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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that bell to turn on notifications up a little bit I'm gonna sneak up behind him okay let's go for it here we go oh [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to feet and grow fish I have a goal for today actually it was a bit of an oversight on my part we unlocked the Prague nasod on a long time ago along with a couple of other creatures that got released during that time but like this guy but I don't think that I ever actually played as the Prague nasod on proper like meaning that I I built up his level to the point where like maybe I could even take on the Megalodon or like the mega whale in the arctic area so that's what I was thinking we're gonna do today that's my goal play as Prague nasod on take down Megalodon I mean look at Prague NASA Don's mouth it's huge I think he can take him and I don't think it'll be that hard hopefully but of course as you guys know you got to start out from the bottom and you got to work your way up so we're gonna play as the Bebo's but I was thinking we played this robot be boss last time let's play a skeleton Bebo's cuz it's fun and cool and awesome and weird and other creative and descriptive words let's go so at this point you guys know the drill you know what we need to do we gotta eat things until we get enough coins to pay for the Prague Natha Dom Prague Natha Don cost 250 coins so it might take a little while to get there but maybe what we'll do is we'll change up some of the fish along the way I don't know we'll play it by ear but in the meantime I'm just gonna be a fish made out of bones which again is it's very weird it's very strange three coins down 247 to go easy oh no oh no shrimp don't mess with a shrimp they got some some seriously painful pinchers that oh my gosh okay well I was level eight I managed to get thirty-eight coins which is not enough we still got some more work to do don't get in a fight with the shrimp at level eight apparently I'm gonna change things up a little bit here we're gonna play as the mahi-mahi tuna and I like this guy he's so colorful he's just made of rainbows it's a magical creature it's like the unicorn of the ocean or something I don't know but we're gonna play as him we're gonna hopefully level up to a point where we can start getting lots and lots of coins ooh actually can we eat these guys hole with sardines we can these are great yeah let's do that just got a fight with an angler fish and it was a lot closer to me dying than I would have liked it was a little scary to be honest with you but we got our health back and we managed to win so give me the XP oh I'm gonna get my revenge take out this shrimp let's do this bring it on buddy a hole you're in trouble now now I've grown up into a big mad tuna you're done you're done buddy I'm sorry I'm turning you into XP whether you like it or not stop running away victory and revenge okay this thing is taking forever and it didn't give me that much XP what a waste Oh No oh I made a terrible choice Oh tell if I go sharks as mahi-mahi lesson learned I guess should have stuck with the sardines whoops I think I'm gonna play as the atheist source I like this guy Oh what do you know the hunter becomes the hunted I'm sorry mahi-mahi but you're at the top of the list for things I like to eat as an ichthyosaur and that is delicious XP thank you very much where's the rest of your family ooh another mahi-mahi don't mind if I do come here Oh delicious thank you I think if we play our cards right we might be able to eat this armored dude I think I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna sneak up behind him and just stay behind him like this yeah this might actually work just keep it going just keep it going come on he can't give us he can't bite me I think he's dead yeah we beat it all right this is gonna be some excellent XP just gotta chop it down into bite-size morsels oh there we go that's what I'm talkin about oh yeah oh gosh oh there's so much XP here this is incredible oh my goodness we need more of these guys please I need to eat this meat fast though it's gonna attract bigger predators that can eat me and I don't like that I don't like the sound of that but I like this whoa oh you scared me swordfish I can eat you don't pick a fight with me oh-ho see see what happens that was awesome can I have more of those please ooh ooh I don't want to be involved with this nope nope what about whale sharks though please don't swallow me whole like a vacuum please I just want to eat you I'm a little scared cuz Megalodon is eating Prague nasod on right behind me right now and he'll please don't see this please don't see me over here don't look at me I do have enough money now to play as the Prague Natha doc so I guess I don't have to worry too much about it I'm just oh my gosh I'm just gonna keep racking up as many coins as I can from killing these whale sharks and then we'll go from there that was like ten levels in an instant and like 400 coins as beautiful you come here I'm gonna get enough coins so that I can play as the Prague method on at least twice cuz you don't want to start as a new animal and then immediately die as that animal and then not have any coins left so there we go 626 more than enough to play as the Prague Natha Don let's do it there he is this guy is so cool I love the look of this monster he's yeah I mean he looks like a dinosaur straight up and that is very very awesome the only thing I need to be mindful of is Megalodon and so far we're okay we're in a good spot and we can just can we just eat these tuna lay these two an hour giving me pretty good XP and they're just respawning here hmm this might actually be a pretty good source of xp for a little bit and a very safe source for XP man this guy is so cool I love the way that he moves he's like he's like a snake a giant snake in the ocean it's man this is a cool cool monster so hopefully we can get into the point where he can beat the Megalodon I also want to see if he can beat the mega whale in the arctic area so we'll see we will definitely see mm-hmm tuna one of my favorite types of sushi what can I say me and prog Natha don have a lot in common including just slightly different mouth shapes only slightly though oh hello tuna I'm glad that you've all gathered together so that I can eat you in almost an instant GrubHub and door - they got nothing on this guy the tuna comes to me it's amazing I also just realized this guy has to breathe I didn't know that I guess that makes sense he is a reptile okay so we have some I think these are tiger sharks let's see can we eat these guys oh oh I just yeah yeah we can eat these guys can I eat them whole no not quite I'm not there yet but I actually haven't even leveled up yet so once I level up imagine it won't take too long to start being able to eat the tiger sharks whole and if you guys have seen my other episodes you know that the tiger sharks are some of the best XP once you can start eating these guys entirely whole I did see Megalodon over there though and that scares me they don't I don't know if I want to be here anymore hey what about you guys you're probably really good XP so I'm gonna eat you okay I hope you don't mind oh my gosh a thousand for each of those chunks that is pretty good pretty good now these guys have armor on their face so because I'm biting him on his face he's not going down as quickly so basically what I need to do is sneak around and get to a point where I'm not biting his face there there you go that's all it took one the prehistoric beast has been unleashed and I love this guy this is so cool however I need to go breathe I need air please lungs they are very sick there we go air it's great you can quote me on that one is that a great white shark I think it is I'm gonna go for it this is probably a bad decision especially if he turns around and if he gets a bite on me that could be really really bad oh that was so easy okay great white sharks good food very very good food I'm also noticing that the like his bite takes forever to open like you really have to plan your bites with this guy but once he does a bite it's over pretty much I mean it does so much damage it's kind of amazing I love it thank you for existing prog Natha Don you're a joy to work with you know I'm thinking I'm thinking we should go eat some whale sharks actually they could be really really good XP oh this ik Thea Saurus oh oh I'm so sorry eating my own kind so actually let's head over to the arctic area and let's eat some whale sharks oh there's big old boss whale we are not ready to take him on but we're probably pretty close but I definitely want to level up before I take him up on that that just seems like suicide right now hey blob fish I love these guys not to mention they're delicious oh I can't eat them whole really can't eat the blobfish whole that's interesting they're not worth much XP so I'm not gonna mess around with them there's good old whale shark hello my friend I'm sorry about this but your XP is just too good to resist so I'm going to eat you oh look at so good more give me more it's a whole bunch of meat over here what how did this end up up here did something bigger than me make this happen that kind of scares me I don't know I'm going for it though I'm gonna eat it there's nobody else here it's free XP I'll take it whale sharks oh there's two of them yes please alright let's prepare for attack it's like a torpedo fire so much damage oh I love this guy so good there's another whale shark oh you're in for a treat buddy I mean you're dead so I don't know if that's really a treat but I'm in for a treat so thank you for your service oh it's the like slightly smaller version of Prague Natha Don I forget what they're called I think it starts with a K Cronus or something like that maybe I don't know probably butchering it but I think I can eat this guy if he would stop running away from me hey where are you going Oh dead rip that was good that's pretty good XP acceptable for sure there's another whale shark definitely is going to get eaten eaten I know I can eat the orcas but they're kind of fast and they're kind of hard to keep up with so I don't know if they're worth the trouble and also they're adorable but I mean you got to do what you got to do it's a fish-eat-fish world sorry Orca you were in my way and you were XP so this guy has a mechanic that's similar to like the mahi-mahi also the swordfish I think there's a few other ones that are similar basically he does more damage the faster that you're moving when you bite so you could see I did like 1,100 damage there that was basically my maximum damage output you can see that yell oh that was 2,000 damage oh my gosh that's just insane but you can see that yellow gauge right above my XP bar basically that fills up when I speed up and when it's fully all the way up that's when I do my most damage so you kinda have to time it correctly but honestly the monsters that we're eating right now it doesn't really matter we kind of kill all of them in one bite anyways now it might matter with big old whale boss boy and Megalodon so we'll keep that in mind for the future but right now let's just enjoy this XP and keep eating things you know cuz that's kind of the name of the game feed and grow Oh zài fact honest I think is the name of this guy yeah one bite he's gone oh I'm so so sorry but not really this whale shark is running away from me I all feel bad but I really don't cuz their XP is just so good so I'm now level 10 I can kill pretty much anything on the map but I don't know if I can kill Megalodon okay so I am now level 12 I think I'm gonna go for big old whale boss and I am very scared I'm not gonna lie but I'm hoping that because our damage output is just so insane that he just won't even have a chance that's what I'm really hoping for so I'm trying to time this so that I can build up my damage meter with my speed before he notices us worried about this okay I'm gonna speed up a little bit I'm gonna sneak up behind him okay let's go for it here we go Oh is he dead he's dead in one bite for real oh my gosh um okay honestly was not expecting to take him out in one bite but that's pretty sweet I'm telling you this guy is like a nuclear bomb you just drop him and he destroys whatever he's pointed at this thing is incredible I'm sorry mega whale but I don't think you really stand a chance against Prague nasod on my bad I thought it would be a better fight it wasn't he's trying he's trying we'll give him credit where credit's due but I don't think it's looking very good for him I guess we'll just continually eat these things until we get to a level where we feel like we might be able to take on Megalodon I mean obviously Megalodon is tougher than this guy but I don't know how much more healthy has than him it's probably not too much more health so the fact that we're taking this guy out and one bite kind of makes me feel pretty confident about taking on Megalodon but I don't want to rush it you don't want to get to Megalodon and then fail cuz then you have to start over and that stinks and I want to do that so let's not risk it and let's just continue levelling up on on whale boy over here and enjoy the free XP basically alright so I think level 30 is probably more than enough but I always try to be safer than than sorry I know that's not the way that phrase goes but that's what I just said so we are now level 31 the time has come Megalodon where are you let's go find him oh uh that is horrifying by the way did these guys kill each other I think they killed each other very interesting I'm gonna go ahead and clear up the body here so that he can respawn and he'll be around here somewhere hey woof woof I don't I don't want to do this oh gosh um okay we we don't want him to see us first we want to sneak up behind him hit him hard okay okay we can do this he's going for our brother's dead body oh that's so sad oh he is tearing him to pieces and we're just watching we are just watching it happened okay okay I'm in I destroyed two bites uh yeah I would say we are now king of the ocean a prog Natha Don just destroyed the so called predator of the ocean in two bites that's insane that's absolutely insane I love this guy he is basically the nuclear warhead of the sea and for that I am forever grateful prog Natha Don look at him oh that is so cool he's like a giant alligator snake that lives underwater that's pretty sweet alligator snake what more can I say now magolor Don I would love to fight another one but it seems that they're too scared of me Oh what happened there Oh the body floated to the the top and then it just burst into delicious morsels of meat so why don't we eat them cuz they're here why not okay Meg oh there he is I see you buddy should we take him head on I mean like see who will prevail in like a head-to-head battle not sneak up on him let's let's do this let's do this alright I'm swimming right at him BAM literally one bite and he is dead okay yeah Prague Natha Don officially Opie and I love it this is amazing Megalodon does not stand a chance I am so sorry but I am now the ruler of this ocean tough luck pal tough luck oh my gosh it's awesome he's trying he's definitely trying but it's not working it's not working at all well there you have it guys the clear ruler of the ocean oh he's so cool I love it but hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode of feed and grow fish if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and me impregnated on we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 10,855,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow fish update, fish feed and grow, feed and grow gameplay, feed and grow fish gameplay, family friendly, feed and grow shark, feed and grow game, feed and grow fish game, keyin, kindly keyin, feed and grow fish online multiplayer, shark games, feed and grow survival, sharks, whale shark, megalodon, giant megalodon, giant whale shark, giant shark, feed and grow giant shark
Id: OgzCkpAwg88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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