The DEADLIEST Beast In The Ocean… | Feed & Grow Fish

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get the official be kind collection from available now prognathodon already extremely deadly i'm gonna make him even deadlier hello everybody i'm kindly keen welcome back to feed and grow fish as you can see i'm playing as the one the only the prehistoric predator of the ocean prognathodon prehistoric predator prognathodon that has some great alliteration as we know prognathodon very very scary creature i wanna make him even scarier how am i gonna make him even scarier i'm gonna level him up really really high but here's the thing it's almost too easy right we gotta make this at least somewhat challenging for us and so i present to you guys the aza 46 mod menu now you guys have seen this a few times and i use it pretty much in every episode of feed and grow fish because it's awesome and it allows us to do a lot of crazy stuff however there's a lot of crazy stuff that we haven't actually done before like for instance i can change the color of fishes at random that sounds weird let's do that also we can change the level at which fish spawn so like some of them can just be level 10 when they pop up or you get real crazy and make them like level 100 oh gosh that's a terrible idea let's try it also super aggressive mode makes it so all fish can attack other fish regardless of their level okay so every fish is basically insane sure fish attack their own kind oh my gosh this is gonna be madness and shark lasers shark lasers also i've decided to play on hard because yet again i'm good at making bad choices so this is gonna be absolute chaos let's jump in here we go okay right off the bat wait oh my gosh that's zyfectinous and he is huge also i'm level 40. so i can get random level ups oh my gosh that's a giant hammerhead shark uh don't hurt me please don't hurt me i'm i'm going to turn you into xp okay so oh my gosh it's a giant red zyfaction it just came out of nowhere now do i spawn random levels yeah okay great i'm level three this is so scary i'm also red i'm very red i'm like pink oh my gosh oh get out of there get out of there get out of there oh my gosh no let me go let me go oh wow okay this was just a terrible terrible idea and i'm kind of happy with it hello you're a pokemon i don't know what you're called but i'm gonna eat you because i need health oh giant zyfactin this is very scary hold this zebra fish oh my gosh i ate a little zebra fish and he turned into a giant green zebra fish that is truly absurd i i'm having a great time this is crazy please we just have to survive i am so scared oh gosh it's a giant cuttlefish that is very upsetting to see like it's cool but also very scary please you you gotta go you gotta go man all right this is actually working out fantastically because you know cuttlefish all they wanna do is cuddle and get eaten oh hello what are you doing dude remember fish can eat their own kind and this big yellow fish which is normally very very small um is is trying to eat its own kind which is kind of sad um so i'm gonna protect you little buddy and and then i'm probably gonna eat you yeah all right so you ever wonder what a giant neon pink prognathodon looks like now you know this is truly absurd i love this although i am very very scared of these sharks they're just chomping away at each other oh we might be in turtle zone there might be some giant turtles around here which is gonna be kind of cool and kind of scary giant turtles i can't see i can't see anything get me out of here oh whoa it's a giant like glowing fish oh hello you're quite large and i'm going to turn you into a lot of xp keep in mind we're only level 37 um do remember that that we're gonna eat our own kind cause what well what i was saying is fish can spawn anywhere from level 1 to 100 so we're not truly safe until we're beyond level 100 now we did just respawn randomly i might add at level 61. still neon pink i think like a slightly lighter version i don't know oh my gosh dory what have you been eating this is absurd oh man this is cool why haven't i done this sooner this is fantastic these two fishes are getting all kissy kissy they're about to get chompy chompied sorry it's a very romantic moment ruined by a giant prehistoric predator prognathodon oh we're going to the arctic zone we're not going to the arctic zone we're leaving the arctic zone because that is a very large whale i'm not interested oh it's happening i don't feel like i should get involved in this situation but it's very tempting i mean i'm level 74. why are these guys so big though they're so much bigger than me okay you know what maybe i should not have gotten them okay get that xp as quickly as possible get the big boy i can't see anything because i'm on the surface of the water please don't hurt me thank you for not hurting me okay okay that worked out that actually worked out fantastically i'm glad that i got involved even though i was questioning whether or not i should something else just bit this what was it oh it was just a smaller smaller version okay level 94. that's amazing where are the whale sharks at oh oh it's a door you dawn you are very big boy and you're gonna get eaten i'm like oh get out of there get away that was megalodon and he was quite angry and quite large hello um get eaten fair enough okay do we do this you know what let's do this yolo get him get him again get him again i'm very scared about the respawn on this guy though because if he immediately respawns at a much higher level um what was that oh there's some weird noises happening do you guys hear that i feel like i just went through like a sonic wind tunnel with a giant whale in it that's the best way i can describe whatever sound i just heard um that's a giant shamu over there holy moly stop doing that dude okay that guy just keeps spawning right next to me and it's very upsetting okay keep in mind though he can't spawn at higher than level 100 which has me thinking do i set the random level thing to a thousand could you imagine how stupid that would be i think we might have to do that i love all these like technicolor seals out here it's a big old blue seal there he is living his best life oh any giant penguins we got giant narwhals that's adorable get chomped ouch something's attacking me and i don't like it i don't know what was attacking me just now but i think i ate it jimmy you look like you have jaundice i think you should go see a doctor that shamu is yellow it's not healthy don't click at me how dare you you know who i am i'm neon pink pronathedon nobody stops me although i do kinda wanna find megalodon just as an experiment gosh that is a really big seal uh who's gonna get eaten okay fair enough oh look at that guy he has no idea how to handle that immense strength that he has are you gonna attack me you're just gonna that's fine i appreciate when my food comes to me it's like doordash but in the ocean oh whoa that dude just got chomped and i watched it happen and i'd watch it again i think we're heading into is that oh that's whale shark dude these things are massive and they give so much xp oh that's a big old boy look at that crab that gives new meaning to colossal crab you guys ever played super mario brothers 3. you know that world where everything becomes big i feel like that's where i've been teleported everything has become big i think it's world 6. we're in world 6 right now of super mario brothers 3. this is very scary ichthyosaurus dude you've been eating well and now you're dead oh what are you you're zyfactinist that's a real big xifactinis kinda scary i think that he could potentially kill us if he got the jump on us but he did not oh boy we're doing this bring it on megalodon okay you're dead you're actually dead i shouldn't have been scared at all now here's the thing though we just killed megalodon i don't know what level he was but he could have just respawned at level 100 so he's somewhere in the ocean i mean he might be level he could also be just level one okay he's a small megalodon i mean it's all relative right because megalodon is never actually small but i'm just really big also very pink oh hey stixxosaurus thanks for coming over to get eaten whoa giant mantis shrimp the boxer of the ocean heavyweight champion oh my game game are you okay oh my gosh something okay something is upsetting the game and it might blow up uh what is happening over here that swordfish is going absolutely bonkers oh no oh we've experienced this once before i know what's happening let me try to describe it as best as i can as we watch this riveting picture book the swordfish does damage with its little nose and what's happening is it's turning these giant bits of meat into very very small bits of meat which puts all kinds of garbage on the screen and makes my computer very upset so what i'm trying to do right now and probably not succeeding what i'm trying to do is eat as much of the little morsels of meat that the swordfish is creating um to to save my computer and uh it's not looking too good um i i'm flying i'm a flying prognathodon now i um explain what just happened i see a giant red turtle down there hey bud doing is doing his thing uh there's just absolute chaos happening below me right now and i have no idea how i got launched into the air but this is majestic remember that shot from free remember that shot from free willy where you know he jumps over the boy on the rocks imagine that but with a giant dinosaur i'd see that movie let's make that happen i think we're coming back i think i i can't really tell you nothing makes sense anymore uh we might be saved i'm attempting to eat all of the garbage basically that was left behind by that swordfish and the game seems to be running a little bit better now oh my goodness oh my goodness i i cannot make sense of any of this there's there's meat flying through the sky right now what in the world just happened this is absolute madness uh saved i guess i got out of there i just left whatever's happening over there is still happening i don't want to be a part of it i also don't really want to be a part of this this is very scary these guys can hurt us if they sting us please don't sting me please don't sting me please okay thank you thank you for not stinging me goodness gracious this place is terrifying let's make it even more terrifying how you might ask fish max spawn level let's go ahead and set that to a thousand yeah this is a terrible idea and that's why i'm doing it okay the game is definitely slowing down and i think it's because there's some truly massive creatures getting spawned i'm a little scared okay hello hello hi oh it's a giant crab like a literal giant crab i've done something very bad i don't think feed and grow fish is ever gonna be the same uh so i went ahead and uh reset the game uh also i neglected to change the levels uh back to something a little bit more understandable so um as you can see we've got some some very large fish here in front of that door udon must be like close to a level 1000 um yeah this is crazy i've made a terrible mistake but have i truly made a mistake i don't feel like it is a mistake i am dead though i'm pretty sure something just ate me we just haven't quite seen it yet game's still catching up okay you guys saw that giant door you don intimidating right i wanna do the same thing with prognathodon so you guys know the drill i gotta level up and that is precisely what i'm gonna do all right so we've made it to level 1000 but unfortunately the game kind of caps you out at a certain level i don't know exactly what level but we're not actually gaining any size at this point we're massive yeah but leveling up is not gonna make us any massive er look at those chompers though goodness but i do believe that there is a solution to this problem in the as a 46 mod menu it's like scale scale yeah okay so right now we're at 50. let's just set it to 60. let's see what that does for us here i would suggest that this is quite large but we can go so much further a hundred oh gosh um okay kind of getting hard to control this guy i'm gonna go ahead and set the number to this i don't even know what this is it's a lot let's see what happens i no longer fit in the ocean i'm gonna fix that i'm gonna make the water invisible so i can fly and i'm also going to set the water 10 000 whatever that means oh gosh um okay this is weird hold on the water is no longer invisible but it still goes up really really high this is ridiculous i don't fit in the ocean anymore it's not your fault prognathodon you're just too dang awesome [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,691,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, feed and grow, feed, grow, fish, evolve, upgrade, biggest, strongest, feed and grow frog, giant dinosaur, dino, dino fish, dinosaur fish, new, new feed and grow, feed n grow, Megalograptus, prognathodon, prog, ancient prognathodon
Id: IdONcYYlgMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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