3 Ingredient Butter Biscuits – Best Biscuit Ever – Bret’s Favorite - The Hillbilly Kitchen.

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making a three ingredient butter biscuit [Music] [Music] and miss shannon smith is joining us from wbir in knoxville happy to be here excited to make a good biscuit yeah these were actually brett's favorite biscuit and they're a very easy biscuit and i gotta tell you girls if you want to keep him happy this seems to work can confirm with other biscuit recipes so what we have is two cups of self-rising flour you want to get a good flour and i do use white lily that's not paid far they just make a good flour and three quarters of a cup of milk half a stick of butter which is about a quarter of a cup and you can use a little more if you want to you do want a little to go on the top and then a little extra flour for when we roll these out i have a question does it matter what kind of self-rising or all-purpose whole milk buttermilk anything like that you can use um buttermilk in these i'm just using whole milk and they will work with any milk really okay so options yeah any milk will work and this is a very basic biscuit so you can't add stuff to it if you want to but it comes out every time that's important yep if you do buttermilk can you keep in mind it makes it just a tiny bit sour oh okay good to know so you can taste it in your biscuits okay let's make correct them here there's a million ways to cut butter into flour i don't know if you know that but i usually use glitter before yeah you can use anything this is not super cold super hard it doesn't really need to be a lot of people think it does and you can get you know the pastry cutter but i usually use this and you can do it if you want but you just want to crumble it and one of the keys is to make sure that flat or that butter is evenly mixed in your flour and you want to turn it into little sand almost that's interesting you should you don't want like chunk right no no and you shouldn't um it you shouldn't be able to see much of a difference when you get this in and a lot of women do this with their hands which is perfectly fine you can crumble it in there with your hands and kind of squish it i've seen a lot of chefs that don't do that you know and they do the butter almost frozen and grated yeah and i don't know any old women who do that okay yeah so i'm not sure that's entirely necessary that you have that butter super cold and you work it and work it and work it doesn't change the consistency of the biscuit i don't think it does and i tried that advice because you know you're always looking for a better way but i do not remember my grandmother or any of my aunts or my mother ever using frozen butter noted you just want to get it all crumbled up in there and that's important and working biscuits is a big deal and you can do this if you want to i tend to kind of take over hey it's your show i'm just i'm just here actually i'm going to use my hands to save us some time oh you're good but um this part is the part where you really work biscuits okay you don't want to work them once you add the milk and you don't want to work them once you fold them out because if you don't tell me if you overwork them if you overwork them they will be hard those biscuits that you can use for hockey pucks you know that everybody makes jokes about it that's caused from too much working but you can see how much quicker it is with your hands and you just squish those butter up nice yeah we want to eat our biscuits not throw them yeah so this part you can go as long as you want and you can get it super fine that's not going to hurt your texture any it doesn't matter until you add your milk i like this giant measuring cup eight cups this was a christmas present for my youngest daughter one year yeah i have lots of kitchen christmas presents when you cook for a family and then you cook for a living people tend to do that they associate you with oh she probably needs another panda i have lots of people who send me stuff now oh that's nice yeah they'll see something that i don't have or something that they think i need or that i would enjoy and they'll send it that's really sweet that is sweet my mom says like kitchen towels she'll send me a new one for every season i'm sure you have fun yeah alex used to do that she used to she actually got that one there mom i get it now thank you oh that's cute okay that's pretty good and now we just add our milk and you can do this with your hands too but it gets a little messy and i like this little thing here and this is where you want to kind of be start being gentle you just fold that milk in there until you get it all well combined and this is a fairly wet batch of dough so we're going to put a little flour out here for sure what happens if it's too wet well this is pretty wet and then this is wetter than it normally is okay that's what this is for and the next key to making good biscuits is the right consistency of your dough you don't want it too wet or they'll just spread out and you don't have no shape but you don't want it to dry or they will be dry right not fluffy we don't want that no so we're just going to mix a tiny bit more of this flour in here all these over and i don't usually roll my biscuits out i usually just kind of press them out and we're just going to fold this on until it gets to about the right consistency like i said not too wet but not too dry it's got to stick to your fingers a little bit right yeah oh it always does this is pretty sticky we shouldn't have this much on our fingers normally flour though a lot of the problem that people have with biscuits is it's hard to measure flour in a measuring cup if you want to get it exact you have to weigh it because there's always different amounts yeah so that's where this part comes in now that's a really soft dough that's going to make a soft biscuit you want to feel it there that's what you want a little pillow yeah and we're just going to cut them i make mine fairly thick okay and just put it in the pan there and how thick you make them of course it's going to depend on how thick they are does that change the cook time probably uh a little bit not too much i i make cookies on the side so i'm used to using one of these guys so i just use a cookie cutter when i make this because my aunt and my grandmother did not used to use a cookie cutter they would pinch their biscuits off and they could get them absolutely perfect and they would all be the same size yeah i'm not that i cannot now am i putting these in right divinity well that's another thing that's another thing about biscuits um if they are touching they will rise up higher if they're not they'll spread out more so again it's kind of what kind of biscuit do you want okay and when we get all done here you can a lot of people will throw away this extra dough no because you do work it a little bit more but as long as you're not going crazy with it it's still perfectly good i don't want to waste a biscuit no i feel like i want them to touch now because yeah [Music] no we got this one more little one here oh perfect they would shape theirs like this and i can't even get mine shaped right they would be perfectly smooth wow i'll kind of put him in the middle there yeah yeah a little bit of room okay just a little bit about like that now here's another tip and nobody shares this one with you you know we didn't preheat the oven that's because you want to let them sit on the countertop for just a few minutes before you put them in the oven and let them rest they will rise up bigger and they will be lighter oh but if you ever watched a woman make a big breakfast you know with the sausage engraving biscuits she makes her biscuits and then she cooks everything else and then she'll stick her biscuits in the oven that gives him time to rest huh so we're going to turn the oven on now 4 15 4 15. how long do these are going for about 15 minutes okay so they bake pretty quick and we're just going to let it preheat and let them rest and then we'll put them in the oven amazing and we can clean up our mess while they're hoping this is our pause and production yeah this is the part that gets edited okay our biscuits have been cooking for about 15 minutes well delicious we let them rest for about 15 minutes before we're in before we put them in the oven so let's see what we got oh my gosh yeah those look pretty delicious yeah you want them kind of nice and brown and butter when they come out makes that top it's not going to make your top soggy but it's going to make it a little more moist and a little more tender so yeah and it did kind of spread a little bit but it also rise like you said near each other yep and you know if you pack them in the pan really tight a different size pan of course they'll rise up even more and it's that touching that gives you the height okay and these are one really big biscuits but you can see even the last one that we did out of the scrap dough it rose up nice there so you can use all your dough you don't need to throw it away once you cut it oh yeah my granny would have a heart attack if people threw away biscuits if anybody's wondering why i'm here it's because becky's going to be on our local news in knoxville next wednesday so wbir wvir.com you can watch you live at four o'clock eastern time okay next wednesday and this is actually my first tv interview believe it or not as much as she does this so let's see what we got here it's generally a good idea to let them sit in just a minute and if you let them sit just a minute they will totally release from the pan well these already are this is a good season pan but you can see here how big they are you also see like where they're kind of flaking yeah they do have a nice flake and they get really big and really nice and that's kind of all there is to it it's a very simple recipe pretty fast even if you give them that time to rise up before you put them in the oven and that gives you time to get the rest of your breakfast together yeah what would you serve with this oh sausage and gravy of course maybe some eggs some fried apples if you really want to get a big breakfast going sweet going on there and we have all those recipes we'll put some links and maybe do some in tags wonderful but i want to thank shannon for joining us today yes i didn't do much but i learned a lot you know that's important and before we go i want to leave y'all with ephesians 4 32 be ye kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake forgave you you know with the stress of our current situation and current events it really is important to remember that to remember to be kind to one another and show that love of god to each other don't let the stress of what's going on turn you into that person that you don't want to run into within there thank you all so much for joining us on the hillbilly kitchen if you haven't already please don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember to put god first thanks for having me thanks for being here okay and what and we can eat biscuits now yeah i could try
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 498,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Hillbilly Kitchen, Country Cooking, Southern Cooking, 2 ingredient Biscuit Recipe, Biscuit Tutorial, Comfort Food, Struggle Food, Easiest biscuit Recipe, No Fail biscuit Recipe, Quarantine Cooking, Baking, Sunday Breakfast, homemade buttermilk biscuits, how to make biscuits, cooking, baking, Cream biscuit recipe, cat head biscuits, southern biscuits, flaky biscuits, fluffy biscuits, honey biscuits, butter biscuits, granny's biscuits, cheap meal, 3 ingredient biscuits
Id: D8PwjmyY5pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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