it's going to be way more fun we're going to have a great time way more fun no one's going to have any fun if you don't survive Milo how about you mind your own business and focus on your submarine chip okay Milo I will but if your submarine crashes then it is not my fault I'm building iron all along the bottom here once I complete this wall I'm going to be using sponge to soak all the water up no water is getting inside the walls of My Submarine it is way too secure let's see your at that oh we will see about that Milo we'll all see very soon I can't believe that drowned are on their way to our village in the first place I feel really bad that we've LED them here yeah I feel pretty bad too but you know what at least we have a good Escape Plan yeah we definitely do this is probably the best escape plan we've ever had I bet the drowned Army will try and attack our village and everybody in it but they won't even see us escaping on our submarines and if they do see us they'll take one one look and start shaking in their boots cuz we're going to look so scary in our awesome submarines yeah they'll probably see us and think we're some giant whale or something about to eat them I do not think they will have ever seen a submarine before especially not one as cool as mine yeah or Mine mine's going to be the ultimate scare machine an ultimate scare machine Milo how far along are you with your submarine's construction right now well I'm just building the walls this w is holding up really nice underwat even though it's a little bit soggy yeah Milo if the wood is getting soggy that means water can get inside your submarine if water invades your submarine when you're too deep in the ocean it could collapse and kill everyone inside um I don't think that's true I didn't learn that in science class so I'm just going to keep building with wood and dir oh Milo you're crazy but I'm not so I'm going to use sponge to clear the water out of the inside of my submarine look it's going so quickly I just need to do the back and go around the other side as well before it can refill and boom the last remaining bits of water have been fully cleared the bottom level of My Submarine is now totally airtight well chip there's a little problem what is it Milo what's the little problem I don't actually know how to use sponges so I think my submarine might just be full of water full of water Milo that's horrible if your submarine is totally full of water how will Mikey and his family get in that is a really good point I'm going to have to think very carefully about this oh Milo I can't believe you've let it come to this I need to take Mikey and JJ's families both in My Submarine it's the only way to make sure everybody survives no I don't want Mikey to go into your submarine I'm going to be really safe with mine I promise oh Milo I don't really believe you but I guess I don't have much choice if you're so sure then there's nothing I can do to convince you otherwise all I can do is make sure that my submarine is by far the safest I need to give it every single security measure especially if I ever need to come and save Mikey's family or you Milo if you need to come on my submarine too it needs to have the perfect systems for keeping two whole families alive whatever buddy I don't think that's necessary um Milo I think it definitely will be especially if this Army of drowned is as big as I think it'll be the last time I ever heard about an army of drowned attacking a small Coastal Village it did not go well for everybody though to be fair they did not have the amazing submarine technology that we are going to have CHF can you come over and teach me how to use a sponge um Milo do you really not know how to use a sponge no okay I'm going to break a hole through the top of your submarine to get inside and boom all right I'm in but Milo you have not cleared any of the water inside this thing yeah that's the whole point that I asked you here please show me how to use it okay if I show you how to use the sponge will you please move you and Mikey's family into my submarine with JJ no I'm going to use my submarine cuz it's going to be the best Milo that's crazy although I guess by showing you how to use sponge I'm trying to help you survive so I'll do it first to use the sponge you need to place them just like this place as many as you can really quick to clear as much water as possible wow that worked pretty well can I have a go here you go you can take my sponge because I've already cleared out the water from My Submarine if you play Sponge all around yours I need to go back and start building the rest of mine oh the water's pushing me around this is really confusing oh Milo I can't help you if I spend too much time working on your submarine then I will not be able to work on my submarine and my submarine needs to be the one that saves everybody well thanks a lot I didn't even want your help in the first place um then why did you ask for it Milo it was a prank or something Milo I think you're just self-conscious it's okay to ask for help I really will help you if you need it but I can't waste too much time on it I need to build a pro submarine we can't both have a noob submarine and an unfinished one that is a recipe for disaster drowned disaster you're a recipe for disaster um Milo your cooking is a recipe for disaster hey that's so mean just because I don't know how to cook doesn't mean you got to make fun of me I'm not making fun of you Milo I'm trying to warn you eating your food is not good what happens when Mikey gets his whole family on your submarine and you try to feed them but they all have to go to the bathroom all day well I'll just make a really nice bathroom I don't know oh Milo there's not enough space on your submarine for a bathroom you have built it really really tiny I'm kind of worried about that too I think it's the perfect size chip you're talking a lot of smack about my submarine when your submarine looks like a weird blob Milo My Submarine is at least going to work I think if the water keeps dripping through your wooden planks it could spell real big disaster for you and Mikey's family hey there's no drips yet don't call it till you see it okay Milo I'm not going to call it but if I see any drips I'm going to make sure Mikey and his whole family get on my submarine I can't believe we even have them here with us they're the whole reason that the drowned Army is coming they've been making so much noise with their crazy Turtle parties yeah crazy Turtle parties are not going to be allowed on my submarine yeah or My Submarine either I think that's the smartest decision you've made all day Milo chip I just realized that there's no window at the front of my submarine which means we're not going to be able to see where we're going Milo you need to build a window at the front of your submarine first I've built an iron frame around mine but I'm definitely going to build the window later okay well I'm going to get onto the window I should probably get working on my window to I'm going to use something called depth glass this will allow us to survive really really strong pressure at the bottom of the ocean without crumbling what glass are you going to be using for your submarine Milo normal glass obviously Milo normal glass will get crushed by the pressure of the sea I've seen it happen a thousand times before and it never goes well no it won't I've done a lot of tests on this glass and it's going to be fine really what tests have you done well I put it in my bathtub for a little while Milo that's not enough of a test bathtubs do not have the same pressure as the bottom of the ocean I don't even understand what pressure is okay leave me alone I'm just a little guy Milo you're a little guy that doesn't know how to Pilot a submarine I really think it could be disastrous if Mikey's whole family gets on yours you have to trust me Milo I know what's best for both of us no you don't you build yours and I'll build mine okay Milo I've done everything I can to try and convince you but if you're not willing to see ID to eye with me on this there's not much more I can do except make sure my submarine is as strong as possible now that I finished my front window made out of depth glass I need to get working on my side windows we're going to have a bunch on the bottom floor here we need to have a really good line of sight this way no drown will be able to sneak alongside the back of our ship or underneath it I do not want any of them to be able to find us and attack us the windows are also made of depth glass which not only protects against the strength of the pressure of the sea but it also protects against drown attacks they cannot just mine their way through it is way tougher than normal glass not only that but I am also adding keypad doors at the entrances and exits to My Submarine keypad doors are way stronger than regular ones and you have to use a passcode to get through this passcode is going to be 1 2 3 4 there we go okay now if you want to enter you need to type the passcode like this boom it actually allows you to open the door but be careful it shuts after a certain amount of time that's why there's an air pocket on the other side of the door you have plenty of time to wait and calculate the answer before you go through drowns do not like air so they would not benefit from that this is an important part of our security I'm going to make sure the code is the same on every single door I do not want anyone getting confused especially JJ's kid he will not be able to remember every single code if I make them all different that's why by making them all the same I'm making this submarine really safe finally I'm going to add two more keypad doors at the back here the code will still be the same on both of these as well and I just need to add the final code and boom these doors are now complete just in case we get Shipwrecked or something terrible happens we need another exit luckily this top exit will allow us to climb right out I'm going to build a super tall tower here this way it'll definitely be above the water even if we crash at the bottom of the sea we'll be able to swim up this thing to be closer to the surface it is really important that I do this for our own safety now that I've built the entrance hatch like this I need to make sure there is a ladder leading up to it let me quickly grab some I think this ladder is perfect we just put it along the entrance way just like this now that we've done that it is time to add some keypad TR trap doors I think if we add this to the top and add the code 1 2 3 4 it'll make sure this whole thing is super secure I'll add a bunch more trap doors but only the one at the front will have the code on it this way not every single one of the trap doors will be a risk all right now we can go inside and the trap door will automatically close that is such an important part of our defense all right this is perfect but I still think we need more we need to have a submarine Periscope around here near the front I'm going to have another compartment that we can climb up this submarine Periscope is really important every single fancy successful submarine has one it's going to allow us to peek out without exiting the submarine I'm just going to build it like this and it needs to come forward this way we have a place to stand and be inside of if we climbed up here and the roof ended there we wouldn't be able to see very much but because we've added a walkway we have a really good point of view let's make the top part of the Periscope just like this and now I will add depth glass perfect I'm also going to make sure that we can look around at these four angles I don't want to be caught off guard at all let's build another entrance into the Periscope it's going to go like this the submarine is filled with Ladders because if we built staircases there would be no space left inside for anybody to go and we'd have a huge waste of air that is not how you preserve oxygen so that's not what we're going to do all right this Periscope area looks really good I don't see any threats out here this is perfect it means that me and JJ's family is safe but wait a second what is that thing why is there a pumpkin walking towards us is that a drown wearing a pumpkin head I think the attack might have already started uh-oh I've got to quickly come down this ladder and alert Milo and Mikey's family guys this is an emergency I think we need to retreat into the subs already even though they're not built we don't have much time the drown attack might be starting and Milo wait where's Milo Milo where have you gone Milo why are you laughing because I was really funny I tricked you you tricked me how did you trick me it was me with a pumpkin head silly Milo this is terrible we don't have time for this we need to keep building those drowns will be here any minute oh you're no fun ship I know that I told Milo to stop pranking me and get on with building but that really made me mad I can't believe he would risk everything like that now I have to get him back to teach him a lesson all right I just need to sneak over I can't go over because Mikey's baby is watching me he will definitely tell on me to Milo if he sees me I know exactly what I have to do I'm going to use the side door of my submarine I'm going to enter the password which is 1 2 3 4 to escape really quickly now I'm going to swim directly underneath super deep under the water to make it to Milo oh wow I really hope he doesn't see me I can see him near the front of his submarine so if I start breaking holes near the back he won't notice for a while the first hole I'm going to break is in the side of his propeller yeah if his propeller can't steer as well he's going to be so scared and I'm also going to scare him by flooding the back of his submarine with water just like this okay I still don't think he's seen me let's go over to the bottom and start breaking a big hole in it as well wait his floor is double thick I think that's the best decision Milo's made so far finally I'm going to go to the other side of Milo's submarine and crack this window okay the water should really be spilling in now I'm going to check and see if the water is coming inside and yep it definitely is I'm going to try and go back to my side before Milo finds out but not before placing one final sign I need to grab a sign and I'm not going to let it be orange if it's orange Milo will know that it's me I'm going to make the sign oh I think Mangrove color because Mangrove is the same color as rotten flesh and that is the color that zombies drop when they die okay Milo is right there so I'm going to need to be so sneaky he's looking out to see so if I sneak in the back here yeah right near his door and place a sign that can say h oh I know what it can say it can say boo like a jump scare noise I need to shut this door before the water floods in and quickly swim back to my side I really don't want my load to see so I'm going to hide inside the seagrass this makes me realize that the drown can also hide in the seagrass we've got to make sure that we do not let that happen with our submarine I need to type in the password quickly go inside and act like nothing is wrong before I continue building these defenses all right I think we've made it back safe and sound I don't think Mikey's family or JJ's family saw me JJ's family would never rat me out so I think we're good all right I'm just building the walls of My Submarine now that's good chip I'm building the front section of my sub marine and wait a second I can hear something funny what is it Mila oh my gosh my Little Submarine is leaking and there's a sign that says boo that's really scary I think the Dr might be attacking me I'm going to lie to Milo so he thinks that it wasn't me yeah it was the drowned and they were shooting bombs at your submarine shooting bombs oh my gosh this is horrible and hang on a second chip why don't you come out here for a second uh yeah what is it Mila I see a little bit of dirt on your hand well you over on my side um no I definitely wasn't ship did you prank me yeah I did Milo but it was only to show you that your submarine will not work I do not want you riding on this submarine it will definitely explode and it's going to take you and Mikey's family with it if this submarine explodes it leaves you at the mercy of the drowned Army I am so angry with you right now I just want to punch you hey don't punch me Milo instead we should probably both get back to building I think it's the best idea yet how dare you destroy my beautiful submarine after everything I've done for you well Milo you can always come on my submarine not going to happen buddy oh gosh okay Milo whatever you say if that's really the choice that you want to make I guess there's nothing I can do to stop you except that make sure my submarine is extra powerful I also need to make sure that it can quickly save you and Mikey's family in case we need to yeah in case you decide to break all my stuff again I will never decide to break anything of yours ever again Milo I promise from now on everything I do will be to try and protect you and Mikey's family and JJ's family I don't believe you I'm going to show you Milo with my actions now I'm building the rest of my submarine but I think I need to get started on the engine area right now there is no way to actually pilot this sub I need to go into the redstone blocks and start grabbing as many controls as I can yes I think these are perfect but there's still more I need to grab I need to grab a copper valve and an enigmatic engine these are so important because this is what will really make the submarine go let's place the copper valve on top actually we can even place it like this it acts just like a steering wheel it can go in either direction left or right so we have a lot of steering we can do I'm also going to place quart stairs along the sides just like this this will act as a steering desk for the pilot of this submarine it will most likely be me that's why I need to make sure I'm familiar with all these controls there are lots of buttons and dials and levers I'm also going to add a bunch of redstone this way we can click any part of the submarine to make it go I'm not going to activate it just yet it needs to lie in rest for a couple moments longer just while I finish building it okay now that I've built that engine it is time to build a seating area I think we need to grab some different chairs I say we need to grab green chairs for Mikey's family red chairs for JJ's family orange chairs for me and some blue chairs for Milo this way in case Milo decides that he really does need to be rescued we can absolutely let him on let's add one to three for Mikey's family next to Milo here and we can add some for me and JJ's family perfect I also need to add an orange chair here this way I can quickly steer and it's my captain seat it's very important that only I steer this submarine as everybody else will will probably crash it especially if JJ or Mikey's kids try to drive it they are not good at driving anything and they're way too short to reach the controls that would be a disaster and the drowned Army would totally find us oh no I broke part of the ladder I need to be a lot more careful if I'm going to survive the drowned Army especially if it's my responsibility to protect everybody on this all right now that I've built that I'm going to build a back wall we are going to have so many chambers on this submarine that is the only way to make sure there's enough space for everybody in side if there's not enough space it could be a real big disaster I'm also going to add some other defenses inside the submarine there are things that every single ocean vessel needs to have and since we can't have lifeboats on this submarine we need the next best thing that's why at the very back of the submarine here I'm going to build a secret Escape it's not going to be any regular Escape though I'm going to need to add an entrance to the water we need to add a bunch of drain blocks back here these drains will mean that any water that gets through will totally be mocked up it's very important that we do this because on the inside is going to be a direct access to the ocean I need to find some trap doors I think the keypad trap doors are the best option here we'll Place three more down and I will add codes to every single one it is really important that all of these are openable and finally I need to add a mini submarine this means that in case our big main submarine totally gets exploded or attacked by too many drowns we have a second one that we can pilot and use in an emergency I just need to make sure I push this one further out to the edge of this place here I think is the perfect spot for it it can sit in the back Bay and will'll be able to push it through the drains the drains not only soak up water but they'll let the submarine pass right through I think this is a really important part of this base we'll keep it safe and locked away from the rest of it though I need to build a backd door entrance here no one should be able to get through especially not drowns and what if Mikey or JJ's kid runs through that would be terrible or worse of all if Milo manages to get through he could cause some real damage that little guy can be really clumsy if it's caused a lot of mess in the past so we need to make sure that does not happen on our submarine all right these sides of this submarine are looking really good I've made sure that every possibility is taken into account before anything bad even happens let's make sure that the submarine Fades off to the back we're building the shape of this submarine to be really really aquad dnamic that's like aerodynamic but instead of flowing through air it means it cuts through water like a blade it's going to swim so fast and efficiently and most of all silently if we have too much noise coming off of this submarine the drowned will instantly know exactly where we are and we will never be able to hide from them that is rule number one when you're fighting a colossal war against an army of Undead you do not want them to find you if they do you are absolutely toast so instead of being toast I'm going to make sure that they never find out where we're hiding this submarine's going to be so silent I just hope Mikey and JJ's families can be quiet they were really loud last time and it almost caused a lot of danger for us if they're too loud we might have to throw them overboard but I would never do that only Milo might do that Milo is a really crazy captain and if his craziness gets too bad he'll totally ruin Mikey and JJ's family's chance of survival I need to make sure my submarine can take them on board just in case he even tries to do that speaking of Milo I think we really need to check on the state of Milo's submarine if it's still made out of wood and dirt and leaking I really think we need to try again to convince Milo to let all of Mikey's family come aboard submarine hey Milo I'm not looking forward to this but what's the progress update on your submarine I'm not talking to you Milo I'm looking at the submarine right now and I'm not liking what I'm seeing well I'm looking at your face and I'm not liking what I'm seeing Milo there's no time for insults we need to be focusing on building secure submarines which I can see that you definitely have not been doing mine is really secure and I've even made a little sleeping area for my little friends Mikey oh well I have not made a sleeping area yet Milo thank you for the reminder I really need to make it quick before the drown actually come oh great now you're copying me I shouldn't have given you any ideas I'm not copying you Milo I'm doing everything I can to make sure that everybody survives first I need a bunch of beds I need one for every single person that will go aboard this submarine I want everybody to have their own personal space the number one rule of being lost at sea with people is you definitely need to be able to escape them if you want I think placing the beds like this is a great idea I'm also going to place my orange bed here JJ's bed here and then his wife and kids beds back here perfect now I have one bed for every single person that might need to come on this submarine let's also grab some chests as well this way we'll have plenty of space to store all of our things we'll need to collect all of our belongings and take them with us we can't leave anything behind in this Village because it will be at the mercy of the drowns I'm feeling pretty confident about this base so far actually I'm going to add more chests up here and I'm even going to add an alarm system this way if anything goes wrong I can quickly alert every single member aboard the submarine people on this submarine will become part of the crew it is the only way we'll work together to survive hey uh-oh I just punched a hole in the side of the sub that is not a good idea I really need to avoid doing stuff like that I think now that I've built all this bedroom area I need to add some more amenities just so that people have a nice time I think down the middle of the bedroom I'm going to build a toilet area by adding little hallways like this that run through the submarine it makes it feel like a much bigger area I think this is very important in making sure nobody loses their sanity I need to make sure that my design will not make things worse in any way because that is how the drown are going to get us if we start fighting amongst each other they'll sneak in and attack us both I might be the pro and Milo might really be a noob but if we spend all our time fighting and going crazy none of us will survive now that I've built this I need to add a toilet here we'll even add two on this side and two on this side that way there's enough toilets for half of the submarine to be on the bathroom at any time I'm actually going to space them out a little bit I do not want people to be able to look at each other on the toilet I'm also going to add a bunch of fences this way there's some nice amounts of privacy here they're going to go all the way up into the ceiling just like this perfect okay now that the toilet room is done I need to add a door here I'm not going to add a keypad door because what if somebody forgets the code and gets locked inside I think I'm just going to have an iron door and some levers yeah this is perfect We'll add an iron door here and a lever here and we'll also add a lever on the inside this way nobody will ever get stuck inside unless they're too short to reach the levers that's a good point I'm going to add a block of iron so that Mikey and JJ's kid can reach the lever just in case they get stuck in here perfect now I'm also going to build a section where we keep our scuba diving gear it's going to go right next to the submarine in the back first I need a bunch of armor stands there needs to be enough for everybody I'm going to put three on this side just like this and one over here we're also going to put one over here here but uh-oh I don't think we can get it past the submarine let's quickly angle this thing I don't want to stop us from being able to build this thing is absolutely huge and takes up a lot of space I'm going to put the armor stand uh-oh it keeps putting me inside this is bad I'm going to put three more armor stands over here and I guess the fourth one will have to go here this will make it a lot harder to get to each of our scuba gear I really hope we do not have to run out of the submarine that would be a disaster and it might be our only means of Escape but if I make this submarine good enough we won't even have to now let's get the scuba geia it's time to grab diving helmets diving chest plates diving leggings and Diving boots I need to add them to every single one of these armor stands look how big they are they will definitely cover everything we need to be able to escape in an emergency situation let's add the boots here and the chest and helmet here perfect they now go on every single armor stand I really hope that Mikey and JJ's kids will be big enough to fit into these suits if they are too small then they might not fit them and they might not be able to escape with us I really hope that they are though because if they can't escape with us they will be lost inside the submarine now even though we have a lot of things to escape and nice places to sleep rest and go to the toilet we do not have a lot of weapons to defend ourselves that's why here I'm going to build a big wall and on the wall is going to be where we keep all of our amazing weapons first let's grab a bunch of glowing item frames these item frames need to Glow because if the power goes out in this submarine it will be an emergency let's add some alarms so that in case the power goes out we still have emergency lights I also need to add some uranium rods this submarine is going to be nuclear powered so up here right near the control room we're going to have the engine it needs to be raised off the ground so that if the submarine starts to flood none of the water will touch the engine because if it does that'll be a disaster and we could have a nuclear meltdown that would be a massive safety issue first we need to grab some slabs I think smooth stone slabs is exactly the way to go we need to place them just like this we have to be very careful when placing these uranium rods wow you can even see the electric particles coming off of them this is crazy let's add some more on the other side if only half of the submarine is powered that's a huge disaster and it's a real safety issue as well we just need to add some copper pipes connecting them to the ship's power system now that we've added all of this nuclear power we need to add some nuclear Sirens this is an emergency alarm system that means that if any radiation leaks from this engine we'll absolutely know about it I think I'm going to get down here we do not want to spend much time around these nuclear rods I'm going to grab a bunch of Orange Acacia trap doors and add them up just like this this way we'll stay nice and far away from the emergency nuclear fuel rods and it keeps it Out Of Reach for the babies if the babies find their way up here they could become radioactive and that would not be good I hope that the drown do not become radioactive because that would be a disaster as well I think all we can do is make sure people stay nice and far away now it is time to pick the weapons that we will add to this weapon wall before I add each of these weapons to the weapon wall we need to quickly replace these nuclear rods with lime radon lamps this way the nuclear power is contained inside and won't leak all throughout the ship yeah I think this is a much better system look it is way safer already now it is time to add the ray gun to this wall this is a very powerful weapon we can't use it just yet but it will come in very handy when we need it to Let's also add the power of the sea stuff if we use the C against itself it won't know how to fight back and it'll really help against the drowns we ALS need some magic cones yeah this will help us call for help in case of an emergency we also will add the orthol Lance I'm not sure what this one does we'll have to find out by testing it against the drown when they come now I need to add the dread bow this weapon is incredibly scary and it can only use borrowing arrows these are very very powerful so I'm going to fill a whole chest with them let's also add the Limestone spear limestone is dissolvable by water so maybe it has some connection to the drowns I'm also going to add a resistor shield and a desert it dagger these are very powerful weapons that we can only use in an emergency I really hope everybody uses them responsibly finally I'm going to add some netherite swords these will come in very handy in an emergency I think we don't have enough emergency supplies though I'm going to fill the chests in the storage and sleeping room with very important gear I'm only going to use Diamond Milo and Mikey's family love Diamond more than they love netherite so we need enough for everybody in this chest I'm going to have diamond pickaxes in this one we'll have diamond swords and in the final chest we will have Diamond axes let's add a bunch because Diamond axes can both be used to cut down trees and attack mobs they have multiple uses in these chests over here I'm going to fill this one with golden carrots these will come in very handy in case we run out of food I do not want to starve down here no way if I'm going to die it'll be fighting against a drowned Army not by starving that's just lame now we're going to add enchanted golden apples to that chest and regular golden apples to this one perfect we now have so many inside both of them them I think we're not going to run out of food in here for a long time hey Milo I've just made a bunch of adjustments to my build is it okay if I come check out yours now yeah if you want to okay Milo I'm not seeing any development of your submarine yeah I've been doing it all inside okay I'm going to come down here but you better be careful if you just use regular doors it's going to mean that the water will flow inside I like my regular doors just fine okay and Milo why do you only have one one diving suit well I don't want Mikey and his family to have to wear the diving suit so that's just one for me I can't believe you've only made one for yourself that is a very selfish thing to do Milo well I'm trying not to be selfish actually I'm trying to be really nice by building the best submarine I can okay I like this sleeping area I guess there's enough beds for everybody but why are there two blue beds and only two green beds it is for symmetry you wouldn't understand okay I guess I wouldn't understand because I don't understand any of this why is there lava in two cauldrons near the window this is my energy drink Milo lava is not an energy drink that's a terrible idea what if your entire wooden submarine catches fire it won don't stress chip it's going to be fine I don't know Milo I think the drowned Army would be really happy if your submarine failed no I bet round really hate lava and if they come near me I'm going to throw BS of lava at them Milo but if your submarine fails they'll get closer to you and Mikey's family they would totally be celebrating yeah that's actually a little bit scary I'm not going to lie to you chip I have been getting a little bit nervous I'm nervous for you plus wouldn't the lava just turn to obsidian when the water flushes in it's a terrible idea and speaking of flushing in why do you have a toilet at the very back of your ship because it goes straight into the ocean Milo that's disgusting ew I do not want to be a fish around here well you're not a fish so that's lucky all right um but what else do you have this is a very small submarine Milo this is my control room we have lots of awesome gadgets and a huge window to see any of our enemies I guess you do have a pretty good view but this is Tiny Milo I can't believe this is your only control room well how many do you have I have one but it's pretty huge you should definitely come take a look all right I guess I'll come take a look chip here's my submarine we have to get on top if we want to get in and I need to type in the password it is 1 2 3 4 wow now I know your password yeah you'll need to know my password in case you need to emergency come in here Milo look this is my control room it even has a weapons wall an alarm system and its own nuclear power wow this is really amazing you've done such a good job thanks Milo and here's the control system I can even steer this wheel I feel really confident that you're going to escape these Dr yeah me too and look my nuclear power system is fully ready don't go too close to it though it is pretty dangerous oo shiny uh Milo do not touch the radiation I do not want you becoming a mutant but it's so pretty I just want to take a bite Milo do not eat the radiation fine I won't eat the radiation but if you invite me into this Submarine that's but I'll be snacking on no Milo once you get invited into this submarine you're going to be snacking on the amazing selection of food that we have inside the sleeping and eating area well do you have bad seeds for me um let me just check I don't think I do Milo well thanks a lot buddy I'm definitely not coming over here I think it's good and I think you'll definitely escape the drown but I'm not joining you you're not joining me Milo you can't be seriously thinking about going over to your submarine if I need to remind you again it is pretty weak hey I like my submarine and your stupid do just shut on me my door closed on you that is terrible but Milo I have even worse news what is it now the sun is nearly down we only have 5 more minutes to get these submarines completed before the drowned Army gets here and I'm really worried that your submarine won't work as it is oh no the sound's really low I can even see orang on the horizon oh I guess I better keep building Milo you better replace your wood with something strong like iron not going to happen I know that wood is the best material for a submarine I'm really worried for you Milo when the drowned Army attacks your submarine could fall apart it won't it's going to be zooming all around I'll be like run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the Milo man Milo we won't be able to run you'll be swimming if the drown break your submarine they're not going to thanks for your concern ship I don't need it anymore I think you definitely do Milo that's why I'm going to add the final set of weapons defenses to My Submarine just in case you need to come in or we need to come over and save you from the drowns yeah I have some really good plans I better get started I've got to make sure there is a walkable platform up to my submarine I'm going to make it out of smooth quartz stairs and smooth quartz slabs let's add it right here yeah I think that's the best possible spot now let's make sure it goes up here and around here perfect now anybody can get into this submarine especially Mikey and JJ's babies they need to be able to fit otherwise it'll be a real disaster hang on a second I think I built this a little wrong let me quickly add another iron block there phew that could have gone really badly now that we've added a proper way up into the submarine we need to properly build the tail of the submarine let's extend it out just like this yep I think this is perfect it also needs to go down here a little deeper and I I think I know exactly what pattern I want to build at the back we're going to have two separate fans that each power the submarine in a different way I think having one here and having one here is the best option just like this perfect this looks really good so far although we can make them a little bit bigger let's extend this one down a bit and make it go further out and we can also do the same for this one although wait a second for this one we need to do it in this direction that way everything will be perfectly symmetrical and there will be no design disasters in Inside My Submarine perfect I think this looks pretty good we've just got to make sure it goes far back I don't want a skinny little tail that means it'll easily snap off and if too many drowns get on it it'll totally Collapse by making my Tails really thick and sturdy I'm helping to stop that from happening I'm a really good submarine Captain I bet Mikey and JJ's family will be really really grateful to me when I have to save them from Milo I think that's definitely something I'm going to have to do Milo can't be trusted to save himself so I'll have to save him all on my own I'm going to place the slabs just like this yeah perfect we're going to have two sets of propellers one on each corner it kind of looks like butterfly wings and butterflies are really good at flying through air just like my submarine is going to be really good at absolutely flying through the water not really flying though the submarine is just going to be able to float and sink as high or low as it pleases this way we have really good steering throughout the entire seven C's perfect that looks amazing the propellers really do what I wanted them to let's also add some wings on the side These Wings Are going to act more like fins actually this way they direct the water current right over the engines and it helps cool them down let's also add the same thing on this other side I think here is perfect let's do this and here and great it's perfect that these do not collide with the wall if they did that would be a disaster but hang on a second I think I've built this one way too far forward the wings need to be symmetrical otherwise the submarine will turn to the left the whole time that I'm piloting it that makes it really easy for me to crash into things I don't want that that would be a disaster this Periscope is looking pretty good but I think we need a look out on the back here I say if we just break this wall and replace it with a bit of deep glass it'll be perfect let me get some more so that I can really build this up I'll place it just like this and perfect all right I'm going to make it a little bit more easy to see through by replacing this part of the roof with the depth glass as well just like this perfect now if I just place these blocks back it looks really complete okay with got great Lookouts from every direction and the submarine is looking really Pro but I think we need more weapons that's why on the side we are going to add some gas turrets these turrets are going to shoot shots at any of the drowned Army that tries to get anywhere close we need to fill them up with the gas charges this way none of them will ever run out of steam all right perfect I filled that one up let's fill this one up too I'm also going to do the same for each of the gas turrets on the other sides I'm not only going to have one side of my submarine be defended that would be a disaster hang on I've placed them too far apart on this side maybe instead I can just Place three this way we have tripled the protection that we would have before let's fill the third turret with them as well and then get started on making sure that the turrets on the other side are equally well prepared for any amount of drown to attack by filling every single item slot with a full stack of the Gast charges we can make sure they'll never run out now every single one of my Gast drones is ready to attack any drown that come any and on the very top let's play some light gray concrete I have a really really cool addition that will make my submarine extra Pro we're going to need a bunch of deep slate for it though first let's get a bunch of deep slate stairs Perfect all right I'm so excited to build this thing let's add some polished deep slate there and get started on building the tiles we're going to build this out just like this because what I am building right now is a Super Submarine claw arm yeah this submarine is not just for surviving it's a super high-tech research vessel that allows us to study everything we find at the bottom of the ocean even underwater volcanoes that might even give us a helping hand against these drowned I doubt the drown are fireproof if they are I'd be really impressed let's build the claw just like this and we can also add the same on this side perfect now look at that it can totally grab anything and my submarine is looking so awesome I bet no other submarine has anything like this I'm so cool and really proud of it before the sun sets we need to add a couple more decorations to my Pro submarine I'm going to build the lime concrete going out just like this you can't have a pro submarine if it doesn't have a pro paint job yeah every Pro submarine looks really awesome just like this and I think we also need to decorate these a little better let's add some lime concrete along them just like this perfect let's also do it on the sides here and this is looking way better than it was before although I see that I have broken the ladder I need to replace the ladder on the inside as well just like this yeah this submarine looks so awesome I'm really happy with it so far hey chip what's the deal what do you mean what's the deal Milo why are Mikey and Mikey's baby walking on your submarine when they're meant to come into my submarine Milo this is what I've been telling you all along Mikey and his baby and even his wife do not want to come over to your submarine they definitely know that it's going to collapse and sink and everyone inside will get eaten by the army of drowned for the last time we are not going to sink in My Submarine those stinky drown don't have a chance cuz I've got lots of really cool things um I don't believe you Milo I have way more cool things I bet Mikey and his baby would love to see all the cool things inside my submarine I bet they don't you're so rude Milo I am not rude I'm just honest and look the sun is Now setting I better quickly check through my Periscope to see that everything's safe inside the submarine we do not have much time I really need to hurry oh goodness these trapdoor POS coats are really timec consuming they make me take way longer to get anywhere around this place come on come on chip climb the ladder quickly all right now that I'm up at the top it is time for me to take a look out and uh-oh I already see the first drown spawning and the Moon Rising quick everybody get inside the drowned Army attack is starting all right JJ's entire family is now safe inside but uh-oh look the army of drowned is now right here this is terrible okay Milo get ready to start your submarines all right engines are starting now all right mine's ready to go is yours ah yeah mine's um it's definitely not going not going what hang on let me climb up my Periscope to check this out Milo if your submarine is not activating that means the drowned will eventually invade and kill everybody oh no chip I can see them they're all getting closer this is terrible Milo I told you it wouldn't stop chip there's water on board it's coming from the back of my ship near my papel oh no Milo that's where I pranked you earlier what you did more pranks that I didn't know about oh I'm so angry yeah I think that's maybe why your submarine won't start I feel terrible but it's okay Milo I'm going to help you I'm going to grab every single weapon here and use it to take down these drowns and save you and Mikey's family you better you're the worst brother I can't believe you did this no I'm not I am not the worst brother all right I quickly have to grab all this Scooby gear Milo I'm going to prove to you that I am not the worst brother I'm not going to take out the submarine just yet but I will use this emergency side exit let me type in the passcode and okay I better go quickly there are so many drowns on this side look they've already taken out some of my turrets this is terrible I'm going to use the ray gun on them wa it's doing so much damage and it's killing them all as a group really well I can hear Trident being thrown though I bet to be really careful not to let any of them hit me oh gosh the Trident drown is coming closer I think I need to aim directly for it but ouch that did a lot of damage to me oh goodness this is bad I need to try another one of my weapons perhaps the sea stuff will help wa look at that it launches ocean bombs that's crazy hey drown come here take that and that oh yeah wait uh-oh it's doing lots of damage to me as well this is terrible I need to quickly heal and eat a golden apple ouch oh goodness the this is bad all right Milo I'm coming over to save you champ this round in my ship help me inside your ship Milo I knew they'd get through quickly oh goodness I'm sorry that I broke the walls and helped them get inside though I'm going to use my Limestone spear to take them down quickly chip oh no Mikey's freaking out this is so bad sorry Milo I keep hitting you by accident hey stop hitting me you've already done enough damage okay I took took out that drown but Milo I do not think the submarine is going to last much longer that water is flowing in and if more gets in the submarine will totally capsize oh no hey Mikey I think we got to get out of here chip do you have enough room on your submarine I do I definitely do and I'm not going to use this or my sword you can take both of them and fight your way back we need to clear a path so that Mikey and his family can quickly run through all right let's do it we got to get to the chip submarine safe and sound wait Milo quick before you go you need to grab scuba gear this will help you breathe under water while fighting the drowns oh no I nearly accidentally hit Mikey's family while I was trying to put on my gear oh you did Milo I knew that they would get hurt by staying with you that's why I played the pranks to try and convince you to let them come over to my sub I'm really dumb I didn't build My Submarine very well thanks I guess chip you're welcome Milo but luckily I built my sub really well I hear lots of drown so we've just got to make sure we don't run into them where are they I can't see any right now yeah I guess the night time makes the ocean really really dark and uh-oh Milo there's lots Around My Submarine we better fight to clear them so that my submarine can escape this place oh no there's hundreds oh I'm really sketchy oh no do not let them attack my turret if more Trident drowned attack my turrets then I won't have any defenses left in my ship we didn't prepare well enough for this I didn't know these guys were going to be so scary yeah neither did I luckily this staff of the sea has a homing missile this will Target the drowns even if I miss slightly a homing missile does that mean it's going to go home yeah if it's home is right in the middle of a drown it's doing so good I bet use my ray gun oh wow this really is harnessing the nuclear power of My Submarine I'm harnessing the the power of the Milo we're totally getting this drown yeah it totally is um Milo I see more coming we better get inside quickly all right and we need to get mkey in there yeah we definitely do oh no a trident drowned ouch it does lots of damage I'm going to get him this is for hitting my brother yeah thanks Milo wow you really defended me well I'm sorry for pranking you I never should have done that that's okay I guess I was a little dumb Dum I you are just is trying to prove me right but hang on ship behind you there's a lot more we got to be quick oh no there really are wait they didn't attack me oh no they're attacking you instead Milo while you distract them I'm going to quickly swim over to Mikey's family inside the sub and break your front glass this is the only way to break them out and make sure that they can quickly come inside the real Pro submarine quick guys you need to escape hey drown look over here nothing to see in Chip's Direction Mikey and Mikey's wife you need to get out of here I see that Mikey's wife and his kid have already escaped but Mikey you need to come too you cannot be the only person left in this sub oh that is really dangerous Mikey I did not want to have to push you out of here but it's time to go yes Mikey it definitely is Milo he's not agreeing to leave mik you have to follow a chip I know you wanted to go on my submarine but Chip's trying to save us come on we don't have a lot of time no we definitely don't come on guys we need to get out of the water this is Bad Milo the drown are definitely coming back a chip I've got some good news and some bad news um what's the good news Milo I just killed all of those baby Dr and what's the bad news Milo there's a whole h of drown coming right for us I don't see them I better swim closer Mikey's wife is running towards them but uh-oh there they are that really is a lot of drowned this is terrible come on guys we better get inside the pro submarine really quick I think now that everybody's inside and the drowns are really attacking we have to get moving Milo all right how do we get moving everybody get to your seats right now this is the captain's seat so I'll definitely need to Pilot this ship all right I'm now sitting on my chair okay good job Milo all right everybody Yoo hold hands Hoist the Colors High let's do this why going to get all of these DRS you got nothing against ship submarine okay I think this is fun finally far enough time to deactivate all of these levers and okay is everybody safe I see Mikey his baby and his wife he is JJ his wife and his baby okay they're all here Milo yeah and Milo's here too yeah you're here as well and so am I Milo and chipper here but let's quickly check to make sure that all of the drowns are gone we just have to enter the submarine and take a closer look all right let's get in a chip did you make room for me no I didn't oh dang it I guess I'll just swim behind you okay Milo activate the opening Gates wao it worked Milo oh no I exited the submarine and I think I just need to descend wow this is crazy CH this is such a cool thing I didn't know you had this in your submarine the whole time yeah I definitely did and look I even have flood lights what and what can you see I can see so many things including the drowns wait a second Milo the submarine worked we've exited the main dock we just need to get back in and fully Escape yeah let's go chip saved the day yeah I totally did and so did you Milo even though you're a noob and I'm definitely the pro we both worked together let's go
Channel: Milo and Chip
Views: 3,099,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milo, chip, milo and chip, chip and milo, minecraft, minecraft mod, cash, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, checkpoint, kory, omz, mia, maizen, MIKEY vs JJ Family: NOOB vs PRO: SUBMARINE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft, mikey and jj minecraft, maizen noob vs pro, noob vs pro minecraft, noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft, mikey vs jj minecraft, most secure base noob vs pro, submarine house in minecraft, protect my family maizen minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 38sec (3218 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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