19 Year Old Impaired Driver Crashes into Police Officer

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Think I could drive it home?"

"Theres a traffic light on top of your car..."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 893 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/magna_pinna πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Hey how's it going?"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 405 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1000Years0fDeath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œ1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi ... am I going to jail for this?” 🀣

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 328 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RetardedFluffyCat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As unfunny as this sort of thing is, the traffic light on his car made me lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 237 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MamboNumber5Guy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That is one chill cop

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 528 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/doublezone πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit that ending makes this way better

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 166 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lil_layne πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Like this isn’t funny , but there’s too many funny parts. β€”> gets put in hand cuffs: β€œcan i just take a hit of my Vape quick”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 142 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SoftMushyStool πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

horribly fails sobriety test

β€œβ€¦ am I going to jail for this?”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 123 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Polamaluman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
dude stop moving stop dude park the car man dude you just blew the red man yeah no i didn't see it 84 negative are you good me yeah i'm good are you hurt i just got some glass in there i didn't know i wasn't paying attention to the right are you hurting man is my car [ __ ] i mean you got some good damage here man why do you guys yeah why don't you guys step out of the car okay your vehicle's still moving man hit your parking brake up can you step out man yeah let's feed you guys out of here come on step over here with me stop over you here an idea on you man idea i think it's in my car why do you sit down it's good enough to take a picture off yeah please sorry about that man i was in my place i i was running to my place and i had to [ __ ] so [ __ ] bad i think i [ __ ] my pants to be honest with you okay i mean you're just not paying attention what's i was i was not paying attention at all okay you have anything to smoke tonight a drink no no i smoked a joint like three days ago because i smoked a side in my car but no i'm not under the influence of anything what is it do you control lock my license and my door you want to snag that yeah you want to sit down i just bought that car too yeah oh do you think it's total yeah it doesn't look very good man i think my squad card could be totaled what i think my squad card could be totaled yeah i'm sure do you have an id on you man no i can oh i just bought this car like four five like four weeks i did not even see the red light and [ __ ] yeah it's not good man is your car okay doesn't doesn't look good man you got that brush guard though so you want to actually get up and move over here man you're not blocking this traffic the yeah i think i might have banged it on the console okay yeah what happened i had green light coming through i looked to my right and he just speeds right through it which way he returned i was coming straight he was coming and he kind of turned off and hit me in the did you guys think it's totaled or not yeah doesn't look good man yeah i would say it's crying i mean you're still wrong you guys aren't hurt right no just you two in the car i have some [ __ ] glides [Music] there's no look at it it's not going to drive you have a pole on top of it well if we move the pole no it can't be drilled so where is it going to go to well who do you want to tow it you can pick or we can pick the record of the week record of the week yeah just whoever the tow truck is notified street department already done i don't know i don't do don stewing last night i still got a lot of money right now you know what i mean i'll go for someone else here i could have a buddy come pick it up with a truck so were you driving yeah i was driving okay you're not hurt no i'm not here what happened what way were you going which way was i going i was going this way which way i don't remember you were taking a right yeah i believe so okay i think i might have been like going like 30 and i didn't see it like slow down you know you have a rabbit did i i do not recall okay you don't remember what yeah i honestly it's just so fast you know what i mean yeah yeah i know what you mean i just bought that car [ __ ] three weeks ago your name is jacob jacob what's a good phone number for you you're not hurt you're a passenger what do you remember what happened uh i was looking on my phone at the time so like i knew we were coming around the corner here to take a right i think i was just going a little bit too fast you know he's gonna hit me for sure so i kind of angle my squad and he kind of angles towards like going west when he strikes my front passenger wheel well and he goes into the hole okay all right yeah what did he say about it uh didn't see the red light said he had to go to the bathroom really bad okay signs of the entire station that you could get uh he seems i mean he seems really off cfc said he saw a bong in the car okay but he said he didn't smoke in three days i don't know how much of the investigation i do for this yeah not much okay you guys aren't hurt no i'm not hurt you don't care who tells it okay what company we usually just call like they rotate for the weeks but if you want a specific one we can call them they're different price they're usually all pretty similar i don't know i really don't know you care if i want to go take a look at it real quick yeah you can just don't touch anything don't touch right there yeah actually wait till we wait till we because we still have traffic coming in out here all right i'll let you look at it before we're done though okay i just don't know what's all wrong with it because i did a full [ __ ] fresh bulldog build on it really bunch of new parts and [ __ ] yeah it's beat up [Music] [Music] um nope foreign it at the smoke shop hey jake come here i'm over here more here yeah okay so i want you to be honest with me you smoke some weed today yeah i did yeah pretty recently very recently yeah probably two hours ago okay how much how much like do you feel pretty high because you seem pretty high no i'm not high you don't feel high no i see there's a bomb in the car yeah i just bought it from the one place okay strokes for us i'm so sad okay so when did you smoke two hours ago you said two hours ago yeah at your house or where in my house i said buddies out of buddies yeah like south side north side outside okay down to the south side of smoking new barn how much did you smoke like the eyes i i haven't even smoked that new piece in there how much did you smoke two hours ago oh like a couple one hitters a couple hitters is that normal or yeah that's normal okay do you have anything on you no you can search for my pockets if you want okay okay just hold on to that i got my wallet right here is that just a vape is this a weed vape no not a weed you can go ahead and test it and all that you pull this thing out right here pull it up hey seizures here you can still juicing this to do if you want to you can go ahead and do whatever type test you have to do on it though okay but you can put it back in your bag all right i'm gonna write through some tests to make sure you're gonna be driving since you've smoked you got an accident okay okay is that pretty fair you don't really remember what happened or because you weren't looking or because you were going too fast or like kind of walking me through it i feel like i was just going too fast to be honest they got a new car and how fast do you think you were going right like 10 hours so like 35 yeah 35 and you were coming this way from the marsh from like menards yeah you were taking a right here to go home yep okay and you didn't see that you had a red light or not did i see if i had a red light or not no okay so you smoke two hours ago some one hips yeah anything else nothing can you stand with your heels and toes touching yeah completely touching like me put your hands at your side try it again just like me do you have any physical issues physical issues like do you have a physical injury or do you just that's a sword okay do you have any problems with your eyes eyes yeah i i surgery not too long ago when because i have lazy eyes or whatever so they like brought them back when did you have eye surgery eye surgery like a couple years ago okay but your eyes are fine now yeah why is it fine contacts contacts no i'm supposed to be but okay all right put your feet like mine all the way touching there you go and then put your hands at your side all the way no down at your side can you see my finger yep i want you to follow my finger with your eyes and your eyes only and don't move your head you understand jake keep watching my finger just track it with your eyes hey you're not watching my finger no i'm sorry sorry i've never done this okay just just like you're watching it everywhere my finger goes you're asking you're not able to do this yeah you're not doing it you're like looking past it before it just like if you were to watch like a basement watch my finger you got to keep your eyes right on the tip of my finger you guys think i'm drunk or something i can do it this is just the test we have to do i gotta and i got you i need you to follow my finger okay okay [Music] just keep following it don't move your head though ready cut your chin down a little okay just watch my finger all right sorry keep watching it keep watching it you see it way out here yep you're not looking at my finger though you're looking like at my wrist sorry tip of my finger right here flip your finger all right don't look away from it it's better watching it okay okay stand normal turned over yep all right give me one more chance to be honest with you all right you're on something else there you are you're on something else i'll be honest with you next yeah yeah okay it looks like you took a lot more than a half to be honest man that's pretty good i took a half i don't know these things [ __ ] me up yeah it's got so much [ __ ] going through my main mind you know okay all right just hang tight with this guy really quick okay don't go anywhere just hold on hey sarge did you get pictures yes okay pictures of the inside yeah okay there's not really he's on his xanax too i got nystagmus take your hands out your pockets i want you to imagine there's a straight line in front of you okay all right jake i want your left foot on that line and then i want your right foot in front of your left foot heel to toe and i want you to stand like that okay just like that don't move until i tell you understand okay so when i say go jake i want you to take nine heel to toe steps down this line turn around and take nine heel to toe steps back okay okay watch me i'll demonstrate you're gonna go just like this one two three all the way to nine when you get to nine to keep your front foot down and do a series of small steps and you turn around do nine back one two three and all the way to nine okay all right while you're doing this test jake hey look at me while you're doing this test i want you to keep your hands down at your side okay count your feet count your steps out loud all right okay keep watching your feet don't stop walking till you've completed the test okay do you understand yeah do you have any questions nope okay get back in the starting position first right foot in front right foot in front of your left right foot in front put your right foot in front first okay now you can begin if you understand all right yep just like i explained all right [Applause] [Laughter] okay am i going to jail for this i don't know right now but no probably not okay heels and toes touching feels until accessory hands down at your side so for this one i want you to lift up on your feet six inches off the ground with your toe pointed out and just hold it there one thousand one one thousand two and just hold it there and keep counting until i say stop okay watch i'll demonstrate you can pick whatever foot you're gonna go like this thousand one thousand two thousand three hold on hold on hold on okay see how my foot is yep and you're going to keep doing that until i tell you to stop okay while you're doing this test hold on i want your hands down at your side i want you to look at your foot count out loud and don't stop until you've completed the test okay you understand yeah i'm not that good about that's okay do you have any questions on how to do it no i got it you got it okay you can [Applause] begin it's hard one mississippi one mississippi two mississippi three mississippi four mississippi five mississippi you can stop oh no i can't do that that's okay do you know your abc's abc's yup a b c d hold on hold on you in school yeah yeah am i in school no i got my diesel mechanic craze working in caledonia minnesota farming you graduated from high school yup graduated right now so you know your abc's baby can you say them to me a to z just normal without singing them 78 77 76 55 74 73 72 71. okay all right cure okay one more so this one heels and toes touching again this is the last one okay hands down at your side yep out of your pockets so when i say go i want you to tilt your head all the way back don't go until i say it till your head all the way back close your eyes and estimate the passage of 30 seconds okay to pass estimate the passage of 30 seconds like what happened right here no estimate 30 seconds yes passing and when you feel 30 seconds has passed i want you to open your eyes and say stop okay okay so watch so watch me you're gonna go just like this you're gonna tilt your head all the way back close your eyes and then estimate 30 seconds okay all right you ready yep okay begin one two three four head all the way back one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty oh that's okay though we can stop i'm gonna have you blow on this you haven't been drinking right no i haven't been drinking this we'll see if you have any alcohol in your system okay all right big breath zero you can take that tube off pull it pull it pull it would it come out of zero did you eat did you today at all sleep at all when did you sleep when did you sleep last night i went to bed around eight o'clock last night yeah okay get up for around 10 11 and then i'd syndicate eating some donuts a nice passed out okay you don't take any prescription pills for anything no i say i survived xanax off someone every once in a while when i'm going through a hard time you know so my thoughts going through my head you know and someone's supposed to say you know it's just trying to block it out you know what i mean yeah okay come over here to the squad with me all right you have um anybody in town that's sober yeah you do okay so you're gonna be placed under arrest for owi right now okay yep and then we got some testing and some paperwork and then if all goes cooperatively you might be able to go home okay okay i gotta put you in cuffs right one more time we probably aren't gonna hit that anymore but this won't take too long okay [Music] [Applause] nothing on you jake you might not even go to jail we just got to do some paperwork can you put them in my squad yeah i gotta go see if this is gonna be yeah i'm trying to be honest with you guys we appreciate that i'll try to get you home if all goes well all right hold on my light open obviously takes a long part away in life you know yeah it does all right have a seat i got some stuff to do and then we'll get going okay you okay sit here for a minute it's been pretty busy dude don't worry we'll get it sorted eye causing injury owi causing injury operating while impaired causing an injury [Applause] yep so hey once once we're done with this um would you be do would you be willing to do some more tests like we did on the sidewalk sidewalk yeah more tests like that yep you'd be okay with doing a few more of those yep yeah okay hop on out i already got it off yeah here just step your feet up [Applause] oh [Applause] it'll be all right man i didn't mean to hear your car bro it wasn't mine you sit on this back it was mine it didn't matter they'll work it out once uh once we get there all right they'll come in and get the cuffs off you just gotta wait a [Music] slaughter minute you up all right now yay [Music] [Music] hey yo [ __ ] [ __ ]
Channel: Code Blue Cam
Views: 7,996,049
Rating: 4.8918881 out of 5
Keywords: 19 Year Old Impaired Driver Crashes into Police Officer, police, bodycam, impaired driver crashes into louisiana state trooper, police chase, cop watch, real world police, drunk driver crashes into police car
Id: jKgo6-fCjZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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