The 2023 Star Citizen New Player Guide | 3.18.2 |

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this is your Star Citizen 318 tutorial we have a lot to cover in this video but everything here is going to help you get off your feet and in the air for Star citizens biggest patch ever so before we jump in quick 30 seconds what is Star Citizen in a nutshell Star Citizen is a massive massive Choose Your Own Adventure space Sim universim open world game that's working on becoming an MMO there's trading mining salvaging bounty hunting box delivery and racing you can find players and NPCs there's medical and healing inventory and looting but the most important thing to know is that it is early access and you are gonna run into problems this update introduced a huge back-end update called PES or persistent in any streaming and it's broken a bit of well everything I didn't even bother posting a 318 tutorial because it was so unplayable however most of the major issues have been resolved if I haven't scared you off already I'll go over some quick fixes for the remaining issues here in a minute the good news is there's a ton of people in the community that are willing to help you check out the star system guide system in the description or you can ask me live on stream now that we have that out of the way the first thing you're going to do is head to the website or you can use the link in the description for 5 000 extra credits at the top right click account and then enlist now if you use the referral link you're gonna fill out the info and the referral code should already be filled in after you make your account you're gonna head to the pledge store I'm going to give you my recommendation the Aurora starter package yes you could go with the Titan the cutter and I think the Titan is the best for seventy dollars but once you get the hang of it it's extremely easy to get ships in game so unless you want to go above and beyond to support the project there's really no reason to spend more than 45 dollars so for this tutorial we're going to be using the Aurora after you check down you're gonna click play now in the top right you're going to want minimum 16 gigabytes of RAM and you definitely won an SSD for Star Citizen please do do not put Star Citizen on a hard drive please please you'll need a decent CPU and GPU combo but if you're curious if star system will run on your PC check out the Telemetry Link in the description once you have all the requirements done you're going to click download now once you have the launcher open sign in and launch the game at the main menu you're going to head to options bottom left I run borderless windowed and I have a very high on all my settings except planetary volumetric clouds turning these to medium or off will give you a huge FPS boost in places like Orson my field of view is 100 motion blur off vsync no unless you're a streamer sharpening in chromatic aberration to zero in film grain no back on the main menu you're going to have three options Arena Commander which is dog fighting practice star Marine which is FPS practice and persistent universe or pu you're going to click that and when you do it's going to ask you to build a character you can spend a lot of time doing this and you can come back whenever by hitting character customization so for now we're just going to click OK you'll hit Stanton system and there are four places you can choose to start orison lauraville Area 18 and new Babbage for the sake of being a new player we're gonna pick new Babbage keep in mind you can only set your residence once a patch after that you're going to log in the last place you called for landing now the running let's launch into the Pu the very first thing you'll notice in this game is you're gonna interact with a lot of stuff by tapping or holding F you can use the interaction mode or you can hold y to get out of your bed and the next thing you'll interact with here is the door as you start walking around your default speed is pretty slow so if you just scroll wheel up your character will start moving a lot faster then if you hold shift you'll run even faster than that this also works when you're holding boxes in star system you'll notice there is a lot of signs and they're typically pretty helpful a neat trick you can do is hold F in scroll wheel forward to kind of do this digital Zoom which is helpful in lots of scenarios not just reading signs but if you go to the screen on the elevator and do the digital Zoom it kind of makes the screen freak out so instead you're gonna middle click on the screen while holding F and that allows you to scroll freely without the pain so we'll click the lobby button and head downstairs heading out you'll see two places the hospital and we're going to talk about medical here in a minute so we're going to head down to the Metro Loop to the left two destinations here we have the Spaceport in the Commons you can head to the Spaceport if you want to but I'm going to show you how to gear up at the commons while we're on the metrolube I want to show you if you hold F and then right click it will bring up the quick interaction wheel you can do a lot of stuff in this and I personally don't use it a lot the most helpful thing for this quick interaction wheel is the status system bottom left you can see your drug blood level your hydration food body status temperature oxygen so if you ever need to figure that stuff out quick you can just F and right click anything you can do with a keybind you can also do here it will even tell me what keybind is attached to that action now that we're in the Commons there are two sides the Promenade which is fancy cosmetic then there's the new Babbage Plaza this is where the good stuff is the FPS weapons the ship parts and that's where we want to go head to the left in both the places we need are right here our first stopping shubin Interstellar we're gonna head to the console here and sort by armor make sure when buying stuff your destination is set to new Babbage if not it will be somewhere goofy like your pockets where you can't fit armor or guns and it will just say transaction failed You're Gonna Want a helmet a chess piece arms legs and a backpack keep in mind that Star Citizen is a full loot PVP game if you die you can be looted your buddy can bring your stuff back to you there's also so many opportunities and Star Citizen to loot your own gear caves bunkers outposts pretty much any location in Star Citizen you can find stuff to loot just keep in mind you can lose it armor and weapons are relatively cheap so it's not too bad to die in this game now that we have our armor we're gonna head to Center Mass head to the console and then you're gonna sort by personal weapons you can choose whatever weapon you like personally I'm gonna recommend the P4 AR they are much better guns in this one but typically you gotta loot the good ones make sure to buy extra ammo under attachments and grab a Delta side while you're at it if you're lost on finding stuff there is a search bar and it is really helpful last thing you'll need is a few Med pins which should be under miscellaneous you'll buy three to six of these it's always good to keep spare Medical on you so we bought all this gear now let's equip it press I and that's going to bring us into the inventory system you can see here that there is a filtering system that's actually really useful you can sort by undersuits armor clothing weapons ammo you get the idea we'll sort by armor here now there's a couple ways you can equip yourself you can either double click and equip drag and drop them onto your character or you can right click and equip there's also now a move all and a quick move bound to left shift plus left click this can be extremely helpful after you've done a bunch of missions and need a drop items off quick 318 also brings in proximity looting or you need to pick up something or equip something that's on the ground it's super quick and easy now that you know the basics let's equip our weapon in weapon sight by double clicking the weapon first and then the site the inventory system is smart enough to know it should go straight on the weapon when it comes to ammo's inconsumables you can either double click to equip or you can drag it onto the slots labeled one through four one through eight however many you have available on your armor this dotted Circle that's around it is the capacity of the ammo so if you've used half it's going to be half dotted it's always good to have extras considering ammo and medical are dirt cheap now that we're geared up let's head out the same way we came in down the Metro Loop into the Spaceport once you're off the tram you're gonna head up to customs foreign up the stairs and you're gonna have a few areas we're gonna focus on the hangers and if you look behind you the ship rentals are right next door but we don't need to do that today so let's head to the Aesop consoles this is something you're gonna get really familiar with this is where all your ships and information about them is is it stored is it destroyed where is it at and what kind of ship is it how much crew does it have it's cargo and then you'll be able to retrieve it here at the end deliver is just a new step for the ships on the back end it keeps your ship in limbo until it's been delivered once it's been delivered it cannot be undelivered it can only be retrieved stored or claimed we'll select our Aurora we'll head to hanger 4 and we'll look for the interaction on the ship you're looking for a door or a ramp next before you do anything you're going to go to options you're going to go to Advanced controls then you're going to click on flight movement go all the way to the bottom you're gonna look for a keybind called request landing this is how you're going to request to take off in land its default left alt and n and you can keep it that if you want to but I set mine to F3 because it's just easier back in your ship you're gonna hold F and there are a few options in front of you flight ready is what you're looking for but if you hold r that is also going to flight ready your ship now you're wondering how do I get out of the hangar you're going to press F3 or whatever key you just bound to call ATC very gently you are going to press spacebar spacebar makes you go up control makes you go down a goes to the left d goes to the right s goes backwards W goes forward q and E are for your rolls if you hold shift that is going to engage your afterburner if you hold X that will slow you down now this cursor in front of you is a vjoy and it's what controls your pitch in your yaw on your ship and the farther you pull it the faster your ship will turn if this range feels way too big for you like it did mine you can go to game settings and find vjoy range pitch in yaw I have mine set to eight I think the default is 20. next we're going to talk about our mfds and HUD at the bottom from left to right we have our VTOL which is vertical takeoff and Landing the command is cave I don't think there's a starter ship that hides you so don't worry about it then we have coupled now what is coupled whether you're an atmosphere or space you're always going to end up back at zero if I hit alt C you'll know notice I start to fall I start to feel the effects of gravity I'd highly recommend keeping this on while you're learning next we have ESP which trust me do not bind something to turn this off it's enhanced stick precision and it's helping you next we have landing gear which you can raise up by pressing in on the left here we have our speed gauge which is meters per second this white little box next to it is the speed limiter and you can control this with your scroll wheel you can turn this down if you're worried about going too fast or turn it up if you want to go faster then on the right we have our altitude meter which we'll use here in just a second next we have our ammo capacitors for our weapons then at the bottom we have our hydrogen fuel which is flying around normally Fuel and then we have Quantum fuel which is used for big Quantum jumps then we have our weapon lock mode which we'll talk about in a minute then we have our decoy noise for countering missiles so we're gonna do our first Quantum jump we're going to use our altitude meter to head to the minimum jump range of 11 000 meters while you're on your way if you're in coupled mode you can press C for cruise control if you're going to use cruise control make sure to turn it off if you don't you will crash you will die and you will be sad while we're heading up let's talk about the two symbols in the top right hand corner the board with the X through it means Armistice zone now all Landing zones are non-fire zones you cannot fire but everywhere else that's an Armistice Zone you can fire you will just get in trouble for doing so the satellite means you're in monitored Zone which means if you commit a crime like shooting another player you're going to get in trouble if there's no satellite there's no crimes done now that we're on jump height we're going to press B and that's going to turn on our Quantum Drive we're going to look around for Port Dressler once it's done spooling we can hold B to initiate but we're actually going to use this star map here so if you press f2 this green triangle here that's you and this is Microtech if you double click Microtech you'll zoom in then you can scroll wheel forward and if you hold left click you can kind of pivot around click on trustler here and then set root you'll see when you press B again there are no other Quantum destinations in the sky you'll hold B in Quantum jump to trustler watch your speed as you come in once you're there go ahead and press F3 again to call for landing your hanger is going to have an icon that looks like a downward Arrow inside of a circle come in slowly make sure you put landing gear down within once you're landed in your Hangar you can press eye to engine off the reason why you press I is it only turns engines off it's a good habit it keeps your shields on you're gonna hold y to get out of your seat all right are you still with me the reason I like stations instead of planetary Landing zones is because they're easier to get in and out of you don't have to exit ammo and you don't have to ride a tram every station has a medical clinic near the Habs so when you enter the clinic there's going to be two kiosks this is the one you click if you needed medical assistance the one over here is for transferring your imprint your imprint is a copy of your DNA wherever the set is where you'll spawn when you die just click transfer imprint and confirm and you're good to go so now if you do something stupid like go into space without an undersuit or if you have some crazy bug and you die or you hold backspace when you wake up you'll be back here at this Clinic you will always come back to this Clinic unless you set it to a different Clinic next also here is the pharmacy personally I really like this med gun it's reusable you can heal your friends with it and if you press B you can heal yourself if you have a med pin you're gonna press C to pull it out or hold C to select it you can click mouse1 to use your medpin or Mouse 2 to use it on someone else like this guy no I'm just kidding you can't use it on NPCs and the last thing we'll do before we head out to our mission is the Moby glass the MOBA glass has all the essential Player information if you press F1 this is going to bring up the general screen your name money crime stat basic information bottom left the first tab you're going to click is comlink this is where you call for landing but it's also where you can see global chat everyone who's on the server who's in your ship the people in your party you can right click people and invite them to your party and even add and remove friends top right under manage you can click to send shots to your advisor change chat color and you can even change the volume of incoming and outgoing sounds from you and others microphones next is the vehicle Loadout manager this is where you can make upgrades to your ship after you've bought components now what's important for you to know is that ship changes are only in the current location and only when they're stored if you buy a component of Microtech but your ship is all the way at orison you're either gonna have to bring the ship here or reclaim it at that location there's too much to talk about in this video but is the best for ship customization in Star Citizen head to the website and then simply put in your ship on the top right change the components that you like I'd recommend laser repeaters in military grade A components click the tab on the left side of each component to highlight them it should turn blue and then bottom right it will show you where to get them in the description I have two links one for each startership the Mustang and Aurora all these components are available at Center Mass or Omega Pro down at new Babbage where we were earlier if you plan on playing Star Citizen long term definitely bookmark and if you can take a trip to hurl 5 at some point for a QT Drive the atlas is 100 worth it for size one poor Tressler has XL ones for size 2. next we have knickknacks which is the new system for physicalized inventory where you can see all your items and where those items are I hardly ever use this because it's kind of clunky but it might be helpful for tracking items down then we have the main reason why we use the Moby glass the star map on the star map we have four planets Microtech Hurston arcorp and crusader they all have moons in different locations around them you can explore if you double click on one of these planets it will zoom in you can also use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out if you hold left click or right click you can pivot and navigate the map better and if it bugs out and it's not working and it gets all zoomed in or black like this you can always double right click and that will reset your Zoom all the way out you will have to be in a shift to set a route on the star map but when you do the box in the top left will show your QT fuel how much QT fuel it takes to get there and how many number of seconds it will take to get there next we have the mo trainer which lets you send auec to friends or other people in game for goods or services but remember there's going to be a small charge for any amount of money you send the next big one is the contract manager there's a bunch of different missions here delivery surge investigation bounty hunting the general tab is where more lawful missions are but when you go to personal we have a mercenary mission to take down UE security which you guessed it is illegal under accepting you have your current missions and under history you have the missions you've already done or failed beacons is where you can pay other players to do stuff for you you could for example set up a personal Beacon 2 Tressler and sometimes people will do it pro tip accept Call to Arms every time you log in you'll get an extra 500 auec each time you take a bad guy down but make sure when you accept a new Mission you track them or you'll be stuck tracking Call to Arms last step is the reputation app whenever you do missions this is where you'll see the reputation you have with different factions in Star Citizen so for example when you're doing PVE bounty hunting each tier that you can hire on rep with Microtech security you're going to be able to do higher and higher missions and that is it for the Moby glass so before we do our first mission we're gonna go do our last stupid thing if we head outside back to our ship and we head outside of armistice Zone when you're in any ship you can hold backspace to set yourself a strong unfortunately the awards doesn't have one but you can hold right alt and why to eject from most single C chips once we're back at Tressler we're going to see off the ship terminal that our Aurora is destroyed and this is no big deal don't be afraid to die or lose your ship in Star Citizen you can always get it back here on the console you're gonna have to claim it because it's a startership it's going to claim extremely fast you can see that if we pay an expedite fee it claims instantly this is only the case for starterships the rule of thumb is the bigger the ship the longer the reclaim so we'll call our ship out and we'll head to our first mission now there's a lot of missions in Star Citizen and I'm gonna list the pros and cons of a few to be honest there is not a lot of solid starter Missions at the moment bunker missions are a super easy FPS mission where you go into a bunker and take down some bad guys you can get special loot like railguns snipers lmgs and a maximum rep they can pay out about 95k per bunker so it can be very good money and if you ever played FPS games you'll pick them up pretty easy the only downside is if you're doing a criminal bunker you have to land 2K away from the turrets otherwise you have to kill them which can be really hard or find nearby cover while you're being fired upon which can be really hard or have a ground vehicle to drive to the bunker now I would completely stay away from box Missions at the moment sometimes it'll ask you to deliver packages across the system for pennies sometimes the Box doesn't spawn sometimes it does spawn but you can't pick it up sometimes you can't turn the box in they're really not working at the moment and I would avoid them we're gonna highlight PVE bounty hunting but if this is your first time flying in a video game you might have trouble killing the NPCs so fly careful for this Mission we're going to pick up the tracking training permit under bounty hunting this will give you a random location to fly to around Stanton but to keep things simple I'm Gonna Keep abandoning the mission until it gives me one near Microtech Cleo Calliope and eutropy are the moons you're looking for but you can also get it on Microtech you'll jump to the location and before we get started we need to talk about Star Citizen combat it is a complicated topic but here's a quick overview starting with capacitors capacitors give you extra power in either weapons engines or Shields using F5 through eight when your power is into weapons you'll get 30 more shots when it's in Shields you'll get 30 percent more resistance and when it's in engines you'll burn through afterburner 30 slower and with all three you're gonna recover faster with the power active in that capacitor if you're just starting out I would leave it default this is going to give you a 33 split across all three however for keyboards to have easier access I'd recommend sitting tap to increase hold the max one for weapons two for engines and three for Shields four to reset capacitors that way you're not Reaching Across your keyboard in the middle of combat one two three and four are typically used for the Target pinning system which I promise is not more important than your capacitors next is gimbals but to do this you have to have gimbals equipped in the vehicle Loadout manager some Ships Come default with gimbals and some don't how gimbals work is they help you aim but at the cost of downsizing your weapon a size 3 gimbal goes to a size 2 weapon a size 2 gimbal goes to a size 1 weapon so on and so forth if you top G you can cycle through the gimbal modes first being fixed or lock which I prefer in all good Pilots use this one's straightforward your ship will shoot wherever your Crosshair is next is auto or Auto gimbal that means that anything inside this dotted Circle will give you assistance for helping track your target this can be really helpful when learning the game but I would switch to fix as soon as possible then we have true gimbal mode which allows you to aim your gimbals freely inside the circular range the second you see the red Chevron or marker you can press T to Target them or all T to untarget then you're gonna aim for the pit or protective impact point the PIP will expand when you're in the correct firing range which is usually under a thousand meters an easy maneuver to not get killed is to hold space bar and strafe above your target like so you want to be doing a circular motion around your target but if you're taking too much damage hold shift plus W and leave until your Shields come back to fire missiles you're going to middle click to enter missile operator mode press G to increase the amount of missiles you're shooting up to four right click to change the missile you are using if you have them you want to wait until the green circle is wrapped fully around your opponent and then left click to fire if you get missile while flying you'll get this notification pressing H is going to release a decoy or holding H will release multiple contrary to popular belief these work against all types of missiles cross-section infrared and electromagnetic missiles are usually very easy to shake off however missiles are brutal this patch and that's because decoys are lagging when you use them for your second countermeasure you'll press J that's going to release a chaff Cloud that is going to block sensors temporarily but you have to stay inside the cloud if you do take too much damage you'll go into soft death which means that your ship is going to turn off and you'll even lose gravity but since NPCs cannot tell when you're in soft death they'll just continue to shoot you and you'll probably die pretty quick soft death is a new feature in 318 that allows for boarding piracy rescue and survivability to be much more viable but until NPCs de aggro you when you enter it or they increase the health of soft death dramatically it's far from useful at the moment keep shooting and once your main target explodes its job well done there's no need to kill all the NPCs unless you want to for more on combat check out my combat guide here and for more info on NPC bounty hunting check out my don't buy ships with real money video here the last great Mission I'll recommend is seize the data for 50k auec this is a non-criminal mission but you'll get it in the personal tab around Microtech it's fonts periodically so that means it's not always up the gist of the mission is you fly the location and board the ship once you find the hacking chip you kill a few NPCs and then put the hacking ship in the database thank you after that you'll have to destroy the ship you're supposed to self-destructure but as a new player if you're not confident you can make it out of the ship in a minute and 10 seconds you can always turn off the ship's Shields by going to the pilot seat and pressing O then just shoot the ship until it dies it may take a minute in your default startership but it's going to be better than accidentally dying from self-destructing [Applause] plenty of extra time here I definitely wasn't worried at all we're done with our mission when you get back you're going to want to land in repair on the way in you'll call for a hanger using that F3 key or left alt and in if you left it default that or if there's space stations like these usually have outer pads you can repair on you're going to hit the Moby glass and go to vehicle maintenance services all you have to do is Click each service once and then wait until the repair messages disappear foreign and finally the last thing you need to know before this tutorial is done the criminal system let's talk about it so we're back at Tressler and we've decided to commit some crime my Brave Little Aurora is going to take on UE security and I have a feeling it's not going to go so well top right after shooting security I'm going to get a crime Stat one these can go one to five five being the worst in one being the least one to two meaning hostile but you can pay these off at admin terminals you're hostile right now but if uqt and come back they're gonna forget you ever shot them however once you hit CS3 you only have two options option one you grab a hacking chip from Grim hex around yellow you had to sbk around selling which is a security space station and you fight your way through an army of NPCs and turrets to clear your CS or you can go to Cluster AKA star system prison after finding my best it looks like I'm taking the ladder of the two so now that we're in closure I'm gonna head out of my bed and into the middle of the room you're going to see the console here where you can see how much time you have in prison this can go all the way up to 26 and a half hours which believe it or not you can still get out pretty fast how it works is one Merit equals one second so it's 3 600 merits an hour you could just log out and let the timer run out your timer does go down when you're offline but we don't want to log out so the second thing you can do is head to the work minds and you can either one mine you want to be looking for how tonight keep in mind how tonight spawns more past step seven once you find a rock pull out your multi-tool using four right click to aim at the Rock make sure it's had night and then left click to activate your laser you'll slowly with scroll wheel increase your power into the green tone wait until the green bar is full and try not to dip into the Red Zone if the Red Bar fills up it will probably kill you after you've mined the rock this is a perfect time to take advantage of that new proximity loot the only downside is you have to run all the way back to death one to turn stuff in the second way out of prison is turn Contraband in which these items happen to be on NPCs in the mines with you if you go past step seven you should see comms turn off here you can take out NPCs without raising your sentence at all after this you'll be free to run up to any NPC and middle click on them this is going to trigger an animation takedown on them you're going to loot them and then right click their backpack you're looking for data chips dolvine which are green gems had a night with your pink gems and you're gonna stay away from everything else including the purple gems which is the Aphrodite depending on your crime stat you might have to take down a lot of NPCs but if it's just a small crime stat two or three should suffice once you have your items head back to depth 1 by following the exit signs the Turning stations will be here remember when turning in you may need to do 10 at a time otherwise the transaction May Fail if it does you may need a stash or Gems or drop them temporarily to get the console to work for you and lastly you can escape prison now escaping is not easy it's a pretty tough jumping puzzle the first time I escaped it took me hours to figure it out but now I can do it in less than five minutes I'm sure there are tons of tutorials on how to escape prison but I think this is a really fun challenge to figure out yourself if you do choose to escape good luck up next we have our bug fixes and if you ever need to revisit these there'll be a timestamp in the description to come right back to them number one is stuck in seed bug if you can't get out of your seat press I to engine off and then you to power off hold R to fly ready your ship then hold y to exit your seat if that doesn't work then repeat the process until it does number two if you're using your ship inventory you have to cycle into your personal inventory to use your ship inventory again number three selling items or gems in stacks of more than 10 typically doesn't work so if you're having trouble selling try only stacks of 10. number four don't loot toilet paper in clutcher I know I know but it will crash your game number five I would just avoid bed logging altogether it works a lot of the time but then sometimes it completely Cooks your account it's not worth it number six if you're having issues with QT head into your Mobi Glass by pressing F2 this will bring up your star map you're gonna clear your rounds and then you should be good to go I like to set my route everywhere and not spooling up for every little fraction of a pixel makes a big difference when you're going to a lot of places or traveling around a lot number seven if you're having strange issues with desync or the Aesop working or your ship's not spawning or your ships doing weird things unfortunately this is a patch where the server Health means everything if you're having General issues it's best to hop servers here's how you're gonna do that and make sure you don't get back on the same server once you've landed at a nearby station or just head to menu you'll click persistent Universe top left then bottom left after clicking persistent Universe you'll notice a region tab if you're on us you're going to want to go EU if you're on EU you're going to want to go us if you go to the same region you are just on you'll probably get back onto the exact same server then the last thing I'll say to check server health and general performance if you press tilde it should be top left on your keyboard that's going to bring up your console if you type in R and then hit tab it's going to bring up a command that should say r underscore display info then if you press spacebar and then hit 2 this is going to bring up all the relevant information you need about server health and your inventory delays here's the server FPS right here the higher that is the better if it's above 15 that's amazing if it's below five that is terrible next is the bandwidth in if this gets below 0.02 or if it stalls out at zero or if it just stalls out in general that is bad and it means that your server is probably about to die and that's a 30k last thing to use this for is inventory delays if you hit I to open up your inventory top left you'll see your inventory delays that means if you equip 10 items on you and it says 10 delays none of those items according to the server are on your person so let's say you equip a helmet and you still have delays well if you walk into space you're going to suffocate because the server does not think that item is on you long story short wait till those delays are over to do anything important with those items if you're having major delays with your inventory it might be time to hop servers and that my friends is the end of the 318 tutorial after you've gotten your feet wet there are so many more things you can do in this patch including Salvage mining trading piracy sand caves derelicts and racing and much much more if you have any other questions feel free to come ask me live on Twitch or leave a comment down below thanks again for watching good luck in the verse godspeed this is Burks signing off thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Berks
Views: 90,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Citizen, StarCitzen, Robert Space Industries, Tutorial, Guide, Star, Citizen, Beginner, Easy, how to, How, Captain Berks, 3.7, Gamer, Space, Info, PC, How To, First Time, Fly, New, Mission, Caterpiller, Pirate, Prison, Escape, Fast, Fastest, New Babbage, microTech, 3.10, 3.11, Star Runner, Review, Honest, Quick, SC, Orison, Crusader, Clouds, IAE, Medical, Inventory, 3.17, Start, Invictus, 3.17.1, 2022, updated, best, Free, fly, freefly, 2023, 3.18, 3.18.2, Wipe, Walk, Through, Walk through, Gameplay
Id: lGgJuhhLIJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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