New York Nights | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Altars

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[Music] open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] release the watch release the work [Music] i feel good about that i feel [Music] say good lord is the strength [Music] the lord is [Music] you are my strength [Music] yes [Music] home [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the lord is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and i can [Music] coming now he is [Music] [Music] [Music] he was always there [Applause] when i doubted him he still came right there i can move in him i can trust [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] he is [Music] that i have [Music] [Applause] [Music] all nations good evening all nations are we prepared for the word of the lord tonight i'm gonna ask that you begin to lift up your heavenly language if you are not filled i'm gonna ask that you just come into the power of agreement those of you that are watching online we welcome you tonight just begin to partner with us and put in the comments words of worship and praise as we beckon on the glory of the lord are we ready sons and daughters let's go before the lord father we thank you father we love you father we exalt you father we magnify you we make your name big we make your name glorious tonight because you are god because you are king because you are ruler so father tonight in the name of jesus we as your sons and daughters gather hallelujah as we say that we give thanks unto you hallelujah in the name of jesus because your mercy endures forever and the love endures forever and so father tonight we boast on your love tonight hallelujah because your love covers all your love builds your love forgives your love manifests your love makes us whole your love heals your love delivers and so father tonight in the name of jesus we ascend to the hill of the lord and we say hallelujah we lift up our heads all ye gates the gates of our hearts the gates of our minds the gates of our spirit the gates of our souls and we say god yes to you tonight we say god yes to you tonight we really say yes to the atmospheres of our souls we really say yes to the atmospheres of our hearts god do a new thing god deliver god make whole as we oh god but for hallelujah we'll god commit to you hallelujah and abide god tonight we say yes god tonight we surrender god tonight we surrender our souls as your word yet declare that you o god are whole you are god our healer you o god our delivered and your word gets declared in the name of jesus but the word is quick powerful and sharper many two wedges forward piercing even to the divining of sundered of soul and spirit and of inner joints and marrow and is the discerner of the thoughts and entrance of the heart god we need your word god tonight be full of your word not tonight we speak your word not tonight you are the bread of life and so father tonight in the name of jesus may your word come to life may your word come to life may your word come to life now god in the name of jesus we will lose the breakers anointing may the anointing come in to break the atmosphere of rebellion to break the atmosphere of distrust to break the atmosphere of insecurity to break the atmosphere hallelujah of our own flesh so father tonight we submit our lives to you father tonight we commit our word to you hallelujah that we will behold we will be your sons and daughters we will be healed we will be delivered we will in the name of jesus may your will come may your will come and may you be done kingdom of god we call you in kingdom of god we call you in a kingdom of god we call you in as the oil overflows may the oil you'll never flow with the all your lover flowers for the oil overflow with the oil overflow in the name of jesus your oil your oil upon your levite that they will sing forth praises and worship that will send us into a place of newness now call up this atmosphere may it be conducive for you to move for you to speak for you to abide i pray in the name of jesus that your word speaks life to us that your words speak life from our souls to our feed so that we can become new creatures this time we handle this with responsibility this time we handle this repair this time for this is the day that the lord has made and we shall rejoice we shall rejoice we shall rejoice this damn decentral healing this day you send both the oil of the lord this damn resentful for breakers anointing this day we send both your healing this day of jehovah party may you come in and deliver and deliver deliver wrestle god we cry of repetition we want more of you we want more of you we want more of you god hear our prayer god hear our prayer and be breaking more more in the state of new york we say more in the state of new york we say more more oil more power more of the healing of more deliverance in jesus name hallelujah [Music] according to the scriptures the altars became meeting places demarcations indicators monuments they represented moments when heaven and earth collided the eternal rule of jehovah with mankind my assignment tonight you're not gonna like it is to restore the stretch i don't care how we gotta do it but somebody in here has got to lay out somewhere is going to do cpr on the way you cry cpr on the way you travel every altar reveals a different name of god a different dimension of his existence as he was and is and will always be this assignment has not landed this ministry has not been burped it's not god where it's still vulnerable to the water but the holy ghost prays through me with prunings have things be the same you can't have an altar and not have fire but you can't have an altar without a victory [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] the the secret is out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i i'm home [Applause] it is it is the decision of god and we won't talk around it it is the decision of god that i spend this season of my life here [Music] and if you ask my wife who sends her love she says i'm two years too late but we're here now and we've got work to do so when we say this decree we say it differently this time because you're not saying it with a rental pastor [Music] you're saying it you're saying it with somebody who's literally been raised from the dead for this cause and and we are here and we say yes to the lord so when we say this this time it's going to mean something different i'll set the room up and then we're going to give you our vision for tonight you ready all right get your good preacher voice on jojo it's good to see you man let's clear our voices cc and let's make sure we hit what we need to do okay god is exalted the devil is defeated and we have the victory god is exalted the devil is defeated and we have the victory god is exalted the devil is defeated and we have the victory all right 10 seconds only a hundred people act like you've lost your mind over the provision of god i need you right here come on let's go come on let's go come on right here come on shout out no no no come on shout out i need more yeah come on oh come on shout out now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on right here you can be seated in heavenly places grace to you in the name of jesus who is the very christ of god i stand before you a man crucified and a man whose will has been committed in such a way i'm landing this season of my life after 17 years of pastoring on one place and 22 years of preaching period i'm coming here [Music] after great wrestle and great toil uh i decided along with my family and i that it was just best life stewardship for me to stop fighting myself and go where the grace was so to the glory of god the grace is in the northeast coast [Music] [Applause] uh it is to new york but it is it is to every borough i wasn't able to clearly see where i'm supposed to land we love harlem don't we we adore harlem [Music] but then i started to dream about brooklyn [Applause] [Music] then i saw the bronx then i saw some weird lunchtime stuff in manhattan [Music] elder donna i started to get some weird stuff about connecticut and jersey [Applause] [Music] i have to teach but then the last time i was here prophet jasmine the lord whispered something to me i went to rebecca to confirm it but he told me i needed to prepare for both creole and spanish services i'm here and i'm not here to play we have work to do [Music] so the forces of darkness need to be very afraid i'm i'm not here after everything i've suffered and everything i've been through to play games with the east coast we got work to do so whether that's all nations iglesia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a glacier in patois it's creole where we can freely say suck by i'm here i want to do this before i teach none of this not one ounce of it would be possible without the mother church i said now what ounce of this would be possible without the mother church we love we honor we regard and respect the mother church let's shout out for chicago can we do that real quick i pastor ruth and i asked him humbly release me the need is greater the story is different but the name is the same and i asked the mother church will you sow me to the east coast and so far they've done that uh the majority of my team is here and i'd like to show them great love can we honor and acknowledge them i love you so much the entire staff from the all nations collective is here um my first born literally literally i preached once and then the second time i preached in front of my grandfather this man was here literally my second sermon he poured my water and about that moment that if the lord does anything with my life he won't lack anything and my first born spiritual daughter fracture factually is here she got saved friday i mocked her it was cast now devils by sunday i didn't know if it was right or real i just knew it happened but they end up marrying this is apostle raleigh and prophet chiquita mayberry please honor them 22 years put those hands together 22 years [Music] uh many people don't know he and i went to preschool together and he literally after i told my grandfather who was my eli that the lord had called me this man thought i was worth having water poured and he stayed with me and so new york you will see a whole lot of him [Applause] lift your hands and say he's still necessary i decided for all of my first gens that acted right that they'd never have to figure out their space in the expansion so what we're doing on the east coast requires those that have the dna scream yes and he is and she is one of those so to the glory of god they are all here i wanted them to see what we do is my first tuesday as the full-time senior pastor here [Music] we're going to go into what we do i want to acknowledge and honor my team thank you so much ep mike rebecca all of you that do such a phenomenal job thank you thank you thank you um we have a lot of work to do so this is not the time to relax this is actually crunch time and as we go into regularity i need your support more now than ever before apostle b jermaine was not in the spirit jermaine please stand he should have been tapped in and he missed god because he should have made you some cupcakes now i went back to my office and i saw no cupcakes back there which meant that he missed god this week so we'll be praying for his bakery it's called sweet tooth harlem [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and uh my team normally enjoys his cupcakes but i went back there today and i had flamin hots and popcorn so somebody didn't hear the lord thank you i love you hey we have a lot going on um all of the things that ep are is asking you to do i need you to do them more now than ever i'm going to invite you to the next 22 which the truth is the reason i'm so sensitive about the next 22 is because it's my transition party i was trying to not say that but the truth is i'll be celebrating my transition from chicago to the east coast uh and celebrating 22 years of gospel ministry you are absolutely more than welcome to come i will give you the same um admonishment that i gave chicago i mentor a lot of powerful people [Music] they're mighty women of god if you are unmarried you have my full permission grease them legs put those hands together for a split rebecca they won't help me let the girls hang just a little clap those hands for the girl they won't to shyra they they want me to be fake hey give me just a little heel put those hands together for a strut a strut [Music] i'm at the chief is giving you full permission [Music] to step out just a bit on my night you can ask for numbers you can wink okay sorry [Music] bond you have my blessing what i'm saying is when you get to the next 22 don't be afraid to look around praise the lord [Music] glory hallelujah brothers we we're limited in what we can do but give them just a little i don't know mother dawn ain't nothing wrong with just a lil the problem comes in when we give them too much just give them a little justin okay make sure them heads is shined very well make sure you walk the room and we're we're going to celebrate 22 years of the lord's faithfulness but we're also going to party our way into our next instructions i so honor the lord if you are a fifo minister gift a pastor in this room from this area i see the legend james hall is here because go god is in control please stand sir we love you over here is dr bond here when he gets i know i'll hear him when he arrives but we celebrate and honor you in the name of jesus and to all of y'all thank you so much if you're watching via live stream and you consider yourself a son or a daughter of this movement i beseech you to show up in new york at some point you need to see what the lord has done this is too much for me i i've not done it i had no colleagues here no relationships here this is the lord's doing and if you belong to this movement in any way you need to come and marvel at what the spirit of grace has done in the moment of emergency in new york city i i send the call out for you come and see so that you understand why it need me so that i transition in this way in his absence because i'm teaching you honor will we honor and acknowledge pastor brandon clark plays let's honor him [Music] thank you sir [Music] thank you thank you all right so we have work to do uh we're about to go to weeklies um and amen and a part of what you should know is i have every intent to be here january the 1st for new year's and all goes the same all goes the same my grandmother used to say the lord say the same should he uh would it say terry is coming to should he tear it should he delay his coming i'll be our first sunday service will be january 2nd um and we'll be here every week after then okay so we have work to do so i don't need you acting like a fanboy or a a visitor it's time to commit okay and it's time to make sure that we go to in the event to structure and and from student to son and that we start to build we have work to do all right this is a service format that we're going to do we're going to do a lot more i i do this often in chicago it's upside down church and part of what that means is that i teach at the top or give an exhortation at the top because my point is praise and worship in moments when i'm teaching praise and worship i always do upside down church this will not be the place where you can afford to be fashionably late so i appreciate the new york culture and everybody that wants to educate me with that i'm not going part of what that means is you got a stranger for a reason and part of what i mean is when i say we're going to start church at seven we're not going to wait to nine for you to get here [Applause] [Music] y'all can keep that wherever you found it if you want to go to 18 musicals before you show up here and strut down the middle aisle you might well stay for the last praise break there because here we're going to be on time and uh what we're going to do on occasion particularly when we're dealing with cultural issues and foundation laying we're going to do it upside down which means that i have to teach you into faith if my objective today is praise and worship and it is i've got to teach you into faith for it what you don't realize is people need faith for praise and worship i'm about to teach you some stuff about that one of my heroes is walking in he probably don't want the attention this is corey henry from the funk apostles hey come on stand up receive him [Applause] i love you man [Applause] i can't tell y'all y'all know who i know boy i'm famous no i'm kidding [Music] so i'll teach you at the top of chicago is used to this and then we'll activate what i teach what happens is this i teach you into expectation faith comes in the room and then we do what i taught very often in church we don't have environments to do what's said but when i do upside down church i teach or preach at the top or whatever comes out and then we do it at the end because my goal tonight is praise and worship i'm going to be teaching at the top when i run out of my time we're going to do what i taught all right so part of what that means is that you're going to have to take notes and i know i'm cussing in church but you're going to have to take notes my young adult pastor in chicago says note takers are history makers and and i'm afraid of any church leader where you don't need to take notes if you don't need to take notes you need to go and uh so we're going to use our devices praise the lord glenn we're going to use our devices hallelujah preferably our apples [Music] and and we and we will make room for the others to take note as well i want you to scream from your spleen the word altar do it one more time say altar one more time for the holy ghost the altar in the scriptures which is my best friend you will learn that of me my the bible is my best friend one of the things you're going to notice is there are biblical artifacts that mean more than what you see so when you walk up on the genesis or exodus leviticus the numbers of deuteronomy of joshua judges and ruth and you see demarcations they mean more than what you read one of the first things i'm going to do in my journey in new york is to teach you to read the scriptures slowly because if you read the scriptures too fast you miss what they're trying to communicate and what i know about biblical artifacts is that the altars were places not just of reverence not just of acknowledgement not just of announcement but there were places where the personality of god was made manifest when you say words like jehovah jireh or el shaddai or jehovah roy or or or sit canoe or maccadesh or if you go into the names of god they will always reveal lift your hands and say in a place you won't meet a teacher preach say in a place which means that biblically geophysically altars did have locations so in between here and there or there and here biblical maps would show where an altar was in the local church contemporarily speaking we have altars and they are sacred but most of us don't know why we don't know why we marry at them tell the truth we don't know why we protect them we don't know why the offerings or the money goes up here but i'm going to expodulate tonight and let you know the the the the symbolism the very powerful level of biblical insight that we have in the altar the altar was a place where god made introduction of a new agenda of his nature if he says i am god and a nation like israel is struggling to trust struggling to believe or understand him he chooses a demarcation point lift your hands and say in a place where he says this is a part of me you ain't seen before this is what i do that you've not experienced before i'm going to reveal reintroduce myself at every altar now the altar was never a place of inactivity so part of what that means is that there's always activity in the scriptures around the altar for example if you don't think that god is particular or specific look at the extraordinary detail he gives into how he wanted the initial temple done i won't scarlet this purple this put the showbread here i like the the bowls to be brazen and before you get to me i'd like you to go through a twofold process come from the outer court go to the inner place light some candles do a whole bunch of stuff to set the mood why do we understand foreplay when it comes to natural intimacy and we use praise and worship as the prelim for the praise break but in the scriptures praise and worship was how we got comfortable with the altar without praise and worship the altar felt foreign pay attention i'll teach you something so praise and worship became the intro to the altar i i i did not in the old covenant feel comfortable with my offering until i praised and worshiped my way there here's what i just taught you perhaps the reason why you can't let go of something god wants you to let go of is because you've not praised your way to the point of submission and you've not worshipped your way to the place of trust now i know they think that worship is about submission but really praise is about submission because praise is body language please write that down praise is body education i teach my body what to do to the power praise and worship baby if you got a fornication problem you should be running every time you got the chance if you got a pornhub problem you should be bowing and running and praising every time you because my body will tell me what to do until i teach it it has another god my body thinks it's god you won't talk to me my body thinks it runs itself but then the book of romans the bible says present your body which means it's my property not my identity so if my body is my property i use praise and worship to educate it on who's in charge and so hallelujah is not about church noise it's about hands you do what i say dancing is not about keeping up with the concert it's about there's going to come a moment at about 3am where i'm going to want to run to what comforts me in the moment of my confusion and or fear and if i don't know how to train you in praise and worship i can't control your period so i use praise and worship not as a church moment of nostalgia or unity with you or because i believe in vertical worship which means that when we write music that sings to each other and leaves him out the discussion that's why our bodies do what they want to do because we spent the whole lyric encouraging each other and while there's a place to that it ain't vertical enough for me so when i submit my members is the biblical term to the lord through praise and worship what i've done is i've taught my appetite what it can need and what it should need to live so praise and worship is always an opportunity for the human spirit to be converted please write that down praise and worship is always an opportunity for the human spirit to be converted not necessarily to be without flaw or mistake because you will come out of praise and worship still wanting some hennessy and you will come out of praise and worship still wanting some sex and you will come out of praise and worship still wanting to gamble and you will come out of praise and worship still having a proclivity or an inclination towards something that comforts you in fear but over time the more you're before him i feel it creeping in that's how you really get changed you get changed because you resemble what you remember so when you start to spend time before him this is why the devil wants y'all to have quickies with god because if we have quickies we don't have enough capture to resemble who he is but when i spend time with him i become what i behold lift your hands and say when i spend time i become what i behold you don't believe me one thing have i desired of the lord that's what i'm seeking after that i would dwell that means to make a decision both intellectually emotionally relationally to stay in place praise and worship is my reminder to god that i'm still here i don't know why i feel this thing creeping now remember in high school or in elementary school where i'm from and from my background before we gave a test or before we gave homework we take attendance joshua alexander present pam ross president rebecca gordon president jasmine ayers we would take attendance it was called a roster you all use it for other reasons but the altar is the roster of god the the altar is how god looks to find out even if you don't understand it even if you can't comprehend it are you where i told you to be so alter life is about availability write that down maybe your breakthrough is because you're not as available as you need to be it's not about your perfection at all it's about your availability as a matter of fact if any man flexes his perfection before god god lifts his hand and makes sure that he knows how weak he is without a without him so when i come to the altar what i'm doing is i'm demonstrating my availability confused but available shocked but available afraid but available nervous oh yeah but available mixed but available male but available female but available married but available single i'm always available and my alter presence is my communication to god that no matter where i go in my academics and where i go and my accomplishments and my achievement one thing i'm not going to let go is my availability because my availability is how you lead me i have to remain available with my awards and degrees and with my exposure if i lose my availability i lose the leadership of the holy ghost throw them hands up and say stay available your problem is you too busy and there are things that go before god so so so teaching about biblical artifacts there's a number of them you got you got you got the rock that was cleft and you got the mountain and you got noah's ark and i got experience in all of that but i want to choose a very special one today the altar what happened when god made an incision in a moment a place is the word i'm using for you because altars now are not just physical scream yeah altars are spiritual in the sense that if you are at any intersection where heaven and earth need to meet that is an altar moment if you are at any crossroad you build an altar you never cross over into any new land without naming that place i'm talking to you about the altar you can't say you go to all nations and not understand the sciences of the altar because the altar is how we are effective i don't change you by the pew it's the altar that matters it's you are here because of a moment i had at an altar and whether it was a natural alter or figurative altar the point is is in life you will have several altars you'll have one in your 20s god be praised you'll have one in your 30s you have one as a single man you'll have one as a married woman you'll have one before you become a mother the lord will require of you a moment where you have to commit to something that you were afraid of before that's an altar moment the altar is the place of heavenly confrontation so about that fear and about that sacrifice and about that nervousness and about that contract and about that belief and about that view about that season god has conversations at altars now if it's not this one physically it has to be one in here because know ye not that your body is the the temple of the holy ghost and my bible says there is no such thing as a temple without an altar so your body your life resembles that type of exchange with you and god you've got to alter in your heart and the problem is you may not be seeing the results you want because your altars are empty there's no recent sacrifice you've given up nothing for what you want to see and when you deal with altars in the scriptures there are places of biblical lift your hands and scream this word say exchange i cannot see what i should see from the altar if i go empty-handed open up because i'm coming for you when i come to the altar it is the place of exchange now what makes it scary is i don't know what jehovah's going to require i know what i'm bringing i may bring a drink offering or an oblation or a any type of offering and my offering will be different from yours because your life is different from mine and your call is different from mine and your purpose is different from mine so your offering is different from mine should we stop comparing offerings and and start acting like yo what's easy for you to give up here we go through here may be difficult for me to give up because we've got a different offering you may shun me with your religious tale because of what i battle with and then think that your battle is easier and more laughable because we have a different offering but in my bible the only offerings rejected were the ones giving in the wrong heart which means that if i yield to god don't run taurus if i say to the lord lord it's been 48 hours and i had no sex and you look with your seasoned self and say that's what's wrong with these young peoples and these tattoos no no no no no no no no no no no mother betty i came to the world with the proclivity now my daddy had a devil that followed me to the earth and that means i want it when i don't want it and paul said he wanted stuff that he didn't want so my inner tensions and conflicts ain't your business so if i go 48 hours and i laid nobody out i'm working in here to god be the glory for the thing he done i i spent all my energy god honors my progress if i love cigarettes open up while cracking him and i spend time trying to break my way away from it because it's become my savior and i spent three hours and i didn't go back god does not have me on a scoreboard i feel you're kicking and i don't care because you think holiness is what you do well and holiness is what he did on calvary you're not ready for that i'll get back i'm holy cause he is not because i choose [Music] so the altar serves as my place of consistent reminder of my need of him scream teach brittany at the altar all human beings display their vulnerability this is scary an african-american church because we were groomed to not be vulnerable we were groomed to be pretentious presumptive theatrical there's nothing wrong with me because i don't want you judging me i don't have a need because i don't want to owe you i want to fit i want to be and when i lie in testimony service i'm going to give you the pg-13 version [Applause] i'm going to give a version of my story that i know you'll applaud because if i give you the horrific not in 11. i said if i give you the horrific versions of what it takes to be me and what it takes to wake up and what it takes to go to sleep and what it takes to stay in here if i give you the truth i know how y'all do but i can maintain that bond watch me son because my altar stopped being physical a long time ago i have built within myself come on in here alter consciousness part of what that means is that in every season before i give you a new project come on we're warming up or a new program or before i say we're buying this or going here and building there i've got to find my altar where did i last see him and in order to do that i have to go internal and what i do is what the men of old did because i've got to stay scriptural what i do is i see if there's an empty space come on open up because the devil where's la thunza is he here wherever you at hear me watch me the devil loves empty spaces i'm going to replete this repeat that the devil loves empty spaces if you need a friend and don't have one he'll be it if if you want a spouse and ain't got one he'll be if you feel like you're not satisfied with your life he's gonna make sure that that fulfillment from the devil's partnership because a part of what satan don't want you to know is he's an amazing conversationalist he knows the power of companionship this is why a lot of your bondages are close to you you don't get betrayed by people you're not close to it why do i feel a chill [Applause] it all happens around you scream yes and so satan understands the power of altars he knows that jehovah likes to mark places and say i will be remembered in this way here i will be seen in this way here this woman will never forget that i saved her this way say the altar this man will never forget that i smacked a taste out of his mouth throw them hands up and say cold turkey you're not ready for that because i still believe we serve a god that'll knock the taste smooth slow down stevenson and so i have an internal altar so i make no decision without alter engagement father where are you did you hear what i just taught you what i just taught you about dating and business and cities and companies is i don't want to be where he ain't it's not about control and brainwashing and manipulation or or being confused it's like lord if you're not here ruin it they don't want to pray dangerous prayers like that you want favor and grace and peace i'm like god if this is not you burn it with fire vapor and smoke if this ain't my man expose him why won't you shout if this ain't my wife show me what's under that hair i want to know [Applause] i'm too stupid to decide on my own so tell me the truth scream the altar it's one of the ways the lord educates us if we're too slow to make the decision on our own i pray dangerous prayers at the altar father i'm coming to you with everything i have and i want this come on let's be honest i see this i desire this i imagine this but if it ain't you let the lord have that renee they won't go if it ain't you do everything in your power to teach my slow self the altar is a is a sacred place and i think we've made it more symbolic than necessary i think we need to make it more mental so that when we come to church like this this will be an altar church and i fully anticipate that by the time pastor rich or whoever gets up for worship that i don't have to solicit alter participation i fully anticipate that you'll beat everybody else at the altar the ropes are not there to protect you from the rapture they're there to guide human traffic come on open up but in this house i can speak for every place else when we go into praise and worship i expect men and women at the altar that's how you're going to keep your marriage it's it's how you're going to stay there and here's why the altar represents the place of divine exchange divine engagement it's me saying this all right god i have this i don't have that please write that down so you can't really understand the altar without understanding eternal measurement what it means is god i'm coming with this and the this i'm coming with is my offering i'm coming with this relationship with this consideration with this decision with this ability but i'm also coming with extreme fear i'm coming with extreme paranoia i'm coming and i don't like my daddy i'm coming and i barely like the church i'm coming and i'm borderline agnostic i have questions for you i'm coming because i feel you i don't understand you and so because i don't understand you we've got a trust barrier so i'm coming with everything i am and everything i'm not the problem is the church has programmed us to believe that god can handle what we're not yet we think he accepts who we are but that who we are has come as a byproduct of our own effort and our own strength and accomplishment god wants what we're not i could run through here i'ma choose not to he wants the broken little boy he he wants a scared little girl he he wants the orphan he he wants that guy the little pretty apollo person you show him don't move him nothing he's near to the brokenhearted y'all think he's near to the girl with a beat on her face he ain't starting you he wants honesty ask me why a broken are broken here we go come on it's coming a broken spirit a contrite heart i'll never despise he will look way over church performances way over rehearsed hallelujahs way over rehearsed thank you jesus he'll look right over there to find somebody wrapped in a corner like i'm horrified and i don't know what's next and i don't know who to be i don't know what to believe he he's gonna run over somebody's speed shouting to find somebody in the corner that's like i don't trust king james open up he'll go over somebody that's like no no no no no no like ninja turtles shouting and he'll find somebody that has a question come on open up because questions are the key to intimacy write that down questions are the if i don't ask you a question i'm not trying to be close to you if i get close to you an assumption i've gotten close to you from my benefit that's narcissistic intimacy real intimacy says what do you like who are you where have you been what do you see the question is the place that's why jesus uses questions in new testament theology and so when i look at biblical artifacts and i examine altars you know what i found charlie at every altar there was a question some form of a discovery a man or a woman or a moment has something they learned that they did not know before if you're not willing to be stupid you'll never understand the altar see the altar is not for strong men it's for weak ones the altar is not for strong men it's for blind ones the altar is for people who know i can't see the altar is for people who know i have nothing to prove the altar is for people who know without your help i'm going to be everything i want to be without the altar i'm going to resuscitate a you that you want it dead i'm going to kill i'm going to wake a lie something that you will so i need this place watch me of meeting of management of moment i need this altar god put an altar in the temple god put an altar in the temple he put an altar in the temple he wanted a house we call it the tinted meeting but in it he put an altar why because if you come to the temple and you don't intend to sacrifice you don't get the full benefits how many people around the world come to the house of god without intent to lose like this is not a a country club we're not here to play ping pong the lord god requires something of you i felt something on that you you are drawn and led to church because of what god wants out of you you are led and drawn to the house of god not because we got an activity but because there's something that the lord wants out of you but if you've got a fear of loss then you don't give there's a lot of people with with fear of loss that do not give and i'm not talking about financially alone they won't give time they won't give doctrine they won't give belief they won't surrender watch me because here's what y'all like calendars i'm too far in the game to not have this i'm too old to not have that i can't keep up with my cultural colleagues and or peers because i'm afraid of the altar i'll give you two examples and then we gonna worship our way to the altar i believe now women sit with me say amen as hard as you can but i'm about to beat up on these boys the first lesson a man should teach his son is the altar i need you through here because they won't help me charlie the brother's about to run out with the money they go when i watch the story of abram and abraham and the changes and the transitions and the instructions i put myself theoretically in the position of isaac what the heck would i be thinking if i watched my thought watch me watch what i'm about to say to you if i watch you lazy bum i watch my father build i just said more than what you heard if i'm the son i had to watch my father build i didn't just watch him watch football or basketball i watched him build an altar it was not just mama waking up in the morning i watched my father bill open up i i i didn't just see me more and mother smith early in the morning i watched my daddy lose sleep to create an opening for my last name i watched him built imagine being the sacrifice and you have front row sheet to the physical rigor it took to build that altar what would i be thinking wow what a strong man wow what a faithful man so that means that we got manhood screwed up uh-oh cause we think it's about a job when biblical manhood is about an altar if you get your altar right you'd get a job your problem is you want a job lord you won't help me but you do not want an altar you got a resume but you a wall in the secret place i want to know it then alter boy in this house he watched him bill and meanwhile he's looking at where the the offering is not he's like daddy this is amazing jehovah's going to be so proud of you where's the sacrifice but altar men know what to say before abraham knew what god was going to do he knew what to say he looked at his boy before the ram will you lift your hands and say before the realm there was no sign of provision there was no sign of wealth there was no sign of a change credit report there was no sign of any of that and yet because he was at the altar he looked at his son and said the lord will provide for himself when i'm at the altar i can say things that i'm not confident in i'm about to run out i can i can confess things that i have no intellectual proof for he had no clue that the zoo would yield her gates and that iran would come out but he confessed it why because at the altar i'm more clear than i've ever been before when i'm an altar boy i have very little confusion because my every moment and my every move is relegated and predicated upon what he says next because i live at the altar the ram comes he shows isaac how to build an altar which means that the son's first lesson is how to sacrifice as a man i don't deserve to call myself a father until i can teach my children how to choose their god the altar is the place of divine choice something smoking up now it's the place of divine choice that's why we avoid it because it requires too much commitment and if you want a life of options and a life of routes and a life of rooms if you don't want the leash of the lord you stay away from the altam but but but but when you know because of the weight of my gift and the and the magnitude of who i am and what i do and how stocked he's made me to be i understand that i'm only safe lift your hands and say at the altar so it's a place of change decisions of increased conversation but also of offering i bring my all the altar is a place of conflict because if you are interested in sharing you're going to be interrupted there god is a stingy god he's a territorial god he says stuff like this is my place that's yours come here i'll kill you stay out there you good he's a territorial god and there are territories and acreages in your life that he wants he wants and he wants to use it can i make you mad but he don't want to use it for church people alone you think the lord saved you for people in robes and collars and shoes is that the reason for your deliverance full or did he renovate you for people who will only see him in and through and with you there is a place for the sacred but there is a call for the secular and what i want y'all to stop doing is dividing the both god is about to send the sanctified into the secular but he controls the sanctified leads the sanctified grooms are sanctified at the altar i can trust you around the stripper if i can find you at the altar i can send the porn star to you if you stay at the all-time house in the meth addict i'm working in here a crack addict a drug addict an alcoholic addict a praise break addict a tambourine addict i'll send them all to you if i can look up find you at the altar because i can't change a man or a woman who doesn't value alter time and i'm not talking about physically necessarily i do it physically to remind me of what i'm doing internally so there will be moments where you're going to find me bowing and breaking at the altar because because it becomes a physical representation of a soul process that i've gone through to negotiate and push my way through my confusion on god's will my favorite altar story one of them i've already taught you that the altars revealed the names of god a lot of what y'all refer to as the names of god which is a powerful resource in praise and worship if you run out of stuff to say and praise and worship use the names of god el roy elohim adonai jehovah el shaddai you can call them whatever you want in in moments of praise and worship and adoration but there are people calling him stuff that they've not seen i call it ultraphobia you want to know this man from a distance because whatever you call him he's going to reveal himself and that may make requirement of you if you say for example you are jehovah roy you see everything but i got secrets lift your hands and say we all do but what do you want him to do with yours i'm talking about the altar see the altar is the place where everything is lay naked there's complete transparency so if you go to god like you are jehovah roy and he like yep and i saw exactly what do you want him to do with what nobody knows about you take a deep breath because the real you is never the real you when the lights are on the real you is you and the lights are off when you're offended when you're broken when you're hurt or when you are alone but the altar is the one place where you can bring all of that and i'm so glad god ain't like his people bishop i'll run around here i'm so glad he don't treat me like they do i'm so glad he don't see me like they do i'm so glad he don't make me sit based upon my sin and i'm so glad he don't give me vip based upon what he thinks is my victory i'm glad that he sees me he knows me my other story about the altar glenn you're so amazing i'll honor you as long as you serve here you'll never again be abused by pastor under my watch first kings 18 from one chief apostle to another elijah elijah elijah there is a drought i feel something coming it's dried in a mug out here disease is rampant pigs are dying cows are dropping over there's famine in the land there's no prophets talking because they all scared they didn't put their business cards up and put their websites down miraculously ain't no conferences no more no prayer lines no nothing it's a drought outside elijah what you're going to do is there anybody in here that will be honest i feel my help that you live under purpose pressure the the the the an invisible sense of responsibility cause somebody's got to do something like you're waking up like i know i got a job and i know i got a house and i got kids but i got to do something about this issue there's a pressure god designs every purpose to live under and elijah lived under immense pressure because of when he lived and how he lived but also where he lives and then he actually watched me he didn't prefer the intention that he had so there are famous people that y'all think want to be famous that don't like your attention you think people want the pentecostal paparazzis after them no don't nobody want to be walking around snapshotting all day some of us are anointed and didn't want it some of us are popular and want to be by ourselves there's a level [Applause] god had to tell them shaniqua go watch me i know he was an introverted person because y'all are weirdos and he he he went to an introverted prophet of god and told him go show yourself that's how i know elijah's personality type he was bold on stage but i think he was very private in relationship you won't shock me that ain't you that's the anointing you get up there sing preach pray scream and holler you bold up there but you are you scary when it comes to love nervous when it comes to forgiveness so elijah had a personality conflict open up i'm about to help you because god is going to allow your purpose and your personality to fight y'all won't always be in the same agreement god's gonna make you do some stuff that you prefer not to do ask me why because god calls you outside of the realm of your comfort if you're comfortable then it probably ain't your call god going to raise you out of a comfort zone then commission you with a calling and make you something that you prefer not to be go show yourself to ahab i know you're resting but it's time for you to show yourself go show yourself to ahab and elijah goes and does it and then he says something very audacious there will not be due no rain except i say so before the lord who i stand but he was standing in front of ahab what i'm showing you is when you are an altered man you're never standing in front of what you're standing in front of all your attacks are an illusion renee you're standing before god that's the only way you win and that's the only way you get the victory if you can look at somebody who has positioned themselves adversarially before you and realize i'm still before god i'm looking at you but i'm before god which means i have nothing to prove i'm working in here you're not my enemy you're not strong enough you can't kill me if you were if you could you would have done it by now i stand before you even though i'm looking at ahab he continues this conversation and then he has this big old thing i'm going to work through this altar protocol and we're going to worship till we break in a drought if there's famine in the land you've got disease no meat the crops are going crazy agricultural issues and disasters elijah says all right let me bring this war to the altar your wars belong at the altar if you don't bring your battles to the altar you will lose every time come on the altar the place of the incision the demarcation the place where he revealed himself lift your hands and say again my battles belong there watch me they don't belong in my mind even if i trust them with my friends i can't just leave my wars with my confidants i've got to bring what i'm confused about at the altar i got to bring what i'm afraid about at the altar i got to bring every transition i'm about to go to in the altar and if you are not in a transition you're stagnant you should be on your way somewhere right now on your way to a bigger business decision on your way to a bigger city on your way to a different opportunity if you're not on your way somewhere you miss god but all of us that are on our way need to make a pit stop at the altar elijah decides and i'm a huge wrestling fan if you ever want to bless me like roy rumble that's all my stuff i love you you're my special one i love ufc you know beat the stew out i live my dreams out vicariously i love boxing i'm team money mayweather and i don't care if you're mad i'll put a grill in my mouth overnight and and preach the next day so um but but but but you have this elijah issue where he brings this battle to an altar and the way he wins though is because he treated what we're almost there he treated the altar differently from the false prophets there were prophets of asterisk there were other prophets of another deity that came and they brought the entire regime when they got to the altar they started doing what they knew to do because here's a pro here's here's the issue at the altar you can do what you saw you can absolutely mimic what you saw at the altar we know what to do no no no no no and we dance over decisions we will not make now the dance is supposed to energize you for the decision but if you dance and go home and don't finish the conversation and don't say lord this dance was about this you won't help me or this shout was about that what happened is you just apollo the whole thing and it's easy to do it's we black church people it's easy to do so so so so he brings this war this raw honest war to the altar and he allow watch me through here mike he lets his enemies go first he bowed out i a long enough time for his enemies to show their head he had no clap back no reaction no response something about his ultra sensitivity told him when to shut up so he shuts up he shuts up and lets them call him whatever they want to he shuts up and let them accuse him richie he shuts up and let them post and repost and he shuts up and let them travel he shuts up and let them bribe he shuts up and let them lie he shuts up because he know the altar is his victory place your foe can never really beat you as long as you know the altar when you know the altar there is no such thing as a successful enemy you've got to know the altar and so he gets there they shut up and they cut themselves they sing loud and elijah's so confident watch me not in his personality but in his knowledge of alter life that he says call him harder maybe he's on a long journey maybe he took a nap what he was saying was your god ain't my god if your god needs a nap i love your word it means he's not under anything that can happen to me my god does not sleep no slumber so if you always need a nap he's weaker than mine then something changes at the altar dude listen to me he recognizes when it was his turn once his enemies were done a season changed in seconds you didn't hear me i said a season changed in seconds at the altar seasons or not years in praise and worship you can achieve things in minutes that takes other people years to do we've got to become praisers again we've got to become worshipers because in worship you lose time and god regulates it he starts doing stuff with your calendar when you learn how to praise and worship well and so elijah has his recommendation or this this understanding all right y'all had enough lift your hands and say it's my turn oh you not even confident enough to bishop will you help me scream it plea throw the hands up and say it's my turn it's my turn and i'm not apologizing for it it's my turn and i don't owe you an explanation about it it's my turn and i can't even describe it it's my turn and i don't like me the same way you don't like me but it's just my turn not trying to hurt you i'm trying to follow him it's my turn not trying to leave you i'm going with him it's my turn elijah says hey guys elijah says hey guys you you've been talking long enough you've been singing long enough here it comes you've been dancing and cutting yourself give me a shot at this they said elijah well what's your title he said the name of my title is give me the mic i don't need a title i got authority and so you're going to see what i am i'm working in here and who i do once you give me the microphone you don't need my business cards you need this breakthrough and you're about to get this business based upon what i did at the altar the other day god here's what he said i know you hear me lord have mercy now that was something the prophets of baal couldn't say they couldn't stand up at the altar and say you hear me but the moment elijah got up he said i sang this cause i know you hear me the altar is the place where you are reminded that you're not ignored that your decisions matter your meditations matter your desires matter your promptings matter all of it matters he hears you at the altar you are reminded that there is not a detail of your life he's not concerned about my god he's he's concerned about your haircut your blood pressure he's concerned about your blood type your birthday plans the restaurant you choose he's concerned about where you park he's concerned about the shoes you wear he's concerned about how your spine feels he's concerned about the way you're walking the way you talk he wants to know what your type is and what you want to name your children he wants to know how you want to retire he wants to know who you're bringing on your team there's not an area of your life that the lord is not concerned about and when you don't believe he's concerned you go to the voice that confirms and more than likely when you avoid the altar here comes a lying lizard trying to validate and reinforce a direction of life that's going to bring you into disobedience here's why the altar is the place where god brings you into complete compliance you get to the altar you throw your hands up and what you're saying is i offer no resistance to the will of god because the altar is my admission of deity i'm coming to the altar cause i know i'm a man and i'm coming it for you because i know you're god and if you're god you know what i don't and i need you [Applause] my turn so elijah elijah has different altar behavior they shout and dance and sing and cut themselves they do everything we do but elijah did something different the heavens are closed i'm done the heavens are shut there's no rain there's no water no nothing and elijah says yo bring me water you take what the people do not have they would call him an unethical leader because we're already out of water what the hades are you doing giving what we're desperately in need of he gave the deficit he reached into their lack and said i'm going to give water pour it on there now there's another lesson i've got to give you ruth and keep you on my time i don't want no smoke today baby and and and and so they he builds this altar and he sets it up listen to me ep 12. i don't know how many it was when the other prophets were dancing but there was something about the altar style and design that elijah was discontent with he looked at it and said all right i need to redesign this thing come on because a part of what come from altars are reformers you're not ready for that he looks at it and says huh something about this altar just don't look right it's pretty but it ain't working it's cute but it don't change it's got lights but it can't lift a bird and it's got some smoke but come on tell me people think these people think let's be like all nations and get a smoke machine honey let me tell you something this is not about an led this is not about smoke this is years of fasting and years of praying and old school wrestling with the will of a man and to coming into compliance with god you can mimic it but you'll never repeat it i'm working in here put 12 up there maybe it's 9 maybe it's 8 but it ain't 12. and because i'm elijah and i'm an alter custodian i'm an altar architect an altar manager an alter a visionary something about this needs some order i will put a stone here for every tribe you will not be able to say this is not the place for me you will not be able to say i can't join because i don't fit in this ain't about your fit this is about god you think there's a personality contest you come in here to get along you want to know what no no no no we're not here because we fit we're here because we need to heal don't nobody care about fitting in in the name of jesus you religious devil you that's got the church looking like a social club we are not here because of our hobbies we are here because we all need to heal honey you can light the lake and i can't you can like hot and i like cold we don't have to have it in common we need jesus that's the bottom line so elijah says i'm gonna live i'm gonna eliminate your altar excuses i'll put a rock here for every tribe so if you want to them one of that one or this one of those you'll find your way there i'll put something there for all of you then i'm going to make the sacrifice even though i drench it watch me there is something called an altar hook in biblical artifacts there's a hook it's a large hook some theologians say it's like four feet long others say it's like six but i'm i'm six one so imagine a hook being my size and a part of what they would do is when i got the sacrifice i built the oxen or the cattle or whatever i was giving to jehovah what i would do to make sure that it's pulse and that its anatomic self didn't pull it off the altar even though it was dead i would hook it put your hand on your chest and say stay still what that meant was that when he altered sacrifice got on an altar whoever was making the sacrifice would hook it so that if it had spontaneous movement random movement that it didn't hop off it it was the mentality of the ulta maintainer that once i put this sacrifice here uh oh hold on once i lay this thing here it better not ever get up i want to know how many of you put it on and then count it costs count its cost receive the the the commendations or the fears of your peers or your mom or your granddad and you say you know what never mind i gave you my age but now i want it back i gave you my gender but now i want it back i gave you my association but now i want it back it's not convenient because the altar is the place where all your conveniences are confronted if you still can do life your way you have not been to the altar the whole point of the altar is lord i don't know what's next oh come on and shout with me now the person next you're gonna act like they got a clear vision i want the people that's a little bit confused about what's next give me like 10 seconds of a scream real quick if you lord i'm out here on a limb i'm out here on a limb i don't know exactly how this is going to work but i'm out here trusting at the altar lift your hands and say i'm at the altar so then he puts these hooks on this sacrifice he prays and the fire fell and the fire fell the fire fell this was pre-pentecost fire came from heaven at the altar eli just said yo i'm given my last and not only am i giving my last i'm giving my all i'm not holding anything back i'm putting everything on this darn altar you can have it you can take it and i need you to show up because jezebel is watching i i need you to to do what it is that you do because it's not like i'm doing this in private i am publicly humiliating my decisions and my resume and my background and my career and my greek and my hebrew and my children i'm putting all of this on the line i have a revelation of risk because i'm at the altar and i'm not afraid of doing this because i saw you do it before what are you going to do and the lord says my pleasure and he opens the heavens but mike he don't send water i could run justin i'ma choose not to these are nice pants so i can't do what i wanna do he didn't send thunder he sent fire he sent his fire and the bible said when the fire fell there was a fight that happened there's always a fight after the fire and and after the fire of god failed the bible said that not one of the false prophets lived no enemies remain they all killed themselves but it meant that a man had to know how to build an altar see you're not dating you're trying to figure out if this is an altar mate if we can't change together get out of my face you're going to waste my money i feel you're kicking and i don't care you're going to waste my time i want to know if we can change before him say altar you're not starting a a new company you're bringing something new to the altar because here's the deal if you start this new company this new llc this new whatever and you have no intention to advance the kingdom with it it is therefore and thereby idolatrous now cory i'm not the 501c3 guy like you know i think some stuff should be not for profit but i also think you need to make some money i call it charity and enterprise what i do by charity is not by force it's because i want to what i do by enterprise is by skill so part of what that means is that i need multiple levels of income and revenue that help people in any way the caveat though is it's all god's or you if it's a gym store a a gym shoe store it belongs to the lord if it's a hamburger restaurant it belongs to the lord when i open my restaurant in brooklyn it's gonna belong to the lord whether we got hymnals or bibles or not it all belongs to god because last time i built anything and told him he couldn't have it it trapped me the one area of your life that he can't have access to will become your ruler you will be a slave to whatever you build if god can't have it so you're not starting a new company you're coming to the altar right now when you get there god's going to reveal a part of him you did not know here is my last point the last part of god you experience is not all he is that's why denominationalism is so wicked because people see one side of him and think that that's who he is but he's bigger than how you explain him he's also bigger than how you experienced him some of you met him as a healer that's not all of our stories some of us were born to crackheads so because of that that meant we needed to deliver before we need to provide her so if i met him as deliverer first watch me he had to prove to me he could provide yeah because i didn't meet him in a grocery store you won't open up i met him in a crack alley so whatever or however god first revealed himself to you is not all he is which means that alter moments in life will always confront reveal show up in what you thought you knew about him he's like he hey you saw me as this but i'm also bad and are you willing to follow me as this or do you want me to still be that see altar life is about managing your instructions before the lord now there's several words for praise and worship and the reason i'm teaching it this way is because i want this to be a praising and a worshiping church i do not believe and you can tell the consortium and the fellowship and the network i do not believe that i have to be the main attraction i have seen god heal and praise and worship i've seen god deliver and praise and worship i've seen god restore and praise and worship so we will not be a people that uses praise and worship as an appetizer we won't be a people that say stupid stuff like it's all that stuff is the uh we here for the word most of you can't even define half the words i use humbly speaking and if you don't take notes and you're not here for the word so so so let's not make it seem like that's the meat because you can get the meat through music if if if if pastor rich stands up and sings i have no other argument and the glory of god descends in the building what do i look like a clown getting up to compete with god he did what he was going to do i'm out you will never have there will be many sundays i'm like nice to see you god bless you worship was great because the story is about him it's about alter life if the word of god through my mouth through teaching and preaching can't change you then your lost cause period so praise and worship is going to be a massive part of our culture we run we literally run we blow whistles we we have banners come on i feel god we we blow shofars we we bow we we we do and you don't need ain't no usher gonna attack you the men in black are not going to arrest and seize you if you like hey give me a moment i need to go find my way on the floor do it now they may cover you with a modesty thing if you showing a little something but other than that i'm gonna make them leave you alone i don't know what you're fighting through and i don't know what you've lived through so because of that praise and worship is serious to me you are under the leadership of a worshiper i worship my way out of and into everything if i'm on my way into it you're going to see me with the lifted hand if i'm on my way out of it you're going to see me with the lifted hand but i worship my way lift your hands and say through it all maybe you're not winning because you're not worshiping and maybe what you want has become an obstacle to you because you've not made it a matter of worship is it a manuscript or an offering is it a not for profit or an offering is it a job position or is it something else you can put on the altar and if whatever it is cannot be put on the altar you should vacate it immediately including lift your hands and say him her this or that if i've got to lie to you about my walk with god we're not dating we ain't talking you can't take me to red lobster starbucks nothing if i can't tell the truth some of my daughters i've been so grieved renee i'm like does this um person pray for my mouth i'm like does he know you speak with tongues and baby girl as i don't try to do all that i'm like but you dressed up you got your hair done you got them tarantulas on your face he can't hear you say [Applause] you need an altar man let me put some pressure there don't you have kids with a man that despises the altar oh yeah i feel you're kicking that's why i'm busting in here don't you take a ring from somebody who don't know the king you don't want to open up you got to go to the altar and i'm not talking about in a white dress [Applause] [Music] it's the altar life for me please i don't want to be friends with people now now they're business friends corey i'm shrewd i'll make money with anybody satanists all y'all cause i don't think money got souls we can all go but i'm not going to trust you with my fears if i can't meet you at the altar my friends have to be alter friends oh god here's why thank you for all two of you that clapped with these oh unequally yoked friendships all around this i know why you're scared to clap cause you got phony and fake friends round about you you're joining with folk who want to be you i'm working in here you got people around you who got a knife in their hand and you think that the sign of their loyalty is that stupid birthday cake at the dumbledore restaurant i want to know who's a lawyer put those hands together for a friend i can bring to the altar hey hey hey i want a brother that will go to the altar here's why prophet audrey if when i bring my when i bring my friend to the altar they hear what god told me and i'm going to wake up one day and not want to do what god said so if my friend is in agreement with my adversary because they did not go to the altar with me they may encourage me in my disobedience but i'm sorry i'm sorry i need a friend to say bro um i need a friend it's creeping up i need a friend that'll say bro i know how you feel and what you experience is real and i know you're feeling sad through here but god gave you oh y'all don't like you need friends that's gonna remind you of your last instructions if they become the instrument of your next seduction you know who sent them but i need an ultra you looking for a best man you need an altar brother you need an altar sister somebody that can hold you accountable we got to work i'm sorry [Music] i don't trust none of you ninjas until i see you at the altar because if i see you at the altar i know that even if something is wrong with your character god's got a hold of you just enough well he'll change the parts of you that may make me bad if you get uncomfortable at the altar if praise and worship makes you scream if you can't find a hallelujah nowhere if you can't find it thank you jesus nowhere i'm not going to trust who you can't touch [Applause] why would you have a man in your life that struggles being touched by god you want to kiss a negro that don't know how to cry and you make it he's just not that in touch with his emotions but he's dating you i overstand you want an unhealed husband [Music] somebody that has no sight in him whose eyes have been gouged out by the power of delilah and you're expecting him to bring you into your destiny but until that man got his eyes you won't shout with me he can't recognize his real put those hands together for an ultraman oh lord you want you want a thug you want a gang bang guy but i wish i had somebody that wanted an intercessor i want a man that can cry that can blow his blackness or god ruin his suits and say yes to the lord [Music] hey hey hey hey don't keep your cool around my daughter if you want to marry this woman of god let me see that shout let me see that dance show me what you're working with run around this room [Music] that's how you test it that's how you test him you watch how he acts around the presence of god and if you can get around god and say like david if this bothers you lady if this makes you mad i will get even more on dignified don't ask me what my sign is ask me put my testimony and i'll tell you it was a lot uh oh i gotta i gotta leave it alone [Music] i got to you i i'm not because i don't fool with church people like that i'm gonna tell you the whole story but i will say that the only reason you have a pastor is because your pastor had an altar some of my greatest deliverances came from carpet burns [Music] because even though they were done i was not and there were moments where my god i want this i shouldn't i've seen this and i don't want to see it i want to go here and i want to do this i've got a plan for my life a design for my destiny take this out we have business meeting here at the altar so when i'm in praise and worship i'm not just trying to do it to make a hit i'm presenting my body for school because if the body that does not learn worship we'll learn addiction you're not exempt i'm talking to you if you don't treat your body praise and worship there will be a poison that it finds to help it cope with pain and even if your poison ain't mine you'll find one but when i'm in pain this is what it means y'all act nice okay glenn behave this is why when david says i will [Music] will bless the lord at all and every time that is a time [Music] i'll make up a reason to bless the lord and i'm doing it for safety you you're not gonna like me if i'm not a praiser you're not gonna even wanna be around me if i don't find a hallelujah as a matter of fact when my leader says give god the glory i don't even wait for a reason he says praise i'm okay yup let's do it he says worship i say hallelujah he says give god the glory i say say lest and i find a reason to make my soul i got a reason and i have a right now i'm gonna let them have this mic so we can have a little praise and worship but if you struggle on any reason if you struggle in any way to find a reason to praise and worship so we enter his gates with what his courts with what okay so here's how it works we just start with extraordinary affirmation i'm going to say something controversial to you hey beautiful i'm such a fan god does not need your compliment so when you get your strange looking self out your bed to come to church and act like we all owe you a favor for being here it's a waste of your time sugar pie he's got 24 elders he's got living creatures he's got angels that are around them day and night and they shall back holy i can't do it now i'll do it too sorry [Music] and they're not talking about pants holy they're just crying out they're not talking about hairstyles they're saying holy they talk they talk about his personality so he's not lonely jaleel when he's like when y'all ain't praising he's he's not looking like oh if i only had a praise but praise is a technology it's to god but for you listen to me as you move into deliberate i call it the discipline of praise do you think every time i dance it's cause i want to do you think every time i'm saying hallelujah it's because i feel like it praise is a discipline [Music] challenge is about to come from right here real quick and and it's a part of me letting my life know you don't run a darn faith [Music] bills and it's still hallelujah while you're messing with me disease and it's still hallelujah enemies and it's still hallelujah haters and it's still hallelujah lies and it's still a hallelujah so praise y'all calm down calm down calm down [Music] praise praise is heart accountability i say hallelujah so i don't smack you i say glory so i remain integral i say my soul love you so i don't go to the liquor store come on i want somebody wait why won't y'all tell the truth guide me o thou great jehovah he'll reprove his parents i am weak and you hold me i said homie hold me without powerful hat bread of heaven they will help me proud of heaven [Music] as orientation for how church goes your leader gets up and says praise the lord everybody you don't do like this [Music] your leader says come unless shabbat you don't stay in your place we have an obligation let's go we have a responsibility if i don't give god the glory i'm going to lose my mind if i don't worship the lord i'm going to lose everything i build up i need expectation in my life so every time i say glory i'm saying cars getting ready [Music] cars get ready to turn my morning into dancing by crying and just celebrating say yes so that pray so [Music] you will i vow i vow you will have more freedom for praise and worship in this place than any place you've ever been to well i like order i'm a person of order it's too noisy why are they running over there because david said by my god i've run through troops and if you only got one enemy you don't know what it is to have an army against you but i can run over troop and when i get to a wall good call from zarya i can leap over them so that's why i run that's why i shout were you in sin last night absolutely did you send a bad text yesterday yeah did they see the new picture probably but if the lord would mark iniquity who would stand i'm shouting because i'm forgiving worship because i'm healed running because i've been delivered saying make a praiser out of me make a praise out of me hey make a praiser out of me you know when you're depressed because you stop dancing i sound like a praiser you know when you depressed cause you stop singing make a praiser [Applause] [Music] i will get even more [Music] i said undignified [Music] the problem with new york is that she's too dignified she got an image to uphold to the rest of the nation and she won't get naked before the lord with her honesty she gonna put on her robes in her garments and not submit her generational curses to the lord she's gonna hold her family secrets all while singing tenor in the background but i believe somebody here is like i'm tired of putting on for y'all it's gonna be my deliverance or my dignity and i tried my dignity at this point i'm gonna embarrass myself through the power of praise and worship and i will get even more on dignified [Music] so it's it's beyond the tambourine it's beyond the washboard it's beyond the dance it's the lord my life my life has to find something to exalt [Music] trying my best because every time i made something bigger it changed me to look like it so because i'm smart now i know that worship changes me so so when i lift my hands it's not because it's slow music when i lift my hands it's cause i know i'm not what i should be you you lift your hands for a police officer when you're under arrest and i say lift your hands in church and you look at your nails you need a gun to surrender you need a bullet to yield or if i say jehovah is here come on what you're saying is i have no weapon in my head i have no weapon in my hand whatever you want oh there goes right there there's a fire whatever you want hey hey hey hey whatever you say whatever you're doing whatever you're requiring however you're growing me however you're grooming me i offer no resistance even now i extend to you you are my god you are my god beside you there's not another [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you've you've been in environments that's judged your praise judged your worship you had to hold back and you've had to pretend like you were not appraiser or you are a visionary a leader a practitioner of ministry and you think ministry professionalism is maintaining your posture i submit to you a new pr a paradigm the priests have to praise first praising presiders those that are confident in what they see because of who they serve give me about 10 seconds of the loudest i'ma take you through it real quick but we're going to reach past your spleen from some gratitude and you're going to act like the lord has done for you everything he ever said i want you to i want you to literally oh whoa i want you to picture the end of your life and you're going back over your story saying the lord was faithful i'ma count to three and we're going shabbat are you ready one oh oh uh oh we in trouble not two three come on shabbat right here [Applause] come on right here come on let me coach you it's called boast come out of your personality come on boast come out of your day i said both it means to brag come on hey hey hey come on deeper now come on from a deep place i was young come on almost you're almost there but i'm now old and i've never come on reach and shabbat him come on a little louder [Applause] great is i faithfulness great is i faithfulness from a thousand generations you are faithful from everlasting to everlasting come on a little more that's not your air that's not your air you're borrowing air in your lungs come on pull something out of that he don't owe that to you give it to him zion [Music] now that was good there's about eight or nine different biblical words for praise and worship i have a favorite dr bond my favorite is halal it's h-a-l-l-a-l it means to act foolish to lose your mind or to have no sense when david was celebrating the return of the arch you're about to lose your leader in a minute when he recognized that the ark had come back the word praise there was halal it mean that because of what he saw he wanted to act stupid because this miracle made no sense his journey made no sense you could not calculate it if it were not here and so when the ark came back david started to halal and he did so until he came out of his clothes now we're not calling for you to strip but what it means is that he was able to the biblical phrases cast his crown what he was saying is in this next couple of seconds my status means nothing my blue check means nothing who i preached for means nothing but i've studied means nothing and his lover mikhail looked out the window and said is that how a king behaves look at you you're supposed to be a royal estate i love david's response he said listen heffa you just mad because it was the lord that now i don't have to say anything else a real praise would have caught me right there it was the lord i could talk about what he did and how he did it and why your daddy's a hater right now but i'm going to say it was the lord i had no right in it it was not my well-being or my decision-making it was a lord i want 30 seconds give me some halal you didn't heal yourself you didn't deliver yourself you weren't working on your credit you didn't pay that household [Music] you didn't choose that house it was a lord oh we get in trouble now [Music] hey glory to god you didn't send yourself on tour you didn't give yourself that job you didn't decide to wake up the sun at the moon didn't decide to be your friend it was a lot hey i said hey hey it was a lord you deserve sickle cell you deserve a jail cell you deserve an insane asylum but it was a lot you deserve everything that was headed to you but it was a lot the plague should have hit you disease should have killed you kobe should have took you out [Music] i shouldn't be the one the oil shouldn't be on me there should be no crown on my head i should drive when i try i shouldn't live where i live i should have died a long time ago but it was a lot you ain't there yet think about it be honest with yourself [Music] be honest with yourself [Music] hey hey my soul love you hey corey the test results should have been different diagnosis should have been different it could have been me outdoors no food no home but you did not see fit to let none of these things beat and i want to say thank you i say thank you they won't help me [Music] hey for every bullet you blocked for every bullet you block but every heart attack you stop for every stroke you prevent thank you [Music] thank you i could have been my mama but thank you i could have been my father but thank you because that mother and partner forsake me been the lord thank you [Music] you want to praise your way out of the statistic [Music] there's a statistic calling you a statistic says by likely this time you should be dead or in jail but he delivered me from the record delivered me from the statistic and i want to say thank you [Music] come on i need everybody in here if you believe the supernatural is in the room through your praise i need you to open up your mouth for a miracle now come on come on come on there's something being released and father we thank you now for the release of the praise we thank you for what you've done so now father we expect a supernatural release come on now there's a release here i said there's a release here be scattered and let god our eyes and let it be she scattered let god her eyes and let his enemies be scattered looking at us in here be anointed that scan of the over your family suddenly released your children over your finances [Laughter] [Music] consumers consumers consumers consumers i need those that can praise from a place of intercession i said i need those that can praise from a place of intercession somebody in this house needs something your praise i said your praise it's going to release us into something else come on now come on come on let's take it up a notch let's take it up with us let's take it up with us let's take it up a nice [Applause] [Applause] and with our hands lifted we receive in this moment come on come on now transition that thing [Music] oh my god [Music] come on come on come on build your own altar i said build your own altar i said build your own altar come on come on that's it [Music] come on you're the instrument now [Music] he's the awesome god he reigns from heaven above with [Music] is [Music] oh my god he isn't all so good he rises [Music] [Music] he is an awesome [Music] [Music] lift up your voice [Music] [Music] is [Music] is come on one more time [Music] [Music] with wisdom power in love [Music] is [Music] hallelujah it's an god [Music] [Applause] come on lift up your hands one last time and saying my god [Music] hallelujah [Music] our is is an awesome god oh god is an awesome god [Music] [Music] now is on sinner praise you're an awesome god all over the place hallelujah [Music] we've got a little while longer we're done if you receive this when you walked in the building lift your hands and wave at me i want this to mean something and matter to you if you have one of the if you don't have one of these wave let's see if i can put some in the balcony if possible i'm gonna have pastor rich lift up something else but i want you to mean something don't get too relaxed what it says is put it on the altar i want to know something you're supposed to sacrifice and i also want to know something you're supposed to commit to something you're supposed to sacrifice something you're supposed to commit to when you get this write it down real quick we're going to go into something we're else hurry up i got 10 minutes [Music] take you literally 60 seconds between you and god and write down something you're supposed to sacrifice and something you're supposed to commit to now before we go into our last worship song you should probably be warned that the altar is the place where your commitment issues are challenged he challenges commitments god's calling you to something say yes he's leading you to something say yes i want to know what it is and we're going to put it on the altar take your paper out and write it literally what is he wanting you to sacrifice [Music] what is he calling you too and be honest you don't have to put your name on it i'm not going home to study your sin let's put on the altar [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus i don't have time to walk the room and prophesy in the way i want i will say though is you are in a moment of critical decision making and your next move is everything i'm talking about the altar tonight not just because i want y'all shouting and dancing but i want you to be sensitive to what the lord is saying next he's talking very loud but you've got to be at the altar to hear it if you mean this in contrition lift this whatever this is to god we're going to come and toss this at the altar in a minute but i want you to lift it to the lord god you know every fear every apprehension you know every hesitation you know the ugliest truth about how we feel about this but tonight in new york city we lift a offering to you oh of our decision oh god to go all the way no matter what it means to obey no matter what it costs or who leaves or who comes no matter what it changes about how they see us we receive right now brand new grace for this altering brand new pace for this alternate brand new faith for this sacrifice lord many of us have been instructed to give something up that we don't even know where to start but we know how to start at the altar we don't know how to do what you're asking us to do but tonight oh god we lift our hands and say we are willing to obey you at all cause and to any extent show us yes lord show us show us not only show us oh god but help us keep us in place come on put them alter hooks in us so that we stop moving from the place of your dealings so that we get okay with being uncomfortable before you make the decisions that please you [Music] that's what i want oh hell the power you're doing not me all hell the power of jesus name let angels pry straight forward bring forth the royal diet and crown him lord [Music] [Music] him [Music] him lord [Music] we will [Music] [Music] [Music] you foreign [Music] forever we will crown you yes wow [Music] forever what you are alone yes [Music] jesus your lord of this church my [Music] will forever crown you you will forever crown you you are the lord of this church you're the lord of this universe you're the lord over this world come on everybody lift up your hands and let's crown jesus let's crown jesus let's crown jesus lord of our connections we hell the will of jesus name oh hell the power of jesus name [Music] your king and forever you shall reign and forever you shall reign and forever you shall [Music] your reign your jesus your jesus your jesus your jesus your jesus your jesus your marking your lord king of the world you are jesus great head of the church great head of the church great head of the church [Music] one your god your ruler your savior your jesus jesus jesus jesus your jesus jesus is lord to the glory of god sing crown him forever forever [Music] we promise we will crown you we promise we will cry on you one more time oh come on [Music] you are jesus you are jesus you are jesus you reign above everything reign above all look around him one more time everybody worship will crown you forever forever forever forever forever forever we will forever forever forever will crown you forever forever [Music] lord forever the kingdoms of this world are the kingdoms of our lord and he shall reign and he shall reign lord over death lord over suicide lord over depression lord of the sickness lord of the cancer [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] him lord lord [Music] [Music] lord over my life [Music] forever [Music] to the glory of [Music] god the glory of god [Music] yes i got seven minutes and i'm gonna use every ounce of it yes yes [Music] come on with me yes come on hey whoa oh yes come on we're going down [Music] six minutes yes yes lord come on six minutes 37 seconds yes lord ain't no doubt in my mind my soul says he is the lord yes lord hey six minutes yeah lord [Music] [Applause] a real one for real come on yes hello [Music] yes lord yes [Music] yes lord five minutes 48 seconds what's your window yes lord yes lord yes [Music] [Music] yes lord it's five minutes i'm waiting on you to hurry up yes lord [Music] jesus lord [Music] yes yes lord all right if you don't go here we're not gone [Music] yeah yes lord come on right here yes lord right here four minutes let's use it up i said yes lord that's the byproduct of the altar is yes lord that's how i know the thing worked it's a yes or long a brand new yes open up a president a yes hot on the press a yes pass my mind just pass my wheel past my emotion and my answer is come on right here my answer is obey me i said my answer is i said my answer is i said my answer is i said my answer somebody i got three minutes come on yes lord [Music] yes lord from the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul my answer is yes my end before i know it i know you ain't answered yet but my answer you don't have a real one [Music] yes i'm about to get messed up three minutes mike they gave me three minutes i set it up i'ma use every second of this yes you don't understand i'm going through a hard thing i need these two minutes to have my yes place where the lord wants it yes lord yes lord jesus jess lord jesus yes lord guest lord jessica jesso jesso yes lord hey yes lord it worked for seymour yes lord it worked for mason yes lord work for my grandmother yes lord it worked forever yes lord work for wigglesworth yes or lord i said yes lord because it worked for paul it worked for timothy work for peter james and john it's got to work for me my answer is yes lord all the way from harlem to the heavens yeah hold hold on you got two minutes and one second to act a lunatic imma give you this last minute run jump scream for but yes you had to fight for it but yes you had to fight for it for the yes you had to fight paul i want you to take one minute 41 seconds dance in the face of the devil because he tried to take my heads tried to steal it yes one minute hey i just told you hello one minute 17 seconds come on and push push come on push come on it's a discipline we got to learn this yes yes lord there you go let's praise and worship leadership come on [Music] 52 seconds [Music] harder harder harder harder we got 40 seconds a lot can change in 30 seconds hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey come on 25 seconds but ain't nobody running yet what are you waiting on i'm waiting on somebody who's yes twelve seconds ten nine eight seven six five five [Music] [Music] pop [Music] he did it just for me it's three three [Music] three two two come on go up two go up two go up two two two two two two two two two two two one one one hero israel our god is one hero israel our god is a one don't need another i already got one one for the power one for the son one of the holy ghosts already one already one already one already won already one already hey already what already wanna hear o israel i call this a one hero israel i thought it's a one not buddha not muhammad not obama only got one one one one one one one one i only got a one one one one one one lord one faith one baptism i only got one one lord hey one faith one baptism only got one only need one only one [Music] one one one one one one one one one one under [Music] who is this king of glory who is this king of the lord who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord strong and mighty the lord strong and light the lord strong at night the lord mighty in battle one one one one one one now unto him now unto him that is able [Music] i said he's able [Music] [Applause] i said he's able to keep me from poland and to present us homeless before the lord with exceeding great joy to hear me out blessings honor dominion the power of now and forever in the name of jesus who is the very christ of god so be it so be it sophia you
Channel: All Nations New York
Views: 33,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: seb0N4UGALA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 55sec (9715 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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