FASTEST Money Making In Star Citizen - Mission Guide

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[Music] making your first million space bucks and star citizen can be a big milestone especially if you're a new player but having that kind of cash on hand shows that you know how to survive and generally means that you're close to buying yourself a better ship in upgrading your status in the verse but getting that first mill can be a challenging task especially for new players so in today's video i'll be going over the best ways to make money as a new player with the assumption that you have a more basic starting ship now certain gameplay loops in star citizen will be off limits to new players until they have better ships or just more money trading for example which during certain patches has been a somewhat lucrative gameplay loop requires a decent hauling ship and a good chunk of cash before you can really partake in making money likewise mining which again could be argued as one of the faster ways to earn money requires you to have a mining capable ship like a prospector so until you have the means to mine it's not really a viable way to earn early game aside from hand mining which i'll mention later in this guide basically the most reliable early game and honestly end game ways of making money are missions these come in several different categories some which require on-foot combat others requiring ship combat and some that actually mix them together now in the long run star citizen is going to most benefit the player that can build up as many of the various skill sets to take advantage of all the different opportunities in the game so flying a spaceship competently enough to kill npc ships or having enough fps skills to clear an underground bunker full of bad guys will be essential skills for most missions that said if you're just in love with the space trucker lifestyle or mining it's possible to avoid combat in this game but regarding earning your first million combat is just going to get you there so much faster than any other option now for this guide i'm going to assume that you have at least some of the basics down for the game or at least start learning them and if not check out this new player guide on just how to get into the game alright let's get into the missions you should be running now before taking any contract in star citizen always activate the a call to arms contract in the mercenary contract tab this will give you 500 alpha uec or more every time that you kill a hostile so it's basically bonus money if you end up killing hostile npcs on any mission now i was going to try and start this guide with a super low skilled non-combat delivery mission tree summary however upon further testing the delivery missions in this game are so buggy and have so many issues that crop up that i found them more challenging in many ways than just a simple combat mission is this package underground did it spawn a package underground is that what's happening right now so for the time being i'm gonna suggest that you focus on some of the simple and more reliable ways to earn early game such as the security-based bunker missions within the mercenary tree on the contract manager you'll find a security work assessment mission this mission has to be completed to start getting the defend occupants and provide backup based missions which are essentially exact copies of the assessment mission itself these missions may have slightly different names depending on what planet system you're in so just look for a description that involves providing backup at a bunker these contracts will start at a base pay of 15 000 per completion plus the bonuses that you get from having the a call to arms mission and as you progress your reputation and even hit max rank you can earn up to 90 000 per mission plus the call to arms bonus which can get you another 15k the basic tier one bunker spawn 10 enemies that are generally pretty darn easy to kill in fact if you forget to bring a weapon you can usually dive in for a quick melee kill using the middle mouse button and then take the enemy's weapon to complete the mission i do however recommend bringing a backpack and medical device to improve your looting and survival chances you are of course welcome to bring a friend along for extra survivability just know that you will receive less reputation and money when sharing the contract so keep that in mind it's better to solo these contracts if your goal is to build credits and reputation as fast as possible even with the occasional death it's still quicker than teaming up now the maximum rank bunker missions are wave based with four waves of enemies to fight through you can complete them in about 10 minutes once combat starts bunkers also spawn containers with decent loot like weapons and healing items so be sure to loot them on your way out for some bonus stuff to sell or just use on your next mission generally speaking running bunker missions in the crusader system seems to be the most time efficient for easy landings and fast atmo exit but if you want some pretty scenery you can always run the melon microtech now these bunker missions are generally pretty darn easy especially considering just how slow the ai are to react and once you understand kind of where npcs spawn from their spawn closets and kind of keep looking around to catch them you should be able to run through these pretty regularly just be careful not to shoot the friendly guards on these missions they're usually marked with a little arrow but that doesn't always show up now the great thing about these missions is that not only do they pay decently from the very start with very little requirements to get into them but they also are one of the fastest ways to earn alpha uec once you're at the max rank and personally i think these missions even need a bit more balance compared to other ways of earning money in the game because they're just too darn easy and pay out too much so you may as well take advantage now on the chances that they may be getting a nerf down the road now despite bunker missions being incredibly reliable and pretty darn easy my personal favorite way to earn alpha uec is in spaceship combat missions via the bounty mission tree these also offer fast and efficient alpha uec earning but they do require a different skill set which can take more time to build up if you're still practicing as a pilot the better pilot you are the faster these missions will run these tend to be a higher skill requirement to get into but again it's space combat so if you like the idea of starbucking your way to a million credits then it's definitely for you like the mercenary mission you'll have to complete an evaluation contract to get these started and then again at each new reputation tier again the nice things about these contracts is that they're very low gear barrier for entry often only needing minimal weapon upgrades to your starter ship if you have a mustang or aurora make sure to equip it with a full complement of repeaters these ships usually only start with two guns when they can actually equip up to four these aren't expensive plus you can run gimbals on the inexpensive starting ships without taking a dps hit which i would recommend if you're just getting into piloting and if you're unfamiliar with gimbals they're basically just a little tracker for your turret that you have to mount onto your ship and then mount the turret to that and then hitting g on your keyboard will swap your aiming mode to gimbal mode allowing you to get a little bit of auto aim so when you aim close to an enemy target your weapons will snap to it now once again the best place to run pve bounties is probably crusader as again the travel time to targets is gonna be minimal and as you rank up your reputation with the bounty hunter guild the bounty targets will go from very low risk to low risk then medium risk high risk very high risk and finally extreme risk targets now by the time you get to high risk targets or very high risk targets you should be close to or past your million dollar mark and you may want to consider upgrading your ship extreme risk targets aren't really worth doing in the starter ships at max rank you'll be earning over 90k per group contract but you'll also be going up against hammerheads these sub capital class ships have tons of shields and a full complement of turrets with 360 degrees of coverage being able to orbit them at range is the only effective way to engage them with smaller ships and you'll also need to focus down single shield sections since they have four quadrants of shields which can charge independently so aiming for the nose exclusively is going to be necessary for getting any sort of timely kill now the thing is you really don't have to mess with extreme risk targets simply because hammerheads generally add to the length that the mission takes and running very high risk target group missions offers a comparable payout especially when you factor in the time plus they can be soloed pretty easily with a starter ship like a mustang without too much trouble your biggest threats in these missions are going to be hurricane heavy fighters they're fast and they bring a ton of firepower so don't sit still against these guys when possible you want to separate the groups of enemies as needed light fighters just aren't designed to tank damage in a furball so you can kite them away and engage the closest targets first i also recommend setting your flare count to 3 by holding the right alt key and tapping h until your counter measures reads 3. this will give you the best chance of evading incoming missiles as some of the light ships can be completely disabled by a single missile hit now the bunker and bounty mission trees offer the best earning options and cater to different skill levels and interest each one of them has a good path to proficiency that covers a lot of aspects of the game as well and of course while focusing on one type of mission will increase your reputation faster it can be boring to just do the same type of mission over and over so mixing it up can make the road to a mill a bit more of an enjoyable experience personally i think the bunker missions are probably going to be the most accessible given the skill needed to complete them and the payout for most players is going to be pretty damn impressive now along the way other missions will avail themselves to you that are going to be fun to run and actually offer decent payouts if you're running bounty missions keep your eye out for combat assistance beacons these will appear at the top of your hud and you'll have to hit the left bracket to accept them usually other people in the server want them so grab them up quick it's often a high payout for a fast fight to assist the ship in combat the only thing is you have to be ready to complete them quickly or they'll time out so if you're not in a ship and ready to fight it's possible they'll time out before you are then there's also some other really cool missions like the 890 jump rescue that spawns around microtech and arcorp and the black kite reclaimer missions these pay decently and can mix in a fun variety of gameplay like ship combat boarding fps combat and searching for items i wouldn't say these are the most time efficient missions in the game but they're fun excursions and the payout is still pretty decent now if you're looking to make some big money for more loot oriented gameplay you can try farming mined gems from mpc hideouts and caves and while you can come across caves without a mission it's going to be way more time efficient to just take a bounty extraction mission from the bounty tab that mentions a cave there's one that spawns regularly on damar that can be accessed when in the crusader system as you go into the cave you'll have to start taking down npcs search their chest armor and backpacks for gems some of the containers you find will also have gems you're going to be looking for dolovine and haddonite which are the best minerals in terms of value make sure you bring a big backpack and loot as many of these as you can when you complete the mission for the 25 000 reward take them back to a station or mining outpost to sell you'll likely make around 140 to 150 000 per run just try not to get lost in the caves you can also increase your money by mining in the caves with a multi-tool as you go assuming that you find some hat a knight to mine you could be making upwards of a hundred and ninety thousand per run now the bigger risk with going on a cave mission is that well you can get lost in the case pretty easily or you can run into another player that just doesn't mind killing you but the plus side is that you can start earning big money right away without having to progress your reputation tears now keep in mind on your road to your first million alpha uec that star citizen is often it's most fun when you do something unexpected for the more socially inclined players star citizen offers a variety of player-to-player activities that have built-in rewards with the recently increased player cap servers can now have over 100 players at once which means a lot of people are going to be running out of fuel getting stranded getting incapacitated or looking for help to navigate the verse you may even see some rescuer transport beacons pop up on your heads up display and while the general payout of rescue beacons is on the low end they can help break up the monotony of running basic missions non-stop there's also a big opportunity for parting up with players that you rescue to take on bigger missions that you may not have access to you might also be surprised by the sheer generosity of players in the verse respond to a beacon or someone asking for help in chat and it could turn into a fat reward or at the very least a new friend made so if possible try to make your road to a million a fun one grinding for bigger ships is great and all but honestly the joy of flying small craft and running missions is hard to beat having money in star citizen provides variety above all else and once you have enough to get by most players spend their time doing what they enjoy versus just grinding for cash i hope this guide is helpful and makes your transition into the universe of star citizen a little less painful as always guys thanks so much for watching and i'll see you next time this is level cap signing off
Channel: LevelCapGaming
Views: 160,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, money, guide, aUEC, UEC, new player guide
Id: s2luvb4UqOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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