SUNDAY SERMONS | A New Man | Apostle Matthew L. Stevenson III

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first samuel 10. we're in a series called it's in the room and it's a series about values and principles can i give you some preliminary information before i read my scripture my scripture is going to be first samuel 10 verses 1 through 6 but i want to prep you real quick um whether you know it or not whether you realize it or not your life is set up of vision and values you have a vision for your life or not and you have a value system for your life scream yes what that means is that your values are a system or a set of principles that determine your decision making i date say by my values i work say by my values i go to school say by my values i marry say by my values everything you do is by your values now here is the trick this is preliminary the trick is this sometimes you will agree with the value of your progenitor your father your mother whoever raised you and sometimes you will establish your own values the problem is is values are roots open yourself that means that they're not easily seen what it means is that they are real deep until conflict or dirt or or or wrestle or fight or war and then we see what you really believe now um my family is from the ghetto and what they used to teach fee was that a drunken heart will speak a sober truth and so at the fourth of july and all of that whatever it was getting turned poker starts saying stuff that we didn't know what they felt but out of the abundance of the heart i find that roots speak when things are not sober that you can pretend as much as you want that you feel come on let's go y'all you can pretend as much as you want that you feel a certain way and then a disappointment happens or a letdown occurs or something happens in your life and then you end up opening up in a way that you did not intend to open up that's the abundance of the heart and so when we see issues like this we have to really consider what we allow come on let's go salvation to do does salvation secure and give us an rsvp in heaven or does it change our life on earth does it do both and let's do some real work and and and and do i get saved because i'm scared of hell and it's my fear of hell i feel like preaching it's my fear of hell enough to keep me out of sin because i can be afraid of heights and still go to a game i can be afraid of water and still go to a pool park so is my fear enough to cultivate a love for god so we have several critical issues to examine and explore do you hear me all right so i really wanted to give that to you because without understanding of that you're not going to understand the rich nature of my text my text is probably a text that i've preached every year for the last twenty i love it because i love elder jasmine you're so beautiful baby i love how god changes lives that sounds simple it sounds like something that happens every day but i love when the lord touches a man in his heart changes his his his his dna his molecular structure and makes him something that he was not before i love that i love when the lord reaches for a life a passenger lil and says i don't care what your granddaddy did who was the murderer who cheated i'm going to touch your life and you will be used at me as an instrument i love that stuff because he does not have to do it lift your hands and just shout thank you come on okay hold on i want you to mean that this time throw them hands up and say thank you you could have been everything that was after you wow you could have bit everything before you but the lord put his hand upon your life and said you will have your mind you will have your heart we will have your gift you will have your skill and you will not go crazy yeah so first samuel uh 10 i'm hurrying up means a lot to me because it's the end of one era and the beginning of another and in first samuel 10 1 it says then samuel took a vial of oh throw them hands up and say you can't do nothing without the oil can i have 20 preachers in here so you can't do nothing without the oil one of the problems is this is a lot of people doing a lot of things without because you conferencing and um prayer breakfast sin and and prayer break through lining but ain't no real how do you know and the reason i know that is because the bible say in that day isaiah 10 27 the yoke will be dish not broken because if it's broken it can be fixed the bible say destroy of the anointing so if we have so many bound people and so many prayer calls where's the oil um so yeah oh talent no oil gift no oil ambition yeah samuel took a bowl of oil and poured it upon his head and kissed him and said is it not because the lord had known it thee to be captain over his inheritance i'd like to give you a a a a prophetic word if you will hear this it will bless your entire week all right you are about to occupy a vacancy i know you didn't really hear me the way you should have baby with this orange hair you're about to occupy a vacancy now are you ready to shout we gonna have church today heaven not only hires heaven fires and we don't like to talk about the seasons where heaven hands out pink slips there are moments when heaven is like you are done your role is concluded there's no more need for you you're dated you won't obey you won't yield you won't fast there's a and when that happens because it happens charles and when it happens here goes the recruitment firm looking throughout the earth for who's available come on let's go to church because it's not been about who is perfect it's been about who's available i wish i had help now and uh what the church likes to do is make you feel like you got to be perfect without flaw and without error and without humanity but what the lord has always wanted is availability and if that were not true then he would not have told paul i'm not taking this thorn nowhere i'm gonna leave it exactly where it is so that my strength is made perfect in your weakness throw them hands up and say available oh yeah your problem is you're not you're too busy you you got a lot going on you know you're distracted come on i know you don't like that you you got a lot of commitments and obligations and you got a lot of things that's reliant on you but i want to know who's available i want to know who has time on their schedule for god who has time on their schedule to be inconvenient you don't want to go to church who who willingly wants to be inconvenienced for the purpose of god now when you have a schedule oh yeah when you have a timeline when you have things you want to do then availability is hard to conceptualize but when you're really surrendered that's your problem your nappy head self don't want to surrender you want a little bit of law and a little bit of new testament you want a little bit of love and a little bit of murder you want a little bit of both just to make sure you still have control of your life but is there anybody in here that's like lord when i try to do it in my strength in my power in my will i didn't work it out well but now i want to do it your way i want to do it in your strength okay if i say something will you shout or no not by power i want you i'm not an evangel you need to hear me like i'm talking as by the spirit of god to you not by power you're not going to do nothing you have to do in this year by power it will not be by power come on open yourself it will not be my might but it will be by my [Music] spirit the lord has anointed you because of the vacancy now i don't know if you realize this i haven't gotten to my title but i'm on my way there you have to realize that your destiny is the result of a vacancy that whatever the lord has perfect can i teach that whatever the lord has purposed you to do is because of something or someone that has died the period is over moses my servant is dead um and and now you through your trial by your tribulation by your error by your flaw you've been summoned into a place of service whether you realize it or not you're more ready than what you think and you have to conceptualize the vacancy that the spirit of grace is pulling you into now many of you are saying here in my sinhi come on let's go to the other show but the real truth is it's you it's the cry of david that says try me o god and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me to the way everlasting you the real truth this is you and you don't want to acknowledge that is you but can we make a warfare statement real quick i was groomed in this throw their hands up and scream it's me now let's go to verse two when you are departed from me today this is first samuel 10. then thou shall find two men by rachel sepulco and the border of benjamin and zelka and they will say unto thee the asses which thou went seeking are found listen to me when the call of god comes upon your life it will be in the context of loss i'm not can i give you what i've got so if you're not a loser you won't be a listener you have to learn how to lose oh lord rebecca they won't help me baby [Music] if you can't lose a friend lose a career lose a city lose a reputation if you can lose an image if you can't lose a name your listening aptitude will be challenged by your ability to lose which means that when i lose well i listen better i'll give it to chicago if you don't want it that means when i've lost something god wants me to listen because losing i feel his power and listening are connected he never makes me lose if there's not something he wants to say so if i lose something your word is beautiful then it's because he's about to start talking about something else i don't want to create a riot i got 24 minutes but throw them hands up and say he's got something else to say come on oh help me preach come on say he's got something else to say now when you've got there the asses which you were seek are found and low and that father have left the care of the asses and sorrow for you saying what shall i do for my son verse three now here's where you're going to have to get this together when you leave the past there will be ambassadors of the past i'm not even close to my texts people will miss the old you you don't believe me and you don't even have to say man people will miss the unrenewed you and people will miss the unregenerated you people will miss the co-dependent you people will miss the rejected you i'm working in here people will miss the abandon you people will miss to perverse you people will miss to confuse you people will miss the depressed you and you fool around now and you get healed in all of us because there are people that are attached to you in the place of your pain so if it stops hurting i'm working in here then they no longer have a fit but this is the season in your life let me where you will have a cluster of successful supportive anointed wise friends you're not going to be like those that fall captive to evil and wicked counsel god's getting ready to send you those that yeah can push you where you need to go throw them hands up and say i received. now are you ready for verse 3 i haven't given you my text yet then thou shalt go on forward from thence pay attention and thou shall come to the plain of tabor and thou shall meet three men going up to god to bethel one carrying three kids and another carrying three loaves of bread and another carrying a bottle of wine let me ask you a question do you want your destiny more than you want your direction sit in this act like it's me and you in starbucks or wherever you prefer to go that's awful and i love you hey there's a lot of destiny talk fee vision boards and plans at meetings and timeline hey deadlines and all of that nobody wants to talk about their instruction and what i've seen in the scriptures is the instructions lead to the description of the destiny so without the initial instruction you really have no right to claim the destiny you can't say what you've been called to do or what you've been called to be or what you've been called to see if you've avoided the instruction god god don't release it to you until he see if you can obey hobart he wants to know if you're going to obey because obedience watch me is the insurance mechanism of heaven that if they release too much responsibility to you it won't become a crisis or a problem because if you are obedient come on throw your hands and say yes lord if you are obedient then there's more that the lord can entrust to you let me sit in this for a minute i feel him um because there are demogra glory there are demographics of people in america and chicago and new york that god don't trust the church you don't want to hear that and i know that that's like painful for you to but there's audiences where god is like no don't go over there yet they're not they're not merciful enough and they don't understand miracles and they they they're not compassionate enough yet so when god opens up the palladium i'm sorry in the middle of times square and says come all of you whoever will let him come then we've got to have a flow of blood and a flow of water and a flow of power so i hear you almost done timer says 18 minutes the direction of the lord leads to god's destiny for your life so that means if the lord tells you wake up at this time go to bed at this time stop eating this stop eating that none of that is listen to me no instruction of god is random he he does not just say change your number because he's in a bad mood open your mouth god does not have menopause so when he's talking to you it's because he's instructing you about something [Music] it's because he knows something about you that you don't know do you think you know everything that's about to happen in your life you have no clue one year from today woo shout with me i don't need y'all to have give me 75 come on i said one year from today come on they won't help me one year from today i don't even have to get it out one year from today hey hey just give me a year [Music] i'm still recovering from 2020 but give me one more year verse 4 please be seated i have 16 minutes and they will salute thee and give thee two loaves of bread and you will receive of their hands um pastor marquita in 22 years of ministry one of the hardest things i've had to teach people to do is receive that sounds very simple but people don't know how to receive they know how to hear but they don't know how to receive something hits them at their core and changes who they are as people a lot of people believe maturo but a lot of people don't know how to receive they don't know how to open up to the extent that something can hit them listen to me that they disagree with that's new to them that hadn't been heard before and they receive they go into debate soul debate inner man debate the debate of the conscious and the mind and when they go there what happens is their life goes on a schedule that schedule seems to determine when they get married when they have children when their career should be what it is and they start to make decisions on that schedule and not god's will and it all goes back to the fact that you didn't receive because even though y'all sitting next to each other y'all both have different timelines god's got different plans there are different things you need to see and be and go and do but here's the great news is he's got plans for all y'all success so the only way you'll not have success is if you're disobeyed [Music] okay does this make sense to you is this too much okay all right they will salute you and they will receive say receive we wouldn't have a jesus bless my we wouldn't have a jesus if mary didn't know how to receive we would not have a savior if somebody didn't know how to open themselves and be naked yeah this is scary hey yeah this is nerve wrecking but i'm gonna open myself and i'm gonna receive i'm gonna put my family name to the the behind me i'm gonna put these curses behind me and i'm going to receive some of you are so honoree that you don't know how to receive here's why in our culture say preach when we have to receive people hold it over our heads so they be like remember we it's like a it's like a it's like a debt right but with god it's not a debt when we receive from him we receive freely and he gives to us and the bible says he giveth more grace desi hey i feel god moving now i said he gives more grace richard come put your hand on her real quick lord help me through this i need you now because i'm about to lose it more grace he gives more grace warrior grace jail grace accurate grace the grace to put the nail on the head the grace that regrets to compete the grace to compete with your male competitors in your workplace that want to prove you to be incompetent and worthless and not worth your position and your job i prophesy more grace i prophesy that what your grandmother went to death without you will never again go without all of that favor all of that power all of that wisdom is coming to you i want 50 of you to throw your hands over their way and scream more grace come on [Music] but he gives more grace [Music] you're not going to lose nothing come on saint paul christ no i see that bank notice and the holy ghost said to tell you your property is secure hold your hands up and take more breath you gonna look at me are you gonna shout no grace more grace more [Music] or for grace to trust him [Music] come on [Music] just a little more [Music] in my flesh i can do nothing but when i've got to grace [Music] i still need to give you my text come on get ready for grace get ready for the grace a new grace come upon you it's gonna be easy shout hallelujah that felt good shout hallelujah it felt good shout hallelujah shut hallelujah let's see i have nine minutes i'm getting all of this out verse 5 and and after that [Music] one of the things the devil don't want you to know [Music] is that there is and after that [Music] i try my best to make it through this look at somebody and say and after that [Music] because this two will pass this test will cross over this will change pull them hands up and take [Music] hey hey it's in my belly hey hey [Music] come on you got eight minutes left after that you will come to the hill of god after the low place here comes the high place now i have a prophecy for you you're going higher now than you and it's going to be an uncomfortable high it's got it's going to be the kind of high that changes your frequency like the way you understand and interpret and hear higher the word of the lord to you is higher and and it's it's so high that it's going to watch me it's going to expose your low connections [Music] i know you don't your flesh needs to understand where you're going i'm talking about march april may there is a high that the lord has called you to it's going to require shaniqua hear me baby is going to require family boundaries you will not be i don't know why i'm waxing this way you will not be able to give the money you used to it's not going to be about the marital abuse abuse is abuse so there's a higherness a higher thing that the lord is calling you to he's doing it immediately i still ain't got to my text throw them hands up and say i'll fly high come on i want you to sit with everything in you say i'll fly ah now in highness why the heck five minutes in height is different ground level warfare is a little different when you're wrestling with scorpions and snakes and ants and rope that's a different warfare but wouldn't you ascend there are certain attempts but no weapon renee i i don't know why nobody ran this is weird my church runs i said but no weapon formed against you wheel so as you uh when you because you ascended there are certain things that can't survive in certain altitudes may i submit the word of the lord to you concerning your altitude are things that are just low low worries low concerns low stresses god is calling you and not the other way that you used to get high i had to get that out [Music] it's a new high cause ain't no high come on help me shout like the most high let me hurry up and make it through my last four minutes you will come to the heel of god higher in prayer higher in worship by your decision it's got to be higher you can you don't have to feel nothing to praise i know this is simple to you but pastor darren there are people who still think they got to have an option i don't need an unction a paragraph somebody say the name jehovah i'm like sorry i'm one of them come on throw them hands up and say i'm one of them now i know that's crazy to you but i wanna go higher make a decision if you're gonna give times you've got to open your mouth if you're going to shout and dance you've got to give your time you need to say both and where the garrison of the philistines is and it shall come to pass that when they're come thither to the city thou shall meet a company of prophets listen to me i'm still not at my point just yet i have two minutes and 50 seconds there will be a moment pastor richard when the lord changes your season and the folks around you will start talking the future and the lord will prompt you marquita to reject those or disassociate from those who talk the past if you don't open up i i will break i'm aggressive remembering recalling recollecting reattaching to what happened it is a way to kind of sow you casually to a history that may have traumatized damaged wounded curated created an image of life relationship love fear destiny purpose all in your mind i don't know more people in the world that struggle with anything other than the past you would think it was drugs or some no everybody i talked to they're fighting the past they're fighting come on i'm almost there they're fighting mama and daddy and grandmama and granddaddy and and horror movies and molestation beco they're fighting alt-rape they're fighting abortion decrees they're fighting death decrees can we be i don't know why i feel led to go here can can we deal with the fact that your mama and your daddy are are are supposed to be the the licensures of the blessing not a blessing but the blessing and so when they open up your mouth and say you're a bee or you're a or you're a or you're a and they curse you and you end up at fire conference world changes trying to get free i feel it now from that prison indictment on your soul and you don't realize why you keep going through the cycles you go through something was declared over you by an authority i feel you i feel you you can't i know i feel you in here something was declared over you by a gatekeeper that drew things to your life yeah and it made you you still to this day can believe who you really are and you still to this day don't receive affection well you will be free i have 12 seconds left it says you will see a company of prophets i i believe i know i haven't done it in some time but i believe in the power of the prophetic word i believe that there's something that can go on environmentally that can start putting the words to your future in a space where you can start focusing on something other than the past the problem is you need something else to look at you you you've been focusing on yesterday so much that you ain't had the problem uh the power to look at tomorrow and the opportunity to look at tomorrow so he says listen to me samuel you came to saul you came to me running from something but what you didn't realize was you was really running for something many times when you feel like you're running from god be praised you're really running for it's a hunger that's been misappropriated so you feel depressed and depleted and without and it but what it really is is the lord god is steering you to a resource and a supply that otherwise you would not regard because without your desperation you'd walk beyond your resource it's not pretty enough it's not famous enough don't have enough followers but sometimes your resource is going to be unpopular you sometimes god will send help through somebody who has no blue check and if you honor me and don't realize that the lord has already availed help to you in this way and you don't respect and receive it you're going to miss your breakthrough here is my point um so saul had an empty head there was an available crown somebody throw them hands up and say crime here's my message say crown me open your mouth if you didn't say no say say crown me do you really want more responsibility or do you like coming to church hey sugar wipe in your eyes right here hear what i'm saying to you and i'm trying my best not to be disrespect there is a kind of responsibility that you've just been flat out rebellious against god's coming to crown you pull them hands up everybody and say crown me he's crowning you for the saving of many lives alive there's a crowning fee whoa there's a crowning it's it's it's not just a a graphic or um or a designer website it's a crowning it's it's it's it's it's it's a a coronation of responsibility for those that must save many lives alive now here's the worst part and this is what should make you go home sad you don't get an option come on open your belly now it's not like you get to wake up one day and say this is not a questionnaire it's been this come on let's go it's been determined for you my point is that this is uh saw one man empty head he gets crowned he gets anointed can i take this a little deeper prophet renee he has to deal with his affection issues because if he has had so much criticism he does not trust affirmation so when aphromoo come on open when you get affirmation you treat it as if it's criticism or potential criticism just because you're unused to it so so samuel kisses him puts the crown on his head them they go now and the bible says something unique here is my message god says through samuel to saul when you turn from me here is my my message my title my thing when you leave me you'll be another man here's how you know when you're in the right room when you're turned into another man it's it's metamorph that's the greek word for it it means to take a fingerprint and look at it one way and then look at it again moments later and it not looked the way it looked it's genetically being mutated changed metamorphosis we will not all sleep but in a moment in the twinkling of an eye we will be i want to know how many christians are in rooms and not changing yeah adapting um adjusting not really changing and you changed and you are transformed by the word of god by the power of the holy ghost is this okay for you that is why i'm here i'm not here because i ain't got nothing else to do something needs to change and that is the will of god so if i were to name this elder donnie you're so beautiful if i were to name this i would call it a new man i came into an environment of strangers and weirdos and creeps and they began to say weird stuff around and about me and i was changed i came into a conference or an environment where they were shouting and dancing and somebody walked over to me and said hey behold you're going here you're doing this and i was changed this is the litmus test for every real experience you should have did you enjoy yourself or were you changed did you have a good time or were you changed did you have good memories and moments or were you changed yeah i know we ain't seen in a while but uh i used to have moments like saul did when i know that i was supposed to be king because here is the here is the justification between between first and second samuel and first and second kings every king needs a chronicle that means when you're the first to do anything in your family and your story and your line we need a story a manuscript you're not ready for that but let me tell you your testimony is supposed to be the test of the next generation yeah i'll give to you later so that means the next generation studies what you went through to figure out how to do and how to be and how to succeed that's why you got to win you have to get through this so when we have this whole issue here now we have the issue of after passing becoming a new man he had a new meal throw them hands-ups a new man new meal i didn't hear you say new man new meal when he got to samuel the seer's house the bible said there was a shoulder portion he wasn't used to that because he had to handle government government and shoulders you got to eat at the level of your increase and you got to eat at the level of your influence and you got to eat at the level of your potential your problem is you want the respect of your potential but not the responsibility of it if you want to be respected at the level of your capability be able to be respected at your personality i'm done so this is called a new man one of the things that being in the right room will do is going to change you yeah so friends gonna be like oh you you used to do it like that family gonna be like girl you uh-uh it's just gonna change every desmond is going to change everything and you gotta be good with it do you understand me you have to be good with it you got to resolve it yes the lord has changed me because now saul was on the throne reigning and he only lost when he started paying attention to people here is my warning when you become a new man you have to be cautious about the fear of man being a snare the bible said the fear of man brings a snare so you have to be careful about guarding your heart about what they think what they say what they suppose now you're tightening up so i'm gonna tweeze in here a bit more a part of what i mean by that is that you know you don't realize how much of that decides what you do what will they think what will they say or what will they do or how would they act and you got all of that in your mind in the way of your obedience in the way of your promotion in the way of your favor the fear of man bringeth the snare so when you become a new man i love this because it's reiterated by paul but if any man be in christ he's a new creature all things have passed away everything has become so when they say to you valencia that you're acting brand new you really are and we give the lord the prayers all right um that's the last point of my teaching and i'm going to keep laboring in this because i want you to be what i'm doing is preparing you for what's going to happen the more you come here one of the things that's going to happen is you're going to become a new man that you're from your barrow a must [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha yeah i will perform safety lord god i will perform and i will answer thee saith the lord god that i will be unto thee a swift witness for that that has come will not be that that is coming will come swiftly sift the lord of hosts these are the days of great preparation but prepare yourself safe god prepare yourself saith god i feel this prepare yourselves saith the lord prepare yourself prepare yourself prepare yourself prepare yourself prepare yourself prepare yourself what these be the days as spoken about before and i will not only summon you and arrest you said the lord of hosts but i will commission you into diverse assignments and situations and circumstances prepare yourself for it will be beyond your greatest dreams and beyond your imaginations and it will be beyond your net worth and your net worth it will be beyond the barriers and the borders that have been placed around you prepare yourself saith god for many have desired and have not prepared and many have cried and have not prepared and many have wept and have not prepared but i'm looking for people said israel's got that will prepare said he that is holy and true will you prepare and prepare and make yourself ready for the thing that i desire to do yes even before this year waxes i want to prepare people because i'm getting ready to overturn overthrow undo release send capture i'm getting ready to do that that you've never dreamed of if you will prepare put your hands in a worship preparing your language preparing your hearing wow come on worship preparing your friendships come on something's here prepare your relationships wow prepare to be a new man and prepare to be a new woman prepare prepare come on open up now prepare your days prepare your weeks prepare your months prepare prepare prepare it your morning time prepare an evening prepare your diet prepare prepare now your love life you've got to prepare you're not as ready as you need to be i said prepare now come on with those hands and go with right now [Music] come on prepare prepare preparing your education wow preparing your career prepare with your clients preparing your interests preparing your assets preparing your diligence preparing preparing your income prepare now prepare now don't get late come on don't get late prepare now [Music] [Music] hey i'm getting ready i'm getting ready i'm getting ready i'm getting ready it's not over i'm getting ready it's not done no i'm getting ready it's not complete glory i'm just getting ready [Music] hallelujah [Music] hey come on [Music] crazy come on praise him come on praise him aloha longer praise him come on all the way in the balcony come on lift it up that's not my kind of noise i need some more [Music] i'm believing god to make me a new man a new woman come on just new just new new all right if i say something will you shout with me remember not the former neither remember you the things of all wow i do a new thing lord and it springs forth ah there you go baby hey i do something new don't remember it don't consider it there you go i love it when they shout come [Music] hallelujah it's not to go up hallelujah wow [Music] shabbat glory [Music] [Music] wow a new man a new man a new man i don't know what to explain to you i just went to a meeting something happened to me i was changed yes my time is far gone if you have now listen i want to say this and if you judge or laugh or sneer whoa i want anybody with any form of addiction if it's food if it's sex if it's alcohol if it's weed got a ailment i don't want you to have any embarrassment run up here do it now come on don't be embarrassed i don't want you [Music] you're tired and the lord does not shame you [Music] now come as close as you can get i love you jesus i'm gonna coach you through this i honestly don't know what's gonna happen in the next few minutes i'm gonna walk you through this the first key to deliverance is surrender you you must surrender it does not matter what the addiction what the attack what the affinity is surrender is step one so what surrender does it says lord i don't want this i've got it it happened i don't want it now when that's your decision the next step is surrender you got to give up now part of what that means come on open yourself now i feel god's power part of what that means is you got to be willing to not try this in your strength so no amount of social media fast or no amount of friend restructuring it's not going to work it's got to be surrender number one and then it's got to be yield come on let me instruct you before i touch you i want you to think through this there's no meaning there's no point in touching you if i can't teach you and what you need to understand is that in order to obey you must be instructed okay now next thing is yield then you got to bow you can't give up an addiction and then wake up with your prayer life the same way no open now you can't break up with a principality like crack cocaine or marijuana and then you're not find nothing new to bow to you can't break up open up now come on you can't break up with porn and not decide to wake up the next morning and wake up in your devotional way and in your devotional self you got to surrender and you got to bow surrender is incomplete without the bow god's fire is moving now i said surrender is incomplete without the bow give me a minute surrender is incomplete without the power without the bow surrender is only 50 if you're gonna surrender for real you gotta get that power in there and that power has got to change you come on you'll never be the same it's got to transform you it's got to release you it's got to shield you it's got to instruct you come on it's got to unentangle you there in the name of jesus in the name of the lord jesus whose i am and who i serve i address and i arrest iniquity in this room demonic stalkers that have been after these lives for generate whole virgin wow [Music] do you hear that come come on [Music] so my come on there is an agenda after you i'll labor it an agenda is after you there is an agenda after you and this agenda has been there for generations but the spirit of grace he's willing come on lift your hands and receive [Music] foreign now here's what i fill in the room keep them hands lifted this is unusual this is unusual feet touch red head real [Music] yeah that thing will never again happen to you at 2 a.m it won't happen again yield now come on press into that yield nice [Music] [Music] that's what he wants yield now [Music] help me y'all we have to go um when we deal with stuff like this the only other thing to happen is a fresh infilling of the holy ghost okay something hap something happens when torment leaves a life the palm of the holy ghost feels it floods it like fire okay now people come to the altar because they're hungry all right now when the holy ghost hits them something happens how many of you are willing willing for a fresh and filling how many are willing for a fresh in feeling of the holy ghost now you were willing to have demons come out do you want something fresh to come in if i give you about a minute to ask god for a fresh baptism of the holy ghost will you open yourself all right lift your hands let's go now i'm an expert at this i know how this works he comes in on a glad heart just for about 40 of these seconds tell him how good he is come on let's go come on we love you we lit you you're wonderful geography oh yeah there you go come on right there you're almost there come on you've brought me out you've been faithful come on you've been real kind oh you got to get it come on you've been wonderful you feel like a counselor you've been my father you've been like my mother come on open your mouth open your mouth come on come on over your mouth and praise him come on come on we honor you we are doing you all right if you don't have anything else to say we're going to labor here for a minute some of you are going to get filled with the holy ghost if you don't have nothing else to say call his name [Music] open your mouth come on healer [Music] come on let's go now to the other he's moving wow jehovah jehovah jehovah jehovah [Music] come on lift it lift it [Music] are you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] hey chloe [Music] it was 380. they got the initial invite to the upper room there was only 120 that ended up there that means a lot of them didn't think it was worth waiting [Music] staying around it was pointless what time is it it's 1 30. we've been in here a long time can i have six minutes with the 120. the 380 can keep their distractions imma turn it loose i i just want the 120 [Music] had to suddenly happen to them the cloud the fire the sound yeah i want that can we do that i'mma count to three if you've got a heavily language go up like this has pinned to cause or holler at the top of your lungs what wow two uh-oh on this thing three come on let it happen now hands up bellies open this is [Music] come on let's go [Music] harder harder hey harder harder [Music] come on shout hey hey glory fire fire fire fire like on the day of pentecost fire hey fire in new york city fire fire let it be i feel good y'all come on now we want it right here in time square fire come on if you're gonna do it anywhere do it here fire fire fire help me now let's plow fire fire fire fire against the addiction fire come on hey against the pattern fire why won't you help me find it fall on me [Music] on my [Music] i said i need [Music] i need your time [Music] [Music] in my marriage fire on my children fire i want that pentecostal fire let me burn come on oh oh oh oh i want a bird come right there right i want a bird right there open your mouth come on i want a perv all right i want to burn come on i want a bird where's [Music] open your guts [Music] yes [Music] you
Channel: All Nations New York
Views: 27,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 43sec (4783 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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