Nightwatch: Woman Driven to Hospital After Passing Out | Full Episode – S1, E7 | Part 1 | A&E

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tonight on night watch all  right here we go oh my god   hold up it looks like we got a fire fellas  catching on this hole so we got to get this quick   just that pole come down these wires might  come down this one might be stolen don't move in the city of new orleans there are as  many as 1 000 emergency calls every night   these are the stories of the heroes who risked  their lives to answer those calls police officers   firefighters and emergency medical  technicians this is nightwatch police officers firefighters emts we all love  new orleans for the same reason as everyone else   for the music or the dancing for  all the fun you can have here   but we view our job when the  night watch is protecting it all   and you can bet every last cent you have we'll  go the extra mile every time we're out there country with fire in the eighth  22-47 pattern is 35-51 three-five   three on the fifth of fire at twenty-two  forty-eight on code four on channel one we get a call for multiple shooting which i'm  sad to say that new orleans get quite often kelly said i'm tired of following him how can you not hear or see this seriously lit  up like a christmas tree and you just put putt   we don't see you and ride to the call you know  what you're getting into you know it's going   to be crazy scene so you just have to make sure  you just watch out for yourself and for your crew   once you're there all right 16. we  pull up police has it blocked off where's the other one at he's saying it's down  that way yeah he said he's gone he's 10-7 they   have one victim that's already dead but they're  saying that the victim that's still living is   around the corner all right let me move i went  to the second victim and i started assessing him basically just cutting all his clothes off  so we could find out where he was shot at   all right we got one to the face and to  the back all right baby in your arm all   right we're gonna we're gonna catch him up what  you need kayla's a stretcher just a stretcher   maybe let's get you on your stretcher no allergies  look sit right there in the crease my man he's   alert he's talking but yet he has two bullets in  his back and he's shot in the face so i know that   this case could turn you know for the worse at any  minute come on let's go let's go let's go let's go   keela is a soldier she's a veteran so when keeley  said move your ass you move your ass you know spin   them around my man in case of a shooting time  is of instance we only have minutes to get the   patient to the hospital hey look we're gonna uh  i'm gonna take your blood pressure all right so we   got one to the face two to the back these bullets  that slides in his back they're so close to his   spine any wrong movement that you know this kid  can be paralyzed for the rest of his life blood   pressure went farther overhead look man nice long  deep breaths all right my man how old are you   26 nice and easy all right come on we need to  roll come on we need to go i got it all right get a call like that you don't need  any caffeine to start the night i'm just gonna take both of these lanes because  they're mine so we're going to the 1800 block   of lasalle for somebody who passed out from  the past thought it could be a million things   it could be cardiac arrhythmia low blood pressure  overdose dehydration anxiety somebody found jesus   someone passing out could be a million and one  things but it's definitely your body's way of   saying something's going on and i don't like it  so i'm gonna reboot i'll look right here i'm not   a flagger i mean was this at a church ooh maybe  they did find jesus 32 32 we're on scene it's 19.1 hi hello what happened i'm just sitting  there treating red okay all of a sudden okay all right what kind of  medical problems you have bloopers   okay you have any heart problems other  than high blood pressure yeah i know okay okay would you mind if we took you in  the ambulance to do a few more things okay i want to rule out a heart attack immediately   men always have chest pain for the most part  whenever they're having a heart attack and   women are weird just to put it bluntly you know  they often have what they would describe as   indigestion or even just abdominal pain maybe  or something as simple as a pass out episode   all right so i'm gonna put a bunch of stickers  around your left breast we're gonna take a picture   of your heart okay anybody ever told you you're  having a regular heartbeat so we don't yeah okay   you take medicine for that okay anybody ever  told you you got a block in your heart yeah   okay i need you to try to hold as still as you  can for me it's very important we're gonna take   a picture of your heart okay all right brill's  still starting now we want to quickly get an ekg   done a 12 lead ekg that gives us a a picture of  you know all sides of her heart and we can see   if there's any um lack of oxygen or ischemia  there that's you know causing a heart attack   she's got a lot of um got a lot of depression  or inversion i would say that's inversion t-wave   inversion is just you know a cardiac anomaly it's  not a significant indicator of a cardiac event 18 you feel like you need to throw up again you can  give her a bag can i give you this bag there you   go just trying to see what color that is it  looks like looks like food maybe you had rice all right you're not allergic to anything right we're gonna give you some medicine  and stop the vomiting okay the throne make your stomach feel better just give  it a few minutes to work okay all right torah yeah   32-32 can you put us around tutorial please are you having any pain now okay good well baby it looks like you might just  have good old-fashioned food poisoning   and sometimes when you throw up you have what's  called a vegal response so don't make you kind   of pass out you know which kind of goes hand in  hand with what you're going through it looks like   everything else looks okay  hopefully that's all it is oh well i'm sure the lord understanding this way so how's the baby girl man baby girl is  wonderful man i wait for her to start talking she   she's starting to like mumble like she's  trying to start saying something right yeah   i'm gonna be listening close close yeah i'll be  talking back it'd make me feel like i'm crazy it's a good experience man you should  try yeah one day i mean ain't getting   no younger bro how old are you not  i'm 27 exactly i got about 10 years right before that i'm done man to pause what the  hell that car there yeah this one might be stolen   check check and see that one  yeah let's see see what they got   yeah something about that one we saw a  vehicle illegally parked on the side of   the road we looked inside we saw a guy get  out the passenger seat and walk in the house   it's running we ran a plate and we just drove  off we got about two blocks past it and boom   that sounds yep stolen it was game on at that  point it's just cops and robbers right there ready be safe be strong let's do this  get that stretcher in here to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 241,729
Rating: 4.9302397 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch season 1, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 01, nigtwatch s1, Watch nightwatch s1, nightwatch se01 e7, nigtwatch s1 e7, nightwatch 1X7, Nightwatch part 1, Season 1, Episode 7, nightwatch videos, Elderly Woman Driven to Hospital
Id: nnUE2zyOfLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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