I Unlocked "NEW" Huggy Wuggy Fish...

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today we're going to unlock the most terrifyingly cursed fish we've ever seen in feed and grow fish prepare yourselves hello everybody i'm kyla keane and welcome back to feed and grow fish welcome to my swamp it's kind of gross i'm a little old tetra but today i'm going to unlock a fish if you can call it that that is going to be very upsetting so big thanks to outwit for setting me up with this mod basically we have to complete the challenge of beating the swamp level and then we unlock this new fish and if you've seen the thumbnail you probably know what it is but if you haven't oh boy you're in for a treat of course we need to start out as as the lowly little tetra i mean look at him he's adorable and we need to make our way up to the catfish that is the final phase of the uh oh swamp challenge as an alligator gar right okay all right cool just got eaten by some some raptor fishes this is this is off to a great start very strong i think i basically need to get to 80 coins oh my gosh oh my goodness who left this who was a fool hello that's a that's a big boy right there that's a very big boy i would love to become a catfish one day but for now i'm just gonna eat these delicious morsels of meat that someone just left here what a fool this is gonna take far too long i feel like i'm gonna get eaten i'm gonna get eaten and no one's even gonna know that i got eaten because i'm inside of this slab of meat big old big old catfish gonna roll up on here go that's some good looking meat right there and then i get eaten along the way what a way to go okay all right that's a little bit more manageable for for this little guy still gotta work this down okay we'll get there level two oh it's a new era now oh now we can eat the bigger slabs of meat okay we're going places we are absolutely going places get away from me this is mine i worked hard for this and i worked hard for it i mean i did literally nothing i just chomped it down into bits that i could actually consume i'm leaving i'm i'm out of here i don't want to be a part of whatever was happening over there the swamp is scary man hello can i eat you i can't come back why are you so fast though i don't even know what you are but i would like to consume your xp for my own personal gain can we make that happen can we do that is that okay that's okay yeah that's good wow it looked like he just slapped me with this fight or flight this dude's fighting oh he's dead can i eat you whole oh i totally can okay then why was i fighting i can just i can just swallow you okay so i think we can actually go to fish select and upgrade here i could start it as a piranha probably should have done that bluegills raptor fish is actually pretty rad ultimately we want to get to catfish that's our goal i think raptor fish is gonna help us do that let's do it okay don't wanna be here i do not like what was happening there so uh instead i'm gonna go to this much smaller fish and he slapped me he did it again okay all right this is fine oh hello you're me oh don't look it okay maybe the raptor fish wasn't the best choice i can't be a carp i'm one coin short the thing i appreciate about the raptor is that it only costs two coins to play as but it's much stronger than the one that we were playing as before so hopefully this can get us to at least 20. okay this this was a bad choice don't fight with swamp crabs those dudes are tough i didn't even know there were such thing as swamp crabs there's a lot of weird-looking like shrimp like creatures oh and worms yum my favorite delicious good protein i suppose oh my gosh look at my my poor fish what happened to your skin dude that's not a good day for this guy all right so i'm officially a bottom feeder at this point i just don't want to die i do have 19 coins though one more coin and we can become a carp is that really the play though is a carp that good when i think of a carp i think that's kind of a lame fish but maybe in the swamp he's he's one of the leaders one of the kings king of the swamp i find that hard to believe oh i don't like it here these fish are very big can i eat you can i eat anything do i go to battle with a swamp crab again i don't think so i think that's a bad life choice what about you you're like a you're a little trout or something or you you're what i started as right i don't know what you're called a tetra fish or something like that either way you were delicious i have 20 coins so i can play as a carp if i save up five more coins though i could play as a zander where's the mustache bottom dweller can detect hidden food sources you know what let's try it now notably uh we now have zero coins which not great oh i can eat crabs i can eat swamp crabs now this is great news how long is this gonna take probably three to four hours we did it and it was probably not exactly worth it let's try to find some of these these bottom dwelling fish what is that is that a thing that i can oh okay that's actually pretty cool doesn't give us a ton of xp but on the bright side it also doesn't hurt me the rock that i pull up from the ground looks like a meatball i wish i could eat that oh i can oh sweet carps love meatballs apparently that's weird oh i like this i like this a lot sure carps aren't all that scary i mean look at that face but they have a very easy source of xp and we're getting coins and that's that's truly what matters here i'm living my best life my best carp life delicious more meatballs please yum this crab just ate my swamp meatball how dare you now you get eaten by me that was not a wise choice nobody eats my swamp meatballs okay swamp meatballs are for carps and carps only reserved thank you very much now let me get back to eating my swamp meatballs so i'm back to 20 coins but i feel like the process of leveling up and getting coins with the carp is kind of slow it's it's safe so there's that but it's also a little boring as much as i love swamp meatballs i want a little bit more excitement in my life so i think the time has come to to try out a different fish as soon as we hit 25 i think we can become a sturgeon there's 24 25 25 25 i just need one more meatball one more delicious meatball there you go there we go 25 26 just for good measure zander that's right could also be an arowana who do you think who do you think is better xander or arowana damage is three damage is one but they can also swallow fish whole it's a tough choice i'm gonna go with the arowana i might live to regret this decision but this is the choice i have made oh my gosh oh what oh that's that's a lot of food that's a lot of food please nothing kill me let me eat this let me eat this just leave me alone i gotta break it down into slightly smaller bits can i eat it oh i can't i can't don't mind if i do get out of here this is mine i worked hard for this leave me i will eat you i'll eat you or not can i eat you can i eat raptor fish i can't eat raptor fish seriously i thought for sure i'd be big enough to eat this guy whole uh carps i i'm going to do battle with a carp okay he just fin-slapped me rude no gosh i'm gonna just grab that and go what was that thing that was a big boy all right all right i don't know if i i want to do this anymore i don't know if the arowana was the right choice i just need to get to 40 coins we need 16 more coins and then we can make some good stuff happen now i'm fighting a swamp crab and i regret it i've survived oh that's a big boy right there okay but look at that delicious xp oh come on oh maybe oh never mind never mind that would have been so good what's chasing me i have 40 coins i kind of want to save up to 60 to get the snake head and then i think snakehead will take us to catfish 58 coins okay now we're talking and i'm eating piranhas entirely whole so that's awesome i guess piranhas like hanging out around trash apparently it's time to become a snakehead which i don't think i've ever played as i don't think i've ever played as this guy but based on his name i imagine he has quite the bite oh my gosh did you see those teeth although something just tried to eat me which is scary but oh that is freaky i kind of like it let's let's eat a carp shall we get back here get chomped get attacked by a snake oh my gosh this dude uh chomps real good okay yeah we're definitely gonna get to catfish level with the power of the snake head i love it swamp crab get chomped and so this guy the the more he chomps the faster his chomp becomes that's intense come here carp get eaten i like this a lot i feel much safer now i'm a little worried about big old catfish boy around here but uh otherwise i mean the face of a fish only a mother could laugh and i'm okay with it piranhas chomp chomp there's some dinosaur bones in this swamp what okay that's kind of awesome also a little scary oh no no i saw that big old slab of meat and i was like wait a second something had to make that and then of course catfish boy showed up so yeah we're not gonna go in that direction for now but i think i was actually mistaken we don't just need to play as the catfish we have to beat the catfish so i have to get my snakehead fish here a big enough so that we can take out the catfish okay oh my gosh i i'm in catfish land i need to leave see the scary thing about the catfish isn't necessarily his bite it's that he can pretty much vacuum up anything in the swamp he's got a big mouth he's also a terrible gossiper so while i feel like i could probably beat the catfish at least like with my bite i'm worried that he could just turn around and swallow me whole and then we have to start over and i really don't want to do that so what i'm trying to do is level up to a point where i can feel a little bit more confident about taking on big old catfish and then take on big old catfish as one does also i think since i started recording the sun has come out it's bright in here oh look at this um i'm a little worried because we're big old slabs of meat like that hanging around so do big old fish and by big old fish i mean catfish still here and i don't see a catfish oh there he is oh gosh she's right behind me don't turn your back to the catfish okay wait wait wait wait wait a second wait a second get the xp and run run for your life i think the one advantage that we have over the catfish is that he's really really slow like turning him around is like turning around a cruise ship so we can get away fast we i i feel like the time has come we're level 10. i have 182 coins so worst case scenario if we die we can just become the snakehead fish again let's do this where are you at catfish you're massive so how can i not find you there you are okay go for the tail go after the tail attack oh oh he got me he knocked me out no oh my gosh oh my gosh the stun on his bike dude every time i bite him it's like i get damaged every time okay okay okay this is not working out i need to reassess my strategy i also need health i feel like the one thing that i had going for me is that i can bite really fast but because of the way the catfish defends himself i i can't bite him he he stuns me every time i bite him so i can't i want to cry i'm going to cry i found out what's stronger than the catfish windows okay so the game crashed but on the bright side it saved our coins so we can play as the snakehead again i don't know if i can play as the catfish and defeat the catfish as the catfish you know what i mean so i'm gonna play as the snake head get it back to a level where i can fight the catfish and uh rejoice where'd he go okay so i made it back to level 10. i think i was level 11 when the game crashed but i'm gonna try i just need to find the catfish there he is he is oh i'm scared i'm so scared but i think it's time it's time to do battle get over here okay okay okay wait i'm getting a few bites oh it's oh there you go okay oh we've done it and so now now we have access to the most terrifying weird fish in feed and grow fish history prepare yourselves so i become the catfish now i just need to hit this button over here and here it is the one the only huggy wuggy fish oh there's two of them why i guess that's my wife my huggy wuggy wife yeah that's a thing um okay oh gosh okay so yeah he can he can really chow down huh oh my gosh i'm i'm just swallowing everything whole um what is wrong with your face oh okay so like huggy wuggy's mouth is always open but then when i open my mouth it opens like a mouth inside of his mouth you guys see that that is horrifying oh gosh it's so cursed and yet i can't look away i love it but i hate it but i love it i don't know how to feel about it what i would like to do is is level up some more i love that there's two of us gosh the huggy wuggy fish is not very maneuverable i i will say that he's very slow look at that turn wide turns on huggy wuggy fish gosh why does the mouth do that it's so weird oh man well we can all thank outwit for the next week of nightmares that we're going to have that's fun let's go find some stuff to eat let's level up i mean i'm i'm a huggy wucky fish i want to eat i'm so hungry i just want hugs and xp how does a huggy wuggy fish hug i have no idea with his flippers of course this is something this is definitely something never in a million years did i think that i'd be playing feed and grow fish with with this cursed creature oh xp huggy wuggy like huggy wuggy eat oh i just ate something for 300 xp that's incredible carp he's so hungry he only eats and hugs with his weird flippers of course i hate that he has an outside mouth and an inside mouth though it's very weird but you know i mean huggy wuggy he's he's pretty weird dude as it stands what are you you're a snakehead i um i'm scared of you please don't kill me you think i can you think i can beat the snakehead as this huggy wuggy fish i don't i can't turn around fast enough i keep getting chomps on him but i'm so slow get him all chomped we'll just turn around this should only take a few years where'd he go you coward how dare you run from this adorable face oh there he is chomped i can't get two chomps in oh here yeah okay i got two chomps in i think that the the bite from the huggy wuggy fish actually stuns probably because he's so ugly and the other fish just gets stun locked for fear that they're going to get eaten by something that is just so truly hideous get eaten i'm gonna eat you okay in case you were wondering i'm also going to eat you stop running where's my snakehead friend where'd he go huggy wuggy's hungry i've lost him he ran away i thought we were going to be the best of friends i feel so betrayed look at this face you can almost see a little tear there's sadness hiding behind that terrifying smile trust me i'm lost i don't know where to go uh oh come back i would i want to eat you oh my gosh turning around so painfully slow all right also where's my huggy wuggy wife where did she go i have no idea i just left never to come back again okay she's gotta be somewhere around here it's a big swamp you have been consumed by that it's scary too when you get the right lighting it's almost like a silhouette ugh very unsettling you you ran away from me stop doing that i want to eat you okay oh yeah that was good got a couple bites in there and we're in a much more open area i feel like so that's gonna be to my advantage don't run away from me stop it oh my gosh every time i get one bite in and he just zips away get back here when huggy bites it makes a real crunchy sound too it's very upsetting oh we did it oh my gosh that was a ton of xp huggy wuggy very happy oh hey bud it's good to see you again can i oh i just ate him whole okay fair enough oh my huggy wuggy wife i'm so glad you're doing okay it's it's great to see you so glad that we can finally be together just the two of us what an adorable adorable couple i'm trying to get a selfie shot for our instagram there you go well there you have it enjoy your nightmares
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,250,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, feed and grow, feed, grow, fish, evolve, upgrade, biggest, strongest, feed and grow frog, giant dinosaur, dino, dino fish, dinosaur fish, new, new feed and grow, feed n grow, Megalograptus, prognathodon, prog, ancient prognathodon, new dragon fish, dragon fish, pug fish, huggy wuggy fish, huggy fish, poppy playtime fish
Id: O36WsXotfqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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