Starfield – New Ship Building Breakdown | Skills, Parts, Systems, & More

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crew bring along with him skills that directly affect your ship like the payload skill that Sam has that increases the amount of cargo you can hold if he's placing your ship's crew while his piloting affects your ship's performance hey guys there Dixie back with another Starfield exhaustive Deep dive video today we're talking everything ship customization we're going to get into the weeds of what you can do how systems work what kinds of ships you can build what their parts are and do and why playing with Legos all those years will finally pay off if you want an in-depth look at ship travel and combat or even other star field systems check out these videos I'll Stick Around to find out how to win yourself a 3080 or a copy of Starfield alright if you really want to dive into Starship design you'll want to invest in the Starship design skill as it seemingly is required for the best spaceship parts let me introduce you to the starter ship the frontier which is currently sitting in the shipyard you get this ship early on in the game and it'll be the ground floor to your customization Journey how little or how much you you invest in its customization is entirely up to you you could opt to never touch your new ship simply upgrading it by acquiring new ships or you could choose to buy or find parts to keep your starter ship competitive or a mix of customization and acquiring your ship has a range of systems to keep track of and we'll go through them now this is your power and the power each system can drain I say can because you can opt to allocate as little or as much power to each as you have power in your reactor weapon systems like lasers ballistics and missiles will recharge faster and therefore be able to be fired more often the more power they have allocated to them the more power to your engines the faster your ship will go the more power to your Shields the faster they'll recharge and the more to your gravity Drive the faster you can fold space and warp out of a tough fight different parts within those systems will have different Power needs as well as different stats so equipping one laser system on your ship may be different to the next laser system you acquire we'll go through examples soon below the max power of each system is your reactors power we can see here that it's a reactor type A with a Max of 14. so when flying your ship you have 14 power Pips to allocate across your different systems but there are 30 total Pips to max out all power in all systems so in this ship you'll have to play around with your power based on your needs maybe you put all your power to engines and shields when just exploring locally and take everything out of the grab Drive you'll need to manage this aspect unless you build a ship that's a floating power plant keep in mind that there will be a mass limit for ships and between two comparable ships the one with the most mass will have a lower range and maneuverability so you won't be able to just pile on as many systems as you want here we see an example reactor the ion beam h1010 it generates 16 power it also provides a repair rate of two but it's unclear what that stat means right now it could mean it only repairs itself when it's damaged or that the reactor provides a repair rate to the whole ship the important thing is you're required to have at least one reactor on your ship in order to power its systems the better ones being more offensive and all being larger of mass this one being a mass of 52. next we have fuel it's represented as a number this indicates how far you can grab jump without stopping and heading to a shipyard to order refuel This ship's single jump range is 16 light years so we could jump from one system to another as long as they're within 16 light years of each other and you have enough Max fuel you can also jump to further systems by bouncing from one to another in this case getting two lineus would require you to go through cricks and lunara however you do not have enough Max fuel capacity to make that jump the fuel indicates your range before parking and jump indicates the distance of systems you can reach with better jump drives letting you reach further away and more dangerous systems be careful because fuel tanks like other major systems can be damaged as you can see here the Titan 350 tank has a health pool of 30 and provides 70 fuel then we have Hull it's essentially your HP once your Shield is taken down so you have 366 HP and 310 Shield HP fairly straightforward with a larger and more durable Hull you'll survive more hits with a better Shield you'll survive more hits It's unclear right now how you repair your Hull in space but the assumption is it involves the Starship engineering skill Shields regenerate over time based on the power you've allocated to them then we have cargo this is the amount of storage space your ship has you'll notice the devs have drastically overloaded this ship in the demo but being over encumbered usually has negatives maybe you won't be able to grab jump effectively with it costing more fuel this is what I suspect but there are hints at this in the Galaxy map as fuel is represented alongside cargo you'll also notice that there is shielded capacity this is your shielded cargo I'm not sure if this is to Shield it from scans making it so you can smuggle Contraband into patrolled areas without being detected like a true hun Solo or if this is a way to protect your cargo from damage during firefights either way it's a cool addition to supplement a Smuggler play style next we have the through ship modules will sometimes have space for crew in this case the frontier can bring along two crew bring along with them skills that directly affect your ship like the payload skill that Sam has that increases the amount of cargo you can hold if he's placing your ship's crew while his piloting affects your ship's performance so the more crew you have in your ship the better it'll perform in a way it's like another layer of customization because they can fill very different purposes perhaps you'd want to build a heavy cargo ship able to haul vast amounts of resources you'd crew it with people like Sam and other crew members with the payload skill or perhaps a science vessel where you loaded out with science-based Habs like this one next are your weapon systems this ship has lasers ballistics and missiles the numbers represent their top level damage but don't take into account fire rate power recharge rate Shield or Hull Effectiveness and other stats that we'll go through soon you can have up to three different weapon systems on with electromagnetic and particle not being shown here then we have these ship's registration status meaning that you've registered it at a shipyard and are able to pick it up from any one of those in the Galaxy unregistered ships like this one need to be registered before you can call upon them usually only being a problem if you steal or acquire ships from they're most likely now deceased previous owners I suspect flying around in an unregistered ship will get you in trouble with the local law enforcement then we have these ships of value this one being particularly low which is expected of a starter ship we've seen some approaching these seven digits then we have mass the size of your ship is a simplistic way of describing Mass but I will for the sake of this video mass will affect how your ship will handle in space and will affect its jump range like ships being hired to maneuver and will jump shorter ranges without better drives you can also have multiple ships in your Shipyard it's unclear how many is the maximum you can then allocate one of those ships as your home ship and it'll be the one you can use and call upon so while in your Shipyard you can inspect your vessels you can also enter the shipbuilder or you can upgrade your ship the vendor will then offer you Parts at a price ding upgrade is a quick way to swap in and out better versions of your ship's main systems let's have a look at that now so at the bottom are sections for each of your systems weapon 0 1 and 2 engines Shields and grav drive at the bottom we see these Samurai ship stats that we saw before with mobility and top speed there as well if we click on the first weapon system expanses show us the weapon system this vendor has that can be solid in and their price many of these weapons being more expensive than the ship itself but hey that's life vendors are going to drastically inflate prices in the Bethesda game we have the dragon pulse laser equipped and it'll automate likely compare it to the first weapon we see the Mauler Auto Cannon the order Cannon has less range a similar fire rate more Hull damage less Shield damage more max power and the same Hull contribution crew capacity means the crew that you can allocate to it to increase its Effectiveness you'll notice that it does less to Shields and more to Hull ballistic weapons like this have that property whereas lasers damage Shields more than hulls and mag weapons damage individual ship systems effectively with particle weapons being balanced so you might want a variety of weapon types to handle every situation the next weapon is the dragon 221 where we have the 221p equipped this one has a lower fire rate but higher damage from the looks of things though it's a downgrade as 3.49 fire rate is almost half of the 6.65 of the 221p which makes sense even the low price then we have the dragon 231 it also has the same slower fire rate but a drastic increase in damage the Dragon model laser system by Horizon defense seemingly or very similar this one however requires you to have the Starship design skill at rank 1. if you don't have it you'll be unable to use this weapon system so like I mentioned at the start those who are planning on getting the biggest and greatest ships are going to need to have the skill to do so moving down we have the flare 15 MW which has that slower fire rate but an increased range and an increased ratio of Shield damage you can see that different ship parts have different stats and a different look visually in the upgrade ship menu we can browse Parts the vendor has without altering our ship's design however if you want to do that you can do that by entering the ship Builder mode all the parts you see here can be moved around individually and more can be added let's have a look at that in action we're in the Habs section and we're looking at a range of different ones this one being the Nova Galactic all-in-one berth it's a two by one in size and it provides five Hull and has a space for two passengers this will not increase your max crew instead just being space for people to hang out in your ship so Habs will make your ship larger but in turn will provide an area for your passengers or crew to exist you can see some examples of habs now you can even have a Hab for crafting and some for storing weapons and items so back in the UI if you press a left and right you can see different variants so that was the Nova Galactic birth a this is the birth B the only difference being their looks and I recommend jumping inside so you can see just what you're getting this is the Nova Galactic Armory variant and this is the Captain's Quarters so yes you can make yourself a nice private area to chill and admire your trophy of piled up sandwiches and you could probably make the Normandy from Mass Effect Note that it doesn't provide crew or passenger slots obviously because this space is all yours next is the computer core which provides one crew station letting them be assigned to different systems and applying their skills to your ship so this is an area your crew can be placed to Aid in boosting your ship's Effectiveness you can see the max crew amount going up here it's a good time to mention as well that adding more mass lowers the jump range your mobility and adds to your mass stat dropping the range by a whole light year seems quite harsh for only eight or less Mass so you definitely will need to upgrade your grab drivers you want to have bigger bulkier ships next is the control station which provides four crew stations having one of these in your ship seems like a no-brainer as it's better to put your companions to work rather than giving them a free ride so we select the control station and now it's our job to find a spot to fit it in you'll notice blue highlighted areas on the Habs these are snap points for the blue spot to another blue spot and it'll snap together like Legos fairly simple so let's check out this Magellan cockpit it has two crew stations which is why we started with a Max of two crew it also stores 240 cargo and provides five to the hull let's snap it off for a second when we do we see the other snap points on the ship so let's take that control station and snap it right on the other tab notice we'll have the option to undo redo change color duplicate edit and flight check I hope flightcheck lets us test out the ship in space to see how it looks and performs so now we should put the cockpit back on the ship and it should be spaceworthy however let's cut ahead to a meal we prepared earlier this is the same ship with a few changes some weapon systems removed a new cockpit with a lower crew capacity and now a new bit of cowling at the top cowling adds Mass but no positive stats cowling is purely there for looks and to be fair it does make the ship look sleeker and it does provide points for you to attach things on like weapon systems so we want to add cutting to the side we can see the spots on the Habs that you can slot into do note that adding this cowling lower jump range by one year and Mobility by three so adding too much might become notable stat wise so the countling snaps on and we're good to go we've added some cosmetic changes but now how about something that upgrades the ship skipping ahead we've added some new weapons Shields and other things we're now looking looking at the sjd 1300 grab drive it's a Class A which doesn't seem to be reflective of its value rather just its type it provides nine to the grav Drive stat 16 to grav Drive thrust 65 to grab Drive health and six to the hull these stats are relatively meaningless without a comparison it's a huge 32 Mass however overshadowing the cowling and halves by a large amount most parts that add something substantial to the ship will have a large mass which you'll see we can also see one of these ship's engines a white dwarf 2030. it's a Class A with max power of three so with two you'll have six power you can allocate in the engines it has an engine thrust of 13020 which influences its acceleration maneuvering thrust which influences its mobility and then it has Health which means the system can be damaged by enemy attacks taking it offline it provides to the hull and has a crew capacity of 0.25 not sure exactly how this works but assigning crew members to the engines means one person can handle four of these note that it mentions Mass effects the performance of your engines and we've seen plenty of evidence of this in the stats prior the mass of your engines are a huge 97 each keep in mind the haps were only eight you could have 12 Habs for every one engine so expect it to be hard to fit multiple engines on a ship without making a chunk finally you're required to have a Rank 2 of Starship designed to use these engines if you want to see something even bigger check out the Supernova 2000 its mass is 334 but provides much larger stats to go along with its size then we see the docker a part of the Starship that lets you dock and board with vessels and space stations we see that happening here when you disable a ship's engines board and take out the crew you can't dock without this module it only has a massive one soapy core on every ship so you've customized your ship with new parts what's next well let's take a look at coloring your ship you can color each individual part or the whole thing you can customize your paint job to get the exact look you're going for but don't forget the parts that you choose for your ship influences how it looks inside this is a look at the cockpit we just added which is very different from the one we have before and this one is a much larger cockpit this is the one from the HMS platypus that the sandwich hooding Bethesda Dev uses it's a DS 31.1 Aries bridge that has 300 cargo space 5 Hull and a whopping eight crew station with something like this you could place the bridge at the top of your ship and command it like you would a Starship Enterprise and that brings me to your imagination because really Bethesda games are giving us tools to make whatever we want even a ship like the dumpster fire here yes you can name your ships whatever you want as well here is an Optimus Prime looking spaceship it seems like a series of habs stacked on top of each other with a bridge at the top and ship Landers which provides thrust at the bottom of the feet and the ship's engines under the arms I mentioned Lander so let's take a look at a few these are what your ship needs to be stable on the ground when it's landed it also provides thrust at takeoff and a landing they don't cost much mass and give your ship a different silhouette when landed keep in mind the ones I've shown required a rank one of spaceship design so finally let's take a look at some designs this is the spacer coyote 3. it has a large reactor and in turn a large shield and jump range it has huge mass with a large Hull for the enemy to burn through but I can't imagine it being particularly maneuverable it has a lot of storage space at 2280 it costs 47 806 credits so let's use this ship as a basis of comparison here's the freestyle narcissus it's a cheaper ship with much lower stats though it does have a smaller mass and therefore is more maneuverable in dogfights though it only has basic laser and Ballistic systems here is the ecliptic Claymore the ecliptic being a faction you can face down in Starfield this ship is cheaper than the coyote 3 but much heavier it may be because it has a focus on weapon systems with particle missiles and ballistics all of High stats it's not quite as tanky or has as much power to play with but seems like it'd be daily if face unprepared then we have the Stiletto which I showed being disabled and captured before it's 19k so capturing and selling this ship will net you a nice bit of cash it's all over a fairly unremarkable vessel so let me show you some of the higher end ones this is the celestial 2. it's worth 391 350 credits it has less mass than the coyote and a smaller reactor but much much more powerful weapons it looks like a brick with weapon system strapped to the Top This is the Dragonfire 2 it costs 368 325 credits has a much larger mass than the coyote but once again has extremely powerful weapon systems this is the first ship that's beaten the coyote in cargo capacity at 2790 even though this is a massive ship it looks sleek I love the style on this one then we have this slipstream too it costs 264 975 credits has a very low mass for its size and fairly powerful weapons it's not as shielded or protected as the coyote but it seems a lot better in dogfights also it has a long jump range due to its low weight and Powerful engines in turn its cargo capacity suffers greatly at only 340 then we have the Voyager 3 and like the Star Trek Voyager it has some crazy shielding Tech at 1 315 this is due to a powerful reactor much stronger than the coyotes it also has the most powerful weapon systems yet with the missiles getting up to 272 damage it has very far jump range a decent cargo capacity larger Hull but strangely not that much larger of a mass only about 400 more this ship seems like it carries much better Tech with the price tag to go along with it at 658 300 credits by far the most expensive thing we've seen in the game rightly so as it's a brick with missile strap to it just look at the weapon systems right below the bridge I'd love to see what this ship looks like inside and what it looks like flying then we have a little bit of a come down after such a high the marathon it has lower stats for a lower price and seems like an average ship with nothing remarkable about it unlike you all for sticking around for so long I'll end with this the size you can make your ships are absolutely massive they do seem to have a size limitation as denoted here however you can build them upwards as we saw with Optimus Prime and that's everything ship customization I'm not sure about you guys but I want to see just how many powerful weapon systems I can strap to a ship while sacrificing every other system like a floating Fortress just what kind of ship will you be making let me know below I recently upgraded to f490 so why not give away my 3080 and a few copies of Starfield if you want to be in the running all you need to do is be subscribed hit the bell and like and comment on my Starfield videos for more entries do the same on other staffer videos or check out my Twitter and Discord the winner will be chosen using RNG so more entries give you more chances best of luck and thank you so much for watching I'll be covering the game more than anyone else and be sure to stay tuned ciao friends [Music] thank you
Channel: Dantics
Views: 143,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, ship building, ship customization, customisation, space ship, ship
Id: 3B-2qMq_-FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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