New Player Guide to Star Citizen

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Is this finally out? I haven’t played since, I don’t remember.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/C0TA81 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the stanton system it's where we all begin our journey in star citizen and today it's where you'll begin yours i'm morphologists and this is my new player guide to teach you how to survive your first few hours of star citizen because it's not always the most friendly of places by the end you'll have a good handle on the basics but you'll also be well on your way to upgrading your kit and eventually your very first in-game ship this guide however will assume that you've got a good handle on the basics of pc gaming and so i won't go over stuff like how to wasd move i will however offer you guys advice on what i think is the best course of action and give you guys tips and tricks for how to make your first journey a little bit easier but if there's anything you have more specific interest in don't forget that i also have a huge library of guides already here on my channel for you to check out and as always if you think i did a good job by then and you think i deserve it make sure to hit that like and subscribe button to show your support so suit up star citizens and don't forget your helmet on the way out the airlock [Music] before you're even able to step foot in star citizen the first choice you'll have to make is what your starter package will be and if you're at this point and you haven't made an rsi account yet don't forget to use somebody's referral code because it will give you a extra 5000 auc starting cash which is important early game you can use mine here on the screen or also feel free to use any of your friends or any of my community members down below to support them but before you make that decision on which starter package to buy there's something that you really need to know all you really need is the starter package for 45 dollars you can buy pretty much every single ship in game just with a little bit of effort and time especially if you play with a group of friends however if you are comfortable pledging for a little bit more money to support the project you can look into ships like the 100 series the nomad the pisces or my number one recommended single player starting ship the avenger titan from aegis just be sure not to confuse the price of these ships with the power that they have in game as the pledge price increases what you're often getting in return is a more specialized ship that's better at a specific thing for example the 90 gladius is way better dogfighting in the hands of a good pilot than the aurora mr starter package however the gladius can't haul cargo and it can't be used to log off on because it has no bet whereas the mr does furthermore if the pilot in the mr is better than the pilot and the gladius the mr will always win because in star citizen it more often than not comes down to the pilot skill and not the power of the ship now with all of that being said i'm going to be using the avenger titan from aegis because it's my number one recommended ship if you wanted to spend a bit more and have a good all-arounder but everything i'm going to show you in this guide will also be able to be performed by any of the base starter package ships so after you've selected your ship and you're ready to go you're going to be presented with a menu when you launch the game for the first time you're going to want to select the persistent universe this is the universe in which you're going to exist and move around in a multiplayer environment first you'll have to customize your player spend as much time as you like and after you've done that you're going to be presented with this screen here you're going to select your base starting area this is where all of your inventory and ships are going to be placed when you first start playing at the moment you have four choices for the stanton system orson located in the incredible gas giant of crusader star citizen's very own cloud city and my personal favorite place in gaming right now lorville a dystopian blade runner-esque city located on hurston the site of weapons testing of hurston dynamics the owner of this part of the system area 18 which is an ecumenopolis a planet-wide city that's an entire planet covered in city it's pretty amazing actually something like star citizen's very own coruscant or trantor and finally you have new babbage located on microtech owned by the company microtech creator of a number of electronics in star citizen's universe and home to a terraforming project gone wrong this is a beautiful ice world with sparse boreal type forests very beautiful to visit but it's also my recommended starting point because of its services which are a bit more balanced than the other choices and that's where we're going to start for this guide after you've selected new babbage select your server location and then select set as primary residence following that you'll load into the game and find yourself in a hab habs and star citizen are the player's very own starting location housing unit it's where you'll be able to store your stuff in the future and for now it's where you log off and log back on to get out of your bed press or hold y or hold the f button and look for get up on the inner thought menu this is going to be your first experience with star citizen's level of detail feel free to take a look around for as long as you like but when you're ready let's go over some of the more unique controls to star citizen first is the quick action wheel which can be accessed by holding f and right clicking through this you'll be able to access stuff like your personal inventory actions and even emotes this is a great shortcut if you're still learning the game and you don't know which key does what let's use it to access your personal inventory which can also be accessed simply by hitting i when not in the wheel here you'll find a local inventory unique to this specific location which will not appear if you leave the city you'll be able to filter by items such as armor under suits components or sustenance depending on what you're looking for but since you're starting off it will likely be empty for you we'll revisit this later when we start buying items and equipping them for your first trip out into the verse and on the subject of purchasing items this guide will be budgeted to spend the least amount of money possible to achieve what i recommend as it's good to have a padding of money just in case you die because it's likely as a new player that you will next i'll introduce you to your window out onto the universe your moby glass so to access remote glass hit f1 on your keyboard on the home screen you'll find your bank account balance vitals oxygen level and atmosphere composition then you have your comm link this is where you'll see who's on the server with you your friends list and you can also turn voip on and off or vary the sound levels i recommend you leave this on though just in case somebody asks you if you're friendly out in the verse following that you'll find your app for your vehicle manager this is where you're going to be able to customize and upgrade your ship in the future when you're ready then you have your knickknacks tab which is where you're going to find where your assets are located above the verse really handy for remembering where you've put stuff next is an important one the skyline map we'll use this to navigate stanton and set waypoints for ease of travel to center the map at your location hit the crosshair in the upper right hand corner after that you'll find the mo trader app which is where you'll send money to others but don't use this because you're probably poor following that is the contracts manager this one's important because it's where you're going to find missions available to you based on your reputation level initially there won't be many choices for very much money but this will change as you build reputation with various factions and individuals throughout the universe by default it shows you the general contracts but if you hit the personal tab will give you access to special missions from people who know you or have heard about you and sometimes you'll get illegal missions so be sure to read the fine print before you take any of these missions because if you do get a crime stat you'll be hunted by security personnel and bounty hunters which can be real players and if you do get caught you'll be sent to prison which is his own gameplay loop that if you're interested in i have a video on it can be pretty fun so don't worry if you do end up here next is the vehicle maintenance tab you'll use this to maintain your ship at ports and cities then you'll find the journal which gives you access to lots of useful information on various aspects of the game and lastly you have the delphi app which is where you can find your current reputation with the various factions companies and individuals that you've done missions for or committed crimes against as you increase your reputation you'll be given access to more perks and missions so remember to check back here frequently to see where your progress is but now that we've got the basics out of the way it's time to look into upgrading our kit because i hate to break it to you but that little peashooter on your hip and that med pen ain't gonna cut it for just about anything so when you're ready step on over to the door and then hold the f key to select the open button just like how we used the hab button before you're going to want to hold the f key to select call elevator inside the elevator find the button panel and use the mouse wheel to scroll down to find the option you want in this case we want the lobby select that will go down to the first floor now one thing to keep in mind as you navigate through star citizen is that many of these locations behave like they do in the real world where you're gonna have to use signage in the universe to find out where you need to go so if you get lost don't worry just look for a sign so you can find out where you are our first stop for our shopping trip to prep us for going out into the universe is going to be the brentworth hospital it's where we're going to supply ourselves with the needed medical supplies to prevent us from dying too easily but if you do end up actually dying and not going into an incapacitated state which is a state between life and death this is where you're going to regenerate you'll also have to visit one of these hospitals if you incur a tier 1 through three injury three being the least severe and one being life-threatening for the sake of this guide we're gonna go visit the pharmacy where we're gonna pick up our medical supplies there press and hold the f key and click on the kiosk first we're gonna need some med pens select the medpan which is red select the quantity as three and then purchase them these are quick use items that can be accessed by hitting c and then left clicking once you have it in your hand this will stop bleeding and heal you quickly in a jam next let's go to the personal weapons tab here by a singular green pyramid refill vial this is what we're going to use to refill the medical device that we're about to purchase this is going to be used to help heal yourself in the event that you've been severely injured and need some medication to help you get back to a hospital you can also use it to heal others or revive them in the case that they've been incapacitated now when you buy these items they'll initially be sent directly to the location's local inventory i'll teach you guys how to equip this stuff a little bit later on next we want to get to the commons so that we can buy the rest of our provisions and supplies to do so we'll have to access the metro loop which is located just below the hospital once there follow the signage to the commons platform and wait for the next train if you ended up getting on the wrong train going the wrong direction don't worry the whole thing is based on the loop so you'll eventually get there just make sure you check the signage to find out where you are so you get off at the right stop and it's at this point i should mention that everything in star citizen is physicalized which means stuff like trains and elevators actually move around the world so there's no such thing as an instant loading screen that pops you from one location to another it's pretty cool but it also means that there is some time that you'll need to take to navigate to where you need to go but it also gives you an opportunity to experience cool things like this after a short time you'll find yourself in a purplish station this is the commons and you can also tell by checking the sign just in the center of the platform after that make your way on up to the commons trust me you'll know when you get there all the major hero landing zones like microtech have locations like this where you can explore and find various amenities and supplies these immersive environments are part of what makes star citizen so amazing so if you need to take some time to explore this area i highly encourage that you do but when you're done find your way back to this specific area and we'll move on to the next step just adjacent to that main common room you'll find yourself in the bazaar you'll know it's the right location if you see the factory line shop in the center of the dome space we now want to find shubin interstellar's shop but we don't need to go inside we just need to use the kiosk on the outside of the room it should be just on your right as you head up the stairs here we're going to want to buy a multi-tool for 730 auc this device is very useful as it can change its function depending on which attachment you use and for your first attachment you'll need an orbit mining bit for 365 auc which will enable you to mine small ground rocks but we also need something to carry the loot that we find in so next locate the mac flex core rucksack which you can find in the armor tab for 1320 auc this will enable you to store more provisions for the road as well as weapons ammo and anything else you might need on your adventure finally we're going to need something to attach the backpack to so locate the mac flex core light armor chest piece for 1700 auc this will provide some extra protection against small weapons fire in addition to more equippable slots and more storage now i understand that some of you guys will be tempted to buy some arm armor or leg armor here i would definitely recommend against that as you may need that money later in case of death alright star citizen now it's time to learn how to equip this stuff so next let's hit i or you can use the wheel menu that i showed you earlier to access your personal inventory equipping items is pretty simple you can either drag and drop them onto your character or double-click them and they will automatically go to the appropriate slot you will have more slots if you equip your chess piece first so first equip that and then start dragging your stuff onto your body make sure to equip everything that i showed you and anything left over drag and drop into your personal inventory that should have appeared on your left this inventory will go with you as long as you have the armor after you leave the safe zone and also keep in mind that if you do die you will drop everything on your body where you died so if you want to get it you're going to have to either go back or just accept that it's gone forever and that's why i told you guys to spend so little money initially buying all of these supplies because it's inevitable that many of you as new players are going to make a mistake and die and lose your stuff and i want you to have enough money left over to be able to repurchase the stuff to continue your mission finally the last thing we're going to need before we head out into the verse is a better set of weapons to do this we're going to want to head on over to center mass which is located just down the hall from the schuman interstellar kiosk in the future you'll want to come back here to upgrade weapons on your ship however right now you don't have much money so our main focus is to buy personal defense weapons which can be located in the kiosks you'll find them in the back left or right hand corner of the store feel free to browse the options for as long as you like but when you're ready head on over to the personal weapons tab and select personal weapons and find the p8 sc smg it can be have for 2260 auc and is a very easy to handle weapon for a beginner it's also one of the least expensive options you'll find here here i recommend the delta reflex scope which will help you aim better for 400 auc and then after that i'd recommend you find the compensator which will also help you control your aim that can be had for an additional 400 finally we'll need some p8-sc magazines which can be had for 11 auc of pop these are pretty cheap so you can buy quite a few of them if you like i'm going to buy 10 here and throw the rest of my backpack that i can't equip on my chest piece now this is going to work the same deal as before all you have to do is double click or drag and drop to put it on your person if you want to add the attachments it's the same deal double click or drag and drop with a small chess piece you'll only be able to equip about 4 magazines though so if you do have extras put the rest in your backpack once you've expanded the magazines on your chest piece you'll have to replace them with the fresh ones in your backpack before we leave just two other places of note to remember for future interactions you have the tray and development division here which is where you're going to be able to buy and sell commodities as a trader not terribly useful with a small ship but later on when you upgrade your ship this will be where you can make a lot of money after that you also have the omega pro center this place is where you're going to be able to buy new modules to upgrade your ship's components such as shields coolers and power plants since star citizen does have a thirst and hunger system that will detrimentally affect your player as you get closer to zero you may also want to consider buying some extra drink and provisions before you head out however this is a very slow tick rate before it actually becomes an issue so you may not need it but just in case if you like you can throw some in your backpack i'm just gonna buy an apple here and a drink after that find your way back down to the metro line and head on over to the spaceport every city and star citizen will have a spaceport and this is where you'll go to and from when visiting a landing zone once you arrive at the main floor you'll be greeted by a very large space overlooking the city to get to the hangar containing your ship you want to find the ship retrieval consoles which look very much like the other kiosks we've been using up until this point approach and use as i've shown you in the past and then find the ship that you'd like to pull out if you've only got one starter pack only one will appear simply click the retrieval button on the upright hand corner and it will appear in a hanger nearby before you go to your hangar i want to take this moment to address a problem that you're likely to face in the future if you do end up dying and your ship explodes the way you get it back is by claiming it through insurance claims at the moment are performed through this very same console once you claim it there will be a given time to wait until it's available to use again beginner ships will be instantaneous whereas larger ships you'll have to wait an even longer duration sometimes up to an hour that is if you don't pay the expedited fee and also don't worry about having to pay an in-game monthly fee to maintain your insurance that's a feature coming online much later in star citizen's development okay so you've pulled your ship and it's appearing in hangar 4 or whatever hangar it says to get to the hangar choose any of the elevators you see scattered about this room if you've quickly forgotten which hanger your ship is spawned in simply locate the icon on your screen which shows your ship's location where it will say the hangar that it's located in to get to that hangar step into the elevator and just as we did before to select a floor we want to select a hanger here using the scroll wheel until we see the number that we want here you'll see your ship for the very first time it's okay take a moment to take it in take a walk around your ship and inspect its various components familiarize yourself with your glorious new spacecraft cig has taken loving hours to detail every nook and cranny every bolt and panel on every ship you'll find in star citizen it's part of the reason why there's so many space and aircraft enthusiasts in the community but as the quantum fuel begins to sting your nostrils and you're ready to head on in head to the back and select the rear ramp if you've got a different ship like an aurora you'll be able to find it by the ramp markers or the door markers you'll see appearing on your hud simply go up to that and click it until the door opens welcome to your little home away from home anything you place inside this ship's inventory or even physically within the ship itself will stay so long as the ship doesn't explode and so long as you always store it before you log off so take good care of it while you play but let's head on over to the pilot seat and familiarize ourselves with the way ships work in star citizen i'll briefly take you guys over the various hud elements on the screen on the left you'll find icons that indicate the status of the vtol mode coupled mode esp and your landing gear to the right of that is your speed indicator with the red indicating the speeds above optimal handling velocity of your ship the box on that line indicates your maximum set speed whereas the chevron will indicate your current speed at present we're not moving so it's zero in the center you'll find the pitch angle and above that you'll find the heading which is relative to the planet or moon's poles while in the atmosphere and is relative to the solar plane while you're in space above that are detectable signatures from heat on the left cross section on the center and em on the right as the ship's not currently powered on it indicates zero these signatures determine your maximum detectable range and how well missiles can track you returning to the center right of the screen you'll find a g indicator and even more to the right is an altitude indicator to the furthest right of the screen you'll find the weapon status indicators which will let you know your capacitor's levels for your energy weapons and the ammo counts for your ballistic weapons energy weapons will recharge over time whereas ballistics will eventually deplete and need to be refilled at a station the lower right hand corner of the hud also indicates your fuel levels for both your hydrogen fuel which has to do with atmospheric and space travel and your quantum fuel which has to do with quantum travel then you also have your counter measure counts which are indicated at the lower right hand corner these are important for different types of missiles hit h to deploy decoys and j for noise fields now let's power the ship on hold f and locate the flight ready icon or alternatively just hit r the ship powered on you'll notice that your multi-function displays or mfds for short will now be powered in the center you'll find a 2d radar screen to the left right and below that will have customizable mfds that you can change the configuration of if you like by default on the left it will show your ship's status including hull and shields if you take damage your shields will decrease and your hull will shift color from blue to yellow red and then dead watch out for that by the way on the right you'll also have a defaulted target status which will show the same information for the target you've selected in the center bottom of the screen you'll find a weapon status to change any of these screens hold f and then the middle mouse button to focus on the given mfd to change the menu click the menu in the upper left hand corner of that mfd and change to which you desire i encourage you to take some time to familiarize yourself with the different screens even if you don't understand what they do that way you get a sense of everything and later you can come back to them when you want to learn to exit the hangar we're going to need to contact air traffic control or atc you can do this in one of two ways either you can go through the mfds by going through the menu and selecting the thing that looks like a wi-fi icon and then finding the local atc and clicking on it or by hitting f1 and going to the com link and doing the same thing by finding the space port adc clicking the signal icon next to the name of the space port will let them know that you would like to take off and the door will soon open now let's go over some basic flight controls to move you want to hold spacebar to go up control to go down q and e to roll left and right wasd to stray forward left right or backward yaw and pitch are managed by using your mouse and by default they are in v-joy mode which means it smooths your movement just a bit alright then star citizen it's time to ease our way out of the hanger to modify your maximum speed you can use the scroll wheel to reduce your top speed you'll also want to retract your landing gear by hitting n while exiting the hanger remember this key because you're going to need it when you want to land again if it's dark and you need to see you can also activate the ship's headlights by hitting l now before we go anywhere i encourage you to fly around the safe zone and familiarize yourself with the way that your ship handles you'll be relatively safe here as other ships can't currently shoot at you in atmosphere your ship will behave very differently to the way that it behaves in space if you're flying somewhat of a space plane like the avenger it will handle better in atmosphere than other ships like the aurora which are more blocky in shape as it actually has wings aerodynamic ships will also move more quickly through atmosphere but as you go to lower density atmospheres on moons or other planets you'll notice that your top speed will change so pay attention to this as when you approach moons too quickly you may hit the ground if you don't have enough time to slow down if you want to activate cruise control you can also hit c which will set your ship's speed to the maximum speed indicated and if you want to have a look outside your ship while you're flying around you can also hit f4 to go into third person pretty handy mode also be sure to test your scanner by hitting tab this will send out a ping capable of actively detecting objects and ships that are not seen by your passive radar this can also be used for detecting stealth foes or ground mineables to target people hit t on your keyboard or alt t to untarget but keep in mind that shooting anybody in a safe zone either a white or blue target will result in you getting a crime stat this includes locking missiles without even firing them to cycle enemy targets hit 5 or 4 if you're being attacked to activate missile mode hit the middle mouse button you can swap between your missiles by right-clicking to exit missile mode hit the same button but now let's head up into space because it's time for us to visit the orbital station and familiarize yourself with quantum traveling to activate your quantum drive hit b now you may be too low in atmosphere to actually use it so you have to travel a little bit higher to get a little bit further out of the gravity well once it's ready to be used the icons will be blue orbital stations are indicated on your hud by boxes with rounded edges once you've located it align to it and wait for it to turn blue and then hold b to quantum travel after it's been charged and aligned if you're unable to locate the station visually you can also set it as a waypoint in your star map by accessing it through your mobi glass clicking on the station by zooming in and then by setting it as a destination after that it should be the only icon that you see when you try to activate your quantum drive one other thing you might do if you wanted is you could just fly directly to the space station if you have it in sight you actually don't have to quantum drive it just takes a little bit longer once you get there congratulations you finally made it to space i would recommend that you take some time to fly around to get acquainted with how different it feels to fly outside of atmosphere remember to watch that velocity though as there's not much stopping you but hard objects which will definitely result in death if you want to find out where your true vector is check out the double chevron in the center of your screen or somewhere on your screen depending on your direction of travel once you're done approach the space station at a safe speed i recommend using that maximum speed indicator i showed you earlier here we're going to want to land and set our regeneration point at the local clinic this way if you die you'll save a lot of time in the future and be able to get back on your feet and out into space much more quickly one cool thing about space stations is that they share the same inventory as the landing zone associated with it so if you bought anything in the city it'll appear here at your inventory in the station to land once again access your comms through mfd or moby glass and then request landing permission they will assign you a landing pad which will be indicated by a circle with a chevron in it if you don't see it roll around yaw about until you find it and then slowly approach and land on the pad indicated once there hold wide exit your seat or f to find the exit seat button in your inner thought once out of your ship you'll have a chance to look back at the planet below and i encourage you to do so because it's pretty freaking epic now let's head into the space station though and find the elevator which at this point i'm pretty sure you're pro at so won't spend too much time on that space stations are convenient locations to repair and re-arm your ship in case you've been damaged it's also a great place to replenish your supplies in a quick and orderly fashion you can find the food court and galleria that contains the shops by finding the elevator once you get past the aesop terminal section of the entry of the station you'll also find here that there are cargo decks in the future this is where you'll pick up or drop off cargo meant to go planetside and in other stations such as those found at lagrange points you can find refinery decks where you can deposit ore that's raw and refine it to something more valuable let's do what we came here to do find the clinic and then go inside and locate the insurance terminal here you'll want to set your regeneration point to the station repeat this process for any other location you might like to set your regeneration point to all right then let's head back to the ship and start our first mission however your ship may have been stored in this time you'll have to once again locate a vehicle retrieval console it'll then be transported to a pad just as before and you'll travel in an elevator down to it once there get back on your ship power it up request atc access to be able to leave and then head out into space next let's get up your contracts manager in your moby glass and find out what missions are available if you're curious on what mission you should take i've got three recommendations starting from the least dangerous which is the delivery mission which you'll find at the very top this won't pay very much money but it's a great way to get yourself acquainted with the way ships fly how you navigate space and just general moving about the universe after accepting this mission it'll be located in your accepted tab under your contracts manager and you can track it from there which will make it show up on your hud for a location you can also read the description of these missions to get more info on where you need to go the great thing about these missions is that they all will lead you to outposts that more often than not will contain treasure chests that contain more expensive weapons and armor so you can get yourself kitted up with very little risk alternatively if you wanted something that involves a little bit more danger with fps combat you can try one of the bunker missions i recommend the defend bunker missions for 15 000 auc you'll also get bonuses for each kill you can find these under the mercenary tab but you'll want to take the cdf mission to get those extra bonuses for pirate kills before you go though you'll want to know the basic controls for fps combat hit one or two to pull up your primary secondary weapon you can also hold either one or two to see a wheel manual that will show you all the weapons available to you if you need to heal quickly you can hit c this will pull out your med pen which you can then use by left clicking and finally if you want to heal or add drugs to your system to heal you faster you can also hit the 5 button and then use b to use the med gun against yourself in these missions you'll be tasked with going to a bunker to assist security personnel on defending the bunker against pirates but be very careful here because you can shoot friendlies and you'll get a crime stat and be killed for that and then go to prison so look for the pirates will be indicated by teal black and red armor whereas the security will likely be white if you're doing these missions out of microtech these missions will give you the opportunity to loot your foes and basically get better armor or to be able to find more loot boxes to find better stuff in those as well finally if you wanted to do some space combat you can also check out microtech area's illegal monitor detected missions these will yield an amazing 20k uec per pop and they will involve you flying to a comm array to scan down illegal monitors using the pinging scan option i've showed you earlier in the video you'll need to fly around and find them by pinging until you locate a target indicated and then blow it up by hitting t to target in this challenge you'll have to do it within a set time window and if you take too long you'll fail the mission and lose reputation and the longer you take the more pirates will quantum jump to your location and fight you so be careful of that as well you may also want to regulate your capacitor pool by using f5 to activate maximum engine recharge f6 for maximum shield recharge f7 for maximum weapon power and finally f8 to reset your power configuration you can check your power configuration or change them manually by heading to your mfds and finding the power option all of these missions will continue to pay better as you successfully complete them and build your reputation with the different factions eventually i'd recommend you head on over to the hurston area of the star system so that you can get more access to better space combat missions especially if you're looking to do bounty hunting and you want to hunt real players that's where you're going to find them there's also a large supply of just general missions in that area where you can build more rep initially you'll have to pay a registration fee to be registered with the local security force but you'll make money soon after that now if you want to buy a new ship and game you can find the new deal in loreville or the astro armada shop at arccorp either of these are great options but i would recommend that you first rent ships to figure out what you want to save for personally i'd recommend you go check out something like a prospector or a hauling vessel like the freelancer or bigger because those are going to enable you to earn a lot more money more quickly than you could with a starter ship that way you can earn more money to buy more ships that you want that are specialized like fighters or big luxurious ships like the 890 jump but even at this point i've actually only barely scratched the surface this beginner's guide only covers the basics of star citizen and there's still a lot out there for you to explore and experience i encourage you to explore as much as you like there are hidden things here and there new missions to find special mission givers players to meet and friends to make i want to welcome you to the star citizen community and it's been my pleasure to be your guide on your first journey if you like this video and you want to see more or just see more guides that are specialized in specific areas like upgrading your ship or mining be sure to check out my library of guides alternatively if you want to find a group of friends to help you along the way you can also check out my armco community where we have a big number of people who play star citizen on a daily basis who can help you out show your ships take you around and show you the ropes and heck you can even find me i play with the community all the time that's it for now guys i hope you enjoyed this beginner's guide and if you did let me know by hitting that like subscribe and the bell icon i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Morphologis
Views: 1,471,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Citizen, New Player Guide, Definitive guide, Gameplay, tutorial, How to make money, How to fly, free fly, guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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