SECRET DOGDAY FAMILY in Roblox Smiling Critters!

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all right kindergarten class pair up with your best friend for today's assignment kab do you want to be my partner of course dog day you're my best friend in the whole world yay promise me we'll be friends forever I promise I love being evil I'm going to rule the world and nobody could stop me hey catnap let's play ball it's been a while why would I want to hang out with you dog day busy being evil see you later sucker playing all alone is boring catnap used to be my best friend but when we got older he stopped talking to me and turned evil I'm so lonely hey snowy what do you want to do today I don't know Tyler we could just stay home and play Roblox ooh I like the sound of that wait someone's knocking on our door I wonder who that could be oh hey dog day is that a new hat actually I'm dog day's father and I'm dog day's Mother we need your help Tyler and snowy cool what do you need our help with our son dog day has been really sad lately because he's so lonely we want to throw a family reunion to make him feel less lonely we need you to track down the missing members of the Dog Day family starting with his brother I didn't know dog day has a brother he has lots of family but his brother lives at the end of a teamwork Obby here we are snowing this must be the Obby where dog day's brother lives that must be him over there come on Tyler let's get across okay silly we're going to have to use teamwork to get to dog day's brother oh my gosh this looks difficult guys I just got to jump oh no oh no oh no stay on that button snowy stay on that button I can't fall guys wo that was close now I can step on this button so you can go across Okay Tyler this is definitely a tricky one it's hard to get to Dog Days brother woah woah wo oh yes I did it nice job snowy what do we have to do here it looks like we need to push this button somehow but I'm not heavy enough hey Tyler if I push this button you can get to the other side and it looks like you could spawn a cube oh yeah I spawn the cube and then if I push it this way I should be able to put it on the button let's see if it's heavy enough to open up yeah come on Sy let's keep going what's this button for it looks like it activates the spinning boy but I can't fall off let's go let's go let's go and yes I made it now I can step on this for you snowy and you can come across Okay Tyler almost there and now what do we have here I can step on this button and you could go across Okay Tyler this should be easy and now we can finally see dog's brother all right s come on let's see if this is him it's got to be is it oh no oh my gosh guys look how scary this is you're doy's brother what what are you talking about no I'm not dog day's brother I'm catnaps brother dog day's brother lives through here you got to go that way oh okay thanks wait it's going to cost you something to go through that door it ain't free oh no what do we have to do if you want to get through the viewer has to hit the like button in the next 3 seconds you hear that guys hit the like button so I can go through here we go yes it worked thanks for hitting the like button guys if we get dog day's brother he won't feel so lonely anymore now come on Snowy hop on my head and let's keep going hey look over there snowy that must be dog day's Brother come on we're going to get him I'll step on this one and it activates a platform down there now what happens if I step on this one it activates a Green platform for me now I'll push this one for you okay Tyler keep going keep going let's keep it going let's keep it going snowy come on push that last one and I activate the ladder yes we got it Tyler we did it all right let's get over these lava jumps we're almost there I can't wait to meet dog day's brother you stay on that button and I'll jump across to the other button and then it'll let you across but first I have to get there now go Tyler go okay so I'm going I'm not even going to jump wao let's go yeah now let's both stand on these buttons and right through then I'll step on this and we could go across is it dog day's brother it is wow so you're dog day's brother I don't know why I expected an older brother no I was little brother anyway you're invited to the family reunion to help dog day feel less alone I only want to go if my Big Brother's going but dog day will be there isn't he your older brother no my older older brother he usually hangs out in the back room's gym they don't allow little kids there though so you have to get them for me hey you want to see a funny trick uh sure I can turn into a buuny rabbit what okay that is hilarious come on Snowy let's get to the back rooms gym here we are snowe we made it to the back rooms doctor's little brother said we could find the next family member at the back room's gym I wonder where that is wo J have you been working out yeah I've been working out at the back room's gym to impress bney look how buff I am now that's the gym we're looking for can you tell us how to get there sure you just need to teleport to the destroyed back rooms you hear that snowy come on let's go I don't see the gym anywhere wait there's a morph on top of this ladder oh yeah and it's next to a picture that says buff come on Sil let's grab it it's dog day's older brother who are you guys I'm busy working out I'm going to be buffed like the buff Doge over there I just got to keep lifting the weights that's cool and all but your little brother dog D needs your help he's really lonely and wants to hang out with you again plus there's going to be a dog day family reunion I guess I could come with you guys it has been a while since I've seen my brother dog day great before we go do you have any other family members that lives in the back rooms actually our cousin lives here too he works at the back rooms Yia it's just through here come on Snowy dog day's cousin's here somewhere oh my gosh snowy there's morphs everywhere which one of these could be his cousin we got to start looking Tyler is it this one no maybe this this one not that one could it be this one no maybe it's this one it is oh my gosh it's such a busy day today I hate working here there's too many customers excuse me are you dog day's cousin yeah yeah do you need help finding something it's really busy today make it quick actually we need help finding more of your family uh what's that supposed to mean dog D really misses you guys so we're going to have a family reunion oh cool can my brother come too sure where can we find him well I've been secretly letting him live here in the yika don't tell my boss or I'll get fired just go up there through the wall and you'll find him you hear that snowy come on let's go through the hole in the wall wao there's a whole secret area back here and look it's a morph is that dog day's cousin it's him hey dog day's cousin we've been looking for you oh no I've been found I'm so sorry I was secretly living there please don't throw me in jail my dad don't worry we were looking for you because dog day wants to reconnect wait your dad's in jail yeah he got caught secretly living in Walmart I have an idea we can set him free so he could come to the family reunion come on guys we'll go free him uh wait a second where's the jail it's down this way you have to take a slide to get there but only one will get you there you guys know what that means choose hey Slide the ultimate high stakes back rooms game show where the viewer decides if we live or die I chose last time so you choose this time Tyler red or blue red or blue I'm counting the votes I'm counting the votes guys while Tyler's counting the votes hit the like button and comment down below which slide we should choose in the next video red or blue you can vote as many t as you want to but only one is correct and the winner is blue blue for the win come on blue blue blue blue no oh that's got to hurt in the last video you guys voted 120 votes for red and 164 for blue comment down below which slide I'm going to be going down in the next video but please choose right this time well snowy we made it de down here so where's that guy that's locked up oh it must be over here hey there he is hey man let me out of this cage we're here to free you so you can come see dog day dog day that's a name I haven't heard in years he really misses you so we're going to free you to see him but you have to promise to be good if I let you out you have to promise not to live in any more Walmarts all right I promise I promise I won't break any rules awesome we'll see you at the reunion then now here you go you're free thanks guys just don't let Uncle Barry know you let me out of here Uncle Barry I wonder who Uncle Barry is wait before I go can you make sure my dad's going to be there too of course he is part of the family he's dog day's Grandpa he's retired and lives at the old folks home with old Kermit but watch out Kermit's crazy so you got to watch out for him come on silly the old folks home is this way I'm pretty sure it's through here let's go oh no there's Kermit and he is crazy ow he has an axe snow and he's not afraid to use it run s run we got to find dog day's grandpa is it this it is Grand Pappy dog papy he what what did you say dog day wants to see you at the family reunion dog day that's my second favorite grandson I'll come with you but only if my favorite grandson comes too well where does he live he lives in the Arctic it's f too cold for an old dog like me to visit you'll have to travel there by Iceberg here we are snowy we made it to the Arctic it's freezing here glad I have my scarf come on silly Let's Get that dog Day family member step on the button over there okay Tyler now let's bu job quick quick quick hey it looks like we need to choose some colors oh we got to do it over here come on silly let's go back over here and I'll choose blue and I red be careful not to slip on the ice snowy come on only I can touch blue and only you can touch red but watch out snowy look okay wa why are these icebergs floating like this you have to be careful Tyler guys it is so cold here that the ice in the air is deadly okay soe come on remember don't touch the blue Okay Tyler you have to be extra careful to not touch my color either all right so now press that button and then I can go across this okay hey Tyler go go go guys I cannot fall off of these into the freezing cold water down there oh here we go snowy I'll push this one and you can come across Okay Tyler just a little bit closer and yes we made it now let's push these buttons and go through is this dog day's family member oh no uh excuse me Mr Yeti uh we were just wondering if you know where we could find a dog uh he's like an orange dog dog I'm looking at one aren't I oh uh not me I mean a different orange dog one that lives here oh yeah my neighbor he's right over there but you have to get past this teamwork Obby you heard that Yeti Tyler come on get on the button and let's go all right so what do we have to do here I can push this button and it opens the wall if I push this button it spawns a cube I have a feeling I'm going to need to push this past this wall hey snowy now that you got past the wall can you step on that blue button over there so I could come through sure Tyler come on let's go okay guys let's hurry up and get this family member I'm freezing out here okay Tyler I'll stay on this yellow button and you push that Cube all the way to the other side okay guys let's be very careful if I drop this Cube into the freezing water it will turn into ice okay s now I will stand here and you can come across awesome now I'm going to push this Cube up to here and then now we can jump on it and get up to this next part yes that worked okay so I'll push this button I'll push this button and then let's go let's go let's go is it dog D's family it is hey guys how's it going I don't get much visitors out here in the Arctic it's nice to see some people other than that Yeti we're here to invite you to the do D family reunion oh that sounds like fun I'd love to come awwesome I'm going to call Uncle Barry right now and let him know to pick us up oh no snowy Uncle Barry remember what that other guy said he said don't tell Uncle Barry oh no oh no I should have known that Uncle Barry was a prison guard now he locked us up who knew that dog days Uncle Barry would throw us in jail I guess he heard that we freed the other guy snowy come on let's get out of here we don't want to miss dog day's Family Reunion yeah Tyler we need to make dog day feel better I think we can go through here oh look it's Poppy you opened my case uh is this your case this looks more like a vent to me snowy I think there's something wrong with poppy come on let's keep going I know Poppy's supposed to be good but she's still kind of creepy come on Sam let's go through here and jump down oh no soe look dog day's Uncle Barry's right there and he spotted me oh no oh no let's click on this and we can go to that vent up there hey get back here get back here prisoner run siee run we got to go we got to go he knows we're trying to escape come on come on oh no oh no okay so this guy is not invited to the family reunion Uncle Barry you're not invited to the Dog Day family reunion hey look at this snowy we're in some kind of bathroom come on let's find a way out of here what's in here ew someone forgot to fush how about this one oh it's even worse and how about this one white Tyler dang it snowy don't you know how to knock maybe it's this one oh come on Tyler there's a shovel let's dig our way out of here let's dig dig dig let's dig come on yes wo look at this snowy we're underneath the Playtime Co prison and there's a giant boxy Boo and there's lava be careful not to fall down wao this place is insane come on Tyler before we get in trouble be careful snowy this bridge is pretty old wo it looks like the planks break as soon as I jump on them I have to wait so I don't fall into this lava come on sewing this way wao I wonder what they have this giant hallway for this is huge oh you got to watch out for the giant ball Tyler this is crazy snowy I guess they set a bunch of traps to try to stop us from escaping it definitely wasn't as easy as getting that other guy out of jail that's cuz we have to do it ourselves come on Sy let's see what's up this ladder right here we've been climbing this ladder for forever finally hey look Sye it says step Oly this must be the way out of here come on let's go this has to be the way to escape oh no soe look out for the lasers wo guys this is insane if you still haven't hit the like button hit it now to help us escape this place we got to do it for dog day guys this is the ultimate trap can we get out of here alive yes we did it that was crazy come on Sly let's keep going hey Tyler this is a pretty big gas mask oh yeah you're right it's huge who would need a gas mask this size I don't want to find out come on SE let's get out of here come on SE out these doors this must be the way out oh my gosh what is that it's a giant boss quick Tyler take out your food zuka it a for the head it's a crazy dog Day family boss oh my gosh Zoe this is is insane wo this must be what that gas mask was for Tyler we have to take out each of his arms hit it with the food Zooka so we hit it with the food zuka luckily we brought these food zukas in case we got hungry putting together this family reunion is a lot harder than I thought it would be come on siee come on we got to escape yes I took out one of the arms you'll never Escape my prison Tyler I almost have one of his other arms but he keeps shooting at me just so a little bit more and yes I got it he's getting destroyed yeah nice job snowy let's get out of here oh no Tyler I just realized we're late for the family reunion oh my gosh look at the time you're right snowy it's started 3 hours ago come on we got to leave right now if we're going to make it in time guys while we're driving to the Dog Day family reunion you should click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already see you and thanks for helping us make dog day feel better bye
Channel: Tyler & Snowi
Views: 1,396,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, poppy playtime, smiling critters, poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime ch3, poppy, playtime, smiling, critters, smiling critters cartoon, smiling critters reaction, smiling critters poppy playtime, smiling critters roblox, roblox smiling critters, roblox catnap, roblox poppy playtime, catnap roblox, dogday, dogday roblox, roblox dogday, dogday x catnap, catnap x dogday, dog day, dog day roblox, roblox dog day, dog day poppy playtime, dog day poppy playtime chapter 3
Id: tiKgBq-AISk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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