Sausage Gravy and Biscuits | Blackstone Griddles

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previously on the bike all right y'all i'm fixing to show you how to cook something that is super good it's one of my favorite things i used to eat when i was a kid all the time so good i used to cook yourself it's a long time ago [Music] hey i want to show you how to make something that's been in my family for years and everybody knows southern people like they biscuits we love biscuits down here but then we like sausage gravy with our biscuits and uh it's gonna be good y'all follow me and i'll show you how to do it [Music] the value gives you everything you need no matter what's cooking or who you're gonna be come along and you will see hang up your hat kick off your boots pull up the chair there's a room for you tonight you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey y'all gotta check out this new unit i got right here it has an air fryer on it and a 17 inch grille now you could bring this camping witcher use it at your house we're going to fire up this airfryer let me show y'all how to do this simple that's the press of a button first thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna get a little spray i'm gonna spray the inside of this down a little bit then i'm gonna let me some biscuits out this is a big airfryer here it'll hold a lot and lots of biscuits oh boy look at that all the biscuits i got room for more look at there next thing we're going to do we're gonna open up our butter y'all know butter makes it better gotta turn this side on all right we got that fired up fresh biscuits frozen biscuits don't make no difference always a biscuit okay we're gonna drop our butter right here and watch it dance around on that skillet there we might as well open our sausages we all think [Music] oh boy we're gonna drop the sausage right on top of this griddle and yes a lot of people don't realize you could take and you could cook on top of a griddle with a pan see how i just skeleton on here y'all see it bubbling you can use any kind of uh patty sausage that's ground up uh for years we catch our hogs and make our own sausage actually time most of the time so i'm gonna let this just sit over here and be cooking okay what we're doing here we're gonna melt this butter y'all oh golly everything's better with butter [Music] this butter even smells good cooking i think this rain would stop one day it just keeps on and on and on but you can't tell i'll lose down it'd be 100 degrees tomorrow in the sunshine or after a while all right y'all we got butter melted down now let me show you what foods can do look let i add some flour in there i got this whole all-purpose flour and i will stick a little bit of that in there that should be enough to start with we're just going to stir that in one time when i was a kid grandma had was making some of this and i actually thought it was potatoes because it gets the consistency of mashed potatoes in just a minute and i got me a spoon and i got me some it was no good y'all so don't eat it like this okay we're gonna throw a little more flour in here i like to cook it down a little bit this stuff would be great when you're in in the woods or camping uh we do a lot of camping around here and that it would just be it's good good breakfast and it feeds a lot of people that's what a lot of this cooking does down here this feeds a lot of people and it's simple it is so simple and once you look like you've got some mashed potatoes sitting in your plate now is the time to start adding your milk we're going to add a little milk in here we'll just start breaking it off like this a lot of people call this milk gravy but the main thing with this milk gravy you got to stir stir stir you cannot never quit stirring [Music] i used to watch my grandmother do this all the time and uh that's how i learned how to do this and grandma could cook but the first time i ever made it i burned it because i walked away you cannot walk away from this it's a slow process but in the end it's well worth it y'all look like it's growing huh what it is and that's what we want because you want a whole big can of it another thing you don't want to make enough for one or two people you got to make a lot you know you got to make it worth your while when you're making this stuff make it good oh yeah good y'all my grandma always told me she you put your hand when you're making gravy put your hand on the stove and never take it off because if you take it off that menu would leave it i i would love for my grandma to be back now and grandpa just to see the stuff we had you know not to say that we were rich but my grandma had two kitchens one outside one inside well let's see like i got except she used wood stoves that's why she had two one was for summertime one was for wintertime in the summer time you didn't want to fire up the wood stove in the kitchen inside the house because it just make your house 200 degrees now look at this sausage we're going to take it up a little bit and this is just about the right texture this is what i like see how creamy looking is how pretty it is beautiful beautiful beautiful now once it gets to right here if some people like gravy a little thinner they can add a little more milk just a little more okay i like to sturdy good like this we got about the right texture here now your season you want to put in here all i put is salt and pepper first we're going to do a little pepper well a lot of pepper probably you won't just flakes all through it so you stir it in do it a couple times oh yeah we're gonna salt this one more time i mean pepper don't overdo your salt and pepper because unless you know what you're doing with your your sausage has a lot of seasoning in it so you don't want to overdo it okay then we're going with some salt oh yeah if you could smell it it's just smells good that gravy right there will be good on a tire you could dump this on a tire you need to tire i'm obviously that serious this kind of gravy is just super good okay next we're going to take this now i don't chunk all this up look at that look at that let's mix it in and what i like to do i usually mix it in real good let it sit a minute what you do when you let it set you let the oil from the sausage and the seasoning go through it and it uh it just makes it taste good all right y'all now we gotta check on these biscuits yeah they're coming along oh yes they're just about there about two more minutes two more minutes on the biscuit we'll be ready all right y'all now the best part first thing we're gonna do good jump in look how beautiful these biscuits are y'all first thing we're gonna get us a biscuit two biscuits actually i'm gonna cut this off we don't need that no more now i'm gonna get over here a little knife here we're gonna go ahead and slice these biscuits okay this is the way i like them just like this just like this y'all see that all right once you get them cut like this you can put the good stuff on them watch this [Music] look how thick y'all oh my goodness now you eat that you are set for all day really that will stick with your ribs warm you up and it's uh just super good good biscuit you taste the sausage all through the gravy it's just um just delicious y'all this is the great combination cooker here got your oven on it which you cook your biscuits your griddle cook your sausage put your pan on here cook your gravy you cook a big pan of sausage gravy and biscuits sit around the table your kids your grandkids or whatever they all gonna come up they're gonna love it they're gonna eat it and it's just making memories making memories with the blackstone it just don't get no better than this [Music] i always watch grandma what she could only thing i didn't pay attention to was my grandma's pork roast she made the best pork roast in the world and i just didn't pay enough attention my mama don't know how none of the other kids knew how uh it's just something that's gone i could kind of come close but it ain't the same ain't the same as grandma's i got certain foods um certain foods i knew would taste better with different spices okay but i only want salt and pepper because that's where grandma cooked it was salt and pepper and it tastes that way and it's supposed to taste that way and you put other stuff in it and it's good but it's just not the same you know and uh grandma used to make a white gravy with uh sausage and stuff and uh she make biscuits and biscuits and sausage gravy she called it and uh oh it was so good salt and pepper only nothing else nothing else i like to keep doing it the way it was done you know and uh hey to me it tastes better that way tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Blackstone Griddles
Views: 719,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone griddle recipes, how to cook on blackstone griddle, how to use blackstone griddle, griddle recipes, flat top recipes, blackstone griddle cooking, griddle cooking, flat top cooking, outdoor cooking, flat top griddle, blackstone, blackstone griddle, Black Stone, Blackstone Recipes, bruce mitchell, on the bayou, biscuits and gravy, sausage gravy, breakfast, griddle breakfast, griddle biscuits and gravy
Id: tHWGxEXpz6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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