Overtime: John Waters, David Axelrod, Ken Buck | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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[Applause] all right he's an American Film icon who directed the cold classic films Pink Flamingos hairspray and crybaby John Waters he was President Obama's Chief campaign strategist CNN senior political correspondent David Axelrod and the former Republican congressman from Colorado kenba Okay gentlemen these are the questions from the people the people uh do you anticipate that the protest outside the DNC convention will be disruptive in Chicago as they were in 1968 do you remember 68 Chicago the days of Rage it was fun was it you got laid at riots then I don't remember that it did I do but I do remember I mean I was 12 years old in 1968 when that happened and I remember I was the kind of an aw political Awakening I wasn't really interested in politics before that and suddenly it was on TV every night it preempted Star Trek and all the other programming the Democratic Convention and there was cops beating up hippies in the streets it was fun it yeah unless you were the hippie yeah unless you were the hippie right they had fun too but now but this time it's going to be kids protesting against genocide Joe and they say that this could be the thing that kind of cracks the Democratic Coalition yes no I don't know if it'll crack the Democratic Coalition but I think there are a lot of folks and not just just uh kids who want to protest uh what's happening in Gaza but uh people who want to screw over Joe Biden who are going to throw logs on that fire and not just people from the US but people you logs from social media Russian social media Chinese social media because uh if there is a chaotic scene in Chicago that the Republican party will undoubtedly lay that at the president's feet don't don't you think the Republicans are going to have trouble at their convention too well I think that's a question I don't you don't you don't hear that as much you would think that anybody everybody's mad about everything no but you know look that's true people just want to break but where where's the Republican convention in Milwaukee Milwaukee oh yeah oh yeah that's I mean but I you would think that that abortion rights supporters might be a group for example that might protest at the Republican convention but I think there's going to be an organized effort and not just by Young protesters to create a bunch of Chaos in Chicago this is for you Ken do you have any faith that Congress will be able to regulate AI I think they'll do it as well as they regulated the internet man I'm relieved yeah should that be I mean so that sounds like you're for more regulation of the internet I'm asking well I'm for regulation of uh platforms that end up hurting kids right I'm I'm for uh we don't do that already I think we do that I mean well we don't do it well enough because the suicide rate among kids the body shaming among kids has has dramatically gone up since some of these platforms have been uh doing what they're doing and so we haven't we initially had good laws on the internet and then went to sleep and and and these monopolies took over and have created a real problem I I think you know you you you can ask Ken about this but the probably one of the most powerful lobbies maybe the most powerful Lobby on Capitol Hill are the tech companies and so it's very hard to get things done but there's an additional problem that you should speak to because you were right in the middle of this and that is this stuff is moving so fast that technology is churning at such a rate that it's hard to get your arms around it in time to do anything about it you know government isn't all that agile now the Europeans I think have been a little more agile than our government and I think a lot of it has to do with the money that the tech platforms have spent to gum up the works yeah and the unibomber was right yeah well he did make some he absolutely made some good points completely against AI bad method good Manifesto AB good architecture too that that cabin is one of the most famous architectural things ever I have The unibomber Birdhouse they don't check out you should put it on your next Christmas card that's you great a me if I could see a picture of Baron Trump and Greta thunberg and I gay against guns rally I'd be for it I I feel like there could be a hologram of you that could go out and do your act on the road I wish they could sted Bui just thr the mustache put him out there yep yeah you could get punched um thoughts on Trump saying Elon Musk may serve in an advisory role if he wins a second term what are your thoughts on Elon Musk oh I don't think about him that much you know of all the public figures I don't know he's one of the most important people in the I know I know I but somehow he's I don't care you know he just he's going to be one of the great in the Trump World he will be one of the great uh American oligarchs he will have that kind of power he's organizing uh some of the people in the financial Community for or in the business Community for uh Trump and uh you and his site has become more friendly uh I think he's going to be powerful I think Elon Musk is a genius at the things that he you know engineering and so on right uh I don't necessarily want him running the world right I would con um how can Democrats regain their status as the party of the working class well that assumes they've lost it have they lost it I don't think so no David well here's my my concern about my own party which is it has become more and more of a kind of Cosmopolitan uh college educated party and so it's still is advocating for uh working people but uh there is a kind of no you know sometimes the party approaches people in rural communities uh people blue collar workers are sort of like Margaret me you know approaching the the native and it's like we are here to help you become more like us a great way self-righteous yeah very and that disdain is felt and I think that's one of the things that Trump exploits although would hardly call him a you know product of the working class right the issues that he picks uh immigration drives down wages for the working class China drives down steals intellectual property hurts the working class so I think it's absolutely right he has he has identified uh a void and and is trying to fill that void um and I think that's what the the split is obviously unions are very pro-democrat um but you've got this Rising group of of workingclass Americans who see the Republican party as an answer I don't know I drove across the country there's still plenty of room for people there hundreds of thousands of miles of empty places so people that for anybody that wants to come to this country yes but it's okay this is the population argument that always comes out it's not the space it's the re who wants to live there you know well that too I mean even some places even if you fill up North Dakota and now there's 8 million people in the greater bismar area yeah well unlik North I like yeah I just drive around the country I'm trying to get my arms around that yeah he hit he hitchhiked I did hitch across the country by myself when I was 70 years old talk about it and uh it was exciting you know um everybody I met people that pick up hitchhikers are forgiving people something happened in their life and they want to help somebody else wow and uh I was never scared of anybody that picked me up not one gay person but they were scared of you one trucker did I never felt as gay as when I climbed up that side of that truck God him I tell you but he was very nice and he was great yeah and then did they recognize you some did some did but one I said I was a filmmaker and he gave me $10 he thought I was just almost crazy person was a director yeah yeah here you go all right well speaking of film should straight actors be allowed to play gay actors or is that cultural appropriation it's called Act I you're preing to the choir Divine wanted to play the dog in Pink Flamingos I mean I I think you should be able to play any part you want I don't understand that that is very not in I mean this after part of our discussion about you know the left here and and being imper G people have been playing heteros for years and nobody calls them Brave right but this is the kind of thing I mean they made a ruling on high somewhere in the farle cloud yeah that this is verboten and everybody just goes along is that true not heard this oh are you kidding there's a chapter in this there's a chapter in this book about it and I mean I quot I actually I actually knew that I I just want to give you a chance to hold the book up again I mean I quote people like Tom Hanks who played exactly gay in Philadelphia and says I wouldn't do it today it was wrong oh I don't yeah absolutely well he was magnificent in that movie he I but it was wrong he he got Finance by him starting it yeah yeah I'm sure so yeah so uh good for him okay but it just it's silly I mean all of that is very give him absolution will you well I don't need to I I think that everybody should be able to play anything I mean I I don't understand you know it's it's called acting that's the thing you become something you that's the whole point right okay uh are all the moderates leaving Congress Ken what could be done to encourage some members to stay I guess they have you in mind here I'm not say but uh I'm not sure you want to admit to being a moderate right it's true um well in today's Republican party I mean the fact that you areat fork and knife yeah I mean the fact that you you say you you're not going to vote for Trump that is that actually is the barometer if you're willing to stand up to Trump that makes you a moderate that's where the yeah I mean he also works with Democrats on issues that he cares about and that makes you suspect in the eyes of some which is a real tragedy for the country but don't you think if the Republican a moderate African American man they'd win if the Republicans you mean like Tim Scott well no but somebody that you know isn't so crazy on either side but they'd win I don't know if you've been paying attention John but crazy's doing pretty well over on that side I know it is but is it going to win Bill these guys just appropriated my question I am all right thank you gentlemen I appreciate your time and thank you okay
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 101,862
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Id: ENwP2k7ufJI
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Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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