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today we are playing sunkee schoolhouse but we are going to unlock the top secret ending to this game we explore sunkee schoolhouse as dr robotnik but we actually get the secret ending where the roles are reversed and you explore dr robotnik's laboratory as sunkee this is a super fun video with lots of hidden secrets inside let's go [Music] what is up guys welcome to this episode i'm laggy bob yeah today we're seeing if we can unlock the secret ending in sunkee schoolhouse i've finally done it the emerald detector is finally complete time to test it out aha what luck all seven emeralds seem to be located in this very schoolhouse and it's run by sunky this is almost too easy [Laughter] well that didn't work time for plan b [Music] robotnik robotnik no no you've been mistaken i'm his twin brother robotnik oh my mistake come on in or according to plaid i guess now i just have to walk around till my detector starts beeping like crazy are we done in no time okay cool so we're playing as dr robotnik we're controlling him so what he has is like a chaos emerald locator and he found seven inside sunkee school house now guys we played this game and we literally escaped this game we beat it with one second on the clock but we heard if we didn't escape at the very end you get transported to a secret ending bro yes guys so we are going to play this game and try to unlock secrets all throughout the game this is such a fun game all right let's talk to sunki well you can pet him that's awesome guys this game's lit now we gotta explore the schoolhouse and find all seven of the chaos gym emeralds okay guys we're gonna find every single chaos emerald and then hopefully we get some secrets along the way and unlocked a huge secret game at the very end this is gonna be so lit guys okay math let me go in here i guess you can't go in there yet okay okay this is so cool guys there's all sorts of secrets on here probably so some doors are locked yeah i'm gonna go in here if there's one thing i hate in this order semester let's just get this one with okay math math class oh cool like sunky yeah sunky is cool everybody be cool okay now we gotta do math bro two times two two times two is four okay nice or it's 22. i'm not sure four come on yeah all right four plus one is five got it four is forty one yeah all right eight plus zero that's a trick question dude that's eight plus egg oh like dr eggman yeah exactly which i think is eight yeah eight plus zero is eight please work guys we open this okay guys so far so good there's sunky hey sunky okay now what do we do okay nine minus six what's that uh we might have to add the lanky box what is that item nine minus six is three yes three i bet it's three okay okay okay okay 15 minus six that's too difficult we're gonna ask you about lanky pogba says beep beep beep calculating it is nine it's nine oh nine see i'm good at math dude all right nine good night guys we're gonna beat this whole game and we heard this is secreting because last time we made it out we got like the good ending but we literally made it with one second left on the clock if you don't make it out you might get transported to like a different ending game right guys it's gonna be insane okay well some rings thanks sunky wow i love the sound when you pick up the ring wait we just went a circle it says tips on how to be cool like sunky be cool like sunken some pretty good tips okay okay what do we do now okay it says sunky is watching oh wow that's creepy hey guys so we're dr robotnik and we like snuck into the school because we said we're not dr robotnik we're his twin brother oh wow right at the start yeah i'll talk to this person hello bro dora open up um probably a secret door opened up guys yeah probably can i go in here again i think there was a door by one of the sonics are you oh here you go up this way oh got it we gotta beat all the floors and get the chaos emeralds here we go okay wow wow okay okay where are we going now go this way guys we gotta be careful okay okay let's go this way nice oh well it's tails no way look at all the characters they got evil sonic over here they got everybody they got mario awesome this is lit what's up tails hey there robotnik ready to boogie what here we go what what can we use the mouse buttons it sounds like friday night fun kim no way what happens if we oof [Music] okay [Music] um [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] him [Music] all right okay so now we're gonna move on to the next class wow all the characters in here are so cool yeah pretty lit huh maybe they have to do with the secret pretty cool but guys i actually heard the unlock the secret ending there's like a secret passage under mario whoa you can clip through that everybody's staring at us bro you gotta clip through mario and then you unlock this secret ending but you still have to do something secret at the end but you gotta clip through this to unlock it no way all right guys we should have unlocked it now it's time to go okay here we go oh it's up this way bye tails that was fun yeah okay we're going this way right or left the right okay i'm going right all right either one will work okay let's go next floor oh it's red it must be knuckles yeah guys it's getting kind of creepy yeah guys we're going to beat this though it's going to be awesome and then we're going to beat the secret ending game what's up knuckles grab a hammer now guys this is a really tricky game where you gotta hit every single one of these practice dummies and there's literally like 300 of them no you got to do it in the certain amount of time and you have to beat this game to see your ending no way seriously yeah we did not get it the first time all right here we go guys can we beat it and get the secret ending okay the time has not started yet maybe it's a talked knuckle timer started if you run out of time you cannot get the secret ending whoa guys this is crazy awesome i'm going max level dude i'm going back level dude got him all right we're going back go go go go go go go go nice oh go for one doubles up getting the doubles up get the doubles this is insane we have to beat this dude you have to beat the same time otherwise you can't get the secret ending you got it man you got it uh how are we looking on time dude uh you've got a lot of time like okay okay 34 [Applause] oh there's a lot of targets left okay guys you got to do this perfect come on come on uh up up the brim 25 seconds no no no no no no no no no no no easy easy easy you got it okay guys we gotta do this come on i'm really stressed out right now come on dr robotnik you gotta beat this class oh man there's a lot of them there guys i'm so stressed out we have to beat this to get that secret ending we will get the secret ending watch this guys oh triple triple triple n i got a triple seven six stuff now get ready to do more stuff let's go we did it we beat it with extra time on the clock that's awesome guys i was stressed out so that's how you unlock extra rings right here donuts i i love donuts and this is how you get your way to getting the secret ending man that was stressful guys all right see ya [Music] this game is so awesome guys okay we had to clip through that wall and beat that game in time to unlock the secret and now we just gotta not win at the end then we got it all right we got it guys bro this is intense all right it says the left way so guys you can't go here there's a a wall you can't go this way either you need a key you have to go through the door welcome to my office please take a seat so uh what are you here for i just need you to turn off that big laser gate oh hold on a second all right anyways so you want to get through that door eh how about you beat this crazy video game i made first then i'll give you the how about you beat this all right fine but tell me how to play just keep pressing the green and blue buttons till you win okay guys we gotta do green and blue until we win i wonder if i should buy this jeez yes yes buy it green or blue never press the red guys you'll lose the secret ending yeah yes i shall purchase continue okay this apple's looking awfully scrumptious yes it is yes it is i'll take it you got it buddy it's carry time yesterday take my money continue gotta buy an air fryer gotta fry fast yes yes okay delicious pink cotton candy yes you're the rightest guy in the land thank you thank you i love corn all right there you go keep it up yes we will grapes oh yeah oh yeah hello i am okay continue [Music] please okay this is family pretty cool family thank you yeah thank you for being my family you're welcome this game is so funny can i have this bagel yes you can big thanks to you fella continue i bet you can't press that big green button yes i can my man man let's go what's going on it won't let us out of the vr whoa who's that what's going on huh who's that is it knuckles or just a scary face [Music] oh it's a happy face okay let's go nice that was kind of creepy we gotta beat this game dude click to attack oh wait what oh it's a boss i'm clicking i'm clicking i'm closing to the top whoa this game is cool oh he's moving faster and faster you guys can see justin's mouse he's down to 20 health oh nice there we go we got him you have winned the game wait let's go huh i'm impressed all right i'm done give me the key nope why that was just a test time for the real challenge i need to refill my jelly jar with the power of purple donuts run around the school and collect exactly 37 of them fine but when i'm done you better give me the key yup okay we got a collective 37 jelly donuts wow he really ate a whole jar of jelly yeah he really likes that jelly okay let's go now we go this way nice we gotta go find 37 jelly donuts and i i love donuts so yeah oh no they're hidden all around here guys up buddy i just i just want the donut watch out watch out buddy all right here we go yeah guys justin loves grape jelly and adam loves yeah hey okay okay okay i'm getting out of here all right there could be in any of these rooms oh it's a big cat big cat nice he loves fishing yep he's from sonic see you later big cat oh there's a bunch in here oh it's a secret passage nice these could have been easy to miss nice dance it's a wee nice dance moves i'll see you later just wanted to borrow some donuts oh more donuts this way awesome okay we came from there jelly donuts something funny something funny nice whoa there's so many here i always say that adam's mommy said hey you want to hear something funny she goes okay what i say something funny yeah she does not like it whoa oh boy oh whoa that's creepy kind of scary excuse me i just need the jelly donuts excuse me you got it dude excuse me 25 we need what 37 yeah we already 31. yeah we're gonna get them all guys we're looking great dude 37 purple rings is what we need oh she disappeared i would just get out of there there we go five more you got it uh right or left uh go left nice whoa all right everybody's playing games that's cool okay i can't do anything i go oh when i hear broom okay can i can i play games with them i guess not no they didn't invite us they don't want to hang out that's okay nobody ever does with us that's all right that's okay that's all okay right that's where we started i think there's a door down here we didn't open yep at the end of the hallway hopefully there's three rings there's got to be looking pretty lit dude all right we got it we got 37 exactly wow we gotta go back to knuckles now guys it's not knuckles wasn't it knuckles eating the jelly no it wasn't knuckles oh i thought it was him no oh i thought he likes uh jelly come on man did you get them all yes oh you dingus those aren't donuts watch you collected the purple donuts i asked for pink donuts [Laughter] we got the key anyways and we got a lot of rings and we got his cool sunglasses nice dude okay now we're gonna go over here and activate nice sweet guys we are almost there to the secret ending it's gonna be so cool we are getting much much closer guys get ready the ending's going to be insane okay the fun club here we go okay now this is a really tricky mini game where you got to cook food and also wow what now cooking target practice we could not do the decide so you must do both these things now here's a gun don't mess up all right so we gotta like blast up yep okay adam tell me what to do man okay it says recipe milk and cereal open the fridge open the cabinet oh mommy's preparation table oh no oh no oh no okay where do i get the cereal yeah open the cabinet then use the preparation table and then serve nice nice now blast okay the next one is open the fridge okay use the oven okay i'm trying to get all this guys all right okay serve sir nice what's next open fridge okay you got it okay open cabinet use the toaster oh i'm trying to get all these targets too okay this prep table okay um sir there's this right there what's next open fridge use blender this is the most stressful game in the whole game guys and then serve nice uh what's that fridge okay use oven ah i'm missing targets that's all right you getting numb okay use okay he's oven served i'm open fridge okay use prep table oh and then serve no it's not you lied use prep table i did or oven one of the two it says yeah can you serve it yeah you lied you gotta use both uh open fridge okay come on hold on okay been cabinet use the prep table oh it's cereal again and then serve what why does it work uh maybe because i already made them cereal oh yeah you might have just already beaten the game there you go that makes no sense open the fridge use the oven and serve okay fridge doesn't work it's you're good nice i think we won what's good enough we got it it was good enough okay see you later all right we can go through this door no we can't we go through this way nice we got it now guys okay guys now we come to a super tricky obby we gotta be [Music] go away lemon we're gonna get the lemon sweet i'm pretty sure you need the lemon for the secret ending all right wow we're flying through this game you need lemon to go through here run fast like ninja okay that's a sonic character guys you can tell we're getting closer to the secret ending yeah do a tight turn right there guys you got to beat this game in record speed yeah you really got to fly through these levels in record speed yeah you're crushing this ah okay guys this is super tricky obby where you go boing mowing bowing nice oh yeah oh yeah you got it oh yeah too easy oh yeah let's go boing first try all right let's go guys we're going to get to the end and it's going to be a countdown but we're not going to make no baseball i'm leaving now grab the bed or you're not leaving fine fine i'll grab this stupid baseball bat explain the game already well the first thing you do now guys we shouldn't have done that because i'm pretty sure this character shows up in the secret ending game no way yeah we shouldn't have done that it was funny there but it's not funny because he'll get revenge all right we got it guys we're dancing huh nice okay little secret little easter egg over there okay here's the chaos emeralds whoa no way yep they're using all seven emeralds to power a single building well that's dumb oh well my turn hey stop what the heck are you doing uh housekeeping you broke the glass what were you gonna polish the emmerdudes yes oh that makes sense i think wait a minute wait a minute you're trying to steal the emmerdudes aren't you try and stop me now we got them all robotic got them all now it's time to escape but we're not going to escape yeah i think you just have to hang out by like the gator or something yep this is going to be nuts check this out guys secret ending time yeah spooky this is tillel's with a very important announcement right this is where you're supposed to run out of school right because why would anyone stay in here right yeah well where are some bad luck i'm actually gonna go back the way we came you can't i think you if you go this way oh this guy's gone wow he vanished everybody vanished we gotta go back this way all right on the boiling platform nice and guys basically you just don't escape and if you did everything right the game should glitch you into a different sunkee game wow are you serious yeah it's pretty lit whoa this is awesome i wonder if the purple dinosaur guy is going to be here purple dinosaur knows everybody left oh man the place is empty now okay left even the b yeah the b said i'm out of here i'll be back later let's go dude all right through the door we go you're supposed to go you're supposed to backtrack your way out of the entire school but we're not gonna yeah this is where we're doing all the cooking whoa no one's here anymore everyone like dipped yeah everyone left yeah we got 30 seconds all right guys we're 30 seconds away from seeing the secret ending i'm gonna go back to like the tails dance room or i'll just stay in here eat some jelly nice dude oh man look at all this tasty jelly wow he really like jelly yep i'm going in the elevator okay oh we're not gonna make it he says hurry hurry oh man he's stressing out the elevator's taking a long time just take the stairs we might oof in the elevator this is great here we go guys five four three two one what zero whoa no way whoa no way this is lit it's another sunken game it's a secret game all right okay level fun oh instead of level one wow this looks cool okay what do i do what are the controls oh he's pretty slow for being sonic he could jump don't say that about sunky he's cool yeah sunky's awesome doesn't know him squeak when he jumps yeah dude this is lit okay go sunky go [Music] just kick them and then it's gonna leave yeah we're leaving strong this is a cool secret game let's go yeah guys this is the top secret ending where are we supposed to go oh oh you can switch directions oh so we're just supposed to keep going to the right oh come on sucky time to go yeah we gotta be brave sunky is cool like in the school all the posts that be cool like sunky here yeah cool yeah that's true come on let's go he looks so happy yep not a care in the world okay guys can we beat this secret ending game now i know we can whoa wow good job sunky got some stretchy arms and we're getting a lot of rings too this is great yeah it's just like the the other game we're playing no way you have to fall down there i think so oh an invisible platform some spikes then it went down yeah wait for the timing oh yikes you could oof there go sunky there we go dr robotnik oh sucky did a thing great job sunky go sunky let's go all right what's next let's go level the green one all right green hill zone where the green hill is out so he's pretty quick okay [Music] okay what are we doing what's going on whoa we got blast ass let's go okay i'm just walking i have no idea what's going on but it's getting super late yeah you've got it dude okay guys we're gonna keep going watch out for the fish switch [Music] easy something you did another thing yeah a great thing pretty lit huh these levels are cool right i'm literally just holding down the arrow key level underwater okay guys it's pretty dark and spooky in here dancing mushrooms okay squeak okay dude chunky's so cool he didn't even have to try to beat these levels yeah look at how smart he looks look at this gameplay right here watch out nope sunky doesn't care yeah he's too smart you just hold down this key you just keep walking does not care this game is high level guys this is a secret game super secret you had to beat a whole game to even play this yep that's awesome it says go that way i won't you have to go back i think you have to really maybe it like will spawn something now that you went over here what maybe i don't know come on sunky okay let's see it what do we do did we miss something huh maybe there's like hidden chaos emeralds on this left side of the map well the spikes and everything are gone so i think the map changed oh got it that's awesome what do we do sunky hunky huh there's oops i meant the other way now stop ass in westminster oh man they're tricking justin they're messing with my sunkee brain wow you got it though dude i have got a sunkee brain that's true yeah that's very true i've got a sunkee brain i got a duncan brain right like there's dunking donuts yup justin loves dunkin donuts and dunkin basketball yep all right here we go yup you got it please don't go that way again are you serious oh whoa it's a swimming level this is cool sounds like i do yeah i'm really fast and we're we're faster in the water than we are in land then it's like me in real life yeah especially if i had my floaties mm-hmm adam can never catch me since you were angry from all the walking i made you fall in the water how do you like that it's cool i mean yeah it's pretty cool i'm not i'm not mad we're going way down okay it's like a maze guys this game is not not not for baby see i got lost don't trick us guys don't baby hack us right guys we we got baby hacked the other day it was not lit yeah it's not cool guys don't don't ever do that yeah all right we got it we're getting out of here all right this game is pretty lit yeah it's a cool game but i wonder if there's like a secret ending to this game a secret to the secret like a double secret yeah are you serious whoa we're going triple max level double secret guys here we go we're going to beat this entire game we got it we got to beat this game man yeah it's going to be nuts another dead end don't do this to us man i bet the crocodile from sonic uh made these levels i think he's in this game i bet because you threw that baseball bat at him he just really doesn't like sunken anymore that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying although i guess you were dr eggman when he threw the bat he doesn't like anybody yeah you're looking at life nice i want to do that i guess that's how you beat the game oh stop okay guys this might be the boss level these levels are going to get harder and harder guys i don't know what's gonna happen well so now we're in part two we gotta enter the secret password there is a secret to the secret whoa sunk that is so cool wow so this is like the boss level okay it's a factory okay guys now it's getting a little bit trickier guys these these flames are no joke oh boy ouch whoa we actually moved here okay guys you can't it's like that you can't be a noob like me yeah not at all don't be a noob oh that was close whoa okay the first part of the game was pretty easy this is not at all sunky can fly now yeah you got it dude oh that was awesome scary hurry sunky uh oh oh something yeah man this is way harder these levels are no joke dude if you think it's a joke don't yeah don't laugh guys don't laugh at me i'm trying my best he really is guys i am yeah okay watch out now i know i know better you gotta have it perfect go nice yeah we made it okay that was scary guys look it up look at you you don't have any time to mess up not at all guys you have to be perfect to sunky whoa oh and it resets you are you serious it was a little boom boom yeah man you got it are you serious right as sunky are you sunky serious yeah man you will beat this though because you're you are smarter than somebody yeah here we go guys there's no way justin will hoof again at all nice you got it but you gotta like get close enough to where it spawns there we go run oh turns so slowly right it's gonna be another one this is messed up dude how am i supposed to know where they are you got it nice we can just go whoa that was cool it's gonna be another one please if there's a boom boom we just lose don't make us reset again because he can't turn very fast yeah oh we did it is this the boss no we did it pack two bro whoa oh [Music] oh okay we're in like dr robotnik's factory dude it makes sense so we were robotnik in sunky's schoolhouse and now we're sunky in robotnik's factory ah that makes sense what was that man you have to have like perfect timing it literally has to be perfect are you kidding me or else sonic gets caught in his like sonic hair thing sunky yeah sunky i mean i'll be smart i'm just gonna keep walking so there's no possible way i lose yep you got it that is so close what is this bro you see that you have to time it perfectly oh man [Music] are you okay are you silenced are you sunky sirens all right you got it dude you got it dude this game is impossible yeah i should have known the secret would be max love would be really difficult this is a very high level game guys i'm saying nice [Applause] i quit you got it never give up on anything in life i won't quit here yeah we're so close to the very end of the sunkee game there's gonna be a super secret at the at the end of the super secret bro yeah it's gonna be super duper secret you got it okay let's go let's go come on there is no chance why would you say that why would you say that you tried to jinx me no i'm not trying to jinx you why would you say that dude i've tried it best guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe so justin has good luck so we can beat this sunkee secret game this part with the red blocks makes no sense what do you do [Music] how do you beat this dude i i guess you just have to have perfect timing on when you like switch between the two blocks to be literally perfect yeah that's ridiculous not easy guys nice okay i'm stressed out guys i'm sunky stressed out we got it i think we should get a checkpoint here no you're going to jinx it again i'm work oh what was that can you duck [Music] what was that i'm getting scammed can you duck a sunkee no [Music] what was that can you jump still no how would jumping hell i don't know what you with me yeah maybe you just have to like wait and and hopefully it like changes [Music] okay at least i understand that part yeah okay no you just have to wait it just zaps randomly you have to wait until it zaps and then run oh okay zap do it okay i'm just running it's gonna zap me it's gonna zap me i'm gonna be so bad this makes no sense this is tricky guys it's sunky tricky you got it man you got it this makes no sense now we know you just have to have really perfect timing sweet okay this is so crazy guys i didn't think the secret would be this nuts okay i'm gonna see where it zaps i'm gonna stand right here and wait for it to zap again it shouldn't reach me yep now i go but will i make it [Music] this is ridiculous this game is ridiculous close one sunkee look at how cool sunky is though he's not even worried yeah now we're flying oh okay conveniently placed emeralds let's go all right looks like rocky [Music] yeah wow we did it we unlocked super sunkey guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe go check out lankyboxshop.com get lanky box merch wow we didn't well what do you want to do now oh man man we came in here and we've got the secret ending to sunky schoolhouse we're gonna go drink some kool-aid um [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 3,734,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, iphone app, lanky box, iphone, funny apps, Lanky Box, mobile, sunky's schoolhouse, sunkys schoolhouse, sunky, sunky's, lankybox sunkys schoolhouse, lankybox sunky's schoolhouse, lankybox plays sunky's schoolhouse, lankybox sunky's schoolhouse gameplay, lankybox sunky's schoolhouse game, sunky's schoolhouse lankybox, sonic sunky's schoolhouse, sunky's schoolhouse minigames, lankybox sonic, lankybox sunky, lankybox sunkys school house, lankybox sunky's school house
Id: wbHjhXk2h3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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