I made a LEVEL 9,999 KILLER PUG FISH! | Feed and Grow Fish

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this is pugbase pugbos is very cute and we're gonna see how massive we can make pubs get prepare yourselves [Music] hello everybody i am kai lake and welcome back to feed and grow fish in our previous episode we enjoyed the wonderful life of none other than pugbos the pug fish a fantastic addition to feed and grow fish and today we're gonna play as pugbo some more but there's something else that i wanted to check out and i actually appreciate that i already have a thousand coins because we can just start out right off the bat as plain as this dude it almost feels like cheating where'd i get all these coins from either way this is the great white shark and he actually got a redesign from the previous look that he had he looks pretty mean it's kind of crazy though you can go through some of the old iterations like look at that this looks like a completely different game honestly this looks more like the game that pugbos would come out of that's kind of crazy how much the great white shark has changed um and then if we we check out another i mean of course robo shark that was from last year we like robo shark a lot but we're not here to play as robo shark we're here to play as just good old great white shark i feel like i'm kind of cheating the system by just starting out as him so you know what let's go back and let's start out as the pug boss we have a thousand coins we need to get 200 coins to legitimately play as the great white shark so let's do that and it gives us a good excuse to play as the pug boss again i mean he's great oh my goodness i'm getting eaten by my own kind i thought we were friends no what a way to start my life as pug bows that's so sad okay let's try that again and just like run away immediately i guess i don't know get away from me bibos they're brutal i guess they don't like pug fish which is very rude because i feel like we're all from the same family but i will mention that we're playing a different level than we did in the last episode this is actually the reef level so it's a slightly smaller map than the big ocean map that we played in the last episode but it's still a really cool level and also ah man the sea urchins they got spikeys on them i don't like these guys they hurt look at look at that damage like this thing is practically gonna kill me ah dual bibos oh get away get away get away get him get him get him before he gets you [Music] really you can do me dirty like that bibos very rude who would have known life as the humble pug boss would be so hard oh there's something chasing me oh yeah that's a whole school of bibos just right behind me so what am i gonna do i'm gonna use my jet propulsion system to escape from the bibos bibos don't have this kind of tech whoa stingray let's eat a stingray and try not to get eaten by it actually this thing might might hurt me if it gets a chance it didn't now you're my lunch oh that's that's some good xp that's fantastic level two why am i not getting coins game excuse me i feel like when you level up you're supposed to get coins i don't know something funky is going on with my game i do have the as a 46 mod installed but i disabled all the cheats so like i can't just level up my character right away i turned all that stuff off but it might still be messing with the game a little bit so i guess now we'll just get to level 20 as pug posts and then assume that that's enough coins there's a lot of really cool fish on this level actually it's neat because uh the big ocean map there's there's less like large schools of tropically fish but in this one you got all kinds of cool looking fish all over the place and you can eat them there are small sharks over here i think this is a terrible idea for the record turns out it was yep oh my gosh i actually won i beat two sand sharks or black tip sharks i i don't know what they're actually called but i beat them pugbo strong now eat your lunch pug boss before something else comes over here and eats it look at that level five don't mind if i do what about these guys these are like parrotfish i think is what they're called they bite kind of hard but not hard enough oh what something kind of like knocked me out i thought i was dead oh do you think i can take on a hammerhead shark this is a little scary this is actually very scary because i'm not i'm not that big but hopefully i'm big enough i think i'm big enough that hurts i'm not gonna lie that definitely hurt but we uh hello that was mine stop eating my lunch get out of here you stinky sharks these are mako sharks right they interrupt my meal they become a part of it that's the deal okay i think it's safe to say that i'm big enough to eat just about any shark on this level except for the great white shark and he normally hangs out around here right swordfish can i catch up to him yes i can yes i absolutely can get him that's good xp we're actually very close to level 20. do you think we can take on the great white shark at this point a little scared honestly let's eat this hammerhead shark instead level 19. okay we've officially made it to our goal level 20. so now i want to find the great white shark and take it on see how i do also let's eat these bibos get a little revenge for them eating us before i'm pretty sure this is where he likes to hang out but i don't know where he is he heard pugbos was in town ran away hid in a cave could you imagine instead of seeing a shark fin coming for you you see a dog tail i don't know what would be more scary anyways i can't find the great white shark so you know what's better than finding the great white shark just becoming the great white shark why don't we just do that there you go sorry pugbos it was fun but now it's time to become the greatest of predators except for pugbos i mean let's face it pug pose is real tough also we can eat the remainders of pugbos okay there you go thank you pugbas thank you for your sacrifice i mean this guy is real mean looking i don't know exactly what they changed about him but i just saw in the update notes that they changed him i like that he's all scarred up like don't gray white sharks don't they like fight with each other like over territory and stuff so you'll you'll find like great white sharks that have like shark scars on them so i actually just googled it it's more than just biting each other they will quite literally eat each other great white sharks are cannibals so it looks like this dude almost got eaten by one of his own kind look at that big old shark bite he's seen some stuff he's an old timer you can tell you're not a great white shark no oh you're getting eaten sorry sorry pal but i mean on this level the great white shark he's the alpha predator there's there's nothing here that's gonna eat us so just playing as the great white shark pretty much automatically makes you king of this level but i think it's time to get kind of crazy i like pugbose a lot i think he's a great addition to the game and i want to honor him by basically making him the biggest fish that i've ever seen in this game so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna re-enable the as a 46 mod set it up so that we can level ourselves by pressing just one single button and we're going to level up to i don't know like 9999 as pug boss and see what kind of damage we can do to the entire game at that level all right prepare yourselves for true insanity pugbos play okay here we are lovely pugbos we're playing on the great map because we're gonna need some room here and all i have to do is hold l and press u and uh yeah it levels us up so uh let's let's just go to like level 100 let's see what a level 100 pugbos can do i imagine a level 100 pugbos is big enough to eat megalodon i think like that's all you need but we're going well beyond that there you go [Music] [Laughter] this is this is ridiculous oh i love it i love it so much where's mega ladon at where are you at meg you have no idea what is hunting you down at this size the camera is actually kind of like messed up i don't know if it just doesn't know where to go cause like i have to zoom it out i guess i don't know it's it's really wonky at this size but i mean it's still incredible so i can't find meg that's fine we'll get his attention eventually i mean let's go to level 200. okay level 200. yeah okay the camera is getting kind of kind of kind of weird i i don't know why he's doing that but it can't quite handle what is happening that's just pugbo's butt it's like all we can see i apologize for the angle i mean should we just go to a thousand i don't even know i don't think i've ever gone this far with leveling up it seems like it might break the game and i'm actually okay with that no game is safe when i have the ability to level my characters up with the press of a button i mean if i want to take pugbos to level 9999 that means that i am going to literally press this button one less than 10 000 times am i willing to do that yeah i'm willing to do that but the game might actually break before we even get to that point let's see what it looks like when we get to level 500 there you go level 500 pugbos that it's just truly terrifying step aside godzilla pugbos is in town i can't keep him straight like i can't keep him oh my gosh this is all we see now i'm eating things i'm just eating everything in the ocean at this point i don't know what's happening anymore i'm scared okay so i actually found a setting in the mod tool that allows you to zoom out unlimited which is really good because now we can actually move our camera away from pugbos at this size it's fantastic news let's go to level 1000 level 1000 let's examine what we've done i love that he's just like peeking out he's just poking that adorable little nose right out of the water can i even move can i do anything i'm eating stuff i can open my mouth oh oh that okay what oh that's horrifying oh that is just truly terrifying i love it that makes me real happy oh gosh okay all right strange things are happening to pugbos at this point it's hard to really explain it i think the game is pretty upset with me can't really blame it let's keep this madness going next stop 5000 i just have to press the u key about 4 000 more times no problem my fingers are prepared 20 21 welcome so the camera has stopped kind of flipping all over the place which has me a little concerned pugbos might actually be stuck i don't really know there's 2500 that's a lot oh wait okay okay all right i mean honestly the difference between the size 2500 pug boats and a size 1000 pug boats doesn't feel all that different it's hard to say because he was enormous before and now he's enormous er it's not a word but it is just a large dog head sticking out of the ocean which you gotta love so this is the as a 46 mod launcher and i have discovered something that could save my hands from years and years of wear and tear from just pressing the u key over and over again uh look at this i can spawn a fish at a specific level do you think i can just spawn pugbos at level 5000 is that wait no okay it's it's a little it's a little janky wait you go zero zero zero five no five zero zero zero now i will admit if this doesn't work we lose all of our progress which is kind of a bummer but we've gotta try let's do it please game game are you okay game seems a little upset with me i don't know why let's hit space what this isn't pugbase so i may have been mistaken on the way that this particular mod works i don't think it makes you as the player spawn as that fish at that level i think what it does is it allows you to spawn that fish with all those parameters that you selected just on the fly i've reset the game i do want to try spawning as pug boasts also can we talk about like whatever is happening here that's very upsetting what happened to your arms bug boss but if i hit play um yeah he's just he's level one he's adorable and ready to eat things however if i go into spectate and i just fly around or swim around however you want to describe it i think i might be able to spawn just a level 5 000 pugbos with the press of a button let's see uh what oh yeah yep i uh yeah okay that's the way it works what we're looking at is a level five thousand pug bus honestly looks about the same size as level 1000 bug balls i don't know if they stop growing at a certain point it's still unbelievably massive it's a very big pug fish um let's let's spawn a level 9999 pugbos let's see if there's any difference spawn fish we are one with the pugbos okay get me out of here i'm scared uh i mean he seems seems a little disoriented can't really blame him i think it's safe to say that he's he's a little bit bigger than he was before but not like dramatically bigger it's just it's just absurd this is this is insane okay i didn't know that i could do this with the mod tool this is a ton of fun this is very cool while we ourselves did not get to become a level 9 9999 pugbos we get to see one in person and actually this is better because i have the spectator mode so like i can fly around he is truly glorious in all ways he is a creature of beauty i i mean look at that it's kind of scary honestly well there you have it guys we got to experience a little bit of normal gameplay and then truly absurd gameplay let me know what you guys thought of this it was a lot of fun doing this we can do this with other fish too but i do have to say pugbos was at the top of the list because he's wonderful in every way [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,581,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow fish update, fish feed and grow, feed and grow gameplay, feed and grow fish gameplay, family friendly, feed and grow shark, feed and grow game, feed and grow fish game, keyin, kindly keyin, feed and grow fish online multiplayer, shark games, feed and grow survival, sharks, megalodon, giant megalodon, giant whale shark, giant shark, feed and grow giant shark, electric eel, prognathodon, pug, pug fish, dog fish, fish dog
Id: 65iQh5fhYYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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