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we've completely consumed earth with black holes we've chopped it in half we drilled straight through the middle of it but you know what we haven't done we haven't set a giant alien planet eating space worm at it yet so uh let's do that [Music] hello everybody i am kindly keen and welcome back to mobile monday we're returning to solar smash which apparently got an update just recently and as you can see there are three new devastating abilities that we can use on our lovely planet earth but we can also mess around with other planets i think in the last episode uh i i definitely blew up this weird globe star destroyer thingamabober space station but i also noticed is this like a custom planet creator whoa that's pretty cool how does that even work like we can whoa okay so you can make it like a super hot planet or super cold planet or how about just in between that seems pretty good and then how does the land work oh oh this is interesting oh that's really neat can i actually like terraform it though can i change like the layout of the land it doesn't look like i can actually change the position of where land and water is but like we can make the water pink on this planet pink water go ew that's disgusting it's actually pretty cool too okay that's pretty awesome uh that you can like customize a planet here but now that we've made this beautiful and weird purple white like vanilla ice cream and raspberry jam planet let's blow it up but i don't want to use any of the new stuff yet kind of want to save that stuff for for earth so instead let's launch an alien invasion at our lovely new planet there you go just lots of lots of aliens from from independence day blowing up this this lovely planet which i call vanilla raspberry land that's terrible name it's terrible also apparently i was told that there's like a slow motion function oh oh whoa okay so yeah if you hit that clock up in the upper left-hand corner it slows down time significantly in fact i like the idea oh whoa okay i just selected the missile launch thing you can actually adjust how many missiles get launched at a time whoa okay um that's a lot that's it's still going up um it's continuing to go up 50 you can launch 50 missiles in one batch that's insane oh my gosh oh oh this planet is not looking so good that is just glorious and and devastating all at the same time that was intense uh let's do that again but not in slow motion i just want to see that is insane oh my gosh 50 missiles all at once and actually if i just keep tapping it i'm going to blow up my tablet my tablet is literally going to catch on fire if i do this too much it's already very upset with me obviously okay uh let's do the same thing to this lovely planet what what do you think this is venus this looks like venus right it looks like a gas planet so like if i launch a whole bunch of missiles at it yeah i mean even gas isn't immune to 100 missiles being launched at it at once there's a fart joke there but i can't think of one all right let's launch a black hole attack on this planet and just make it completely disappear before we move on oh my gosh the black holes are so stinking cool um there yeah okay half of the planet is just is just gone and something that i didn't really mess around with last time was like you can stack different devastating effects on top of each other so like we've got black holes and then we have aliens invading and then we put one of these bombs these like nukes sure why not and then launch some proton blasts i'm gonna leave them with that though let's see how resilient the people who live on this planet are maybe they could turn this into like a uh a day spa for space travelers okay enough messing around with this stuff let's go back to earth and uh we've gotta know what these new things do they all look absolutely awesome especially this this worm looking thing but i want to start with the one uh up in the upper left of the new abilities i'm gonna launch it at my house somewhere around there there you go all right okay just pulling up okay charging up there you go this is gonna be another like independence day type situation this seems like a slightly larger laser okay i mean that's oh no oh my gosh i was not expecting that oh no it like melted the core of the earth is it gonna blow up is earth just gonna straight up blow up from one of those holy cow um okay let's just say i hope that we never run into that alien technology that is way too powerful wiped out the whole planet in one blast that was really really cool though i really want to see that again because like you can see it starts from the center and then works its way out in fact what we should do is let's kind of get like a side view here try to set it up like that and then let's slow down time and really take in all of the destruction you know what honestly if a giant alien you know laser cannon that can melt a planet in one blast was gonna destroy earth i would kind of be okay with being the person that it's shooting at because i feel like you get vaporized a lot faster here it goes oh gosh dude look at that you can see like the core of the earth heating up through the crust oh my gosh oh that is insane look at that the entire planet is heating up from the inside out oh my goodness what an insane weapon and then you can see it splitting apart and it gets insanely bright that is just crazy yeah and uh as you can see zero people left on the planet okay so now we're gonna watch the explosion of planet earth in slow motion it might take a minute here i think i see it kind of expanding it's very slow but yeah okay it's it's kind you can see it's almost it's like the entire planet is just liquid now it's it's liquid hot magma uh this is this is absolutely absurd can i launch another one of these things i can launch three of them the what the first one wasn't good enough for you guys these aliens are really really having a bad day with earth they just they really don't like earth there it goes it's blowing up you see the ring love it the shock wave and then of course the the alien laser cannons are getting ready to blow up nothing because all earth is now is space dust quite literally all right next up on the docket this space worm we'll send it straight to my neighborhood here we go all right space worm oh oh it made a noise it's way bigger than i thought it was oh that is upsetting what is it what is it oh oh look at it look at it oh dude okay it just it just ate all of north america it just ate all of north america and it is definitely making like noises as space worms are want to do oh my goodness it is tunneling through the earth this is actually terrifying look at that you can't even see it anymore it's inside of the earth i don't even know where it is but it's doing work um let's see if we can we can find this guy again where'd you go man where'd he go he could pop out anywhere at any time i i see him slightly he's in the middle of the earth where oh there he goes oh he popped out i don't even know where he is now he's that he's at like the the south of africa and he's leaving okay that was that was space worms lunch he'll be back for more don't you worry oh my goodness so north america is completely gone most of eastern europe uh china mongolia russia vaporized now now molten magma and then he popped out over here at the southern tip of africa so the western coast of africa here probably has had better days uh but you got to admit as a whole africa is doing all right good for them because that's my home it's uh it's a little warm it's a little warm that was awesome um i feel like we need to launch more and do like can we do more than one at a time it's not letting me do more than one at a time that's a little disappointing but understandable because i mean let's face it space worms they're they're good enough on their own they're they're lone wolves lone worms rather look at him go and then the path that they take is completely random like just hope that you're not in the path of space worm australia is now gone i'm sorry australia uh heading for antarctica no no popping back out okay get you know gotta get out of the earth to get a little breath of fresh air i was able to launch another one oh my gosh there's two space worms okay so you just have to wait a little bit before you can launch another space worm it seems like i didn't even mean to launch that space worm but i'm glad that it's happening uh let's see if we can get another one oh this one's leaving this one's leaving oh look at it it's so gross and awesome all at the same time space worm making his rounds just putting some holes into earth it's actually insane what a cool addition to the game so that is the destruction of five space worms honestly not as bad as some of the other tools that we've used in the past but still absolutely terrifying because there's no rhyme or reason where they're gonna go they just go they start chomping if you're in the path of that chop sorry i guess anyways there's still one more that we need to experience so let's reset the earth and what is this an alien space octopus where the worms not enough all right let's see what happens okay that seems bad that seems extremely bad that yep okay space octopus is now eating earth and yeah that's what we're left with seems pretty bad actually not as devastating as i thought it would be but let's see if we can spawn several of them oh we can we can i didn't even realize it so they're they're coming in through like portals so they got some crazy alien technology oh and they're actually pulling a piece of the earth with them into the portal i did not realize that's what was happening there that is terrifying and awesome all at the same time let's watch it in slow motion see okay so they they teleport in you got those nasty tentacles and then just take a big old bite out of earth take a chunk of it maybe he just wants a lot of high fives okay never mind it's it's starting to not look like a high five it's it's looking like uh he's gonna eat the earth yeah okay i i probably should have known when giant space octopus come in through portals uh right next to earth typically they don't just want high fives they want to eat a giant chunk of your planet i know extremely rude also extremely awesome and then the aliens finish the job by sending in a laser cannon just to completely destroy all the evidence of any tampering with earth why not just make it disappear let's send a space worm to here's the grand finale and why not some moons while you're at it the the alien invasion man they're really taking it to the next level no space worm you came at the wrong time dude you're gonna get blown up oh this is actually an interesting situation is he gonna get blown up yeah yeah uh space worm got blown up but i gotta say uh this update extremely cool i hope that they keep adding insane new things to mess around with in this game because it is a lot of fun someone send off the fireworks there you go get some fireworks going oh we accidentally aimed the fireworks at earth typically you're supposed to aim them you know away from earth my either way i hope that you guys enjoyed some more solar smash let me know if you have ideas or things that you want me to try in the game but that is going to do it for this episode i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching see you guys next time i'm just gonna launch you know like 5 000 missiles at earth now okay bye [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,031,170
Rating: 4.8926005 out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, universe sandbox, solar system, ways the world could end, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, black holes, solar smash gameplay, solar smash android, solar smash ios, keyin, kindly keyin, black hole on earth, black hole vs earth, simulation games, what happens if, simulation games 2020, simulation games for android, simulation games for iphone, solar smash black hole, solar smash all weapons, solar smash biggest explosion, solar system video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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