New Rule: The Tragedy of Trump Voters | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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[Applause] and finally new rule as bad as last week was worst school trip ever let's not confuse 5 5000 people with 74 million excuse me yes even even supporting the insurrection in spirit is well deplorable but there's a difference between holding illiberal beliefs and acting violently on them at least that's what they always told me about islamic terrorism i keep wrestling on this show with the hard question of how do americans all of us learn to share a country with you can't stand i've preached and still do that you can hate trump but not all the people who like him and as counter-intuitive as it may seem you can like something run by without being one yourself just ask chick-fil-a there's been so much liberal happy talk this week jerking each other off about how oh this is the end of the republicans now yeah just like watergate was the end of the republicans and bush after katrina was and now it's trump please does anyone think that no matter who's running in 2024 on election day it won't be extremely close i'll bet anyone out there a quadrillion zillion dollars it will be because 74 million trump voters are not self-deporting and neither are we one of the casualties in this attack on the capitol this month was ashley babbitt she was a trump-loving small business owner she had a pool cleaning company right down the road here in san diego she was an air force vet who served in iraq and afghanistan and she lost her life trying to prevent biden from becoming president even though she had voted for the obama biden ticket not that long ago but somehow she came to believe that if joe became president horses full of greeks would rape our women and georgia would go communist she is the tragedy of the modern republican voter personified pissed off at the greed and corruption that yes has squeezed the middle class hard but always coming up with the wrong answer to who is doing most of this squeezing she was in financial trouble because in order to keep her business afloat she resorted to a short-term loan with an interest rate of 169 percent that's right she was being charged 169 interest and went to washington so she could chant stop the steal she died for a second trump term even though that would have solved exactly none of her problems the same mistake made by all of her friends in the waffle house brigade guys you were storming the wrong building the uh feet up shouldn't have been on pelosi's desk they should have been on trump's tanning bed you thought trump was going to be your bull in the china shop yeah he was but you were the china so should ashley babbitt have applied better logic in seeing that her real problem in life wasn't pedophile democrats or antifa and that people like elizabeth warren were actually the ones who were at least trying to do something about predatory lending and economic exploitation yes yes but not everyone can watch msnbc all day she had other priorities like fighting overseas and maybe since all politics is local all she knew was that she lives in a state that seems to care more about her toxic whiteness than her toxic brokenness and that the state that's run entirely by democrats yeah they didn't stop anyone from charging her 169 interest on a loan either it shouldn't be that surprising that america is full of fed up unhappy people who just want to break trump sure didn't drain any swamps but when it comes to graft and corruption and everybody wetting his beak california yeah that's a swamp too we can't put up a housing unit for the homeless for less than 500 grand or built a rail line connecting the state for less than 200 million dollars a mile even though in france with all their socialism they did it for more like 15 million california is a blue state that is completely held together by red tape it's no wonder people are leaving in droves i am in year four of trying to get my solar power hooked up just building this shed up to code took three years we'll all be getting our power from dilithium crystals before my solar gets turned on how about this will you hook it up if i let the homeless live in it you
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 5,567,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kellyanne Conway, Senior Counselor, President Trump, Katie Couric, award-winning journalist, Katie Couric Media, Matt Jones, Kentucky Sports Radio, Mitch Please, How Mitch McConnell Sold Out Kentucky and America Too
Id: 8_eeavqZ8V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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