Nightwatch: Firefighters Battle DANGEROUS Trash Fire | Full Episode – S1, E7 | Part 2 | A&E

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right there ready we saw the car illegally  parked so we ran the tag and it came back stolen grab him grab him get a job stay there stay there stay there damn  i need somebody to stay with this car   we really don't like to separate but i had to  get that vehicle secured before i left the scene i was able to get the key out and i  actually took a cell phone out of the car around the corner i slowed up i  didn't see him when i got around but i'll tell you i always get caught when  the them turn them turns we need somebody   on that corner right there we believed we  had him confined to a block a perimeter you want to make sure all the areas are covered  so you send different units to different parts of   the area to make sure no one leaves or enters  94 any word on k-9 i've really never had to   call k-9 because we've caught everyone we've  chased to call k-9 is like a step back okay   let's just do our own check i mean he might be  under one of these houses too between me and my   partner justin we've never lost a foot chase and  we don't plan on letting this one be the first when they're fleeing that's when we're  at the advantage because we can see them   when they're actually hiding  we don't know where they are   they can see us possibly but we're  trained to do the perimeter in search   you know how to be on the defensive as  well as offensive when it comes to that brian where you at what we there we have we thought  we had a good parameter but   we couldn't find them six nine  and put all units on the perimeter yeah tenfold temple we definitely catch  up eventually going to north robertson   for a medical alarm for somebody with a power  off now their home oxygen not working right we coming here sweetie yeah so what's going on i  got oxygen here oh yeah and i can't get it went   off okay and i can't stay without my oxygen this  is the room that ain't got no lines up in it okay   oh yeah look there's power in the kitchen i know  where's the breaker box at i don't have to go to   the hospital or what to do you don't need to go to  the hospital you don't need to go to the hospital   baby are you frying chicken up here and everything  you know where the breaker box is baby outside   outside what about the one that's on the inside  ain't no no man ain't none you sure where's that   on the outside he's gonna go look at it for  you being a medic sometimes it just it's not   necessarily always medical sometimes it's about  being electrician sometimes it's about being a   mover one of these is the one hot one it's  uh hey well that's one easy way to find out   did they turn off in the back nick turn it  back all right she's gonna burn the house down crazy there's chicken you making chicken  back there i'm taking it off the stove   it's about to burn uh there's got to be a breaker  box in here somewhere but i just don't know where   it is landlord's coming away uh yeah she just  thought to him miss elsia i took his chicken   off the stove all right and put it on a plate  it was about to burn booze it's about to burn   all right well i'll tell you what i'm gonna do  you'll be able to walk into the kitchen finish   your cooking and get your tube right there for you  there you go now you can finish cooking and all bet you didn't know i was an electrician did you  i did not know you were an electrician i'm glad   i did you know that i am good at removing chicken  from high grease i saw that she's gonna eat that   fried chicken and she's gonna be the best she's  ever had now she's gonna start calling 9-1-1 for   you to cook her fried chicken for i'm here for you  i got you there is never a time we won't come for you they did say this that's what i said it came  out as no that came out as a building on him whatever type of call this is we've  got to get there fast whether it's   a trash fire or not even trash fires  are known to quickly get out of hand   and spread to surrounding structures and  then we got something bigger on our hands   we got something dude we got smoke here we got a  fire yeah yeah it looks like we got a fire fellas   tinfoil i got heavy smoke in the area i'm gonna  see if i can get yeah you can see you can see   the flames in the air you might have to get this  hydrant that's all tree trash we're gonna have to   yeah we're gonna need to put the hot hydrant right  here we carry enough water in our eggs to put   out small fires and remote areas but this blaze  will require more than what we carry on that rig   so we'll have to connect to the nearest hydro  catching on this pole so we got to get this quick   so we have that hydra right there behind us jd  hold on ball grab it in there y'all got the line   on rabbit right there come on now this thing is  moving let that pole come down these wires might   come down if this electrical pole comes down  we're gonna have major problems ready get back catching on this pole so we got to get this quick  y'all got the light on wrap around right right   right come on now this thing is moving we gotta  call it out to a trash fire it's quickly spreading   to the utility pole we need to act real fast  before this pole comes down and then we deal with   live wires in the street there we go wrap it y'all  ready all right go ahead this fire is burning near   some train tracks the train tracks are active  so we want to get this fire knocked down before   the next train passes by come on we got to do  something quick let's go running right there work it fast knock it all down and then we'll  yeah hurry up cause it's catching that pole wet that pole up too watch the  line the power lines though   don't go too high we're working with water around  live wires you know that's a hazard in itself   we stopped that fire right before the train  came let's flood this pile out man we got   tires in here tree stumps it's like it was  a mattress here somebody flicked a cigarette damn bro you got to do that so nine year old female feeling weak we're headed  to a call for a nine-year-old girl that's having   uh weakness for an extended amount of  time which would normally be a little   benign when you're talking about an  adult but if you have a child that   is weak and lethargic for an extended amount  of time i mean that's cause for concern what's up man what you're doing love you don't  feel good no what's going on with her bro   what's going on here you weak uh you wanna come  get a shot well come on and everyone get a shot   then you must be set you can just tell she doesn't  feel well and there's a couple of things that you   wanna check you know with a child that age one  is temperature and the other is her blood sugar   i mean she could be you know a new onset diabetic  she could have an infection so you want to check   temperature blood sugar blood pressure you want  to check all the things that could be causing the   situation slide all the way to the back baby so  you woke up this morning feeling like that bear   all right what school you go to yeah what's your favorite subject math that's my worship   yeah what you do for fun baby girl you play with  toys contours you play with play barbie dolls i just remember tripping out with him  man we brought you didn't bring a dog   to keep you company while  he's going to the hospital what if i said i had a brand new one for you   that'd be good yeah keep your company in the  hospital all right yeah look at that smile   tell your mom look at that look at that there  we go we're gonna take care of you little one   a lot of people don't notice but  dan does carry a toys in the back   we don't see too many pediatric patients so the  toys might sit for two or three weeks at a time   there you go honeybun that's for you  all right the train about to pull off   you know ambulances hospitals can be a scary place  for a child so you know we like to keep things to   let them take into the hospital with them and  you know kind of cheer them up a little bit   while they're there we gotta get you feeling  good a little old dan is the softie you know can't be feeling bad for two days be safe be strong let's do this get that  stretcher in here you're gonna bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 104,241
Rating: 4.9515419 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch season 1, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 01, nigtwatch s1, Watch nightwatch s1, nightwatch se01 e7, nigtwatch s1 e7, nightwatch 1X7, Nightwatch part 2, Season 1, Episode 7, nightwatch videos, Firefighters Battle DANGEROUS Fire
Id: JjZwZC3WceY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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