Nightwatch: Bicyclist Crashes Into Car | Full Episode – S3, E7 | Part 1 | A&E

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tonight on night watch her temperature is 104.8  how much longer can she last put out this song   you've never seen a gunshot wound like that he  has to chunk his leg out the patient is aggravated there are as many as 1 000  emergency calls every night   these are the stories of the heroes who risk  their lives to answer those calls police officers   firefighters and emergency medical  technicians this is nightwatch when it gets hot here it gets hot the heat just  hangs in the air can't escape it but we have a   job to do and it's even more important in the heat  of the night because when the temperatures rise   so do tempers it's the summer in the city it's  time to suit up and get ready to answer the call country with fire in the  eighth at 22 47. adam is 35 51   35 on the fifth of the fire at 22  48. we wait on code 4 on channel 1. every time the temperature go up it seems  like tempers and violence go up with it   let me grab your best yeah  i'll be helpful thank you bro so where am i going you don't left my friend   you looking real young right now young what is  that yeah like you don't know what you're doing   you're looking at the map well you know what [  __ ] right if i knew where i was at would i ask   you how to get there you're mad with me i ain't  mad i'm just disappointed crazy hold up yo bro it's the hood out here though 30 percent oh we get on scene i see the victim man he's  been shot multiple times there's blood everywhere   you give us contact too energy 20 give us  patient contact it's going to be a third   even if the patients seem like they're deceased we  always have to check their vitals once we discover   there's no chance for him at that point norman's  ems university for a dna we just call it in to one   of the physicians at one of the hospitals here in  the city basically he's just given a time of death   he was found down face down on the sidewalk um  what appears to be an explosive wound to the front   of his face we get our fair share of you know dead  arrival calls i don't think you ever get used to   it or you know can just say it's part of the job  calling for a traumatic dnar dramatic dna are   granted just feels like we've had to do this way  too many times this summer all right so how many   times i put this thing on this thing is hot at  least i got you wow i make it home to my son   the job that we do you know i try not to  take it home but i am human so i just push   that bad stuff to the back burn and just keep  looking forward and doing the best that i can do all these people just walking around here they  got dude dead block and a half away laying in the   middle of sidewalk and people nonetheless  isn't that crazy yo life moves on dude playing the street not moving all right so we're  going for a bicyclist struck does the male caller   lead bicyclist just laying in the street not  moving he can see some bleeding from the elbows   this is right in that bad area where it splits  and there's like eight different ways you can come   grateful that's probably why it happens you should  have got 32 34. i was in that truck last night   rod's perfect really yeah no top heavy sailboat  type feeling doesn't feel like you're driving a   couch down the road yeah yeah but you know we're  gonna ride this wheels fall off 32 32 all day i   just hope the wheels don't actually fall while  we're in it that's possible i think i found it man looks like we got a hip  injury on his left hip okay   i think he's complaining a little blood  on the elbow no neck pain no longer all in the hill it's all in your hip huh  buddy we could use a board for movement   take him off of it we'll papoose the hip our next  step for him is gonna be to try to get him off   of the ground and onto our stretcher we want to  inflict the least amount of pain on him as we can   so i would say the hip is about right  here yeah do it do it do it do it all right baby can we put your legs straight yep   wow all right buddy give us just a minute  we're gonna have it feeling a little better   it's gonna hurt for a second oh you  ain't damn worried about that baby all right let's see if we can get him off of this broken you drop the tires off all right buddy  we're gonna get you some medicine for pain okay   i haven't taken bike safety  classes i should have fallen better   what hurts the worst right now just yep yeah okay yeah probably at least this time i got hit by a  car they stopped you got hit by a car once before   you got some bad luck huh don't lie about that  you want to ask him if his friend can take his   bike for him can your friend take your bike for  you yeah are you okay you're gonna be all right   baby hey casey you're working for me  tonight i know i'm going there now   all right we're going to  take him up to toro thank you so what happened buddy i uh ride  down there every day for work   okay and the light was about to change i  thought it was my light and i thought that   car was waiting there was no blinker  so i gunned it gotcha and he went oh man the bike club is gonna kick my ass we put  up all the ghost bikes for the brighters that fall   ah you had your helmet on  i don't have a hover okay oh jeez there's a bump almost there buddy  all right so the worst case scenario looks   like your hip might be fractured you're  lucky could have been a lot worse for i sure the good news is he's gonna be fine he's a  new bike he's gonna have a pimp limp for a little   bit he's part of the ghost cyclist yeah so you  know those white bikes they set up after people   when they get hit yeah it's striking you know  like when you ride past an area and you see   that white bike right and you recognize okay  someone died right you know a bicyclist died   seriously lucky though roll up on a  hood like that he said thank god for   skateboarding because he knew how to  you got a ball no he knew how to fall be safe be strong let's do this get that  stretcher in here you're going to bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 243,308
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch season 3, nigtwatch s3, Watch nightwatch s3, nightwatch se03 e7, nigtwatch s3 e7, nightwatch 3X7, Halloween Night, Part 1, Nightwatch part 1, Paramedics, 105 and Rising, Bicyclist Crashes Into Car, nightwatch, nightwatch season 03, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police
Id: aU81QgQgW-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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