Nightwatch: Paintball Hits Man in Face | Full Episode - S1, E3 | Part 3 | A&E

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so we're going for someone who was  shot in the face with a paintball gun   tommy's now working in the sprint car  per nopd the male is missing two teeth me   i'm not gonna lie i miss heaven's homie as a  partner but i think ted and i are doing great   together he knows what needs to get done before i  can even say anything and that's what matters in   a partnership i feel like it's been every summer  we've had problems with paintballs and bb guns i'm   surprised the people in the car have not been shot  yet by somebody with an actual gun with an actual   gun yeah we get a call for a 20-something year old  male who was shot in the face with a paintball gun   oh yeah he got popped in the face oh he got hit  a couple times see that i've used paintball guns   and it is fun but it's also a dangerous weapon and  up close it can be an extremely dangerous weapon   what's up guys what's up hey bud all right man a  little better than you i see i have two lost teams okay so when you fell on the  ground that's when you probably   okay okay i was wearing a helmet let me  see there's these fronts that are missing when he was shot he fell hit his head on the  ground had some abrasion some scrapes on his   face and he was missing some teeth get killed then  you start thinking how hard did your head hit the   ground when you fell off at your bicycle damn  they lit you up baby when you bite down do your   teeth line up no that's cool okay you're gonna let  us take you get checked out to be honest i feel   all right in that sense just like a lot of pain  in my teeth right now well what i'm concerned   about is if you're telling me it doesn't feel  like your teeth line up yeah i'm worried about   if you have a jaw fracture or something like  that okay can you stand up on me at this point   when it comes to his face i want to make sure  there's not a possibility he has a jaw fracture   so we definitely need to get that x-rayed take  this long-sleeve shirt off this guy drove by   and just opened fire on my left side oh yeah baby  you are all welled up babe he has multiple whelps   where the paintballs hit him on his side on  his stomach his back his arms they got him   pretty good sit down my man just take it easy  bud which is my teeth that kind of sucks right   now yeah you can crack that tooth he's missing  they're two two missing no since the accident yeah   it's not missing missing there's still a piece  of it in there well it's cracked all the way to   the gun yeah i'm sorry that happened to you man  that's messed up really man that's totally totally   messed up little stick okay yeah to be honest it's  funny because i've been hearing about this a lot   the last month yeah well you know somebody lost an  eye over that paintballs and bbs you're a bag it   seems like a very sweet kid and was another  victim of senseless violence you ready yep   all right man good luck sorry he's definitely  gonna need to meet with a dentist or an oral   surgeon he's got a little road ahead  of him to get his smile back together step twice in the back yep sorry i'm tossing your liver around it's all  right it's all right my liver is pretty healthy   i haven't drank much lately it's repairing itself  preparing for jazz fest right friday you go down   this road is that what you're doing oh no i  don't know all right 32 32 on scene with pd   what's up what's up what up mama we pull up to  the scene and we kind of have to search around a   little bit to actually find the patient is he able  to walk down the third right now all right i want   to step his foot in the back right there the first  thing i notice is just a trail of blood you know   in the grass on the concrete on the steps and then  inside of the home nick i'll be in the back of the   truck all right as we walk in we see the patient  walking down the stairs which is obviously a good   sign that's what one two three four five six seven  too many to count he's got about 13 to the back   and a good four a five six on the side look at  that 20 stat room yep you got a whole bunch baby that's what one two three four five  six seven nick and i get a call for   a male patient with multiple stab wounds you got  some on the left side over here too any kind of   upper torso area when you have wounds you want to  make sure they didn't puncture the lung you want   to make sure that it didn't puncture an artery  so they're bleed out you want to make sure that   those things are taken care of first trap man when  we get in there we got a lot of bandaging to do   he's got about 13 to the back 12 to the side  a good left side four five six on the sides   yeah you got a whole bunch baby i particularly  don't know how well i would be walking around   and talking with 20 some odd stab wounds this  guy's doing a great job at you know staying alive   oh my stomach's doing a little bad all right  baby we're gonna take care of you okay all   right somebody hand me a tourniquet over here  he's complaining of stomach pain so he could   be bleeding internally no i know i know oh oh  take a deep breath we'll be right back hold on   take some deep breaths real quick take some  deep breaths one of the things we do before   we're covering these wounds is checking to see  if we can see any air coming out because that   would kind of clue us into the fact that these  may have penetrated the chest cavity far enough   to collapse the lung because that could be fatal  to him hold on let me have this arm let me have   this arm i don't know does he have tats any  kind of something that's going to annoy him no y'all got a line over there you know what  the guy just got out of jail he ain't been out   of jail three weeks all right he said some dude  that just got out of jail came over apparently he   got to a scuffle with the guy ended up the guy  had a knife and the guy was on the bottom just   stabbing him on the right side and in the  back you ready ben yep let's go all right i'll give it a second this hurt all right one  of y'all are gonna have the whole pressure on   that yeah so he doesn't eviscerate keep  your hand on it allergic to anything anything else any medicines  i didn't even know again   what a douchebag i agree with you that was a  very douchey move 32 32 out of the hospital what's up home slice what was the final counter  23 whole stab wounds so the dude said he   couldn't see the knife you're like because he was  fighting with him the whole time right like bruh   you're gonna have to learn how to  fight or run better because 23 times   whew we were on scene for five minutes and 14  seconds but you know what that's repetition we   get there's so much trauma in this city that we  have to be the yep as usual rocked it out absolutely i don't really know why i got on the  interstate i guess i'll get off on esplanade   that would be a good plan thanks  that's the only con i have oh yeah bro 32 20 we don't see   dan and i we received a call for a young man  he was having an asthma attack uh those calls   are kind of interesting cause you don't know what  you're gonna walk into hello we pull up we go in   guy's sitting on the edge of his bed how  you doing man tell me what's going on seems like he's having a little mild asthma  attack so we just kind of assess him all   right nice deep breath do you use an inhaler  my nebulizer a nebulizer what hospital do you   go to university i suggest you go i just got out  i can hear you i can hear you from here bruh so   we gonna get you a steroid we're gonna do all  those good things and open you up all right   you know i've been wrestling 18  times we ain't trying to go there   the main concern with this gentleman is his airway  this guy said he's been intubated 18 times so he   could go from zero to 100 within minutes so  the next thing you know he's passed out on my   breathing hey look i'm gonna give this steroid  i'm sure you didn't have this before thank you   it's gonna be a little stuck they stick  in your arm don't move okay come on   what titus did great as we're starting the  iv and getting the the steroid injection   so that's gonna help as time progresses  but it doesn't work immediately   that that treatment feels like it's helping  a little bit what i'm doing all right   and a joke i'm having a good time i think  he is uh minimizing what's going on all   right let's do some more deep breaths  real quick nice long deep breaths man   all right let's go every single time you'll kill  three universes you feel like you're getting worse   yeah be honest with me i just thomas dude you're  not feeling better just tell me yeah yeah yeah   all right and finally he shook his head but i  said well that's it we're going hard now listen   ready i'm gonna put you on the cpap okay the  pressured mask on your face okay i need to put   him on the cpap and give him a little more  invasive treatment to try to keep him from   becoming intubated again deep breaths i know  it feels weird at first okay nice deep breaths   deep breaths is that helping you get a deeper  breath and it kind of all seems to snowball from   there wake up open your eyes stay awake do not  close your eyes do not go to sleep you hear me   i don't want i'm trying to keep you  off that vent again okay he has a very   severe case of asthma this can literally  kill him everything all right bro no let's go i know it feels weird at first okay nice deep  breaths deep breaths is that helping you get a   deeper breath i don't want i'm trying to keep  you off that vent again okay everything's all   right bro no let's go open your eyes stay awake do  not close your eyes do not go to sleep respiratory   patients like that especially asthmatics they  work so hard to try to breathe you hear me   stay awake he's just exhausted i ain't playing no  games with you rad are you keeping my eyes open   yes you can don't pull it off this is something  that he has a history of something that could   definitely take his life tonight keep breathing  keep breathing deep breaths deep breaths   keep breathing don't pull it off  keep breathing keep breathing   doing good keep your eyes open you're doing  good yo we pulling up not dog keep your   eyes open give me this hand give me this  hand bruh we're pulling up right now okay   people you got it you got it don't stop do not  stop we don't want him to be incubated in 19th   time you hear me do not stop you're doing great  tell him to stay awake ask him if he's still   awake open your eyes don't go to sleep to keep  him motivated to breathe until we can get into   the hospital do not stop randy keep breathing deep  breath deep breath all right come on man so he's   deteriorating fast don't do it don't move don't  move you got it you got it wait wait stay awake what happened to you boy like in the back he  was talking dude he was just he just completely   went down the toilet you could just tell he  was exhausted dude because he's like he just   hey and i was like oh no so you keep your damn  eyes open i said look at me breathe we did our   thing man be safe be strong let's do this get  that stretcher in here you're gonna bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 359,894
Rating: 4.9284916 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch season 1, nigtwatch s1, Watch nightwatch s1, nightwatch se01 e3, nigtwatch s1 e3, nightwatch 1X3, Halloween Night, Part 3, Nightwatch part 3, Paramedics, New Beginnings, Man Injures Leg, nightwatch, nightwatch season 01, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police
Id: i1giahxFOWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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