"New York Italians" | Russell Peters - Red, White, and Brown

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>>Russell Peters: Any Italian people, in the house, tonight, Italians? [Audience members cheer] [To audience member] Are you real Italian, or you like, a New York Italian? You're New York-- That's not fucking real Italian, you know? Your what? >>Russell: Your parents from Italy? So, do you speak Italian? >>Man: I do. >>Russell: Oh, well then, you're real Italian! [Inaudible] >>Russell: Yeah, as long as you speak Italian, to me, you're real Italian, because you meet a lot of people, in New York, that are Italian, but don't speak a fucking word, of Italian. But they act more Italian, than the actual Italians do. [Laughter] I was standing, in Manhattan-- I was standing right in Times Square, the other day-- and uh, this Italian dude walked past me. He had a-- what-- what I thought was, like, an Indian girl-- looked-- Looked like an Indian girl-- and they walk past me-- now I was just stand there, chillin', you know, just, you know, Times Square, you can just stand there, and look at shit. [No audio] So, they walk past-- and I didn't check out his girl, all I did was this-- [No audio] [Laughter] They walked past, I was like-- it's an indian thing. The minute Indian people see another Indian person, we're like, [Loud gasp] [Laughter and Clapping] [Indian Accent] "I thought I was the only one!" [Laughter] That's the bubble we live in! [Laughter] But I didn't talk gawk. She walked-- they walk by, and I just did this-- and I just continued looking at, whatever-- nothing-- I was looking at, Times Square, you're just fucking looking, at shit! And I don't know, how this dude saw me-- [Low laughter] but alI I-- all of a sudden, behind me, I hear, [Yelling] "AYE!" [Laughter] And it's Times Square, so you don't pay attention to every, "aye," that you hear, so I'm like-- I'm just, you know-- [Yelling] "AYE!" [Low laughter] [Yelling in a New York accent] "AYE, DICKFACE!" [Laughter] I was like, "Dickface?" [Laughter] "I want to see who this, "Dickface" is. [Laughter] I'm like, "It's very close to my, "fuckface," what is, uh-- [Laughter and Clapping] I mean, if this-- is a fuckface, what's a dickface, you know-- I don't-- like-- [Laughter] I don't know what a dickface is! [Laughter and Clapping] I don't-- I don't know what a dickface is! So, I want to see! Where is this, "Dickface?!" [Laughter] He goes, [Yelling in a New York accent] "AYE, DICKFACE!" and I go, and he goes, [Yelling in a New York accent] "YEAH, YOU!" I'm like, "I'm, Dickface?!" [Laughter] [New York accent] "Where the fuck you get the balls, to look at my girl? "Cause you know what they do, is when they get angry, they'll ask you a question-- and it's a really fucked up question-- [Low laughter] and it's-- it's a rhetorical question, to be honest with you. But they ask you, like you're supposed to answer. They wait for you, to answer. [New York accent] "Where the fuck-- let me ask you a question. Where the FUCK--" "Where?!" [Laughter] "Where the FUCK--" [Laughter] "Do you get the balls to look at my girl? Where?!" [Low laughter] And I'm like, "I-- What? I--" [Laughter] [Yelling in a New York accent] "WHERE?! "SHOW ME! WHY DON'T YOU FUCKIN' SHOW ME?!" "TAKE ME! TAKE ME-- TO THE FUCKIN' STORE-- WHERE YOU-- GOT THE BALLS-- TO LOOK AT MY GIRL! "WHERE?! WHERE THE FUCK-- DID YOU GET THE FUCKIN' BALLS--" 'WHERE?!" [Applause] And I-- I panicked, right?! I'm like, "Cosco!" [Laughter and Applause] "I got a jar!" [Laughter and Clapping] ♪ ♪
Channel: Russell Peters
Views: 6,391,078
Rating: 4.8652844 out of 5
Keywords: Russell Peters, Special, New, Old, Comedy, Comedian, Comic, Funny, Hilarious, Best, Canada, Toronto, Brampton, Indian, Asian, Stereotype, Ethnic, Brown, Guido, Italy, Speak, Language, New York, Flirt, Costco, Times Square, New York City, Only One, Face, Rhetorical, Question
Id: WozJf-c7oq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2016
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