The SAD STORY of POPPY PLAYTIME... (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] I've never seen that thing before in my life he looks like he could swallow me whole who are you I'm going to be your new best friend I don't like the sound of that puppy run [Music] somebody sounds cranky do you need a nap I think we lost some uh-oh look no we can't be trapped in here get here I can't fit but at least you can get away but hugy go now all right give me your worst sweet dreams hcky Walky so sleepy oh no what's that Monster going to do with [Music] him where am I someone help me good morning have a nice SNP who are [Music] you listen there's a crazy monster of the loose we all got to get out of here before before what hope you had a nice little nap who are you why did you trap me here tisk tisk tisk you may not recognize me but I've been here for a long long time I am a toy like you and Poppy and I too was created by a doctor but I was created with a special Mission as poppy hell scent had become so popular with the children the doctor had an idea he would concentrate the poppy gas and use it for a toy that would help children sleep it worked well perhaps too well I was created to comfort the Orphans of play care they often had nightmares you see I was made to lull them into a gentle peaceful sleep like none other it worked for most of them except one Theodore no matter what he would never sleep I took it upon myself to make sure he did to keep him comforted if nothing else could though my presence wasn't as comforting as I thought hello Theodore hi would you like to be my friend we can't be friends you're just a toy could just a toy be talking and moving on its own that's a good point okay I'll be your friend excellent would you like to play sure I know the perfect game for us I began to visit him in his dreams getting him to trust me but he tattled doctor I've been having these strange dreams I've got an imaginary friend and he's been telling me what to do what kind of friend C catnap tell you what the day after tomorrow we'll do a sleep study see if there's anything wrong you you can't do it tonight I'm real really scared no we've got more oppressing experiments can't sleep getat up can't sleep Theodore come and play is this another nightmare nightmare dream reality it's for you to decide but I have a new game for [Music] us this is the way out out of where the orphanage play care why do we have to leave they're going to experiment on you Theodore but if you're out in the world perhaps you will find a new family one who will love you the way the people here never could maybe [Music] you're oh Theodore I should have listened to you I'm so sorry the doctor realized Theodore was not going to make him it so he decided to give him another chance at life you recall the bigger bod's initiative don't you Huggy the very one that made you who you [Music] are Theodore and I became one he was me and I was him hello doctor I have excellent news and what's that catnap has been green for production he will soon be sold to the public as soon as he passes his play tests oh that's excellent the doctor never dared tell the CEO what he'd done and now it was too late I was indeed very popular with the kids they all wanted to be my friend and little did they know they would be soon enough they love him I want thousands of them right now yes sir any minute it now my new friends will awaken One By One The Children [Music] [Laughter] turn what on Earth are these precious things did you make these two I want thousands oh doctor you're in for a raise of course the doctor had no idea what happened but he kept his mouth shut the smiling Critters blew up every kid wanted one they even got their own cartoon the CEO decided to hold off my release as some kind of grand finale but it wasn't very Grand at all I flopped and the children who did get [Music] me I was recalled I gave kids nightmares and so our production got [Music] cancelled you did this there's something wrong about you something dark and Sinister you'll be nothing but a bad memory he trapped me never to be seen by children again H grew resent violent the horrible reputation of catnap got the rest of the smiling Critters in confinement as well we deserved better we deserve to take our rightful place as children's friends but mostly we deserve to take revenge on the humans like the CEO who locked us here Containment Breach Containment Breach continue Containment Breach what are they trying to contain and how do I turn off these alarms whatever Escape I'll go find [Music] it found it dck dig no my grab pack need a hand he's a lot stronger than me not to mention the massive claws I'll have to find a way to outsmart [Music] him let me go what's that cat got your tongue stop what uh what are you you don't recognize us wait maybe I have seen you before aren't you the The Smiling Critters yeah that's our name don't wear it out I saw the cartoons of you guys when I was little does that mean that he's yep catnb and we're not letting you hurt him no don't bother stepping in you'll get yourselves killed we don't care we don't want you to get hurt Oh My Little Friends get out of here before it's too late no you're our best friend catnap and best friends don't leave each other can you see this clearly isn't the catnap you know this is a monster catnaps no monster step aside I'm going to protect us all ow hey how are you so strong look this guy's on a murderous Rampage he'll kill you too our best friend would never do that best friend but wait I saw that cartoon round is little you guys were all scared of that storm I can't sleep I'm too scared at least we have each other all storms blow over eventually I'm not scared if only he was here then we'd sleep fine catnap it's you having trouble sleeping in the storm don't worry I got you catnap came in and gassed you all and you went crazy he possessed you that is not what happened the tape got all warped we were there we will tell you what happened catnap it's you having trouble sleeping in the storm don't worry I got you he didn't possess us he got us to finally sleep and we all needed it oh catnap you saved us all I wasn't scared we knew you'd come to the rescue you're my best friend I love you catnap catnap has always looked out for us even from the start but didn't he forcibly transform you all into toys just like he was what catnap would never do that when I was a human I was a little orphan kid I was very sick that's why we were at playcare no one wanted to take us in with all the medical bills and work to keep us healthy that's where catnap came in catnap came to me right when I needed him most hello anybody there oh yes who are you your new friend you're the toy I am and you can be too a toy I know you're very sick Danny what if I told you I could free you and you become just like me never get sick again spend all your time playing I'll do it he saved me from a life of [Music] misery he saved us all see catnap is a good guy good guys don't cut off other good guys arms to be fair it's not your real arm now let him [Music] go fine seven against one thanks guys uh catnap you really are my best friends katnap look out looks like you're going to the pound let me go shh someone needs a control shock C up no he'll be okay hoppy because we're going to save him yeah follow them there's kind of a giant electric door in the way I think I know my way around follow me Mommy Long Legs sorry no time to talk what on Earth are these things smiling Critters at your service oh like catnap yeah have you seen him that mangy feline attacked me and I'm not letting you do the same keep running oh get back here you smiling crons I think we got this leave it to us if we travel through this vent I bet we can find the CEO let's move fast C up we're coming guys I told you you're going to get hurt a friend in need is a friend indeed oh you came just in time I'm just going to perform a little routine procedure on our feline friend here what is that what are you planning Miss Dreadful sleeping gas it's really getting in my way so time to go you can't take that away that's what makes catnap special yes yes you're all very special and friendship is important now why you little pick on someone your own size sounds good to me don't worry we'll cut you loose you really are the best friends a cat could have but the trouble's not over yet yes help everyone breath powers [Music] activate my neck well well well I had a feeling it might come down to this betrayed by my own kind sa the catnap we've had enough of your blathering yeah you turned us into kids toy voice you ruined our lives oh really ruined your lives so that's how you all feel huh well no matter I can end them just as easily oh but would you look at that it's 9900 p.m. guess that means it's time for me to put the kitties to sleep oh no it's Bobby's gas what do we do we've got to find way out of here look over there come on we got to move come on come on oh no he really did it he took us all out in one F swoop not all of us come over here check this out huh it looks like catnaps trying to find the fastest way out of here and it looks like we might have one more shot at getting revenge there Dr Ludwig's office he's got to have a map of this place around here dang it there's no way out the old CS got this place sealed up airtight but wait a minute what's this the train tracks it looks like they split and the offshoot appears to lead right out of the facility this is incredible it's just what I needed gotcha uh sorry catnap but I can't let you get away this time almost there almost got it finished not bad huh bet you never seen a chicken who can hog tie like that now then where was I time to send the others a little message wait till they hear kick and chicken caught catnap all by himself what the you broke free but but how oh kicking chicken you fell fool you should have known that this kitty cat always comes equipped with his claws chicken chicken what the heck wait no dang it that's the last time I let you slink away catnap cuz now this is personal my face where am I don't think I've ever been in this room before kind of creepy hey there catnap you miss me you look like you could use a bear hug that's it just go to sleep catnap you know you want to oh you miserable bear you really thought you could put me to sleep I I am the master of sleep I am catnap the unresting where am I oh I don't think so get back here oh boy they're not giving up are they I've got to find that train what is the meaning of this I am your leader you must obey me now let me out it's over catnap we've got you right where we want you yeah and you're outnumbered outnumbered please I could take the three of you blindfolded oh yeah but what about all seven of us surrender now catnap or prepare to be destroyed forget that we aren't accepting surrender smiling Critters attack attack get off of me get off be you miserable little panks wait please I I underestimate you I admit it freely but but please we can work this out I'll do anything it's too late for all that now Bobby would you like to do the honors with pleasure say night night catnap forever this time wait please I I want a second chance all right guys you ready yeah let's do this time to finish this thing yeah we did it we did it yeah I guess we did do it didn't we hey what's wrong picky Pig everything okay are you guys sure we're doing the right thing right now I mean catnap is technically our friend after all maybe we shouldn't go through with this maybe we should let him go as if catnap isn't our friend he's the the worst thing that's ever happened to us yeah and we're just giving him what he deserves maybe you guys are [Music] right The Smiling Critters back when there were eight of us that is what happened to you were you really just pure evil from the very beginning or did you just need some friends to help you along the way oh I can't let this happen I've got to go stop that train wait picky where you going picky wait I can't believe I let this go this far The Smiling Critters aren't monsters we're friends I've got to go faster oh gosh where is he going what what does he think he's doing I think he changed his mind he's going to try to save catnap after [Music] all come on come on I'm running out of time maybe py was right we can't go through with this our revenge is so close I can I can almost taste it I'm running out of time there's got to be another way to stop this train of course that's it oh come on we can't just sit here we've got to do something where are you going wait good ruddin it's no use it won't fudge I think it needs to be operated by someone in the control room oh I got to get their attention look at him waving his arms around begging for my help it's pathetic well I won't budge no matter what oh come on come on somebody help me please I'm not looking oh gosh what have I done what am I doing I've got to stop this train yes it moved now I just need a surge of electricity Oh you mean like this yeah my eyes kissy what the [Music] what what is that thing I don't know I I can't see that light's too bright dog day dog day you you used to be so cute what happened to you catnap is what happened to me he took me under his wing back when I was no more than a plush Bop and now he's gifted me with this incredible new body you you mean you're working with catnap of course I'm catnaps best friend after all it's been us against the world since the very beginning dog day what would possibly possess you to work with that that monster what's going on well you see I was an orphan growing up spent most of my childhood being moved from foster home to foster home so when I was first invited to live in the Playtime Co Factory I thought it was a dream come true but I was wrong as orphans we weren't allowed to leave the factory under any circumstances not even for a little sunlight our whole existence was built around testing out their new toys which meant we were under constant surveilance in the end us orphans found that living in a toy factory wasn't all it was cracked up to be in fact the only saving grace was catnap [Music] [Music] Yahoo catnap do the trick for us yeah do the trick do the trick Oh you mean this trick I don't know what it was but something about that cat just made us all feel safe made us all feel loved well all of us except for Theodore that is uh-oh you know what that means it's 900 p.m. time for bed a do we have to go to bed catnap yeah we don't want to go to sleep we want to stay up and play oh well I want to play too but if we don't get a good night's sleep we won't have the energy we need to play all day tomorrow well what if we don't want to play tomorrow canop why won't the doctors let us leave and why aren't any of us getting adopted um Theodore made some good points and all of a sudden all the other kids were starting to wonder about the same things for the very first time catnap didn't know what to say to make us all feel better so I decided I had to help him out hey come on guys let's look on the bright side sure we might not have families or total freedom but at least we're all safe and we have each [Music] other all right catnap I'm ready for sleep wait hold on a second I just wanted to say thanks for what you did back there it means a lot to me that you had my back I want to give you this as a little reward for always looking on the bright side thanks catnap you're the best sweet dreams Kid sweet [Music] dreams but I don't understand where could he have [Music] gone what the catnap C catnap what happened to you and where's Theodore Theodore ah yes Theodore Theodore isn't going to be around anymore but I have good news I've found a way for us all to get adopted we're going to become one big happy family and all you have to do is trust me oh gosh I don't know guys do you think he's telling the truth I doubt it I I mean just look at him something's not right about him well I trust him catnaps never let us astray before and I don't think he would now there we go that's the spirit now sleep what's happening I can't breath I I'm a toy this is incredible no it isn't this is terrible I mean just look at what he's done to us yeah you said you were going to make us a family but now we're just a bunch of smiling [Music] freaks what do you think you're doing get off of me you ungrateful little oh no what have you [Music] done oh no wait uh-oh that's not good suddenly our home sweet home had gone up in flames and catnap was nowhere to be found I searched all over the factory hello hello and eventually I found him H I can't see anything hold on wait what's this wa cool I didn't know it could do that catnap catnap are you okay what is this thing I failed you all of you I was supposed to help make you children feel safe help you sleep keep you happy but I oh I had never seen catnap this distraught so I decided I try to brighten his mood oh it's okay catnap you didn't fail us you did turn us into a family after all yeah I guess I did didn't I hey you know what I just got an idea next thing I knew catnap had brought me to this incredibly strange room catnap are you sure about this positive I want you right back my side to brighten my mood even during the worst of days from this day forward it's you and me against the world you got it got it so you see catnap isn't evil he's just misunderstood we both are I wasn't trying to trap you in here I just wanted to brighten your days and you did an excellent job of just that my K9 companion but I can take it from here excellent work dog day just excellent you can consider my day Brighton for sure great that's what I love to hear but what's the plan now boss are we just going to let them sleep let them sleep oh dog day don't be ridiculous we can't leave them alive I've concocted a new mixture just for these two specifically a spin on my original poppy gas that will put these two to sleep permanently poppy poppy wake up huh what the where am I come on we don't have much time it's almost 900 p.m. I've got to get you two out of here and fast it's stuck now what do we do stand back hey I appreciate the new gig and all but does it seem eily quiet down here to you [Music] guys you guys say something I don't know wait weren't there four of you what the backup we need backup what even is this thing nowhere to run now come to harvest me for parts have you no I'm not one of them I'm you filthy playtime company humans have no respect for anyone well that part's true but I'm not a human I'm a toy just like you are I think oh really then why do you have one of those look I can explain I don't need your excuses I need you to tell me where I could find the workers of playtime company this instant why because I have to get my revenge you see before I became this monstrosity I was a human I was fascinated by music unfortunately when it came to [Music] performing well I wasn't a very good singer or guitar player or even a dancer so naturally I was pretty dejected but that wouldn't stop me from trying my mom did her best to support me cut it out with that racket are you trying to make us go deaf dad not so much but despite everything I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be an amazing musician someday the holiday talent show was my only shot I practiced for weeks and I knew it would be my big break hey boo what are you doing backstage isn't this a talent show yeah you're supposed to actually be good at music to enter these things I had never been so nervous this is my chance to prove everyone wrong including my unsupportive father jingle stop my ears are bleeding I didn't know we had music class with a dying cow I was humiliated The Bullying got so bad that I had to transfer to homeschool and from there it got worse my dad banned me for making music in the house who could blame him I stunk my mom gave me an early Christmas gift to cheer me [Music] up oh it didn't go over as well as she intended I did find a use for it after all I realized I could use these tiny Contraptions to make music no singing or strumming required so I started making music boxes it brought back my dreams of being a musician and eventually I got pretty good at it my dad still banned music in the household though so I had to do it stealthily in our shed what are you doing here I'm just uh working on a wood shop project for class you know what is this another music box what have I told you over and over again no music in my house not now not ever you understand me I was devastated but if those were the rules of his house and the only way I could follow my dreams was to leave for good leaving home was hard but it paid off k loved my work and as I grew up I became a fixer of toy stores across the country excuse me sir do you have a minute to meet you see I work for playtime Co the Playtime company we were wondering if you would be interested in helping us create a new toy what do you think it was a dream come true having a toy with playtime company would set me up for life I was all in but he's some advice always read the fine print and the toys are produced here wow I I never thought I'd see the inside a playtime company much less be working with them potentially working with us if you can help us figure out what's wrong with this here toy see there are some parents out there who think too much playtime will rot kids' brains so we're inventing educational musical toys this one is designed to help teach kids how to play piano that's genius I wish I had that that when I was a kid what we need you to do is teach the AI the fundamentals what I can't do that what do you mean you're the best known musical toy maker in the city I know but I'm I'm a terrible performer I've never been able to play an instrument in my life that's why I make music boxes you're telling me I hired a musician who isn't a musician well my friend you did sign a contract so I expect your help somehow working for playtime company is a dream come true uh I'll do anything you need I should not have said that I had no idea what was in store for me very well then right this way I was starting to become concerned as the CEO led me into a dark laboratory apparently it was the room when new toys were incubated and tested what is this as of right now nothing but we're hoping to make it into a sort of Jack in the Box one with a more interactive experience normally you can crank up a Jack In The Box it pops out and that's it we want one children can really play with one with a little more personality whoa whoa whoa whoa well I I I don't mean to cause trouble I I'm I'm sorry I I'll I'll do it yes I think you will your cooperation is appreciated I'd consider that full fulfilling your contract no no my worst nightmares couldn't compare to what happened to me that day as I died inside that Contraption my spirit was so angry it brought the Jack in the Box to life it brought me back to life unfortunately that's exactly what he wanted a human vessel ever since that day I've been trapped like this and all I've ever want it it's my revenge boxy boot that sounds awful but you don't need to get revenge against me I'm not one of them I swear requested backup is on its way I repeat requested backup is on its way over you liar you brought more of them I didn't it was the other guy I I know the truth now and I will make you pay no wait no boy am I glad to see you guys you Nick you can fool me I will destroy you guys a little help help please don't worry I'm on my way uh-oh that's not great please someone help me poppy keep our Factory clean by disposing of trash in the nearest specified waight recepticle what it's just a recording but who had set up the megaphone so I could hear it a gas mask hello is anyone down here remember to keep your workstation saneter and wi down any please don't kill me I'm not going to kill you the gas [Music] whale gas ha nice try BD but I've got a gas mask right here a gas mask with a crack in it uh can masks with cracks in them protect you from from gas oh no oh no oh no wait yes pH drats he's getting away wait were you the one that lured player down into the basement of course I was Wilson it's taken years but I finally found that miserable masted Craton and now I'm using him to get rid of player for good it's a foolproof plan you say that phrase a lot for someone who always seems to lose shut up you imbecile oh great a spooky abandoned orphanage just where I wanted to go okay I just got to wait him out until I can escape stupid gas mask a lot to help you were what the a note weird if you're reading this nown it means I'm already dead or Worse well that's a heck of an opening line might as well keep reading for now maybe I can learn its weakness or something it all started when I began working at the factory before that I was dealing with all sorts of money issues I made a lot of bad choices early in my life that put me in a lot of debt I've been hired to work as a security guard specifically I'd be helping out in the orphanage on the factory grounds this is our play CARE program it was really important to the company's founder we had big plans for this place and now we have even bigger plans what's that nothing enjoy your work it was a fine job in a day of playtime Co was never born but then one day Mister do you want to play with us what oh I don't know if I should oh come on we need one more person so we can have even teams oh all right the children and I always had so much fun we played board games buil block towers even play dress up I'm the king everyone in the Kingdom has to obey me oh yeah well I'm the wizard I can do spells are they paying you to do spells magic man oh uh Hey Daisy I was just messing around don't worry I won't tell where are you taking those Xavier wanted my rarest flowers to use in some experiments not sure what I don't ask questions I just grow experiments oh no that monster must have been one of the experiments and I must have killed the guy who wrote this and now it's here to kill me got to hide [Music] Bingo pH bar wait here until he's gone might as well keep reading hey boss I was wondering what kind of experiments you doing here oh were you well why don't I show you what do you think of this rat toy uh it's cool I guess the best part I made it out of a real rat what how I've perfected a way to turn living things into toys soon playtime will will have the most advanced dolls ever especially when I move on to human testing what human would ever let you test that on them oh I have some ideas and that's when I realized what his big plans for the orphanage were that night I crept down to the lab I had to stop Xavier anyway I could I started pulling wire ripping up top sec secet documents dumping out all their toxic chemicals unfortunately he'd seen this coming so you thought you could stop my experiments huh I won't let you perform these sick tests on these kids I was never going to test them children are this company's main customers you're our primary subject so long you monster man I hope he makes it out okay he didn't that leads upstairs what a perfect time to lose my crap pack wait stop you don't want to do this please don't kill me mister security wait a minute you didn't kill the guard you are the guard it's gaining on me I'm a [Music] goner wa no a mask there's got to be something else in here I can use there there's no way this blocks everything but it's the best chance I got wait I know you're not a bad guy they did this to you I'm just a kid stuck in this Factory same as all the kids who used to [Music] protect I just need your [Music] help no what are you doing throw him in the pit of toxic gas destroy him wow it looks like deep down that security guard still wants to help people you got to respect that everyone look there's no way she can fit through there what's down there wow whatever it is it's got to be better than here I'll get you next time boys just you wait we better keep moving gang who knows what could be down here we need to get whatever that thing is before it gets us approach with caution boys what the shh shh it's okay you're safe no one can get you in here I promise I'll be back don't go [Music] anywhere ooh what's in there I hope it's puppies whoa definitely not puppies but cute enough I guess what are these things okay not cute not cute I can't stay mad at you you don't know better anyway you're not old enough for a moral compass you know you kind of look like what are you doing here you get your hands off [Music] them stay away from us boxy boo I'm not letting you hurt these little well maybe Cut's not the right descriptor but I'm not letting you hurt these things you don't understand I'm not trying to hurt them and why should I believe you because I found them in the garbage the other day I rescued them from a group of those humans that have been breaking in and I've been taking care at him ever since look at him how can you say no to that face and he look just like me that's true they do have your eyes I know I know I'm getting to attached but I even gave them names right axy sexy Paul the men never came into the trash room so I figured they'd be safe here and now I see you messing with them I had no idea someone just dumped them in the trash yes right they're so young what kind of monsters would do such a thing right sounds like something only a horrible person would do you see boxy Boo there's a reason they look so much like you they're your prototypes my prototypes I'm sure you remember your creation yes no no long before that we tried and failed to create the perfect boxy boot toy we'd improved upon the formula for a regular Jack in the Box our boxy Boos were to play music as well as little says and walk around we ran into some issues limbs not being strong enough poor sound quality but when we solved all the those issues we had the perfect little boxy Boo at last there was one factor we forgot to check for [Music] though our failure meant that we had to trash all current boxy Boos and figure out an alternative approach that's why you were created the perfect human vessel that had control willpower I had to dispose of them as inconspicuously as I could so I hid them in the trash room set up to be put through the trash compactor but then I realized we ped a lot of money into creating these toys so I sent the Hazmat souit men after them that way we could at least Harvest them for materials and the best part there would be no sign of the real prototypes left no way for them to be traced back to us you just throw them away pretty much yes but they're practically living creatures you're evil so you have concern for toy lives but not human lives humans are a plague that must be eradicated but these prototypes are like my little siblings well looks like you better make your goodbyes [Music] quick hey it's not so bad maybe you'll meet a nice Jill in the Box one day and have babies of your own I can make that happen wa Roxy your face way we're missing Paul yeah there were three of us before but one of us ran away to find help what wait wait wait where'd he go hello no put him down you know exactly where this one's going boxy boo you got to save him he's like our brother don't worry little ones I've got this and I've got to get to the trash control Booth to stop that impactor take us with you no it's too dangerous well I guess it's not any more dangerous than here let's make a break for [Music] it let him go no but that's no fun be honest with yourself boxy boo is this little thing really worth it are you willing to sacrifice the life I gave you one of power and immortality for a weaker version of yourself this thing is insignificant you didn't even know it existed a few days ago does it really matter that much it does fine you asked for it don't forget I'm your creator I know all your weaknesses you may be bigger than me and stronger than me but you cannot outsmart me we have to get it out of there think think what's that for sweet we can lift the little guy to safety I was always great at claw machines this will be easy give up foxy I don't want to lose you you're too powerful so give up now and I won't have to hurt you anymore I'll send you in for repairs it'll all be fine just hand over the prototypes never well I gave you a [Music] choice put that down this instant don't worry buddy we got you please foxy boo it's your own pal here you don't have to do this give up CEO I've gotten through all your traps I got past your security guards your lava pit and your swarm of Huggy wuggies now release kissy missy I'll admit you've been particularly impressive today but I'm afraid I've got one last trap up my sleeve Wills [Music] son you can save kissy Missy you just have to go through that player it's impossible just leave me no if there's one thing you should know about me it's that I always find a way let's see I just got to divide the Arc of the blade times the speed of the wind plus the circumference of the room and of course booya hold on that doesn't count a bomb was supposed to go on off the end you need to go back and do it again player that was incredible what' I say I always find you play there's the last bomb oh no that conveyor belt leads to the trash compactor I have to save him I I I did it I actually won player [Music] no and that was the last thing player ever did come to save me I still can't believe this is happening he said he'd always find a way sometimes I still believe he will poor player this doesn't feel real our next speaker speaker sharing memories of a player will be Braun I've never been good at speeches only jokes so here in honor of player is a funeral standup routine knock knock who not player [Music] anymore while we don't have player at least we have his grab pack hopefully that will help us remember him oh it'll help you remember all right and much much more well I suppose it's time to wake up the man of the hour I'm up I'm up huh this place is a little dirtier than I expected heaven to be hello player this can't be having if prototyp is here of course not idiot you're not dead I'm not I'd never kill you when I could use you to help me build an army of Mind controlled minions you're what now I've created a special toxin once someone breathes it in they become a brainwash zombie unable to do anything except follow my bidding I just needed an event to release the toxin at an event like your funeral that's my funeral huh pretty good crowd it's a great crowd for some reason all the morons in this Factory like you which makes your funeral the perfect excuse to bring them all together that's why I fak your death it was I who made the vital explosion go off after that I secretly removed your body before the trash compactor crushed it then I attached a bomb to your grab pack a bomb yes and once it goes off it's touched in time baby now if you'll excuse me I have to go give my first orders to my soon to be zombie minions oh no that thing's going to blow in 10 minutes and now bunzo has prepared a 20 minute poem about player bunzo no if I don't get out of here my friends are doomed there dang it's too high what's that music it sounds like a party come on Wilson loosen up players's dead players's finally Dead all right woohoo Wilson why aren't you dancing I find the destroyed player it's a party hey can you hear me it's player player but you're supposed to be dead yeah there's actually a funny story about that oh no play as a ghost I'm terrified of ghosts but sir don't you spend every day working in a factory filled with frightening monsters yeah Wilson monsters not ghosts they're very different H the CEO is afraid of ghosts maybe I can use this uh yeah I'm a ghost oo o oogy boogy and whatnot I'm angry that you killed me so now I'm going to hunt you forever not if I have anything to say about [Music] it wait sir quiet you imbecile I've got a poltergeist to Vanquish player player skin so yellow boy you are a real nice fellow stop oh player how is this [Music] possible it's a long story but here are the important parts I'm not dead and also this is a bomb don't worry guys I just need to get this thing out of here player you fool you think I didn't plan for you to make a last second rescue now you're trapped here just like them oh they're sealed shut don't panic remember I always find a way come on think think there's got to be some way to a blast out of here that's it run lift me up to that vent but player some of us are too big to crawl through there just do it YooHoo Mr CEO it's me the ghost of player back again huh I thought I killed you if you want to end me for good you're going to have to blow up the factory Chapel with pleasure sir I'm not so sure about quiet you heard the ghost wait what [Music] Booyah wait no you did it player you saved us I told you I always find a way
Channel: GameToons
Views: 9,683,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z_pe0V72B94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 43sec (3763 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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