I Survived 1000 Days as SUPERHEROES in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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for the next 1 000 days I'll be turning into all of the Avengers harnessing each of their abilities to fight the forces of evil in Minecraft on day one I spawned into the world as a normal dude honestly it's weird being a human suddenly Spider-Man and Venom landed in front of me you can't handle a little alien goo while I was distracted one of the weird spiders ran up and bit me ow quit that Venom lunged forward and made a powerful blow that fatally wounded Spider-Man [Music] Venom left leaving me and Spider-Man alone I ran up to him quickly hey are you okay wait a second kid you're like me no I'm not I'm Max I'm usually an animal I don't know what that means but listen closely your life is about to turn upside down literally you need to prepare for it what what do you mean take my suit and continue my legacy you're the last hope in defeating Venom Spider-Man then died leaving me scared and confused I began to walk away but I started to feel dizzy and passed out oh it feels so good on day two I woke up and felt amazing I also noticed a strange object in my inventory what's this whatever I also found the Spider-Man suit and decided I might as well put it on and with that I guess I was the new Spider-Man I'm scared after trying on the new suit I realized that it was already day two and I wasn't prepared at all time to gather some materials first I punched some trees and use the wood I gathered to make a crafting bench and wooden tools next I decided to go mining and made sure to gather tons of cobblestone after I had what I needed I upgraded to stone tools I think I'm starting to get the hang of this survival thing I continue to explore when suddenly I accidentally shot a web on a mountain what the I went flying towards it and landed at the peak what in the world how did I do that on day three I started cutting down all the trees on top of the mountain after I started building my superhero house if I'm supposed to take Spider-Man's place this spot would serve as a good vantage point I made sure to build it nice and Tall while placing down blocks I accidentally climbed up the side of the house whoa how did I do that I finished up the build and admired it from the ground looking good so far after I finished building I felt my Hunger coming on and decided to look for something to eat while I was exploring I found a woman being mugged by an Enderman Thug [Music] if you want it come and get it oh wait you can't reach I felt scared but I had to do something you're Spider-Man you're Spider-Man come on I built up the courage and confronted the thug hey you leave that woman alone you gotta be a big kid we'll see about that we began fighting and to my surprise I was amazing it seems seriously only day three and for some fighting I managed to scare him off with my webs thank you so much young man how can I repay you just in a day's work ma'am uh but actually if you have some food that would be amazing not a problem she started to give me tons of different food as well as seeds you had all of this food just on you you never know when hunger will strike good point on days four through seven I decided to go mining while digging I found some coal and iron sweet I headed back home and crafted a furnace to smelt the iron I just mined afterwards I use my new ingots to craft an iron pickaxe and bucket with my new tools and the seeds I had received I decided to start a garden I set off to get some water from a nearby stream next I returned to my base where I dug out some trenches and filled them with the water I had just retrieved lastly I tilt the garden and planted my new seeds perfect with my garden done I decided to practice my web swinging okay Max you got this I swing my arms forward but nothing happened I gave it one more try and I shot out a web that's more like it I then found a Ravine and began swinging freely on days 8 through 11 I crafted an iron ax and set off to gather some more materials I started by chopping down a variety of trees once I had gathered enough I tried out the new wood on the base to give it some Flair I plan to make it both above and underground I continued to build heading both to the top and beginning the underground entrance it looks like a house with a hat not too shabby as I was wrapping up I heard an explosion in the distance what was that better go investigate I set off to find the source of the noise and discovered iron man blowing stuff up vacuum system is working better than expected Jarvis very good sir I decided to go talk to him hey there who are you suddenly he began I had no choice but to fight I tried to web swing out of the way of his attacks but he was far too powerful Spider-Man told me to take his mantle before passing suddenly he stopped kiss dad dang I know this may be a bad time but do you want to come back to my base I could use another set of hands sure kid if Peter trusts you then I'll help you out perfect I'll call you Mr Stark yeah you should but that's my name on Days 12 through 15 I returned back to the base with Mr Stark this is very rustic I'm more of an art deco man myself it's a work in progress we'll do for now I'll stay with you for a while until you get your dude [Music] thanks but it's a start after getting Mr Stark settled in he said he had a mission for me the spider minions are terrorizing a nearby Town go save it you can count on me I use my web swinging to travel to the town and found the whole place covered with spiders I sprang into action it quickly began to shoot down the spider army with my web shooter it doesn't really seem like something Spider-Man would do oh well nice spider freaks the battle was tough but luckily an iron golem joined to help out thanks dude with our combined efforts we managed to finish them off so bad at this superhero thing oh thank you for saving the village please take this herd of sheep as a gift oh thanks I'll take good care of them with my mission complete I headed back home on day 16-19 I made some fences and then built a pen for the Sheep as a thank you they gave me some wool you guys just carry extra wool around I then made myself in Mr Stark a bed here you go sir well in his room I noticed he had spruced the place up quite a bit I needed to add on to mine more I swung off of Mr Cirque balcony to a nearby forest and started chopping down some trees I even found a cave mining a ton of stone coal and even some iron with my new materials I returned home and crafted some more furnaces afterwards I added them into my base creating a furnace room I used them to smoke Cobblestone into stone and finally crept the stone into stone bricks it's building time I started adding more to the base including a watchtower to keep an eye on bad guys I wanted to build more but it started to rain so I decided to call it a night on days 20-23 I was woken up by a loud boom what in the world I peeked outside to find thunder and lightning striking in the distance I decided to check it out and traveled towards the disturbance Once I arrived I found four flying around and killing swarms of spiders and a frost giant a holy shmoly it's this was amazing to watch him fight I knew I had to help him so I jumped into battle we've got together side by side it was incredible be careful boy I like don't worry I'm watching out I woke up in my bed and Thor was standing right in front of me you need to be more careful lightning is a powerful and erratic element sorry sir those webs will not get you very far take this he gave me a frost Giants ew where did you get this it was my trophy but defeating those spider foes in battle use it wisely thanks Thor he flew off leaving me at the base on days 24-28 I decided to explore some more and practice more web swinging while I'm at it I'm starting to get the hang of this during my travels I discovered a radioactive area covered in glowing ore and goo whoa don't want to get too close to that suddenly Mr Stark arrived from above Help Me Mine some of this stuff kid we could use it isn't that dangerous they got super suits on we'll be fine I reluctantly started to mine up all the ore in the area and gave it to Mr Stark here you go sir thanks I actually have something to give you he handed me an updated set of Spider-Man armor and a double web swing wow this is awesome first I tried out the double web swing which allowed me to shoot two webs at once so cool after that I went ahead and tried out the new suit and gained five Hearts looking good kid this is great but what's with this blue thing on the back of my head it's an AI built for you hello Max someone's in my head you'll get used to it after our exchange Mr Stark flew back to the base on days 29-31 I began to web swing back home when I spotted Venom chatting with one of his goons I decided to listen in on their conversation in hope of getting some valuable information we've returned with the staff sir are nearly complete we won't stop until every creature has been exposed to a symbiote yeah and with that pesky Captain America captured there's one less person to stop us oh no okay how am I gonna save cap after finishing their conversation the two of them left in separate directions I decided to follow the Goon in hopes of getting some more information shooter to trap the good in Webb so he couldn't move I heard you talking to your boss where are you keeping Captain America no uh I ain't talking to a twerp like you then you leave me no choice okay I'll talk oh that was easier than I thought he handed me a map that led to Captain America's location sweet thanks with my new Intel I headed back home to regroup for my rescue mission on days 32-35 I began to make the necessary preparations to save Captain America I told Mr Stark about the information I had gotten and that I would need a stronger suit to face Venom's minions Sue but I need Redstone to do it okay I'll go searching for it now I got to Mining and found plenty of redstone for Mr Stark's upgrades red really is my color I scanned the area and found diamonds in your proximity I searched around and Karen was right skull more thanks Karen of course Max with my new loot I returned home to Mr Stark and gave him the materials he had asked for uh yeah I'll start working on some upgrades now thanks well Mr Stark was working I decided to do a few things at the base first I made a diamond pickaxe second I harvested some crops yummy afterwards I fortified the base further by adding some fencing around the perimeter so finally though a swarm of tarantula Hawks attacked my base good thing I secured it it's fighting time I began to take out each mob one by one but they were fast and could fly let me help kids Mr Stark shot out a huge laser beam out of his Arc Reactor decimating some of the mobs awesome continue to fight the tarantula Hawks to keep my distance I attach onto the base and use my web shooter after a lot of fighting we slayed the final bug I decided to get some rest tomorrow I save Captain America on days 36-37 with the necessary preparations made I headed out to save Captain America on the way I passed by a young villager no I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man I continue to follow the map until I finally reached a hideout inside Captain America was trapped in a cage I'll figure out a way to get out of here eventually no way those are premium grade vibranium bars maybe he just needs some need some him with my web shooter he retaliated breaking a meteor and unleashing symbiotes all over the place a gift from Venom he tried to fight me with his symbiote Army but I managed to scare him off however the entire Army remained I began attacking them but despite their size they were strong they overpowered me ah what's happening suddenly my suit turned black and the rest of the Symbiotes died I even gained five Hearts whoa I feel good are you okay I think so I broke out Captain America by digging a hole for him to escape with Camp freed we headed back to the base to regroup on days 38-41 I arrived home with Captain America thank you for your bravery Max I want to give you something he gave me some vibranium maybe you can make use of this whoa thanks by the way if you need a place to stay you're welcome to crash here I think that's a great idea with the agreements made I started working on Captain America's room I built the basic structure first huh not Cappy enough I decided to grab some wool from the Sheep as well as red and blue flowers after Gathering my materials I dyed the carpet and added a fun pattern to Cap's room this looks great after cap was settled in I decided to check in on Mr Stark Hey cap gave me some vibranium I thought maybe it could be useful speaking of Suits yours is black now are you feeling okay don't worry I'm fine on day 42 my vision was being obscured by black webs where am I I focused and made out of venomize Spider-Man and normal Spider-Man fighting in the distance hey stop despite my pleas the two of them continued I watched in horror as the venomite Spider-Man overtook the other one suddenly he transformed into Venom no no no no no I woke up in a cold sweat I better get this suit off I began to experiment with different things to remove the Symbiote first I tried jumping in some water now it's just cold next I tried to cover myself in sand nope third I tried to get animals to chew it off stop that tickles finally I tried fire and the Symbiote fell off my suit returning it back to normal yeah but also ow so fire is their weakness on days 43-47 I decided to go web swinging for a bit to get venom off my mind and maybe have a bit of fun during my travels I stumbled upon a giant City holy cow where did this come from despite the surprise tall buildings were perfect for swinging I decided to make my way to the top of one and enjoy the view uh this is nice suddenly I heard screaming in the distance uh oh sounds like trouble I decided to go check it out and discovered a giant sand tornado destroying the city not today nice spring into action and began to fight him off and he was tougher than anything else I had fought before I'm not Peter I'm Max I used everything in my disposal including my web swing web shooter and frost Giants Fang to take him down all the while I was also saving civilians but despite my efforts none of it was enough I got knocked back ah what am I supposed to do suddenly I heard A Small Voice next to me huh what was that over here oh oh Ant-Man no one and only need some help yes please the two of us jumped back into The Fray I went back to shooting webs from afar while Ant-Man was taking him down from the inside with our combined power we finally took him down thanks for all your help of course too bad my Hideout got destroyed by Venom I've actually been recruiting Avengers if you'd like to join would I ever on days 48-51 I returned to the base with Ant-Man and started working on a small room for him you know I'm a normal sized dude right oh I'm sorry I thought you'd like it you're totally right I love it I was thinking about my base when suddenly I had an idea I'm gonna make it look like Avengers Tower first I went mining for tons of cobblestone as well as tons of sand second I smelt in the sand turning it into glass next I grabbed tons of corn flowers and turned the glass Blue State finally I converted the bottom floor into stone I also made sure to expand it outward so it'd be more spacious this is gonna take a while it's gonna be great on days 52-55 I decided I was tired of eating veggies I wanted some meat I went out and found a group of cows which I killed for their beef sorry guys you're just too tasty I went back home and cooked them up in my furnace however right as I was about to eat Mr Stark walked up to me it's time to train kiddo right now I'm about to eat lunch bring it with you if you drink well enough maybe I can give you a sneak peek to what I'm working on oh boy I'm in he took me to a giant blue room whoa but how is this gonna help me train Jarvis activate Holland program 565 yes sir all of a sudden buildings began to build from the ground like magic okay kid this is your first test you know what to do I began to swing from building to building until I finally made it to the end great work kids Hall program 343 suddenly Crazy Birds appear I began test two I swing from building to building while fighting out Birds but they were crazy strong they shot out balls of sludge at me and even dodged my attacks unfortunately the test ended in defeat I'm sorry Mr Stark I failed yeah a little bit but that's okay Max Spider-Man's friendly neighborhood wasn't built in a day can I still see a sneak peek of the armor hmm sure on days 56-59 Mr Stark took me into his lap I present the leggings of your new suit wow they look great what's so special about them though besides the nanotech advanced artificial intelligence and Ultra flexible yet indestructible material whoa that was a lot of big words [Music] I'll be done soon you'll just have to wait a little longer to put it on I can't wait after my sneak peek I decided to do some more building I use my stone smooth stone bricks and glass to convert the second floor of my base to look more like Avengers Tower after I finish building Ant-Man walked up to me hey kid catch suddenly I drink super small whoa what was that for I got a mission and I need your help you win of course on days 60 through 62 I followed Ant-Man through an underground tunnel while we were there we passed by giant ants hello we kept walking where Ant-Man led me to a hole in the wall inside was a swarm of Symbiotes these guys are scaring my ant buddies we gotta do something about this I have an idea we use fire I left the tunnel going back home to grab some flint and steel after I quickly headed back to meet Ant-Man flame on flame on I use my flint and steel and it worked the Symbiotes went up in Flames burn baby burn after setting tons of fires all the Symbiotes died good job kid keep it up and Tony might just make you an Avenger whoa really I would love that so much on days 63 through 66 I sought out a beach I wanted a lot of terracotta so I grabbed as much clay as I could after mining tons of the stuff I started to head back home on the way I heard scared meowing in the distance I investigated discovering a cute little cat stuck in a tree oh no little guy I'll help you I swung up to the top of the tree and grabbed the cat when I turned around though a was staring at me I go I swung down and the Tigers started to chase me I kept my calm and continued running evading the tiger I was just gonna ask for an autograph was weird a safety I dropped the cat to the ground hey do you want to stay at our base we could always use a team pet on days 67 through 70. I talked with Iron Man more about my suit do you think it would be possible to add some sort of fire ability to the next iteration only if you fix up my part of the base it's making me sad to look at okay Mr Stark you got a deal he toss me over some materials that I can add to his room and I got to work I converted Mr Stark's room to be a part of the Avengers Tower while also adding a few personal touches after a ton of work Iron Man's floor was officially complete ah much better now your armor as promised he put the new chess piece on an armor stand and it was amazing I also added the fire aspect you asked for it looks incredible but I want it now all right calm down here take this he tossed me an upgraded web shooter that shoots faster and does even more damage I tested it out on some zombies and it was super effective I love this thing on day 71-74 I went exploring and noticed Thor's hammer on the ground did Thor drop this I tried to pick it up but I couldn't I won't you budge just because you are not worthy well how do I become worthy there's no straight answer I can give you something but we can start with some training awesome we started training by staking against camp ravaged nearby Villages destroyed crops and livestock we need to put that to an end then let's do it the two of us jumped into battle but even with my previous training they were tough I tried to slow him down by shooting my webs meanwhile Thor did major damage with his lightning attacks dang he is so cool I made sure to keep my distance from his lightning this time and continued to well on the Giants after a ton of fighting we managed to defeat them all excellent work Max so am I worthy now not yet but we'll train again soon and maybe then you will be on day 75-78 I showed through our progress in Avengers Tower it looks fantastic Max fit for a God would you want to stay here tons of other Avengers do he said he'd love to so I started building right away I continued adding on Blue stained glass as well as stone bricks once the foundation was down I worked on the interior adding accent blocks to fitthores as guardian Roots what did you get all this gold Mr Stark oh yeah that guy's loaded well it looks great after showing Thor's room I continue to build converting the Watchtower floor to be more Avengers awesome after changing Cap's room this place will be almost done on days 79-81 I went looking for some bad guys so I could impress Mr Stark Allah oh bad guys I was about to give up when suddenly I spotted Venom in The Distance everything around him had turned black and symbiotes were everywhere my power grows every day soon with the power of this guy I will invested our planet with my symbiotes not on my watch [Music] couldn't tell me you definitely won't be able to we'll see about that I ran into battle and began to use all of the abilities I had to take him down but even with my webs he was super tough he quickly overpowered me and beat me down with his powerful attacks I was only left with half a heart crosswords little spider suddenly Venom was blasted by a light beam for Mr Stark if I want to break some sunglasses next time come on Max with Benham incapacitated the two of us made a run for it on days 82 through 85 we managed to make it back to the base what the heck were you thinking I just wanted to impress you so you could make me an Avenger like I said kid these things take time that being said it's time to train if you pass I'll give you your new suit it's finished yep I completed it last night oh come on let's train the two of us returned to the same room as before and this time skeletons were everywhere I what to do I began to fight them and take them down one by one wow I really have gotten stronger not bad kid now it's time for your final test what's that fight this guy suddenly a huge monster appeared in front of me bring it on big guy the battle began I use my webs to deal damage from afar but even with my new Strength he was powerful each hit he landed had crazy knockback I wasn't sure if I could make it but I managed to land the finishing blow congrats kid you finally completed your training here's your reward he handed over a new set of armor as well as a new web shooter I put it on officially making me the iron spider with my new suit I now had 25 Hearts this is amazing yeah the fire aspect you requested a spin I tried it out and shot a giant laser just like Mr starts I'm unstoppable on days 86 through 90. I decided to add on to the tower more converting Camp's room in the process I even added the a thank goodness Tony has so much Diamond I also made the garden bigger since the Avengers ate a shocking amount after all the building a note fell from the sky when the world hey Spider-Man meet me at these coordinates we need to talk Harry I figured this might have been old Spider-Man's business but I decided it was best to check it out I followed the coordinates through multiple biomes until I reached a huge mansion cool I entered the man Mansion to find Harry Osborne waiting inside for me hello Spider-Man or should I say Peter no I'm not Peter liar suddenly he began to attack me I had no choice but to fight back I'm not Peter Parker yes you are and you killed my father he threw pumpkin bomb after pumpkin bomb at me I did my best to avoid them but it was a little hard to maneuver indoors after a lot of fighting I hit him making him fall to the ground I quickly took off my mask to reveal my identity look man I'm not Peter my name's Max Peter was killed by Venom what that that can't be true yeah it is sorry things got a bit awkward so I left on days 91 through 94 I decided it was finally time to finish building my base here goes nothing Ryan completed the top of the building then added a meeting room with a round table and chairs officially completing the Avengers Tower I can't believe it's actually finished Hey kid oh hey cap you ready for some training training with you of course when do we start now suddenly Captain America slammed me off the building with his shield hey yeah man got to be ready for anything even the unexpected we began to fight it out I had to be especially careful to avoid his shield that thing does not obey the laws of physics at all I understood that reference I managed to find an opening and got some good hits on him finally I found him with webs and snatched his shield nice job kid thanks well I could have landed those punches a little bit better sorry you probably want this back no it's fine keep it for now you're gonna need it really awesome thanks after a tough fight with Captain America I wanted to test out his shield on some enemies wow this thing is strong on days 95-98 all of the Avengers ass to meet with me what did you guys want to talk about I hate to say this but I'm proud of you kid you have shown tremendous courage you've triumphed in the face of challenging foes you let a cave on fire and saved my aunt friends anyways it's my honor to make you an official member of The Avengers congrats kid wow thank you guys so much you also now worthy of this Thor give me mjolnir as a congratulatory gift this is the best day of my life after all of my struggles all of my heartache I was finally a member of The Avengers also we can't help you fight them what why yeah so this new dude Thanos is threatening to wipe out half the universe much bigger threat than them oh man on day 99 I packed up tons of food and organized my inventory for the final fight good luck man we're all rooting for you and you're sure you can't come with me nah we're actually leaving now you should see this guy huge purple dude huh weird after talking to Ant-Man I began my journey after a while though I started to lose hope how am I supposed to find this guy luckily in that moment I spotted one of his goons I went into stealth mode follow me close behind him after a lot of sneaking the minion led me to a giant black structure it was pretty gross with tendrils sticking out of it this must be the place on day 100 I walked into Venom's Lair he was at the center of the room on a white Throne chair a weirdo your days are terrorizing this world are over no [Music] you know I can't let that happen right then our final fight began Venom didn't hold back though just like our previous fights he was incredibly powerful he was even able to summon zombies out of thin air wow I threw everything I added mjolier Captain America's shield and even my own webs but nothing seemed to slow him down foreign however I could after a lot of fighting it was actually working Venom was getting tired now's my chance I pulled out mjolnir striking him with lightning and setting him on fire Venom died and I saved the day I did it oh wait I don't feel so good I wonder how the other dudes are doing with Thanos and with that I was turned into dust but my problems weren't over yet I could feel myself regenerating into a whole new superhero form on day one ice bunt in as a young Thor I was on the balcony of the royal capital in Asgard itself as soon as guardian got a thunder I had a crazy amount of Hearts wow I'm strong right off the bat when checking my surroundings I noticed my brother Loki talking to my father Odin come here Thor and join your brother I have gifts for you what is it as you boys know you are not normal children you are gods among men as such a God must wield a powerful weapon what did you get us father well you Loki I believe two Swift daggers are in order with them who can eliminate any foe quickly and quietly before I have this Hammer not just any Hammer neonia forged from a dying star cool wait aren't these a little unsafe to give the children you are Gods now go play my children and stay out of trouble with that Loki and I began to explore our beautiful home of Asgard we ran to the end of the rainbow bridge to get a full scope of the city this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen whenever I grow up I'm gonna rule these lands I am Loki ruler of Asgard that's not true yes it is no yes we continue to argue all night about it but that was normal we're brothers after all on day two Loki and I continue to explore Asgard in all of its beauty wow this place is so cool it is but I'm thinking it could use a little Mischief what do you have in mind let's go mess with that Frost giant I don't know come on where's your sense of fun brother ah okay we he went down to the prison cells to say something cheeky to him hey you how's the weather up there that's incredibly offensive yes right like Frosty the Snowman can get offended just then the frost giant snap busting out of his cell and attacking us he charged it as it began to beat us down with his massive fists we had no choice but to fight back we took out our weapons and began to go with the giant cut it out man we're literally little kids you shouldn't be doing this cross Giant's children know that manners and are punished for acting out of line rust Giants are dumb the battle raged on but neither of us showed any signs of letting up chances we are about to make our final strike Odin appeared what is going on down here could have gotten yourself killed but you said it Dad we're Gods we can do whatever we want did not say that I won't stand for this disrespect I've kicked people out for Less on day three I woke up and realized I was now a teenager as a teen I had 15 hearts and felt even stronger than before whoa this is sweet I decided to take another stroll through Asgard to flaunt some of my new strengths however while I walked I saw that Loki was now a teenager too hey you're a teen now too isn't this cool yes it is we should celebrate what did you have in mind just a little prank the two of us took the flint and steel and approached a nearby home okay time for a little fire just like that Loki lit a single block Ablaze what's the plan now we wait until the poor sword realizes that their house is on fire then we put it out unfortunately for us as guardian homes were incredibly flammable the house first into flames putting the entire neighborhood at risk of burning what do we do I'll tell you what we're not doing yelling father what were you thinking we weren't thinking we're sorry boys won't listen to reason I have no choice you're both banished from Asgard be honest but this isn't up for discussion hand over your weapons we did as we were told and headed through the bifrost sending Loki and I into a whole new world I'm gonna die here on days four through eight I was in the Overworld all alone and left completely without resources this thing but I guess I should gather what I need to survive I started by punching down some trees and used that wood to make a crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe next I added to the mines and gathered up plenty of cobblestone which I used to upgrade to stone tools now that I had a stone ax I continued chopping down trees getting even more wood than before that's enough gathering for now they better build some shelter I searched until I finally found an open field perfect for building there I used my wooden Cobblestone to create a basic house pretty solid start all that work got me hungry so I killed some sheep for their meat and wool which I used to make a bet finally I cooked up some mutton for dinner and enjoyed it in my new little house as much as I liked what I had made for myself I couldn't help but miss Asgard I wonder where Loki is on days 9 through 12 I woke up to find Heimdall waiting at my door what are you doing here shouldn't you be guarding the bifrost oh Ari you have to come back to ask God what I just got kicked out just trust me I left at Bald Heimdall who led me back to Asgard however when I arrived the entire city was in disarray who caused all this from the Flames a strange woman approached me hello brother do you mean brother like sup brother or are we straight up related second one ways as God will be no more very soon impossible her father won't let this happen our father is currently dying in his room I felt my heart drop into my stomach I didn't have a moment to waste I rushed to the throne room to find him badly injured mother oh I'm sorry I punished you there isn't much time take me all now rebuild Asgard before I could respond my father died in my arms oh I couldn't let my father down or the people of Asgard I ran outside to see if there was anyone anyone to save during my patrol I heard Heimdall called to me it's too late to save the realm but I'll send as many as Guardians to the Overworld as I can good luck same to you though I would through the bifrost unsure of what the future might people held on days 13 through 15 I returned to the Overworld and transformed into an adult I now had 30 hearts and even more strength the power of mjolnir is mine once more I will not waste it I vow to rebuild Asgard to its former glory for my family I started by expanding onto my house adding additional rooms including a chess room it's not as guardy enough it's missing something I set up to the mines and found some coal iron and heaps of gold I quickly smelted the iron ore into ingots and crafted in iron pickaxe I then used it to mine all the gold ore I needed I returned back to my home and retouched the house in my new Gold Blocks it'll work for now with my upgrades completed I ventured out in search of more materials and potentially some as Guardians I could offer refuge on days 16 through 19 I flew around exploring the Overworld until I came across a village being attacked by a monster I quickly landed to see what was going on best this must be hella's doing I gotta stop this I rush in to fight the Beast he was no match for my Godly abilities were dead no matter just another to extend not today foul monster our fight continued I admit he was stronger than I expected him to be each of his hits would do a surprising amount of damage towards me luckily with mjolnir I could fly which I used to my advantage when I needed to heal up I also use my lightning abilities which hurt the monster badly after a fierce battle the monster fell leaving me Victorious The Villages of the Town started cheering for me thanking me over and over again hello great hero would you be so kind as a join us for a feast it would be an honor food I'm starving very good follow me dude he's eating all of our food he saved our butts it's the least we can do A Feast for the ages on days 20-23 I continue to search for materials I could use to expand my home while chopping down a tree for some wood I heard some rummaging nearby what's that noise I began looting around to find the source of the noise until finally I came across an animal looting someone's belongings excuse me rabbit does that belong to you ah who are you I am Thor odinson god of thunder and mightiest Warrior of Asgard well what's left of it God of Thunder huh how about you whip up some lightning and give my tracker a truck hey not on me you idiot I meant hey that actually worked you're welcome yeah yeah but don't do it again what do you seek rabbit the name's rocket I'm looking for my friends we call ourselves the Guardians of the Galaxy we got split up because of some unforeseen circumstances I've been as Rocket if he'd be down to join my cons I could use a partner what's in it for me I'll help you find your friends if you help me find mine deal but not looking like that take this rocket gave me a new suit which gave me armor protection not bad rabbit thank you with the deal made we set off back to my home base on days 24-27 with Rocket's help I started expanding the base we added a second layer to the house making it much bigger next we built a sizable Farm soon as Guardians would populate the town and they would need a reliable source of food after wrapping up rocket had a favor to ask so Thor I was wondering if you could do me a favor I'm kind of wanted by a shady Mafia Shady who you know Mafia the bad guys come on gotcha where do I find this Mafia Man rocket then dropped me a map to the place make sure you take out the green suited guy he's big trouble rabbit what did you do what nothing I just took his doormat is all no biggie he don't need it all right I'll do this for you make sure if any as Guardians come by to welcome them with open arms yeah yeah sure all right just get out of here with that I promptly left new Asgard using the map I flew towards the location after quite a bit of flying I found a town with my brother Loki running it on days 28-31 I tried to approach Loki but I was quickly stopped in my tracks by one of his goons whoa whoa whoa what do you think you're doing I'm here to see my brother Loki that's hilarious you're a toast kid the Goon slung Jimmy and began attacking me I took out mjolnir and began to strike them with the power of Thunder but they were tougher than they looked they were highly skilled Swordsmen and does a good amount of damage whenever they landed a hit luckily Loki came in to break up the battle rather you finally made it what a surprise what are you doing how long have you been here I run this town the people here love me well that's cool but can you come home and help me rebuild Asgard it's been destroyed no can do brother what Asgard is dead along with everyone that we knew and loved we have to rebuild I love ruling these people myself I don't need you what about hella we need to stop her she could come here next if she does she'll feel the wrath of the most powerful God in the universe me Loki fine stay here and he's my friend go friends with a rabbit this doesn't stay out of my way brother frustrated I stormed out of the village on days 32-35 I was traveling back home when I was suddenly stopped by a group of Shield agents we need to ask you some questions what brings you to the Overworld what are your motives what step aside I have done nothing wrong Reese I ignored them and they began to send ever their bullets were completely ineffective I was a God after all calling reinforcements Four soldiers or something is stormed in to try and subdue me they tried to overpower me with food strikes but unfortunately for them I could easily overpower them please this won't get anywhere for you the soldiers kept coming and I was about to fly away when a strange man with an eye patch emerged stand down man what do you guys want from me I'm Nick Fury I'm strong together Earth's Mightiest Heroes the former team and I thought you'd fit right in sorry I have bigger things to take care of right now I understand but if you ever change your mind give us a call on days 36-39 I finally returned home to find him as Guardians waiting for me in the front of my house are you the son of Odin we heard we can take refuge here welcome to New Asgard I'll build you a home as quickly as I can I got to work and constructed a home complete with everything in his Guardian needed to live in luxury thank you please take this golden goose egg I'm always happy to help later that day rocket approached me hey dude did you kill Loki nah he's my brother but I did get the Bounty removed from you brother huh well good enough for me things were settled in new Asgard so I went mining for some more materials I gathered tons of cobblestone so I could use it to further expand Asgard I also Came Upon a good bit of iron which would proved useful in upgrading my armor after a lot of mining I finally found a bit of diamond an ore fit for a God after a successful mining trip I decided to get some shut eye on day 40 I had a horrible nightmare I was once again at Asgard as it burned all around me I felt as if all of my power had been drained from me as I watched her Bury My Home In Flames I have to stop this I flew to the top of the royal Capital where I found my dad I hope you know how much of a disappointment you are no stop if you are strong enough stopped her please I save our people's son I jolted awake in a cold sweat I have to stop hella and rebuild Asgard on days 41-45 I had a hard time thinking straight after my nightmare I felt like a failure for my dad and my people if only I was strong enough just then I bumped into someone by accident hello sorry didn't see you there the master anchor took out a blaster and fired at me on all cylinders I thought the bullets would be pathetic but any hit from his Blaster packed a punch I took to disguise to avoid his attacks and struck down lighting onto him whenever I got the chance I came in close to deal massive damage okay okay I yield I yield I'm Thor what brings you to this area I'm Star-Lord looking for a friend of mine he's a raccoon looking guy have you seen him unfortunately I haven't I do have a new rabbit friend though he might be able to help you and lead the way I took Star-Lord back to New Asgard and introduced him to rabbit rabbit I'd like you to meet will oh thank God man you're still in one piece yeah we with no thanks to you okay okay that Nova TNT was a little more powerful than I thought it'd be a little more powerful you blew up a freighter regardless it's good to see you okay quill I decided to build a place for Star-Lord to stay since he seemed to be hanging around for a while it wasn't much but it was a start hope this works it's all right but definitely give it more Flair later once I finished I remembered I had a few diamonds from a few days earlier so I crafted them into some boots not too bad on days 46-49 Star-Lord came up to me to give me a mission I need help saving our buddy Groot hello sent some of her minions to capture him any enemy hella is a friend of mine I accept great he looks like a tree so you can miss him good luck I then set off towards the location to find groups I knew I was close when I spotted a group of her minions with a captured tree creature hey release that tree at once once they spotted me they rushed into attack and I did the same they were able to fly but luckily so was I I struck them down in my lightning but they were incredibly evasive old still took down the final monster thinking the battle was won until a giant monster revealed itself this creature was much stronger than his smaller counterparts but I was the god of thunder I took him down with my powerful lightning and evaded his own aerial attacks once defeated the monster dropped a ton of gold blocks wow this is perfect for new Asgard I took out my pickaxe and freed group from his prison no problem you must be Groot I am Groot I have seen your friends that's why I'm here actually you ready to see them I am Groot awesome let's go we then headed back to the base where he was reunited with his friend Star-Lord and Rocket well they were catching up I chose to start building another house for group to stay in I started by getting some shears and taking the leaves off of an oak tree I then got to building I went with a tree look and love how it turned out once finished rocket came up to me super excited hey I wanted to thank you for saving my friend I made another armor upgrade for you to show my gratitude here try it on wow thanks rocket this is gonna help a ton on days 50-53 I continued to look for more as Guardians in need of shelter I found a small group which I happily directed back to my base with a map it's their food the finest in all the lands ah pets allowed if they don't eat people then yes they thanked me and I took to this guy once again in search of anyone else who was nearby during my travels I spotted a village and decided to see if they knew anything about the whereabouts of my people excuse me sir have you seen any accidentally Zapped the group of lightning splitting them into a group of witches and lethal villagers oops sorry a little thunder boy perfect for my potions moving boys the witches and lethal villagers started to attack they threw different Potion bottles at me and fired their weapons I could easily overpower them but I didn't want to hurt them ah please stop I pleaded with them but the onslaught continued I had no choice but to fight back if I didn't they would hurt the innocent villagers I was much more powerful than them taking down each of them with relative ease okay I feel super bad about that don't accidentally throw your Hammer at villagers noted I returned to new Asgard and saw the asgardians I had recruited arrived safely to get my mind off the witch Village I decided to expand the city some more with new structures for them to live in thank you all in a day's work citizen on days 54-57 I left my house to find another Thor talking to my friends what the heck who were are you whoa imposter what no you're the Imposter imposter all right this is getting real Saucy two Thor's which is the real one rocket decided to hold an interrogation to decide which one of us was the real Thor each of us Guardians will ask a question only the real Thor would know start okay okay what is my favorite cereal huh how would I know that Captain Crunch correct that's one point for Thor number one Captain what quiet Thor number two we're asking the questions around here I am Groot oh I know right I'm sorry what did the tree say [Music] Groot I took your language as an elective course not [Music] goodbye come back here on days 58-61 I chase Loki through a number of biomes but even a God would have to slow down eventually when I got up he immediately began to attack me I had no choice but to fight back I use mjolnir to strike him from afar then try to come in close but the minute I did he teleported away from me where'd you learn how to do that I've learned a lot since we've last spoken all of a sudden he created multiple clones of himself which all swarmed onto me at once they might have been copies but they all fell just like the real one I knew I wouldn't get anywhere fighting an army so I took the skies and shot down lightning from above I managed to take out each and every clone leaving only the real Loki remaining oh brother you've got me why did you Flee for me that is after us both don't you get it might as well have some fun while it lasts Now isn't the time for fun when will you learn that before I could say another word he vanished before my eyes that slippery snake on day 62-66 I walked out my door to find all the Guardians waiting for me hey we got a lead on the whereabouts of one of our teammates tracks we're gonna go look for him you wanna come nah I'm good here the Guardians left leaving me some time for myself everything was going great until suddenly a horde of hella's minions attacked you may have taken my old home but not my new one I flew into The Fray clutching meal near tight as I summon lightning from the heavens I shot down the foes one by one and landed to get in some close combat as well they were tough but no match for the power of a god unfortunately for me they had me up in numbers more and more kept coming when will this end just then hella appeared from the crowd I finally found a little Thor odinson I will crush you for what you have done to our people why I'm only showing them the same Hospitality I received I'm tired of being imprisoned I'm taking this wretched City back she began to attack me with a flurry of thorns and Powerful attacks with her fists Not only was she powerful but she was fast and similar to Loki could teleport I use all the power I had to try to take her down but my attacks were completely ineffective I couldn't fight anymore and waited for her to make the final blow that would end it all why don't you just kill me now watching your struggle is [Music] [Laughter] hello left with the remainder of her minions leaving me defeated in new Asgard mjolnir isn't enough I have to find more ways to train on days 67-71 the Guardians returned from their mission with one of their friends at their side whoa you look awful what happened it's a long story who's this I'm Drex maybe there's something I can help you with I explained the situation with hella and how I was no match for her power actually I have some information on the location of a rare artifact it's said to possess a lot of power if you can get your hands on it take this map and you'll see what I mean thanks I'll start preparing for the journey I started by expanding new Asgard more and pretty it up so it'd be in good shape while I was away I replaced the Cobblestone with quartz and added plenty of gold accents to call back to whereas Guardian Roots it took a lot of work but once it was complete new Asgard had an entirely different feel even better than before with my expansion complete deleted I went Mining and found even more Diamond I could use for upgrades I crafted it into some new armor and set off towards the location on the map let's do this on day 72-75 I followed the map Drax gave me until I finally arrived at a battle arena this isn't a dungeon I investigated it further to find that the arena was full of people with Warriors battling at the center welcome to the contest of Champions battle it out climb the ranks and win the rare and valuable stormbringer prize whoa that must be the artifact another thought ful directly into my first match the other competition for pushovers so I knocked it out of the water fight after fight I won even throwing mjolnir to one of my opponents I haven't I been doing this sooner finally I made it to the championship match who can stand up to a God for the final match Thor Lord of Thunder will be facing none other than the Hulk just then the wolf burst into the wall in the audience went wild the championship match commenced but the Hulk didn't earn his title for nothing he slammed his fists into the Earth which sent shockwaves everywhere every Direct Hit also gave me gamma radiation poisoning it was no question that he surpassed me in strength but I did one-up him in something speed I threw me only at him from afar and even took this guy's a shoe lightning at him you can't hit what you can't catch I continued hitting him down with millionaire whenever I could get an opening after a lot of back and forth I finally took down the Green Giant and the winner is four get it I was awarded stormbringer for my efforts and left the stadium with the audio roaring behind me on day 76-79 I was flying hope with my new prize and went to test it out on some mobs it was incredibly powerful which knocked down all the mobs with ease another step closer to Victory when I finally arrived at new Asgard I found Loki waiting for me outside my home I heard about your battle with hella and I want to help got my hands on a recipe that could amplify your powers immensely I just need you to get a few things what's the catch there isn't one why do you always think that I have bad intentions cause you always do but I don't have much of a choice I agree ingredients the first thing on the list were poppies which I found easily in a plane's bio easy second was some honey I found a tree that has to beehive nearby I retrieved a bucket of Honey with almost any hiccups the final ingredient on the list was the Power Stone what how am I supposed to find that I was about to give up when I noticed there was another page on Loki's note I turned it and read what it said P.S the Power Stone is guarded by a beast on the peak of a mountain love Loki well I guess I know where I'm headed next on days 80 through 83 I pinpointed the location of the Power Stone and landed at the peak of a mountain there a monster waited for me inside its Lair here goes nothing I ain't charged into battle trying to get the one up on the beast but it was more powerful than anything else I had faced before each of his punches would send me flying back and it had the power to manifest gems from the ground I did my best to evade its attacks and land some of my own I use my ability to throw mjolnir to hit him from afar then took to the sky when he got too close after a furious fight the guardian finally fell don't mess with a guy it dropped the Power Stone which I picked up as the final ingredient I returned to Loki with all the new loot and handed it over to him for the potion excellent work brother now I can get to work I waited for a little while until finally Loki returned with a potion which he tossed over to me Bottoms Up I drank down the mysterious potion feeling my body change almost instantly I had finally reached my most powerful form fat four why do I suddenly want to play fortnite [Laughter] stay true final four I now had 50 hearts in unimaginable strength now this is more like it thank you brother on days 84 through 87 I wanted to spiff up new Asgard more to make it feel more like a unified City time for some good old-fashioned building I started by adding more buildings to the town beefing up the neighborhood as well as some more residential areas for the asgardians to enjoy this included a community center and a Central Plaza for everyone to hang out in lastly I added Lamppost to light the new pass as well as some benches for people to sit on this completed the renovations I had in mind making the city more lively than ever this is great but I'm gonna need a front line to protect new Asgard that Nick guy said to call but with what back suddenly Nick Fury walked up to me you God my offer still stands if you're on board yeah I'll join your team but I need you to help me take out hella Shield has your back I built a small Shield HQ for the agents to stay in while they were here to help I made sure to add in a map room as well in the event of an attack I finished constructing the HQ officially completing new Asgard in all of its Glory you'd be proud of this father our people will live on on days 88 through 90. I saw Loki hanging out by himself so I decided to go up and talk to him hello brother I was curious as to why you came back what happened to Loki land that was a teeny tiny problem wow currently a local from an alternate timeline wanted to dominate the place then let's take it back to glasguard after some traveling we made it to Loki land he wasn't kidding the entire place was infested with gators we both started battling out with the scaly beasts they were technically all Loki's so they were pretty tough die found Beast with a lot of persistence we managed to take down all the evil alligators finally Loki Land Is Ours once again great let's go home shall we what don't you want to stay no I've grown bored of this place on days 91-93 I plan to do some Recon on hella huh I'm too muscular and handsome how I supposed to stay discreet just then Loki walked up to me I've got you brother he then threw a potion turning me into a snake ah heck yeah I have snakes now in my new form I headed off I traveled for a while eventually finding a hella Outpost full of guards wait a sec is that snake eavesdropping on our conversation are you insane that it's a snake it's uh being a snake man I just want to have my lunch break no can't do pal we gotta stay here invasion of new Asgard is only in a matter of weeks they're going to attack new Asgard with that information I headed back to New Asgard once I was back Loki turned me back into a human a battle is on the horizon but I am gonna be Victorious on days 94 through 96 Star-Lord came up to me with a request hey Thor I wanted to know if you could help us look for the final member of our team her name's Gamora and we can't find her anywhere sure thing what does she look like she's green can't miss her I'll look around I took this guy and searched the last member of the Guardians of the Galaxy it wasn't long until I found her but when I did she was talking to the Mad Titan Thanos where is the Power Stone daughter I I don't know even if I did I never tell you daughter why would I help you wipe out half the universe anyway that's insane the hardest choices require the strongest whales daughter the universe requires correction and if you won't help me you're only standing in my way just like that they started fighting each other I had no choice but to step in and help who is this a friend of yours he's helping me stop you and that's all that matters the purple monster was definitely a challenging foe he wielded a giant blade one that could do tons of damage luckily your aura was a skilled fighter they both took turns striking Thanos weakening him after a lot of hits back and forth I managed to get a good hit on him and the fight how are you so powerful it was probably the Power Stone smoothie I drank earlier super delicious you you what fool I needed that stuff sorry dude it was the only way to make me stronger we will finish this fight another day Asgardian someday soon Thanos teleported away leaving just Gamora and I to talk thanks for the help I don't think I could have stopped him by myself no problem glad I could help you wanna tell me who you are and why you helped me oh right the name's Thor God of Thunder the guardian sent me to find you Star-Lord is here where are they I'll take you to them follow me on days 97-98 I return to new Asgard and reunited Gamora with the rest of the Guardians finally the entire team was together again you actually kept your end to the bargain so I'll keep mine the guard to the Galaxy are here to help thank you I know you will all be powerful warriors I knew that Hello's invasion was on the horizon and preparations needed to be made so I checked in with Nick Fury to see the status of his men we're ready when the time is right very good we're gonna need all the help we can get after that I returned home to find Loki inside hello brother are you ready for battle of course I'm just a little worried why would the god of Mischief ever be worried she could arrive at any moment not even asgoth's greatest warriors could stop her even so she doesn't stand a chance cause she's up against the two sons of Odin you're right if you've got my back then I have yours on day 99 I heard the sound of footsteps approaching new Asgard in the distance hella was getting close this must be the invasion everyone get into position everyone stood ready as the enemy Army revealed themselves over the horizon led by none other than hella herself ah so you prepared my entrance that's special you will not succeed in taking new asgard's sister I took down a kingdom this little town would be a breeze both our armies charge forward in the battle that would decide the fate of Asgard my men were strong but her own Warriors had improved their skills since the last attack the two sides faced off with each other viciously the sounds of clashing weapons and gunfire filled new Asgard my men were very resourceful and used their knowledge of new asgard's landscape to their advantage push him in push him in thanks for the help of my friends I was able to set my sights on hella it was finally a fair fight just the two of us for my father hella threw her Thorns at me from afar just as before but this time they were slower and more powerful she also quickly teleported to evade my attacks however I was now far more capable for the battle thanks to the power from Loki's potion my attacks did incredible damage your real pain you know that she started to teleport in small spurts away from the battle in an attempt to flee but I wasn't gonna let her get away that easily my men stayed and held her Army off while I pursued her on day 100 I followed hella back to Old Asgard where I noticed it looked weirdly different this place has seen better days hella waited on the opposite side of the bridge ready for battle this is it little brother you versus me we don't have to do this sister lay down your weapon and fight for our people it's too late for that my people have cost me long ago they thought I should be feared so I'll give them something to be scared of you leave me with no choice let's Tango we charge into battle matching each other's strength and speed with devastating blows either mjolnir as hard as I could trying to disorient her but this proved to be useless she was basically invulnerable still I trudged on her skills were impressive this is useless brother lay down your arms and join my Army just then hella took to the skies I followed close behind using mjolnir as a means to close the gap we then landed on a nearby roof and continued the battle you've ruined enough as guardian lives hella it's time for this to end I won't stop until my last breath hella continued to throw her blades at me dealing massive damage saw I was beginning to lose this battle so I retreated back to the Rainbow Bridge to even the playing field I feared my end would be soon but luckily Loki arrived I've got your back brother excellent let do this together Loki and I began to Duke it out with our sister with his help the tide of battle began to turn in our favor we hit her back and forth her disorientation increasing by the second two versus one how pitiful no matter I'll destroy you both who said anything about two versus one just then Loki cloned himself each of them charging into battle they overpowered her almost immediately hitting her off the Rainbow Bridge I jumped down to join Loki and his clones she was outnumbered and quickly losing she tried to run away from our small army but I quickly pursued her on foot with anger in my heart I sent multiple bolts of lightning onto her killing hella and ending this war we did it we did it just like that Asgard and my people were saved from the clutches of hella suddenly I built a fury growing inside me with the flash I teleported out of Asgard and back into the human realm on day one ice Bond into a flaming Village as the Hulk maximum suddenly a giant green Beast landed in front of me and said in 100 days I the Abomination will use my gamma radiation to turn the rest of the world into an army of new all confused you can't even control your mutant Fallen you'll never stop me on day two I woke up with a horrible headache in a destroyed City what happened I can't remember anything at all I decided the best way to find out would be to retrace my steps I headed back towards my laboratory but when I arrived the place was in shambles something horrible happened here I rushed inside to see what information I could find the place was abandoned and mostly everything was destroyed but I found some notes that managed to remain intact testing phase today we are manufacturing serum number 23. if successful the serum will be able to provide super strength to anyone who uses it yes sir the military will not be disappointed things are going smoothly I think this is going to work Dr Emil do you think this is the serum that finally cracks the code I think we did it Max I think we finally did it warning system error oh no everyone run oh where am I what ah what's happening to me I can feel it too I remember now the failed experiment turned me and Dr Emil into monsters but that can't be I could feel a deep rage bubbling in my chest all of the innocent people inside died because of my foolishness suddenly my body began to change color and I transformed into the hole in a fit of rage I began to smash everything around me to bits I didn't care if the facility was already destroyed I won I won't crush it even further I was blinded by rage and on a mission for Destruction on day three I rampaged around the world searching for anything I could to destroy I came across a village which I began to tear apart just released all the anger I felt inside it wasn't enough even though villagers screamed in horror essay demolished their homes I wasn't going to be satisfied until everything around me was Rubble I couldn't stop and didn't want to stop I needed to destroy just then military forces arrived and pointed their weapons at me there were countless soldiers but their bullets didn't even make me Flinch as the whole I had an astounding 40 Hearts as well as immense strength I smashed into the ground creating massive craters wherever my attacks would land the soldiers flew into the air around me and fell to their demise even the tanks were no problem for my Incredible strength and super thick skin between the army of men and tanks they weren't even able to graze me with my new indestructible form I paid no mind to my surroundings and continued to Ravish The Village as I fought off the soldiers they weren't worth my time but they were fun to toss around after a lot of Mayhem I managed to wipe out the entire group on days four through seven I continued my destruction across the Overworld I continued for a while until I was interrupted by another green monster hey Max it's me She-Hulk Jennifer Walters remember whoa there big guy I can see that can you stop please you're causing quite a scene here in a fit of rage I attacked her whoa hey stop I don't want to fight you okay you leave me no choice the fight was intense I didn't expect someone of such a small snatcher to pack more of a punch than the military's bullets each of her punches actually managed to hurt me while I was bigger and more powerful she was much more agile she was able to dodge and weave my massive Fist and land punches of her own in my blind rage I couldn't sing clearly enough to land a calculated attack I continued to smash it her mindlessly but I was getting nowhere after a lot of fighting she hopes calm demeanor gave her the one up on me and allowed her to land a devastating blow that should knock some sense into you Max how about you come find me when you're feeling better then we can talk about what's going on with you and have a normal conversation she left and I asked out not knowing if I'd wake up as myself or the whole on days 8 through 11 I woke up confused in a snowy bio I wasn't sure what happened or why I was there the last thing I remember was seeing the lab just then a villager walked up to me weren't you a green giant monster a few minutes ago oh what yeah you wrecked our town you kept calling yourself the Hulk oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'll leave right away I realize that every time I got upset I would transform into the Hulk and destroy everything around me I knew I would have to learn to control my emotions I better set up my own shelter away from other people I don't want to hurt anyone I went to gather some materials starting with some wood I punched down a few trees and made a pickaxe which I then used to gather Cobblestone afterwards I crafted a set of stone tools including a sword which I used to kill a few cows for meat I then made some leather armor for warmth then it was finally time to make a furnace and cook up my warm meal before eating it that's much better after my meal I found an isolated cave to call my home for now I eventually dozed off but it wasn't long until I heard my wife calling my name Max wake up I've been looking all over for you you never came home Betty get away from me I think I'm a monster you're always a monster in the morning Max no a real monster if if I get upset I I it's okay now Max just come home and get some sleep Betty walked me back to our home where I could finally calm down afterwards I told her about how Dr Emil became the Abomination and his plans to mutate the world I can't believe Dr Emil the Abomination yes sorry I just can't believe you would do such a thing the gamma radiation must be affecting his brain and I think it's affecting me too I'm I'm your what son just then I realized General Ross Betty's father was at the house too oh uh Mr Ross I'm I'm a loving husband thank you again for letting me marry your daughter right anyway I'm gonna be deployed for some time I just wanted to see you before I go Betty Boo deployed sir that's right son it's been a word of some big green monsters terrorizing entire cities oh no good luck sir I can't let him ever find out on days 12-14 I was feeling a lot better after a few days of rest and I never once turned into the hole I just have to keep my mind clear suddenly I spotted a horde of mutants in the distance heading directly towards my house the Abomination wants to hurt my family that jerk Betty go hide she managed to get to safety but I wasn't able to control my rage my skin turned green and I grew into a massive size I was now the Hulk oh Crush mutants I ran towards the horde and began to beat them down with my fists they charged me with their tusks and slammed on the ground with their Incredible strength they were able to send shockwaves out to the ground it was an impressive feat but it didn't phase me I was so powerful that they could barely do anything I swung wildly I didn't care about my surroundings all I knew was smash between the munes attacks and my fists our house was torn to the ground I managed to defeat every last one of the abomination's goals but I was still enraged not knowing that I was the Hulk Betty came out to confront me up it's over Smurfs please I have a family my my husband is inside that house ready okay yes I'm safe thanks to you I couldn't bear to face her like this so I ran away once I was far enough I returned to normal it looks like the gamma radiation affects my body so it transforms whenever I get emotional or I'm in danger I knew what remained of our home was beyond repair plus it was no longer safe for Betty to be there with the mutants after us I'm sorry for everything I'll make this right I headed back home in my human form and reunited with Betty Max safe the holes just threw a page here that's pretty scary I'm glad you're okay but we need to build a new safer place to live on days 15 through 18. I traveled with Betty in search of a secluded spot to call home we managed to find a suitable place and got to work I use whatever materials I had to start working on the basic structure it wasn't much but my top priority was safety I can't let those mutants come close to Betty ever again after the main structure was completed I still wasn't satisfied this needs to be safer good thing I know a guy I went to Tony Stark's Mansion to go meet up with my old friend I wanted to see if he could lend me any of his defense tag to use inside of my new home what's up Max I wanted to see if you could do me a favor I explained everything that had happened including how I was the Hulk causing a ruckus in the city well shoot dude take the security gear and keep the wife safe then thanks do you think you could also help me find a cure for this radiation disease I really wish I could but I'm super busy trying to find a way to stop an Interstellar race of poisonous bug monsters from taking over a village well okay you know where to reach me when you find the time also have you subscribed to maxcraft yet huh yeah I've been watching him on my breaks and he's incredible cool on days 19-22 I headed home with my new equipment when I was suddenly confronted by a pack of mutated creatures with Spears get away from me I tried to run but the mutants were fast and their Spears were long they chased me and began attacking me with everything they had I desperately tried to maintain my human form but it was no use don't transform don't transform don't trip despite my efforts I turned into the giant green Beast I wanted to avoid I used my massive fist to Pound Down the mutants that were after me my attacks were super effective I even destroyed the ground right from under them they could stop me and my awesome strength I could feel that the radiation was stronger in this area which made my own attacks more powerful as well I beat down the Army until none of them remained I was Unstoppable I continued to Rampage around the area smashing everything around me until locating a small device that was emitting a large amount of gamma radiation there a horde immune ghouls were feeding off the radiation from the device oh what device I barreled in towards the monsters who immediately retaliated they charged me and shot radioactive projectiles making me Poisoned With radioactive energy The Horde was able to do a little damage to me even in my super strong form the puny monsters were pretty easy to dispose of but they just kept coming they were starting to wear me down and annoy me when I asked accidentally broke the device causing it to explode into a wave of radiation the radiation increased my strength as well as granting me an additional 10 hearts and Powerful whole cans increasing my strength even more I use my new Boost and power to wipe out the horde faster than ever they were no match I went on a frenzy destroying all of my surroundings firstly I smashed the rest of the radiation emitter I didn't smashed the trees the ground and even the mountain I stood on everything needed to be destroyed I destroyed and destroyed until everything went black on days 23-26 I woke up in the middle of the ocean I had no idea where I was well I better get swimming I started exploring after a while I found an island there I punch a tree and use the wood to build a boat now that's gonna make getting back to land a lot easier with my new boat I paddled back to the mainland okay time to get more materials my plan was to continue adding on to my Hulk base but I needed tools if I was gonna do that I went underground finding enough iron to make a pick after that I continued stumbling upon an even larger amount of iron sweet with my new goodies I made some iron armor to ensure I would be safe while I was still in my human form after that I returned to my base and added the equipment to the outside for security I then expanded my build some more making a brand new room to the side after a lot of work I went back inside where She-Hulk was waiting for me it's nice to see you Max I think it's time for a little family reunion what if Betty hears you don't worry she's not here right now okay then let's talk on days 27-29 She-Hulk explained to me that she was also infected when the explosion happened the thing is though I've been able to control my Powers how do you control it I don't know maybe it's my Superior cousin jeans that's not fair tough cookies but we can't have you blowing your lid every time you stub your toe we have to get your powers under control agreed and with that my training with the shield began remember that time I pants to you in the fourth grade yeah it was in front of the whole school now Quick Stop do you remember your 16th birthday oh yeah yeah we spent the whole day together at the beach yes wasn't that nice feel those ocean waves feel the salty air we spent the whole day playing in the water building sand castles and eating watermelon whoa yeah I can see it so clearly hold on to that thought huh that was a nice day that calmed me down thanks Jennifer on days 30 through 33 I was feeling more confident so I tested my control over the Hulk okay just like I practiced don't go crazy happy thoughts ocean waves let's do this transformed into the Hulk don't do it that won't test on bad guys I then traveled around looking for another radiation machine knowing I'd eventually find some enemies to fight after much searching I finally found the Abomination setting up another radiation emitter everyone before I could get there the Abomination left leaving me with all the nearby creepers now mutated into dark mutated ghouls they began the charge of me leaving me no choice to fight back their horde was smart they almost seemed to move organized together to strike me too bad for them I was more broad than they were Brave I knocked the ghouls down but they had me in numbers suddenly I realized in my enhanced ability to control my Powers gave me the power to Super Jump I launched into the air over and over again smashing my enemies on the way down be so powerful when the fight was over I ran over and destroyed the device piece by piece gaining five Hearts huh whoa bad radiation make Hulk stronger weird after the machine was destroyed alone chicken Pig waddled up to me curiously the chicken Pig just started nuzzling my arm as if I was its mom or something suddenly General Ross ran over to a nearby Mountain holding a grenade launcher the chick peig ran away terrified there's that green freak [Music] not bad guy General Ross didn't listen a meganifier and onslaught of artillery shells in my direction he's angry and in my whole form I knew I couldn't hurt Betty's dad all I could do was run away that's right freak you better run mark my words I'll be the one to end your sorry life on days 34-36 I woke up in a field as my normal self dazed and exhausted wow those gamma radiation emitters are no joke gotta be careful next time I hope Betty's dad is okay I then left the area and headed back home to check on Betty hey have you heard from your dad lately no why oh no reason just then General Ross busted through the door angrily yelling about the hole I'm so glad to see you Mr Ross don't get near me son I don't trust you as far as I can throw you what did I ever do to you you married my daughter and I've never trusted you braiding types anyways you're weak how are you supposed to protect her from the monsters out there you'd be surprised what was that nothing sir I'm sorry sir that's what I thought he left and I agreed that I needed to do more to protect my family so I went mining for stronger materials to upgrade our house down there I gathered tons of cobblestone and a few veins of iron as well with my abundance of materials I began expanding our home making it much more hulk resistant it's looking good but it'll definitely need stronger materials over time to stop a home on days 37 through 40 Betty asked me to go on a walk with her is everything okay Max you seemed really shaken up since the explosion Betty there's something I really need to tell you before I could tell her my secret the Abomination landed in between us and grabbed Betty what the Betty I'm coming I honked out and began chasing them down but the Abomination left traps along the way two huge mutant zombies were in my path I had no choice but to fight them [Music] they were insanely strong their hits fell a the kind of punches I throw as the Hulk the Abomination must have exposed them to some serious gamma radiation they slammed me all over the place but I slammed them right back I stop me from saving Betty I'd finish them off as fast as I could and continued running to catch the Abomination luckily asked the Hulk I had super fast regeneration after some traveling I found him with a mysterious red woman Hulk meet the terrible irradiated Red She-Hulk what the where Penny all confused the Abomination left as he left maniacally the Red She-Hulk then looked at me and I realized I recognized her buddy you buddy huh Betty on days 41-43 the Red She-Hulk began to attack me her strength evenly matched mine but I was holding back knowing Betty was still in there ready snap out of this she wouldn't listen she was completely taken over by rage punching me at her full strength there was nothing I could do so I had to fight back at full strength just to defend myself she was a force to be reckoned with the first few punches I could take but as the battle went on I noticed she was getting stronger in a fit of rage I charged her and landed a superior blow taking her down once she was down for the count she transformed back into her normal self I then quickly turned back into my normal self as well oh I might have hit too hard Betty are you all right can you hear me I knew I had to get her back home to rest and quickly once I returned back to the base Betty woke up very confused what happened it's all right it's just me Max you're safe there's fire inside me I can feel it what is it it's gamma radiation the Abomination infected you with it you need to stay calm so you don't turn back into that thing not bad huh well no it was pretty cool it's just very dangerous need to learn to control it I never wanted this to happen in the first place I'm sorry just then She-Hulk showed up with some good news don't worry I can help with that while Betty rested She-Hulk and I got to work on building an official training area to make sure we get trained safely without damaging the house or hurting anyone else this is perfect thanks She-Hulk and hey where'd you get all the obsidian Max I'm a lawyer I have some solid connections makes sense on days 44-46 General Ross arrived at our home to see his family I quickly blocked his entry to cover for Betty my man boy I'm here to see my daughter uh now's not a good time not a good time where's Betty I want to see her uh you you can't she's sick yeah she's sick a nasty flu you don't want to catch it do you a flu oh well I can't be getting sick I've got a Hulk to capture give her my best regards I'll be back to check on her of course sir good luck on your search now with the general gone it was it's time to train Betty okay first things first let's get you a little angry so you can learn to control it okay so how do we do that how about a confession I've been keeping this a secret so it might make you a little mad for not telling you what is it huh well how do I put this I'm the Hulk you're the Hulk I wanted to tell you before but I was scared you think I'm a monster you attacked my dad hey he attacked me first I think I see you're getting mad that's okay the gamma radiation that turned me into the Hulk is now part of you as well try to control it I don't think I can control your rage Betty it's the only way Betty became too enraged and transformed into the Red She-Hulk well that's not what I hoped for I transformed into the Hulk as quick as I could and started to fight back if our last fight was anything like this one I'd have to knock her out to get my Betty back she smacked me hard back and forth but I was prepared this time I try quite a few jump slams too but she was a tough nut to crack money you need to calm down I don't want to hurt you you think you can hurt me but the serial Focus device of the Abomination gave me live Unstoppable suddenly she started launching Fireballs at me with her enhanced Fury she said me completely Ablaze and even set the training field on fire with her anger stop stop her super strength was one thing but this was entirely too dangerous I had to stop her as soon as possible I finally knocked her down causing her to transform back to normal controlling my form I transformed back as well Betty are you okay I see why I've been giving us a secret this is really scary she opened came back to take Betty with her on a little trip where are you guys going to up to the snowy mountains we're gonna have a little meditation session to control those Powers oh that sounds like fun see you Max while they were gone I took the opportunity to mine for more materials I gathered more iron to increase my iron armor as well as make an iron sword to help take down the gamma radiation emitters on days 47-48 I was feeling angry about the Abomination not only did he hurt me but he also hurt Betty he took everything for me I have to end this quick all of a sudden General Ross walked up how's my daughter oh huh she's good she's feeling so good that she she went on a skiing trip with Jennifer yeah oh goodness I always did like that Jennifer good kid way better than you in every way his comment irked me enough that I started to turn green thankfully it was only my arm so I could hide it excuse me one moment I quickly rushed inside the house just give me one second General hey I'm not finished talking to you yet it'll only take a second I couldn't contain my rage anymore I became the Hulk everything okay in there young man that's not a failure [Music] don't get a fit of rage I busted down the wall opposite to the door and ran away during my travels I stumbled upon a village being terrorized by mutant jungle Golems won't take anger out on bad guys I rush into battle and began to make quick work on the mutant gobs they might have been massive but they were no match for my super strength they could fire missiles out of their arms that homed in and exploded when they reached me luckily I was able to crack them to Pieces after a few heavy hits after the fight a baby villager approached me thank you for protecting our village take this power the cuteness of the baby villager combined with the sweet scent of the flower was just enough to calm me down and transform me back to normal sheesh hopefully I wasn't gone too long to be suspicious I returned home and sealed the hole I had smashed thankfully General Ross was still fuming on the other side and another thing I never liked the way you smell I swear it's like broccoli or something look General I'm sorry I will never be good enough for your daughter but I love her and I would do anything to protect and care for her oh good you better I'll be watching you on days 49-52 I set up in search of any more gamma radiation emitters I could find during my travels I found a community center holding an anger management seminar huh this could probably help someone like me I sat down in the circle of different faces there were all kinds of people there which did make me feel less alone about my anger and how does that make you feel angry understand her and that makes me a little less angry thank you doc ah I see we have a new face why not introduce yourself oh um my name is Max I began to explain to the group about why it was there and how I had to keep my emotions in check but it just makes me so mad why would the Abomination do all of this Max you're looking a little green oops sorry what was that I looked outside to find Iron Man fighting off an Interstellar race of poisonous bug monsters I shifted into the Hulk so I could help Tony out he really had worked up this war for everyone I would take out it seemed like two more would take its place the bug aliens were incredibly freaking looking and had strange fire powers to match each one of their hits would set Tony and me Ablaze thankfully my tough Hulk armor resisted fire too I was truly Unstoppable I rushed in with my attacks close up while Tony backed up from afar with his Firearms after a long battle we managed to take down the last bug thanks that was a close one now that that's over can you help me find a cure for the gamma radiation sorry still can't do now I have to go to that alien bugs planet and exterminate them for good I.E on days 53-56 I continue to search for more gamma radiation emitters until I finally stumbled into a radioactive biome the animals inside were mutated beyond recognition in the sky was entirely green this must be the work of the Abomination I walked around the biome to check on all the strange mobs I had never seen anything like it the animals inside were suffering greatly are you feeling okay buddy foreign I must be getting close to the emitter just then I was ambushed by a horde of mutants the radioactive mutations had turned some of the mobs hostile I didn't want to but I had no choice but to fight off the mutated animals they were all just little guys so I did my best fighting in my human form you guys are lucky you're not meeting the green guy I pulled out my iron sword and started to try to thin the hurt they were attacking me so aggressively though that I had to get some distance between us I hadn't fought as a human in a very long time it wasn't easy to make matters worse they were completely deranged from the radiation after a lot of close calls I managed to take down all of the mutated animals ooh I definitely don't like fighting as a human unfortunately the fighting wasn't over a giant mutant mosquito emerged I turned my focus onto the Beast and transformed into the Hulk he was incredibly powerful even causing trouble for someone as powerful as me he kept up with me with his wings and spit blue acid at me at the same time this thing was a beast he was more of a mutant wrestling Pro than a mosquito oh kidding tired out of nowhere Peter Parker swing into the fresh hey hello your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man has arrived cutie spider help oh Peter began to throw webs onto the Beast locking them down so I can land my own powerful blows between the two of us we managed to take the monster down after the dust settled I returned back to my human form Peter what are you doing here it's dangerously irradiated here huh did you forget I'm already full of radiation from that radioactive spider bite you don't have to worry about me gamma radiation is different thanks for the help but we've got to get you out of here before you get hurt promise me okay all right I promise oh you sound like my Aunt May see ya I moved a bit further and located the radiation emitter which I made quick work of with my iron pickaxe another one down on days 57 through 60 I returned home in my normal form to find General Ross waiting outside Mr Ross what are you doing here ah I came to ask for your help huh why do you want my help there's been sightings of radioactive monsters in the snowy mountains so I need to sign like yourself Betty the ski resort is far from these sightings you should be fine oh right I'd love to help right follow me those sightings must be Betty and Jennifer I have to make sure they're safe I traveled with General Ross to the snowy mountains where we began to stake out sure enough red shield ran by what was that follow that monster I'll check it out first run my scans sure that makes sense to me with that I ran to my wife as fast as I could oh where is Jennifer she was supposed to be taking care of Betty suddenly I felt an intense surge of radiation she must be nearby when I arrived I saw Betty destroy radiation emitter with her bare hands wow you're amazing thanks hun it took me forever to Not freak out when I destroyed one of those just then we heard the sound of approaching footsteps General Ross was too close to run but I had an idea quick play dead I took up my weapon and Betty laid on the floor just as general Ross emerged wow young man Color Me impressed she's still pretty and now let's finish the job no wait don't kill her why are you slowing us down let me call my scientists and we'll take her it to a lab I promise she it's worth more alive than dead I guess the kid's right we do want to create the next Super Soldier fine you can have this one the next one is ours General Ross left and I returned my attention to Red She-Hulk if they gone yep not bad you guys Jennifer appeared to applaud us for an outstanding job Betty I think your training is officially complete on days 61-64 I returned home and got to work on our base I started by building a zen garden using sand and other blocks to make it very tranquil this will be very soothing for all of us next I made a personal lab where I could continue my research on a cure to radiation poison as well as other Brews I'm gonna put you to good use I wanted to make some armor for everyone to be protected in our human forms as well so I grabbed my pickaxe and head into the mines I mine for a while but I hardly managed to find any ore this is taking too long time to let the big guy take care of it I turned into the Hulk and smashed my way through the Earth thanks to my super strength I was able to mine much faster than I could with a pickaxe once I hit Bedrock I found diamond once I had enough materials I crafted armor for Betty Jennifer and myself finally we were suited up for anything things are looking good around here on days 65-67 now that I had my lab I thought I would get to work on my very own Cure All right so I need poppies bones zombie flesh seeds and emeralds I started by gathering some poppies and seeds in a nearby planes biome it was easy to do and surprisingly relaxing ah this is excuse me next I waited for Nightfall so the skeletons and zombies could spawn once they did I hulked out and made quick work of the Swarm smashing cutie monsters was fun by the end of it I had plenty of zombie Flesh and Bones oh Crush pathetic moms once morning arrived I was only missing the final ingredient emeralds those hard to find Hulk smash ground I use my super strength and dug massive craters but after almost a whole day of looking I hardly found any emeralds [Music] just then a strange green cow approached me cow cream like Hulk Hulk like cow I was feeling a bit thirsty so I decided to melt the cow but instead of getting milk the cow produced a bucket of emeralds this place is Hulk thank you cow with my ingredients all together I returned home in my human form to test out the potion I got to work until finally my antidote was complete I wonder if this will work to test it I transformed into the Hulk and drank the potion instead of curing me I accidentally made myself stronger I gained five hearts and felt faster than ever I went outside and tested it my speed had been enhanced significantly that's not what Hulk wanted but cool on days 68-71 General Ross showed up at my base a giant girl green monster has been spotted in the Badlands been hurting a lot of people and animals I'm gonna go check it out now let me come with you sir it could help me understand the science behind the Abomination you bring up a good point fine follow me with that General Ross and I left my base after a lot of traveling we made it to the Badlands only to find the Abomination standing sign a gamma radiation emitter we had been lured into a trap okay I guess this freak wants to tango wait I want to try talking to him first are you crazy son he'll eat you for breakfast I ignored the general walking straight up to the Abomination Dr Emil listen to me I know you're still in there somewhere you Max or should I let the general know what happens when you get angry I imagine he won't like that please we can work on a solution together I have just the idea get em boys like clockwork one of his goons came out and began to attack me I began to fight it off right away while I was focused on fighting the gun as a human to hide my secret identity the Abomination grabbed Ross and began to run away I knew he was in trouble so I transformed to make quick work of them the Hulk I re-entered The Fray however when I returned even more goons showed up their extra strength arrows bounced off my impenetrable skin but they still knocked me back in Annoying amount I jumped to avoid their Arrow Onslaught and slammed into them with my massive fists I couldn't let these guys stop me from saving Betty's Dad I tried to destroy the mutants as fast as I could before the Abomination could get too far away but there were just so many of them after I took them out I destroyed the dangerous radiation emitter to make sure no more goons would stop me and destroying it caused me to gain five Hearts oh please won't need save Ross now I sprinted off in the direction of the Abomination but the trail had already gone cold on days 72-74 I decided to go back to Tony in hopes of him helping me find a cure or a lead to finding General Ross I don't know about a lead but I'll see what I can do about that cure I'm very busy though so it might take a while of course I understand since we're here asking favors is there something you could help me with sure what is it Tony led me to a secret room in his lab full of cool gadgets and a robot in the center so are you gonna tell me why I'm here for a long time I've been stunning deeper into neural Pathways to see ways to make Jarvis more advanced for the longest time it's been impossible but with the recent surge in gamma radiation I found a way to inject artificial intelligence into a robotic body I don't know about this Tony this could protect every man woman and child I see a suit of armor around the world that sounds like a cold world we need this robot we need Ultron peace in our time imagine that why do you need my help there's a few things that just aren't clicking on the engineering side of things you help me and I'll help you alright well you're not giving me much of a choice what do I need to do go grab some iron ore sand and Cobblestone for me and meet me back here later so we can really get down to work on days 75-78 I began to gather materials as requested by Tony I started in a desert biome and smashed up the ground for some sandblocks thanks to my powerful fists this mission was gonna be a breeze I broed until I ended up digging into another radiated biome Abomination make quick work of Overworld I knew things were starting to get more dangerous so I figured it was time to make an underground bunker for the base I returned home and began to carve a huge area underneath the base all the while I gathered plenty of iron ore as well as Cobblestone so it was a win-win for both me and Tony's projects once I was satisfied with the size I cleaned things up by replacing the stone walls with wood to make it more homey I added a kitchen fit with a crafting bench furnace cauldron and chest which I filled with plenty of food no one go home wait I'm Max know what's going hungry down here next I added bed so everyone could have a safe place to sleep finally I used any gadgets I had from Tony to beef up security just a bit more with that Mike bunker was complete perfect a safe place to hide if things go wrong suddenly the chicken pig from earlier returned he was super excited to see me wait you recognize me awesome I decided to build the mute in his own little room since he proved to be an ally enjoy little buddy on days 79-82 I returned to Tony's lab with all the materials he asked for thank you Max now let's get to work the two of us got to work on Ultron it was tough and we ended up hitting a few roadblocks but after some time we managed to complete him he woke up and began to look around at all of his robot Glory welcome to the world of Ultron sign over here there are no strings on me what Ultron then pulled out a weapon you gave him an Uzi and retrospect that was a mistake our creation immediately began became attack without warning I hoped out it started to fight back but he wasn't a pushover myself and Tony for the greatest Minds around and Ultron was the product of both of our intelligence combined I rushed it in with my massive fists and tried to crush him to bits while Tony fired his weapons from afar I was incredibly powerful but so was Ultron his armor reduced the amount of damage my blows could do even as the Hulk I couldn't fend him off for long despite being near Invincible Ultron started to break through my skin causing damage please stop you're supposed to help others not destroy them now a humans are the problem but I will eliminate them all Tony continued to fire at Ultron keeping him distracted enough for me to run it close to land one final blow I took Ultra down once and for all once the battle was over I turned back to normal sorry Tony I know you had a lot of hopes in Ultron that's all right at least we contained him he could have caused some serious damage he could have even picked up a small country dropped it back to Earth causing Mass Cash that's weirdly specific well hey I do have some good news at least what's that on days 83-87 Tony was getting ready to tell me his good news I feel like we've been looking at this Hulk thing wrong we've been treating it like he's a disease something to get rid of yeah Tony he's a huge monster that I can't control fully sure but what if you could I'm listening I put together a potion that in theory should do just that put the brains and the brawn together Tony tossed over a potion which I picked up hesitantly I understand if you have reservations but I think this is our best shot you're right I want to protect everyone I drank the potion and waited in anticipation for something to happen I feel weird I think something is wrong suddenly I transformed into Professor Hulk I now had 80 hearts and felt completely in control of my Hulk form whoa this is amazing thank you Tony no problem big guy I started ahead oh when I realized that I was no longer able to return to my human form and I guess that makes sense this is a combination of both of my halves I knew I was no longer able to hide from Ross anymore but I was strong enough to save him it's about time he knew the truth on days 88-90 I returned back to home base to regroup I felt so different so strong physically and mentally Max I wanna come with you let me help you save my dad I'm sorry Betty but I think you should stay here oh is that because Abomination wants all of us if I fail at least he only has me to experiment on and plus I have the strongest grip of my Powers now thanks to Tony's help I really want to argue with you but those are really good points please just guard the base and chicken Pig with my cousin I'll try to be back as soon as possible okay good I love you too I search if any clue the whereabouts of General Ross I scoured the lands in search of anything until I started sensing a weird amount of radiation I headed that way and discovered an entire Village filled with people in hazmat suits whoa what is this place on days 91-93 I entered the Hazmat Village to take a closer look at what was going on these guys are prepared for a radioactive disaster as I investigated I realized the entire town was staring at me I was a big green hole so I guess it was understandable oh uh I'm sorry everyone I won't hurt you defender of the piano just then the entire Town attacked me they swore me like flies all trying to take me down as a group Abomination sorry but you guys are evil I began to fight off the mob of vicious hazmats while they weren't the strongest Bunch they had an enormous amount of numbers they tried to overwhelm me up close but little did they know they were exactly where I wanted them to be when they were close enough I'd beat them down my visit Mass one by one each member of their army fell all the while they were unable to even scratch me after a long battle I managed to take down all the hazmats until only one remained you have an army but all I need is a Hulk tell me where the Abomination is I don't know where he is but I last saw the Hazmat quickly tossed over a map stay out of trouble that guy is bad news I followed the map until I came face to face with a mysterious nether portal he must be through here on days 94-95 I explored the nether in hopes of finding the Abomination or general Ross inside as I continued on I could tell that something felled off I could see that some of the mobs inside were now mutated as the radiation gotten inside the nether 2 I followed the mutant until finally I arrived to find General Ross in a cage guarded by a giant mutant wither skeleton Mr Ross are you okay a green Beast you come to finish what your ally couldn't no it's not what you think I didn't have time to protest the giant mutant set its eyes on me and attacked it pulled out its two giant swords and started swinging wildly at me he was actually able to deal damage to me but luckily my superpowers allowed me to heal back quickly the monster was also able to unleash focused energy slashes at me from a distance I tried to dodge them but I was just too big with some well-placed punches though I knew I could break the skeleton's bones with the Final Smash I managed to take down the guard upon his death he dropped a note if you want to defeat me we will have to battle where this all started the Abomination well that's cryptic I'll have to seek him out elsewhere I rush in the cage and quickly broke down the bars get away from me you horrible monster it's okay come with me I won't hurt you I'll never go with you please you can trust me I'm Max your son-in-law yo what on days 96-98 I returned home with General Ross and reunited him with his daughter Betty Boo you're okay how could you not tell me you're married to the green monster it's not what you think I demand that you separate it once I won't stand for this God Betty explained everything to General Ross about how we are both mutated by the abomination in his plans to mutate the world are you telling me that Abomination mutated my precious little girl I have to fight him Ted you can't then General Roz's skin turned red he had been mutated by the Abomination I had to think fast and gave him a hit to knock him out sorry sir you can't Hulk out on us now while he was out I locked him in a cage so he wouldn't go looking for the Abomination it wasn't safe I have to make a cure on day 99 I continued my research on a cure to the radiation until finally I had a breakthrough I can't believe it I was only missing one thing I set off in search of the final ingredient the mutton of a mutated sheep after a bit of travel and a lot of luck I Came Upon a herd of rainbow colored sheep if this doesn't scream mutants I don't know what will I made quick work of the herd and gathered their mutton for my cure once I had enough I returned back to my lab and got to work it wasn't long before I had completed two splash potions of my new formula I only have two but I have to test it first I went to my chicken Pig and tested one of my potions on him after a few seconds he transformed back into a pig whoa I did it I quickly returned to General Ross and use my last potion on him he returned back to normal what the let me out of here I thought curing you would make you calmer I guess not with Mr Ross now safe I knew it was time to stop this from The Source wait where it started the Abomination means the original lab on day 100 I returned to the old destroyed laboratory the plays had been torn to shreds and all that remained was a large hole in the floor leading into a cave my guess is he's down there I dropped down the hole and walked down the hallway to find that it led to a massive underground lab full of gamma radiation emitters along the wall mutated beasts were being kept in cages as test subjects I know you're here come out and face me Abomination just then the Beast fell in front of me from the ceiling above I won't let that happen no no hard power should be used only to protect others not control them [Music] just then the Abomination unleash a swarm of mutants to fight me mutant archers and spearmen fell from the ceiling ready for battle they immediately started firing at me from far away while the Spearman charged at me I'd have to take on this giant army first if I wanted to stop Abomination while I was busy with his goons the Abomination continued working on his doomsday device I knew I would have to finish this battle with the mutants quickly the problem was there were so many I did what I could to thin the crowd but the archers would thwart me from getting in too close still I kept on slamming my fists into the mutants and drowned as hard as I could luckily my whole skin was nearly Invincible otherwise I would have been toast I finally managed to take down the last Beast leaving only the Abomination left to take care of I'm gonna stop you once and for all [Music] I lunged him with my massive fists this was gonna have to be the final battle his radiated muscles were so strong that he could pierce my armor he even summoned small Huss to swarm me during our fight he wasn't playing fair but I didn't expect him to I tried to take up the Huts quickly while the Abomination slammed into me [Music] no I land in the final blow taking down the Abomination once and for all all that remain now was his device I rushed to it but there wasn't enough time to figure out how to shut it down I only had one idea I hope this works Hulk smash I smashed the device to Smithereens until it was beyond recognition I looked around the lab to see that all of the cage mutated animals had been transformed back to normal I did it out of nowhere a deafening boom rang out an explosion I knew then that I was needed Elsewhere on day one I woke up in a destroyed laboratory with my head all fuzzy ah what's going on what happened just then a large robot descended from the sky hello Tony did he just call me Tony finally there are no strings on me my plan is to wipe out every single sad pathetic human on the face of this planet you all are a disease who are you wow you must have hit your head really hard I'm Ultron You Made Me Do Better the world and that's just what I plan to do have fun with your house guests Ultron flew away as a legion of his minions began to attack me I began to fight them off surprisingly I was still a good fighter even with memory loss thank goodness for muscle memory as Iron Man I had the ability to fly shoot satellite missiles and launch a beam out of my Arc Reactor I used all of these abilities to give the robots a good beat down they outnumbered me greatly but I was able to keep my distance from them in the sky while shooting them down with my satellite missiles whenever I could I charge and fired a powerful laser from my arc reactor burning the robots to a crisp thanks to my incredible Powers I was able to win okay what now we find a new place of operation sir ah who said that it's Jarvis your personal AI we must hurry born of ultron's goons could be nearby you're right let's go build a new base on day two I started scouting at a location for the new Stark HQ the upcoming area is both nearby running water and nourishes local Wildlife then we'll build there as I Iron Man I had fancy mining gadgets allowing me to chop down tons of trees quickly wait Jarvis aren't I rich why am I not paying people to do this for me it appears that Ultron has your bank account locked sir unlock it and you can build virtually whatever you want okay consider that on my to-do list using my materials I built a basic wood structure my plan was to eventually turn it into Stark Tower 2.0 it ain't much but it'll have to do for now what's next Jarvis well sir Ultron is exceedingly powerful and has intentions of destroying the world we must stop him but currently your suit is not powerful enough we must upgrade it and how do we do that you have powerful friends scattered across the globe sir Ultron may have sent them into hiding but if we can find Black Panther no spider Spider-Man War Machine and the others they could each train you and give you a piece of their Tech making me the Ultimate Iron Man precisely sir I'm so excited to see all the awesome powers I I get and you should be too watch until the end to see how awesome I become on day three I set up and search my first Ally Black Panther on the way isolate a few cows made a furnace and cook their meat usually I would prefer my personal chef to do this but whatever I kept moving feeling a bit unsure of where I should go where is this place wakanda is well hidden and sure to be heavily guarded then I'll have to look for Clues and keep my guard up I explored for what felt like hours until discovering Redstone Dust on the ground odd I followed the trail for what felt like forever until I finally made it to a massive door guarding it was a giant deadly ravager this must be the entrance and I guess I gotta go through you too using my suits I took to the skies and began to shoot my powerful laser attacks down onto the Beast the ravager bombarded me with brute strength destroying the terrain blow me and attempting to break through my armor with its powerful horns normally my attacks would defeat him off like this with ease but he was wearing impenetrable vibranium armor I did my best to beat the Beast Down with everything I had using my satellite lasers to poke down his health bit by bit after a fierce battle I managed to take the guardian down upon their death they dropped a key which I claimed is my prize wakanda here I come I entered the fabled city it was beautiful and unlike anything I had seen before wow just then a guard walked up to me Cherie will see you now I balled the guard into a throne room where the Black Panther was waiting for me your highness what do you want Tony really no small talk or anything I am not only Queen but also the protector of wakanda what do you need long story shorts I need vibranium an experiment gone wrong is gonna wreak havoc if I don't upgrade my suits and say no more my cards will upgrade your soup for you thank you Sherry I followed her guard into a laboratory and stood onto a platform stay still and the Machine will do the rest aye aye Captain the room began to shake and the light started to flash when suddenly my suit became black it was now made of vibranium with it I got a vibranium sword and two hearts amazing I was about to leave when suddenly Ultron appeared on days eight through ten Ultron was moving over wakanda thanks for taking care of that ravager Tony now I'll be able to freely eliminate these humans as well how did you get in here this is a hidden city I think you left the gate wide open sir touche Ultron summoned a powerful Mech to do his bidding and flew off I put my new and improved suit into action actually powerful and could not only fire bullets but also blast me with a powerful laser ow vibranium doesn't give me fire resistance I utilized everything in my Arsenal to try and take him down but while I was able to land powerful attacks he returned them twice as hard the mech was beginning to be too overwhelming until wakanda's forces stepped into Aid me in battle the wakandan Warriors swarmed the mech and used their Advanced weapons to dwindle down his health bit by bit I did my best to Aid them with my own attacks and with our combined power the mech began to break down with the help of wakanda's army we were able to defeat the imminent threat I quickly noticed that the mech dropped a letter that read to gain more Tech the next Target will be someone as tough as Iron Man himself as tough as me they must be after Roadie I thank the kind Warriors of wakanda and set off in search of my good friend War Machine as I traveled I took a pit stop to mine a bit of materials to upgrade my base later as I continued to mine I accidentally stumbled upon a strange cave what is this place which seems to be a cave sir on days 11 through 14 I explored the mysterious cave further as I headed deeper in I spotted a trail of red banners on the wall I feel like I've seen this before that's the battle of the evil group Hydra then I better walk carefully I pressed on until finally stumbling up on a strange wall with a sign only the worthy may pass beyond these walls I bet I'm plenty worthy I took out my mining Gadget and tried to mine it down to no avail looks like I'll have to come back with a stronger suit suddenly I heard the sounds of footsteps and dug down into cover we gotta find a way past this wall boss wants whatever's behind it and apparently it's crazy powerful let me sing for suppose we use that power to take down those pesky Heroes Heroes these guys are bad news I flew over my hiding spot and landed a surprise attack on the soldiers they tried to fight me the best they could but they were no match for my upgraded suit I made quick work of them maybe next time just don't say your evil plan out loud upon their deaths they dropped the map titled Hydra HQ this could be my ticket to the wall I'll check this out soon on days 15 through 18. I continued my search for war machine when suddenly I heard the sound of fighting in the distance looks like that's my next stop I took off in the direction of the noise to discover War Machine fighting off Emma Frost war machine was as tough as a fighter as ever but he was beginning to get overwhelmed a little help Tony Stand Down Elsa Elsa I'm not letting that go Emma began to attack me with her powerful ice magic War Machine and I had no choice but to fight for our lives it was us against the master of ice while War Machine shot attacks from afar I used my wrist Cannon and my vibranium sword to deal damage up close Emma was not a weak bow she could manipulate ice and bombard us with snowballs from a distance the battle was tough but with the combined strength of myself and War Machine we managed to take her down Ultron is getting stronger by the day I can't get too cocky upon her death she dropped a letter which I quickly picked up thank you for your Allegiance Miss Frost you will be spared if you take down War Machine as well as the mutated human that has skin as hard as Stone Ultron could he be talking about the thing I need to find him before Ultron does with the dust settled I was finally able to ask for the suit upgrade I want on it anything for you Tony War Machine took my suit and worked on it for a while when he was done I put it back on to discover I now had white accents two more hearts and the ability to use War machine's Weaponry whoa thanks you want to help me take down Ultron for sure on days 19-21 I returned to the base to show war machine where we'd be hiding out this is the base of the great Tony Stark rude but this place could use a facelift maybe I can help with that I turned around to find none other than Pepper waiting for me pepper I'm so happy to see you I bet you are but enough to chat this place isn't going to build itself pepper and I began to expand the base even more building up and adding some new blocks other than wood during the expansion I made sure to add two rooms both for her and War Machine to stay in things are looking a bit better around here I know had two more mouths of feed so I took this guy in search of some food during my travels I discovered a village in ruin looks like Ultron is here I better help these people I swoop down over the village and help them extinguish all the fires I even patched up a few of their homes while I was at it thank you Iron Man take this for our gratitude the residents gave me weed seeds and iron hoe and an iron bucket so I could start my own garden thank you this is just what I needed I flew back to the base and got to work on our own personal weed farm after a bit of work I finished and the base was looking much better all right Tony time to check out Hydra HQ on days 22-24 I followed the map I got from the hydro soldiers and arrived at Hydra HQ the place was crawling with guards if I set one of them off it could be bad news for me looks like stealth is my best bet through this one I believe I can assist you with that hologram activate suddenly my suit transformed into a Hydra uniform sweet infiltration time I walked into Hydra HQ with these and started to Snoop around the facility eventually I stumbled into a room with a giant safe that's just what I'm looking for looking for what I turned around to find a Hydra officer waiting behind me ah my glasses I dropped them Oh I thought you were gonna say the code to our super secret safe I found it on the ground just now that too really be careful with your things dude the guard tossed me the code and left you I use my new code to open the safe and walk inside there were countless riches as well as an upgraded mining Gadget this could break right through the wall on days 25-28 I returned to the unbreakable wall with my new tool in hand here goes nothing the tool did just the trick I was able to tear through the powerful wall like butter when I made it through the other side I discovered a lone nether portal that's odd I walked through it and waiting for me was a beacon of light I flew towards it and discovered Doctor Strange's powerful Earth Talisman I wonder what it does one clear sir but my readings indicate a massive amount of power emitting from its core huh whatever it is if it falls into the wrong hands it could be trouble suddenly something sped by and hit me ow watch where you're going I looked back and realized the dude had taken the mysterious artifact I chased after the mysterious Bandit but even with my flight abilities they were quick we were neck and neck until finally I managed to Corner them when they turned around it was none other than Ghost Rider Nowhere to Run hand over the artifact why would I give something like this to you you're the one who created run that's why I need it to stop him about this if you can complete my underworld trials I'll give you this Earth Talisman and upgrade your suit can you handle it kill Ian on days 29-31 Ghost Rider and I began My Underworld trials the first trial was to clear an obstacle course over a pit of lava but I can fly not for this trial use your boots and you fail lame I began the trial jumping from platform to platform the best I could as I got further I discovered a strange cave blocked by a wall of lava in the distance I wonder what's in there I'll have to come back when I have fire resistance I pressed on and cleared challenge one for the second trial Ghost Rider made me challenge a swarm of gas in an aerial battle The Horde pelted me with an onslaught of fireballs but I wasn't gonna let that stop me from upgrading my suit I retaliated with my own attacks and took out gas after gas after a fierce battle I managed to take out the whole swarm not bad rich boy but you have one more challenge the Ghost Rider took me to a racetrack the final challenge was a motorcycle race between me and Ghost Rider I've provided you with a powerful bike [Music] took off the two of us were neck and neck but Ghost Riders still had the edge over me he managed to take the lead I use my suits Rockets to repel me forward I couldn't lose his battle no matter what thankfully it gave me just the edge I needed to win the race not bad kid here's strangest Talisman as promised and let me upgrade that suit of yours too Ghost Rider casted a spell empowering my suit even more I now had a totem of undying as well as two additional hearts with this Ultron doesn't stand a chance on days 32-35 I returned to the Overworld to find Ultron and his goons destroying a village now's my chance I took to the skies and sent a surprise attack onto Ultron I thought that surely I could put up a fight with my upgraded suit unfortunately for me he was able to evade it you will never win Cody get him then Ultron flew off leaving me to deal with his swarm of goons unfortunately for them I had gotten stronger since their last encounter I use strangest Talisman to bend the Earth launching chunks of rock at the goons with my new power I knocked down each of the Tinker Toys one by one after a lot of fighting I was left with the aftermath of their attack oh he's still too strong how am I supposed to protect these Villages you could attempt to hack into his system and destroy him from side huh that's not too bad of an idea but how can I do that just leave it to me sir I flew after him and finally spotted him setting another Village Ablaze alright sir this is your chance sneak up on him from behind you got it I slowly crept by an Ultron once again being much more quiet than last time now I used one of my attacks to fry his systems causing him to drop to the ground like a fly I'm going to enter ultron's mind to inject the virus prepare yourself when I came to I realized I was now inside of a strange realm what is this place we are inside of ultron's Mind sweet time to find that panel to inject the virus I began to explore the vast world of ultron's Mind most of it was a void but after some exploring I came across a maze of bookshelves Ultron has so much knowledge I need to take him down fast I navigated the books until finally discovering a strange panel that's it go there and then check the virus sir I rushed over as fast as I could but suddenly Ultron dropped down in front of me that's good could actually defeat me back down or I'll make you I'd like to see you trying the two of us clashed in a battle of Epic Proportions inside of ultron's mind we are both able to wield swords so it was a battle of skill instead of brute strength I used my vibranium blade to land hits on Ultron close up but he was no pushover he was able to block some of my attacks and land counter hits of his own each blow I took made me weaker and weaker to his power I did my best to block his Onslaught but he was just too powerful Ultron took his chance and landed a brutal blow that kicked me out of his head and brought us back into the real world just kill me now I could but I want you to watch the world burn Ultra to disguise leaving me alone and defeated am I gonna be able to stop him on days 40 through 43 I tried to think of better ways to defeat Ultron while traveling back to my base once I got there pepper walked up to me Tony I'm homesick I want this space to look more like Stark Tower sorry honey but I don't have the block yes you do have fun building well I guess it's time to get to work with that I officially started my Recreation of Stark Tower I started with the bottom level placing blocks over my original build after that I continued upward using a combination of polished andesite and glass looking good so far after I was done building Ghost Rider approached me I need a place to stay in the Overworld look no further I immediately got to work building him a ghostwritery room fit with red and orange accents as well as skeleton skulls you like it like it I love it later in the day I was just vibing when the Human Torch arrived Tony Tony I need your help the thing he's being imprisoned by Ultron and you can't save him why Ultron built bio scans to track major heat signatures he'll spot me immediately say no more happy to help on days 44-46 I set out to find the thing after a lot of traveling I found him deep inside a cave he was trapped in a cage Ultron standing directly in front of him let me out of here you bag of bolts well that's rude especially considering you are quite literally a pile of rocks regardless no I will not let you out you and the rest of the Fantastic Four are too powerful I could thwart my plans your plans to take over the world to destroy the world yes but to do so I need an army which I am currently building I have to find where he's building his soldiers I'm grown tired of this conversation put a little thing with Ultron gone I snuck over to the thing Tony whisper now scream when we're out of here right right I broke him out using my mining Gadget and we booked it out of there after a lot of running we made it back to the Human Torch thank you so much Iron Man seriously Tony we really appreciate it in fact let me see your armor I handed over my armor after a few seconds the Human Torch returned it I now had two more hearts and flame resistance sweet now I can go back to that weird cave I spotted in the Nether on days 47 through 50 I was exploring when suddenly I spotted a strange sign advertising Comic-Con that sounds fun but I really should be trying to take down Ultron ah couldn't hurt to stop by I traveled in the direction of the convention and arrived at a massive building this must be it I stepped inside of the convention center to discover the lobby was full of people dressed in colorful hero costumes finally a place I can go and not stand out I was wrong people wouldn't stop walking up and asking me questions wait are you the real Iron Man In the Flesh or iron what's Captain America like in person I can't remember what is your soup made out of vibranium the questions went on for what felt like hours until I couldn't take it anymore okay no more questions I stormed out of the convention center feeling annoyed yeah I'm never going back to one of those things on days 51-54 I decided to head back to the nether to explore the strange lava cave I spotted earlier okay let's hope the Human Torch wasn't pulling my leg with his fire resistant stuff with my fire resistance I was able to easily Traverse through the lava unharmed thank goodness I kept moving forward and found a giant room but it didn't look like it belonged in the nether weird all of a sudden someone ran past me with immense speed ow what the whatever it was they were too fast to see and they wouldn't let up hey whoever that is cut it out I'm not here to hurt you they did it over and over until they finally stopped in front of me yeah right science man you're going to mess with me like all the others have no I'm not my name's Max Tony I'm just trying to stop Ultron is that why you're down here you think people are gonna hurt you yes I'm quick silver my sister and I were prisoners forced to undergo experimental surgery that gave us Powers we broke out and sought safety in year of all places how do you like it like it I hate it it's too hot well if you'd like I can RP protection at my base it's not nearly as hot that sounds great on days 55-57 I returned to the base with Quicksilver I'm gonna build you a room should be done in a few hours don't worry Tony I've got this without a moment to spare Quicksilver ran around the base building a room instantly wow that was amazing as Quicksilver got settled I decided to do some expansions of my own I started by working on the tower adding more height using polished andesite I was making good progress but the work felt endless man I can't wait to get my money back so I can hire Builders afterwards I made a storage room to hold all my resources and treasures I like it so I've require your attention shoot jarv I've detected a large presence of radon in a nearby biome which indicates to me that somebody is working on something radioactive Ultron precisely sir thanks Jarvis I'll head that way now on days 58-61 I traveled towards ultron's Factory my readings indicated should be right up ahead sir Jarvis was right we arrived at a large ominous looking Factory I landed on the roof to take a peek inside Ultron was in the middle of the room being repaired by a strange device so that's how he fixes any damages not only that sir but it appears he is constructing robots at a much quicker rate than initially thought you're right this is too many I'll go give Ultron a piece of my mind right now I broke through the ceiling to give Ultron a good Target too enough games Ultron I'm technically your dad and I say it's time for bed ha ha ha ha ha Ultron tonight took to the skies and engaged in combat we brawled for a bit until we were forced to take the battle outside the factory he had the same abilities as me and was able to shoot projectiles from his wrist launchers as well as fire a powerful beam from his chest using the gun I'd gotten for more machine I tried to overwhelm him with bullets but his armor was too strong if rage isn't working I'll just have to take him up close I tried going in for a heavy blow with my vibranium sword but Ultron forced me to back off once again I did my best but Ultron had the one up on me he even managed to damage my arc reactor time is ticking Tony if you don't thinks that Arc Reactor soon your dad on days 62-64 things were looking very Bleak my arc reactor was busted and I was nowhere near my tools Jarvis call Nick when I woke up I was in a strange room I had a new arc reactor installed in my chest granting me two more Hearts where where am I you're at an undisclosed Shield facility it was Nick fear Fury Nick I can't thank you enough I don't need things I need answers Ultron yeah uh they were meant to be a protector of the planet I guess creating him caused an explosion in my lap giving me memory loss I swear sometimes I think I'm a redheaded guy named Max that must have been a big explosion anyways I trust you can eliminate this Ultron threat you always do Fury then handed me a super cool weapon wow thanks Nick no need to thank me now get back out there soldier I'll be making some goals to see if anyone else can help I'll let you know who reaches back on days 65-67 I was on my way back home through a desert biome uh this is nice it feels like I haven't had any time to relax I fell into a hole Landing inside an underground bunker what in the world eh no worries I'll just fly out I tried to activate my thrusters but nothing happened Jarvis it appears your thrusters were damaged in the fall sir in fact your entire suit is overheating I would suggest taking it off and repairing this one once we're back home Jarvis was right so I took off the suit once I did so I was greeted by a strange man I see you've fallen into our trap Mr Stark oh no I'm getting some major Deja Vu we need you to build us a nuclear weapon yep definitely getting Deja Vu yeah I could build your weapon excellent after our brief conversation the strange man left the room I assume you're going to build something else Mr Stark you already know jarv to execute my plan I was gonna need materials but I was very limited underground especially without my mining Gadget guess I gotta do this the old-fashioned way I use the materials I had on hand to make a stone pickaxe then mine some iron underground to upgrade to an iron one I even had enough extra to make an iron sword just in case so my readings indicate some valuable gyms are nearby then that's our next stop I mined until finally discovering a cavern full of diamond this is perfect suddenly I heard a low growling noise I turned in the direction of it to find a massive Naga uh nice monster on days 68-71 the Beast lunch at me he wasn't about to let me have his treasure I had no choice but to defend myself without my suit the battle was tough I was only able to defend myself with the iron sword I had just crafted the Naga was killed in Flight it would not only shoot corrosive projectiles at me but would also dive down to hit me from above I tried my best to evade its attacks and hit it when it came close but it was just too fast oh why do you have to fly my boots are busted suddenly skeletons began to spawn which gave me an idea I began to slice Down The Horde left and right until one of them dropped the bow perfect now that I had a bow and plenty of arrows I began to shoot at the Beast above with my new Range weapon I managed to take the monster down I even gained two more Hearts huh I guess doing all this dirty work has made me stronger I mined my diamond prize granting me the materials I needed for my plan time to get out of here I returned to the underground bunker where the strange man was waiting is that nuclear weapon and finished one second yes it is then let me see it gladly just then I put on a Mark 1 Iron Man suit and started blasting at the villain it wasn't long before he died time to get out of here I stormed through the underground tunnels and as I expected they were crawling with bad guys unfortunately for them my new suit was able to mow them down like nothing I shot Flames left and right the final grunt died and dropped a map titled Xiang Chi well that's convenient on days 72-75 I made it back to base I realized that more and more Heroes were joining my HQ day by day and I needed to make sure we had enough room to accommodate I immediately got to work building up the tower more after a while the exterior was really coming along with the outside done for now I began working on a room for the Fantastic Four I use black white and blue colors to match their aesthetic which really made the room pop Thanks Max no problem whenever Mr Fantastic and Invisible Woman become available we'll make sure to send them here awesome after that I went to go check on my buddy Rhody hey man how's it hanging I'm all right but I will kill for some pork chops right now you know you know what I got you I quickly flew to a nearby Field using carrots to make a group of pigs follow me I made it back home building a quick little pen for the piggies I then slaughtered a few of them unfortunately for me I didn't know what I had just done what do you think you're doing huh I turned around to find Spider ham standing before me you was brutally murdered my people what the Jarvis why is there a spider pig here it appears someone is best with the Multiverse so you dang bacon lovers don't even think about where your food comes from This Means War sorry how can I make it up to you hmm well I do like a good character too done I handed him the rest of the carrots I had oh boy I mean you are forgiven this time Tata spider ham walked away stuffing his face full of carrots I guess that means peace is restored between humans and pigs after that strange encounter I cooked up the pork chops and gave a few to war machine thanks man no prob on days 76-78 I was fixing to leave to follow xiangchi's map wait a sec Jarvis what's the status of my other suit I have prepared it sir it should be safe to use again wait I quickly put my upgraded suit back on then flew off to find chongqi he was Far Away forcing me to fly through multiple biomes but I did too much since the weather was great ah this is nice suddenly clouds gathered in the sky and it began to rain what the what was the forecast for today Jarvis today's forecast is clear skies out of nowhere storm touched down in front of me hello Tony sorry to rain on your parade but this is the end of the line Ultron is going to spare me if I can take you out sorry you messed up the minute you teamed up with a killer robot the two of us began to fight in an epic battle with the sky we both swarmed around each other in a dog fight and I started shooting at her with my guns she kept striking me with lightning but my new armor was prepared to withstand those blows we both fought with all of our might despite the onslaught of lightning I managed to take her down I gotta keep moving eventually the weather cleared and I reached a huge crowded Forest this looks like a trap you are correct sir it appears to be some sort of labyrinthine maze designed to corner and suffocate those who do not know how to properly navigate it huh have an idea I took to the skies flying over it with these boom work smarter not harder I then reach an Immaculate circular opening in the forest meeting Zhang Chi trespassers are not allowed on these sacred grounds please I just want to talk despite my pleas Shang Chi ignored me and charged me with everything he had he swung at me with masterful martial arts powers and kept hitting me with a powerful Flurry of Blows I tried shooting my guns at him but he was super fast and kept dodging out of the way I started using my arc reactor beam and that did a significant amount of damage it was a difficult battle but I eventually managed to win okay now will you talk I don't think I have a choice I explained everything I knew to Shang Chi about Ultron and his evil plans to destroy humanity and so this guy is building an army to destroy the world yes and you built him yes why peace in our times a shield around the world I don't know I I did it and it's done okay fine I've been making modifications to my suit to take him on do you have any Tech or ten Rings magic that would help actually I have just a thing Sean Chi performed a spell and magically upgraded my suit I now had two more hearts and Powerful brass knuckles that let me do a Flurry of Blows use it wisely Iron Man I will on days 82-85 I returned to the base and decided to do a bit of sprucing up it's about time I have my own room I got to work on something for myself I made sure it was big and luxurious as well as filled with tons of red and yellow accents that compliment me as Iron Man while I was at it I added an extra large bed all for myself with that my room was complete this looks more like McDonald's than Iron Man's room oh well I'm loving it I still had energy so I moved on to extending Stark Tower I built it even taller and began to fill in an area with glass when I realized I was running out hey Pepper you got any more materials Fresh Out dang it I need to get my bank account back already just then a ditzy robot came running by in a hurry mumbling something to himself if I don't get this done in time Ultron I gotta follow him on days 86 through 89 I tail the robot to a shopping mall he was purchasing a bunch of different robot Parts wait he must be ultron's Aaron boy which means he has my bank info I Ambush him quickly defeating him and freezing my bank account you know what this means shopping spree I started shopping like crazy buying myself a snazzy suit some sick Shades and even a private jet man being rich is the best my fun it was quickly cut short by Nick Fury Ultron is threatening all of humanity and you're shopping oh uh I was just get back to work on days 90-91 I was scouting over the ocean when I spotted something strange I flew underwater finding a laboratory I broke inside discovering it was owned by Doc Ock an octopus in the ocean how original I began to investigate but while doing so I accidentally triggered an alarm with little warning a horde of little robots began to swarming they all charged me and started zapping me when they got too close I used my laser to start picking them off but they kept surrounding me no matter what I did I couldn't keep the robots away they continue to swarm me like the horde of ankle biters they were I had to change my game plan when I was surrounded I started fighting them all off with my fists which was surprisingly effect did with my upgrades from shangji I was now able to hit the Bots with a flurry of attacks quicker than before despite their numbers the robots didn't stand a chance against my new melee upgrade using a combination of my abilities I struck each of the robots over and over again honestly it was kind of fun eventually I was able to pick them all off one by one upon the final robot's death they dropped a note Dr Octavius I thank you again for your support once you capture Spider-Man please drop him off at this map's location I looked on the ground but there was no map to be found I have to find that map before they heard Spider-Man I explored around the lab and found that the map was locked behind a keypad let me take care of this sir Jarvis hacked into the keypad causing it to unlock thanks Jarvis I grabbed the map and immediately set off to find Spidey on days 92-94 I travel to the location on the map to find Spider-Man was already kneeling before Doc Ock any last words uh doc I think there's someone behind you oh please Peter I've grown tired of these little games of yours just let me enjoy this don't you have better things to do than picking on a kid I use my arc reactor blast eviscerating Doc Ock wow that was easy I guess he was just a normal human after all whoa are you like the Iron Man like Mr Stark from Stark Industries the one and only why is your suit look so weird I thought Iron Man's whole thing was like red and gold I've made a few modifications I'm sure you could tell from how powerful that last attack was thanks for saving me Mr Stark can I return the favor well I am fighting Ultron but that's too dangerous for you please come on please no way I can't have you getting hurt how old are you anyway 12 hey I'm 16 12 16. same thing you're a kid but normal kids can't shoot webs from their wrists listen I'll make it worth your while just give me a chance and you won't regret it what could a high school student possibly offer a billionaire let's see wit charm and uh memes my point exactly well you said you're fighting Ultron maybe I can help you upgrade that suit ears it'll be your coolest upgrade yet I handed off my suit to him and Spidey got to work spinning webs onto it after a while he handed it back to me in my new suit I had two more Hearts the ability to shoot webs and I was now very sticky gross but efficient on days 95 through 98 I returned home a spidey and got to work on a room for him I added plenty of bread to his space Within Scream Spider-Man and he seemed to really like it not too shabby I was still feeling good after getting my final upgrade so I decided it was finally time to finish my base I started by filling in the unfinished glass portions and completely finished the building itself once the main structure was done I added the final touches completing my reproduction of Stark Tower it's glorious I think it looks amazing sweetie how about we have some dinner to celebrate I have just the thing in mind as Sunset began the two of us enjoyed our view from Stark Tower with a fine steak dinner thank you for taking the time to make this for me it feels good to be home anything for you hun you know sometimes I get a bit nervous about you being a hero I never know if each time I see you will be the last but at the end of the day I know you'll always come back home I promise I won't let you down no matter what sort of difficulties I face I'll never go down without a fight I'll always be here to protect you oh how sweet just then I turned to find Ultron standing right next to us how did you get here does that really matter surrender now and I won't make you suffer you won't get away with this I already have suddenly pepper was teleported away pepper what did you do we're gonna end this one cent for all Stark Ultron flew away leaving behind a terrifying Robo Mech I had no choice but to fight the mech had a powerful laser attack that I was immediately bombarded with I fought it off with my wrist cannons and took off to the skies I was able to slow down the map with my new Spider-Man Powers but unfortunately that didn't stop it from blasting me with its powerful Sonic laser I weakened it with my arc reactor chest Blaster and then flew in for the kill thanks to all the powers I had gotten I was able to take down the mech and claim a map as my prize don't worry pepper I'm Coming For You on day 100 I arrived at the location on the map to find Pepper was already trapped inside of a cage standing next to her was Ultron pepper I'm Gonna Get You Out of This I Swear ah not this time Tony I'm going to kill both of you and then the rest of you pathetic humans let's start with sweet old pepper first no Ultron fired a massive attack but before it could hit pepper War Machine intersected it Brody did you really think I'd let you fight this Maniac alone I'll take care of pepper you focus on Ultra with pepper protected I flew into what would be the final battle we were flying around each other shooting at each other with our wrist Cannon clashed in the sky like Two fighter jets bullets and lasers flew wildly around us as the battle began to unfold even at such great speeds Ultron was still surprisingly accurate I had to be careful not to get hit too much too many blows from his precise computer-like aim would finish me he was so powerful he started hitting me with his machine gun and I was forced to land he landed next to me and we AK in combat and that he was just too powerful he was weakening me a lot despite all the power I gained Ultron was still too strong he landed a fatal attack but thanks to my totem of undying I managed to survive I flew away to reassess yikes no more redos Jarvis is there any way we can try to hack him again we can try but if we fail again my systems will shut down and you will be unable to use your suit meaning if we lose again you'll be as good as dead in the real world I gotta try I charge full speed at Ultron and landed my supersonic attack again causing him to fall to the ground just like that I returned inside of ultron's Mind in front of me was the control panel just like before but Ultron was already there waiting do you really want to challenge me here you can't even defeat me in the real world and you expect to beat me in my own mind you forget that I'm the one who created your thoughts prepare to meet your maker Ultron we began slicing at each other dealing massive psychic damage I needed to take him down quickly so I could give Jarvis a chance to hack into his system he wasn't going down easy his mind was strong but mine was Stronger the battle was fierce but I was able to slash my blade deep into Ultron winning me the fight now's my chance I rushed as fast as I could to the panel and Jarvis began uploading the virus upload complete no no no no no no suddenly I was returned to the real world where Ultron submitted to the attack he died little did I know the ball of Voltron wasn't the end soon I would face the threat to the Multiverse with a line between hero and villain is harder to see than ever on day one I was Spider-Man and I was being chased by the entire spider Society loads of Spider-Man were using everything in their power to stop me I tried to throw him off my tail but every turn I made let me face to face with another Spider-Man I knew that I didn't stand a chance against their numbers I Swang left and right and tried to slow them down with my web shooting abilities but there were too many of them things got worse when out of nowhere Miguel the leader of the spider Society dropped down in front of me he stopped me in my tracks with his webs leaving me defenseless finally I will dispose if you want it for all suddenly a portal ripped open near me and Miles Morales emerged he jumped Miguel and landed a surprise attack that left him dazed come with me quick I freed myself in the web trap and followed miles through the portal everyone get them on day two miles and I fled through the portal into another dimension that was made of Legos Miguel and the rest of the spider Society followed close behind what did they want with us we're both anomalies they want to eliminate us what we navigated the dimension of plastic Intel spotting a bridge under construction over a massive hole I have an idea miles and I booked it over the bridge and the Spider-Man followed us onto it unfortunately for them they were too heavy and caused the whole build to crumble the Spider-Man plummeted into the chasm below not bad but that won't hold them for long miles opened another portal to make our Escape but Lego Spider-Man jumped out instead taste my Lego Power the tiny hero uses building powers to create a wall at the speed of light luckily miles and I stayed in our toes and managed to clear the jump with their web swinging just as we made it to the portal the massive spider wrecks came out in front of us tight miles opened the new portal beneath our feet causing us both to fall through into the unknown on day three miles and I landed in another dimension with a massive City where are we suddenly a massive Mecca dropped out in front of us inside was a girl controlling it welcome to my Dimension Max and Miles I'm coming for you don't do this Penny sorry no I have to do this the mecca lunged at us and we had no choice but to fight Penny started by using a stomping attack to cause debris from the ground to fly all around us miles and I did our best to evade her Onslaught but art with her Mech Penny was a force to be reckoned with our spider punches did barely any damage to the Mecca's sturdy armored body even with two Spider-Man against one this battle was tough she used her powerful metallic Fizz to smash into us for loads of Hell at this rate we couldn't keep up much longer luckily we had a trump card of our own miles had the ability to use electrical attacks which could fry the Mecha circuits for good damage I did my best to support miles with my web shooting attacks while he went in close and Zapped the robot as much as he could we were neck and neck but suddenly my body started to glitch out ah what's happening you don't have a Multiverse bracelet this could be easier than I thought I'll meet up with you later you need that bracelet or else you'll die before I could protest and Miles pushed me into the portal sending me to another dimension on days four through seven I fell through the portal inside of a strange room when I looked around I spotted the multiversal bracelet on a pedestal that must be it I walked up to it when suddenly Miguel jumped down in front of me stop right there what do you want with us you're both disrupting the timeline I'm going to eliminate you or else everything we know will cease to exist just then miles jumped up next to the bracelet Max catch miles tossed over the bracelet and opened up a portal follow me he warped away leaving me alone with Miguel I now had a bracelet of my own in my possession but there was one huge problem how do I work this thing Miguel attacked me as I fumbled with my new Contraption his fist really backed a punch dealing significant damage to my health I dodge as much as I could but couldn't evade him fast enough to avoid his attacks he threw his punches with such immense force and speed that I couldn't even react fast enough it seemed like it was no use I couldn't get the bracelet to work isn't there a manual for this thing he was too powerful for me in my current state I desperately 800 with a bracelet until by some miracle a portal opened before me I escaped the facility with only half a heart remaining on days eight through ten I appeared in another dimension with Miles the bracelet had worked successfully glad you're okay for now but we can't relax Miguel has a tracking device on these bracelets what are we gonna do let's make a base that way we could be shielded from the tracking miles and I quickly got to work on our own spider base we wanted it to reflect our identities as Spider-Man so we planned to make it shaped as a giant spider we started with the main structure which would be the body of the spider and filled it with everything we would need for survival it didn't look like much yet but eventually it would have all eight legs to fit all the recruits we found we were getting close to finishing when I spotted a portal opening in the distance oh no Miguel is closing in hurry we ran inside and watched as Miguel began to look around the area like a bloodhound we're tracking both went offline but it doesn't matter if you want to stop me you have to recruit more than just one Spider-Man I will find and eliminate both of you Miguel walked away but suddenly my Spider Sense went off I turned around and the prowler was standing before us hide miles vanished Into Thin Air with his invisibility powers and the prowler lunch at me instead on days 11 through 14 the prowler slashing me with his Swift claws the two of us clash in hand-to-hand combat I tried to punch him down with my fists but whenever I got too close the prowler would land blows with his deadly claws for massive damage I knew I couldn't run it blindly so I tried to trap in my webs to slow him down this worked and let me land Some solid hits but he was far too powerful even with my Nimble movements I wasn't able to keep up with the prowler he had severely weakened me until suddenly miles ran in front of me please stop look uncle Aaron it's me miles kill him to my surprise the prowler lowered his weapon but in a matter of seconds the sound of a gunshot ran through the area the prowler died before us oh not again a large man in a black suit step forward it was the villain Kingpin I'll do it myself hey we gotta go miles we need more help yeah you're right let's go I use my bracelet to open up a new portal and fled through with Miles unfortunately for us Kingpin ran close behind on days 15 through 17 miles and I emerged in another dimension with Kingpin close behind us we were in the sprawling city of London miles was beginning to lag behind and Kingpin cut up he smashes fists into him causing him to pass out hey big guy come and get me Kingpin directed his attention towards me and I kept running I had to keep him away from miles I ran until I was met with a dead end Kingpin limped over me with his massive fists I thought I was surely done for suddenly a punk rock Spider-Man jumped out in front of me wait don't just stand there let's kick this corporate loser's butt Kingpin smashed at us with his massive fists and dealt tons of damage whenever we tried to get up close spider Punk and I realized we needed more footing to take this guy on so we lured him out of the alley and continued to fight in the street Kingpin jumped high in the air and smashed into both of us one by one I tried to slow him down with my webs while spider Punk scrubbed his guitar and sent shockwaves in him spider Punk's music was so strong that it even sent someone as massive as Kingpin flying back he tried to trip us up by punching the ground and setting debris flying at us but we're more savvy than he thought we Dodge his attacks and continue to overwhelm them with our own he would fall to the ground but the man was like a tank he always got back up and kept fighting although the two of us were getting tired we knew we had to end this here we kept up the attacks doing everything we could to win thanks to the help of the spider Punk we managed to defeat Kingpin once and for all whoa you're super cool who are you call me Hobie just then the chief officer came running towards us with their weapons out get those delinquents cops aren't you a hero I don't use labels let's move on days 18 through 21 the two of us were in a heated Chase with the police every Twist and Turn we made we were met with hordes of policemen eventually there was nowhere else to run we have you surrounded surrender spider Punk look we don't trouble I'll Never surrender to the system Hobie shut all the cops down with his webs trapping them in place follow me I know a shortcut I fall behind the spider Punk who led me to a manhole the two of us hopped inside before the cops could find us wow you're pretty resourceful we could use a spider like you and our team I don't know well think about it for a bit I looked around and realized we were inside of the sewer systems of the city I thought surely we could avoid trouble down here but the ground began to tremble what's that looks like the cops are filling a place with water we gotta move nah on days 22-25 spider Punk and I were running through the sewers trying to find a way out before the water swept us away it seemed like every turn we made was a dead end as we ran further and further I saw light in the distance look there's an opening over there spider Punk and I ran out of the sewer narrowly avoiding being submerged by the rushing flood that was close when we thought we were safe we turned around to see that a giant monstrous spider was looming behind us what the heck is that dang the spider monster began covering spider pumpkin webs making him unable to move your new only this one made nobody was here to help me this time but I had to free Hobie I went in close with my fist and started to beat down the beast in hand-to-hand combat it was eight legs against two but I was gonna take my chances I punched the Beast while it retaliated with its poisonous pincers normally I would try to trap it in webs but it was a spider too it had the ability to climb through webs like nothing so I was forced to fight them head-on the spider began to spit different types of Venom in me I use my superhero agility and web swinging to try and avoid the attacks and went in close for damage Whenever there was an opening the Beast was tough and its poisonous attacks brought me down to my last heart it was anyone's game but I knew I had to protect hobby no matter what with that I managed to stomp out the arachnid once and for all I took the chance I had and freed Hobie from his web prison alright kid you got skills I'll join your team oh and take this Hobie handed me his guitar and I gained five more Hearts whoa thanks suddenly another portal opened up before us Miguel had finally caught up I've got this one catch you later Hobie opened our own portal behind us and I did what I was told on days 26-28 I fell through a portal into a new dimension everything here was tinted pink and blue who's to mention could this be just then my Spider Sense tingled I could immediately tell that Miles was somewhere in the city I swing around the city with my webs looking for any sign of miles but as I turned a corner I saw a building completely on fire oh no oh what happened here my question was quickly answered when I spotted a giant lizard being fought off by this universe's Spider Woman time to knock out some bad guys I swung into action and began to help the other Spider Woman take out the nasty lizard he was a powerful Warrior the dual-wielded two steel hammers he swung his weapons at us and smashed into our super suits for massive damage I knew he was a force to be reckoned with up close but we knew our webs wouldn't do enough damage appears through his Tough Armor we had to get in close with our fists if we wanted to stand a chance we tried to beat him down with our super powered punches but we Dodge his heavy swings whenever we needed some distance I would take out my new spider Punk guitar and give it a strum that sent him flying the two of us were starting to get an edge when the lizard smashed his hammers into the ground powering him up even more we kept fighting the best we could but it was anyone's game after a long fight Spider Woman and I wiped out the lizard foe hey are you Max yeah that's me how do you know my name I'm good well said you'd be here you know miles can you take me to him sure follow me Gwen and I swung through the city until we got to an apartment where Miles was laying on the bed miles you're okay hey Max good to see you you guys caused Kingpin some trouble I heard yeah me and Hobie took care of him we gotta be more careful more danger could be behind any door Spider-Man in my apartment you're all under arrest on days 29-32 Gwen's dad had mistaken us all for villains and was putting us under arrest I knew there was no easy way out of this I had no choice but to use spider Punk's guitar IST from the cord and the burst of sound sent the captain flying backwards we have to go now what about my dad I'm Gonna Get You spiders uh he'll be fine I use my bracelet to open a portal escaping through it with Miles and Gwen when we got to the other side we were back in my base Hobie I'm glad you're all right thanks for holding off Miguel for me I knew Miguel would still be looking for us so I decided to reinforce our base I started by adding a farm so that we could have a consistent source of food for the team to snack on next I added a room for Hobie to call his own I made sure that bits and pieces of his hometown sprinkled around along with some musical instruments for him to play when he's bored afterwards I made a room for Gwen I use lots of pink whites and blue blocks to fit her vibe and added a drum set for her to rock out on lastly I added legs to the base to make it look more like a spider and function as hallways to the underground rooms with that my expansion was complete Thanks Max but now is no time to relax I know someone else I can help our team let's go Gwen opened another portal outside and the two of us continued searching for more backup on days 33-35 Gwen and I arrived in another dimension where we stood near the Taj Mahal is this India kinda pop should be around here somewhere let's split up and look Gwen and I went our separate ways and I began to navigate the city around me as I looked around I spotted a massive monster fighting another Spider-Man that must be the guy I better help I swing to The Fray to help the guy out the monster was nimble like us and was able to perform incredible acrobatics in combat he was armed with a staff which he used to smash into us for massive damage luckily we were fast too we rushed in and punched into him whenever we could find an opening he was three times our size making it hard to deal enough damage but we had the will to keep fighting suddenly he Unleashed a blazing fire breath attack that set both me and the other Spider-Man Ablaze my hearts were dwindling fast but I couldn't give up we continued our Onslaught while the ape smashes staff into the ground sending a massive Shockwave our way we both endured the hit and cornered him right where we wanted between both of our punches we are breaking through his armor and I could tell the Beast was growing weak with one final Blow from the other Spider-Man the monster went down but so did he no I rushed to his side only to discover that he was just sitting and relaxing what the aren't you hurt nah being a Spider-Man is easy but you can call me pav I'm Max nice hair by the way I explained to poth my mission to recruit more Spider-Man to help stop Miguel luckily for me he agreed suddenly a portal opened beneath pop causing him to fall into the unknown and Miguel jumped out in front of me oh no he tracked us here on days 36-39 I was being chased by Miguel he was extremely fast but so was I I use my webslinging abilities to send him in a high-speed chase I tried to throw him off my tail but he seemed to be waiting around every corner is my bracelet giving me away I found a corner to hide in but my Spider Sense went off just then Gwen dropped down in front of me don't worry it's just me I have an idea but you're not gonna like it Gwen snatched my multi-dimensional bracelet and swing away I watch as Miguel foolishly chased her instead but now I was at risk of glitching to death unfortunately I didn't have a moment to breathe a new portal tore open in front of me and spiderwrecks in an upgraded form emerged I finally found you what happened to you you can talk now too the latest spider Society Tech has empowered me let me show you the wrecks charging me with his Jaws open I tried to evade his attacks but he knelt down and bit me for big damage if it wasn't for hobie's guitar I would have been swallowed whole I went and close to my super powered Fist and fought the massive Dino one-on-one his thick scales and armor made it hard to deal much damage on top of that he was armed with incredible weapons spider Rex Unleashed a mighty Roar that sent a huge wave of projectiles at me I did my best to evade his moves and retaliate with my own we were neck and neck and I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to hold on I kept fighting and finally managed to overcome the Beast he dropped the razor web attack and I suddenly gained five Hearts sitting around and glitching is a death sentence I gotta get out of here I looked around and spotted the spider Rex's portal was still open but it was closing fast I sprinted full speed into the portal just as it closed for Good on days 40-43 I fell to the other side of the portal to discover I had returned to the spider Society there I was inside of a room full of Trapped anomalies I looked around and spotted POV imprisoned in one of the cages coming buddy I broke him out and told him that we needed to find Gwen quickly she was in trouble when I started to glitch out like crazy whoa slow down there you need to find a new bracelet otherwise you won't stay alive much longer come with me [Music] Bob and I kept our heads low and began to stealth around the spider infested facility we were keeping ourselves hidden when suddenly one of the guards Spidey senses went off come here quick pop and I shot our webs at a pillar and climbed upwards just in time before the spider guard found us with them off our tail we kept moving deeper keeping our guards up high finally we arrived at the room that held the bracelet but a Spider Woman was waiting outside I've got this one keep going without me pav walked out towards the woman and started to work his charm on her I thought an idea like that surely wouldn't work but to my surprise it did just the trick while she was distracted I snuck past them and snagged the multi-dimensional bracelet for myself time to save Gwen on days 44-46 I ride back in Pop's Dimension to find Gwen at the end of her rope Gwen are you okay I'm sorry I I couldn't defeat him it's up to you Max please take this Gwen handed me a pink and white sword just as Miguel came in close there you are are you going to keep running from me no way you're going down now I readied my new weapon and ran it towards Miguel little did I know that he had two blades of his own the two of us slashed into each other with all of our might it was spider vs Spider in an epic battle unlike any other thus far Miguel was quick on his feet dealing crazy attacks with his dual blades each hit he managed to land on me expelled a massive amount of energy that sent me flying into the air I used hobie's guitar to blast Miguel off of me and gain some more space once he was far I used my new razorwebs to slash him down he avoided the attacks the best he could but I was chipping him down bit by bit the two of us exchanged attacks blocking and slashing into each other each chance we had it was anyone's game we charge in the Lander finishing blows but suddenly a black hole ripped open beneath both Miguel and I we found fell into the darkness below unknowing of the horrors that would await us on days 47 through 50 I woke up inside of a massive white Boyd with Miguel there stood a strange man covered in black dots ah you're finally awake my Nemesis your what I used to be a normal person like you but because of the Reckless actions you took as Heroes I've been reduced to this terrible form I'm going to eliminate every last Spider-Man from all Dimensions you fool you're destroying the Multiverse as we know it this ends now Miguel charged in full speed of the villain only for them to teleport before he could land a hit he Unleashed a crazy attack that left Miguel unable to move my name's the spot remember it Miguel I couldn't leave him for Dead But the spot came for me next I took out Gwen's blade and maganda slash of the villain I used all my strength and speed to try and catch him but with his teleportation Powers he was too quick High swinging nothing but air I tried to pin him down with my webs but he was too fast for those too no matter what I did I couldn't land a single hit the spot hit me with an attack so powerful it left me at half a heart run Max I swallowed my pride and did as I was told I had to live another day if I hoped to save the rest of the Multiverse I opened the portal and rushed back to the base on days 51-54 I returned back to my base to find black holes had opened up all over the place the spot is already attacking I rushed inside to find the Gwen POV and the other Spider-Man were all taking cover from the attack what's going on I explained to them about my encounter with the spot his unbeatable power and how Miguel was in trouble I've got an idea Gwen ran outside of the base and set up some spider Society equipment she didn't have much time but luckily she was able to stabilize the space and close up the holes I won't hold forever you better make a plan together we discuss what we were gonna do next and decided that the spot was a bigger threat than Miguel we would have to save him and put an end to the evil Deeds of this new villain I think saving the guy that wants to kill you is a bit dumb we're heroes and heroes help people I'm sure he'll come around I already told y'all I don't use labels mate well let's make an exception this time in the meantime time I got to work on expanding the base for our new team member I added a room for pop that would remind him of Home including decor and colors that gave it that homey feel wow this is great Max thanks a bunch I also added more red blue and cyan colors for my spider base to better represent my spider people with that my expansion was complete afterwards I checked on Gwen who's monitoring the spider Society equipment these holes are going to reopen if you can't find me a Quantum gem block for the Machinery do you think you can find one for me you got it on days 55-57 I begin to search for the quantum gem that Gwen needed suddenly my Spider Sense went off I jumped back just the black hole appeared in front of me the spa but like clockwork a Hoards the spots goons appeared in the hole and charged towards me they surrounded me with overwhelming numbers I slowed them down by shooting my webs making it easier for me to pick them off one by one but they kept charging at me they slashed with their shadowy claws doing minimal damage unfortunately my webs couldn't slow down the whole herd so I flipped and dodged to keep my distance I blasted them away with my guitar from spider Punk using its powerful base to blast them away with them crowding me I pulled out Gwen's sword and was able to slash most of the goons as the pack was getting smaller I gained more space to dwindle their numbers eventually I managed to take out the Swarm and took this opportunity to find more Intel I jumped through the black hole Embrace myself when I arrived on the other side I found Miguel trapped inside of a cage help this cage is rigged with TNT if you can't save me before the time runs out it'll explode just then a massive Warden Dragon came out to face me I've never seen a mob like that before the spot must be pulling mods from other dimensions to attack me the warden Dragon goon charging me ready to my opponent around me fast and struck me when I couldn't defend myself I had to use my spider senses to counter-attack his strikes I use Gwen's sword to slash him down when he came close enough to attack its hulking fists rained down on me with immense board slowly draining my health but I was able to recover quickly to deal the same damage right back at it Miguel watched from the sidelines not able to help so it was up to me to take down this monster using every spider power I knew I fought with all my might but the monster was proven to be too powerful I was running out of time Miguel would be killed if I didn't act fast I have an idea I use my web swinging to pass the Beast and quickly free Miguel from his cage foreign Miguel and I ran away as the Monster Tail slowly behind unfortunately for him the TNT went off causing him to fall in the explosion behind us Miguel I don't have much time do you know where I can find a Quantum gem I saw some just south of here I thanked Miguel and had him set up towards the base while I continued my quest for the quantum Jenna I was running out of time so I didn't have a moment to until we're 61 Direction Miguel pointed me in to find a cave full of war in the wall I spotted the quantum gem waiting for me time to get digging I took out my pickaxe and started to dig however just as I finished mining it from the wall the gem shocked me ow what a weird rock little did I know I had started something terrible my bracelet started to beep wildly until it abruptly stopped and tons of portals opened All Around Me Oh no I think my bracelet is broken not knowing where the portals lead I opened another portal for myself to take me back home I write back just in the nick of time and handed to the quantum Jam over to Gwen we got here just in time great job suddenly my bracelet began to beat rapidly once again it was on the fritz I couldn't control my bracelet anymore I was teleported away to an unknown location on days 62-64 I appeared inside some sort of Western Dimension I tried to use my bracelet to head home but it wasn't working anymore I need to find a new bracelet quick I looked around and spotted a web Slinger on his worse I decided it was worth a shot asking him hey fellow Spiderman you wouldn't happen to have a multiversal bracelet I could use would you you think you can just ask me for my bracelet after running away earlier yes I'll only give you my bracelet if you can beat me in a standoff you're on the two of us stood in an open area with our weapons ready I waited in baited breath as he began to count down three two one we drew our web shooters and I fired mine first winning me the standoff unfortunately the Rogue web spooked his beloved horse companion the horse trotted off towards who knows where ah you scared my horse say bye to your prize what but I won not without my horse you didn't bring her back now I was out of options so I quickly ran and began to chase the horse as my only hope for the bracelet I finally caught up with her as night fell only to find the horse was being attacked by a group of zombies I couldn't let anything happen to the horse I swing in and duked it out with the monsters I had faced a lot of difficult foes up to this point and I couldn't let a horde of zombies stop me I used everything I had to take out each one one by one it seemed like The Horde was never ending for each one I killed two more would arrive I punch and slice through the rotten flesh and pushed through their onslaught of attacks the battle was tough but I managed to save the horse from the Swarm just then web Slinger caught up to me I saw what you did for my girl your worthy of my bracelet he handed over the bracelet like we agreed and I prepared the portal back to the base on days 65-68 I arrived at the base where Miguel was waiting for me still think I'm a bad guy uh thank you and sorry for the trouble I've been causing the spot is our main issue now so let's work together you [Music] I started by making a lab for researching and creating more Multiverse Tech we now had access to all the tools Miguel had to offer after that I added an underground room for Miguel that was full of all kinds of gadgets he could use to watch over the Multiverse finally I added a meeting room for all the spiders on my team to discuss plans on how we can defeat our new enemy spot with that my expansion was completed it's meeting time I gathered my whole team together and we sat around ready to listen to Miguel's briefing first I'd like to say sorry for almost killing all of you I'm a good guy I promise whatever mate it's in the past tell us how we're gonna be this Dalmatian guy the spots black holes are already appearing all over the Multiverse our best course of action will be to stop these disturbances and gather more Spider-Man for the team everyone agreed with Miguel and he told me the coordinates of the first Multiverse disturbance be careful the spot is stronger than anything any of us have faced before I I didn't have a moment to waste I hopped into the portal and went to my first destination unaware of the horrors that awaited me on days 69-72 I arrived inside of a cartoony dimension everything looked like a 2d drawing but something was horribly wrong it was full of black holes in the distance I spotted a giant hamburger monster crawling out one of the openings oh no you don't out of nowhere a spider pig jumped into The Fray that could be a new teammate I better help I followed up the pig and began to battle it out with a massive Burger although it was just a sentient piece of meat its giant science protected it from a variety of my attacks I tried to blast the Burger off of me using hobie's guitar but the monster continued to fight me like it was nothing I would have to take it on up close whether I liked it or not I took out Gwen's blade and began to slice down the burger to size meanwhile spider-ham tried to plant the monster and plays with his webs it was a difficult battle but between the two of us we gradually gained the upper hand without our forces combined me and spider-ham managed to take down the oversized sandwich ah thanks uh that which Spider-Man are you again I'm Max yeah I never heard of you suddenly we heard a loud roar coming from behind us we turned around and realized tons of burgers had emerged in the black holes there were too many for us to take on alone we have to run on days 73-75 spider ham and I flipped back to the base to take refuge my home it's being destroyed and I can't do anything to stop it I'm sorry we'll definitely go back I just need time to make a better plan just then miles walked up to us I think I can help you out come with me Max I followed miles until the two of us arrived at a training ground the place looked intense and dark clouds were getting together in the sky the weather doesn't look good are you sure it's okay to be out here definitely now let's get started with this on miles tossed over some iron armor what that'll attract the lightning to me exactly trust me I thought miles might have gone crazy but I did what he said anyways once I was fully equipped with armor Thunder began to strike in the distance I have a bad feeling about this just like I had predicted lightning came down from the sky and Zapped me hard I was left with low Health but I had gained five more hearts and a new electric ability whoa that actually worked thanks miles no problem Oh and for the finishing touches I removed my iron armor as miles took out a can of spray paint he began to spray my suit with a brand new palette to give myself my very own Spider-Man identity my suit was now a signature orange and purple time to save spider Ham's home on days 76 of 79 I returned with spider ham to his Dimension to find it festering with Burger monsters unfortunately for them with my new lighting Powers I was ready now for anything it's lunch time we engage in combat with the army of burgers they were just as insanely powerful as the first Monster but now I was up against an army luckily my training had made me much stronger thanks to my new Hearts I was able to take more attacks while dishing out damage on my own the horde of monsters all tried to devour me but I used my new electric Venom to zap him off of me I owned in my strength and electrocuted the Army in Mass the burgers fried and fell one by one thanks to my training with Miles I was able to take down every last one of The Intruders with the burgers now defeated the black holes closed up thank you so much for saving my home take this as a gift spider ham tossed over a cartoonish Hammer consider me an ally thanks ham before we could celebrate the horrible spot appeared out of nowhere I think that charade is enough to defeat me come on take eat this spot teleported into The Fray but spider ham started to fight him off when he had a chance he ripped open a new portal for me I'll hold him off go through this portal and meet my friend he should be able to help you I did as I was told and fell through the portal into an unknown dimension on days 80 through 83 I arrived inside of a black and white dimension in front of me was loads of police tape I was at the scene of a murder what happened here Mr who are you fella Out of the Shadows a Spider-Man in a black suit emerged before me he quickly shot me down with his webs making me unable to move uh oh before I knew it he had me sitting with him inside of an interrogation room I'm spider Noir private detective I'll ask again who are you uh I'm Max wrong answer tell me why you were at the scene of the crime it's all long story actually save your breath I know why you were there you're the killer what no I'm a Spider-Man like you I'd never kill anyone innocent I don't believe you you bought a cheap costume so you could trick me I'm ending this now things were going south quickly but I suddenly remembered I had something to prove my innocence I put the hammer spider ham gave me on the table your friend spider ham gave me this you have to believe me that is definitely his hammer you could tell by the cartoony shape of it you're right I'm sorry but if it wasn't you then who was responsible for the murder suddenly we spotted someone run by the window after them now on days 84-86 Noir and I pursued the mysterious suspect they were quick on their feet and something told me they weren't your typical civilian regardless we were ready to take on whoever it was no rni cornered the villain only to discover it was none other than Venom [Music] that's right now tell us were you responsible for the murder scene [Music] Venom charges ready to make us his latest meal he smashed his maso fist into the ground and caused the concrete to fly around us I knew that even though both Noir and myself were fighting him he still had enough strength to take his boat down if we weren't careful he hit us one after the other with his powerful attacks and there wasn't enough space to evade in the alleyway I lured the Symbiote out towards the mainstream to give us more footing and continued fighting in the open I shot him down at my webs to try and keep him from running and use all my powers to deal loads of damage he would break free from our web traps but Noir and I kept doing everything we could to hold him down the battle was tough but we were slowly getting an edge between the power of Noir and I we managed to take out the oversized symbiote upon his death he dropped the mysterious letter I've almost retrieved the void gem the spot asked me to find once I get it his plans will be completed and all Spider-Man will be eliminated from the Multiverse this is horrible they sound serious let me help you in your fight to take this guy down we'd be happy to have you the war officially joined my team and the two of us hurried back to the base to fill in the land of spidies 59 I returned to the base and called the meeting with all of our team members to my surprise spider-ham was there too you made it back safe don't underestimate me that spot guy got away though we have to do something yeah about that I quickly filled in the team on the letter the Noir and I discovered and the spots plans to eliminate all Spider-Man with the use of a void gem did you say void gem the artifact is incredibly powerful we have to find it first any ideas with all the gear at this base I'm sure I can find it but I'll need some time you got it since I had to wait I started to work on an expansion for the spider base I made a room for spider ham being sure to add plenty of cartoony elements to make the little guy feel at home finally I made a room for spider Noir completely out of black and white blocks it was like he was in his own dimension once I finish the room my expansion was complete time to check on Miguel I returned to Miguel's room and asked him for a status update I'm still working on finding it but I did notice another disturbance did you handle that in the meantime you got it got it on days 90 s 90 in ruin after some investigating I discovered that it was being destroyed by none other than Carnage Max wait aren't you me it's kind of a long story it just stopped doing that bud yeah sure as long as whoever is watching subscribes to the channel thanks man my Carnage counterpart stops its attack so I portal back to the base to see if the preparations were finally complete on days 93-95 I returned to the base and report it back to the team that was the mission uh it was kind of weird but I figured it out suddenly I heard a loud strum of a guitar that caused the whole base to tremble what was that I rushed To Source the music to find Hobie shredding away on his guitar it was Amplified stronger than anything I had heard before once he spotted me in his room he stopped playing so we could chat that was incredible how'd you do that oh it was a little trick I picked up let me show you I practice my guitar skills with Hobie and after A While My Guitar skills grew even stronger than before whoa this will definitely help us take out the spot thanks just then Miguel entered the room I finally have the coordinates of the Void gem but be careful did a dimension unlike anything I've ever heard of before I'm up for the challenge I gathered all my strength and set off towards the unknown Dimension I had a sinking feeling that my hardest challenge was just ahead on days 96 through 98 I arrived at the dimension to find that it was a massive Dark Void nothing was around me it was completely lifeless what kind of place is this here I turned towards the source of the sound to find another Prowler had emerged from the darkness another Prowler what's going on let's make this quick suddenly the prowler pounced onto me with tremendous Force he used his sharp claws to slice my health down little by little I retaliated with every weapon I held my Arsenal utilizing my guitar I sent shock waves in the prowess Direction but he wasn't stopping he continued forward stepping past some of my attacks I bombarded him with my electric Venom shocking every bone in his body nothing I was using was working he saw past every move I made like he knew what I was gonna do next I had no choice but to pull out all the stops even trying hand-to-hand combat but with his deadly claws of the ready that wasn't looking like a great idea even managed to deal the brunt force of Spider-Man's Hammer he was too strong I fought with all of my might but the prowler managed to knock me down to very low Health this is the end for you on day 99 I was at death's door when another portal ripped open before me to my surprise miles jumped through I'm here Max wait uncle Aaron no I'm your worst nightmare the prowler changes suit revealing that he wasn't who he thought he was he was Miles From Another Dimension what [Music] well that's stronger Miles Morales says he turned his sights on my Ally and the two began to fight it was good miles versus his evil counterpart the prowler was armed with his clawed gloves but miles only had fists the fight looked like it was gonna be one cycle but I could tell that Miles had the resolve to push through he punched to the prowler as fast as Lightning electrified him with his electric Venom the prowler was fast and managed to dodge some of his attacks but he couldn't escape all of them unfortunately he was able to dig his claws into miles 2 for massive damage the two went back and forth neither side giving in it looked like either of them could fall at any moment even so Miles kept fighting with all of his might the battle was fierce but in the end my miles managed to pull through he overpowered the prowler and took him down once and for all miles are you okay yeah but I can't move on with you take this get the void Jim you're our last hope miles handed me the potion of healing which would turn me back to full health thanks to him I was able to keep moving deeper into the void I had and this before it was too late on day 100 I walked deeper into the void until I finally spotted the void gem on a pedestal there it is suddenly the spot appeared out of nowhere in front of the pedestal shame that my minions couldn't stop you would have been easier for you to die that way but I guess it was always meant to be this way looks like I'll have to take this on myself out of my way you're not getting that it was now or never I had to take down the spot before you could complete master plan just like our previous encounter he was able to teleport around rapidly making it hard to get a hit on him all the while he was getting close and punch me for heavy damage I tried to use my webs to pin him into place but he managed to teleport out of my traps before I could land any real damage he was faster and more Fierce than anyone else I had faced this far but I didn't get all the way here just to fail I used my Spidey Sense to predict the spot's movements and finally managed to land attacks back I had a wide Arthur of weapons to use on him now I cycled between hobie's guitar Gwen's blade Miles Electric Venom and Ham's Hammer to deal damage into my foe we went back and forth trading hit after head I was getting closer and closer to defeat but I could tell the spot was getting weaker too I held on for the fate of the Multiverse and all of my spider friends I'd made along the way I mustered up all my strength and landed one final blow the spot fell to my power and I took him down once and for all I did it suddenly I felt myself grip from this reality to the next a little girl's voice called out to me on day one I was walking with my daughter Cassie I love you Daddy I love you too sweetie I'll always be by your side suddenly King the Conqueror appeared before us we broke our deal Max so now you'll pay the price deal what deal the world around us began to change a new builds appeared out of nowhere what's going on timelines are already beginning to merge now for one more thing just when I thought it couldn't get any worse Cassie was teleported next to Kang good luck finding us in the quantum realm I rushed into Sabers but Kang vanished leaving behind Mysterio in his place is bad news out of my way I put on my mask and rushed into battle as Sandman I had the power to shrink to microscopic signs I tried as hard as I could to grow but I wasn't strong enough yet small would have to do for now I did my best to dodge Mysterio's Fire magic but he was still able to get a few hits on me due to its spreading capabilities even so he was having a hard time hitting me with my small size I was able to get in close and land powerful melee attacks and started to become too much for him thanks to my Powers I was able to take down Mysterio I have to find the quantum realm but how on day two I explored the Overworld for Clues on how to get to the quantum realm during my travels I found Spider-Man fighting another Spider-Man what the the two spideys were very skilled Fighters and were taking care of this face to face with their fists they both shot webs at each other and tried to evade attacks with their athleticism despite their differences in appearance I could tell they were both evenly matched the longer the fight continued I noticed this wasn't going too far so I rushed in to break up the fight alright break it up this spider lady is an imposter I don't even know how I got here this must be because Kang is merging the timelines whoa wait a sec yeah I've read about this before if you're serious and this timeline is about to be visited by all of the craziest superheroes and super villains the Multiverse has ever seen wow if I was the audience I would want to watch until the end to see who they all are with things resolved I answered the two of them wanted to join my team sure I'm going by the way and I'm miles sweet I'm Max on day three I started exploring for a place to build my base I found a good spot and left the two spideys there while I gathered materials on the way I ran into a little ant hey my name's Max you're so cute thanks whoa you can understand me I guess so well I guess it's an Ant-Man thing I wonder if I could build an Ant-Man Army one day The Ant and I parted ways and I started punching some trees for wood and used my new materials to craft a pickaxe next I mined for some Stone and use that to make some stone tools once I had enough materials I returned home and got to work got a simple structure I made sure there were three rooms so each of us had our own and added a crafting bench and furnace not a bad start all of that building had really worked up an appetite so I went to search for some food during my travels I spotted a creeper picking on Doctor Strange leave him alone I sprang to battle and took out the creeper lickety-split are you okay foolish Little Hero thanks for saving me now I'll be able to take over the world what at that moment I realized that this was a Doctor Strange from a different timeline he attacked me with all of the incredible powers of the sorcerer he was able to do a variety of magical attacks on me dwindling my health down from afar I use my shrinking powers to get in close and slash him down with my stone sword at my small size it was hard to hit me so I was able to evade most of his projectiles hey Max craftians like the video please oh and watch me slam dunk on this fool yeah it was difficult but I managed to defeat the dark Mage upon his death he dropped some food as well as a strange map titled Dr Pym Pam he made my super suit so maybe he can help me find the quantum realm with my new lead I followed the map unaware of the disaster that awaited me on days four through seven I arrived at Dr pim's laboratory only to find that it was engulfed in flames what the I rushed inside the facility to find the WASP fighting off a group of spider pigs I quickly charged in to lend her a hand the spider pigs had us in numbers and trapped us to the ground in their sticky webs I used my shrieking powers to avoid getting hit by their attacks while Landing powerful blows of my own the WASP wasn't too bad either she was an incredibly skilled hero with wings to boot between the two of us we managed to take down every last batty I recognize that tech Anywhere how'd you get my dad's suit uh I kinda stole it you what it's a long story did you kidnap my father no absolutely not in a fit of rage the WASP began to attacking me what the the two of us duked it out fist to fist I tried to shrink down and give her the one up but to my surprise she was able to shrink too we had a mini battle of Epic Proportions I switched to my stone sword to try and dish out more damage but she was tougher than the other foes I had faced thus far we brawl to the best of our abilities but she was too strong I was beginning to lose truce truce I find it hard to believe my dad would have been kidnapped by a wimp like you that's what I've been trying to tell you your dad wanted me to steal it it's complicated then where did my dad go I don't know but I'd like to help you find him on days 8 through 11 the wasp and I continue to search for Dr Pam as we headed deeper into the lab we discovered a secret trap door weird the two of us went down the ladder into the underground all around us were sprawling tunnels like a maze what in the world did your dad build this no way this has to be the work of someone else well I'm guessing your dad is at the end of it so let's move the wasp and I split up and began to navigate The Labyrinth the place was full of twists and turns and even traps to boot I better be careful I misstepped and set off a pressure plate trap thankfully I was able to shrink down and avoid the arrows sheesh who set this up I continued onwards taking care not to hit any more pressure plates or tripwires finally I reached the end of the maze to find Dr pimp unfortunately Nightcrawler also stood waiting man the Multiverse is really acting up night crawler attacked he was strong and attacked of the flurry of moves to put me in my place strength wasn't his only Pro he was also incredibly athletic he could jump Great Heights to evade my attacks while using his teleportation abilities to trip me up even further I use my suit to try and evade his Onslaught while bringing on one of my own but I was beginning to fall behind grow Lodge what I can do that yes of course concentrate and you should be able to increase in mass and punching power I did what he said and was able to grow a little larger than a normal human it wasn't much but it was just the advantage I needed to take down the blue mutant once that was over I freed the doctor from his prison are you okay Dr Pim call me Hank thanks to you I am let's get out of here on day is 12-14 I headed back to the base with Dr Pym and the WASP so let me get this straight Kang put you inside that maze yes he's got an odd sense of humor and thought no one would be able to solve it it honestly wasn't that hard he's also arrogant thinks he's smarter than he is he's more powerful than we think he is though so we need to stop him as soon as we can what do you need a new lab okay I'll get right to work I built a tunnel beneath the base and started carving out a large underground area after a lot of digging I finally had a large rectangular room as well as Cobblestone coal and iron this could be useful later next I got to work on populating the lab with new items I use a variety of different blocks Dr pimp gave me to fill the place up until it was a functional lab finally I added a small bedroom to the corner for the doctor to sleep after a lot of work pimlab's 2.0 was complete you like it Dr Pim it'll do oh man on days 15 through 18 I stepped outside to find that the world was more again the blocks around me were changing and at a more rapid Pace than before this is insane suddenly a block beneath me transformed into a lava pit before I could fall to my death the wasp swooped in and saved me I wish my suit had wings the WASP lowered me back to the ground thank you so much don't mention it she flew off and Hank ran outside Mercy what do we do Dr Pam we need to get to the quantum realm and stop Kang but the only way to do that is with a Quantum tunnel I built you a lab can you use that well to build a Quantum tunnel I'm going to need a lot of brain power I need the help of other talented scientists like Tony Stark Bruce Banner Mr Fantastic Dr Otto Octavius and more Dodger Pim left to return to his lab in an alternate version of Tony Stark appeared before me that's convenient excuse me Mr Stark what's that Tech you're wearing I'm gonna take it for myself the evil Tony attacked me with everything he had he was able to fly and shoot a powerful beam from his Arc Reactor to make me a harder Target I shrink down and began to evade his attacks he reigned satellite missiles from above to throw me on but I still manage to avoid them and Pummel them down up close after a long battle I managed to take him down okay I had to make sure I'm not talking to the evil alternate versions noted on day 19 I was getting ready to sleep for the night good night Dad I love you I love you too sweetie hi Miss kansi so much hang in there sweetie all of us went to bed for the night when suddenly I had a dream I was standing in a mysterious realm that was shrouded in fog there were strange colored blocks floating all around me where am I and why is it so familiar just then I spotted Cassie running through the Mist Cassie come back I tailed behind her trying to catch up but she was always just a bit ahead eventually she turned a corner and vanished leaving only Kang in her place you give me back my daughter remember our deal Max suddenly I woke up in a cold sweat was that the quantum realm but I've never been there why do I recognize it on days 20-24 Dr pimp told me to seek out the first scientists is on my mission time to look for Mr Fantastic I traveled far and wide eventually coming into a desert as I traveled the TVA teleported in front of me whoa who are you you're violating the sacred timeline come with me sir sacred timeline uh I think you're looking for King the Conqueror not me are you Ant-Man yeah then you're coming with us I have more important things to do I began to walk away when they suddenly shouted he's resisting take him down huh they hit me on the head and everything went dark on days 25-29 I woke up trapped inside the TVA where am I this place is whack just then I realized my suit was missing there was no way to escape before I could call for help a strange man who walked into the room you have to let me go the fate of the entire Multiverse is at stake something's been off at the TVA for a while okay I'll help you you have to find a suit and escape yourself you got a deal my name's Max by the way I'm Mobius good luck Mobius let me go and I went on my way I began to sneak around the TVA to look for a way to escape I went through Hall after Hall but the place was never ending come out come out wherever you are suit just then I spotted a TVA employee wearing my suit hey that's mine ah much better I pressed on until I found another TVA agent with a strange remote hey I think that's how they travel the Multiverse I grew big and charge in to claim the remote for myself we started whacking each other with our swords but his hits were too strong for me I shrank down small so he couldn't hit me and kept on swinging my sword eventually I started wearing him down and grew big again to finish him off with one final blow the agent went down and I got the remote here goes nothing I used the remote and teleported away on days 3233 I was teleported back to the base wow what are the odds .0005 you got Beyond Lucky Max I turned around and spotted Mobius I can't thank you enough how can I repay you for getting me out of there let me stay here the TBA is bad news I want to save the Multiverse but not their way you got a deal I got to work on a room for Mobius making sure it had a bit of TVA charm to make him feel at home next I expanded the base more in general so there was plenty of space for any future recruits once the base was well expanded I decided to go hunting for some more food on my way out I almost fell into the lava pit whoa this is still here I gotta fill it in I filled in the lava hole and then it went out to kill some sheep and pigs for their meat and wool afterwards I cooked the mutton and pork chops and placed them into a chest looks like we don't have to worry about food for now it was time to continue my search for Heroes but Hank ran into the doorway I'm getting crazy seismic readings on days 34-37 Hank and I spotted a dimension portal opening up nearby we're colliding with another dimension be very cautious who knows what's on the other side just then Doctor Doom appeared in front of the portal he looked a bit different though doctor Dooms I don't know it's the before I could contest Doctor Doom attacked me he shot at me with some crazy magical attack that did a ton of damage I did my best to getting close and attack with my sword but I knew at this rate I'd lose too much health I shrunk down to avoid his magical blasts and continued my Onslaught Doctor Doom didn't let up and continue to shoot his powerful attacks at me looks like I have to bring out the big guns oh I grew a bit bigger and went in with more power than before I slashed and slashed with my sword until it was on the verge of breaking I fought as hard as I could but it was no use he was too powerful please I'm not the one responsible for this when I thought I was finished Mobius arrived TVA agent here everything he said is true Moby's explained the entire situation to Doctor Doom and told him the real villain here was king of My Universe [Music] don't worry I got this very well it's just through that portal oh and take this you're gonna need it Dr Doom tossed over a molten sword sweet I won't let you down I hop through embraced myself for what was coming next on days 38-41 I spotted Dr Doom's lab on the other side of the port Turtle perfect this will be easy peasy as I was about to enter the lab I was stopped by the Fantastic Four didn't we tell you to stop coming around Victor's lab Scott Scott [Music] hey Ben you want to crack at the Ant-Man this time it would be my pleasure the other Heroes left leave me alone with the thing the thing chugs of sand flying at me as he pounded the ground with his fists I dodged but the shrapnel still managed to get a few hits in I figured it was a good time to try out the new molten sword Dr Doom gave me I hit the thing with it and it caught him on fire whoa that's sweet the fire didn't stop the thing though and he continued his attack I tried to fight back but I didn't want to kill a hero he then jumped into the air and landed with a heavy thud hitting me with a strong shock wave I decided to shrink myself causing the thing to become confused as he had a hard time seeing me I used the advantage to get some better hits on him with my sword as he attacked the air where he thought I was he started to weaken and I grew again still dodging his heads you got the wrong guy suddenly the evil Ant-Man made his appearance there are two of you who love me love me with that goody good y good I'm pure evil see he said it himself help me take him down let's do it evil Ant-Man flew down and we began to fight him I slash hit him with my sword and he used his armored fist to fight back the thing hit him as well but evil landman managed to dodge and continued hitting his bows the thing tried to help but he was too weak from our previous battle he was forced to retreat leaving me alone with evil Ant-Man let's have some fun yeah why not evil Ant-Man and I shrunk down and continued our brawl we sped around each other making our hits more difficult to land luckily for me my molten sword had better reach even with our speed we grew again and he tried to block as I swung at him the Flames for my sword broke through his defenses and I caught him off guard with one final blow I managed to take down the evil Ant-Man I went ahead and took his suit which gave me a flight upgrade and three more Hearts time to get that equipment on days 42-45 I headed into the lab finally time to get moving I gathered all the equipment Dr Doom need as I was about to leave Mr Fantastic walked inside you're not gonna kill me are you the thing told me everything I'll help with this multiversal problem too cool follow me I returned to the base with Mr Fantastic and gave Dr Doom his materials away go back in the Beats while they worked I decided it was time to expand the base some more I used the wool I had to make sure each room was color coordinated for their respective hero sunflower is a nice touch I figured you'd like it I also worked on a garden outside the base so all of my lovely Aunt friends could enjoy too afterwards I went mining where I gathered plenty of iron and coal I went home and fell to the iron into ingots and crafted myself some iron tools better late than never once I was finished I returned to the lab to find that the quantum tunnel was halfway done it's looking good guys we're halfway there to saving my daughter in the whole Multiverse The two scientists prepared to leave and I decided it was time to get some rest on day 46 I was having another dream of the quantum realm I'm here again just like before Cassie emerged behind me sobbing I don't remember why did I make a deal suddenly I was transported back inside of my old home there were lights flashing and cops standing outside my window open up convict it's over no please I have to stay here with my daughter out of nowhere Tang appeared I can now I can clear you of your past what do I have to do all you have to do is offer me your life done with our agreement made the lights return to normal and the cop banished along with Kang is it over Daddy Cassie ran through the door happily to me everything was okay just then I woke up I made a deal with Kang to clear my criminal history but why did I break it before I had time to think Mobius ran into the room come quick there's two green monsters fighting nearby that must be Bruce Banner in another version of the Hulk I gotta go on days 47-50 I traveled to find the Hulk's Mobius had told me about with my new Wings it would be a piece of cake this suit rocks I spotted the two in the distance but they weren't fighting oddly enough they were actually arguing with each other hope not bat Hulk big bold spot Hulk fat the normal Hulk looked infuriated in began attacking smart Hulk with two hulks in the area someone was definitely going to get hurt I rush in to stop the situation from getting any worse hey big guy you better chill out or else all right I warned you I immediately shrunk down to begin wailing on him it was easy to evade his punches with my small size the Hulk blindly tried to attack me but he was only wearing himself out you can't catch me gradually his attacks became slower and eventually he tired himself out looks like I won this fight the Hulk finally reverted back to his human self I know this is kind of sudden but would you be up for helping me with the quantum tunnel they both looked at me and agreed so I tossed them a map to the base suddenly the WASP blew up to me there you are I've been looking all over for you it's time for you to start training on days 51-53 I was taken to a training area with the WASP to see where you're at you're going to fight me give it all you got we started fighting right away I slash her with my sword and she punched and dodged I set her on fire and she rolled to try and put out the Flames after a little bit of punching and slashing I took the skies and she followed we flew around each other and I got several good hits in as I flew Past after we landed I grew and knocked her down even more I thought for sure that I would win with my growing ability however despite all of my efforts the WASP suddenly grew Giant and put me in my place I knew you could grow but you can grow that big yep I'll show you how for the first lesson the WASP had me take to the skies and fly through an aerial obstacle course I dodge and weed doing my best to make it through E2 next I was put over a pit of boiling lava and told to jump from platform to platform I did my best to clear each jump being careful not to slip finally it was time for the third lesson shrinking and growing you're going to shrink and grow repeatedly to build some stamina this is just what you need to grow big if you say so I grew and drank repeatedly trying my best to build as much stamina as possible almost there suddenly my suit malfunctioned and I wasn't able to grow ah I'm stuck small whoops stay there I'll get some help the WASP blew off leaving me all alone I better stay put I'm really vulnerable just then a tarantula hawk emerged out of nowhere I took off running as the tarantula hog chased me as fast as it could I eventually shook it off when a horrible feeling of dread came over me am I lost on days 54-57 I was lost as a tiny Ant-Man I tried everything to find a way home but with my suit on the fritz using my wings was impossible what am I gonna do just then an ant walked up to me please you have to help our colony is being terrorized by spiders take me there the ant took me inside of an ant hill and sure enough it was crawling with Fighters time to get to work I slides my way through the hordes of bugs until finally reaching the center of the Ant Hill there the Queen Spider stood waiting well looks like my meal has arrived more like your worst nightmare the spider rushed in at me with great speed thanks to her eight legs she was able to quickly evade my attacks all the while she shot websed me from afar to try and overwhelm me I had to calculate each move carefully if I wanted to land a hit I managed to slice her down with my molten sword dealing bird damage each chance I got little by little I took her help down and things were starting to go in my favor with one more blow the Spider Queen was slain once and for all he did it all hell's a new Queen actually I'm a boy oh hell Queen Max Queen Max I turned around and realized the WASP had shrunk it down to look for me I think it's time to go the two of us left the colony and the WASP quickly repaired my suit try to grow giant now here goes nothing I harnessed all of my training and grew bigger than I ever had before wow that training really worked before I could celebrate miles ran over in a panic a strange city just appeared come quick on days 58 through 60 miles and I arrived at the city be careful going inside what do you mean there's nothing to worry about I took a step in and suddenly everything turned black and white what the heck I felt uneasy but I pressed on deeper into the city I didn't know where I was headed but I was about to face something unlike anything I had faced before as I was walking clouds formed above me I looked up and spotted him on top of the buildings was none other than Spider-Man Noir looks like we have a trespasser he jumped down from above and began to attack me I pulled out my sword and readied myself Spider-Man the war came at me and started throwing punches I managed to block him just in time he stepped back and started shooting webs of me freezing me in place I did my has to struggle out of the webs and then flew up before he could pin me down again he grappled up the side of the building with his web shooting and I followed him up to the top we continued fighting on the building I shrink down and buzzed around him he couldn't keep up with me and was punching and shooting webs at the sky in vain he jumped to another building while still trying to spot me and I got in several hits with my sword he was persistent and kept punching me despite being caught on fire it was difficult but I managed to take the hero down what was that for I'm defending this place from anyone who comes here they could be working for Dr Octavius he's here out of nowhere Doc Ock made his appearance on days 61-63 I was face to face with Doc Ock this is perfect I need your help to make the quantum tunnel why would I help a goody goody like you great this one is evil the doc jumped into his Mech and had a battle of Epic Proportions Spider-Man was too wounded to help me in battle so I was on my own he shot at me with grenades and I avoided him the best I could I was on top of a narrow bridge he pushed me down the bridge until I was forced down onto the ground he was too powerful and I couldn't hang on for much longer when suddenly I Heard a Voice my ant Army swarmed the city and went after dock off with everything they had they ran into the doctor cornering him next to a building they may have been small but they were Mighty Doc Ock and his Mech didn't stand a chance against the swarm of pincers ah I Surrender I Surrender with my new allies we were able to take down the vicious scientist please spare me if you help me take down Kang then I'll consider it wait Did you say Kang I hate you but in my timeline we hate King the Conqueror even more you got yourself a deal just then Spider-Man the war walked up thanks for the help I'd love to join your cause the more the merrier on days 64-67 I returned home with Spider-Man the war and Doc Ock there's another one how many Spider-Man are there I know right one is enough of a nightmare Doc Ock left to help out Dr Pim so I decided it was time to make room for the newest member of the team I built Spider-Man to war his own room taking extra care to use black black gray and white blocks so he felt more at home next I got to work on a proper ant hill for my ant Army to come and go as they pleased things have been much more lively around here with my expansion complete I returned to Dr Pam to see how things were going thanks to all the help he's gotten the quantum tunnel was even further along I got you another scientist do you think this will be finished soon yes but I still need some more manpower suddenly the machines in the lab began to beep wildly what's happening I rushed outside to find the world was shifting again blocks were changing rapidly until they suddenly stopped is it over just then a massive robot fell from the sky I charged instead of Ablaze with my sword it retaliated with a shock wave I flew up in Dodge as a shot down beam from the sky I darted around and avoided the blast of the best of my ability getting a good hit was difficult with the robots range attacks so I grew to my larger size now I could strike it much easier and stomp through its shock waves the robot kept trying to shoot me but I managed to fly past the lasers and hit it again and again with one final blow the robot Was Defeated upon its death it dropped a map titled the professor and a firefly weapon that shot projectiles could this lead to Professor X I have to find out on days 68 through 70 I knew the journey ahead would be rough so I decided to get some shut eye before leaving I fell into another dream where I was once again in the mysterious Quantum realm this again I looked around and spotted a doorway I had never seen before what's through there before I could walk through another version of me walked by what the where does he think he's going I left the door for now and followed my clone until he arrived at a clearing where Kang was I could tell this was a vision from my past I hid in spite on them while they talked you remember our little deal don't you you promised your loyalty of course I do but this is too far it doesn't matter what you think you cannot tell the other Heroes of my plans if I don't then you'll merge all the timelines and tear apart reality as we know it what about your precious Cassie she rolled to live in a minute anymore you'll regret the day you broke my trust Max it's Lumber I broke the promise to save the world I guess King acted before I could tell the others I have to get to the quantum realm and fix things as soon as I can on days 71-74 I set out to find the location on the map when I arrived at the location it seemed like nothing was there was this all a joke I'm afraid not ah who said that I am Professor X I'm speaking to you through your mind I was trapped underground then I better get digging I started to dig down and to my surprise discovered a trapdoor bingo I headed to the door and entered an underground facility there Professor X was being kept inside of a high-tech prison I'm coming just then Wolverine jumped down in front of me not on my watch let me guess you're an evil variant of Wolverine from another timeline you charging me with everything he had he had with his insane claws he slice and dice me down in size he would take out chunks of my help with almost every hit I thought this fight was almost impossible to win I use my molten sword to catch him on fire whenever I could but he just kept on coming I took this guys and shot my Firefly projectiles in his Direction but even that wasn't enough eventually he cornered me and attacked with a devastating blow I can't lose not here suddenly I grew Giant and attacked Wolverine with a second wave I didn't sign up for this the Evil Wolverine ran for his life and he realized he was clearly outmatched with my towering size I chase after him as he cowardly retreated after a difficult battle I'm managed to defeat Wolverine woohoo I shrink back to normal and freed Professor X from his prison thank you for saving me how can I return the favor can you build a Quantum tunnel you've got it on day 75-78 I arrived back at the base with Professor X and introduced him to Dr Pam thank you for everything Max we'll start working right away while they worked on the quantum tunnel I decided to start making small improvements to the base I started by changing around some of the blocks for the main structure so that it really screamed Ant-Man next I improved my own room for a change making it also coordinate to my hero identity once I was done building I went mining into my luck found diamond score I use my new materials to upgrade my suit with some diamond boots finally with my task complete I headed back to the lab to check on the scientists are things almost done yes but I'm missing one more pot and only Tony stock would have it then I know my next mission on days 79 through 81 I flew to the sky in search of Tony Stark where do you find a billionaire as I saw I spotted a puppy stuck on a roof in the middle of a lake oh no I rushed down and use the materials at my disposal to build the bridge across the water once I was finished the puppy ran over to the other side oh you're so cute I'm gonna call you noodles suddenly the blocks around me began to shift again to my horror the puppy transformed into fenrir the massive demon dog uh nice Noodles noodle shot at me with flaming Sparks I retaliated with my molten sword but he was resistant to its Flames he had some crazy chain power that wrapped Me In Chains and I tried to avoid them unfortunately I kept getting hurt by the Magna blocks all around us as I dodged I flew up to get away and decided I needed a better Advantage I shranked down and flew back into battle My Size made his attacks much less effective I could get much closer to him now and slash denim like crazy it was a difficult battle but I managed to overcome the mud R.I.P noodles just then clouds began to gather in the sky oh great what now lightning struck down from the heavens and Thor appeared before me hello tiny man four oh my gosh I'm a huge fan hold your plus mortal I am actually here to thank you for defeating the horrible finria it's not a problem actually you're an Avenger do you know where I could find Tony I think I actually saw him on a mountain just east of here then that's my next stop I took the skies and headed east in search of the mountain after flying for a while I finally spotted it and landed at its peak this is very tranquil huh that's not the Tony for my universe excuse me before I could reach him a grizzly bear jumped out of the bushes and attacked me I won't let you hurt Tony I hit the bear with my sword and it angrily turns his attention to me it had a powerful bite so I had to keep jumping away as I fought back at one point it even nearly knocked me off of the mountain peak I was thankful for my awesome Wings after some struggle I managed to defeat the bear did you see that I turned and noticed that Tony was still meditating uh hello are you dead despite my efforts Tony was too deep in his meditation I waited for him to wake up for what felt like hours until I fell asleep on days 86-89 I was woken up by Tony boo ah Tony I need your help I'm not actually the Tony you know though from my timeline on the sorcerer's Supreme could you still help me I'm not going to cut my vacation short besides you're not mindful enough can you make me more mindful ugh fine with his incredible magic Tony teleported me and himself into a different Universe whoa now watch carefully he began to cast incredible magic unlike anything I had seen before he wasn't lying he really was the sorcerer Supreme now you try I did my best to mimic his techniques but nothing seemed to work no no no no no think about what you're doing think okay I focus harder than before but instead of Performing magic I grew giant I even managed to gain seven more Hearts well that works too 20 returned us to the real world and I returned to my normal size now that I'm mindful you want to team up sure but let's be quick about it Tony tossed over a new set of armor I put it on and it increased my resistance wow thanks on days 90-92 I returned home with sorcerer Tony and brought him to Dr Pim hey Pim look who I found he gave him the final piece we needed an arc reactor to power the machine Max I need to warn you about the quantum realm it's a world where time and space don't make sense how you understand them yeah I've been there in my dreams a couple of times but it just felt like normal dream stuff well the experience is totally different in person you'll need something to help you with your sanity he handed me an amulet that would filter my perception of the realm don't take that off or you'll totally lose your mind alright now back to my vacation with that Tony left and Pim and I resumed our conversation just give me a little more time and the tunnel will be completed awesome while I waited I finished expanding my base and put some finishing touches around with my base finished I did some final preparations for the journey ahead and returned to Dr Pim the quantum tunnel was completed and ready to use okay I'm ready the WASP came to send me off and I said my final goodbyes good luck out there we're all rooting for you here goes nothing with that I entered the portal and traveled into the quantum realm on days 93 through 95 I came through on the other side and I was in the quantum realm whoa this place is even crazier in person it was so much brighter than in my dreams and I could see so much further it seemed to go on indefinitely in every direction now where is that evil monster Kang I traveled around for a long time but I couldn't find him anywhere it was nothing but chunks of colorful energy in every direction I can't give up I had to keep going for Cassie eventually I came across some sort of doorway huh looks familiar I cautiously entered and I ended up in a space that looked totally different this is weird suddenly a strange floating head man descended from above well well well well I see you have entered my realm who are you it is I modak the super villain you came here to defeat but you would never stop me uh I actually came here for King the Conqueror well in any case I will destroy you Hitman you will never reach King the Conqueror Over My Dead Body I charge him to fight him but he uses psychic powers on me and I started to lose consciousness no Cassie before I knew it I was asleep on days 96 through 98 I was sent into a nightmare I was standing in a Dark Void with Modoc floating across from me where did you take me into the world of my wonderful mind here in the dream world you're all mine I'd like to see you try and defeat me Iron Man just taught me how to control my spirit as I said that I pulled out an awesome Spirit sword that I manifested with my mind whoa awesome you call that manifesting in response Modoc transformed into a huge horrible monster we charge at each other and began to fight I realized that my wings were gone so I had no choice but to fight from the ground he started by giving me blindness making it harder to see around me but that wasn't enough to stop me I used my fist to knock him back he began summoning lightning around me I did my best to obey the strikes but it became harder to Dodge I pulled out my spirit sword to deal more damage but it just wasn't cutting it he was way too wrong I couldn't beat him just then I remembered what Tony had taught me and began to focus on honing my spiritual energy after a few moments I began to grow huge with one stop of my huge foot I stepped on Modoc and woke up after waking up I realized I had grown huge in the quantum realm too please start me I'll do anything here I have a map to find Kang the Cocker I shrink back the normal size and he toss me a map I looked at it and it was super confusing but I had a feeling it would lead me to the right direction anyway huh thanks I decided to spare him instead off to find the portraits where I knew Kang was waiting for me on day 99 I traveled through another door and ended up back in the chaotic Quantum space I traveled around some more following this crazy confusing map I have no idea what this thing says but I feel like it's this way after wandering for a while I found another door how many doors am I gonna find this has to be it upon entering it led me to a whole new region there it is somehow King's Fortress was standing right in front of me inside I spotted a portal that led to where Kang was hiding I tried to enter the Fortress but suddenly Thor appeared uh-oh you're not evil Thor are you oh yeah I'm super evil dang it how did you even get here do not worry about Such trivial things please let me through I'm just trying to save my daughter not to mention the fate of the universe is at stake nope not gonna happen fine I charged an evil Thor and soon we were locked in battle I used my wings to take our battle to the skies Thor uses Hammer to follow behind me luckily I was fast enough to avoid lightning strikes I used my Firefly weapon to shoot projectiles at home and on his location I couldn't keep flying forever so I brought the fight back to the ground I was running circles around him and getting punches in here and there but he eventually started reading my moves and released an onslaught of attacks Thor was destroying me just when I thought all hope was lost I remembered my ant Army I called upon them and somehow they made it into the quantum Realm worked they all stormed evil Thor and while he was distracted I ran into the Fortress and threw the portal on day 100 I arrived on the other side and there he was with Cassie right beside him Cassie oh what a touching reunion Let Her Go you monster you should have never betrayed me Max this is your punishment this is what you deserve Tang put on his helmets and grew much larger I'm not scared of you I'm saving my daughter and the timelines I took out my wings and charged him to fight him he retaliated with his laser weapons Kang was incredibly strong and fired a flurry of fire attacks at me I used my molten sword to get him a blaze whenever I could get the chance unfortunately even burn damage wasn't enough to take him down I took the disguise and shotted him with my Firefly weapon and even shrank down small to try and catch him off guard Tang was always one step ahead though and even had an ice attack that protected him whenever I got too close looks like I'll have to fight fire with fire I grew giant to match his size and charged in we started fighting hand in hand and he was a master of martial arts I was starting to get the upper hand and wear him down but then he came at me quick and before he could react he destroyed the amulet around my neck oh I need that I know your weak mind couldn't handle the effects of the quantum realm without the amulet my vision started to warp the effects of the quantum realm were driving me crazy Cassie I knew I couldn't give up and just as I was about to lose Consciousness I remember Tony's teachings again okay okay just need to focus my spirit as I focused everything went calm and I regained some control in my mind it's dealt a huge final blow and Kane the Conqueror was conquered yes I did it Cassie we're going home
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 5,191,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nKzbCcJigvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 17sec (14357 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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