Playing As The NEW DEADLY STYXOSAURUS! | Feed And Grow Fish

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there's a terrifying new dino and feed and grow fish and we're gonna try them out let's do this hello everybody i'm kindly key and welcome back to feed and grow fish as you can see on your screen there is a new monster in town the styxiosaurus i've never even heard of this thing but it seems awesome and i'm very excited to try him out so typically we have to work our way up to the newer creatures but for some reason i have a thousand fish coins so i can immediately become the new creature oh also ichthyosaurus got a new look check him out this is the old version kind of looks like a weird like angry dolphin the new version definitely looks a little bit more like dinosaur-ish which i like and i think chronosaurus uh got a minor update as well or maybe not i don't know he looks cool though but he's always looked cool he's like an alligator fish but we're not here for minor updates oh no no no we're here for the big stuff and the big stuff is stixxosaurus which is kind of an interesting name isn't there a band named styx i'm so excited it's been a long time since they've added a new like prehistoric fish to the game and this guy looks awesome so let's try him out we are now the stixxosaurus oh my gosh he's so cool so graceful as he moves through the ocean oh my gosh look at those chompers oh this is going to be a good time so our goal is we want to get to the point where we can take on prognathodon megalodon all the big boys all the big sharks and uh i don't think it's gonna be too hard to get to that point because this this dude i mean he got he got teeth he got teeth for days and i approve of that now his mouth isn't as big as like prognathodon and megalodon but that's okay he makes up for it in personality i guess i like the way that his neck turns when you change the camera that's a nice little touch you do a little dance for you do a little dance do a little little neck dance oh fellow styxiosaurus brethren thank you for uh for giving me xp i i very much appreciate it i can't eat these bits of meat they're too big we gotta we gotta chomp them down into more manageable bits and pieces oh here we go that's what i'm talking about level two level two give it to me come on yes level two all right let's go he's a little tricky to uh control because of this like super long neck oh wait a second this dude has to breathe air i mean he is a dinosaur after all all right let's get some air oh that's nice that's this great oxygen hello anglerfish where are you going you're going nowhere because you just got eaten by a dinosaur consider it a privilege we're level four now we need air oh that's okay we're good we're good everything's great you think we can take on some sharks oh what are you you're you're goliath or something like that is that the name of this thing i don't know it doesn't matter what its name is all that matters is that it is xp for me and i am going to eat it no i eat you you don't eat me i'm not doing damage to this thing it's okay i think i think i remember these guys take like a ton of damage uh from the back but you you have to get them from behind you can't yeah okay there we go if you attack them straight on they have like armor on their face all right where are my sharks at i want to eat some sharks but not megalodon she's too big and too scary right now oh here we go here we go you're a shark and you're delicious and i'm going to eat you nothing personal but your exp will make me stronger thank you thank you for your sacrifice oh here we go is that a great white i do believe that is a great white this oh this is scary these dudes bite real hard um yeah okay ow don't don't hurt me don't i know i started this encounter but you need to not get involved you just need to accept your fate i think he's accepting i think he is accepting that i am the greater predator thank you great white shark for being so understanding in this very awkward situation is he dead oh i can't tell he's not moving no oh he's he's dead he's dead thank you great white shark oh my gosh the xp is so good garcon more great white sharks please ah perfect timing hello hello sir yes you you are my next meal kind of weird though the way that like when i bite my my neck immediately goes straight it's a little strange oh gosh i'm suffocating um not great i uh i want the xp you see this is the dilemma that i'm facing is that i don't want to drowned but at the same time look at all this delicious xp that i don't want to miss out okay we better go we better go it's time oh this is not good please stixxosaurus go faster [Applause] okay that was a little scary i do want to see his his adorable little head poking out of the water look at that how can you not love that face level 12. so things are gonna start speeding up as far as leveling goes which is super [Music] nice oh well things were going so well for stixxasaurus back to square one i was not expecting prognathodon to do like secret agent sneak attack on us and it's also worth noting that dude took us out in one bite we were level 12. we were taking on great white sharks prognathodon strolls up and takes us out in one bite it's okay we will get revenge our day will come okay i need to get back to level 12. i got work to do brb do you see my dude in the background here just sticking his head in the sand you have so much to live for you're an awesome dinosaur fish what are you doing seriously man get out of there here i'm gonna i'm gonna just grab this i'm just gonna grab this meat here okay okay he was very determined to get that meat kind of lost his sight because you know his head was buried in the sand little known fact uh stixxosaurus loved sticking their faces in sand at the bottom of the ocean they're like a bunch of ostriches sticking their heads in sand although do ostriches really stick their heads in santa you always see that in like cartoons but do they really do that hold up google can you answer this question hold on myth ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they're scared or threatened answer it's not true ostriches don't bury their heads in the sand they wouldn't be able to breathe but they do dig holes in the dirt to use as nests for their eggs and now we know i had a feeling that that that wasn't true oh i'm getting eaten by great white shark oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm not dead i'm dead i got killed by that thing that's just embarrassing okay so i've managed to get past level 12 i'm now level 15 and i found the perfect hunting grounds oh that's an orca okay uh can i eat you i i i was gonna say uh whale sharks they're great um but these orcas they might actually be pretty good too oh my gosh oh yes yes more orcas please i kind of feel bad eating the orcas just because they're they're very cute but you gotta do what you gotta do you know sorry we do need to be aware of big old whale guy here though but we did manage to get to level 20. so maybe he's not so scary i don't know i'm not quite there yet i'm not ready to take him on let's eat some more killer whales i ran out of orcas so i'm gonna go find some more whale sharks the vacuums of the ocean there they are mmm delicious xp that's all i see look at all that meat oh my gosh it's fantastic okay level 25 i'm feeling pretty good now am i gonna take on prognathodon at this level absolutely not remember at level 12 he ate us in one bite oh that's megalodon don't look at me don't see me just mind your own business megalodon i don't know where he went but i really want to eat these whale sharks so i'm gonna risk it risk it for the biscuit as they say i don't know who says that but it's something i've heard before okay okay okay we got the whale sharks let's just move right along shall we i'm kind of thinking that we should try and take on the the arctic whale could be a really really bad decision oh what is going on over there that was a feeding frenzy those dudes were going crazy you know what let's eat them they're here they're good xp let's eat them while they're right in front of us get him oh there he is there's the boss whale okay um this is very scary because if we die uh basically everything that we've worked for up to this point disappears so hopefully we don't die this guy bites real hard so if i can i'm gonna try to sneak up behind him oh no he's locked off he's he's figured it out he's figured out that i'm here for him and he's so mad oh gosh okay okay yeah get him get him okay attack please don't bite me please oh he's coming no those bites hurt those hurt real bad oh gosh we killed it oh okay that was terrifying uh and and way closer than than i would have liked it to be um we also need to to breathe please air but we did get a few levels after doing that so i think as long as we're careful we can take him out again and again and again and you get the idea hello large whale oh there he is get him take him on take him down attack attack those bites really hurt 700 almost 800 damage each time oh gosh okay yeah once again just very very close to getting me but my hope is we get to the point where it's not so close anymore and i feel like we're almost there like we're right on the edge where he doesn't stand a chance anymore in fact i think after this one i think we're we're pretty much in the clear although he did get me before i got him which i don't like gosh it's so bright oh don't go to the light stick source don't go okay level 40 i feel like we have nothing to fear anymore at least with this guy we can still be scared of prognathodon and megalodon but this guy he doesn't stand a chance anymore you put up a good fight pal you did but it's done i've grown too strong so now i'm just gonna hang out here with my new pal and uh eat him over and over until i get to a level where i feel confident that i can take on the bigger guys one hour later so i made it to level 75 by just eating this guy over and over again and it's working out pretty well but the xp gain is definitely falling off quite a bit i'm thinking that it might be time to to venture out into a scarier world and maybe hunt down the infamous prognathodon so i'm gonna get to level 80 and then i think it will be time and there it is level 80 although he is right here so might as well eat another one while i'm here get it to go you know alright and there we are a level 80 sticks a source truly glorious is very cool but now the question is can we take on some of the meaner and bigger fishes of the sea we're about to find out oh this dude's chasing me what the heck tenacious um also dead he came with me so he made his choice i'm just hoping that we find prognathodon before we find megalodon oh there's megalodon okay we have no choice we we've gotta fight megalodon he's running are you coward you fear me i'm too strong i have become king of the ocean oh that is amazing that makes me so happy stixxasaurus he has done it that is fantastic but we do need to find prognathon we need revenge he snuck up on me took me out when i wasn't even looking like a coward and basically the same way that i took out all the other bigger fish but it's okay when i do it i'm allowed i see how it is prognathodon now you're scared of me now you're hiding you were so eager to eat me when i was smaller but the day has come i am no longer the wee little stixxosaurus that i was i've grown into a true master of the ocean who still crashes into court ah there he is there he is battle of the titans let's go i mean was it really even a battle i so over leveled but i wanted to make sure that i was absolutely strong enough and it's safe to say uh stixxosaurus is strong enough to take on prognathodon and also megalothon what an awesome addition we need to hook this guy up with a crown he earned it [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 3,052,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow fish update, fish feed and grow, feed and grow gameplay, feed and grow fish gameplay, family friendly, feed and grow shark, feed and grow game, feed and grow fish game, keyin, kindly keyin, shark games, feed and grow survival, sharks, megalodon, giant megalodon, giant whale shark, giant shark, feed and grow giant shark, electric eel, prognathodon, pug, pug fish, dog fish, fish dog, styxosaurus, fish feed and grow styxosaurus
Id: od5KGKp-ZTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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