NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a CRAFTYCORN Build Challenge!

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today we're doing a poy playtime build challenge but I'm secretly going to be using hacks to troll my friend using the command sl/ paste I can instantly spawn in this massive crafty corn build and little does my friend know I'm going to be filling up the whole entire build with a whole bunch of traps to prank him and now let's gowi check on my friend G and G what in the world are you doing bubbles you got to help me boxy Boo's literally drowning wait what don't worry G I'll save him let's go are you serious right now you didn't even save him uh don't worry I'll save him right now the bubbles was the Rotary doing today we're going to be doing a crafty corn Build Challenge crafty corn that sounds super cool but wait a second what side are you going to go on the green side or the blue side well I'm going to steal your favorite color and go on the green side wait a second my favorite color that's why I call okay fine whatever G blue is way better anyway whatever you say bubbles but we only have 10 minutes to build this so let's get started 10 minutes go go go now that you can't hear me anymore I can just type in the command and oh my God our crafty corn respond in we're definitely way ahead of G right now but we got no time to waste cuz we got to put in some traps and for my first trap I'm going to be putting in a fake entrance crafty corn has a super cool flower necklace so I'm going to put it right inside of it let me break out a few blocks just like this and then we're going to replace it with a secret door disguises Emerald blocks emeralds are G's favorite so this is definitely going to lert him into our little trap for the fake entrance I'm going to be making the poppy playtime co- Factory and then trick g into activating the hour of joy and if you guys don't know what that is it's where all the Playtime Co monsters come to life and start destroying everything let's build out the room first then we'll make make this look more like a factory by spawning in some of the mobs and putting them in experimental tubes wo that looks super duper cool we'll spawn in boxy boo real quick and even a place for Mommy Long Legs this is already looking super duper cool but now it's time to build a little parkour that g is going to have to complete to get to the other side we're not going to be making this parkour too difficult because we want G to be able to activate the hour of Joy let's go ahead and put some spikes on the floor to make this place even scarier there we go and now we can finally put down the levers that are going to activate the hour of Joy let's put a sign down that says pull to activate hour of Joy with a little smiley face just to trick g a little bit more we're going to put down another sign this is hour of Joy equals prize we all know that this isn't going to be true but I think G is going to fall for it anyway let's go ahead and put two command blocks right behind these levers now the hour of joy is officially set up G is going to believe that the hour of joy is going to give him his prize but right when he pulls the leverage boxy Boo and Huggy wagy are going to spawn in ah what the heck that was super duper terrifying make sure you guys stick around to see G's hilarious reaction and just like that my fake entrance is completed but before moving on to the real one I want to go check on G to see how he's doing I secretly plac oneway glass on the other side of the competition so let me just break out a few blocks into the wall just like this and look at that we can see G building all right just a few more blocks and there we go my crafty corn looks so good what do you think of it Zombie horse what the does g know that horses can't talk he's gone crazy wait a second why are you not talking to me get over here what the heck little do bubbles snow I'm going to fill my entire build with a bunch of traps with this super secet treasure at the end and we leave a 8 minutes left so this is going perfect wait a second did he say 8 minutes I got to get back to my build go go go and all right since we already have the fake entrance completed it's time to put it in the real one and where do I want to put it hm wait I think it would be hilarious if we put it right inside of crafty Corn's mouth so let's break a few blocks just like this and then replace it with these super sneaky ghost blocks now it's super duper hidden and you can't even tell that anything's there with the entrance fully set up we could just walk right through and start building our first official trap for this trap I thought it would be super cool to make G pick between a catnap door and a dog day door let's put up the room real quick and then we'll build out the two doorways that GE can pick from place down the doors just like this and for some finishing touches we're just going to put catnaps head right above the doorway and dog day's head as well this room is already looking super duper cool but now it's time to put what's behind the doors because we all know that catnap is evil we're going to be making the catnap door super deadly right behind the doors we're just going to spawn in a whole bunch of these Huggy wuggy creepers these guys look super duper terrifying and they explode like creepers as well and I'm actually really curious do you guys like catnap more or dog day put it in the comments down below personally I like catnap more even though he might be a little bit evil but now that we have this room completed we can move on to making the dog day one because dog day is Super Duper nice it's just going to lead you straight to the next room with the catnap and dog day room completed we can move on to building the next obstacle and this one isn't going to be easy because it's going to be a boss fight let's build out a room big enough for the super op mob boss and we're going to have to place down some super secure iron bars as well so that the mob boss doesn't escape and destroy everything and it looks like it's time to help me spawn in this super op M BS hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 St thank you for subscribing and oh my god look how powerful and scary this guy looks GE he's not going to stand a chance but to help him out we're just going to fill this chest with a whole bunch of items that he can use but the twist is it's going to be password protected and I think it would be super cool to make the password 3333 for poppy playtime chapter 3 let's type in 3 3 3 3 and then we're just going to fill it with a whole bunch of dragon scale armor and an emerald sword this would definitely be enough for G to put up a good fight but now that everything's in the chest we're going to have to give g a way to figure out the password and to do that we're just going to play set a dispenser on each side of the room just like this and then put a lever on each and I know you might be wondering what in the world is a dispenser supposed to do well one of them is going to be right and one of them is going to be wrong we're going to fill this dispenser with a whole bunch of poisonous water so now that when G goes to pull it he's just going to get absolutely destroyed what the heck I think it's going to be hilarious when G Falls for that for the correct dispenser we're just going to put a piece of paper inside with the code right on top let's check if this works and look at that we just got the code the big boss fight room is completed now but I hope you guys are super excited to see G fight this guy for the third trap of my craftting corn build I'm going to be making g walk across a pit filled with a whole bunch of three-headed snakes G absolutely hates snakes so it's going to be hilarious to see him try to get across let's go ahead and B out the room first there we go now we can start spawning in our three-headed snakes and oh my gness this looks insane if G falls down here he's going to get absolutely eaten before I actually give him a way to get across we're just going to build up a little fake bridge let's build out the bridge just like this just by looking at it it looks super duper safe to get across but right in the middle we're going to going to break out a few blocks and replace it with some ghost blocks this way when G is walking across he's just going to fall into the pit of snakes help that was super duper scary and I believe that g is going to think that as well all right enough trolling though we're going to have to give G an actual way to get across to do that we're just going to place a secret chest right under the bridge and then put a medium power Spring right inside if G is able to find the chest and open it he can grab the spring and put it right on this block then with a little jump he can use it to bounce to the other side let's go our three-headed snake room is completed I have a super a cool idea for my next trap that involves a whole bunch of mommy long legs but before I build it I want to go troll G real quick let me just fly up to the wall over here real quick and then grab these items from the chest and now we'll just break out a few blocks into the wall and wait G is right over there and nice my craft de Corn's turning amazing I'm almost finished what the he's almost finished we're going to troll him quick let me Splash his invisibility potion and then fly right over to him it's good that g can't see me right now cuz I have a perfect idea for a prank if you guys didn't know poisonous potatoes are his favorite food so we're just going to leave a whole trail of them out just like this you guys might be thinking that this is something nice for him but in reality I'm going to be trolling him with this grenade at the very end and wait a second what's that smell and oh my God is that a bunch of poisonous potatoes yes looks like he noticed it these are literally the best food ever I wonder who put them here and yummy yummy yummy G is looking super happy eating them but little does he know I'm going to be pranking him that was super good and now I'm going to collect every single potato on this Trail all right hurry before he collects all of the potatoes we're just going to drop dropped this grenade right in front of him and wait a second is that another potato yum that was hilarious he actually thought that that was a potato but hurry guys before G comes back let's go in our inventory and grab a bazooka and we're just going to blow up this build run away run away and wait a second who did that oh no I bet it was that Potato Man potato man get over here I'm going to find you oh yeah g thinks it's a potato man and it's not me that was really mean and now we only have 5 minutes left to rebuild all of this this is not going good wait a second did he say 5 minutes I got to build my build go we don't got much time left so we got to build this fast just like I said earlier this trap is going to involve mommy long legs and I'll show you guys exactly how first let's build a massive passageway that's made out of obsidian one of Minecraft's darkest blocks which will make this room even scarier first we'll build up all the walls and wo look at that this room is looking super creepy already to make it even creepier we're just going to decorate the room with a whole bunch of cobwebs Redstone torches and these terrifying Huggy wuggy heads okay this is literally perfect and finally it's time for the mommy long legs to come into play we'll set up a little trip wire just like this so when G knly walks by Mommy Long Legs is going to spawn in this will definitely scare the poop out of G let's set up a few more trip wires that do the exact same thing let's check if they all work nice and nice with all these trip wires successfully set up we can give G the item that he can use to fight them and it's just going to be a super tiny little pistol this thing is pretty powerful but he's going to have to be very accurate if he wants to actually beat the mommy long legs and let's flip and go our mommy long legs trip WI our room is completed wait a second we only have 2 minutes left I got to build this fast for the next obstacle on my crafty corn build I'm going to be making a little find the button room and actually this might not be that little because it's going to be filled with a 100 different buttons we're just going to be placing buttons in every single spot possible all around the entire room okay yeah g is not going to have an easy time finding the correct button and honestly I'm just going to make it even harder cuz why not we're going to put down two big red buttons just like this and because they stand out so much from the rest I know that g is going to press them which means that we can turn them into traps for the first one right over here we can place down a command block so when G presses it he's going to get instantly wrecked and uh wait a second what in the world is that don't look don't look uh anyways brace yourself cuz this next button is going to be extremely terrifying if G decides to press this button it's going to spawn in this super scary mob and oh my goodness what the heck ah help okay that has to be the spookiest thing that's ever happened to me in Minecraft but that just means it's going to be 10 times funnier when GE Falls for it so make sure to stick around to see that but now that I have the two traps set up we can make the correct button to the next room and because it's literally the best color in the entire world I'm going to use a blue button by pressing on it it's going to activate the secret iron door just like this let's go right on through and now it's time for the last and final obstacle and you guys might have guessed it it's going to be the treasure room G is going to have to pick if he wants to open up the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure let's put down a chest on each side just like this and come on guys we already know that diamonds are way better than emeralds so diamonds are going to be the correct answer which leaves the emeralds to become a trap for the Trap I set up if G decides to open up this chest it's just going to break the block right under Underneath Him and honestly it would be kind of lame for him to just fall down there so we're going to make a little room for him to fall into let's make it out of Bedrock so that he can't escape and we're just going to fill it with a whole bunch of these little silverfish I can't wait to see G fall down there but that completes our trap for the emerald side on the beautiful Diamond side we're going to be giving G his actual prize and it'll be his favorite things a whole bunch of green crystals and his favorite food poisonous potatoes there we go and just like that our craftting corn build is completed and wait it's perfect the timer just went off as well so let's go meet up with G and check out each other builds hey G hey bubbles now that we're finished with our amazing builds who are we checking out first well since mine's definitely the most amazingest we should check out mine bro that is definitely not true but I guess we could save the best for last I don't know about that bubbles let's just check out the best right now what do you think of it wao wait a second this is actually pretty good G but G why is she such a square are you serious right out bubbles cuz we're in Minecraft brother I guess that kind of makes sense but how do I even get inside your build I'll give you a hint bubbles it's your favorite color my favorite color so blue and uh but there's a whole bunch of blue on this build what the heck you're never going to find this I guess I'll start by looking here no nope this is literally impossible and wait a second are those diamonds supposed to be there GE oh of course bubbles cuz those are ears um what are you talking about her ears are right over there oh well uh crafty CN has two ears remember yeah yeah you know I found you out let me just try and click this and look at that we're right inside I guess you call me but if you can make it to the very end of this parkour you can get this super secret treasure Ooh La La there's got to be some diamonds in there let me just hurry up and start doing this parkour and wait a second how am I dying already there's no way you already died bubbles you're not that good at parkour are you I'm literally a professional it's just you're doing some little sketchy things with these blocks cuz I literally fell right through it yeah we'll see about that bubbles but there's still a bunch of more blocks around this room so which one are you going to choose well let me just try and skip the spring just like this and look at that g I'm literally making it through ni come on Bounce over here and I made it good job bubbles I guess you are pretty good at parkour but now you can open up your super secret treasure let's flip and go I'm about to be super rich and wait why am I in the void oh my God G you just tried to send me into the void and you fell in there too yeah that did not go according to plan but now that you already opened that up I can tell you that this is a feing what the I should have known well now I got to go find the real one I already checked in the blue part of the flower but I still haven't checked in the middle so let me just break out a few blocks and no nope oh wait I have an idea how about her leg not even close what in the world G where is this entrance H well I did hide it really well so I kind of don't want to tell you please G can give me a hint please ah fine I guess I'll give you a hint but only under one condition oh yeah and what condition is that everyone watching the video don't like And subscribe right now like And subscribe quick guys I really want to know where this this real entrance is so hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing okie dokie G they all did it so now you have to tell me where it is wait what the I didn't think they'd actually do it but fine a Deal's a deal so just follow me oh yeah if you look at crafty Corn's tail you can see the anr is right over here wait what the it's literally out in the open I should have known but let me just try and go inside and whoa wait a second G is that a mutant skeleton mhm and I'm pretty sure he wants to eat you what the Mr skeleton please don't eat me please don't eat me G can you please give me some items so I could fight him fair and square well good thing you brought that up bubbles cuz I actually hit a bunch of items around this entire room and you're going to have to find it a bunch of items I literally see nothing here except for a whole bunch of paintings yeah there are a bunch of paintings so maybe you should try looking there brother what are you yapping about what am I supposed to do throw these paintings at him yeah maybe aren't paintings like really heavy wait a second G hold that thought I just broke a whole bunch of paintings and what if I keep breaking more and hey yo I just found a chest right over here let me open it up real quick and what the a personal shrinking device yeah that is pretty weird what do you think you're going to use it for H let me just look around and think wait a second you did use some ghost blocks earlier so this block might be a ghost block cuz it looks very different from all the other ones all right so are you going to try it of course I will let me just shrink down real quick and wo look how tiny I look wait you're tiny I don't see a difference what what are you talking about G I am not this short at normal height but let me just try and walk through this block and look at the that I'm literally 400 IQ and haha I just found the chest in here and it's filled with a whole bunch of ultimate armor and a poison sword and wo he looks super dripped out right now yep and I'm ready for a battle all right so I'm going to drop the walls in three 2 1 F come over here mutant skeleton and look at that G I already poisoned him yeah he is taking a lot of damage right now so are you going to be able to beat him oh he's also doing a lot of damage to me but come on and wait a second G I just defeated him and what the heck he just exploded into a million pieces yeah that's pretty nasty his bones are literally everywhere let's get out of here yeah good call Bubbles and I'm G where in the world am I now that we got out of that super scary skeleton room you're going to have to use this mini bike inside of this chest and get to the end of this course that looks pretty difficult with a whole bunch of spikes lava and lasers but you know what G I'm actually going to get through it first try wait what the first try let me just grab the mini bike from the chest right here and place it down and wo this thing actually looks super cool yeah it does look really nice but are you sure you're going to be able to drive this thing um I mean I've never done it before but hopefully I can G let me just make my way onto the course just like this nice this course is easy peasy GE and wait a second you're already at the end yep and oh wait a second my bike just broke but I made it oh no well maybe I have to make it harder next time yeah you better cuz that was easy peasy lemon squeezy yeah yeah whatever you say bubbles I guess we can just open up this door and see what's next G what am I supposed to do inside this room well if you open up this chest over here you can see there's a bow and arrow ooh this looks like a super powerful bow yeah and it's blue your favorite color let's go but you're not just giving me this for no reason is there something behind these doors yeah they're definitely is so let's just open up these doors right over here and check it out what the it's a whole bunch of Huggy Wy shooting at me oh my goodness I'm literally at one HP I knew that was going to work but you can use that bow to shoot all of those Huggy wuggies me maybe I could use this wall as some cover come on come on nice and W G I'm literally taking all of them out and oh no I missed that Arrow it's all right bubbles there's only two more Huggy wuggies left so are you going to get them yeah I will I'm tired of being a scaredy cat I'm just going to run out into the middle let's go and come on last Huggy wuggy bye-bye good job bubbles you got every single Huggy wuggy and I think you just mocked him too yeah I guess you could say that I'm Archer maxing what the what okay you're weird bubbles but now let's just go in this and make it to the next room wee and uh G don't tell me this is a ice boating course it is an ice boating course Bubbles and if you make one wrong move you're going to fall in these Diamond spikes oh my God I literally hate ice boating but I guess I'll open up this chest and grab this boat but it's okay though cuz all I got to do is take it slow and steady and look at that g I'm making it through oh what what is happening you were up to a pretty good start over there but can you make it to the end if I'm just a little bit more careful then I think I can can let me just make it around this little turn over here easy peasy nice and wait a second G I'm literally almost at the end are you going to make it come on take it slow take it slow and I did it let's go that was super awesome bubbles but now that you made it to the end let's open up this door and see what's inside what the G is this just a chest is it my prize not quite bubbles look up what do you mean look up what the cat that's a whole bunch of spikes isn't it and if you open up this chest over here there's a jetpack inside di oh no I know where you're going with this you're going to make me fly all the way up there aren't you yep and if you're good at flying it shouldn't be a problem for you uh yeah yeah I'm I'm definitely really good at flying just watch this G come on come on and yeah I'm the best at flying what the heck help me G help okay so I might have lied and I have no idea how to fly you should just all don't look at your face bubbles yeah yeah whatever G well for strategy I think I should follow my last one all I got to do is take it slow and steady good call bubbles are you going to make it I think I will I'm literally seeing the top of this thing and I'm getting hit a few times but I think I'm going to make it and look at that I made it let's go those was really awesome bubbles they'll give you that but now that you're at the very end you're going to have to choose between the blue treasure and the green treasure wait you gave me two prizes yeah but you can only have one of them so which winner are you going to choose aw fine well since blue is my favorite color I think I'm going to choose the blue side good call Bubbles so what's inside it's going to be some diamonds and what in the world is that g help me get him what in the world was that g well since he chose the stinky blue treasure it's one an acid slime behind you an acid slime well I never want to see one of those things again and the color of it reminds me of this green so I don't even want to open that treasure over there there's probably another one yeah it's whatever bubbles you don't have to open it but there could be a ton of diamonds uh did you just say diamonds I really want diamonds I think I'm going to open it but this better not be a trap come on come on come on it wow there's a whole bunch of diamonds and rotten flesh yummy yummy yummy wait a second why are you actually eating it get out of here all right G but now that I checked out your build do you want to check out mine of course bubbles let's goe when can it turn around you can turn around in three 2 1 turn around and oh my God isn't my craft decorn the most amazing build you've ever seen in your life I don't know if it's the most amazing but this build's literally massive how did he build this in 10 minutes that's way more than enough time G what do you mean I guess you're a really fast Builder or something cuz this build's really huge and speaking of huge how do I even get inside this thing I'll give you a little hinty it's your favorite block in Minecraft my favorite block so emeralds and wait a second I see some emeralds right over here yeah looks like you found it super duper fast that was easy peasy so let me just open up this door right over here and welcome to the poppy playtime Co Factory and hold up is that Huggy wuggy boxy Boo and Mommy Long legs Yep they're all inside their experimental cages right now but if you don't make it past this parkour they're going to eat you alive eat me alive well I don't want boxy boo to eat me cuz he seems really scary but lucky for me I'm a parkour Pro so let me just make it on these Springs over here and I made it wait a second you did that super fast and now you can activate the hour of Joy by pulling both of these levers and hold up if I get the hour of Joy I get a prize so I'm definitely going to push it and wait a second oh not boxy Boo get him get him and wait a second I just killed him I honestly did not expect you to survive that but now you got to pull the other lever to actually activate it you can't get me so now I'm going to press this other lever and wait a second Huggy wuggy get him hugy wuggy get him oh no G did you not know what the hour of joy is it literally brings all of the monsters to life I guess I didn't know that bubbles I thought the hour of Joy was going to be something different like a bunch of emeralds yeah I knew you would think that which is why I set it up as my fake entrance are you serious rale bubbles so if this is a fake entrance then where in the world is there real one you're just going to have to go find it oh my God maybe it's inside of her horn and no nope or maybe it's inside of her giant tail over here and really dude not even close I can't find the San anywhere bubbles can you please just tell me where it is fine G I'll tell you where it is psyche I ain't telling you anything brother are you serious are any Yow bubbles are you sure about that oh wait wait wait put that away I'll tell you where it is I'll tell you where it is aha and honestly G I have no idea how you couldn't find it cuz it's right inside of crafty Corn's mouth over here what do you mean you have no idea this is super hidden but if I just walk inside just like this wa what the heck welcome to the first official obstacle are you going to pick the catnap door or the dog day door catnap or dog day well catnap is super duper cool so I'm going to go in the catnap tour and wait a second what the heck wait what how did you not die from those creeper Huggy wuggies cuz I'm super duper strong h h no you were supposed to die you were supposed to die get out of here get out really bubbles that was not cool yeah I'm sorry but you just needed to get punished for picking the wrong door you're really sus for that bubbles but now that I went through the catnap door already I guess I have to choose the dog day door yep let's see what's behind this one come on and wait a second there's another door right over here yep and right behind it is something super cool super cool I'll be the judge of that let me just open this up really fast and wait a second what the heck is that that's a mutant wither skeleton and you're going to have to fight it I'm going to have to fight him oh no get me out of here ah what the G come back come back Mac don't worry he's behind some super secure iron bars right now and there's even some items in this chest for you some items in this chest that sounds super good so let me just open this up real quick and really dude there's a password on it I wouldn't make it that easy for you g but I'll tell you this the password is hidden in one of these dispensers over here so which one are you going to open up well there is a left dispenser and a right dis dispenser and knowing the right one has to be right I'm going to choose the right one wait a second what the heck there's no way you just died to that poisonous water are you serious right nail bubbles I literally just drowned yep and now you're going to have to pull this dispenser which might have some more poisonous water yeah I really hope it doesn't but if I want to get to the very end I have to pull it so let's see and wo there's a piece of paper with 3333 on it yep for poppy playtime chapter 3 that is really smart so let me just type in 3 3 33 on this chest and wao there's a bunch of dragon armor and this emerald sword you're looking extra drippy right now G oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah but let's see how much longer you can be drippy for cuz the walls are dropping in three 2 1 fight get over here wo he looks like he's doing a lot of damage to ug yeah he is messing me up a little bit but I'm definitely going to win this let's see if you're going to win come on and second try G you got this I'm definitely going to beat him come on come on come on just a few more hits and wo he just exploded into a million pieces oh my God look at that his head is right over here that's super cool Bubbles and wait a second what the heck me go to the next room go to the next room I got you super good yeah whatever G eat just for that you're going to have to get through this entire pit of three-headed snakes three-headed snakes that looks super scary but lucky for me cuz there's a bridge right over here let's go what the heck was that bubbles how did I just fall through your Bridge there's actually actually no you thought that was the way across I wouldn't make it that easy whatever bubbles there has to be another way around here come on can you find it maybe it's somewhere on top of these walls over here you might be getting a little bit closer or somewhere on top of these fences you're even closer now wait a second bubbles I have an idea I'm going to use this block over here and jump all the way across um what how is that even possible that's like a 10 block jump you don't know me bubbles I got hops look at me three 2 1 go a what in the world there's no way you just did that I guess that wasn't very smart of me but while I was down there I saw this chest good looks G looks like you found it yeah so let me just try opening it real quick and wo there's a red Spring right over here yep and now you can actually place a spring on this block to get to the other side I guess that's what I was supposed to do but now let me just go in this spring and oh no did I really just fall again brother you literally found out the way to get across and you still failed you didn't see that bubbles now time to actually get across good work you actually made it through now you can open up this big door to the next obstacle this is a haunted room and you're going to have to make it all the way to the other side yeah this room does look really haunted there's a bunch of Cobbs these Redstone torches and a Huggy wuggy head can you get through it G I hope so Bubbles and there is a chest over here so let me just try opening it and look at that you just got a little gun that's going to be your only source of protection through this entire room I guess that does make me feel a little bit better so let me just try making it to the end and see what happens and wait a second is that Mommy Long Legs ah get out of here get and wait that was really easy yeah congrats G you made it through I guess that room wasn't so scary after all and wait a second is that another Mommy Long Legs get out of here what the why are all the mommy long legs kind of weak maybe I'm just super strong bubbles but there are some doors over here so let me make it to the end and are you serious right now there's another Mommy Long Legs oh my God how did you not even die once through the entire haunted room because I'm super duper strong yeah yeah whatever G I should have made it spawn like 50 of them or something then you wouldn't have made it through well you didn't and now that I'm at the end I'm going to open up these doors and wait a second why is there a bunch of buttons over here because in this room you're going to have to find the correct button and only one of them is Right G only one of them is right but there's so many yeah so you better get to pressing buddy there's no time to waste I have to press every single button inside of this room come on on surely I'm going to find it soon looks like you're making your way through all the buttons and wait a second there's a big red button over here ooh what if it's the right one g h it's so big and it's so red and it's so shiny I have to press it ah I can't believe you actually f for that that's the wrong red button G this is the right one oh so you put two of them now I'm definitely going to make it out of here come on and wait a second what is that get him what in the world even was that bubbles now I'm going to have nightmares oh my yeah I bet you pooped your pants after seeing that thing but yeah g sorry to break it to you both of the red buttons are wrong that's so not fair bubbles that should have taken me out of here and wait a second what's that smell is that a blue button what the how in the work can you smell a blue button uh cuz blue buttons are super duper stinky what you yapping about brother they literally smell amazing let me be the judge of that this thing literally stinks wow G you think it stinks so bad that you went back into the haunted room yeah there's no way I'm pressing this bubbles uh-uh but what if I told you the prize consists of a whole bunch of emeralds h a whole bunch of emeralds that does sound really nice right now fine I'm going to press it let's go and welcome to your treasure room G are you going to go ahead and pick the emerald treasure or the diamond treasure the emerald or the diamond treasure well that is a bit of a hard decision but I'm going to go on the diamond treasure wait what the but you just said that blue is really stinky so I think you should go on the emerald one yeah I'm just kidding bubble obviously I'm going to choose the emerald one all right G well you can open it up and collect your emeralds then I'm about to be super rich Let's go and wait a second why is there a bunch of silverfish get his toes get his toes stop tickling me oh no oh no bye-bye really bubbles that was not cool I just got tickled super hard yeah cuz emeralds are actually the stinky ones and you shouldn't have chosen that's just not true bubbles but there is a diamond treasure over here so I guess I have to open it up trust me G you won't regret all right let's see and wo there's a bunch of green crystals and poisonous potatoes it's all for you let's go Okay g now that we checked out both of our builds whose do you think is better we're looking carefully at both of our builds I think that mine is way better what are you talking about mine is way better wait what the then who wins uh I guess we'll have to let the comments decide everyone comment nuh-uh everyone comment Bubbles and if you enjoyed watching this video make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and if you want want to see another one of Bubbles and Ice Adventures then click the video on screen go click it click it click it bye byebye I need the max [Music] wing
Channel: Bubbles
Views: 310,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft noob vs pro, noob vs pro, ge and bubbles, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, maizen, jj and mikey, minecraft troll, minecraft prank, minecraft mod, minecraft build challenge, minecraft noob vs hacker, block buddies, dash, catnap, smiling critters, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3, catnap poppy playtime, catnap minecraft, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, poppy playtime minecraft, milo and chip, dogday, miss delight, craftycorn, hoppy hopscotch
Id: BwOfy2r5ZYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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