No Man's Sky Livestream 2021 Gameplay: Building out Freighter and Buying Frigates

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planet let me take a minute uh here let me uh this guy this is a tiny headed puss back in case you're wondering i named a few things this one had no idea uh in a spiky koala bob there we go uh what's going on guys let me take a second and say hey to the chat uh gosh what pizza chasing away people with a bow and arrow that's crazy what's up mike good to see you man happy to be back jonathan what's up buddy raspin rabbit good to see you man caller number three how's it going what's up p1 stream how's it going buddy bender good to see you with your stone axe you crazy crazy man robot person buckle up put on some fresh panties for 2021 uh you know what uh you could be right peter i don't know buddy what's up jack how's it going buddy uh polo what's up what's going on john good to see you what is that all foot lazy cat i like it i like it truck broke down can't fix it so i got to watch bob yeah there you go watch bob uh i am doing good guys i hope you guys can hear me let me know i'm assuming you can hear me because you're not saying you can't hear me um so just let me know for sure i did a whole new setup like i moved i had my bedrooms i have a two-story house my bedroom was upstairs where my setup was and uh thanks guys thanks for letting me know you can hear me uh so i moved everything downstairs uh problems with the internet before i had um uh i had a uh uh basically cable run from my main modem to my upstairs bedroom with a uh extender on it i was plugged directly into that and i just could not get a solid bitrate so i just moved everything downstairs plugged directly into the router uh and uh here we go sound like jake fraggs i don't know who that is jack frags what's up simon davi how's it going joe ross first time watching a live stream buddy i appreciate that man it's been it's been damn near a month since i've done one of these byron what's going on i've missed a few you guys coming in t-man what is up alpaca for days gail good to see you good to see you uh was that johan good to see you buddy um and who'd i miss danger danger smash and like appreciate that man drax is here good to see you good to see you that's my missing simon davi bender gustavo jose rodriguez what's up man uh all right let's uh let's do something you want to write a diplo this is a bob's uh horny long neck uh diplo i had to spell horny that way stupid filters but whatever i can't seem to be able to crash an economy with cobalt you got 80k simon you need 80k cobalt to crash now this little dude he looks all mad i got food i got food come here you're not as horny so i'm gonna ride you okay because i'm not i don't have time for all that frumpy dumpster frumpy dumps there you go yeah 80k 80 to uh crash now it used to be like 3 000. look at all these little look at all these little guys running behind me yeah they're so excited uh how do you use a jet pack you hit melee and then jetpack at the same time look at all these guys following me uh i have no idea what your name is but uh that's how you do it uh can you shout out me out please yes julian what is up classen i'm gonna go with classen that's your new name you need delta tau kai delta delta what is it dt yeah that's what it was animal house everybody's following bob i like it those are my security yeah come on little people minions follow me follow me minions there's the uh there's the horny one over there any better way to rack up money if cobalt is freaking 80k yeah go make some chlorine bro i did a video on how to get from zero i did a live stream actually on zero to 100k 100 million excuse me in three hours from start yeah uh punch jump like that uh so you melee uh i think it's like rb if you're on uh console i threw a base computer down here just because i liked the i liked all the all the little dudes on this planet you can start a crash on normal with about 40k yeah it's a rough go though i mean if you've got 40k cobalt that's four stacks you might as well um uh mix it with some turn it into ionized cobalt mix it with some oxygen and uh you'll be there in about five more minutes and it'll be less painful oh i have on me so uh yeah peter i think you are not the only one who plays that way i've had people comment in my on my uh streams that they uh they do all kinds of things while playing this game is the sound too loud it's a little loud for me tabby's wife does sounds like a cool lady all right um let's get out of here so what i was doing i'm i'm in the uh let me show you where i'm at i'm zero light years i'm in the core um i was exploring a bunch of strange uh there's a bunch of galaxies in the core that you cannot not galaxies solar systems i always get those mixed up there's a bunch of um solar systems in the core that you cannot see and i was just messing around here oh this station also has let's go scrap it the station also has a um a first wave let's go over there has a first wave uh exotic that i can scrap and get a few nanites so we'll show scrapping real quick except for the threats uh hello there what is up julio uh yeah i'm at the euclid center i was actually working on a video and then i got i mean i got all been out of shape and like upset that my live streaming like my internet was just crapped out like it bumped me out and then we had christmas and everything and so i i i haven't really been productive at all but i was working on a couple videos that i never completed maybe i'll get get to them now that i've got my new set up but uh i've got a brand new desk i got lots of space for those of you who followed me for anytime what's up man how's it going buddy um for those of you who followed me for any time you know that um i had my second monitor was was balanced on a cardboard box next to my desk you'll be happy to know i got a brand new desk and uh i can fit two monitors on it it's freaking amazing so uh yeah i turn that down too much i can't hear now uh thanks for shutting me out i've never been shouted oh yeah man no problem uh travel cost multiple systems to upgrade space uh you mean your suit yeah you gotta go to a bunch of places to upgrade your suit but yeah so i got a sweet big big old desk lots of room on it and i got two new monitors i've been collecting crap since black friday finally put it all together got a new microphone hopefully i sound okay i got a uh it's not a super great microphone but it's still it's really good um i got a blue yeti i was using a blue snowball for ever since i started so still a um a usb mic not i'm not all fancy with mixing and stuff like that uh happy new year what's up mad town how's it going new year's resolution already complete uh best survival adventure game i have played and i have completed the story no spoiler yeah don't complete this don't uh don't spoil it if there's there's a lot of new folks i think they got it for christmas yeah drop pods there's also a good way to upgrade i thought this was like do i need to like reload where's my people at am i just remembering this wrong because it's been a couple weeks let me just reload and auto save and i'll reach out real quick uh thank god i was worried about the other monitor here dude that other monitor dude if i kick my desk it like wobbled um that was my i bought that monitor like i built my computer a year ago pretty much like this weekend and my first computer and i realized after i built it i didn't have a freaking monitor so i had to run to best buy and buy the cheapest one they had so that was my second monitor and just to make sure i could you know the computer worked because my my new one hadn't gotten here yet so uh yeah i threw some more ram in my pc so i'm up to 64 gig now i am excited about that hopefully we will notice a difference uh let's see couldn't play until recently but your videos got me excited while i was waiting awesome it took me a while to realize i could cycle through dihydrogen instead of mining it like a scrub yeah dude uh dihydrogen is is is very important to figure out how to get to uh definitely increase the voice quality with voice meter if you use a snowball or yeti by the way yeah i need to i need to look at that i've never had anybody complain about my audio too much so i just basically when someone can i figure out the bare minimum of what i need to do and go for it uh uh should post a pistol if you knew set up on discord i did i not i thought i did oh guys all right all right who's here how many people are here we got 80 people here okay so let's let me let me tell you what happened while i wait on this first wave exotic that i said was here that's probably not here i promise um so i uh spent yesterday building a desk that two people really should have built together it was so heavy um moved all my crap from downstairs to upstairs you know take your computer apart put it back together through some ram in it i got my two brand new monitors uh side by side identical um set up made the cables all nice and there it is and um uh i couldn't get a picture on him i was freaking out like couldn't get a picture and do i have i can't remember how many guys i have on this how many ships i have on this safe but let's see if i can buy this real quick and um anyway so i couldn't get a picture of my monitors i tried all kinds of stuff plugged them in started like i was reading directions that's how bad it got and um like it was not working i was frustrated hot and sweaty from moving stuff and um so uh yeah i just just totally couldn't figure it out i was like i need a drink so i i rarely drink but i went and grabbed a glass of scotch tried to calm down watched a little bit of football and uh came back a couple hours later still couldn't get it to work and then all of a sudden i noticed that i had plugged my uh my cords into my motherboard and not into my gpu so yeah big fail bob's a i yeah so if uh monitors aren't working make sure they're plugged into your gpu and not your uh motherboard because yeah stuff reasons so yeah that's it feel free to laugh at that tell your friends um so yeah this is a beautiful ship uh let's scrap the hell out of it facax radiant lost work oh goodbye for cack i think i get like two or three storage upgrades for this what do i get bye-bye two and i got three of these so i got shields what is what is that hyperdrive pulse engine what's up papatron how's it going buddy welcome welcome all right hey bro your eyes are kind of weird all right and let's sell these um so if you're new if you're brand new one of the things i do to get nanites is i buy ships and scrap them um there's a there's a method to it i've got a whole video on it but um basically i'm gonna get about 1500 nanites for this just like that and uh yeah it's pretty cool throws a fit every time i scrap a ship i tell him it's for the greater good that's right so i had one what's up montant what is it i got montana nerds god i had it i almost almost almost forgot you buddy uh is that a difference oh this is my original that's why i brought that one back this is my original one i sold everything for in my origin series but i've been flying on liger squid here lately yeah i was scrapping i was screwing around last night scrapping and um just testing settings and stuff so i was scrapping while i was doing it and i found this uh system with these god-awful ugly green ships and uh i just scrapped them all for the greater good i figured nobody needed to see those all right i should have just gone through the freaking teleporter there let's go to the anomaly though do i need to have a suit shield upgrade and technology tab you can have it in either you can actually put three in technology and three in your general i think i've got that's my ship i've got two it looks like uh here and then three over here and yeah so you can put three in each and then if you have a blueprint you can put the blueprint in too um certain systems sell certain types of frigates or is it just random it's pretty random uh gold plus silver equals platinum plus refine equals down yeah dude i've done that but just takes forever man plus um platinum's worth so much money that um i mean i don't know refining is like my least favorite thing like i don't know that's my least favorite but it's pretty boring i want active gameplay i don't like just sitting around um i want to be doing something big dirty no he didn't your brother didn't buy no man's sky after watching my videos i don't believe you [Laughter] what's up vape how's it going bud good to see you man it's good to have a lot of you guys back i miss this um am i in disabled yeah all right just wondering why i didn't see anybody what's up voodoo how's it going it's been a lot of my time just days driving so i can't play i watch you play actually i'm mostly just listening to you well good you keep your eyes on the road buddy i'll be honest i listen to a lot of youtube when i'm driving too i don't watch it i watch the road he did we played it nice i'm honored all right um have y'all checked out the new community bases yet i don't think i have are these worth checking out let's check these out real quick and then we'll go get i'm i'm just kind of messing around catching back up making sure everything works um and then we're gonna go get our freighter um and we're gonna work on the freighter a little bit and do some shopping i mean we can shop anywhere so i bought no means guy because your face is awesome julia i'm glad i hope you're enjoying it man that's that's that's the key for me i just want people to enjoy the game it's a lot of fun um whoa all right what do we got here [Music] uh-huh whoa oh look at that holy crap i haven't been here hold on hold on let's go into photo mode nope this one oh that's awesome look at that he built sentinels how did he do that or is that guy actually is that a that's not an actual sentinel is it no no it's not that's freaking amazing hey thanks for hitting that like button dirty you are a big helper bob's little helper yes you are uh i haven't played this in a few days need to get back quick silver grind yeah i know man oh this is this is cool so he's got the walker and then this one's like taken apart a couple of little guys that's i love the idea man how do you turn on photo mode um so mine's hot keyed but if you just go down to the uh quick menu like where you recharge and wheel it to the what whatever way that is right um and you can uh you can hotkey stuff by hitting um i think it's control yeah control and then the number if you're on a pc dude i like there's like little pieces of sentinels laying around dude the detail on this is pretty sweet oh and if you don't know too if you're new um if you if you teleport somewhere from the anomaly uh you can teleport back uh by just hitting this return to space anomaly once you jump in your ship it doesn't work uh what's up psychotic happy new year to you pc specs man i can never remember the name of it i've got a i do know i have a um a 2080 super i bought it right before they came out with the new ones um i think i have a um i know i have an amd i think it's the uh thirty nine hundred seven nine hell i don't know i'm bad at i'm bad at numbers see mike always learning stuff he only knows he has a good pc yeah i know i paid i paid for it i've got it on my desktop like because people ask me so like i have it saved on my desktop so i can remember it but i can't tab out and look at it right now i'm listening and watching the live stream and playing legos with my daughter awesome i will try to uh watch watch what i say my streams get like demonetized half the time because i say stuff i shouldn't say actually it's like not totally demonetized like it's yellow and not red and not green it costs the monies hey bob just started a new save of subnautica and got the alien breeding tank early so i bred deep sea crab squid and release them in the shallows madness ensues with everything i don't even know what that means man i need to get back into subnautica so my plan was like early december i was kind of trying to take the channel i was trying to you know wrap my arms around everything because my channel growth comes from searchable videos searchable videos are tutorials and things like that my let's plays do pretty well but usually with people who already know me so that's loud all right let me go back inside jesus all right all right that was loud so um so my plan was to do less um gameplay videos edited because it takes a lot of time and do more live streaming with gameplay and that way you guys could help me and uh what's up mandalani um that way you guys could help me with stuff and you could experience it with me and it wouldn't take me hours and hours to edit a video that got a thousand views uh so i could spend my time editing you know tutorials and stuff like that so that was that was the plan and uh you know what when there's a storm about just go into photo mode right if you want to look around so that was the plan and then like immediately after that plan my internet crapped out and i could not stream so yeah so that's what happened and then christmas and you know all the fun stuff that goes along with that but i got my computer in a new place now set up i like this this is pretty cool can we go down here nice oh we got a little bar area unfortunately you can't sit in these chairs which kind of stinks gotta love georgia internet yeah for real man well it really so i found out like i had him come out to my house we got a blobby statue um no that's just what is that is that not a bloppy is that a blobby that's not rendering is that just i don't know what the hell that is is it still storming can i get a hey yo to get a drink nutrient processor what's in here my stuff is in here that's what's in here get me some i'll get a glass of milk that's what i'll do there we go all better nice warm glass of milk for bob uh hey bob do you open up your inventory while flying your ship i can't figure it out yeah all the time uh it's the same way it's the same way when you're flying you just hit i mean i'm on pc it's just tab all right this one's clear we'll run around this for a second let's just i don't know who that is i just realized it's been a year i've been watching really dude because nobody was watching me a year ago like literally a year ago today i had like 32 subscribers you must have watched what were you watching what was i playing this is a test donald this is a test i started building a cliff top base with stairs and transporters going all the way up i made a balcony to beat your four planets i didn't start playing no man's sky till february 8th but pretty good pretty good what's up jeff how's it going yeah mandalani yeah i was atlas it was atlas i was playing that was i did i did actually some conan in january last year too i think i deleted all those videos what the hell is this oh it is a blobby i just couldn't tell because of the storm hey blobby uh a nexus mission just brought me to the planet with diplos dude that is awesome i love diplo's like i went forever without seeing any and now i found a bunch all right let's go back check out the last one semantics i feel you donald hey man i appreciate you you watching me for a long time man i do i really do uh i've been playing only for a week or so is there a good automation for farms in nomian scott what are you trying to farm uh there's not really an automation for plant farms there are more efficient ways to do it but nothing automatic like you know minecraft kind of stuff and then you've got mineral farms which have extractors and those are pretty much automatic once you set them up what's up daniel how's it going and the galactic hub kakapo let's go with that i've been watching you your new couch and drapes are nice [Laughter] peter i don't have a bow and arrow i've got other stuff that requires less physical effort that i can't say on youtube uh there's wiring and pipes et cetera yeah yeah there's pipes for uh the mineral farms and things like that whoa that's kind of a weird entrance uh yeah guys if you like what you're watching hit that like button if you're new to the channel uh subscribe i've got i've got over 200 no man's sky videos tutorials um uh on most things that you need to know in no man's sky i've done a lot of tutorials and lots of gameplay videos and i try to teach as i play too so there's a lot of dropping the knowledge in there where am i like am i am i in space is that what's going on yes this is a low orbit base hey bob i've watched a ton of your videos first time catching a live stream thanks for the amazing content hey man i appreciate it should be an option to restart in your current system yeah exactly if um when you go to your missions uh like some of these so this says it's warning out of range hold this to restart the mission and use nearby structures so this is on pc it's middle mouse and you'll see these next to the ones that you can do that way what you mean i got some work to do yeah well we can there you go fix that one hey bob if you finish the atlas quiz does it basically restart the game or hinder and hinder solar systems um atlas path does not restart the game no i'm australian no guns but explode tips blow them inside a car door if you crafty type uh this is where the nip nips at join mine like i'm looking for a way outside and then i'm kind of scared to go outside at the same time yeah i'm outside you think we can make it over there uh can i not run up this it's like i'm weightless too because it's on a low g planet or a low atmosphere planet that's pretty cool wanna see what happens if you fall off one of these let me catch up with the chat real quick oops so you follow a long time red bull space jump exactly now i'm falling through the clouds there must be is there a storm i thought about just hitting the boost and landing but i figured this would be more fun i'm a professional don't try that at home uh what's up rogue pie man dig it bye bobby i'll be back see you jillian come on back man i'm gonna i'm planning on streaming for a while hopefully um although i got a new chair and i'm not digging it i might need to go get my my old chair i don't know how long my back can take this new one it looked nice in the picture all right all right let's go back to normal space because i think i'm still stuck in the center actually so let's go where should we go let's just go back to my um bob's big exploding volcano base not evil i'll show you all that if y'all haven't seen that for the new folks i haven't been there in about a month it's called the flying w by motorcycle riders i tried streaming but figured out i didn't like talking to myself you know what's funny um what is it laborium 50 um i made i don't know probably 100 or so videos before i stream for the first time so i was kind of used to talking to myself so when i figured out how to stream i just you know i just kind of did the same thing and people started oh where's my face oh god it's hot uh we're dying inside where's the inside part here we go extreme uh i want to visit the spewing rim of your volcano that's what she said so here's my volcano base uh if i tried streaming i end up talking to my dog i think hey that could be interesting honestly call the void get some cameras set up yeah if your dog has got some reactions that'd be funny talk to your dog people dig it um i got a friend of mine i was talking to on discord last night and uh dude makes armor like uh like like old school knights armor and stuff and uh he plays video games i mean he's got a gaming channel he's not not a ton of viewers but it's relatively new and he said he just started live streaming on twitch making armor and uh you know people i was like that sounds interesting i'd watch that uh i'm that creative mode player that joined your server yesterday awesome jeb did you join the um that's right i remember seeing that actually so jeff what's up why why creative i i've ne i've honestly i don't think i've ever played creative i might have done a creative save i think i did one creative save and i immediately deleted it to join captain steve because he was doing a stream and he was in creative building something um but uh but yeah he reads it i'm trying to read i learned to read even though i'm from georgia normal is nearly creative mode pretty much i mean it's not super hard once you know what you're doing i just love this planet blue volcanoes just make make bob happy laborium what are you on on survival are you normal shaming us are you normal save shaming uh sorry i lost track i'm trying to read and fly uh i have a friend who started playing survival got stressed when they couldn't find sodium restarted and created and loved playing it that way oh cool i mean no i mean so play the game however however you want however you enjoy it i'm just curious not judging or anything there's some people who are into you know using blender to build structures and duping and stuff like that that i'm just not into and you know that's cool do whatever you want to do don't read and fly i'm doing it right now pharaoh you made me how much time does it take to load no man's sky um depends on what what you're on man um i started playing on xbox and it wasn't that bad a year ago when i started playing but with all the updates my old xbox now my xbox is old like my kids have a newer xbox one i have an xbox one but theirs is just faster than mine it seems to take forever um the newer xboxes playstations uh seem to do better like five minutes to load up yeah i mean i i used to stream on xbox because you know it was nice you know playing the game on one device and streaming on my pc so i didn't have to put as much load on my pc my older pc and um yeah it uh it just took so long to load i had to quit doing it ps5 load times are good now who said that who's got a ps5 try not to run into this thing while i'm reading uh how long have i played no man's sky uh jeffrey i have started playing in february first week of february so almost a year now my pc takes 30 minutes to load what are you playing on a speaking spell dude uh mundolani's got a ps5 all right we're not friends anymore inspect hold on by the way first time stream watcher but love the guides and tips awesome fair good i'm glad that i appreciate someone who's knowledgeable taking the time to share yeah man absolutely uh and when i figured out i try to teach people um i remember modems me too my friend what's up james how's it going man and gives kind of a speaking spell yeah there's a tandy 1000 uh all right sorry let me get back to the game all right we got an explorer um close all right so if you've watched my freighter guide i'm thinking about updating my freighter guide so that's why i kind of wanted to get some more frigates um plus i like the color of these these are kind of cool um so this has got six expeditions so that means it's a level two it starts off on level zero one and then two pretty sure it's either two or three i'm pretty sure it's a two still but it doesn't have enough points in the main stat for me so i'm gonna decline it tandy one thousand started on tandy color computer one nice what's up guy how's it going finding good frigates is so hard uh well i mean you want to find a crappy frigate that has the opportunity to level up that's that's the key hey thanks for subscribing buddy do i not have my notifications on damn it i may not have them all man i'm sorry hey i was gonna bring in my fleet and then that other one just showed up let me see can i not cannot warp here how about here what ship do i have it's a big one i've got five different saves and i restart all the time so i kind of forget what i have this is the save that um oops did i just shoot my own balls somebody told me that you could rob your own balls if you shoot them i mean i don't recommend shooting your own balls dude did i seriously just fly through that backwards like a boss i meant to do that vic-20 way back in the day nice when you had to save your game on a cassette tape my first video recorder had it was a used a cassette tape that would be a darwin award winner you can get things from your own freighter you have a black and purple one is that cause you shot it yeah i'm a child you're a child i'm a child let me see what did i do in this thing i can't even remember i was on a different save earlier um messing around do i have anything here did i just open it up a little bit i think i just opened it up a little bit why is there two there i never know what i'm doing do i have where are my fleet guys what am i doing what's that biter back there's a wall there there we go found them commodore nice uh even if average stats i like good perks like engineer on board or less fuel per expedition yeah peter i don't really care about the fuel as much because it's so easy to get so i don't even worry about that it's like money it's like just just toss it in the wins inventory full of course it is no wrong button uh let's see all right oh this wasn't only an a class maybe that's why i wasn't maybe that's why i wasn't expanding it hmm i thought i got an s-class on this save oh no i was trying over and over and i never got it oh this is a mess this is a freaking mess i don't feel like doing this right now do i have do i have my storage built out at least one two three i have three i must have just got this thing don't even have storage in here what am i even doing i never know what i'm doing anymore what's this oh there's one here yeah this thing's a this thing needs a total rework all right first thing we need is storage storage gotta get storage and then i can then i can clean it up a little bit wrong button where is it is it tech storage yeah here we go here we go what's up david how's it going buddy good to see you man uh no you know let's see how we want to do this i don't need to be close to it right hmm right here that's what's happening that is what is happening go one we'll do evens on this side odds on this side and then we'll run it all the way down i'll catch up with chat in just a second oh get out of there cool thing about the freighter is as soon as you get it you get all the storage like even if you don't even have the storage in um in the game yet you get access to the containers so now that that's there i can go to my freighter and i can look through yeah look at all these empty storages except for that oxygen from my uh my chlorine farm bob's pool store all right so let's throw this stuff cue here yeah um i can probably just let's let's just no no not there storage container all right what's up let me read this real quick uh crap i missed a lot of stuff sorry guys um i dismiss broken frequency and get a new one exactly by their back that's what's up if they get broken they're fired you're fired you're out of here uh fixing broken frigates takes more time yeah releasing them takes more resources depends on which value more yeah um i didn't enjoy farming but it's a good way to sell commodities all right you guys are talking to yourselves who's talking to bob uh it only costs units yeah yeah i know man i'm david i'm happy to be back too um i i was i was i was bummed not being able to stream for such a long time uh do quicksilver cosmetic items carry over between saves or d yeah you got to purchase them in every save man it does not carry over unfortunately uh chlorine farming yeah that's what's up how about those dogs yesterday man they got came in that was another reason i was in a bad mood i didn't say that earlier but uh yeah yeah georgia like i i started building during the middle of the game because georgia was slapping me down so much uh dirty bronze we can put that in the storage but the glass cadmium activated cadmium activated copper put that there we'll put that there there and then ndm can go yeah dude you can totally dismiss frigates i'll show you in just a second let me finish just getting this crap out of here mind control device uh we'll put that there go tigers which tigers are you cheering for uh if it's clemson uh how'd that work out for you and if it's lsu yikes all right so um how do you dismiss uh these guys it doesn't tell you but if you let me find a crappy one all right let's see i got one two three four five industrial um this one's good this one's good this one's good this is probably my least good one um basically the same way you discard something you can hold over it here i'll do this one because it doesn't matter all right so you just i i did middle mouse button pushed it in which is what i used to um throw something away and um there you go and then you can you can get rid of that guy and fire him i'm not going to though uh i'm back let's see lsu is going to be loaded next year not if all your players leave bro i'm just messing with you i like lsu except that we can't beat them for some reason uh you just did call the void on perma it's much easier now after the first mission in the quest nice david you're you're an ohio state fan i you know what i don't like i don't dislike as ohio state near as much since urban meyer left i will tell you that urban meyer just looks like a not a fun guy all right so that's how you um that's how you get rid of those guys new player and i am really horrible but your videos helped me a lot oh awesome tracy i'm glad that they helped all right um what do i got industrial that's what i want to do do i have any back no these guys are all a waiting debrief all right all right bob remember what you're doing uh i do not play zelda i played the original legend of zelda okay on nes that's probably the last one i played all right it's there you are i like nfl more but college is the buckeyes as well see i can't i mean the only reason i watch nfl is for specific players but um i don't know it just seems like there's more more passion in uh in college nfl's just it's it's great they're fast they're better obviously but i like that college can can change so much from year to year i live outside dayton ohio so you weren't a cincinnati fan did you watch cincinnati almost pull it off brown's fan all right i'll i'll give you that i mean that's if you're a browns fan uh that's that's serious you know i grew up in the south so hockey wasn't really a thing um i don't dislike it i just never really got into it nobody i know plays it we don't play it down here it's you know it doesn't get cold as lsu fan i'm pulling for ohio state because they pulled for a borough versus clemson but i respect georgia yeah i respect lsu i do i like kocho uh uh do i play with fans yeah i do um i'm not doing that right now but um i do stream i've streamed sometimes where i do open it up and just let people jump in seahawks yeah i'm just not a big nfl fan i don't i'm trying to think of somebody i know that plays for the seahawks go sports go sports team yeah it's almost over and then we won't have to talk about it anymore what's up chris how's it going man good to see you uh yeah frigates level up exactly that's why you at a certain point you don't want to dismiss them yeah all right so now i got did i do them all i did them all right i did them all i don't have that many i need to load up that's why i wanted to buy some sports ball uh i used to be a seahawks fan but now i'm just tired of sports ball yeah i mean i don't know as i get older it becomes less and less important to me when i find myself getting emotionally invested in something that honestly has no impact on my life uh it's you know it's just could i really do something better with my time all right so industrial we're gonna send all these guys out five star baby go get some experience and then voyage of discovery three stars yeah let's see what happens what am i going to get two stars no not doing that um balance let's go balanced which one's shorter nine hours yup that one all right dude and you don't have enough fuel i really wish you could build fuel from inside there that would be super awesome that's a warp cell that's not fuel there we go you happy now are you happy now uh go dog sorry bob why are you sorry go dogs is the correct answer jeb uh i'm from canada con casso i have no idea what you're talking about that's all good it's code i'm sure we'll be back to no man's sky now all right uh yeah i like ufc too um i just don't like pay-per-view uh what about miami u uh they have a college hockey team we used to play broom ball at their rink 30 years ago you talking about um miami ohio richard i've actually been there uh your content made me come back to know me in the sky awesome man i'm glad uh i'm glad i hope you're enjoying it from scotland more lost than you yeah we all do like cable throwing and stuff over there x axe chucking what's up pete beef how's it going does increasing the storage space of an s-class still increase the price if you unlock a new row if you unlock the new row it will increase price yes i got a video on it i'll walk you through step by step uh it's called upgrading how to upgrade your starship or something like that university of washington in seattle those dogs i didn't know they had yeah they played uh did not know about them uh i'm 10 in my father's telephone cool uh go huskies ain't mad at the huskies they got uh didn't that were um eason not eason yeah eason played did neeson play for washington isn't that where he went back to jacob does it increase the components gained as well or just the price does what uh does increasing the storage space still increase the price if you want yet uh does it increase the components gain as well or just the price i don't know uh you don't get more components well the components is based on the price but as far as getting like new um upgrade modules or whatever you don't get more and you're not going to get more storage oh man i got 15 storage augmentation let me throw that over here um i was scrapping those ships blink good to have um uh yeah just the price the s-drops are the same exactly tiger stadium still the loudest okay so i went to an lsu game with a buddy of mine who was from lsu big fan and he got season tickets like when they added an addition to the stadium i swear to you we were so high um like it was so steep where we were at that i um my feet were at the head of the person in front of me like that's how steep it was like usually when you sit behind somebody you know you're like a foot or two higher than them yeah their head was at my foot level it was i was so scared to walk up and down those stairs like i would just fall until i hit the freaking grass all right let's look at some let's look at some frigates frigates forgets not freighters i pretty much need everything but industrial at this point uh what's up dude uh following the bouncy bob what's up citizen how's it been man never caught you live but your guides have helped me tremendously man i've had i'm happy to hear that rain that's cool all right so um expedition 17 and support specialist i care not about a support specialist because i'm rich and i don't care about gas where'd they go man i i swear like my bearings get off whenever i look at a frigate because it'll spin you around and then i get so confused as to which direction i'm going i'm rich am i rich 700 million i mean that's not bad i've been richer content's very helpful hey man i appreciate that i'm glad you're enjoying it finding it helpful i was looking at an a-class freighter and two s-class frigates really early in the game but since then only come across c frigates bill that's what you want bro you want to see frigate that's what i'm looking for not this one this one sucks okay so here's the deal go watch my freighter and frigate guide um it'll go into this in more detail and you can nerd out as much as you want on it but the long and short of it is you want low expeditions like 0 1 2 and you want 20 in the main stat okay not including any bonus stats this isn't a bonus stat it comes with plus 15 because it's an exploration so it's got one extra point in exploration these will level up as you send them on missions so these c classes if you get the right one will become better than an s-class that you buy and the class of the frigate determines what it brings back the goodies that it brings back so you'll get if you start with an s class you'll get new stuff but it won't be as good as one that levels up what's up shorty um but bill i was the same way man when i first started playing i was like man i can't find an s class this sucks because everything you know s-class is the best but a leveled up s-class is way better a leveled up c to s is way better than a purchase s most of the time everybody say hey to shorty no no wear it out uh please you know considering when analyzing the chips yeah thanks i'm trying to did i did i get it or are you behind me a little bit uh okay so this one again i'm looking for uh 20 points in the main stat which which should be exploration i don't really care about this as much because this will go away when it levels but this guy has been on five missions which means he's level two zero one two is level zero then it goes um three four five is the next level so this is level one maybe two i can't remember but um anyway uh i can just look at it and no i don't want it had to watch it a few times still can't grasp everything but yeah man honestly i spent a long time on that and tried to really wrap my brain around it i don't think i grasped everything either completely but what i do know is what it takes to get the best ship um i don't necessarily know exactly how or why and it's not as imperative as it used to be because your freighter now gives you stat boosts wait i already looked at that one i told you i got turned did i see this one this is the one i didn't see there's like a whole spreadsheet on it if you want to nerd out i i don't know i don't know that the frigates have changed i know the freighters have um with the desolation update we got a lot of changes so that's why i need to update my freighter video but the frigate stuff as far as i can tell has remained the same okay close but no cigar this one i don't like because it is 20 so that's good but it's a level it's been on six expeditions so that's kind of high happy new year thanks cheap taco good to see you man what's up mr jan how's it going bud been getting only one augment from scrapping s's lately which hopefully is just a run of bad luck so is you're gonna get the same thing for the same ship so if if it's a certain station and you're seeing that ship you get the same thing for each class for that class so if it's an s-class you know regular ship whatever you get you're going to get the same for that s-class if it's an exotic same thing if it's a regular ship and you see a b you're going to get different stuff than you get from the a's and the s's i spent a lot of time testing all that crap if i could i would donate 70 bucks no worries man yeah exotics usually give you a two at a minimum i found one the other day i found a um was it an exotic yeah it wasn't exotic that was giving me three i feel like i keep going to the same one and i'm let me just go somewhere different and get a new fleet you may need a squid ship i like the squids some people hate them yeah that is weird is i mean i don't know how long it's been it it changes after updates i do know that they are not flying backwards spider back you just don't know how to fly hmm i do and squids you do know how to fly where is all your flying experience coming from uh don't forget to send break it with the mind control i mean i always forget to send out the mind control device i hardly ever use that stuff it's a combat squid because it's demeanor that's right hey what's up lee sorry i missed you coming in man good to see you y'all talking trash about my yellow ship it's not nice it's not nice someone asked how long it takes to load let me show you i'm going to reload this and go check out these uh freighters again frigates again excuse me trying to get the white squid with the black tiger stripes and the blue yeah those are pretty sweet i only ever found one in all the months i've played of course i bought it but sold it eventually um you know what the squids are just different and i think that's what i appreciate about them um plus i made up a little song which makes me happy when i sing it uh i'm on pc biterbeck i don't play on xbox anymore we ain't got ain't nobody got time for that you like the look of shuttles yeah you're right you are the weird guy i'm just kidding all right let's see what you got is that a is that a support are you a support no you're mining uh i don't need industrial that's the only one i don't need not a big fan of the squids what's up crazy ivan yeah yeah yeah yeah it's not orange it looks orange to me you just need to change change your hue a little bit on your monitor and you'll be good seriously there's nothing here thanks lee yeah uh why am i not getting any i feel like i'm not getting i may have to go somewhere else so now consoles are up to 32 players it might be time for a new ship showcase you know what we should do that i haven't checked out our community planet since the update i think somebody told me that it turned into an ice payment although i thought i checked it i don't remember that maybe not uh hey bob how do you upgrade your storage yeah i scrap ships and get storage augmentation mine is the best tutorial series check out my beginner's guide actually just did i just updated my beginner's guide for 2021 uh a day or two ago i'm not getting them oh crap i'm still in the center aren't i all right let me get out of here that's the problem that's the problem depends on what where you were jan it was 2021 in australia when i released it so there oh no fuel i've gotten storage augmentation for as low as 135 000 units each what do you mean where are you buying them are you is that the cost of scrapping ships what's up man hope you're well i hope uh i am doing well hope you're doing well as well hope you're doing well as well hope you're doing well too sounds better right all right now all of a sudden these guys are showing up they're like no don't leave buy us uh that's industrial right from scrapping yeah all right i don't want this too many expeditions and i've already got enough industrial that's the same thing nice balls buddy excuse me there's things out of my face uh i thought of dave chappelle when you said that i've been watching a lot of dave chappelle lately uh i have to admit my favorite is my pillar been a day one player and yet this is the first time i maxed it out oh that's awesome peppy yeah um i've had a few friends that have done it i haven't had the patience to max one out i mean i could all right here's what we're looking for this is what we are looking for um this is a explorer with one expedition c class 20 and exploration points so we're gonna buy that one you max it on your perma save never again all right all right so this one also is 20 but he's been on six expeditions so he's already leveled up twice so i'm not going to get as high depending on how fancy you want to get with base building uh check out um what's that german guy's name why can't i think of it my buddy beeble beeble bum yes thank you you know what i was talking about he looks all serious all the that's time right is that industrial i think that is what's up crazy i have a happy new year good to see you moved from playing with pulsing sex uh man i appreciate that buddy i appreciate that have you been playing space engineers still yeah thanks for dropping biebel's link seriously all right and i i don't need industrial yeah alright check that one i think is this the one i checked see this is what happens i get turned upside down space engineers is pretty awesome i'll have to i'll have to give another try all right this one's got 20 but he's been on four expeditions so he's still leveled up a couple times it's close but no cigar uh so seeing how i probably shot myself in the foot with my friggin choices and possibly getting rid of them yeah i'll show you i'll show you in a second how to get rid of them um again i've showed it once earlier all right those are industrial i don't need those i kind of like the color of these frigates though so i may just reload although i'm only seeing industrial science wait is that a what is that that's industrial just was a different angle that was somebody wanting to fight somebody want to fight bob where'd you go oh hey oh whoa slow down i wasn't paying i wasn't ready all right i was ready for you guys i was reading the chat that's not fair oh that was a whiff i'm out of practice you're dead who's left all right anybody else anybody else cheaters i know right i've had this dream of having a fleet all the same color i don't see it happening though and i just really honestly wouldn't be wouldn't be bob like if i did it's way too much effort uh yeah let's go to a new system let me get at it let me get out of the center first so that i can warp around [Music] all right get a save it's important to save when you're buying these things because you know stuff happens uh no you cannot economy crash with one stack of cobalt bare minimum is like four ish four and a half um i go eight to start um i think these three are all in the center um let's go here i don't remember what that is uh uh laborium uh the way i get dihydrogen is i look for dihydrogen jelly for sale and then i buy all of it and then refine it um what fandom's talking about is you can take dihydrogen it takes 40 dihydrogen to make one dihydrogen jelly and one dihydrogen jelly refines back into 50 dihydrogen so you can actually make a 20 profit by doing it this kind of sucks um it takes a little while if you're doing like a lot of it but i have definitely done it um to you know when i was someplace that i needed it and didn't have time to wait is that the cool fighter i wanted maybe maybe not it's all busted up looking i can't remember what ships i have let me see what ships i have all right i've got that guy got big baller and i've got that guy so i've got four ships all right yeah tritium refines in the dihydrogen you can do it that way too i used to do that but the quickest way i've found is to just you know when you're when your places just look for the jelly and then buy it and refine it is it refined super quick all right what do we got here boys what's up mr marley how are you doing yeah exactly call the boy that's what i'm talking about oh crap you tricked me i don't want to support special issues and these are ugly good god i got to go somewhere else these are way too ugly to buy not doing it all right let's see let's go over here all right seriously says npc pilots and high economy space stations often carry 130 to 150 jelly very easy to buy more than you need from a couple pilots yeah absolutely you're totally full discovered by curtis 1976 what's up dragon good to see you man how you been do i have my do i have my suit filled out no i don't i need to keep doing that too so there's usually going to be a fleet in the system when you get there already and then another one will fly in to wherever you're heading so if you head straight to that fleet um you can get them to be right next to each other which is helpful um but if none of them are selling anything that is not helpful no nothing here huh all right let's do this did i start a new character this is from my origin series so uh i've got a bunch of new starts but this is from the one i started when origins came out and i never really built the fleet out for this guy i love the start man i've started so many times i was trying to count them up the other day you guys suck all right where's the space station there it is what's up boss how's it going good to see you all right where's the hole it's kind of dark down here it's hard to see it ah almost smacked into it there it is i like your stream hey thanks man appreciate it uh stuart you happy new year to you just got the bug for no man's sky and only been playing since christmas but i love it so far i watched your gameplay guys and just want to say thanks hey man what uh glad you're enjoying it and i appreciate you appreciate you letting me know you're heading out jillian take care bud thanks for stopping in and grab my free nanites since this is a viking station excuse me pardon me excuse me uh yes there is a first person view i don't like first person though it's not how i do oh you guys sell chlorine do i have any chlorine on me no oh well oh well the entrance is always facing the nearby largest planet really never put that together makes sense i don't like it learn the chlorine method from you awesome yeah chlorine is what's up bob's pool supply excuse me i don't want to talk to you bob's plan is bobbing around exactly see the thing i like about no man's sky is it allows you to um um it allows your uh i was going to say ocd but that's not right your 80d it allows your 80d to run wild and you don't get severely punished for it just wander around do different stuff look at this it's shiny look at this then it's a lot of what was i doing all right i didn't see any of these for sale they're freighters for sale that i have no interest in let's take a look real quick at this system let's see let's check out molly where's molly was that it is that molly that's molly let's check it out yeah blue planet squirrel exactly attention attention deficit ooh shiny yeah pretty much uh what's your choice weapon attached on the multi-tool um don't say mold um so the most fun is the uh plasma launcher but i'm not allowed to use it anymore because i kill myself too much um however yeah i use the scatter blaster a lot why is it black and white here oh it's an eggplant it's a black and white blaze javelin yeah you gotta wait for that thing to charge though ain't nobody got time for that look at this it's crazy looking yeah focus it fires on click now what i have to give that a try why am i in a hole no charge shots one shot monstrosities nice you know what all one shot 12 monstrosities that all right let's go look for some more ships that's enough squirreling around for me these eggplants are cool but it's black and white and i'm not down with that oh wait let me call it no i can't i was about to call in the anomaly to get a slot but i went to that stupid system that doesn't let me do that anymore [Music] [Music] wait i saw three didn't i no no where'd it go i lost it no no yeah whatever two's close enough um i found an infested ice planet like that it's a good place to farm larval pores you know i played around with that a little bit last night um because i've had lots of people i've got two nanite videos one of them shows like six different methods and one of them shows my favorite method and i've had a lot of people comment that they they do that it's fun and i did it i don't think it's the most efficient use of time to get nanites but it is fun they're just so spread out that might be a cool planet to check out look at that one we got like all these earth-like planets i swear i think people like that's a toxic planet that sounds like earth okay here we go that's what i'm looking for run derelict freighters uh come on where's the bad guys oh you wanna you want to try to extort me first have you ever farmed drop pods for free exposure upgrades instead of buying them yeah well i wouldn't say i've farmed them i've used them refuse come get you some kill us and you're suffering before we end yours done sounds like a deal brother whoa all right everybody dead everybody did what's up sandbag happy 20 21 to you all right we good oh wait what is that i'm kind of looking i've got my eye on a fan hauler is that a fan hauler come here kind of looks like a fan hauler i've been missing my fan hauler i don't have one right now i have to go check this out and see oh yeah they were done they were toast not a chance um let's get this one first or let's take a look at this one first these are horrible colors seem much worse inspect uh close but not it doesn't have 20. uh it's been on two expeditions i think is it zero one and two is level zero i'm pretty sure fan hauler dealer what color you like i had a really cool blue one uh blue and yellow one i i'd be down with a white one too though what you got hey that's industrial i don't want to talk to you zero to three is level zero yeah that's what i thought haven't found s-class freighter yet i've been with an a for a while any tips on finding the s i mean honestly paul it's you just reload in this in the same place that's what people do three star systems are going to have a higher probability of them um if you're looking for a specific type i see this one's been on 17 expeditions and it's only got 22 in its main stats that's crap we don't want that manny amazing fan with boosters yeah on the exchange yeah there's some good stuff on there is this the one i started at i think that is let's go check this one out check it out this is a trade what do you got okay so a class no hard pass too many expeditions not enough points uh shout out to you though i found your youtube channel and decided to buy the game awesome dalton i've had a lot of people tell me that man i'm happy to hear it that's all um i hope you enjoy it as much as i do uh exploration zero expedition i mean this one's close the fact that it has three in trade is kind of nice but it's only 19 on zero expeditions i really want it to be at least 20 so we're gonna pass that's industrial right um see this is what i hate i get turned around i can't remember which ones i've been to i think i've been to all of them now what's that planet just started building your fleet um so [Music] let me i want to check out there was a cool planet here yeah this one let me check this plane out we'll talk about the fleet so on the fleet um the the thing that i think a lot of people don't realize or don't consider is the fact that uh frigates level up so um you can actually get a frigate and level it up to better than most of the ones that you can buy and it will take you less time than searching it up and you get free stuff along the way so um i uh i look for a c class which is the lowest class with like next to no zero to three expeditions that has 20 points in the main stat not including any bonus stats and that's a real shorthand with no explanation as to why but that's that's the answer um if you want to know why and you want to know more i got a whole video on it where i spend a lot of time and give you even more places to look is this a water plant this is a water planet are living ships worth it um if you're into them i haven't i've only done a living ship once do i like the blue grass is there like part of this planet that's not underwater some people think there's not enough blueprints what i think is they need to rework the um the build menus that's what i think here we go we found land land hoe island with a swimming pool i'm looking for one without too much um of the dirt the beach area they take forever i agree mike no i don't like these big black spots either hmm just haven't made that video yet i'll check it out later here see if we can find a trade post i want to see if there was a fan hauler here because i saw one i think i saw one flying whatever you see flying out there even the pirates that's what's gonna be in the system so if you see a cool ship that's how you go get it you know fireback it never occurred to me that you couldn't get an economy scanner on a living ship i just never spent much time in it but yeah that'd be a big big no-no for me overwhelmed with the choices thanks for being this guy that my clarity and direction awesome hey man i'm glad to hear that dude look at that it's in a bad little area to build got a trade post over here somewhere there it is except cory loved the content finally caught you live have you read any of the baba verse books i haven't but i've had several people mention them to me and i think i need to get them um there's a swimming pool that's right oh god no what is this it's like a clothesline machine professional wrestler coming in to close on you okay these are all ugly no hard pass yeah they can jump to any system talking about the living ships and they don't take damage when you go through black holes which is another advantage there's a few other smaller advantages but massive range yeah so there's definitely some some good features i honestly don't love staring at them that's why i you know they're cool to play with but you know you play with it too long you'll go blind how y'all doing all right and i think i brought my baller down right seriously seriously puke and poo launchers are the best yeah they don't look so nice from the inside on first person view well it's better than staring at the pulsating back end of it all right really i have nothing in this ship what the hell did i do with all my chlorine why do i even have a hauler if there's if it's empty what would you say you do here hmm all right you get over there is it in my is it in my i think i might have sold it all maybe i don't have any cobalt i don't know you're you're hauler shopping right now mr chicks what jokes i don't know what you're talking about uh viterbeck did you have a good fan hauler for me i kind of dig on the colors of this i don't like the nose particularly so hang out here for another minute and see if i see throw it in my discord man throw me a picture with some coordinates do i have all the glyphs no catalog portal glyphs just make sure it doesn't need these two glyphs all right uh i haven't seen a hauler yet except for that one that was that's an explorer i swear i had a ship full of cobalt or something i usually keep it in my hauler not to just check let me see okay i looked in this one i think let's check this one i might have just dumped it all i don't know i think this save i didn't i wasn't flipping cobalt though incoming storm that's not what we're looking for no i guess not i must have just i think this was my chlorine only saved oh well all right come on lager squid let's get the hell out of here let's go get our storage augmentation watch this he big mad now he was in my lane yeah i was making chlorine yeah that's what i was doing i remembered i remember uh how many different saves do i currently play i mean so i've got my oldest save that i jump on you know that's got everything um then i've got this one which is my origin series i started i've got a survival save and a permadeath save and then i started a new one um when i did the new beginner's guide the other day he radioed bass oh baby i don't play them all i mean obviously i don't play them all at the same time but my survival save is from the survival series that i kind of just quit i just keep it to have a survival save and then i did a new permadeath a couple months back and got eight or nine hours into it uh business of making and handing out stasis devices and fusion igniter nice boss it's very generous of you gotta go love the stream keep up the great vids hey man i appreciate that call take care bud have a happy new year all right thank you very much do i need anything i don't have a um i don't have the teleport room in there to fix that is this broken oh that's right because i was emergency warping all right how we doing looking good feeling good i also need a new multi-tool in this save yeah that sucks i don't want that all right i'm out of here moving on let's go look for some more frigates uh let me out the the whole galaxy map thing just takes too long to me i don't know why i get impatient oop nope there we go right there looking for a hauler three star decks good place to go know boss jillian um i have never made a stasis device as far as i can recall oh looks like we're in for a fight man you know what is this an ugly green ship because i'm not even going to help you because i hate ugly green ships looks like mandalani's jam right here these green balls all kind of green balls no i don't max level my i mean uh the shields because i jump off of stuff and fall down but on my ships i don't even worry about it on my ships i go from movement and shields to be honest with you that's what i do green disqualified exactly not interested help yourself buddy you're in an orange system too i guess i'm gonna have to kill the pirates to get a fleet to spawn that i can look at aren't i let's grab the suit slot real quick i've got four defense jets what i was doing it's been getting into some troubles black and red large s-class got a black and red large s-class fighter the other day using the auto save message nice just reloading and looking for the right one thank you very much oh hey can i have this thank you man did i get it yeah i got it all right grab this nothing that that that's it uh have you seen her still making content with the videos hey thanks timothy appreciate it yeah i had to um take a little bit of time off because my internet was not cooperating and you know real life and stuff too uh didn't even know about the autosave method because i come back after like two years yeah for sure i mean that's one of the easier ways to do things nowadays is just reloading got it anybody anybody landing here i feel like i'm not getting maybe i'm just having bad luck but i feel like i'm going to stations that just don't have a lot of traffic lately put two on my discord awesome cool ships yep that's where they go all right let's go kill these jack wagons whoa one shot one kill see look at all that help i was i don't want to talk to you brother i don't know all right i'll go look at it and if it just happens to be really good then i'll i'll paint his balls a different color because nobody wants green balls except mundolani manjulani's down with green balls but i don't judge where's the ship there it is uh was the intent to look like ant-man you know it wasn't but i kind of see it now that you mention it i fly out then i fly they fly in yeah what's up green ball 66 cobalt i must have got that from killing somebody dude i gotta clean up i got that from scrapping didn't it still don't have the uh teleporter do it b-class hard pass i don't even want your free free medals and i'm not buying green freighters so frigates so we'll move on uh let's see oh wait no no i thought i saw three maybe i didn't um hmm all right we'll just go to a two i guess go to that one go to that one how many have we bought we bought three or four maybe i can't call my freighter because i was parked in the core the galactic core and if i call it this far out the ships will never get back to it it'll take days so i guess i'm going to have to just warp back over there because i don't want to call it this far away all right so the whole facing the biggest plant the the biggest closest planet you know what they might be right is that a is that a planet bump or is that just the way the sun's showing oh i thought that was a planet in a planet okay there's the fleet let's see let's start on this side is it this way just the right side okay here we go ps4 player envious of your load times yeah man um so i don't play on xbox anymore i actually bought a new um uh ssd for my xbox i haven't put it in yet i bought it the other day trying to see if that helped out uh what do you got uh no decline you suck didn't even pay attention that that was a support specialist i need to check though because i feel like i'm getting i bought all um explorers exploration ships let's go all right so roach infestation -6 in trading so with minus six in trading oh no that's trading not exploration never mind so this still has eight points in trading because it's minus six and it still has two but it's been on ten expeditions which is too many for these numbers so hard pass wait is that green is that green i think that's green y'all trying to trick me it's not the horrible it's not the bad green though it's more of a blue green i'm okay with that moving your freighter affects your frigates return time really i swear that it did i mean i haven't paid attention to it in months but i thought that it did let's we'll we'll test it we'll for science it and see um no you suck what's up t how's it going welcome to the stream this is a support guy isn't it i don't like support specialists you're a waste of space where's where are they flying into i swear i just heard all explorers huh we need to go check that out i need to check out how many i have i don't want to buy more than five i don't think or six is it six six hell i can't remember nope did i just look at that one support tanks go lengthwise that's right that's right industrials go up and down uh nope see now i'm turned around which way did i come from they turn me over again how do you kick a frigate from your fleet i'll show you let me call mine in uh you go you basically you go to the menu um on the command deck where you can check out all your frigates it's the one facing the captain and you hover over them and you push your discard button um it's the same button that shows you to discard an item here it says at the bottom it's the middle mouse button for pc but it won't tell you that but if you do that it'll it'll do it and it'll it'll ask you if you're sure so you can test it out it won't just chuck it right away i need some background stream music man um i've been thinking about that i don't uh i'm bad at music man i'm bad at music decisions you don't want me i can just sing the liger squid theme song for you if you want me to lag or squid like a squid does whatever a lager squid does maybe i need some more verses to that uh industrial i think i'm good there support don't need support what is this inspect uh no hard pass is that all of them do support frigates level up the fuel reduction as they level up i don't know i don't use support frigates i don't care about fuel um probably because i'm in georgia and i drive suvs i'm just kidding um fuel's cheap i buy so i'm more interested in getting the most stuff and the most stuff comes from sending out more of the the other frigates hop on stream catch again live sometime hey thanks for stopping in dalton what is a frigate this is a frigate what i'm looking at right now frigate combat specialist it's got 18 points two expeditions so this is a level zero hasn't leveled up yet um but it's not 20 points in the main stat so i'm not interested i'm going to buy it because they will level up doing a test run on the support frigates on my latest save to see they seem to work great if you have lots of derelict modules for fleet coordination stats derelict modules oh oh i see what you're saying by work great what do you mean why did i do that i hit the wrong button escape scoop no come on dude seriously apparently he wants to leave all right let's get out of here then when you say work great do you mean on fuel can fuel savingly yeah i want to get a bunch of low-level ones and i want to just see you know kind of how long it takes uh i can five-star a general frigate mission with a single a-class support for you what do i like support frigates now the red planet let me grab my storage before i forget because i think i forgot last time i was screwing around the other day testing a few things and i noticed that um how expensive fuel is and how cheap the components are to make it um and i was looking to see if that was worth making money long story short it's not you do make money but it's just it just time isn't effective just stop playing with me and sky still streaming yet man i usually stream for a couple hours three at least when i go um how long has it been two hours thank you very much sir no goodies huh all right oh look at this little horny multi-tool looks like you get caught on something though when you whip it out it's weird support frigates also have crew that add bonus to whatever mission they are on give me that one thank you what's up haze all day i've i've maxed out this i've maxed out general and now i'm working cargo cargo's a lot more expensive that is why yeah the more you upgrade the more they cost a lot of people will go use drop pods for uh cargo because they're so expensive and drop pods are much cheaper but as i said earlier i'm not worried about money time is money i wasn't trying to shoot at that why was it targeting it all right let's start over on this fleet over here and work our way back if any of those are for sale i only see i see two three yeah all right let's start with you what up nope all right so you guys are making me feel like i should give support frigates another try huh i can see more i guess value now that you get the bonus stats from the freighter itself it's it's easier to get a five-star mission for sure uh by best what do you mean um alex the question is um is chlorine expansion the best way of making money you mean the fastest no um i'd say flipping cobalt is the fastest way all right i'll look for a support frigate i don't even know what stance to look for on a support frigate though hmm here's one what stance should i be looking for in a support for you are you not for sale the time i want to support frigate and you're not for sale okay apparently now they don't want me uh what's up uh will there be any more subnautica videos i'm gonna do live i mentioned this earlier but it's been a little while so i'll say it again um the the the plan was to uh this one sucks the plan was i wasn't getting enough views on a lot of the edited videos that i was doing on gameplay things like subnautica the one-offs those kind of things and it really wasn't worth the time it took to edit and make those videos so i was going to start live streaming that was my plan and then my internet crapped out and i wasn't able to live stream for a while so this is my first time back in almost a month live streaming so i wanted to test to make sure it worked and then i'd like to do more gameplay live streams just for more interaction and i don't have to edit it and you guys can help me along the way i thought that was a big hole in this thing that's a shadow hunting a class and s-class frigates found six in one day um i would not hunt and s class frigates if i was you hayes i used to do that too because frigates level up and most of the a and s class frigates are already going to be leveled up i can get a c class for cheaper and level it up better than an a or an s nine times out of ten unless you just get lucky and happen to find the right one let me call my my fleet in [Applause] the hyper stack model let you stack 100x well you can do i mean eight stacks of cobalt in normal modal stack will uh crash it oh you like my freighter thank you all right so let's answer a few questions i haven't started building in here i need to build more uh let me check the command rooms real quick i think i had yeah see how long it's going to take these guys to get back hold off on subnautica until after the new release what's the new release are they coming out with something yeah yeah yeah it's only seven hours away okay i swear it took more time and then of course this was like five months ago was the last time i really looked yeah frigate shopping is the only time you don't want to s-class um here i'll show you my stats and kind of below zero uh well don't i need to get through the first one before i do below zero so here's all mine and they're all c's and b's these have leveled up so what you're looking for is i think i just bought this one yeah so here's what you're looking for if you want to level up a freighter you're looking for uh the main stat this is industrial so industrial you want to see at least 20 points and you want it to have not leveled so this one uh has been on two expeditions so it's has not leveled up yet it's level zero it levels up at um four i think the fourth expedition is when it's going to level up for the first time and every time it levels up the stats that it has to start with are going to increase there's going to be a roll and they're going to increase so you can level these things up to close to 40 in the main stat if you get the right ones and go there's a story that goes from subnautica to it helps there's a story thread that goes from below zero to this nauticals pretty cool okay i need to check that out i saw them announce a price increase that's for below zero right yeah how much should i look to spend on a good freighter can't find an s-class but like you know i mean a good freighter is going to cost you over a hundred million uh if you've already taken the free one oh and then to answer the question um people have asked several times how do you get rid of a frigate so you go into manage fleet and then you hit your discard button which on pc is middle mouse button i can't discard that one because he's out on a mission but this one's here and then it'll ask if you want to confirm you confirm it and they just disappear you don't get your money back or anything they're just gone he did make it before stop hey buddy happy new year to you too bud there it is i'm going to change the layout in here increase inventory on living ships hmm i don't know i've never messed with living ships guys chant can you increase the inventory size on a living ship let's wallow it out more i guess i didn't i didn't think so seriously says not that he knows about uh let's do that one i've only bought one i swear i bought more than one i swear i want like three or four right i take care seriously thanks for stopping in bud good to see you i swore i bought more than three more than one unless i sent them out after i bought them i do like the orange ones though hopefully some of these will be good come here or is that yellow why is it not why you no talk to me are you mad that i shot your boy is this like four backs all right i'll leave i'll leave you went to ice and tam cool yeah ice and tam's got a lot of pretty planets in it i didn't realize when i first went to the next galaxy and you get to choose i didn't realize i didn't even read the descriptions i was just like so in awe of what was going on i didn't even i was looking at the pretty colors and trying to look inside the globes and stuff and didn't even look at the descriptions until after i hit it and i did not pick a good system to go to i can't remember what it was the first time i remember the name of it but it was not a good one it wasn't eisenham basically these broke out broke systems almost said a bad word there we go i swear i bought more than one though you picked green yeah i probably did pick red mika i think there was like a turquoise one that i picked honestly does that sound right i don't remember it was on xbox all right i'm still testing this um space station hole theory that it's always facing the the biggest planet or the closest planet yep ooh that's pretty please be a good planet star ball aggressive sentinels of course time to make a nice base red blue green and turquoise yeah i'm pretty sure i picked turquoise because i was like you know tiffany's uh is there much of a difference on pc and say console or just like one over the other for better controls um the game all right so here's a support it's been on eight expeditions though i'm guessing i want a low level support as well i've never bought a support for you guys so i'm not even sure what i'm looking for i want to decline that one um uh the game struggles on some older uh xboxes and ps4s just because it's they they've added so much to it so that's why a lot of people prefer pc because you just get better like i'm on ultra settings right now and i'm not having any problems um if i was on xbox it would be every time i jumped out of my ship it would lag be a lot of issues did i go in the hall i don't think i went in the hall you guys parked awfully close to the space station i feel like you shouldn't do that uh one plane assistant that has a description planet white or something what's that i have one planet in my new system that has a description planet of light or something like that oh it sounds like a um a glitch planet should go check it out you'll be able to pick up some of the items which are glitches and you can place them around your base a description that's i think he's just talking about the uh when you when you hit it with c or whatever loving your videos can't wait for the next part of the guide hey thanks man i appreciate that make sure your frigates have five buffs doesn't matter if they are pos or negative if it's a c class you can level it to an s and all the buffs will be yeah yeah exactly i need this what's up sean finally made it to a live stream good to see you bob hey appreciate that man you have all the glisten glitches yeah so this is a i think i had some in my in my pocket didn't i yeah bubble clusters so these are i got these off a bubble plant that i was screwing around on the other day uh and you can place them in your base or on your starship actually on your uh freighter i mean nothing oh what's that it's a pink horny one or is that purple oh it's green yeah yuck um if i all tab out a couple times the game starts to get real laggy yeah it doesn't like that i mean basically the best the only way to fix that is to restart the game i've i've had that problem on stream to be honest with you when i all tabbed out to do something that's kind of a cool ship design sentinel hunter oh description when choosing a new galaxy let's go check out this planet it looked cool with the aggressive sentinels playing a laptop through steam via wi-fi hotspot on phone and watching it the same phone all on t-mobile 5g that's pretty impressive lazy cat getting a new laptop tomorrow this is the first game i'll be playing and watching mobs videos awesome man surprised that people that i you know i i guess i watched some videos before i bought the game too um i don't know it's just interesting to me uh it's dark let's do that i don't see a building uh 14 minutes i don't think so bro all right let's see you don't like the closed wings on the back yeah i'm not a huge fan i've never owned one like that you've played it uh lots changed yeah man a lot of changes i'm interested to see what happens this year i think last year the first update was was it february or march livingship and xmax like i got here right before living what is that i missed sorry sorry i wasn't paying attention i want to land right no no no right there totally did that on purpose never had trouble alt tabbing in and out you know i haven't this time but i have definitely had it the last few weeks it wasn't for this big stupid fin i'd almost like this ship and the paint job you gotta paint your stuff bro it's like it's nasty well that one looks like it's green it's green it's green happy new year hey light happy new year to you too so here's a question for the crowd does anybody know why when i go to tab sometimes it starts on starship and sometimes it starts on exosuit like i want it to always start on exosuit let me try something yeah starship you throw my drugs on the ground in case the po-po come if ship is within range it goes there first yeah i mean i think that's that's probably it but i want to be able to not do that yours is always starship i guess i think it must be maybe when it's not in range here i bought you something you like that technology what's the class i got hmm at least stack the 10 yeah these will stack to 10. get those out of here put that there put that there there we go much better all better if you swap ships it will go to your bag first really until i get back in my ship wait i saw it right there no right there is selling crash ships a good way to make a profit sure that's a good way to start um that's how i usually make my first couple million when i start a new save i'll get a signal booster and find a few crash ships nothing good all right whatever dude i just called in a crash ship i didn't get in it making stuff up spider back stream trolling i hate that i really wish it wouldn't do that you got your ships you're using for storage now look at these guys oh this guy came running come here you you [Laughter] what am i doing to this poor guy good run away that one's bowing up all right i'm done with you how about you i want to mount you next we'll mount you all you have some concerns about this so do i look at the claws on this thing though scratch your back scratchy scratch how about you little beaver you're all pooping now you're uninterested poop everywhere huh you're wondering how to get faze him there you go pop's writing shrek geck bears oh there's an exotic present mine is that mine yeah that's that was uh i didn't know that was there all right i thought that one looked familiar all right this plane is not as exciting as i thought thanks for the life support warnings by the way oh i had my eye on that big teddy bear i wanted to cuddle up with no there there we go sometimes you just get lucky and other times it's wandering all over the place [Music] what happens if you run out of life support you slowly start taking damage it happens to me all the time first contact milestone accomplished i'm not overseer i've only got one more to go all right now all right these are the hatchet ships those are kind of cool looking ivan didn't you have one of these cleavers if you're still here or not but i swear you had one of those hey bud what's going on uh let me expect that still have it is it all black like that one because that one's pretty sweet looking uh nope decline hold on let me go kill these guys real quick whoa don't shoot that guy i mean he's not on team bob so i don't care that much you all dead that's what i thought i like when they group up for me makes it easier anybody else for sale this one i was just looking at i feel like it was let's go to this one you see new ships i do suck at gary you know what honestly oh no it's a b class nevermind anything over here uh you're building a ball hauler and space engineers nice so you can build ships in there i didn't know that no thank you you know i wonder if if you're looking for uh low-level frigates if it would actually be better to go to lower level stations that's a shuttle yeah those are done looking too did i go to the station here i don't think i did too many games to play yeah what's up ethan how's it going man welcome to the stream i can't remember coming over here so what am i actually looking for i am looking for frigates that have low missions so they haven't leveled up yet and i'm also increasing my backpack because i haven't done that all the way that sucks um and that have a stat a base stat of at least 20 and like zero to zero to three missions that they've been on because they'll level up and be much better than an s-class all right i've already been to those right big orange ball did i not get that scanned really all right so this this uh information seems to be holding that the space station's hole is always pointing at the biggest thing around it even if it's frosty nothing killing once going twice we gone all right let's see where else can we go that's not what i meant to hit just help my cousin get his first living ship and i got my second awesome ethan what color did you get some of those are cool looking some of them are creepy looking there we go what's up bernardo how's it going it's good to be nitpicky with the frigate because i'm kind of buying one and like having two three positive stats and good level ups yeah i mean you got time i mean if you have time i mean what else you gonna do you got whitish you got red and black nice dude i was scanning right there but i appreciate you bringing in your fleet for me to look at all right see if we can find a support frigate for me to test out because they've talked me into trying it again it's much more fun to be controversial and say that it sucks and uh yeah no this one sucks this one totally sucks ain't nobody got time for that yeah let's try i'm gonna try that tony i think that's worth checking out yeah go away i wasn't trying to talk to you i was trying to talk to this guy really are we done oh there's one of you left huh yeah be very careful not to shoot them they do not like it when you shoot the green guys why for dislikes and no telling i got a couple haters as soon as i drop a video i get a dislike within the first like five minutes so i know they're just subscribed to me just to hate wow this one this one is all busted up 27 expeditions uh all negative stats i am playing on pc right now usually competing streamers well people here on youtube should know that a dislike counts the same as a like in the youtube algorithm it's all um yeah it's it's all uh what is it called what's the word i'm looking for interaction it's all interaction so don't bother me none that's how you know you made it when you got a few haters i don't know that i've ever disliked i may have like if it was clickbait or something but that's rare engagement inspect frigates i mean i'm not encouraging dislikes but i'm just saying my ratio is usually 97 98 percent so i'm happy with that if i'm making everybody happy i'm not doing a good enough job uh i mean this is really close zero expeditions 19 but i want 20. see you bernardo thanks for stopping in bud have i tried vr no i haven't and i want to try vr what features i look for when traveling to a new system example lush planets well you can't tell if they have lush planets while you're going there a water system is generally a good sign high economy if you're looking for stuff to buy there the higher economy is going to have a higher chance of getting s-class things and you do that with an economy scanner that you can get in the anomaly do you lag a lot when you play multiplayer i i don't know i kind of lol if people leave dislikes on my streams means they at least clicked on it and gave me another view on it right hey andrew just watched my new starters guy very helpful good man i'm glad it helped did i get all these yeah i'm kind of in the mode now where i need to redo several of my guides because there's been so much updates that they're i mean they're like 70 80 correct but there's still stuff that changes and if you leave a guide out there without replacing it then you're going to get all these comments like don't work that way no more and i have to be like dude seriously it did when i made it and youtube doesn't let you change videos after they're posted so i made a new one and i tagged it and put it in the comments uh your cousin does yeah ps4 um well xbox lags i've had a problem with that i watched the storage guide also showed up in your feed cool max yeah i'm sorry bro hoyt i've i've commented in that video a bunch and i think i've tagged it i think i put it at the top i think i put it in one of the pinned comments but yeah the cobalt thing has definitely changed uh it works you just have to have 80 000 to get a full crash all right this one sucks i don't want this one i've got a live stream where i showed you how to go from zero to 100 million in three hours on a new save so i mean like money is easy to get if you know what you're doing there's a couple different methods early game stuff mid game stuff some people are morally opposed to uh economy crashing which you know i ain't mad at them but i'll put you know play the game however you want to kind of way i see it please back yeah eight stacks of normal mode sorry i talk in normal mode because that's what i play most of the time but i tried to make a good point in my beginner's guide to talk about the differences between normal survival and permadeath chlorine yeah chlorine works well i'm kind of back to cobalt i kind of circled back around i went to chlorine for a while i've been to this one already uh have i been to the space station here i feel like i didn't just because the cobalt i mean getting the cobalt is the only challenge but it still works great and as long as you got a ship full of cobalt you can you can do it twice in any system you're in got your cousin 100 million about an hour nice i mean you got to make them work for some of it even i'll just give them everything the game is disappointing stuart how so i've eight refiners constantly producing chlorine on my freighter i don't even use it to crash economies anymore just to sell yeah i mean that's that's what i was doing i wasn't really crashing because it's hard to find crashes yeah i didn't come here did i yeah i mean every station has cobalt in every um trade terminal i mean i've seen so many horny little pistols this is my third one uh this is geck right am i yeah i'm gonna get a system spider how are you getting tainted metal though are you duping it if you already have a base would you suggest maybe two pounds i mean if you want to just depends on what you're into how much do you get at a freighter how much time and metal do you get on a freighter run these are the ones already checked right stuart you're not giving any specifics so buddy you're just telling me you don't like it i mean if you're breaking up with me what did i do you're just saying it's not you it's me four to six hundred see i mean that's just a lot of time to get eight hundred and eight hundred to twelve hundred nanites so five 2k that's a little better what's up blasting cows this game's not for everybody for sure it's it's it's a chill game let's put that there uh i'm on ultra right now fuzzy my graphic settings are set to ultra i'm pretty sure sell the mystery stew yeah that works for nanites for sure 1000 to 1500 tainted metal per run well you're in it for the frigate freighter modules well you just said that's how you get nanites make a fighter because trolling again don't trust this dude don't trust this man up to 2 000 not 2 000 plus gotcha the interaction with other players i can't help you with that the ending is the main one i mean it's an exploration game i don't know i liked it i like the story and there's a lot more to it nanites is a good bonus okay i'll i'll i'll give you that miter back nanites is a good bonus but that's not the reason that's not the way i would get nanites whenever anybody comments on one of my videos that they get nanites through um painted metal it's always because they're duping the tainted metal which is i mean if you want to do painted metal do painted that one mad at you but the amount of tinted metal you get per run doesn't seem to be time efficient if that's all you're doing now if it's a multi-task thing like everything in this game then yeah i can see that uh i'm new so i don't know how to get a ton of money or buy upgrades yeah blasting house check out my guides man i did um i've done a whole bunch of them there's a bunch of different ways it really depends on your play style okay these are the crappy ones i already looked at and plus they're green so let's get the hell on out of here scrapping is my favorite way to get nanites just because it's active i mean like you're moving um it's just more fun to me to see how many i can get kind of running and i was doing it on a fresh shave the save that i did the um that new beginner's guide update the other day it's only got eight or nine hours in it so i only had one ship and i was able to buy three or four at a time on the landing pad at some places so that was cool all right let me go grab grab the storage before i forget then i'll go back where is the most earth-like planet there's a bunch of them um i don't know do they have a lot of planets in the coordinate exchange you're gonna find more of the paradise planets in the eizentan uh galaxy scrapping is like a mini mini game yeah that's kind of the way i see it too stuffing food in his mouth is profitable but tedious as hell yeah i agree with that even with having your uh having it so you don't have to you know hold down to click on it it still takes forever ship suit weapon upgrades um i've got a guide on how to uh upgrade your ship as far as storage goes but not as far as um what goes in it uh as far as other upgrades the these things are kind of personal preference that's kind of cool looking i don't know why i've been digging these wings lately uh is this the save where you or the abandoned backpack upgrade is met yes oh look at that orange one can i get back in there look at that turn it around let me see this orange one see if i can get to it go go go go go go damn it get back here i see you i want to look at your ship get over here dude seriously where are you going all right the hell with that guy he's no fun uh can we play with you sometimes i do um allow players not this stream though sometimes i'll just let random people jump in the stream sorry about that i'm ambulance going by right now um i'm going to do something about my new setup here my wrist is hurting me that usually doesn't happen after only a couple hours uh no this one sucks so has anybody watched season three of cobra kai i watched the first episode yesterday it came out on netflix yesterday anyway not yet awesome how to upgrade and stuff because i tried all tried the ship thing in the space station but nothing worked you can have 30 frigates in your fleet ah this one's interesting it's it doesn't have quite enough points in combat but it's got 10 in industrial already which is impressive well it's got three a bonus yeah professor cynicals got some got some videos on the god ship and glitching and stuff like that i did one one time on a stream i think [Music] um wasn't my thing but a lot of people like him dude these are ugly i don't know if i want to buy this uh the gun ship is a combination of a of a living ship and an s-class ship right uh ryan i see ya keep up the good videos stay safe hey thanks buddy i appreciate it thanks for stopping in uh close but no cigar i was gonna go to a one star wasn't it so this one will never upgrade to s-class because it's already been on 32 expeditions now it's combat's not bad at all but what you get on your return is based on the class of the ship so you want them to upgrade to s-class eventually what they bring back from their missions is going to depend on the class the higher the class the better stuff they're gonna bring back all right i did that one there we go this way let's get turned around all right what do we got here i'm recruiting if you are not crappy you can come with me okay hold on let me think about this one oh it's got a it's got a bonus never mind that was close even though it already had eight because it was at a 23. yeah frigates upgrade as you spend as you send them out on missions the more missions they go on the higher they go um and as they so this one's been on two expeditions so he hasn't upgraded yet um so on his fourth expedition uh he'll go up a level uh and his stats will increase and as they level up there they'll go from c to b to a to s if you start them low enough um when you go now this what i'm looking for is 20 in the main stat at a level zero and this guy doesn't have it yeah they upgrade themselves you don't have to do anything like the only thing that upgrades without nanites i wish my multi-tool would upgrade as the more i shot it that would be sweet like experience points basically did i get everybody here i think i did i think we're good all right let's check out a uh one star let's just see i mean i'm getting c classes here so it's not really an issue what would i like to see in a no man's sky update um what would i like to see or what do i think they would do like i'd like to see a um i'd like to see multi-crew crew stuff and more um no i can't find a one star that's funny i'd like to see multi-crew ships um i don't see them doing that fleet spawn is less often yeah that's that's kind of what i was worried about lee yes you can replace your frigates what's up alpaca how's it going you've been here before right i think i remember you that's a cool looking planet superman planet nobody comes to one stars it's a paradise planet check it out uh you just throw them away you go um i've shown it a couple times on the stream you just go um into the um into the freighter frigate menu which is the um this command center in the frigate that faces the pilot and you hover over them and you use the discard item button it's not going to show you but if you do oh there's bubbles are you kidding me superman bubble planet and a one star system so i won't have anybody bothering me kind of dig it what's up dwarf how's it been buddy land on this rock here so those weird little beetle things this is another way to make money upgrade your scanner you make a couple million per planet easy see i'm getting 361 000 per animal so that was a million bucks just scanning those three over a million look at these the colors oh is it iridescent i might have to build a base here i need a good name for it it's got the tiger trees i am digging this place your home planet changed to the void eggs when the update yeah man that really did change a lot hey come here buddy i've never gotten this close damn it i usually have it on me see i flung it at him just curious i don't think they'll eat it but since he was walking on the ground i figured i'd give it a shot is he stuck come here come here be my friend be my friend be my friend oh can i show you the coordinates i can will i show you the coordinates um don't know that i'm going to do that oh that's a bean i was shooting an impulse bean keep it secret keep it safe i tell you what i'll give you the name of the system if you can make it here good on you latitova eight until i change it i don't think i've ever built on a red grass planet i am really digging it here all right what's what's over here different beetles interesting if you're full technology there's no room for storage yeah pretty much so i don't do it i mean i don't need all those different um uh these kind of things i just put those in there because i was building on a volcano planet this one time and you know what because it's pretty here we'll fix the hole that's right fixing holes filling holes it's what we do all right now i gotta find a place to put a base computer down kind of like it over here in the trees let's see hot spot would be good now oh and the ship yeah weapons and warp um i've been upgrading pulse drives lately too just because i want to get around faster see you i didn't see you though gotcha all right i think it's this way and that's a c-class but whatever that's fine i don't use a ton of power 42 43 45. i missed it wait no whatever 49 is good enough a marker and let's see it's kind of cool little hill maybe oh it's black you get that condensed carbon good place to get ferrite though all right so not over here what about the jet pack can be upgraded yeah yeah for sure yeah i've got um these three upgrades and then these upgrades and blueprints so you can get three upgrades and as many blueprints as you can and you can get three on each technology in general 297. i think i can do this let's do this that's right right here uh i need no this one attack uh portable and a base computer right there i really don't have chromatic metal you kidding me a tainted metal oh wait i had a butt ton of copper didn't i yeah let's make some chromatic metal what's in here yeah whatever ain't got time for that i need chromatic metal right here there we go uh let's see hey bob grits he's streaming in the new year what's up linda how's it going i did have a good christmas in new year's i'm happy to be back if you missed it earlier i had a hard time with my internet i moved my whole office downstairs so that i'm like 10 feet away from my router plugged directly into it and um yeah it's uh it's been much better now let's go with no i always come on there we go there we go there we go yeah my internet's i mean it hasn't been bad but i had a um an extender in my room upstairs um that i was plugged directly into and it just it just couldn't keep a solid upload speed like i've dropped i've dropped 544 frames but that's in three hours so i've dropped 0.1 percent and nobody said anything so short-range teleporter is 200 u-max it's good to know all right so i got a power spot here what should i name this superman base let's go with superman base i should remember what that means at least until i forget claim base yeah i think it is uh hopefully it should be better now i am excited because they were digging fiber in my uh in my neighborhood but i was told by people who do that for a living that i shouldn't get too excited because i'm still probably three or four months out minimum before they lay the cable water drop frames they don't have that in canada uh superman do i have caps locked on let's get a screenshot i don't want you in the shot beetle go on and get oh wait can i move the sun no no i can't yeah well it's close enough don't have that for people who don't stream ah we do have that again just not everywhere yeah the one yeah i have we're gonna get the fiber optic cable which is gonna be sweet because we're using a cable company now which is i mean these lines have been around for 30 plus years all right where's my ship come to me yeah i got i was um screwing around on a glitch planet and i got some bubble clusters i'll show you guys if you haven't seen these these are the glitches that i was talking about this is an example of glitches i think there's like 16 of them or something uh correct me if i'm wrong guys uh let's see so it's in is it decorations and then glitches will show up if you have them in your inventory and then you can just place them down wherever can you change the colors on these and you can just pick them back up 11 different glitches i thought there was more than that you have a glitch room yeah a lot of people do i think that's a cool idea what do you need tv for you got internet you can watch you got i don't have tv um i don't have cable we just have internet and then i stream through uh slang or youtube or netflix or one of those other things i have whoa look at the sunrise on this planet digging it trade post you got one of those antennas you get three or four channels with the weather yeah hey thanks wc what's going on man there's a little bit of water that's kind of cool it's like a water cave almost yeah i need to get a digital antenna for so i can get the local channels but i mean i honestly don't watch tv hardly ever don't watch near as much youtube as i'd like to i've got too many friends now that make videos it's okay for news and some sports yeah we're gonna go play some no man's sky take care alpaca bob's watering hole hold on hold on is this an underwater cave i mean an underground water cave oh that's cool whoa i see you i've been tempted to start streaming but have a hard time doing it regularly consistently work and such i mean yeah consistency people like consistency bob is inconsistent but i mean if you're thinking about doing it give it a try can't hurt don't expect a whole lot of people to watch you won't get disappointed i had nobody watching me at the beginning um but uh see if you enjoy it if you enjoy it you generally will find more time for it work your schedule it's kind of a cool little cave area bob is funny enough to watch when he's on look at this this is so pretty down here i'm gonna i'm gonna die down here i have a bad feeling about it i'm getting claustrophobic up wait just a little tip if you build a freighter room go into the build camera delete the room whilst in it you'll be outside the freighter that sounds like a warning and not a tip traveler you got him stuck sorry i was that's why i was missing i was reading the chat instead of looking where i was aiming ah we got the batcave here on the superman planet it's kind of a neat little area texting while mining yeah pretty much yeah i think that's what he was saying he was saying yeah do it with your with your uh character hey dude that's my spot it's lit up for me i'm gonna land right on top of you you like that getting tiger squid inserted into the back of you take you some of that there's a fan hauler it's blue and yellow well it's not a fan haulers just a wing caller uh it's gonna explode tiger squid hauler tiger squid having his way with that hauler staying there a while buddy you must like it and it's so pretty here life support yeah i got you don't worry oh you want some of tiger squid too huh they're lining up now dink word gets around huh we we shouldn't watch man look at the sunrise so cool vr and this would be something yeah i really want to try vr hey bob sorry if you've addressed this before but have you ever played in vr no i haven't man i'd love to i get asked that all the time it's fine um i i i really want to try it in vr oh look at that i've never seen one quite like that before trying to decide if i like it uh it's worth the cost of a headset huh peter i just started playing amy this guy recently found your channel love the content really helpful keep up the amazing job hey thanks jose i appreciate that buddy all right make an offer i hadn't seen a design like this before if the head wasn't sticking out like that i think i'd be into it just look at this all right look at that would you get off a tiger squid life supports it five percent man look at this okay it's all wrapped up the color sure suits your style yeah i dig it and i love seeing other planets relatively close how cool is that and then the capital ship right there a green hauler with fan wings green linda linda linden green bad fan wings good i should have thought about this when i was flying next to that guy i was trying to get a look at just going into the camera yeah i like it i do like it all right green is the bestest color [Laughter] it's a bad not i love green i've got green eyes i like green i wear green a lot um but the no man sky green is like a freaking baby diaper green not not what i'm looking for the flat wing double jet fan hauler nice what is this don't tell me this is another cool planet people gonna be oh that's the moon let's go check it out uh the double ball hauler i like the ball hauler all right let's try to go towards the sun so we can be in light actually what's this oh man that's beautiful i like this grass too bluegrass green trees dig it all right if any of y'all want to move out here you can live on the moon you can't live on the planet with me though why anybody tell me my oxygen was low uh i'm in eisendam this first one i know they did i'm teasing there's the door there's the door uh told me six times i need seven times at a minimum euclid is the first one what are you doing back here buddy are you are you in timeout you got your nose in the corner were you a bad little geck hmm interesting talk to me it's okay oh you got a little nose plate too uh why doesn't a witch wear underwear i don't know is there a mystery to solve like in the forest i'm not sure what you're talking about uh friend not nothing is no no he's pretty negative huh i've caught the traitor red handed oh he is into something a small device is overriding the facility's remote trade interface and is siphoning units directly into their own inventory they look me straight in the eyes and make a proposition friend please reward traitor destroy i don't know what that means above the gentle buzz of embezzlement that now surrounds us the gentle buzz of embezzlement i can hear the life forms terrified gulps the air tastes of pure fear demand all the stolen units demand to share report the crime leave all right these are geck uh give me all your money he hands over the units and immediately report a large theft to the trade federation i of course and blamed what how much did i get for that 22 000 that's it seriously punch you in the face i wish you could melee npcs share the profits bob doesn't share it's not my fault i didn't do it reload yeah i could i don't care it doesn't bother me [Music] it's rigged yeah they're all rigged i can't trust a gig in the corner like that i knew he was up to something that the way he was standing over there honestly i thought he was just stuck over there sharing is not bob style i'm an only child i never learned to share sorry guys it's all my stuffs sharing is not a survival mob thing i share my knowledge that's what i do i share my wisdom and my stupid experiences thermal protection s-class nice uh what should you prioritize in regards to upgrades i'm in about 10 hours of playing and wondering what i should search for better ship upgrades xoc so the first thing i upgrade is my exosuit um i want movement so i go for movement first and then shields and i only buy s-class upgrades i've been filling all my holes in though i can't say bob doesn't fill a hole where you guys going now if you're looking for money a scanner upgrade um is a good thing to get to because you get lots of money from these scans warm wet hooks that's what bob said see look at this i can jetpack around this whole moon are these like white fish trees almost [Music] see how i've got all those pluses at the top under the white bar those are shield module upgrades most you start with three i've got what nine i don't do the um the specific heat and uh and those kind of upgrades for the um for the different atmospheres just because if a place sucks i don't stay there too long and i don't want to take up the space yeah i like to make it so if i fall i don't die it barely hurts these are some interesting trees all righty units received what is that must be a crashed freighter oh there's another building we [Music] a little boost at the end so i don't take too much damage two of each specialized things plus seven shield modules yeah plasma launcher bad that's what's stupid as the plasma launcher still kills you and it won't kill another player i think lee shot me in the head like 50 times with a plasma launcher before it killed me there you are there you are gotta fill that hole did it did it did it mine had no upgrades though yeah that's true but still it would have been like 10 times i mean i was standing there letting him doing it let him shoot me it was for science that was when um we were in cross play beta actually um they they did a beta test for cross play for uh xbox and pc and so we were three or four of us were playing cross play beta testing and we started shooting each other as you know boys will do and uh then we started testing the shooting and stuff excuses excuses it's not excuses it's reasons man all right kind of feeling like flying something else there's a clip of bob killing me with a scatter blaster it does execution style yeah that was my i did a video it's called uh is no man's sky pvp look at this guy look get him got him uh you're welcome you're welcome animals you're safe now where'd the body go there it is oh wait did i not get the good did i get a good guy instead my bad i got somebody gotta run buddy see you later yeah this will be up after um after the stream's over and it's pretty here it's pretty here too didn't even click in the stream why not youtube just wants you to watch so what did we learn from a one star there can be cool planets here but that's about it yeah all right um i was looking for freighters oh what the hell i just run into an asteroid not used to the ship what does it have in it nothing need some uranium huh check these other planets while we're here good luck so far uh nope perfectly still and a marshy planet [Music] it looks mostly water to me you like the ship bender i can't remember where i found it it was in the playthrough though that was when i was getting into my uh tie fighter wings phase before i did that video on all the thai ships it's good very tasty oh i'm inside that is not good um hmm see if i can get outside of the ship you're supposed to stop pulsing before you run into the back of it jeez that's the undercarriage let's get on top i broke the universe yeah bob break stuff for sure uh uh jetpack jump is melee and then uh pack which i think is a right bumper or whatever it's called on playstation melee and then as soon as you do it you hit your jetpack button oh there's a green ball hauler no is that a no that's not a ball hauler that's a uh it's a uh explorer over there oh there's an a class one and a one star there's another a class and a one star so you can get eight glasses dude what is that never mind you were almost cool i thought these were the the wings that jut it out not in i want an audi not in any maximus extendus i like it some of the smaller ships also have landing pads yeah why did they died are they your own linda you shouldn't fall off your own i mean you could but i don't recommend it all right um he glitched oh yeah that's no good nothing good here huh nope ark survival fun times or trash i love ark personally i've played it over the weekend over the december anyway no man's sky doesn't allow space walks yeah i know that would be sweet but if you're on the if you get on a pvp server you will lose everything you have so don't uh don't get attached or don't play on the pvp servers if you play an arc i played arc probably for about a year and a half solid and came to know me in the sky not too much longer after that totally opposite chill experience all right do i have um let's get a warp cell so that we can get on out of here land on a frigate exit ship won't fly around it closest to eva we can get yeah pretty much yeah no man's sky is relaxing that's that's what you're looking for pvps are rather toxic i play on a friendly server nice people do you um yeah i mean i'd be down i i thought about doing uh an arc server for my discord you know like a more of a pve or you know planned pvp or something like that where you don't have to worry about losing all your crap something about riding dinosaurs is fun i think it's the riding dinosaurs part yeah you can't jump off that's truly park was your favorite till you found no man's sky yeah it's not the easiest game to get into um depends on what map you start on there are some maps that are easier than others to start on but you just gotta learn to grind the the intro part but yeah it's actually my name survival bob comes from ark because if you ever watch any art videos they'll call the new guys on the beach beach bobs and those are basically the new players who don't know what they're doing and they're easy to go take all their stuff and burn their house to the ground and everything so um i named myself survival bob the iridescent planet let's go check that out yeah most pvp games are toxic that's true got mulled by rappers found know me in the sky a few weeks later yeah yeah uh totally different experience light fishers i think it's just lush i think it's i think it's just like a nice planet another name for it it's got star ball on it lots of little tiny islands it's despeckled with islands oh yeah i'm supposed to be looking for freighters or frigates i hear them where'd they go a little orange ball let's go to first person see if i can aim at it it's easier to hit a small planet grassy moon aggressive sentinels star bulbs so it sounds nice except for this sentinel's trying to murder you there we go just look at earth planets other than that i'm done um you know some people love exocraft um i've never really used them a whole lot just because they're not super fast they can be upgraded to become super fast and i know a lot of people really do enjoy them i just kind of don't i've quit so many servers because of toxic players with mics just annoying i mean i played single player a lot when i played arc if i'm being honest i'm mostly a single-player kind of guy i don't i don't play well with others okay so this is an s-class where i don't know what star we're in because i don't have an economy scanner um so this is an s-class trade specialist okay uh people would be like hell yeah it's s-class but look at this this trade is only 28 and it's been on 34 expeditions so that means it's leveled up almost what is that level six or seven something like that maybe eight um so it doesn't have much more to go so maybe it'll get to 30 32 and trade um but if i had that c class that i bought that's going to level up you know 10 or 15 times it's going to get a higher trade value than this and it's going to be you know 1 to 2 million as opposed to 9 million yeah and it has negative stats and it's got plus 2 in trading it's crazy hey wc thanks for uh becoming a channel member buddy appreciate that so i would have bought this my first or second playthrough but now no thank you so i'm here now what economy is this promising so it's two star right i thought there was another one there we go dude don't don't worry about a traveler man don't worry about it i appreciate the support anyway you can just liking the videos watching the videos helps a lot uh let's see combat support specialists four expeditions so ivan do you buy some support and what do you buy if you do what are you looking for in the stats because i've never really paid attention to him because i thought i hated him now i'm learning i'm not supposed to be hating him enjoy the content hey thanks wc appreciate it man i thought this was orange why is it turning gray a lot or gamma oh it's cloud cover i got you uh bob how do you fix the hole how are you filling the earth back in um i'll show you when i land on the on uh you just change your uh whoa son of a gun not made a hole i try to balance combat support versus logistics support uh yeah that's the storm it's crazy loud uh let's see i've got sound effects right now the 25 too i wish you could turn weather down yeah i know it's it's the weather that's why i jumped back in the ship anyway on the terrain manipulator on pc it's the um i think it's middle mouse button will change the mode of the terrain manipulator from dig to restore it also has a flatten and a build function so there's four different modes on the terrain manipulator yeah that's just the weather i can't stand that crap all right did i go to the space station here to get my my slots oh man this maneuverability is not what i'm used to either all right steak nummy nummy hi thermal protection cold okay it is in the hole yeah the clouds are something new they added with the um origins update the the cloud cover in the storm was a was a big part of the update and the way it looked and sounded i don't think it really affects you anymore but it sounds and looks way worse give me that give me give me give me right there all mine oh hey i got something for you and purchase upgrade modules thermal thank you very much sixty six thousand day night it's not bad i could upgrade that to an s-class but i don't think i might keep it not forever anyway i like the new chrome color that they've added i'm seeing a lot more of i feel like what did i just do to my exo suit i bought another slot for it dude you haven't maxed out your exosuit you gots to do that uh let's see yeah got enough of that let's do this yeah every space station you go to you can buy one of these slots and you can buy if you pull the anomaly into that system you can buy one from there as well unless you do like me and go to the the bad system you're not supposed to go to and then the anomaly won't sell you anything anymore because not in polo don't be trusting you which is not cool hey bob just found your content been bought know me and skye after watching your videos best purchase by far thank you hey man i'm glad to hear that brian appreciate you letting me know yeah so you can buy that and then you can also do um you can also do um drop pods which you can trade for resources to get a slot upgrade what's up nicholas how's it going and star silk is what you need if you're building and you want to build a chair or a couch you got to have star silk and they only sell it some places so if you see it you might as well pick some up if you don't have any uh this looks like yeah this is a two star you can tell based on how much they're selling what did i need uranium i needed some uranium didn't i doing good man glad to hear it not sure if you celebrate but how was your christmas pop i celebrate christmas i had a good time with the family did a little bit of traveling came back home it was nice no i did not plan i didn't i started playing no man's sky about a year ago i bought it in december of 19 when it was on sale for xbox and i didn't start playing it i bought this i bought conan and i bought red dead too i played conan first for about a month i got bored with it played no man's sky starting first week of february of 2020 and i hadn't stopped so um yeah hey can i help you with something you're up in my face with your ipad seriously i was talking to people here you had to delete it because you had no room on the ps4 oh man i hate that neglect i was gonna sell some crap i remembered let's get rid of that that sell you my beans 15 phosphorus really hmm that one uh facium steaks yeah here's a drop pod this is what you can use to get the um another thing you can use got some milks sell that just because why not clean it out hey bob have a really good evening good to see you survive 2020 we'll see you later in the stream best wishes happy new year hey thanks appreciate it linda uh you're saving for a ps4 pro because the old one doesn't work that well i've heard that the old ones don't do well with no man's sky and the old xboxes don't either by the way all right um all right guys it is almost 4 30. i've been going for almost four hours i think i'm gonna have to wrap it up um i appreciate y'all hanging out um staying with me uh it was really good to be back i will do this more often how i may even do it later on tonight i don't have much else going on i may play a different game i may play no man's sky i don't know um if you haven't liked the video and you can please hit that like button if you uh haven't subscribed give it a shot subscribe to the channel i got lots of great videos check out my discord as well um uh multiplayer servers these aren't server based multiplayer is around check out my discord book was it boogly boogly montana um there's lots of people looking for games to play i've got 3 300 people in my discord now i think last i saw um so there's lots of people in there the uh in the description you should find a link to the discord if you want to check that out um and uh yeah guys we'll see you later i appreciate it thanks for stopping in take care wc thanks for becoming a channel member gail good to see you as always thanks for hanging out um nicholas take care i appreciate that man uh laborum thanks buddy uh traveler that's a good time you got to go to bed have a good night buddy uh montanards take care buddy uh good to see you man uh thrawn appreciate it glad you stayed stuck around i appreciate it guys fandom nicholas v take care man i appreciate that um crazy ivan good to see you buddy thanks for the donation i appreciate that a lot chris uh hey buddy i'm i'm leaving now if you just got here i'm sorry um but this will become a vod here in a minute i've got four hours on it uh so i gotta get some food so take care uh leitez donald 07 buddy uh pappy take care do i live in australia no i don't live in australia it's i live in the u.s in georgia it is 4 30 p.m not a.m take care of me uh all right later guys you
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 23,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no man's sky, no mans sky, no man's sky livestream, no mans sky livestream, nms livestream, nms live stream, no man's sky live stream, no mans sky live stream, livestream no man's sky, livestream no mans sky, livestream nms, survival bob livestream, survivalbob no man's sky, survivalbob no man's sky livestream, no, man's, mans, sky, nms, livestream, live, stream, no man's sky 2021, no man's sky livestream 2021, nms livestream 2021, 2021, no man's sky freighter, no man's sky gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 47sec (14087 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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