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so many places to go so many weird things to see let's play some more amazing frog hello everybody i am kindly kian welcome back to swindon it's the amazing frog last time we escaped from the city and as you can see i am now on the outside of the city walls and there is so much stuff in this world to discover we also discovered that alligators love eating frogs yay but today i thought that we'd just do some more exploring and that is precisely what we're gonna do as soon as i can get inside of my cool purple car we've been in that direction so i say let's go in this direction i see a road i wanna know where that road goes okay the path here is getting a little bumpy it's that's fine i i was planning on this oh gosh oh no okay bubble car you can do it you can do it buddy okay getting some sweet frog time air yep perfect landing i have my eyes set on that road and that is my goal not gonna lie this is kind of scary i probably could have found an easier way to get to this road but you know we did find it and we did make it okay so the road seems to go like through that swindon sign we can always follow it going that way later i'm really interested to see where it goes up through the mountains but as we drive up this mountain i know if you guys can see that thing glowing in the background there in case you don't know that's the new kindly key in hover light it's super cool it changes colors or you can set it to just one color you got options and then on the other side of me over there is the new kylie key and game start hoodie which you can also get right now links in the description down below that is a blimp what do you think i can fly that blimp that would be pretty sweet i would like that a lot what is that is that one of those motorized wheelchairs oh my goodness it's beautiful also there's just a drone hanging out over there but why okay first things first can i drive this oh my goodness your superhero has arrived not gonna lie amazing frog amazing oh wait is that okay i see a remote control is this for the drone please tell me i can fly the drone what i'm holding it uh okay no no what what do we do with it oh i'm flying a drone i i don't oh wait wait wait wait wait wait drone come back okay okay okay i have no idea how to control this thing okay right trigger is up left trigger i assume is down how do you fly forward you just hold forward and then you just kind of do one of those okay okay this oh this is really cool how far do you think we can go with this thing let's go to the top of the mountain i mean we wanted to see what was up here i wasn't planning on doing it with a drone oh my goodness that is just a cliff amazing well maybe it's a good thing that we didn't take our car to the very top of this road i guess it's still under construction or it is purely designed to launch you off of a cliff let's see if we can find anything else this is like the coolest way to discover stuff in amazing frog okay i'm pretty sure that we've been down there before have we been down there also what's up with these clouds those clouds look different than you know the clouds that are up in the sky i kind of want to see if i can fly that blimp we can always come back to the drone but you can't always come back to a blimp how do i exit the drone game game i see my dude and i press a button and look he moves what is going on you see this you see what's happening here i'm making my character do that but i cannot exit the drone okay i feel like something might be broken i feel like we may have broken the game maybe if i crash the drone i can i can blow it up and then it'll i don't know i think we're kind of stuck all right so i reset the game and i've learned a valuable lesson never fly drones in amazing frog but we've got a very important mission to take care of right now which is flying a blimp hopefully hello blib it's me your best friend amazing frog okay we've made it back to the blimp can i fly this thing please tell me i can fly it please i can fly it i don't know how but i can fly it okay uh maybe oh yeah okay okay yeah like that we gotta go up please go go up up up is the direction that i'm looking for one hour later we're doing it we're doing it okay okay i figured it out you hold b and it goes up blimp go up blimp turn okay this is incredible why does the blimp go up so fast but it doesn't go forward as fast this is very upsetting to me i i wish it would go faster but i mean this is pretty sweet now we can really see this world and there's a bunch of weird sparkly things over there i must go to the sparkles and yes in case you're wondering i am planning to skydive out of this blimp or at least attempt to okay i still see the weird sparklies what are they they're like they're just buoys is that all it is they do seem to be just just lights like floating in the ocean okay let's you know what let's go to the beach we're jumping we're jumping where are we landing boys oh boy okay i didn't exactly think this through i i don't think that frogs take fall damage but we're about to find out please live please live please live joy yep totally fine totally fine welcome to the beach look at all the other frogs hanging out at the beach oh what a lovely day to go to the beach should we grab a jet ski i think we should oh there's remote control over there what do you think it controls i think there's another drone around here i don't know i'm not gonna do that because last time it broke my game let's ride this bad boy into the ocean i guess we can just follow these these lights i saw that there was kind of like a line of these guys leading to to what i assume is an island over there it looked like an island from the blimp so we're about to find out my goodness it is beautiful oh liquid fly let's do it okay let's not do it never mind i was just joking just follow the trail of lights what is that is that giant cat i do believe that is a giant cat cat you okay dude what what are you doing don't hurt me okay please don't hurt me hello what is happening it's just a cat it's just a giant cat hanging out at the beach are you okay cat i i don't know if this cat is okay but it's here oh my gosh i made some friends i definitely made some new friends i had no idea that there were sharks in this ocean were they chasing me the whole time and i didn't even notice all right well um it's gonna be interesting getting back on my jet ski that's for sure i do see that there's some kind of shipping crate over there so i want to go there that looks like something from jurassic park frog park okay is there a dinosaur frog inside of this crate should i not mess with this i i what you have found some remnants of the frog park a cool new cap is now available sweet what is less sweet is the fact that there is an entire army of very hungry sharks in the water waiting for me so you know what instead of going back into the water i'm gonna explore more of this island okay this island is way bigger than i thought it was there's a smaller island right over there that i'm kind of interested in seeing what that thing is at the top of it problem is if i don't make this jump i'm i'm probably gonna get eaten by sharks right like there are sharks in this water and they are hungry okay that hurt please don't eat me sharks you think i'll be able to see them i definitely saw the crocodiles when they were coming for me so i'm really hoping that i can see the sharks if they're coming for me oh that's a shark that's a shark that's a shark get away leave me alone i have very important business on this island please leave okay that was scary look at them they're all just hanging out down there waiting for me this is just a giant canister of methane gas okay cool i'm glad i came over here not really i'm gonna roll this thing down the hill because i'm mad now go maybe we can do like a jaws thing where you make the shark eat the giant gas canister and then you shoot it and it blows up that would be pretty sweet right anyways now i'm here on this island and i have no idea how i'm gonna get back i'm probably gonna get eaten by sharks all right we're gonna go for this we're just gonna fly as far as we can this was a bad jump i need to try this again hold on if i use the power of frog gas i might be able to out maneuver the sharks here's my point let's do this okay this is very scary this is very very scary oh that didn't help that didn't help at all in fact okay just you gotta you gotta kind of like do the dolphin thing dude the dolphin come on come on man a little bit faster a little bit faster than that come on oh this is so bad he's not doing the dolphin there you go there you go propel yourself with that amazing gas i should have fed this dude more beans before doing this i'm so scared to look behind me get away oh oh oh stop stop please please please stop got eaten by sharks okay i want to return to the scene of the crime but this time i'm going to have a jet ski hopefully all part of the plan yep this is exactly what i was planning on doing uh-huh perfect perfect landing port-a-potty port-a-potties do something in this game i think let's go inside see what happens i feel much better now i'm ready for the beach okay that's incredible also this is a respawn point so if i go inside of this one does it uh does it allow me to just just respawn here at the beach that'd be pretty sweet now we're ready for beach day i'm taking a boat although i kind of want to know what this controls oh there's a tiny boat i just noticed it amazing oh hello shark great i'm glad you're here please no no i didn't even get a chance to get in my boat please let me go let me go sharks okay that was not nice but on the bright side check it out we get to respawn right here at the beach and we still got our scuba gear all right sharks you don't scare me because i got a boat now see ya okay this thing is not nearly as fast as i was hoping it would be oh my gosh this seems like a very poorly designed boat like half of it is underwater right now it might be because i have three giant sharks hanging onto the back of my boat let's try to ignore that i just want to get back to my weird lone island i feel like there was something more there let go of my boat sharks oh my gosh they're slowing me down they're turning me in different directions please guys don't eat me i just want to go back to my island build my house there stay there forever never go in the water these dudes are getting real close to eating me and i don't like it wait did i escape no i didn't escape never escape trying to throw them off oh oh no no no they grabbed me straight out of the boat that's messed up dudes i've decided that it's probably a lot smarter to take a jet ski that boat was way too slow and those sharks were way too mean oh there's the scene of the second crime excellent any sharks around here they're probably chasing me right now i just can't see them maybe i don't know can we like look underwater i guess it doesn't really work that way or maybe i'm totally safe that seems unlikely sharks where you wet am i tempting fate by slowing down yeah probably oh hello you just you came out of nowhere dude oh yeah oh i can see them now i can definitely see them oh my gosh that one is way bigger than the other ones where did he go oh this is terrifying is that megalodon the leader of the sharks holy moly he's chasing me oh gosh okay um yeah definitely not a shark free zone oh he's gonna get me oh he's gonna get me please please don't don't do it no bad shark bad shark oh god [Music] well um there's giant megalodon an amazing frog good to know now that i'm looking at it the light coming off of that one beacon that we were just next to is red maybe that's why but either way i had a good time exploring the world around us here in swindon let me know what other things you guys would like me to check out an amazing frog but that is gonna do it for this episode if you enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,876,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing frog, the amazing frog, amazing frog gameplay, amazing frog pc, amazing frog shark, amazing frog sharks, funny pc game, sandbox games pc, amazing frog part 1, amazing frog giant shark, lets play, amazing frog update, amazing frog?, amazing frog game, keyin, kindly keyin
Id: IT9VjOfCmk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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